2 Disc albums on iPod

Hi everyone,
I have imported a 2 disc album and have gone through everything in the get info sections regarding Album name and disc 1 of 2, 2 of 2 etc.
When I go to the album name on my iPod, instead of it giving me disc 1 or 2 to select from it just has all the tracks from both discs as one big album.
Any ideas what I'm doing wrong?
Thanks in advance

That is the default behavior of iTunes and iPod. If you want to have the albums listed separately on your iPod, you will need to change the Album tags for disc 1 and disc 2, something like "Hundred Year Hall (Disc One)" and "Hundred Year Hall (Disc Two)," for example.

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    Thank you for you support.

    That is the default behavior of iTunes and iPod. If you want to have the albums listed separately on your iPod, you will need to change the Album tags for disc 1 and disc 2, something like "Hundred Year Hall (Disc One)" and "Hundred Year Hall (Disc Two)," for example.

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    I have submitted a bug to http://www.apple.com/feedback/itunesapp.html. Please feel free to use the template below if you wish to make your opinion heard:
    Dear Sir or Madam,
    Updating to iTunes 9 has introduced a bug whereby the software doesn't recognize and separate multi CD albums.
    Before the update, two disks would be correctly split 1-9, 1-9 but iTunes 9 instead lists the albums: Track 1, Track 1, Track 2, Track 2, Track 3, Track 3 and so on. This is present in all albums with more than one CD.
    Furthermore the white background in grid view is hideous and should be reverted as soon as possible or a setting implemented so that the user can make a choice about the background colour.
    Yours faithfully,

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    Is it showing up OK in iTunes?
    I have an album featuring various artists on my iPad and it shows up fine. I do find that these can be a bit of a problem though, as iTunes and iPods do have a tendency to try to split them up if everything is not just right.
    Check what the album artist is set to in iTunes. I have found that a solution to this problem is to allocate a dummy album artist to all the tracks (I usually use "zzz" as this means the album will be easy to find at the bottom if you have sorted the albums by artist, but anything will do). Then, select all the tracks in the album and delete that album artist, so it is blank. Once this is done, the albums usually sit OK as compilations in my iTunes and iPod/iPad.
    Not sure whether that makes sense, or if it will work for you, but it may be worth trying.

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    I checked for differences in the fields across all of the tracks and found none that shouldn't be there. The track numbering is 1 through 6 on Disk 1 and 1 through 13 on Disk 2. They are all tagged "of 2" in the Disk number entries. See below:
    I also tried un-syncing and re-syncing the album to my phone and nothing changed. See below:

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    1: Song 1
    2: Song 2
    Disc 2
    1: Song 5
    2: Song 6
    Disc 3
    1: Song 10
    2: Song 11
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    D3T1 Song 10
    D2T1 Song 5
    D3T2 Song 11
    D1T2 Song 2
    D2T2 Song 6
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    Powermac G5    

    I'm not sure what the difference between the ID3 tag and the visible song info is. (Sorry for my ignorance.)
    Basically, all the info (disk number, track number, song title) were input into the appropriate fields in iTunes' song info. All files are Apple Lossless files. The only thing that is visible in Frontrow are the titles (like "Song 1").

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    Turn on computer.
    Open itunes.
    Insert cd.
    Import cd.
    Connect ipod.
    Select what you want

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    Strange, that option is working fine here. Has it worked before on the same computer? Have you installed new drivers, or do you need to? The troubleshooting steps here might help. iTunes for Windows: Optical drive is no longer recognized, or "Disc burner or software not found" alert after install

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    I have each concert as an "Album"... I do not want to create separate albums for each set...
    But sometimes I only want to listen to the second set of a show (disc 2 of 2)...
    The iPod classic does not separate albums by discs so I can not find where set 2 begins (disc 2 of 2)....
    How can I show each disc separately inside the album on my iPod classic??
    Thank you for any advice...

    Hi There...
    Do me one favor... Right click on a song and choose "Get Info"... Go to the last tab reading "Album artwork"... Do you see the images there?
    If not iTunes 8 stored the album artwork internal to it and the artwork was not embedded as you had previously thought....
    Just find your JPG image and drag it into that albumn artwork section of that one song... See if it comes back for it... (Do note you may see it come back for the whole albumn; due to the way iTunes works... However you may need to do it for all your tracks if this works and you can click the first --- hold shift -- click the last and drop the artwork in... That shoudl get it back)
    Another quick way is to right click and use the "Get Albumn Artwork" Option again and see if it comes back... This will do like iTunes 8 did in the past but not embedd the images into the music files.... (do note that iTunes can sometimes get the wrong artwork when this is performed)..
    Good luck and keep us posted!

  • Bug with multi-disc albums?

