16:9 format not working

I'm using Final Cut Express 3.0 & shot footage in 16:9 format. I chose setup for DV-NTSC Anamorphic however when I download the footage it isn't coming through in that format, what am I doing wrong? How do I know its downloading properly, shouldn't I see a black border on top & bottom. I got this to work once about a year ago & now can't get anything to come through in widescreen. thanks.

+Is there a way to fix this?+
Use your DVD player remote and get into Setup. Tell the player to letterbox; or try other setting, like 16:9 out.

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    Message Edited by Timod on 08-Nov-2009 09:04 PM

  • Spry menu formatting not working correctly in DW CS6

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    Thank you.

    Ah. OK. I've found the problem. On the every page  I've got a class=current attribute to the <a> tag for the  home menu item.
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    Hello Old Toad,
    Thanks for your response, but believe me, i've tried EVERYTHING.
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    Hi All
    I am trying to export report in HTML format directly to exchange folder and sending it as mail. I am using below code for it but it is not working for html format only. I am able to export other formats (rpt, pdf, word, excel...) using below snippet.
    Crazy thing is that it doesn't give any error or exception. It just ignores the code. It will great if someone can sneak in below code and point out what I am doing wrong.
    Dim destination As ExportDestination = ExportDestination.ExchangeFolder
    Dim options As New HTMLFormatOptions
    options.HTMLFileName = "report1.rpt"
    options.HTMLBaseFolderName = System.IO.Path.GetTempPath()
    ExportToExchangeFolder(format, options)
    Private Sub ExportToExchangeFolder(ByVal format As ExportFormat, ByVal options As ExportFormatOptions)
        Dim myExchangeOpts As ExchangeFolderDestinationOptions = ExportOptions.CreateExchangeFolderDestinationOptions()
        Dim myExportOpts As New ExportOptions
        myExchangeOpts.DestinationType = ExchangeDestinationType.ExchangePostDocMessage
        myExchangeOpts.Profile = "Outlook"
        myExchangeOpts.FolderPath = "[email protected]#Drafts"
        myExportOpts.ExportDestinationOptions = myExchangeOpts
        myExportOpts.ExportDestinationType = ExportDestinationType.ExchangeFolder
        myExportOpts.ExportFormatType = ExportFormatType.HTML32
        myExportOpts.ExportFormatOptions = options
    End Sub

    Hi Saurabh,
    The logic does not make sense.... Open a report up in CR Designer and export to HTML, notice it creates a few folders and a bunch of files, depending on the options you select.
    It's not one file so what you should do is export to disk, use a third party API set to zip up the files and folders and then e-mail the zip file to the server/user.
    Actually what you should do is not give the users that option, PDF works for viewing through a browser so use it, easiest way to do this.
    And because you are attempting to send HTML through E-mail there are all sorts of security issues sending that format and lots of permissions required. Best to avoid it.

  • Crystal report 8.5 export to csv and rtf format not working with office 2013

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    Crystal report version 8.5 hangs and eventually crash when i export my report to csv or rtf format on windows 7 with office 2013 installed, code is written in VB 6 although the same scenario is working with office 2010 installed.
    i debugged the code and found the application hangs at function Report.Export(False).
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           .PDFExportAllPages = True 'ePDFExportAllPages
           .PDFFirstPageNumber = ePDFFirstPageNumber
           .PDFLastPageNumber = ePDFLastPageNumber
           .RTFExportAllPages = True 'eRTFExportAllPages
           .RTFFirstPageNumber = eRTFFirstPageNumber
           .RTFLastPageNumber = eRTFLastPageNumber
           .UseReportDateFormat = eUseReportDateFormat
           .UseReportNumberFormat = eUseReportNumberFormat
           .UseReportNumberFormat = eUseReportNumberFormat
           .XMLAllowMultipleFiles = eXMLAllowMultipleFiles
           .XMLFileName = eXMLFileName
           Report.Export (False) ----Application hangs here and eventually crash
    Looking forward for your help, as it is very urgent

