2.1 EA1 BIN$ tables appearing in tree broswer

Hi all,
I've upgraded to 2.1 from version 1.5.4. Everything seems to be going well but in some of my databases I am now seeing loads of BIN$ tables appearing in the tree browser, for example: BIN$/0LHlBHOQgayX35sjRi7mw==$0
Has anyone else seen this or is there a way to get the tables to disappear?

For performance issues, tables from the recycle bin are listed by default now (before they were excluded by code).
To lose them, just apply the "Exclude recycle bin" filter (right-click the Tables node).
Have fun,

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    Hi my name is vishal
    For past 10 days i have been breaking my head on how to make column headers in table appear bold while datas in table appear regular from c# windows forms with sql server2008 using iTextSharp.
    Given below is my code in c# on how i export datas from different tables in sql server to PDF report using iTextSharp:
    using System;
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using System.ComponentModel;
    using System.Data;
    using System.Drawing;
    using System.Linq;
    using System.Text;
    using System.Threading.Tasks;
    using System.Windows.Forms;
    using System.Data.SqlClient;
    using iTextSharp.text;
    using iTextSharp.text.pdf;
    using System.Diagnostics;
    using System.IO;
    namespace DRRS_CSharp
    public partial class frmPDF : Form
    public frmPDF()
    private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
    Document doc = new Document(PageSize.A4.Rotate());
    var writer = PdfWriter.GetInstance(doc, new FileStream("AssignedDialyzer.pdf", FileMode.Create));
    doc.SetMargins(50, 50, 50, 50);
    doc.SetPageSize(new iTextSharp.text.Rectangle(iTextSharp.text.PageSize.LETTER.Width, iTextSharp.text.PageSize.LETTER.Height));
    PdfPTable table = new PdfPTable(6);
    table.TotalWidth =530f;
    table.LockedWidth = true;
    PdfPCell cell = new PdfPCell(new Phrase("Institute/Hospital:AIIMS,NEW DELHI", FontFactory.GetFont("Arial", 14, iTextSharp.text.Font.BOLD, BaseColor.BLACK)));
    cell.Colspan = 6;
    cell.HorizontalAlignment = 0;
    Paragraph para=new Paragraph("DCS Clinical Record-Assigned Dialyzer",FontFactory.GetFont("Arial",16,iTextSharp.text.Font.BOLD,BaseColor.BLACK));
    para.Alignment = Element.ALIGN_CENTER;
    iTextSharp.text.Image png = iTextSharp.text.Image.GetInstance("logo5.png");
    png.ScaleToFit(105f, 105f);
    png.Alignment = Element.ALIGN_RIGHT;
    SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection("Data Source=NPD-4\\SQLEXPRESS;Initial Catalog=DRRS;Integrated Security=true");
    SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("Select d.dialyserID,r.errorCode,r.dialysis_date,pn.patient_first_name,pn.patient_last_name,d.manufacturer,d.dialyzer_size,r.start_date,r.end_date,d.packed_volume,r.bundle_vol,r.disinfectant,t.Technician_first_name,t.Technician_last_name from dialyser d,patient_name pn,reprocessor r,Techniciandetail t where pn.patient_id=d.patient_id and r.dialyzer_id=d.dialyserID and t.technician_id=r.technician_id and d.deleted_status=0 and d.closed_status=0 and pn.status=1 and r.errorCode<106 and r.reprocessor_id in (Select max(reprocessor_id) from reprocessor where dialyzer_id=d.dialyserID) order by pn.patient_first_name,pn.patient_last_name", conn);
    SqlDataReader dr;
    dr = cmd.ExecuteReader();
    table.AddCell("Reprocessing Date");
    table.AddCell("Patient Name");
    table.AddCell("No.of Reuse");
    while (dr.Read())
    table.AddCell(dr[3].ToString() +"_"+ dr[4].ToString());
    table.AddCell(dr[5].ToString() + "-" + dr[6].ToString());
    table.AddCell(dr[12].ToString() + "-" + dr[13].ToString());
    table.SpacingBefore = 15f;
    if (MessageBox.Show("Do you want to save changes to AssignedDialyzer.pdf before closing?", "DRRS", MessageBoxButtons.YesNoCancel, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation) == DialogResult.Yes)
    var writer2 = PdfWriter.GetInstance(doc, new FileStream("AssignedDialyzer.pdf", FileMode.Create));
    else if (MessageBox.Show("Do you want to save changes to AssignedDialyzer.pdf before closing?", "DRRS", MessageBoxButtons.YesNoCancel, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation) == DialogResult.No)
    The above code executes well with no problem at all!
    As you can see the file to which i create and save and open my pdf report is
    The column headers of table in pdf report from c# windows forms using iTextSharp are
    "Reprocessing Date","Patient Name","Dialyzer(Manufacturer,Size)","No.of Reuse","Verification" and
    However the problem i am facing is after execution and opening of document is my
    column headers in table in pdf report from
    c# and datas in it all appear in bold.
    I have browsed through net regarding to solve this problem but with no success.
    What i want is my pdf report from c# should be similar to following format which i was able to accomplish in vb6,adodb with MS access using iTextSharp.:
    Given below is report which i have achieved from vb6,adodb with MS access using iTextSharp
    I know that there has to be another way to solve my problem.I have browsed many articles in net regarding exporting sql datas to above format but with no success!
    Is there is any another way to solve to my problem on exporting sql datas from c# windows forms using iTextSharp to above format given in the picture/image above?!
    If so Then Can anyone tell me what modifications must i do in my c# code given above so that my pdf report from c# windows forms using iTextSharp will look similar to image/picture(pdf report) which i was able to accomplish from
    vb6,adodb with ms access using iTextSharp?
    I have approached Sound Forge.Net for help but with no success.
    I hope anyone/someone truly understands what i am trying to ask!
    I know i have to do lot of modifications in my c# code to achieve this level of perfection but i dont know how to do it.
    Can anyone help me please! Any help/guidance in solving this problem would be greatly appreciated.
    I hope i get a reply in terms of solving this problem.

