120 mm case fan questions

I know it's a Delta Sensflow WFC1212B, but I'm trying to find out whether it uses a 3 or 4 pin connector, also whether there's enough room in the duct to mount a 120x38 mm cooling fan in its place, since it's a 120x25 mm fan. I'm trying to upgrade EVERY component of the hardware that I can and still retain full compatibility. My goal with upgrading the case fan and PSU fan is to get equal or better airflow with less noise. Any info on this fan Re: connector type and such would be helpful.

The fan has a 2-conductor connector, so you should cut off the existing wires close to the old fan and splice them to the 12-volt leads from the new one (ignoring the thermal control lead, if present). Rather than going with a deeper/thicker fan, you can probably get more than adequate cooling (CFM) with less noise (dbA) than the Delta fan, if you check out the fans made by SilenX, like this 120x120x25mm fan. The disadvantage of using a deeper fan in this application is that it will reduce the clearance behind the fan, where the exhausted air is directed/deflected. You don't want to impede the efficiency of the fan, by having it mounted too close to the chassis wall. If it were mounted to the perforated opening on the rear wall of an ATX case, this wouldn't be an issue. In the B&W G3 case, it's mounted as close to a solid obstruction as you'd want it.

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    That's something I ran into, too. You see recommendations for certain types of really good fans but you cant find them in local stores.
    This is what I did to quiet down my noisy Mac(after this thing was running for about half an hour it was just intolerable to be in the same room with).
    I replaced the fan in the power supply.This is about the most difficult thing to do but the noise reduction was immense.This is a 80x80x25 mm fan and I put in a Thermaltake I bought at a PC shop.CFM (37)is lower than what was in there but the air coming out is barely warm.
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    Instead of running the fans at their rated 12v,I use the adaptor to run them at 9v.The noise reduction is dramatic, the unit does not get hot inside ( when I was testing, I opened it up and touched the heatsink every half hour or so, not hot at all).And you can always flip it back to 12V to run the fans at full speed anytime you want.
    This is works great for me, it might not work for everyone if you're not comfortable with working inside power supplies ( potentially dangerous, do some reading on this first)or messing with Apple's precious fans.But I'm talking a 2/3rds noise reduction here with less than $50 worth of parts!
    I didnt replace the CPU fan ( yet) because the replacement I bought was actually noisier than the stock one.Smaller fans tend to produce the most annoying noise, the larger the fan ,less irritating the sound.Find a local PC store that sells parts and has a decent return policy.Anything 12V will work in a Mac regardless of which sizes you buy.
    Decent fans have the specs clearly marked on the box.Dont get too hung up on CFM ratings.I've found that certain fans are quieter than other regardless of CFM and Noise claims and you just have to try them out in your Mac to find the one you can live with.Luckily , we're talking about cheap parts here and the biggest hassle is dealing with Apple's dinky fan connectors. I just cut them off and splice..red to red, black to black.
    If I was running major heat sources like 2 Ghz CPU upgrades or 256 MB+ vid cards, I might think twice about under-volting the fans, but I'm not.This Mac is primarily for music production and recording and I need it to be quiet, otherwise it is useless to me.
    Dont be afraid to get in there and replace/fiddle with those fans. The results can be dramatic and very pleasing to your ears.

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    Two hard disks? You mean if I wanted to add two more hard drives excluding the ones in my system? Well thats great then. I'm just concerned about putting in a fan controller and some fans and shorting out my PSU. Thanks a lot guys. Ciao!
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    Normally hot air should be pushed out, right ???  or
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    I have a windowed case, so when I see some dust in the window, I do open the case and clean everything that have dust, and this is every 2 weeks, or less... :D
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    I don't like filters because they greatly reduce the airflow produced by the fans, so I prefer to clean the case more often.
    And about "getting as much hot air out of the box as possible", I have to say that I've tried with a big 38 x 120 mm rear exhaust fan of 103 CFM (the noise was unbereable !!) and the case temperature was the same as with the stock 25 x 120 mm fan that has much lower CFM, so every solution has its limits. I think that is very important to extract the hot air from the case, but nothing is more efficient than a direct and fresh airflow over the device to cool. I have 2 x 80 mm front fans that flows directly over my two hard drives, and they are currently at 29 and 24 ºC (the Samsung is amazingly cool), and even in summer the temperatures are barely higher.
    Anyway is very difficult to find the best setup with a given case/fans configuration. I have another 80m fan in the side window, and when I've inverted the airflow (stock was in exhaust mode) the processor temperature dropped 2 ºC, but in the same time the motherboard temperature unexpectedly raised 2 ºC. I leave the side fan flowing air inside the case, but I can't understand why the motherboard temperature is higher.

