11g pivot query syntax question

I searched the forums and I have seen questions similiar to the one I am asking, but its not the exact same issue.
I need 3 fields in my 'for' clause. I get 'column ambiguously defined. I think I get this error for a different reason that other people asking the question.
The others seem to be doing more than 1 function in the pivot clause and those need an alias. I give an alias with my 1 function and still get an error.
ORA-00918: column ambiguously defined
I used aliases like the recommendation in other posts and I still get the same error. I think I need 3 columns in the for clause.
--note that this is just a test table. These are not real names going into production
create table pivot_tab (
pk1 number,
pk2 number,
myElement varchar2(30),
myElementDate date);
pk1,pk2 are the unique key.
I need this to return as: the vlaues after pk2, can be any alias. This is just an example.
pk1  pk2  MY1_DATE, MY2_DATE, MY3_DATE
select *
     from pivot_tab
    PIVOT ( max(myElementDate) for myElement
            in (''MY1','MY2','MY3'))
I saw a couple of references to this syntax, but I get syntax errors.
ora--00906: missing parentheses. So I dont think this syntax works.
select *
     from pivot_tab
    PIVOT ( max(myElementDate) for (pk1,pk2,myElement)
            in (''MY1','MY2','MY3'))Edited by: Guess2 on May 6, 2013 6:50 AM

don't have any sample data or expected results to test this with maybe
          FROM pivot_tab) PIVOT (MAX (myElementDate)
                          FOR myElement
                          IN ('MY1' AS MY1, 'MY2' AS MY2, 'MY3' AS MY3));or maybe you are trying to pivot by the first part of the pk?
with pivot_tab as (select 1 pk1, 2 pk2, 'MY1' myelement, sysdate myelementdate from dual union all
                   select  1 pk1, 3 pk2, 'MY2' myelement, add_months(sysdate,2) myelementdate from dual union all
                   select  1 pk1, 4 pk2, 'MY3' myelement, add_months(sysdate,3) myelementdate from dual union all
                   select 2 pk1, 5 pk2, 'MY1' myelement, sysdate myelementdate from dual union all
                   select  2 pk1, 6 pk2, 'MY2' myelement, add_months(sysdate,6) myelementdate from dual union all
                   select  2 pk1, 7 pk2, 'MY3' myelement, add_months(sysdate,7) myelementdate from dual )
          FROM pivot_tab) PIVOT (MAX (myElementDate)
                          FOR myElement
                          IN ('MY1' AS MY1, 'MY2' AS MY2, 'MY3' AS MY3));
PK1     MY1     MY2     MY3
1     5/6/2013 10:07:40 AM     7/6/2013 10:07:40 AM     8/6/2013 10:07:40 AM
2     5/6/2013 10:07:40 AM     11/6/2013 10:07:40 AM     12/6/2013 10:07:40 AMEdited by: pollywog on May 6, 2013 10:08 AM

