2 1/2 D

I am making a game that requires 2 1/2D images, namely, 2D images that look 3D but aren't. Look at Age of Kings artwork, you'll see what I mean.
Anyway, how should I make this kind of art? I was going to draw it out, but I am not sure that is the best idea, it is hard to make it look correct, and I have to do quite a bit of it.
Now, for the most important question, is there software where i can make a 3D wire frame, texture it, rotate the 3d frame, and save it as a 2d image?

Cruddy. :(Yeah that is. Designing gfx can be difficult. I'll Im really good at is making cool text titles and textures. You'll see my space texture in SpaceWar. BUt designing guys and weapons is real difficult. Here send an email to this guy: [email protected] Hes my friend who makes total conversions. He's working on a Duke 3d mod right now. He has stuff to make partial 3d things. Just tell him you know me (Alex P.) and he'll help you out.
I do have AdobePhotoshop 7.0.My dad is a pro photographer. So I have photoshop 4.0, 5.5, and 6.0. We are suppose to get 7.0 soon.
Well, SpaceM 2 is sorta like that, you'll see. :) I
might even make a Spacem 3Cool. Make spaceM 3 a first person star ship shooter ;-)

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