    About iTextSharp component issue , I think this case is off-topic in here.
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  • Warning messages This size of the table appears to be large

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    the resuls table has no.records displayed to 25 already. I dont know how to get rid of this warning from the Page. Can some one help?
    This size of the table appears to be large. Verify if the table belonging to this View Object (SOResultVO1) really needs to have a table size of 25. The Application's standard is 25.
    This size of the table appears to be large. Verify if the table belonging to this View Object (SOResultVO1) really needs to have a table size of 25. The Application's standard is 25.
    This size of the table appears to be large. Verify if the table belonging to this View Object (SOResultVO1) really needs to have a table size of 25. The Application's standard is 25.
    This size of the table appears to be large. Verify if the table belonging to this View Object (SOResultVO1) really needs to have a table size of 25. The Application's standard is 25.
    This size of the table appears to be large. Verify if the table belonging to this View Object (SOResultVO1) really needs to have a table size of 25. The Application's standard is 25.
    This size of the table appears to be large. Verify if the table belonging to this View Object (SOResultVO1) really needs to have a table size of 25. The Application's standard is 25.
    This size of the table appears to be large. Verify if the table belonging to this View Object (SOResultVO1) really needs to have a table size of 25. The Application's standard is 25.
    This size of the table appears to be large. Verify if the table belonging to this View Object (SOResultVO1) really needs to have a table size of 25. The Application's standard is 25.
    This size of the table appears to be large. Verify if the table belonging to this View Object (SOResultVO1) really needs to have a table size of 25. The Application's standard is 25.
    This size of the table appears to be large. Verify if the table belonging to this View Object (SOResultVO1) really needs to have a table size of 25. The Application's standard is 25.
    This size of the table appears to be large. Verify if the table belonging to this View Object (SOResultVO1) really needs to have a table size of 25. The Application's standard is 25.
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    This size of the table appears to be large. Verify if the table belonging to this View Object (SOResultVO1) really needs to have a table size of 25. The Application's standard is 25.
    This size of the table appears to be large. Verify if the table belonging to this View Object (SOResultVO1) really needs to have a table size of 25. The Application's standard is 25.
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    This size of the table appears to be large. Verify if the table belonging to this View Object (SOResultVO1) really needs to have a table size of 25. The Application's standard is 25.
    This size of the table appears to be large. Verify if the table belonging to this View Object (SOResultVO1) really needs to have a table size of 25. The Application's standard is 25.
    This size of the table appears to be large. Verify if the table belonging to this View Object (SOResultVO1) really needs to have a table size of 25. The Application's standard is 25.
    This size of the table appears to be large. Verify if the table belonging to this View Object (SOResultVO1) really needs to have a table size of 25. The Application's standard is 25.
    This size of the table appears to be large. Verify if the table belonging to this View Object (SOResultVO1) really needs to have a table size of 25. The Application's standard is 25.
    This size of the table appears to be large. Verify if the table belonging to this View Object (SOResultVO1) really needs to have a table size of 25. The Application's standard is 25.
    This size of the table appears to be large. Verify if the table belonging to this View Object (SOResultVO1) really needs to have a table size of 25. The Application's standard is 25.
    This size of the table appears to be large. Verify if the table belonging to this View Object (SOResultVO1) really needs to have a table size of 25. The Application's standard is 25.
    This size of the table appears to be large. Verify if the table belonging to this View Object (SOResultVO1) really needs to have a table size of 25. The Application's standard is 25.
    This size of the table appears to be large. Verify if the table belonging to this View Object (SOResultVO1) really needs to have a table size of 25. The Application's standard is 25.
    This size of the table appears to be large. Verify if the table belonging to this View Object (SOResultVO1) really needs to have a table size of 25. The Application's standard is 25.
    This size of the table appears to be large. Verify if the table belonging to this View Object (SOResultVO1) really needs to have a table size of 25. The Application's standard is 25.