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    lilhelp wrote:
    Hello all,
    We are trying to use the 11G pivot query function with data from Oracle E-Business Suite. We have an 11G database installed with our Oracle APEX. We cannot seem to get the pivot function to work. At a glance, would anyone be able to see any glaring errors in our syntax. I am not certain it is possible to provide test data Why not?
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    from gl_je_lines a, gl_code_combinations b
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    Try this:
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    from        (
           select  segment2
           ,       accounted_dr
           ,       period_name
           from       gl_je_lines          a
           ,       gl_code_combinations     b
           where       b.code_combination_id = a.code_combination_id
           and       segment2 = '007751'
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    lilhelp wrote:
    Hello all,
    We are trying to use the 11G pivot query function with data from Oracle E-Business Suite. We have an 11G database installed with our Oracle APEX. We cannot seem to get the pivot function to work. At a glance, would anyone be able to see any glaring errors in our syntax. I am not certain it is possible to provide test data Why not?
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    When we run the sql we get an error ORA-00904: "PERIOD_NAME": invalid identifier.
    Any help or insight would be greatly appreciated.
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    from gl_je_lines a, gl_code_combinations b
    where b.code_combination_id = a.code_combination_id
    and segment2 = '007751')
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    group by segment2, period_nameDon't use GROUP BY. When you use PIVOT, the grouping is implied by what is in the PIVOT clause and what is not.
    Try this:
    select    *
    from        (
           select  segment2
           ,       accounted_dr
           ,       period_name
           from       gl_je_lines          a
           ,       gl_code_combinations     b
           where       b.code_combination_id = a.code_combination_id
           and       segment2 = '007751'
    pivot       (
           sum (accounted_dr)
           for period_name in ('SEP-08','OCT-08','NOV-08')
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    -------------------- 10g query--------------------------
    -------------------- Sending query to database named EBS Rapid Data Store (id: <<5087545>>):
    SAWITH0 AS (select T28761.PERIOD_NAME as c2,
         T28761.PERIOD_START_DATE as c3,
         T28761.QUARTER_RANK as c4,
         XXFI.XXFI_GL_FISCAL_MONTHS_V T28761 /* Dim_Periods */ ),
    SAWITH1 AS (select Case when case SAWITH0.c5 when 1 then SAWITH0.c3 else NULL end  is not null then Rank() OVER ( ORDER BY case SAWITH0.c5 when 1 then SAWITH0.c3 else NULL end  ASC NULLS LAST ) end as c1,
         SAWITH0.c2 as c2,
         SAWITH0.c4 as c3
    SAWITH2 AS (select min(SAWITH1.c1) over (partition by SAWITH1.c3)  as c1,
         SAWITH1.c2 as c2
    SAWITH3 AS (select distinct SAWITH2.c1 + 1 as c1,
         SAWITH2.c2 as c2
    SAWITH4 AS (select T28761.QUARTER_RANK as c2,
         T28761.QUARTER_YEAR_NAME as c3,
         T28761.PERIOD_START_DATE as c4,
         XXFI.XXFI_GL_FISCAL_MONTHS_V T28761 /* Dim_Periods */ ),
    SAWITH5 AS (select Case when case SAWITH4.c5 when 1 then SAWITH4.c4 else NULL end  is not null then Rank() OVER ( ORDER BY case SAWITH4.c5 when 1 then SAWITH4.c4 else NULL end  ASC NULLS LAST ) end as c1,
         SAWITH4.c2 as c2,
         SAWITH4.c3 as c3
    SAWITH6 AS (select distinct min(SAWITH5.c1) over (partition by SAWITH5.c2)  as c1,
         SAWITH5.c2 as c2,
         SAWITH5.c3 as c3
    SAWITH7 AS (select D1.c1 as c1,
         D1.c2 as c2,
         D1.c3 as c3,
         D1.c4 as c4,
         D1.c5 as c5,
         D1.c6 as c6
         (select sum(case  when T37838.POL_VERSION_FLAG = 'C' and T37838.FORECAST_PROBABILITY_PERCENT >= 75 then nvl(T37838.AMOUNT , 0) when T37838.PERIOD_NAME <> 'March-13' and T37838.FORECAST_PROBABILITY_PERCENT >= 75 and T37838.POL_VERSION_FLAG is null then nvl(T37838.AMOUNT , 0) else 0 end ) as c1,
                   SAWITH6.c3 as c2,
                   T41894.ICN_GROUP as c3,
                   SAWITH6.c2 as c4,
                   T41894.ICN_GROUP_CODE as c5,
                   T30728.PARENT_REGION as c6,
                   SAWITH3 left outer join (
                                  XXFI.XXFI_REVFCST_POL_REPORTING_V T37838 /* Fact_POL_Snapshot */  left outer join
                                  XXFI.XXFI_GEO_REGION_ACCUM T30728 /* Dim_Regions */  On T30728.COUNTRY_CODE = T37838.SHIP_TO_COUNTRY_CODE2) left outer join
                             XXFI.XXFI_ICN_OWNERS_V T41894 /* Dim_ICN_Override */  On T37838.OVERRIDE_ICN = T41894.ICN_CODE) On SAWITH3.c2 = T37838.PERIOD_NAME,
              where  ( SAWITH6.c1 = SAWITH3.c1 and SAWITH6.c3 = '2010-Q2' and (T37838.PROSPECT_NUMBER is null or T37838.PROSPECT_NUMBER not like '%Budget%') )
              group by T30728.PARENT_REGION, T41894.ICN_GROUP_CODE, T41894.ICN_GROUP, SAWITH6.c2, SAWITH6.c3
         ) D1
    where  ( D1.c7 = 1 ) ),
    SAWITH8 AS (select sum(case  when T37838.POL_VERSION_FLAG = 'C' and T37838.FORECAST_PROBABILITY_PERCENT >= 75 then nvl(T37838.AMOUNT , 0) when T37838.PERIOD_NAME <> 'March-13' and T37838.FORECAST_PROBABILITY_PERCENT >= 75 and T37838.POL_VERSION_FLAG is null then nvl(T37838.AMOUNT , 0) else 0 end ) as c1,
         sum(case  when T37838.POL_VERSION_FLAG = 'C' and T37838.FORECAST_PROBABILITY_PERCENT >= 50 then nvl(T37838.AMOUNT , 0) when T37838.PERIOD_NAME <> 'March-13' and T37838.FORECAST_PROBABILITY_PERCENT >= 50 and T37838.POL_VERSION_FLAG is null then nvl(T37838.AMOUNT , 0) else 0 end ) as c2,
         T30728.PARENT_REGION as c3,
         T28761.QUARTER_YEAR_NAME as c6,
         T41894.ICN_GROUP as c7,
         T28761.QUARTER_RANK as c8,
         T41894.ICN_GROUP_CODE as c9
                        XXFI.XXFI_REVFCST_POL_REPORTING_V T37838 /* Fact_POL_Snapshot */  left outer join
                        XXFI.XXFI_GL_FISCAL_MONTHS_V T28761 /* Dim_Periods */  On T28761.PERIOD_NAME = T37838.PERIOD_NAME) left outer join
                   XXFI.XXFI_GEO_REGION_ACCUM T30728 /* Dim_Regions */  On T30728.COUNTRY_CODE = T37838.SHIP_TO_COUNTRY_CODE2) left outer join
              XXFI.XXFI_ICN_OWNERS_V T41894 /* Dim_ICN_Override */  On T37838.OVERRIDE_ICN = T41894.ICN_CODE
