2 node Webcenter Cluster setup

I am trying to configure 2 node webcenter cluster, so far i was able to accomplish this:
i) create 2 node weblogic cluster with webcenter [ WLS_Spaces1,WLS_Spaces2] , [WLS_Services1,WLS_Services2], [WLS_Portlet1,WLS_Portlet2]
ii)configured the weblogic to Authenticate using AD, and configured Jive Admin to login using AD
iii) configured JOC[java object cache] for webcenter spaces
iv) and I am having issues configuring the WS-Security for spaces to acess discussion services.
v) and also i am not able to see any policy store, and while trying to add a user to admin role for webcenter , i see it empty.
in single node i am able to assign admin roles to users from AD with no issues.
can some one help me in accomplishing the tasks for configuring the backend services of webcenter spaces when configured in cluster mode.
Thank you
* here is the doc link i am using for the setup
Edited by: user10696627 on Oct 7, 2010 10:28 PM

We're running Server 2012 Data Center on the cluster nodes.
I was thinking the same about the 3rd party software to do what I'd like it to do.   The data  is mostly security camera video from our security system.  Since its not really critical data, i'm just looking for a way to maximize
the available hard drive space, and make it addressable as one volume or network share...
You can build Storage Spaces (simple, not clustered as it would waste 50% of your capacity, MSFT can do mirror and parity with R2 for clustered only) from iSCSI LUs. Dog slow and unsupported but you'll have linear spanned space. See:
Rough Guide To Setting Up A Scale-Out File Server
Creating Virtual SoFS with shared VHDX
you don;t need SoFS (obviously) but in this article Aidan creates Storage Spaces from iSCSI LUNs.
Good luck!
StarWind VSAN [Virtual SAN] clusters Hyper-V without SAS, Fibre Channel, SMB 3.0 or iSCSI, uses Ethernet to mirror internally mounted SATA disks between hosts.

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  • HOWTO: Create 2-node Solaris Cluster 4.1/Solaris 11.1(x64) using VirtualBox