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    I hope that some of you might be able to shed some light over the situation. I'm at a loss here.
    Best wishes
    BIOS ver. 1.5
    AMD Phenom 9750 2640MHZ@220 FSB
    Corsair 2x2048-6400
    ATI 3850 CF
    Corsair 740w PSU
    Maxtor 6L300S0 300GB, Western Digital WD2000JD 200 GB, Samsung HD103UJ 1TB
    Lite-On LTR-48246S CDRW, NEC ND-3500AG DVDRW
    Win XP Pro 32-bit SP3

    As you can see in BIOS (H/W Monitor) the only Fan Header that allows fan regulation is SYSFan1. I am afraid there is not much you can do besides:
    I know that I can use a connector to the psu to perma-run the fan in silent mode,

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    No.. it doesn't. At least in my eyes, my computer screams, but then again mine is expanded to the full 2GB memory. I would not advise to replace the power supply fans unless you have good soldering skills - Uncle steve made it so difficult for us to change the fans in the power supply - plus, you might wind up electricuting yourself at the same time!
    Better to change the Pabst fan or case fan as its called with a better fan such as the Silent-x fan. I don't think the quieter powersupply and fan kit are available from Apple anymore, but you can try.
    I have some noise, but not much and its not really that bad.
    Dust? Where did you find all that dust at? Let me know, so that I can see if I have any "dust" build-up. When I got this MDD 3 months ago, the owner took care of it in a dust-free enviornment, but looking in my machine from top to bottom, I don't see any dust! I also rubbed my fingers against the small fans in the power supply and NO DUST at all.

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    second question... I have two CD's and my mobo only has one CD LineIn jumper... how do I get sound out of both CD's with only one CD LineIn pin header.

    most modern boards do not any more need the line in the ide lead does it all
    most pc shops will sell you a little adaptor to connect to a psu output

  • Case Fan Running at Full Speed

    I accidentally shorted the case fan circuitry on my HP motherboard (explanation below) and now the fan runs at full speed all the time. Other than the fact that is was a stupid thing to do, will it be a problem long-term and should I try to reset the fan speed switch?
    (Long Version) It is hot around here these days and my computer fans seemed underpowered. I put a splitter on the case fan outlet on the motherboard and added a second fan in addition to the original fan. It all worked fine except the new fan seemed to run pretty slow. I wanted to get a voltage reading from the fan plug but I accidently touched the two sensors on my volt meter and the computer immediately shut down. It started up and worked fine except the throttle was no longer working and the fans were running at full speed. This also explained why the second fan was running slowly before when they were both being throttled.
    I guess in the end I got my wish to have my fans running at full power, I just wanted to see if there will be any future problems leaving it this way.
    This question was solved.
    View Solution.

    Hello design_guy,
    You should not have any problems with the fans running at full speed other than the fact you may decrease the life cycle of the fan.
    You may want to install some software on the computer that will allow you to adjust the fan speed from the computer which may help you prolong the life of the fans and give you a little control over them.
    Something like SpeedFan should do the trick.
    If I have helped you in any way click the Kudos button to say Thanks.
    The community works together, click Accept as Solution on the post that solves your issue for other members of the community to benefit from the solution.
    - Friendship is magical.