    where  ( T28761.QUARTER_YEAR_NAME = '2010-Q2' and (T37838.PROSPECT_NUMBER is null or T37838.PROSPECT_NUMBER not like '%Budget%') )
    SAWITH9 AS (select D1.c1 as c1,
         D1.c2 as c2,
         D1.c3 as c3,
         D1.c4 as c4,
         D1.c5 as c5,
         D1.c6 as c6,
         D1.c7 as c7,
         D1.c8 as c8,
         D1.c9 as c9
         (select sum(SAWITH8.c1) over (partition by SAWITH8.c3)  as c1,
                   sum(SAWITH8.c2) over (partition by SAWITH8.c3)  as c2,
                   SAWITH8.c3 as c3,
                   sum(SAWITH8.c1) over (partition by SAWITH8.c8, SAWITH8.c9, SAWITH8.c3)  as c4,
                   sum(SAWITH8.c2) over (partition by SAWITH8.c8, SAWITH8.c9, SAWITH8.c3)  as c5,
                   SAWITH8.c6 as c6,
                   SAWITH8.c7 as c7,
                   SAWITH8.c8 as c8,
                   SAWITH8.c9 as c9,
         ) D1
    where  ( D1.c10 = 1 ) ),
    SAWITH10 AS (select sum(T34877.AMOUNT) as c1,
         T28761.QUARTER_YEAR_NAME as c3,
         T30728.PARENT_REGION as c4,
         T41894.ICN_GROUP as c5,
         T28761.QUARTER_RANK as c6,
         T41894.ICN_GROUP_CODE as c7
                        XXFI.XXFI_REVENUE_BUDGET_ACCUM T34877 /* Fact_Revenue_Budgets */  left outer join
                        XXFI.XXFI_GL_FISCAL_MONTHS_V T28761 /* Dim_Periods */  On T28761.PERIOD_NAME = T34877.PERIOD_NAME) left outer join
                   XXFI.XXFI_GEO_REGION_ACCUM T30728 /* Dim_Regions */  On T30728.COUNTRY_CODE = T34877.SHIP_TO_COUNTRY_CODE2) left outer join
              XXFI.XXFI_ICN_OWNERS_V T41894 /* Dim_ICN_Override */  On T34877.OVERRIDE_ICN = T41894.ICN_CODE
    where  ( T28761.QUARTER_YEAR_NAME = '2010-Q2' )
    SAWITH11 AS (select D1.c1 as c1,
         D1.c2 as c2,
         D1.c3 as c3,
         D1.c4 as c4,
         D1.c5 as c5,
         D1.c6 as c6,
         D1.c7 as c7
         (select sum(SAWITH10.c1) over (partition by SAWITH10.c4)  as c1,
                   sum(SAWITH10.c1) over (partition by SAWITH10.c6, SAWITH10.c7, SAWITH10.c4)  as c2,
                   SAWITH10.c3 as c3,
                   SAWITH10.c4 as c4,
                   SAWITH10.c5 as c5,
                   SAWITH10.c6 as c6,
                   SAWITH10.c7 as c7,
                   ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY SAWITH10.c4, SAWITH10.c6, SAWITH10.c7 ORDER BY SAWITH10.c4 ASC, SAWITH10.c6 ASC, SAWITH10.c7 ASC) as c8
         ) D1
    where  ( D1.c8 = 1 ) ),
    SAWITH12 AS (select T28761.PERIOD_NAME as c2,
         T28761.PERIOD_START_DATE as c3,
         T28761.QUARTER_RANK as c4,
         XXFI.XXFI_GL_FISCAL_MONTHS_V T28761 /* Dim_Periods */ ),
    SAWITH13 AS (select Case when case SAWITH12.c5 when 1 then SAWITH12.c3 else NULL end  is not null then Rank() OVER ( ORDER BY case SAWITH12.c5 when 1 then SAWITH12.c3 else NULL end  ASC NULLS LAST ) end as c1,
         SAWITH12.c2 as c2,
         SAWITH12.c4 as c3
    SAWITH14 AS (select min(SAWITH13.c1) over (partition by SAWITH13.c3)  as c1,
         SAWITH13.c2 as c2
    SAWITH15 AS (select distinct SAWITH14.c1 + 1 as c1,
         SAWITH14.c2 as c2
    SAWITH16 AS (select T28761.QUARTER_YEAR_NAME as c2,
         T28761.PERIOD_START_DATE as c3,
         T28761.QUARTER_RANK as c4,
         XXFI.XXFI_GL_FISCAL_MONTHS_V T28761 /* Dim_Periods */ ),
    SAWITH17 AS (select Case when case SAWITH16.c5 when 1 then SAWITH16.c3 else NULL end  is not null then Rank() OVER ( ORDER BY case SAWITH16.c5 when 1 then SAWITH16.c3 else NULL end  ASC NULLS LAST ) end as c1,
         SAWITH16.c2 as c2,
         SAWITH16.c4 as c3
    SAWITH18 AS (select distinct min(SAWITH17.c1) over (partition by SAWITH17.c3)  as c1,
         SAWITH17.c2 as c2
    SAWITH19 AS (select sum(case  when T37838.POL_VERSION_FLAG = 'C' and T37838.FORECAST_PROBABILITY_PERCENT >= 75 then nvl(T37838.AMOUNT , 0) when T37838.PERIOD_NAME <> 'March-13' and T37838.FORECAST_PROBABILITY_PERCENT >= 75 and T37838.POL_VERSION_FLAG is null then nvl(T37838.AMOUNT , 0) else 0 end ) as c1,
         T30728.PARENT_REGION as c2
         SAWITH15 left outer join (
                   XXFI.XXFI_REVFCST_POL_REPORTING_V T37838 /* Fact_POL_Snapshot */  left outer join
                   XXFI.XXFI_GEO_REGION_ACCUM T30728 /* Dim_Regions */  On T30728.COUNTRY_CODE = T37838.SHIP_TO_COUNTRY_CODE2) On SAWITH15.c2 = T37838.PERIOD_NAME,
    where  ( SAWITH18.c1 = SAWITH15.c1 and SAWITH18.c2 = '2010-Q2' and (T37838.PROSPECT_NUMBER is null or T37838.PROSPECT_NUMBER not like '%Budget%') )
    group by T30728.PARENT_REGION),
    SAWITH20 AS (select T28761.PERIOD_NAME as c2,
         T28761.PERIOD_START_DATE as c3,
         T28761.QUARTER_RANK as c4,
         XXFI.XXFI_GL_FISCAL_MONTHS_V T28761 /* Dim_Periods */ ),
    SAWITH21 AS (select Case when case SAWITH20.c5 when 1 then SAWITH20.c3 else NULL end  is not null then Rank() OVER ( ORDER BY case SAWITH20.c5 when 1 then SAWITH20.c3 else NULL end  ASC NULLS LAST ) end as c1,
         SAWITH20.c2 as c2,
         SAWITH20.c4 as c3
    SAWITH22 AS (select min(SAWITH21.c1) over (partition by SAWITH21.c3)  as c1,
         SAWITH21.c2 as c2
    SAWITH23 AS (select distinct SAWITH22.c1 + 1 as c1,
         SAWITH22.c2 as c2
    SAWITH24 AS (select T28761.QUARTER_YEAR_NAME as c2,
         T28761.PERIOD_START_DATE as c3,
         T28761.QUARTER_RANK as c4,
         XXFI.XXFI_GL_FISCAL_MONTHS_V T28761 /* Dim_Periods */ ),
    SAWITH25 AS (select Case when case SAWITH24.c5 when 1 then SAWITH24.c3 else NULL end  is not null then Rank() OVER ( ORDER BY case SAWITH24.c5 when 1 then SAWITH24.c3 else NULL end  ASC NULLS LAST ) end as c1,
         SAWITH24.c2 as c2,
         SAWITH24.c4 as c3
    SAWITH26 AS (select distinct min(SAWITH25.c1) over (partition by SAWITH25.c3)  as c1,
         SAWITH25.c2 as c2
    SAWITH27 AS (select sum(case  when T37838.POL_VERSION_FLAG = 'C' and T37838.FORECAST_PROBABILITY_PERCENT >= 75 then nvl(T37838.AMOUNT , 0) when T37838.PERIOD_NAME <> 'March-13' and T37838.FORECAST_PROBABILITY_PERCENT >= 75 and T37838.POL_VERSION_FLAG is null then nvl(T37838.AMOUNT , 0) else 0 end ) as c1
         SAWITH23 left outer join XXFI.XXFI_REVFCST_POL_REPORTING_V T37838 /* Fact_POL_Snapshot */  On SAWITH23.c2 = T37838.PERIOD_NAME,
    where  ( SAWITH26.c1 = SAWITH23.c1 and SAWITH26.c2 = '2010-Q2' and (T37838.PROSPECT_NUMBER is null or T37838.PROSPECT_NUMBER not like '%Budget%') ) ),
    SAWITH28 AS (select sum(case  when T37838.POL_VERSION_FLAG = 'C' and T37838.FORECAST_PROBABILITY_PERCENT >= 75 then nvl(T37838.AMOUNT , 0) when T37838.PERIOD_NAME <> 'March-13' and T37838.FORECAST_PROBABILITY_PERCENT >= 75 and T37838.POL_VERSION_FLAG is null then nvl(T37838.AMOUNT , 0) else 0 end ) as c1,