    Hi Mohit
    CR 8.5, being about 15 years old, does not support Windows 7. I am surprised this works for you with MS Office 2010 and to be honest, I'd consider my self lucky there. The fact that is does not work with office 2013... well, like I said, lucky with Office 2010 and your luck ran out with Office 2013.
    Your option; rewrite the app in VS 2010 / 2012 / 2013 and use the CR Assemblies for VS .NET from SAP Crystal Reports, Developer Version for Visual Studio .NET. The CR Java SDK would be another option.
    - Ludek
    Senior Support Engineer AGS Product Support, Global Support Center Canada
    Follow us on Twitter

  • Some internet radio stations with http protocol and mp3 format not working in AIR 2.0

    First, i am sorry for my bad english. When I publish swf for Flash 10 player all stations in my list works. If I publish them for AIR 2.0 stations with adress end ":XXXX", where XXXX is port number, they cannot work. What is problem? Thanks in advance.

    Perhaps,  in the previous post I wasn't clear enough, so I'll try to make it better: I am using the Adobe Flash CS5 and AS3. I wrote the script for listening internet radio stations. In the station list I named only those that use HTTP protocol and mp3 format, cause I know the limits of Flash in audio streamings. If I publish FLA file in SWF for Flash 10 player all the stations can be listened.. If swf file is made for AIR 2.0 there's a problem: the stations with adress  http://xxx.xxx:xxx/<something> can be listened, and those without extension behind the port number (:xxx) can not. Main parts of the script are:
    startButton.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, listen);
    req.url= "<adress>";
    snd = new Sound();
    private function listen(event:MouseEvent):void {
    req = snd.play();
    adress=http://scfire-ntc-aa08.stream.aol.com:80/stream/1010 - working
    adress=http://www.radionovosti.rs:443/radionovosti56s.mp3 - working
    adress=http://sh1.beotel.net:8002 - not working
    adress= - not working
    It would be great if someone of Adobe employers explain to me what is the problem. Thanks.

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    Error -1074396005 occurred at IMAQ AVI2 Close
    Possible reason(s):
    IMAQ Vision:  Invalid AVI session.
    What's strange is some AVI files will be read in fine. If anyone could explain why I'm seeing this error or how to convert my AVI files to the correct version I'd appreciate it. I've attached two files. The one labeled test will not work. The one labeled Balloon will.
    Go to Solution.
    AVIs.zip ‏3466 KB

    Does my code work fine? I attache the vi as well. I modify my code that is very similar with yours, but it is working fine as well. I put here for your reference. 
    BTW, i can't open your code due to the PNG file without code. You can Save for Previous as 2010 Version, or Edit-->Create VI Snippet...  save as png file with code. 
    LV7.1/8.2/8.2.1/8.5/8.6/9.0/2010/2013; testing system development
    Please Mark the solution as accepted if your problem is solved and donate kudoes
    AVI Ex1.vi ‏43 KB

  • Report formatting not working

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    I have tried "set heading on" I have tried various other combinations of the "set" command.
    I am using release
    Message was edited by:
    Joseph, NYC

    Thanks for the response... obviously I'm new using SQLPlus... I did find that "set heading on" was the default.
    Sometimes you simply need someone to ask the right question...
    As I made my way through a book of SQLPlus examples, I created a script template... which, as you probably have guessed by now, had the following line:
    "set pagesize 0;"
    This of course affected all subsequent script executions. I discovered this while simplifying the example I was about to provide to the community.
    Solution: Implement the following lines -
    Line 1: STORE SET </path/filename> REPLACE
    Last Line: @</path/filename>
    Line 1 stores current SQLPlus settings in the named file in the form of a series of SET commands.
    Last Line executes the named file restoring the settings to what they were before the execution of the script.
    Thanks folks.

