2 FORMS - ONLY 1 WORKS (designed in Muse & hosted with BC)

Hi All,
hoping somebody could PLEASE help me!!
I have a live site which I designed in Muse and being hosted with BC (web marketing package).
I have 2 forms on the site...
A simple contact form, which works perfectly...I receive the email....no probs.
The other is an order form which is set up in the same fashion. I used the detailed contact form but just added
a lot of other fields.
My problem is that when you hit the submit button, nothing happens. It's like it's not registering or doing anything.
I have it set up to direct to another page that thanks you for your order....but nothing.
I have checked the stats in BC, and it has no stats for the order form, just the contact form.
The email address is [email protected] Not a third party situation.
What am i doing wrong??
As far as I can see, they are both set up in the exact same fashion.
After looking through a lot of the Q&A's on the forum, a few people said they can check their form using
mysite.com/scripts/form_check.php but when I do that it just says page not found?
Here is my site:
Hope someone can help!
kind regards,

the working form is http://www.recollectionroad.com.au/contact.html
the one that doesnt work is http://www.recollectionroad.com.au/order-form.html

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    Since the checkboxes all have the same name, the values are over-writing each other when being passed to the PHP script. The best way to fix that is to add a pair of empty square [] brackets after the checkbox names, so make the names "graphics[]" instead of "graphics". That tells PHP that the values are being passed as a list (an array) instead of a single value. As long as your processing script knows what to do from there (and it does), should solve the problem.
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    Hi Aish
    I wanted to check the following, but the URL is not found, you have another one?
        4. Visit http://my-site.com/scripts/form_check.php in a web browser and make sure you see all green checkmarks. If some items do not display green checkmarks that means that the hosting server is not configured correctly to allow the Form widgets to send email messages to the address you've specified.
                    Contact your web-hosting provider about the server configuration problem. Describe the items that are not marked as green in the form check page, so that they can help you set up the servers to use the correct settings.
    Il giorno 9-set-2014, alle ore 16:11, Aishvarya Raj Rastogi <[email protected]> ha scritto:
    Why some contact forms doesn't work on some websites? We don't receive the submission form with the information?
    created by Aishvarya Raj Rastogi in Help with using Adobe Muse CC - View the full discussion
    Hi Nicole,
    What is the "From" email address in your form?
    Also, have you checked the spam folder?
    Please check the following posts as well :
    Re: PHP mail may be disabled or incorrectly configured on the web server.
    Please note that the Adobe Forums do not accept email attachments. If you want to embed a screen image in your message please visit the thread in the forum to embed the image at https://forums.adobe.com/message/6714281#6714281
    Replies to this message go to everyone subscribed to this thread, not directly to the person who posted the message. To post a reply, either reply to this email or visit the message page:
    To unsubscribe from this thread, please visit the message page at . In the Actions box on the right, click the Stop Email Notifications link.
    Start a new discussion in Help with using Adobe Muse CC by email or at Adobe Community
    For more information about maintaining your forum email notifications please go to http://forums.adobe.com/thread/416458?tstart=0.

  • Javascript problem for form created in Adobe Designer 8.2

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    function (xmlfilenamename)
    var re =".pdf";
    var filename = this.path;
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    Hi Paul Guerette,
    I just remembered. I better inform you this as well so you can see the real picture.
    Desktop - OS / Vista Home
    I created the PDF form using Acrobat Livecycle ES 8.2, Then I opened the form in Acrobat Professional 9.0 to enable the save features. Then I open in Reader 9 to make I will be able to save data. Successful
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    jsCode = "trustedImportXFAData(""" + SOURCE_XML + """);"
    Fields = formApp.Fields
    In this machine I have Adobe Acrobat 7.0 Professional. The javascript is inside the \Acrobat 7.0\Acrobat\Javascript\.
    I wonder could this also be, because of the compatibility between 2 different versions.
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    on the quote navigation element (it's at the bottom on the left)
    and attempt to fill out the form you'll find it doesn't work. But
    only in IE. I can't figure out why I'm using PHP to send it.
    PHP is located /php/emailer.php
    HTML is located /content/quote.php
    Can anyone help? Thanks!