         sum(case  when T37838.POL_VERSION_FLAG = 'C' and T37838.FORECAST_PROBABILITY_PERCENT >= 50 then nvl(T37838.AMOUNT , 0) when T37838.PERIOD_NAME <> 'March-13' and T37838.FORECAST_PROBABILITY_PERCENT >= 50 and T37838.POL_VERSION_FLAG is null then nvl(T37838.AMOUNT , 0) else 0 end ) as c2
              XXFI.XXFI_REVFCST_POL_REPORTING_V T37838 /* Fact_POL_Snapshot */  left outer join
              XXFI.XXFI_GL_FISCAL_MONTHS_V T28761 /* Dim_Periods */  On T28761.PERIOD_NAME = T37838.PERIOD_NAME
    where  ( T28761.QUARTER_YEAR_NAME = '2010-Q2' and (T37838.PROSPECT_NUMBER is null or T37838.PROSPECT_NUMBER not like '%Budget%') ) ),
    SAWITH29 AS (select sum(T34877.AMOUNT) as c1
              XXFI.XXFI_REVENUE_BUDGET_ACCUM T34877 /* Fact_Revenue_Budgets */  left outer join
              XXFI.XXFI_GL_FISCAL_MONTHS_V T28761 /* Dim_Periods */  On T28761.PERIOD_NAME = T34877.PERIOD_NAME
    where  ( T28761.QUARTER_YEAR_NAME = '2010-Q2' ) )
    select case  when SAWITH7.c2 is not null then SAWITH7.c2 when SAWITH9.c6 is not null then SAWITH9.c6 when SAWITH11.c3 is not null then SAWITH11.c3 end  as c1,
         case  when SAWITH9.c3 is not null then SAWITH9.c3 when SAWITH19.c2 is not null then SAWITH19.c2 when SAWITH7.c6 is not null then SAWITH7.c6 when SAWITH11.c4 is not null then SAWITH11.c4 end  as c2,
         case  when SAWITH7.c3 is not null then SAWITH7.c3 when SAWITH9.c7 is not null then SAWITH9.c7 when SAWITH11.c5 is not null then SAWITH11.c5 end  as c3,
         SAWITH9.c5 / nullif( 1000, 0) as c4,
         SAWITH7.c1 / nullif( 1000, 0) as c5,
         SAWITH11.c2 / nullif( 1000, 0) as c6,
         nvl(SAWITH9.c4 , 0) / nullif( nvl(SAWITH11.c2 , 0), 0) * 100 as c7,
         case  when SAWITH7.c4 is not null then SAWITH7.c4 when SAWITH9.c8 is not null then SAWITH9.c8 when SAWITH11.c6 is not null then SAWITH11.c6 end  as c16,
         case  when SAWITH11.c7 is not null then SAWITH11.c7 when SAWITH9.c9 is not null then SAWITH9.c9 when SAWITH7.c5 is not null then SAWITH7.c5 end  as c17,
         SAWITH27.c1 as c19,
         SAWITH28.c2 as c20,
         SAWITH29.c1 as c21,
         SAWITH28.c1 as c22,
         SAWITH19.c1 as c23,
         SAWITH9.c2 as c24,
         SAWITH11.c1 as c25,
         SAWITH9.c1 as c26
                   SAWITH7 full outer join SAWITH9 On SAWITH7.c5 = SAWITH9.c9 and nvl(SAWITH7.c4 , 88.0) = nvl(SAWITH9.c8 , 88.0) and nvl(SAWITH7.c4 , 99.0) = nvl(SAWITH9.c8 , 99.0) and nvl(SAWITH7.c6 , 'q') = nvl(SAWITH9.c3 , 'q') and nvl(SAWITH7.c6 , 'z') = nvl(SAWITH9.c3 , 'z')) full outer join SAWITH11 On SAWITH11.c7 = case  when SAWITH7.c5 is not null then SAWITH7.c5 when SAWITH9.c9 is not null then SAWITH9.c9 end  and nvl(SAWITH11.c4 , 'q') = nvl(case  when SAWITH7.c6 is not null then SAWITH7.c6 when SAWITH9.c3 is not null then SAWITH9.c3 end  , 'q') and nvl(SAWITH11.c4 , 'z') = nvl(case  when SAWITH7.c6 is not null then SAWITH7.c6 when SAWITH9.c3 is not null then SAWITH9.c3 end  , 'z') and nvl(SAWITH11.c6 , 88.0) = nvl(case  when SAWITH7.c4 is not null then SAWITH7.c4 when SAWITH9.c8 is not null then SAWITH9.c8 end  , 88.0) and nvl(SAWITH11.c6 , 99.0) = nvl(case  when SAWITH7.c4 is not null then SAWITH7.c4 when SAWITH9.c8 is not null then SAWITH9.c8 end  , 99.0)) full outer join SAWITH19 On nvl(SAWITH19.c2 , 'q') = nvl(case  when SAWITH7.c6 is not null then SAWITH7.c6 when SAWITH9.c3 is not null then SAWITH9.c3 when SAWITH11.c4 is not null then SAWITH11.c4 end  , 'q') and nvl(SAWITH19.c2 , 'z') = nvl(case  when SAWITH7.c6 is not null then SAWITH7.c6 when SAWITH9.c3 is not null then SAWITH9.c3 when SAWITH11.c4 is not null then SAWITH11.c4 end  , 'z'),
    order by c2
    +++:cfa20000:cfa20015:----2013/08/14 10:31:12
    -------------------- Query Status: Successful Completion
    +++:cfa20000:cfa20015:----2013/08/14 10:31:12
    -------------------- Rows 21, bytes 34272 retrieved from database query id: <<5087545>>
    +++:cfa20000:cfa20015:----2013/08/14 10:31:12
    -------------------- Physical query response time 27 (seconds), id <<5087545>>
    +++:cfa20000:cfa20015:----2013/08/14 10:31:12
    -------------------- Physical Query Summary Stats: Number of physical queries 1, Cumulative time 27, DB-connect time 0 (seconds)
    +++:cfa20000:cfa20015:----2013/08/14 10:31:12
    -------------------- Rows returned to Client 17
    ---------------------------------------------  11g Query ----------------------------------------------------------
    Sending query to database named EBS Rapid Data Store (id: <<2779207>>), connection pool named EBS XXFI Connection Pool, logical request hash 1334563, physical request hash 292e1532: [[
    OBICOMMON0 AS (select T28761.PERIOD_NAME as c2,
         T28761.PERIOD_START_DATE as c3,
         T28761.QUARTER_RANK as c4,
         T28761.QUARTER_YEAR_NAME as c6
         XXFI.XXFI_GL_FISCAL_MONTHS_V T28761 /* Dim_Periods */ ),
    SAWITH0 AS (select Case when case D1.c5 when 1 then D1.c3 else NULL end  is not null then Rank() OVER ( ORDER BY case D1.c5 when 1 then D1.c3 else NULL end  ASC NULLS LAST ) end as c1,
         D1.c2 as c2,
         D1.c4 as c3
         OBICOMMON0 D1),
    SAWITH1 AS (select min(D1.c1) over (partition by D1.c3)  as c1,
         D1.c2 as c2
         SAWITH0 D1),
    SAWITH2 AS (select distinct D1.c1 + 1 as c1,
         D1.c2 as c2
         SAWITH1 D1),
    SAWITH3 AS (select Case when case D1.c5 when 1 then D1.c3 else NULL end  is not null then Rank() OVER ( ORDER BY case D1.c5 when 1 then D1.c3 else NULL end  ASC NULLS LAST ) end as c1,
         D1.c6 as c2,
         D1.c4 as c3
         OBICOMMON0 D1),
    SAWITH4 AS (select distinct min(D1.c1) over (partition by D1.c3)  as c1,
         D1.c2 as c2,
         D1.c3 as c3
         SAWITH3 D1),
    SAWITH5 AS (select sum(case  when T37838.POL_VERSION_FLAG = 'C' and T37838.FORECAST_PROBABILITY_PERCENT >= 75 then nvl(T37838.AMOUNT , 0) when T37838.PERIOD_NAME <> 'March-13' and T37838.FORECAST_PROBABILITY_PERCENT >= 75 and T37838.POL_VERSION_FLAG is null then nvl(T37838.AMOUNT , 0) else 0 end ) as c1,
         D4.c2 as c2,
         T41894.ICN_GROUP as c3,
         T30728.PARENT_REGION as c4,
         D4.c3 as c5,
         T41894.ICN_GROUP_CODE as c6
         SAWITH2 D6 left outer join (
                        XXFI.XXFI_REVFCST_POL_REPORTING_V T37838 /* Fact_POL_Snapshot */  left outer join
                        XXFI.XXFI_GEO_REGION_ACCUM T30728 /* Dim_Regions */  On T30728.COUNTRY_CODE = T37838.SHIP_TO_COUNTRY_CODE2) left outer join
                   XXFI.XXFI_ICN_OWNERS_V T41894 /* Dim_ICN_Override */  On T37838.OVERRIDE_ICN = T41894.ICN_CODE) On D6.c2 = T37838.PERIOD_NAME,
         SAWITH4 D4