  • Date format not working in XML Publisher

    We have applied a date format while formatting the report layout using the Template.
    The same is not getting reflected.
    The output is as follows : 5/1/2006 0:0:0
    i.e date with time stamp.
    We require DD-Mon-RRRR format.
    The same has been tried using the Text Form Field Options.
    When applying the same for Number it works . But in case of Date it does not.
    Can anybody who has worked on the same, let us know the appropriate way to do the same.

    XMLP does not recognized the field as date. The only format recognized as date is
    So, either make the data model to return dates in the above format, and then apply date formatting in XMLP, or do the job on the data model side and return the string in the desired final format (which, again, then will be string, not date for the XMLP)

  • .rpt  default setting  Format not working?

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    Anyone know why? please advice..
    Edited by: songv888 on Oct 5, 2010 11:29 PM

    Merlin128 wrote:
    Where is it set to that? NLS_DATE_FORMAT can be set in various places .... OS environment, oracle session level, db initialization ....
    but when I select sysdate, or do an insert.. thats not the format..
    select sysdate from dual; shows 4/27/2010..
    inserts dont work with 27-APR-10 they only work with 4/27/10 or 04/27/10..
    I dont get it..

  • Locale (date format) not working

    In my preferences I set Language: English, Locale: Malta
    and there it shows: Sample Date: 09 Sep 2013 16:28
    But when reading the forum all (or most) dates and times are shown in 12 hour format: 2:44 PM. For example the post dates of messages.
    Is this a bug? Or am I looking at the wrong setting?
    For the record: I posted the above at 16:33 CET  (14:33 UTC)

    xerces8 wrote:
    If I open this web page in another browser, where I am not logged in, it shows this for my first post in this thread:
    xerces8 Sep 9, 2013 2:41 PM
    (UTC time, it seems - I guess 10 more years will pass until web page creators get this right)
    You are optimistic.  They've already forgotten the lessons of Y2K.    Or never learned it because they are too young to have been working then and think what they've heard of it was a hoax.

  • Default Date format not working.  I'm confused

    but when I select sysdate, or do an insert.. thats not the format..
    select sysdate from dual; shows 4/27/2010..
    inserts dont work with 27-APR-10 they only work with 4/27/10 or 04/27/10..
    I dont get it..

    Merlin128 wrote:
    Where is it set to that? NLS_DATE_FORMAT can be set in various places .... OS environment, oracle session level, db initialization ....
    but when I select sysdate, or do an insert.. thats not the format..
    select sysdate from dual; shows 4/27/2010..
    inserts dont work with 27-APR-10 they only work with 4/27/10 or 04/27/10..
    I dont get it..

  • XHTML formatting not working

    I have an xdp form which I use to produce a PDF from XML data.  This form has text fields which have a Field Format of "Rich Text" and the source XML has XHTML tags to render this.  When I preview the form in LiveCycle Designer this all works perfectly.
    When I run this as part of a process that uses generatePDF Output however, none of the formatted text appears.  When I look in the log file I get multiple occurrences of the folowing warning:
    ALC-XTG-029-280: [11188] exData is unable to support the specified content. Hint(span)
    2010-09-07 11:47:00,155 WARN  [com.adobe.document.XMLFormService]
    "span" is one of the tags that I am using in the XHTML and it works well in the preview from the designer.
    Any help would be appreciated.

