16gb or 32gb iPhone 4S--HELP

Ok so my upgrade for my Verizon plan is coming up Wednesday, and I don't know what gigabyte I should get, Either the 16gb or the 32gb. I have the money for the 16gb iP4S, but I don't know if it will be enough memory. At this moment I still am downloading songs I listen to, to transfer over to my new phone. If I decide to get the 32gb I have to wait an extra 2 additional weeks for the $100. I don't want to wait any longer considering I waited 2 years and my android is just a POS! Can someone help me decide what I should do. I love to play games, listen to music and stuff.
Oh I forgot to mention, I take photos of me and my friends whenever I am out, and I take video's for proof on Gamebattles for Xbox/PS3 but the videos are only like 5-20 seconds long. I am just stuck and trying to figure out what I should get.

OK, my advice: wait until you're sure you know what you want.
That's the only useful advice I can give you, other than to advise that you keep in mind that no one here owes you one moment of their time, so it pays to be polite and grateful to those to take their time to respond rather than challenging every response you get.

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    First, remove your personal information from your post.  None of that is needed.
    This is not Apple.  This is a user-to-user PUBLIC forum.  You've just given out a lot of personal informaiton to thousands of strangers.
    Go to iforgot.apple.com to reset your Apple ID password.

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    Have either of you restarted your iPhones?
    Resyncing, killing the Photos app in the multitasking bar or restarting your iPhone usually resolves these issues.
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