    where  ( D4.c1 = D6.c1 and D4.c2 = '2010-Q2' and (T37838.PROSPECT_NUMBER is null or T37838.PROSPECT_NUMBER not like '%Budget%') )
    group by T30728.PARENT_REGION, T41894.ICN_GROUP_CODE, T41894.ICN_GROUP, D4.c2, D4.c3),
    SAWITH6 AS (select sum(case  when T37838.POL_VERSION_FLAG = 'C' and T37838.FORECAST_PROBABILITY_PERCENT >= 50 then nvl(T37838.AMOUNT , 0) when T37838.PERIOD_NAME <> 'March-13' and T37838.FORECAST_PROBABILITY_PERCENT >= 50 and T37838.POL_VERSION_FLAG is null then nvl(T37838.AMOUNT , 0) else 0 end ) as c1,
         sum(case  when T37838.POL_VERSION_FLAG = 'C' and T37838.FORECAST_PROBABILITY_PERCENT >= 75 then nvl(T37838.AMOUNT , 0) when T37838.PERIOD_NAME <> 'March-13' and T37838.FORECAST_PROBABILITY_PERCENT >= 75 and T37838.POL_VERSION_FLAG is null then nvl(T37838.AMOUNT , 0) else 0 end ) as c2,
         T28761.QUARTER_YEAR_NAME as c3,
         T41894.ICN_GROUP as c4,
         T30728.PARENT_REGION as c5,
         T28761.QUARTER_RANK as c6,
         T41894.ICN_GROUP_CODE as c7
                        XXFI.XXFI_REVFCST_POL_REPORTING_V T37838 /* Fact_POL_Snapshot */  left outer join
                        XXFI.XXFI_GL_FISCAL_MONTHS_V T28761 /* Dim_Periods */  On T28761.PERIOD_NAME = T37838.PERIOD_NAME) left outer join
                   XXFI.XXFI_GEO_REGION_ACCUM T30728 /* Dim_Regions */  On T30728.COUNTRY_CODE = T37838.SHIP_TO_COUNTRY_CODE2) left outer join
              XXFI.XXFI_ICN_OWNERS_V T41894 /* Dim_ICN_Override */  On T37838.OVERRIDE_ICN = T41894.ICN_CODE
    where  ( T28761.QUARTER_YEAR_NAME = '2010-Q2' and (T37838.PROSPECT_NUMBER is null or T37838.PROSPECT_NUMBER not like '%Budget%') )
    SAWITH7 AS (select sum(T34877.AMOUNT) as c1,
         T28761.QUARTER_YEAR_NAME as c2,
         T41894.ICN_GROUP as c3,
         T30728.PARENT_REGION as c4,
         T28761.QUARTER_RANK as c5,
         T41894.ICN_GROUP_CODE as c6
                        XXFI.XXFI_REVENUE_BUDGET_ACCUM T34877 /* Fact_Revenue_Budgets */  left outer join
                        XXFI.XXFI_GL_FISCAL_MONTHS_V T28761 /* Dim_Periods */  On T28761.PERIOD_NAME = T34877.PERIOD_NAME) left outer join
                   XXFI.XXFI_GEO_REGION_ACCUM T30728 /* Dim_Regions */  On T30728.COUNTRY_CODE = T34877.SHIP_TO_COUNTRY_CODE2) left outer join
              XXFI.XXFI_ICN_OWNERS_V T41894 /* Dim_ICN_Override */  On T34877.OVERRIDE_ICN = T41894.ICN_CODE
    where  ( T28761.QUARTER_YEAR_NAME = '2010-Q2' )
    SAWITH8 AS (select D1.c1 as c1,
         D1.c2 as c2,
         D1.c3 as c3,
         D1.c4 as c4,
         D1.c5 as c5,
         D1.c6 as c6,
         D1.c7 as c7,
         D1.c8 as c8,
         D1.c9 as c9,
         D1.c18 as c18,
         D1.c19 as c19,
         D1.c20 as c20,
         D1.c21 as c21,
         D1.c22 as c22
         (select 0 as c1,
                   case  when D1.c2 is not null then D1.c2 when D2.c3 is not null then D2.c3 when D3.c2 is not null then D3.c2 end  as c2,
                   case  when D1.c3 is not null then D1.c3 when D2.c4 is not null then D2.c4 when D3.c3 is not null then D3.c3 end  as c3,
                   case  when D1.c4 is not null then D1.c4 when D2.c5 is not null then D2.c5 when D3.c4 is not null then D3.c4 end  as c4,
                   case  when D1.c5 is not null then D1.c5 when D2.c6 is not null then D2.c6 when D3.c5 is not null then D3.c5 end  as c5,
                   nvl(D2.c2 , 0) / nullif( nvl(D3.c1 , 0), 0) * 100 as c6,
                   D3.c1 / 1000 as c7,
                   D1.c1 / 1000 as c8,
                   D2.c1 / 1000 as c9,
                   case  when D1.c6 is not null then D1.c6 when D2.c7 is not null then D2.c7 when D3.c6 is not null then D3.c6 end  as c18,
                   D2.c2 as c19,
                   D3.c1 as c20,
                   D1.c1 as c21,
                   D2.c1 as c22,
                   ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY case  when D1.c2 is not null then D1.c2 when D2.c3 is not null then D2.c3 when D3.c2 is not null then D3.c2 end , case  when D1.c3 is not null then D1.c3 when D2.c4 is not null then D2.c4 when D3.c3 is not null then D3.c3 end , case  when D1.c4 is not null then D1.c4 when D2.c5 is not null then D2.c5 when D3.c4 is not null then D3.c4 end , case  when D1.c5 is not null then D1.c5 when D2.c6 is not null then D2.c6 when D3.c5 is not null then D3.c5 end , case  when D1.c6 is not null then D1.c6 when D2.c7 is not null then D2.c7 when D3.c6 is not null then D3.c6 end  ORDER BY case  when D1.c2 is not null then D1.c2 when D2.c3 is not null then D2.c3 when D3.c2 is not null then D3.c2 end  ASC, case  when D1.c3 is not null then D1.c3 when D2.c4 is not null then D2.c4 when D3.c3 is not null then D3.c3 end  ASC, case  when D1.c4 is not null then D1.c4 when D2.c5 is not null then D2.c5 when D3.c4 is not null then D3.c4 end  ASC, case  when D1.c5 is not null then D1.c5 when D2.c6 is not null then D2.c6 when D3.c5 is not null then D3.c5 end  ASC, case  when D1.c6 is not null then D1.c6 when D2.c7 is not null then D2.c7 when D3.c6 is not null then D3.c6 end  ASC) as c23
                        SAWITH5 D1 full outer join SAWITH6 D2 On D1.c6 = D2.c7 and  SYS_OP_MAP_NONNULL(D1.c4) = SYS_OP_MAP_NONNULL(D2.c5)  and  SYS_OP_MAP_NONNULL(D1.c5) = SYS_OP_MAP_NONNULL(D2.c6) ) full outer join SAWITH7 D3 On D3.c6 = case  when D1.c6 is not null then D1.c6 when D2.c7 is not null then D2.c7 end  and  SYS_OP_MAP_NONNULL(D3.c4) = SYS_OP_MAP_NONNULL(case  when D1.c4 is not null then D1.c4 when D2.c5 is not null then D2.c5 end )  and  SYS_OP_MAP_NONNULL(D3.c5) = SYS_OP_MAP_NONNULL(case  when D1.c5 is not null then D1.c5 when D2.c6 is not null then D2.c6 end )
         ) D1
    where  ( D1.c23 = 1 ) )
    select D1.c1 as c1,
         D1.c2 as c2,
         D1.c3 as c3,
         D1.c4 as c4,
         D1.c5 as c5,
         D1.c6 as c6,
         D1.c7 as c7,
         D1.c8 as c8,
         D1.c9 as c9,
         D1.c18 as c19,
         D1.c19 as c21,
         D1.c20 as c22,
         D1.c21 as c23,
         D1.c22 as c24
         SAWITH8 D1
    order by c4, c2, c5, c19, c3
    [2013-08-14T10:38:15.000-05:00] [OracleBIServerComponent] [TRACE:2] [USER-34] [] [ecid: 54a0696aeaefab88:-d74da91:1406506ef2a:-8000-00000000000151e6,0:1:9:6:1] [tid: a093e700] [requestid: cc480014] [sessionid: cc480000] [username: ] -------------------- Query Status: Successful Completion [[
    [2013-08-14T10:38:15.000-05:00] [OracleBIServerComponent] [TRACE:2] [USER-26] [] [ecid: 54a0696aeaefab88:-d74da91:1406506ef2a:-8000-00000000000151e6,0:1:9:6:1] [tid: a093e700] [requestid: cc480014] [sessionid: cc480000] [username: ] -------------------- Rows 17, bytes 27200 retrieved from database query id: <<2779207>>