    I've been using iTunes for about 3 years, and I recently bought Stadium Arcadium and ripped it to my computer and added it to my iTunes library. I'm pretty meticulous with my ID tags so I naturally thought to add which disc was which through the iTunes editor (Disc blank of blank). When I uploaded it to my iPod (1G 4GB Nano), I noticed that when I went through the menu to the artist, I no longer had the basic "All, *album name*, *album name*, etc." that I had for other artists, it simply jumped straight into the album. This concerns me because I've also got some singles on my iPod that I can no longer get to. I found that renaming the album name to whatever disc it was (e.g. Stadium Arcadium CD 1) and getting rid of the "Disc 1 of 2" in the tag solved the problem, but I was wondering if anyone else had this same problem?

    I have quite a few box sets, and I wished to see them all under a single Album icon/image, with Disc 1, 2, etc. I tried a few approaches and spoke with Apple support too. My conclusion is that iTunes as a product/program has gotten so big, and is used so pervasively, and in such complex combinations (especially if you are a Match subscriber), that it almost has an organic set of actions, rather than robotic. I know that sounds odd, but Apple nearly admitted to such, suggesting in one of my issues, we just "wait it out..."
    Regarding the multilpe CD issue, first I found it helpful while loading CDs to be signed out of iTunes. This in essence turns off Genius and Match, and allows you to deal solely with iTunes (local) and the CDs you are loading. Next, note how iTunes reads the meta/data file for the disk. It is at the mercy of the CD mfg, and there is not always consistency in the title text. For example, I had part of a 8-CD box say "Dvorak:" another part say "Dvorak - " and another part with either the colon or dash. After loading, I went into Get Info, and standardized on the use of the dash - and verified the order, disk 1 of 8, 2 of 8, etc. and then all the CDs loaded under a single Album heading as I understand you are looking to do. Other CDs had an embedded [Disk 1], and [Disk 2] in the title. You must remove these from the title, in order for iTunes to file them together and then make use of the "x of y" fields.
    After loading, you can sign into iTunes and do Genius - then Load Album Artwork, and then Match. It doesnot make complete sense to me, but doing it this way gave me the results I wanted, which seem to be the same as the results you are looking for. Also, if the initial load have been messed up by iTunes/Match etc, you may need to delete the album and redo, playing attention to the steps described above. Good luck.

  • Please help! all albums on ipod not showing in itunes library

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    If iTunes is recognizing that there is music on the device that isn't automatically syncing, do this:
    1: Go into the iPod area of iTunes.
    2: Find the Music tab.
    3: Select the unsynced music.
    4: Drag the music into the Music part of the iTunes library (should be on the left hand side).
    It is probably just not syncing automatically because you haven't told it that you want it to sync. This will fix it.

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    What is the exact message you see in iTunes when trying to restore the iPod touch?
    This article: http://support.apple.com/kb/TS1275 will resolve most update and restore issues.

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    So if I understand you correctly, you want to be able to sync only certain songs, artists, and albums correct? If so you can configure this set up from under the iPod's Music configuration tab in iTunes as described in the Syncing Automatically section in the Apple support document you linked in at the top of the page.  Note that you cannot select only certain songs, but you can set it up to sync selected Artists, Genres, and Albums.
    If the tab and its configurations are grayed out, it is likely because your iPod is set up for manual management, meaning the manually manage music and videos option is enabled from under the iPod's Summary tab.

  • Multiple albums on ipod even though itunes only has 1

    Please help, I've been downloading my CD collection using iTunes and when I sync it to my ipod (7th Gen) there are multiple albums with the same name and songs(14 on some occasions) even though when I check in iTunes there is only one. This problem is not just related to one album but 5, the one thing they do have in common is similar album names i.e. Circus and The Circus, Greatest Hits and The Greatest Hits.
    Coincidentally, Circus has 14 tracks and duplicated 14 times ??????
    I've searched online and tried to find a solution but unfortunately not found anything which helps.
    I'm tempted to reset the Ipod and start syncing all the songs but there is over 6000 and hoping there maybe a simpler solution.

    iTunes and iPod have slightly different rules for ordering and grouping content. In particular the iPod does not observe Album Artist, each may have different settings for how to treat compilations, and inconsistencies in certain fields can have unexpected results, such as generating multiple covers for the same album.
    See Grouping tracks into albums for more information.

  • How do I get a replacement Disc for my Ipod?

    Here the problem I have. I bought this Ipod off ebay it came with the disc, and it worked fine for my girlfriend. She gave it to me so I could use it and now it doesn't work b/c I don't have the disc. She can't find it and I can't call Apple b/c Apple is one of the few places that doesn't have a 24 hour help line. Why is that? One of the biggest companies in the US doesn't have a 24 hour help line. So if anyone knows another way of me getting one then please let me know.
    I think that will solve my problems b/c when I am updating my IPod it stops right around 222.0 mb and I have a 20 gb Ipod. I have noticed that there is some kind of lock symbol right after it tells you how much space you have from the start. Mine says something like 18.4 gband then right after that there is that symbol.

    Do you mean you do not have the software? If so, download iTunes and the iPod software updater. Then install iTunes followed by the iPod software updater.
    By the way, what kind of iPod do you have?
    Different iPod models

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