    Hi All,
    Any solution on the above issue.
    I am also getting the same issue, but it is a custom form.
    This size of the table appears to be large. Verify if the table belonging to this View Object (xxUserDetailsVO1) really needs to have a table size of 50. The Application's standard is 25.

  • Drag & Drop, ALV or Table Control to Tree Control

    Hi Experts,
    If i want Drag & Drop feature in ALV or Table Control to Tree Control

      refer to the link below:
    With luck,

  • Linking 2 drops downs and having tables appear

    I need to link 2 drop downs together so that the second is dependant on the first. I also need to have a table appear when the second drop down option is selected. If they change their mind and select a different option in the 2nd drop down a different table needs to appear. Currently i have 2 drop downs that are linked so that the options in the 2nd will change but i cant link this for a table to appear? Im not great with Java or scripting.

    Hi Melissa,
    In the change event of 2nd DropDown you can put the following code.
    var a = xfa.event.newText
    if(a == 5) // Set the value that you want.
                        Table2.presence = "hidden";
    else {
                        Table2.presence = "visible";

  • Develop MDM Heirarchy table using Webdynpro Tree

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    Can you be more specific? Is your problem with MDM or Web Dynpro? And what do you mean by "build an MDM Hierarchy Table"?

  • Issue with creation of ADF Table from ADF Tree selection

    Following is the usecase.
    I've created ParentVO & ChildVO from a single table with view criteria to filter the nodes.And then created two View links ParentToChild & ChildToChild.
    Added VOs & corresponding ViewLinks to ApplicationModule. It's got created hierarchy as Parent1->Child1->Chiled2 in Data model section of AM.So Iam done with tree creation process in Model.
    As VC can't be applied for sub levels. In order to set the VCs for sublevels, followed the below approach.
    Created a bind variable for tree. I've set the VC for both parent & child VOs in managed bean before setting the tree variable in setTree method. So now Iam able to display the required tree in UI with applying VCs.
    Now , I can select the required nodes from tree and then click on command button to display the selection list as a table.
    In order to achieve this, I tried below two options.
    1) Created separate Child VO instance (Child3) from Child VO and applied same view which applied initially. and the dragged the Child3 from Datacontrol to UI(jsff) as a table. When I run the application,it's displaying all the records from the DB table without applying VCs.
    2) Dragged the Child2 as a table on UI. When I run the application, it's displaying first record from the table without applying VC.
    But no luck in getting the required functionality.
    I've Following queries.
    a) If we update any transient attribute value for an VO instance, will it effect at VO level or only for that particular instance?
    Why because, I've created new instance of same VO. But the changes are not effecting for transient attributes in the new instance of VO.
    b) Can some one suggest on my usecase to display the selected nodes from a tree in table format?
    I tried my level best to explain the usecase. But let me know,if you have any queries on my usecase.
    Thanks in advance,

    This is my code:
    <af:column id="c1" headerText="Sponsor Status">
    <af:selectOneChoice label="Label 2" id="soc1" value="#{row1.sponsorStatusDesc}"
    <f:selectItems value="#{pageFlowScope.confLists.spStatus}"
    and this i what HTML code says..
    <select id="confSponsor:r2:0:tbIEEEsp:0:soc1::content" class="x2h" name="confSponsor:r2:0:tbIEEEsp:0:soc1">
    <option _adftmpopt="t" value="" title=""></option>
    <option value="4" title="Approved">Approved</option>
    <option value="3" title="Declined">Declined</option>
    <option value="6" title="New">New</option>
    <option value="2" title="Not Valid">Not Valid</option>
    <option value="5" title="On Hold">On Hold</option>
    <option value="1" title="Pending Approval">Pending Approval</option>
    <option value="7" title="Unidentified">Unidentified</option>
    Stll i cannot see any value populated in SelectOneChoice