    check the report for the columns which has incorrect values for any calculation, null handling.
    also check whether there is a difference in logical SQL between 10g and 11g.
    also check whether they are pointing to same db.
    check for null handling or default value not being set in 11g.
    try rebuilding the same report, to check the metrics individually verify they match with 10g.

  • Simple database query syntax question

    Hi experts,
    I am just stucked here...
    String Name = "John Doe";
    String query =
    "select * from table where NameCol = "+Name;
    ResultSet rs =stmt.executeQuery(query);
    while (rs.next()) {
    The complier complains that "Syntax error !" at
    " NameCol = ....." ?!?!
    Why this is happening ? What is the correct syntax ?
    Thanks in advance !

    finally figured it out. thanks...

  • Pl/sql function returning query - syntax question

    I'm trying to figure out the syntax for the following query:
    RETURN 'select name from table1 where name like '%' || :p1_name';
    It doesn't work because of the single-quotes around the % sign, plus the quotes for the query itself. How can I handle the % sign quotes? Any suggestions would be appreciated!

    If you want to use quotes within a quoted string, you have to duplicate the quotes.
    RETURN 'select name from table1 where name like ''%'' || :p1_name';

  • XPATH Query syntax question

    Hi Folks.
    Have had a read of the documentattion but maybe I'm missing something subtle.
    Given the following XML (Extract)
      <?xml version="1.0" ?>
    - <IndividualAnnex xmlns="https://infocentre.gsm.org/TADIG-RAEX-AA14" xmlns:tadig-gen="https://infocentre.gsm.org/TADIG-GEN" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="https://infocentre.gsm.org/TADIG-RAEX-AA14 tadig-raex-aa14-3.0.xsd">
      - <ContactInformationList>
        - <Contact contactInformationID="111">
          - <ContactPerson>
          - <tadig-gen:PhoneFixList>
          - <tadig-gen:FaxList>
          - <tadig-gen:EmailList>
              <tadig-gen:Email>[email protected]</tadig-gen:Email>
          </Contact>I am issuing the following SQL but not getting any value returned.
    SELECT extract(v2.individual_annex,'IndividualAnnex/ContactInformationList[Contact/@contactInformationID="111"]/ContactPerson/@GivenName')
    FROM raex_annex_3_0_v2 v2
    WHERE v2.agreement_id = 1What should the SQL be if, for instance I wanted to return the "GivenName" of Joe?
    Any assistance greatly appreciated.
    Many thanks
    Kind regards
    Simon Gadd

    the following works in
    SQL> with t as (select xmltype('<?xml version="1.0" ?>
      2    <IndividualAnnex xmlns="https://infocentre.gsm.org/TADIG-RAEX-AA14" xmlns:tadig-gen="https://infocentre.gsm.org/TADIG-GEN" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="https://infocentre.gsm.org/TADIG-RAEX-AA14 tadig-raex-aa14-3.0.xsd">
      3      <ContactInformationList>
      4          <Contact contactInformationID="111">
      5                <ContactPerson>
      6               <tadig-gen:GivenName>Joe</tadig-gen:GivenName>
      7               <tadig-gen:FamilyName>Bloggs</tadig-gen:FamilyName>
      8              <tadig-gen:PhoneFixList>
      9               <tadig-gen:PhoneFix>888888888888</tadig-gen:PhoneFix>
    10               </tadig-gen:PhoneFixList>
    11              <tadig-gen:FaxList>
    12               <tadig-gen:Fax>9999999999999</tadig-gen:Fax>
    13               </tadig-gen:FaxList>
    14              <tadig-gen:EmailList>
    15               <tadig-gen:Email>[email protected]</tadig-gen:Email>
    16               </tadig-gen:EmailList>
    17               </ContactPerson>
    18             </Contact></ContactInformationList></IndividualAnnex>') xcol from dual)
    19  select extractValue(
    20     t.xcol
    21    ,'/IndividualAnnex/ContactInformationList[Contact/@contactInformationID="111"]/Contact/ContactPerson/t:GivenName'
    22    ,'xmlns="https://infocentre.gsm.org/TADIG-RAEX-AA14" xmlns:t="https://infocentre.gsm.org/TADIG-GEN"')
    23  from t;

  • Dynamic SQL and Pivot Query in 11G

    Hello all,
    I am using APEX and 11G I am trying to create a report based on the results of a pivot query. Below is the code to build the query string. The :P4_EPSB_PERIOD_HOLD holds data like (SEP-08') for example.
    q varchar2(4000);
    q:=q ||' select * FROM';
    q:=q ||' ( ';
    q:=q ||' select segment2, ';
    q:=q ||' accounted_dr, ';
    q:=q ||' period_name ';
    q:=q ||' from gl_je_lines a, ';
    q:=q ||' gl_code_combinations b';
    q:=q ||' where b.code_combination_id = a.code_combination_id';
    q:=q ||' and segment2 >= :P4_EPSB_OBJECT_FROM';
    q:=q ||' and segment2 <= :P4_EPSB_OBJECT_TO';
    q:=q ||' and period_name IN :P4_EPSB_PERIOD_HOLD';
    q:=q ||' and segment4 >= :P4_EPSB_LOCATION_FROM';
    q:=q ||' and segment4 <= :P4_EPSB_LOCATION_TO';
    q:=q ||' )';
    q:=q ||' PIVOT';
    q:=q ||' (';
    q:=q ||' sum(accounted_dr)';
    q:=q ||' for period_name IN :P4_EPSB_PERIOD_HOLD';
    q:=q ||' )';
    return q;
    I get the missingfailed to parse SQL query:
    ORA-00906: missing left parenthesis
    If I print the sql statement that the query generates, I get the following code, which, if the varaibles are hard-coded, works fine.
    select * FROM ( select segment2, accounted_dr, period_name from gl_je_lines a, gl_code_combinations b where b.code_combination_id = a.code_combination_id and segment2 >= :P4_EPSB_OBJECT_FROM and segment2 <= :P4_EPSB_OBJECT_TO and period_name IN :P4_EPSB_PERIOD_HOLD and segment4 >= :P4_EPSB_LOCATION_FROM and segment4 <= :P4_EPSB_LOCATION_TO ) PIVOT ( sum(accounted_dr) for period_name IN :P4_EPSB_PERIOD_HOLD )
    Any advice as to how to tackle this would be most welecome and appreciated.