    Anyhow, the reason your form is not working is this -
    You do not submit the form with this button. It should be -
    <p align="right"><button
    Murray --- ICQ 71997575
    Adobe Community Expert
    (If you *MUST* email me, don't LAUGH when you do so!)
    - Template Triage!
    - DW FAQs, Tutorials & Resources
    http://www.dwfaq.com - DW FAQs,
    Tutorials & Resources
    - Macromedia (MM) Technotes
    "Murray *ACE*" <[email protected]> wrote
    in message
    news:[email protected]...
    > Why are you doing your pages this way? They are
    > non-accessable, and not-so-functional when js is
    > Also, your loading scheme defeats usability by not
    changing the URL - you
    > cannot bookmark pages....
    > Finally, I feel like you have just put moving things on
    the page without
    > regard for functionality or visual appeal - it's a bit
    distracting to have
    > that continuous up/down motion right in front of my
    > --
    > Murray --- ICQ 71997575
    > Adobe Community Expert
    > (If you *MUST* email me, don't LAUGH when you do so!)
    > ==================
    - Template Triage!
    - DW FAQs, Tutorials & Resources
    http://www.dwfaq.com - DW FAQs,
    Tutorials & Resources
    - Macromedia (MM) Technotes
    > ==================
    > "Spencer Hill" <[email protected]>
    wrote in message
    > news:[email protected]...
    >> If you visit my site
    http://www.firetree.us and click
    on the quote
    >> navigation
    >> element (it's at the bottom on the left) and attempt
    to fill out the form
    >> you'll find it doesn't work. But only in IE. I can't
    figure out why I'm
    >> using
    >> PHP to send it.
    >> PHP is located /php/emailer.php
    >> HTML is located /content/quote.php
    >> Can anyone help? Thanks!

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    2007SUFF wrote:
    > NEED URGENT HELP!!! (Re: website made with dreamweaver)
    I have made
    > the buttons of AGREE and DISAGREE for terms and
    conditions on my site
    > and this is to take you to a form page to fill out your
    details. The
    > buttons work on the mac but on a PC they won't work. The
    website is:
    > www.sydneyundergroundfilmfestival.com and its when you
    go to the
    > SUBMIT page and use the online forms. Please help!!!
    There isn't a form on the page entry.html.
    You do have two input tags, such as
    <input name="Agree" type="submit" id="Agree"
    but these need to be enclosed in <form></form>
    tag to work.
    The page doesn't have a doctype, and fails validation; the
    page will be in
    quirks more, and Macintosh browsers are probably making
    different guesses
    than the PC browser as to what should be done.
    Easiest solution? Create two images (one for agree, one for
    disagree) which
    looks like a button, and change the code
    <td><a href="
    <input name="Agree" type="submit" id="Agree"
    <td><a href="
    <input name="Disagree" type="submit" id="Disagree"
    <td><a href="
    <img src="image-agree.gif" alt="I Agree">
    <td><a href="
    <img src="image-disagree.gif" alt="I disagree">
    Peter Connolly

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    I have a Macbook Pro Retina 13" and at work it keeps disconnecting from the router. I've tried a lot to try to fix it and there are certain conditions that apply (none of the fixes work):
    This ONLY happens at work and ONLY with my computer. There are also two Macbook Air, one Macbook Pro Retina, a bunch of PC's, tablets and phones connecting to it, but ONLY I get disconnected. I've tried maintaining a connection with around 10-15 other networks and they all work flawlessly.
    There are several wifi spots around.
    It disconnects randomly, at times it gets worse around lunch time. It can be 10 times in an hour, then stable for two hours, then one disconnect.
    I've tried several router channels.
    I have a DIR-655 D-link.
    Held Shift+Command+Alt and clicked the power button at startup.
    Deleted all other wifispots, the only one is the work one. Tried deleting it and added it again.
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    Fixed permissions.
    Used Onyx (before Maverick update).
    Added a network location.
    Updated proxys to Google's public ones (
    Changed MTU.
    Restarted computer.
    No heavy load.
    I've done several changes to the router, none have worked. There's so many I cannot write it down here.
    It's NOT WEP, it's WPA2 Personal encryption, something we must maintain since it's secret material being broadcasted.
    Everything on my computer is updated to the latest version.
    No sleep mode is activated once connected to a power source. Only screen after 15 minutes.
    Changing router might work, but that might take a while since the bosses need to approve the purchase.
    If I disconnect Airport and then connects again it will work until it randomly disconnects again.
    None of my iPad or iPhone disconnects.
    It disconnects about 10-100 times daily.
    I'm currently trying to ping the router constantly in a hidden terminal window. Hopefully it works even though it ***** as a solution.
    That's all I can remember right now... I've tried a lot more without result. But if a suggestions arises I'll let you know if I've tried it before.
    Can it be some interference? The microwave isn't on. I have a monitor, external harddrive, Wacom Intuos 5, iPad and an iPhone close to the computer. None of these matter on other spots. None of my co-workers have the same problem. The exact same problem happened in OSX Mountain Lion so it isn't Maverick specific, but I write here because I have no clue where else to put it.
    I reason like this: it can't be a hardware malfunction since it doesn't happen anywhere else, it can't be the router either since my co-workers doesn't have the same issue. There's no heavy load since I basically just browse, but I do have Dropbox (I've tried limiting the bandwidth, didn't work) and a NAS and I am a designer so my files are rather large. So, my theory is that there's some sort of load that disconnects me from the router. No other here uses files even close to the size of mines so that is the only unique thing I can come up with, that and my placement. But we are in a big room together so the person of 7 that is furthest away from me is 3 meters. Is there a way to restrict the network load the Macbook uses? Like a cap. I've had this problem with routers before that just overloads routers.
    So... any help is very appreciated. It's a drag working like this.

