160N keeps powering down..for no reason

As stated in the title my WRT160N keeps powering off and more so, the past few days.  At first I thought maybe I kicked the power cord as that happens every once and awhile.  But, after moving the power strip and checking the plug, that was fine.
The basics of the situation for my router is that I have 2 wired connections and then the uplink is connected to my cable modem.  Just since I got home tonight, my router has powered off about 6-8 times.  This is in addition to it shutting off and sorta coming back on earlier today and yesterday.
When the power comes on by itself, all 4 ethernet lights and the data light blink in a very light color.  Sometimes the router comes back on the way it should, other times I have to unplug the router and plug it back in.
I was going to try and chat with tech support, but since I do not want to lose the connect, that is not feasibile.
Any suggestions anyone?

I would suggest you upgrade/re-flash the firmware on your linksys router. To upgrade/re-flash the firmware follow the below mentioned settings.
Go to website linksysbycisco.com/downloads.........insert model no of your router in search tab......select proper version of your router........download the firmware file......save that file on desktop
Firmware Upgrade/Reflash
Follow these steps to upgrade the firmware on the device : -
Open an Internet Explorer browser page on a computer hard wired to the router...
In the address bar type - the Username blank & in Password use admin in lower case...
Click on the 'Administration' tab- Then click on the 'Firmware Upgrade' sub tab- Here click on 'Browse' and browse the .bin firmware file and click on "Upgrade"...
Wait for few seconds until it shows that "Upgrade is successful"  After the firmware upgrade, click on "Reboot" and you will be returned back to the same page OR it will say "Page cannot be displayed".

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    If you have more than one user account, these instructions must be carried out as an administrator.
    Launch the Console application in any of the following ways:
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    If there are runs of repeated messages, post only one example of each. Don’t post many repetitions of the same message.
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    Nathan Macbeth wrote:
    ... any tips?
    Increase your RAM to at least 8 GB... if you can.
    You can use this Link to check which RAM is suitable for your Mac...
    It is Important to get the Correct and Matching RAM
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    Hello JSug,
    You have verified that the Energy Saver setting (System Preferances -> Energy Saver) are not responsable for this? Default settings are to put the computer to sleep after 15 minutes of no input to either mouse or keyboard.
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    Hi Rodney, since your More System Details shows that you have MySearchDial, I suggest starting with a little malware cleanup.
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    Please identify your notebook/pc with more than the series number. Look at the base/rear/side of the notebook/pc at the barcoded sticker. Post items numbered 1 and 2 on the following image.
    Post the installed operating system version ( and whether it is 32 or 64-bit)
    Best regards,
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    2015 Microsoft MVP - Windows Experience Consumer

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    You tagline shows iOS 6.0.1, but you said you have the first generation iPad. iOS 6 does not run on the iPad 1, so I assume that you're running 5.1.1.
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    Yes....always a good idea to say what you've already tried!  Have you actually tried what I suggested though?  If that doesn't work, the only other suggestions are deleting the game and reinstalling, or contacting the game developer.

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    Hi jennivagelder,
    Welcome to the Support Community!
    To resolve this issue, try backing up your data using the BlackBerry® Desktop Software and performing a clean reload of your BlackBerry® Device Software.
    For further instructions, see the following KB article. How to perform a clean reload of the BlackBerry Device Software for Windows. www.blackberry.com/btsc/kb11320
    Hope this helps.
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