    P4_EPSB_PERIOD_HOLDcome with single quotes? like 'SEP-08' or SEP-08

  • Question about WebLogic query syntax

    I am using WebLogic Server 6.0, which came as part of the WebGain
    Studio SE 4.5 development kit. My question regards the Web Logic query
    syntax, which I have not yet mastered.
    I am trying to create a finder method that takes a single argument
    of type "char" and finds all matching fields of the column "keyword" in
    which the argument is the first letter of keyword. That is, if I were
    only looking for fields beginning with the letter "M", I'd use:
    (like keyword 'M%')
    However, I'm looking for all fields beginning with the first letter
    defined by the first argument. Sadly, this syntax:
    (like keyword '$0%')
    doesn't seem to be working. Any suggestions on the correct syntax?
    If this is not the right forum for this question, could someone
    suggest an appropriate newsgroup?
    Thanks, Dave

    962466 wrote:
    Hi all,
    I have an issue I need help with. I have created a script for an automated partition create on a monthly basis. It creates a monthly partition containing all dates within the respective month. The script is essentially this:
    VALUES LESS THAN (to_number(to_char(to_date('&&2', 'DD-MON-YY'), 'YYYYMMDD')))
    I continually get this error message "ORA-14019: partition bound element must be one of: string, datetime or interval literal, number, or MAXVALUE"
    The variable &&2 is passing in character data for the first of the month (E.G. '01-SEP-12'). &&1 passes character data for the month in MONYY (AUG12) I can run this query:
    (to_number(to_char(to_date('&&2', 'DD-MON-YY'), 'YYYYMMDD')))
    from dual;
    With the output of 20120801. I cannot understand why I am able to run this partition create statement by hardcoding 20120901 but passing it in as a variable I receive the error. Note that I am not having problems with the &&1 variable. If anyone has any ideas please let me know. Thanks!I don't understand why you are taking a string, converting it to a date, then converting the date BACK TO a string ... then trying to convert that string to a number.
    What is the data type of the partitioning key? It appears that it is a NUMBER, but actually represents a DATE. If so, that is a fundamentally flawed design.

  • Oracle 11g unpivot query help

    I have a single row of data showing school term start and end dates in 2011/12. I need to convert this single row of data (containing 16 columns) into 5 rows comprised of just 4 columns (year, term, term_start, term_end).
    Is it possible to use just Oracle 11g's unpivot function_ to convert the following 16 columns of data:
    select * from
    (select 2012 as terms_year,
    1 as T1,'05-SEP-2011' as T1_SD, '21-OCT-2011' as T1_ED,
    2 as T2,'31-OCT-2011' as T2_SD, '16-DEC-2011' as T2_ED,
    3 as T3,'03-JAN-2012' as T3_SD, '10-FEB-2012' as T3_ED,
    4 as T4,'20-FEB-2012' as T4_SD, '30-APR-2012' as T4_ED,
    5 as T5,'16-APR-2012' as T5_SD, '01-JUN-2012' as T5_ED
    from dual) mytable
    TERMS_YEAR             T1                     T1_SD       T1_ED       T2                     T2_SD       T2_ED       T3                     T3_SD       T3_ED       T4                     T4_SD       T4_ED       T5                     T5_SD       T5_ED      
    2012                   1                      05-SEP-2011 21-OCT-2011 2                      31-OCT-2011 16-DEC-2011 3                      03-JAN-2012 10-FEB-2012 4                      20-FEB-2012 30-APR-2012 5                      16-APR-2012 01-JUN-2012 into the following 4 columns of data (year, term, term_start, term_end):
    select terms_year, term, t1_sd as term_start, t1_ed as term_end from
    (select 2012 as terms_year, 1 as term, '05-SEP-2011' as T1_SD, '21-OCT-2011' as T1_ED from dual union all
    select 2012 as terms_year, 2 as term, '31-OCT-2011' as T2_SD, '16-DEC-2011' as T2_ED from dual union all
    select 2012 as terms_year, 3 as term, '03-JAN-2012' as T3_SD, '10-FEB-2012' as T3_ED from dual union all
    select 2012 as terms_year, 4 as term, '20-FEB-2012' as T4_SD, '30-APR-2012' as T4_ED from dual union all
    select 2012 as terms_year, 5 as term, '16-APR-2012' as T5_SD, '01-JUN-2012' as T5_ED from dual) mytable
    TERMS_YEAR             TERM                   TERM_START  TERM_END   
    2012                   1                      05-SEP-2011 21-OCT-2011
    2012                   2                      31-OCT-2011 16-DEC-2011
    2012                   3                      03-JAN-2012 10-FEB-2012
    2012                   4                      20-FEB-2012 30-APR-2012
    2012                   5                      16-APR-2012 01-JUN-2012 Much obliged if anyone can teach me how - I can't get my head around the pivot/unpivot syntax! E.g.
    Select *
    From mytable

    Using the SELECT ... PIVOT feature:
    SELECT       terms_year
    ,       term
    ,       term_start
    ,       term_end
    FROM       mytable
    UNPIVOT       (  ( term
              , term_start
              , term_end
              )     FOR num_col
                 IN ( (t1, t1_sd, t1_ed)     AS 1
                 , (t2, t2_sd, t2_ed)     AS 2
                 , (t3, t3_sd, t3_ed)     AS 3
                 , (t4, t4_sd, t4_ed)     AS 4
                 , (t5, t5_sd, t5_ed)     AS 5
    ORDER BY  terms_year     -- If needed
    ,            num_col
    ;The basic syntax for UNPIVOTing to 1 column (plus a label column) is
    UNPIVOT (    outcol
         FOR  label     IN ( incol_1  AS label_val_1
                           , incol_2  AS label_val_2
                      , incol_n  AS label_val_n
    outcol       is the pivoted output column, containing values from the original table,
    label       is a label column, which will contain values hard-coded in the query,
    incol_1, incol_2, ..., incol_n       are the columns from the origianl table to be unpivoted
    label_val_1, label_val_2, ..., label_val_n       are the hard-coded values that will go in the label column.
    The syntax for pivoting to m columns (m > 1) is like that for pivoting 1 column, but
    instead of outcol, you give a comma-delimited list of m outcols, enclosed in parentheses, and
    instead of incol_1, incol_2, ... incol_n, you give a comma-delimited list of m columns, enclosed in parentheses.
    By the way, storing dates in VARCHAR2 columns is not a very good idea. Use DATE columns instead.
    Edited by: Frank Kulash on Jul 16, 2012 6:11 PM

  • Pivot query, phantom behavior, possible bug?

    Hi experts,
    Oracle 11g
    We are trying to construct a binary type table using a pivot query. (I know there will be no 0's, I will fill that in later.)
    The query to create this table is as follows:
    create table TEMP_T1 as
                select * from (
                select master_id, mbr_id
                        NVL(max(den_flag),0) DF,
                        NVL(max(num_flag),0) NF,
                        NVL(sum(den_flag),0) DXF,
                        NVL(sum(num_flag),0) NXF
                from MEM_SUM
                group by master_id, mbr_id,
                pivot ( max(DF) D_FLAG,
                          max(NF) N_FLAG,
                          sum(DXF) D_COUNT,
                          sum(NXF) N_COUNT
                          FOR sub_id in
                        ( 'MEAS-1' AS "MEAS1",'MEAS-2' AS "MEAS2",'MEAS-3' AS "MEAS3",'MEAS-4' AS "MEAS4"))I am seeing unusual results when I run this query, and am unsure why. Wanted to get some thoughts.
    First issue:
    Although the query selects master_id and mbr_id, I only get master_id with the pivoted results (when it should be master_id, mbr_id & pivot results). Not sure why.
    Second issue:
    And this is where it gets even more strange, if I
    1) do something to the code to make it have a syntax problem, re-run, it will fail, naturally.
    2) fix the syntax back to the original query above, it will run and return master_id, mbr_id & the pivoted results.
    Has anyone encountered such a strange issue before? Any suggestions on a solution welcome.
    Edited by: chris001 on Feb 22, 2013 8:09 AM

    I've experienced a similar problem with my FaderPort controller but only under odd circumstances.
    If I accidentally unplugged my FaderPort and then plugged it back in, the Control Surfaces preferences that I had assigned it would get deleted and the MIDI messages would come through as note data and other really weird stuff depending on what track I had selected in the arrange window...
    What I noticed was that when I just went in and re-did my Control Surfaces stuff for that controller it would reset and work perfectly.
    Eventually I had to contact PreSonus and let them know what was happening. Turns out it was a problem with the driver, and the driver had to be updated to accomodate 8.0.2.
    I can only imagine that this is still the case for many companies (including the ones who made your volume pedal) since Logic 9 came so suddenly, without even a 8.1 ever being released....Try contacting that company and seeing if there are any known issues with the driver for the device and Logic 9... might help, can't hurt.