  • Replacement Case Fans

    Are the Vantec SF series Case fans good replacements for Mac Towers?
    [80 mm|http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16811999602&nmmc=TEMC-RMA-Approvel&cm_mmc=TEMC-RMA-Approvel-_-Content-_-text--]
    [120 mm|http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16811999614&nmmc=TEMC-RMA-Approvel&cm_mmc=TEMC-RMA-Approvel-_-Content-_-text--]
    Thank you!

    When the fan's 3-pin connector is plugged into (PC) motherboards, the yellow wire provides the fan speed (RPMs). In the event that I might use it at a later time, I usually cut off the yellow wire near the connector, and then tape the end of it.

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    what is the parameter IM_NEW_VERSION(Generate New Version of Record (X: Yes/space=default: No)) of IF_SCMG_CASE_API~SAVE.  Normally do we need to set the parameter?
    thanks and best regards

    I have two pieces of advice:
    #1 Invest in some 80mm, 92mm. or 120mm case fan filters.  From the pics it looks like you've got a little bit of dust in there.  The filters are only like $2-$4 each at your local computer parts store (or directron.com or frozencpu.com) and you should mount them over every fan/air-intake hole in your case.  The build up of excessive dust will lead to premature fan failure, I know from experience.
    #2 As far as your question goes... measure twice, cut once .
    [EDIT] Added URLs to filter sites.

  • URGENT !! Where to connect Case FAN's

    Hi there.
    I just got a new Lian Li PC-v1000 Tower, equipped with 2 1200mm FAN's.
    One has a standard 4 pin's power connector
    One has a 3 pin power connector (With sensor).
    My Motherboard (MSI-K7N2 Delta), is equipped with a CPU fan (used), and a "System Fan" (also used by the Noth/South bridge chipset) connectors.
    My Power Sypply, an Antec true power 480W, is equipped with 2 standard 4 Pin's power connectror dedicated to FAN's.
    I connected one of my two "tower" FAN's, but ...
    where to connect the second 120 mm tower FAN ?!?
    I have no place anymore on the motherboard, and this tower FAN is a 3 Pin(with sensor) connector, that I can't connect to my psu !!
    Any idea ?
    P.S. : My psu is also equipped with a 3-pin fan signal connector ... that should be connected to my motherboard ... but where ?!?
    Thanks !

    Originally posted by cdelecole
    I just got a new Lian Li PC-v1000 Tower, equipped with 2 1200mm FAN's.
    One has a standard 4 pin's power connector
    One has a 3 pin power connector (With sensor).
    i would not use those two 1200mm fans as the case might fly away  
    i dont recommend putting those case fans on the motherboard without checking how much power they use as its possible they will burn the motherboard.
    go out and buy a fan connector adaptor which you then connect to an ordinary molex contact.
    i have seen adapters that would work with those "fan only" connectors.
    i use my case fan on the fan only and its enough for me however it may not be enough for everyone so keep an eye on your temps
    about the psu contact.
    you can change the heatsinkfan to a zalman nb47j (northbridge)
    i read a review where that passive heatsink performed better than the active heatsink on a asus motherboard did.
    that would free up one contact.
    dont do it if you dont know what your doing.

  • Case fan power points

    How many case fans can be controlled from the MB through the software on this board?
    MSI 865PE Neo2 S

    Your question implies you want to control more than 1 case fan. The fan controllers on motherboards are for single small fans. If you put a large fan or several small fans on the controller you will burn it out.
    No one will argue that Intel doesn't make a good board, but if you plan on controlling multiple case fans I don't think they will meet your requirements either. If you go with the Intel board you won't be overclocking and won't need multiple fans anyway  .
    For multiple fans you should use a rheostat bank (typically 4 sets of fans) or go with one of the power supplies that has a special connector to thermostatically regulate fan speeds.
    As for MSI quality, my board works fine and the majority of issues posted here are related to getting the most out of the board (overclocking). Considering MSI shipped 3.65 million motherboards in the last quarter, I don't think quality is an issue.