  • Two iterators browsing the same data (a table and a tree) problem

    I have an ADF UIX application with a navigation tree and a central page with a table of the records of a Works view object.
    There is a hierarchical relationship of Works ->Subworks-> Tasks which is shown in the tree. In the central part of the page, there is a table of Works.
    I want
    1) the tree to show all the data, but only about 10 works at a time (using small arrows for scrolling up and down)
    2) the table to show only 10 or 20 records each time. Not the same with the tree.
    3) Both clicking on a link on the tree and selecting a work on the table will open the appropriate page.
    4) Opening the children of a node in the tree and clicking on the links being able to send me directly in the correct subwork or task page EVEN if I haven't visited the parent node (work) first.
    I cannot seem to be able to succed in the "even if" part of 4 and I can succeed in only any 2 of the first three.
    If the tree iterator and table iterator point to the same view object (work1 for example), it is impossible to show a different set of works in the tree and the table
    If I use different view objects, then, if the tree part is working, the table selection doesn't work. I imagined that's a problem with "SetCurrentRowWithIndex" and I tried to set up correctly a "SetCurrentRowWithKey" event, but I didn't know how to write the handler. (I use JHS event handling, by the way)
    I suppose the following has errors:
    <event name="setCurrentRowWithKey" source="GetaeergView1">
    <set target="${bindings.GetaeergView1Iterator}" property="currentRowKeyInRange" value="${ui:tableSelectedKey(uix, 'GetaeergView1')}"/>
    Any suggestions?

    Noone has tried this again?

  • How to refresh output table in alv tree?

    Hi !
    I searched,
    there is many solutions.
    or expand_nodes..
    But I want just fresh output table.
    Look this, please.
    IF p_tree IS NOT INITIAL.
        CALL METHOD g_container2->set_focus
            control = p_tree.
        CALL METHOD p_tree->frontend_update.
      CALL METHOD p_tree->refresh_table_display
          program_error = 1
          OTHERS        = 2.
    *=> this method is privated. So I can't use it.
       CHECK p_tree IS INITIAL.
    create tree object
      CREATE OBJECT p_tree
          parent              = g_container2
          node_selection_mode = cl_gui_column_tree=>node_sel_mode_single
          no_html_header      = 'X'
          item_selection      = 'X'.
      DATA lt_fieldcat TYPE lvc_t_fcat.
      DATA ls_head TYPE treev_hhdr.
      PERFORM get_tree_head USING ls_head.
      PERFORM get_tree_fieldcat TABLES lt_fieldcat.
      CALL METHOD p_tree->set_table_for_first_display
          is_hierarchy_header = ls_head
          i_background_id     = 'ALV_BACKGROUND'
          it_outtab           = gt_template
          it_fieldcatalog     = lt_fieldcat.
      PERFORM add_node USING p_tree.
      PERFORM register_tree_events USING p_tree.
      SET HANDLER lcl_event_receiver=>on_link_click FOR p_tree.
      CALL METHOD g_container2->set_focus
          control = p_tree.
    I just want refresh only output table( gt_template) without create object.
    method FRONTEND_UPDATE can't solve this problem.
    If you know the solution about this problem,
    give me an answer.
    Thank you so much,
    From Juhee Bhang.
    Edited by: Ju-hee Bhang on Jun 2, 2009 10:48 AM

           i_callback_program                = sy-cprog
           i_callback_pf_status_set          = 'PF_STATUS'
           i_callback_user_command           = 'CALLBACK_USER_COMMAND' "----->is the form name in
           i_callback_top_of_page            = 'TOP_OF_PAGE'                             which we write the code
           is_layout                         = s_layout
           it_fieldcat                       = t_fieldcat
           it_sort                           = t_sort
        I_DEFAULT                         = 'X'
           i_save                            = 'A'
           is_variant                        = s_variant
            t_outtab                          = t_output[]
           program_error                     = 1
           OTHERS                            = 2.
    FORM callback_user_command USING i_ucomm       LIKE sy-ucomm
                                     i_wa_selfield TYPE slis_selfield.
      i_wa_selfield-refresh = 'X'.