  • Help in Pivot Query- To change the column data to rows data!

    Hello Gurus -
    I have to change the row to Column -
    When i use the query -
    select NVL (T2.NAME, ' Grand Total') AS State,count(T2.NAME) as Total
    from Defect T1,statedef T2,repoproject T3
    WHERE T1.STATE=T2.ID AND T1.repoproject = T3.dbid AND T3.name like '%Compass Juice' GROUP BY ROLLUP (T2.NAME)
    Then i have got the following data -
    STATE          TOTAL
    Analysis     17
    Closed          1302
    Development     9
    Duplicate     24
    Failed          2
    OnHold          4
    Opened          146
    QA          1
    ReadyForQA     1
    Withdrawn      335
    Grand Total     1841
    But i want the data in following format -
    State Analysis     Closed     Development      Duplicate     Failed     OnHold     Opened     QA     ReadyForQA     Withdrawn     GrandTotal
    Total 17     1302     9          24          2     4     146     1     1          335          1841
    Kindly help me with this. I searched the forum and saw the usage of Max and NVL, Decode but i am unable to understand it to use in my query. kindly help me with this.

    In 11g you can use pivot.
    SQL> desc customers
    Name                                      Null?    Type
    CUST_ID                                            NUMBER(10)
    CUST_NAME                                          VARCHAR2(20)
    STATE_CODE                                         VARCHAR2(2)
    TIMES_PURCHASED                                    NUMBER(3)
    When this table is selected:
    select cust_id, state_code, times_purchased
    from customers
    order by cust_id;
    The output is:
          1 CT                       1
          2 NY                      10
          3 NJ                       2
          4 NY                       4
    ... and so on ...
    Note how the data is represented as rows of values: For each customer, the record shows the customer's home state and how many times the customer purchased something from the store. As the customer purchases more items from the store, the column times_purchased is updated.
    Now consider a case where you want to have a report of the purchase frequency each state�that is, how many customers bought something only once, twice, thrice and so on, from each state. In regular SQL, you can issue the following statement:
    select state_code, times_purchased, count(1) cnt
    from customers
    group by state_code, times_purchased;
    Here is the output:
    CT               0         90
    CT               1        165
    CT               2        179
    CT               3        173
    CT               4        173
    CT               5        152
    ... and so on ...
    This is the information you want but it's a little hard to read. A better way to represent the same data may be through the use of crosstab reports, in which you can organized the data vertically and states horizontally, just like a spreadsheet:
                 CT           NY         NJ      ... and so on ...
    1             0            1          0      ...
    2            23          119         37      ...
    3            17           45          1      ...
    ... and so on ...
    Prior to Oracle Database 11g, you would do that via some sort of a decode function for each value and write each distinct value as a separate column. The technique is quite nonintuitive however.
    Fortunately, you now have a great new feature called PIVOT for presenting any query in the crosstab format using a new operator, appropriately named pivot. Here is how you write the query:
    select * from (
       select times_purchased, state_code
       from customers t
       for state_code in ('NY','CT','NJ','FL','MO')
    order by times_purchased
    Here is the output:
    . TIMES_PURCHASED       'NY'       'CT'       'NJ'       'FL'       'MO'
                  0      16601         90          0          0          0
                  1      33048        165          0          0          0
                  2      33151        179          0          0          0
                  3      32978        173          0          0          0
                  4      33109        173          0          1          0
    ... and so on ...

  • Power Pivot Bug: Can't Save Edits to Power Pivot Query without checking Teradata Connection's "Save my password" Option

    Can't edit and re-Save Power Pivot query with Teradata connection (using LDAP security mechanism) unless "Save my password" option was checked.  Without this option I receive this error upon attempt to Save changes made to the query ...
    The following exception occurred while the managed IDbConnection interface was being used: [TeraGSS Security Library] [115022] Exception occurred in TERAGSS layer.  See inner exception for details.;TdgssAuthenticationTokenExchange delegate threw an exception.
     See the inner exception for details.
    ErrorCode: -452984642 Severity: Error Facility: DotNet
    [Teradata Database] [8017] The UserId, Password or Account is invalid..
    A connection could not be made to the data source with the DataSourceID of '6a06124c-496f-4887-bf39-d2582173d499', Name of 'Teradata fsltdprd'.
    An error occurred while processing table 'Query'.
    The current operation was cancelled because another operation in the transaction failed.

    Sorry you're right, the Office category isn't currently accepting bug reports in which case Olaf's suggestion to use the smiley face is the way to go. In Excel please go to File > Options > Trust Centre > 'Trust Centre Settings...' and check
    that the Feeeback Tool is enabled.
    If the option is greyed out like this...
    ... then you should be able to enable it by changing the value of the 'Enabled' registry key from a 0 to a 1 which you will find under: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Office\15.0\Common\Feedback. You will then need to close all Office applications
    and re-launch Excel 2013.
    Once the Feeback Tool has been enabled, you should see the smile face(s) in the top right hand corner of the Excel window and be able to send your feedback.
    Please remember to mark a post that answers your question as an answer...If a post doesn't answer your question but you've found it helpful, please remember to vote it as helpful :)
    Website: nimblelearn.com, Blog:
    nimblelearn.com/blog, Twitter:


    Hello, i searched around the forum and i cound't find an answer to this specific matter, although i saw some replies that were close...
    i need to creat a form based on a pivot query. but oracle 10g doesn't support that feature so i hope someone can help me.
    my problem is that the number of columns will be variable. here's an example:
    NAME     KMS     VEHICLE
    Joe     100     AUDI
    Tom     300     VW
    Mark     150     FORD
    Ann     250     FORD
    Joe     200     VW
    Tom     123     AUDI
    Mark     345     AUDI
    Ann     45     VW
    Joe     6     FORD
    Tom     67     FORD
    Mark     46     VW
    Ann     99     AUDI
    Joe     Tom     Mark     Ann     Vehicle
    100     123     345     99     AUDI
    6     67     150     250     FORD
    200     300     46     45     VW
    the new columns will be the values in the old NAME column. BUT these values are variable. today its joe,tom,mark and ann tomorrow it could be silvia, tony,richard,harry , william and jane. this means the usuall replies i saw, using MAX and DECODE will not apply because i never know what values or how many values are in this column. with pivot i can get this done.... how can i do this in oracle 10g? is there a way to creat a ser function Pivot somehow? ideas?
    Mark Pereira
    Edited by: 899716 on Jul 18, 2012 12:02 PM

    This is the Oracle Forms forum. Post your question in the SQL forum.
    Tip: check the latest Oracle Magazine (July/August 2012). There is an article by Tom Kyte about the same question.

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