    iMac 2011, the same WiFi disconnections problems after Mavericks installation.
    I've installed Mavericks on another disk and now I have WiFi disconnections every 30-35 mins. I rebooted to Snow Leopard and tested there and found zero problems. My WiFi WPA-2, 2.4GHz, Edimax router, another home devices doesn't have such a problem. Turn off and turn on the WiFi on iMac resolved the problem but only for another 30 mins. I tried to create another Location settings — the same issue. And it doesn't matter I use WiFi or no — disconnections still here. I run ping to router's IP — it timeouts when WiFi stops to work so it's not DHCP or DNS problem (I've also tried to use static IP — the same result). I don't have 5GHz WiFi so I can't check it. Also I've changed channels on the router — without results.
    I\m sure that this is a problem with WiFi drivers on Mavericks.
    How can we send such reports to Apple support — they must fix it in nearest Mavericks update!

  • Visible (Screen Only) not working properly

    This seems like it should be such and easy thing to figure out, yet I cannot understand why, when I print the form, it still prints. Can someone troubleshoot this one for me please? Here's my form:
    The field that is set to Visible (Screen Only) is the dropdown field "Reason". But it still prints.

    I was having this same issue, and after reading this post, tried the following...
    1) Changing the version of my document to v8.
    Result: this didn't work.  Objects marked "visible: screen only" still print.
    2) Creating a NEW form in v8.  Copying and pasting the objects from my previous form in this form.
    Result:  this works.  Objects marked "visible: screen only" still print.
    So based on this little experiment, and the previous posts here, I think it is safe to say that the document must be created as v8 right from the start.   Simply changing the version of a pre-v8 form will not work.

  • How to reduce opacity for form only not for controls in c#?

    I want to reduce opacity for form only. Not for controls. I reduced opacity for form, but the panel opacity also reduced. I don't want to reduce panel opacity. How to do this? Give me solution in c#. 

    I want to reduce opacity for form only. Not for controls. I reduced opacity for form, but the panel opacity also reduced. I don't want to reduce panel opacity. How to do this? Give me solution in c#. 
    How do you imagine this will work?  You reduce the opacity of the container but not the contents.  The user is left with no way of clearing the junk off the screen.  Opacity is for Forms and Forms only for a reason.
    You could use multiple forms, one without controlbox/icon/text/border whatever contained inside the other, but I expect that's not your goal. What is your goal?
    You can also make use of Transparency using simple background color schemes, which works even in RTL layouts.
    What is your goal again, apart from taking over the screen without the ability to close the window?
    Would you like to know more?

  • Only some pages of my website made with Muse can't be edit in the Business Catalyst Admin Console... How access all my pages edit possibilities ?

    My website is made with Adobe Muse and published with Business Catalyst.
    Some pages can be edit on the Business Catalyst Console, but, unfortunately, some other pages can't.
    Why some pages and not others ?
    Thanks for yours answers.

    I have try the edit mode with Firefox and Chrome and no one doesn’t work.
    For the french pages, I must reload the page to have the blue blocks. And if I do that on an english one, it switches on the french one...
    Caroline Duhamel
    +33 (0)6 08 34 33 61
    Le 24 oct. 2014 à 09:40, rohit776 <[email protected]> a écrit :
    Only some pages of my website made with Muse can't be edit in the Business Catalyst Admin Console... How access all my pages edit possibilities ?
    created by rohit776 in Help with using Adobe Muse CC - View the full discussion
    I have just checked at my end and it seems everything is working fine and I am able to edit even the English version pages.
    Can you please try some other browser or in a different system to edit your site and check if you are able to do so.
    Rohit Nair
    Please note that the Adobe Forums do not accept email attachments. If you want to embed a screen image in your message please visit the thread in the forum to embed the image at https://forums.adobe.com/message/6862093#6862093
    Replies to this message go to everyone subscribed to this thread, not directly to the person who posted the message. To post a reply, either reply to this email or visit the message page:
    To unsubscribe from this thread, please visit the message page at . In the Actions box on the right, click the Stop Email Notifications link.
    Start a new discussion in Help with using Adobe Muse CC by email or at Adobe Community
    For more information about maintaining your forum email notifications please go to http://forums.adobe.com/thread/416458?tstart=0.

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