  • Case fan Vs. Slot fan blower

    So im looking for something a little bit quiter to cool my computer. My fan right now runs at 38dB. I was looking at some slot fan blowers on ebay thinking about buying one... But im not sure if the slot fan blower will replace my exhisting fan or if it is just an add on item... so the question is can a slot fan blower replace a stock case fan?

    That is a bigger fan so it can move more air with less noise, but it needs a 5.25 inch dive bay. The only one on your Mac is used by the optical drive, and even if you removed that, you would have to cut up the front panel to use the fan.
    Making an older Mac quieter takes some work. You have to replace all the fans with variable speed fans controlled be temperature sensors, and locate the sensors carefully. The other option is to replace the fans with higher quality models (such as Pabst) with the same voltage and airflow specs. They will be a bit quieter.

  • Reversing case fan advisable?

    bought a MSI K7420N 3 months ago with the specs at the bottom. with the stock AMD HSF, temps were ok, 51 C idle, 55 C load. but i attribute that to the warm summer air.
    now that fall is here and winter is approaching, my room is rather cool at night (gets to around 13 C ambient temp since my computer is near the window). i was thinking about reversing my case fan so that cool autumn air blows into the chassis. i tried this and it brings temps to 43 C idle, 49 C load.
    i am thinking about keeping it this way for the winter, since i am cheap and would rather put on an extra  sweatshirt instead of turning up the heat in my apartment.
    so the question is, will the cool ambient air possibly create condensation? i guess i can keep the case open, to increase the air flow.
    any thoughts? thanks
    MSI K7420N
    AMD 1800 XP
    256 MB Crucial PC2100 DDR
    Maxtor D740X 40GB
    Philips PCRW804 CDRW
    Zip 100 MB IDE
    Enlight 300W PS
    USR Courier Modem

    What Pete said really does not matter how you have it set up just so long as air is flowing through the case, is not stagnent no presrizing the case.
    Ambient temp will 99% of the time be cooler than board temp so drawing cooler air in and accross the board and then out the case will provide optimum results,
    The 'CFM' or cubic capacity of movement should be close to the same ie cfm in should be close to cfm out otherwise you'll get back pressure preventing good air flow.
    So your environment would dictate air in from back or front and visa versa. condensation does not normally settle with a moving air flow and you would need a wet bulb reading in the 90's to cause concern

  • Running case fans on MB headers

    In the D-Bracket troubleshooting thread it was stated that:
    Caution: If the power rating of the fan on your CPU heatsink is >5watts don't plug it into the mobo header, it risks blowing the power trace in the mobo.
    I am installing waterblocks on my CPU, GPU and NB, and as I know that this MB does not run without a fan on the CPUfan1 I plan to run my Rad fan which is a Papst 120mm on the header. I have 2 of these fans - one is 1.25w and the other is 3.2w (with higher CFM).  I also plan to run an 80mm case fan on the NBfan header and it draws 2.4w.
    My question = is the total power draw (3.2 + 2.4= 5.6w) too much for the MB or is it 5w per header max (eg. 5 + 5 = 10w MAX) ?
    Also, will using a 7v reducing cable (with resistor) reduce the power draw ?

    I'm no electriciamn but Quote
    reducer will reduce power draw or only fan speed ?
    sounds right the draw is the same the power is just being dissapated by the resistor.
    Interesting point is that some mobos appear to have cutouts to avoid overloading the fan headers.  Abit Forum - Silversinksam - Don't know if MSI have anything like this implemented.
    Don't know if you get a message.
    Good news - Fans didn't blow my mobo.
    Bad news spent 3 days trying to find out why my rig won't post - no power - no fans turn is it my psu  
    I've been using these as they have their own fan control Molex & Speed line. Plus a good performance. Silverstone FM121 they also do 80 & 92mm versions.
    The Fan control knob can be taken off the supplied bay & mounted elswhere.
    Lower 31/4" bay with Silverstone fan controls its an old photo i've now got 3 in the bay & ditched the fan controller. (2x120 + 1x80mm)

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