  • How to display records of int. table in list tree?

       i want to display a list tree using fm RS_TREE_CONSTRUCT and RS_LIST_DISPLAY.
    this is the data that i have to display
    Matnr      doc no.        Stock qty.     Age
    1     45601236           100          55
    1     45601237           10          54
    1     45601238        11          53
    1     45601239           101          52
    now, only the first record should be displayed with a + symbol... when the user clicks the + symbol, then the node has to expand and display the other 3 records pertaining to that material...how to display 4 fields of an internal table in one line and like that, 3 records...i have seen some threads relating to this, but they all display only one value in the child node..how to  display multiple fields like this?
    please address this functinality using FMs alone, as i am not exposed to objects :!
    thanks all
    Sathish. R

    Before passing the Node name ,Concatenate all the values of record in one string and pass that string as node name.Now it will work.
    To develop the basic logic  simple program name is :
    "SAPSIMPLE_TREE_CONTROL_DEMO"  In this program use above logic.
    Don't forget to reward if useful.
    Don't forget to reward if useful

  • Only the first image of table appears

    my problem concerns dynamically added images in templates designed with Template Builder 5.6 Build 45 for Word 2002 (10.4219.4219) SP-2 and Oracle E-Business Suite
    My template includes a simple table with an image field containing an URL. I created a dummy image with alternative text like url:{image_field}. The URL itself exists and works in the browser. Running now the report with example data as XML publisher admin, only the first image appears, followed by all other rows showing the same image. It’s always the first one that is repeated (of course I made sure that each element contains its specific URL). I also tried to use the concatenated string for building the specific URL at runtime, but in vain.
    Is there anybody out there with a good idea?

    I'm not sure what's going on, but I'm having a similar yet different issue with slideshow images.  I have a full screen slideshow on a tablet site with 2 slides in it, but one of them shows up white/blank in preview.  I've ensured both images are in the layers and assets and I've deleted the slideshow and started from scratch twice already.  What's interesting is that if I move the images' order within the slideshow widget in the layers panel, I can see either one, but not both in rotation in the slideshow.  I just did this same slideshow for the mobile version and that works fine, so I'm stumped.

  • 3.0.02 EA1 - Edit table data in a grid

    Editing table data in a grid is broken in 3.0.02 EA1 under Windows XP Pro SP3
    Bug #1: When not in editing mode the cursor keys must move the focus from a cell to cell. Instead an edit mode is activated
    Bug #2: There is no way to leave cell edit mode using keyboard. Esc must cancel the edit, Return-key must confirm at switch to the next cell. Have to use mouse...

    I just tried on my VM and i don't see this behaviour on 3.0.
    What i do see is that Bug number 9201495 is still available although i reported this issue on 2.1
    Updating the columns in Data Tab - is a bit awkward

  • Hash Table/Binary Search Tree question

    I'm creating a hash table that uses a Binary Search Tree in each element to handle collisions. I isolated the problem to where and how it occurs to two lines of code; here is the relevant code(There is a working method "insert(String s)" in the BinarySearchTree class):
    x = new BinarySearchTree[size];
    x[0].insert("pppppp");When I try to insert ANY String into ANY array element of x (not just 0), I get a NullPointerException. Keep in mind that BinarySearchTree works perfectly when it's not an array.
    Message was edited by:

    x = new BinarySearchTree[size];
    x[0].insert("pppppp");You should know that when you allocate an array of objects, each entry is initialized to null.
    Instead, you must do this:
    x = new BinarySearchTree[size];
    for(int i=0; i<size; i++) {
       x[i] = new BinarySearchTree();
    }After that, you can then do

  • Picture in table appears cut with thin lines

    I'm working on my CV and now I'm hampered by the following misbehavior of Pages:
    I made up a table with 7 rows and 3 columns. The 2 leftmost columns contain my personal data, the rightmost colum stretches over all rows and contains a picture of me. Now when I export the document, the picture appears cut with horizontal lines. As if the table rows cut the picture into pieces. Unusable.
    Anyone confirm this misbehavior?
    Is there a workaround?
    And: how do I file this as a bug?

    kbostroem2 wrote:
    I'm working on my CV and now I'm hampered by the following misbehavior of Pages:
    I made up a table with 7 rows and 3 columns. The 2 leftmost columns contain my personal data, the rightmost colum stretches over all rows and contains a picture of me. Now when I export the document, the picture appears cut with horizontal lines.
    I apologize but I'm not a sooth sayer.
    To which format are you exporting?
    Word or PDF ?
    Yvan KOENIG (VALLAURIS, France) samedi 26 septembre 2009 16:11:05

  • The "Aux. Account Assignment 1" field in COEP table appears as KSIN00011987

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    Can anyone share the logic of this formating in KOB1 so that the same can be used in our Z report please.
    PS- There is no conversion routine at the filed level for "Aux. Account Assignment 1" in COEP table.

      KSIN0001198763 would be the object number
    KS - cost center
    IN00 - should be your CO area
    01198763 - the remaining nos should be your cost center
    please check if i am correct

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