    Hi there,
    The TextArea component does not implement a property callade "defaultTextFormat" so you can't use TextFormat object on it ( you could maybe try to extend the class and override some methods to somehow get access to the objects that can support formatting but I think it would just be a hassle ). So, you are stuck with styles:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
        xmlns:mx        ="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml"
        layout          ="absolute">
                private function onApplyBold(event:MouseEvent):void
                    yourTA.setStyle("fontSize", 24);
                    yourTA.setStyle("fontWeight", "bold");
                private function onReset(event:MouseEvent):void
                    yourTA.setStyle("fontSize", 10);
                    yourTA.setStyle("fontWeight", "normal");
            width               ="100%"
            height              ="100%"
            horizontalAlign     ="center"
            verticalAlign       ="middle">
                id          ="yourTA"
                width       ="400"
                height      ="250"
                text        ="Some text to be formatted."/>
                    label   ="Apply Bold"
                    click   ="onApplyBold(event)"/>
                    label   ="Reset"
                    click   ="onReset(event)"/>
    It's not the most ellegant solution but it's a solution.
    Best regards,
    Barna Biro

  • Roundtrip formatting not working

    My issue is that when I open an XML file in FrameMaker, the formatting is not using my application that I set up. I'm not sure where this is controlled.
    This is what I did. I made a copy of the Structure\xml\DITA folder to create Structure\xml\MyDITA. I converted my documents to DITA and updated the application template and EDD (formatting only) in MyDITA folder. I did not touch the DTD.
    When I save my file as XML I get no errors, but when I open the XML in FM, the formatting is not using my template in MyDITA application.
    When I open the XML file in FM and selected StructureTools > Set Structured Application and it is set to DITA_1.2_topic. When I set it to MyDITA it has no effect on the formatting.
    What is controlling which application to use when the XML file is opened? I have a custom XML application that works just fine. The Doctype in my XML file is:
    <!DOCTYPE topic PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DITA Topic//EN" "topic.dtd"
    I hope this is an easy question to answer. Thanks!

    HI Karene...
    Using the Set Structured Application command is not "permanent" when used on an XML file. You can use this to check the current app assigned to a file, but don't bother setting it there.
    You need to assign the proper app on file open. This is done by making sure that you have a valid structure application definition for your app (in the Structure Application Definition file) AND making sure that app definition is set up properly in the DITA Options dialog (the application mapping section). It sounds like the DITA 1.2 app is still selected in Options.
    In DITA Options, select the "DITA v1.1" option, then click the "..." button to the right of the associated drop list. In the Mapping Manager dialog, choose New Mapping from the Mapping Tag list, give it some name ("MyDITA 1.1 Mapping") and choose APP_MAPPING_DITA_1.1 from the Mapping Type list. Now, in the Mapping Manager dialog, enter the doctype for your app .. "topic" (based on your example), then enter the application name "MyDITA", then select the Type "TOPIC" (in this case). Now choose Add/Edit. If your app supports other topic types, you'll need to add them to the mapping list. When you're done choose OK. In DITA Options you can now select your app mapping in the list (or it may already be selected).
    In theory this should "work" .. you may need to exit and restart FM to get it to set properly.
    Yes .. it's not simple or straight forward, and the docs are pretty weak.
    No pressure .. but have you looked into (or heard of) DITA-FMx? It simplifies this whole process considerably (although app development is still a bit of a learnign curve), and makes book publishing from DITA much easier.
    Scott Prentice
    Leximation, Inc.

  • Conditional Row formatting not working in RTF

    Hi Everyone,
    Using the code from the documentation, I have managed to get every other row in my report to highlight, but only when displayed in a PDF. It doesn't come out with any row formatting when viewed as an RTF.
    Can anyone explain why this is, or how I can get the RTF to how the formatting as well??
    The code I am using is from page 6-90 from the documentation, in the "for-each ROW" text field formatting options:
    <?if@row:position() mod 2=0?><xsl:attribute name=”background-color” xdofo:ctx="incontext">#D9D9D9</xsl:attribute><?end if?>

    Ok, thank you for your reply.
    I think it is a bug, because, if I remember correctly, the example we mentioned is within a section about RTF templates, so it should work.
    Anyway, I found a workaround. Based on the example where the CASE switch is used: you just draw all the posible formats (including background color) for the rows in your table in your template and conditionally display the correct format for each row. You can use 'IF' instead of 'CASE' (I personally find it easier).
    I hope this helps.

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