    I did this on VirtualBox 4.1 on Windows 7 and VirtualBox 4.2 on Linux.X64. Basic pre-requisites are : 40GB disk space, 8GB RAM, 64-bit guest capable VirtualBox.
    Please read all the descriptive messages/prompts shown by 'scinstall' and 'clsetup' before answering.
    0) Download from OTN
    - Solaris 11.1 Live Media for x86(~966 MB)
    - Complete Solaris 11.1 IPS Repository Image (total 7GB)
    - Oracle Solaris Cluster 4.1 IPS Repository image (~73MB)
    1) Run VirtualBox Console, create VM1 : 3GB RAM, 30GB HDD
    2) The new VM1 has 1 NIC, add 2 more NICs (total 3). Setting the NIC to any type should be okay, 'VirtualBox Host Only Adapter' worked fine for me.
    3) Start VM1, point the "Select start-up disk" to the Solaris 11.1 Live Media ISO.
    4) Select "Oracle Solaris 11.1" in the GRUB menu. Select Keyboard layout and Language.
    VM1 will boot and the Solaris 11.1 Live Desktop screen will appear.
    5) Click <Install Oracle Solaris> from the desktop, supply necessary inputs.
    Default Disk Discovery (iSCSI not needed) and Disk Selection are fine.
    Disable the "Support Registration" connection info
    6) The alternate user created during the install has root privileges (sudo). Set appropriate VM1 name
    7) When the VM has to be rebooted after the installation is complete, make sure the Solaris 11.1 Live ISO is ejected or else the VM will again boot from the Live CD.
    8) Repeat steps 1-6, create VM2 and install Solaris.
    9) FTP(secure) the Solaris 11.1 Repository IPS and Solaris Cluster 4.1 IPS onto both the VMs e.g under /home/user1/
    10) We need to setup both the packages: Solaris 11.1 Repository and Solaris Cluster 4.1
    11) All commands now to be run as root
    12) By default the 'solaris' repository is of type online (pkg.oracle.com), that needs to be updated to the local ISO we downloaded :-
    +$ sudo sh+
    +# lofiadm -a /home/user1/sol-11_1-repo-full.iso+
    +//output : /dev/lofi/N+
    +# mount -F hsfs /dev/lofi/N /mnt+
    +# pkg set-publisher -G '*' -M '*' -g /mnt/repo solaris+
    13) Setup the ha-cluster package :-
    +# lofiadm -a /home/user1/osc-4_1-ga-repo-full.iso+
    +//output : /dev/lofi/N+
    +# mkdir /mnt2+
    +# mount -f hsfs /dev/lofi/N /mnt2+
    +# pkg set-publisher -g file:///mnt2/repo ha-cluster+
    14) Verify both packages are fine :-
    +# pkg publisher+
    PUBLISHER                   TYPE     STATUS P LOCATION
    solaris                     origin   online F file:///mnt/repo/
    ha-cluster                  origin   online F file:///mnt2/repo/
    15) Install the complete SC4.1 package by installing 'ha-cluster-full'
    +# pkg install ha-cluster-full+
    14) Repeat steps 12-15 on VM2.
    15) Now both VMs have the OS and SC4.1 installed.
    16) By default the 3 NICs are in the "Automatic" profile and have DHCP configured. We need to activate the Fixed profile and put the 3 NICs into it. Only 1 interface, the public interface, needs to be
    configured. The other 2 are for the cluster interconnect and will be automatically configured by scinstall. Execute the following commands :-
    +# netadm enable -p ncp defaultfixed+
    +# netadm list -p ncp defaultfixed+
    +#Configure the public-interface+
    +#Verify none of the interfaces are listed, add all the 3+
    +# ipadm show-if+
    +# run dladm show-phys or dladm show-link to check interface names : must be net0/net1/net2+
    +# ipadm create-ip net0+
    +# ipadm create-ip net1+
    +# ipadm create-ip net2+
    +# ipadm show-if+
    +//select proper IP and configure the public interface. I have used & 172+
    +# ipadm create-addr -T static -a net0/publicip+
    +#IP plumbed, restart+
    +# ipadm down-addr -t net0/publicip+
    +# ipadm up-addr -t net0/publicip+
    +//Verify publicip is fine by pinging the host+
    +# ping
    +//Verify, net0 should be up, net1/net2 should be down+
    +# ipadm+
    17) Repeat step 16 on VM2
    18) Verify both VMs can ping each other using the public IP. Add entries to each other's /etc/hosts
    Now we are ready to run scinstall and create/configure the 2-node cluster
    +# cd /usr/cluster/bin+
    +# ./scinstall+
    select 1) Create a new cluster ...
    select 1) Create a new cluster
    select 2) Custom in "Typical or Custom Mode"
    Enter cluster name : mycluster1 (e.g)
    Add the 2 nodes : solvm1 & solvm2 and press <ctrl-d>
    Accept default "No" for <Do you need to use DES authentication>"
    Accept default "Yes" for <Should this cluster use at least two private networks>
    Enter "No" for <Does this two-node cluster use switches>
    Select "1)net1" for "Select the first cluster transport adapter"
    If there is warning of unexpected traffic on "net"1, ignore it
    Enter "net1" when it asks corresponding adapter on "solvm2"
    Select "2)net2" for "Select the second cluster transport adapter"
    Enter "net2" when it asks corresponding adapter on "solvm2"
    Select "Yes" for "Is it okay to accept the default network address"
    Select "Yes" for "Is it okay to accept the default network netmask"Now the IP addresses will be plumbed in the 2 private interfaces
    Select "yes" for "Do you want to turn off global fencing"
    (These are SATA serial disks, so no fencing)
    Enter "Yes" for "Do you want to disable automatic quorum device selection"
    (we will add quorum disks later)
    Enter "Yes" for "Proceed with cluster creation"
    Select "No" for "Interrupt cluster creation for cluster check errors"
    The second node will be configured and 2nd node rebooted
    The first node will be configured and rebootedAfter both nodes have rebooted, verify the cluster has been created and both nodes joined.
    On both nodes :-
    +# cd /usr/cluster/bin+
    +# ./clnode status+
    +//should show both nodes Online.+
    At this point there are no quorum disks, so 1 of the node's will be designated quorum vote. That node VM has to be up for the other node to come up and cluster to be formed.
    To check the current quorum status, run :-
    +# ./clquorum show+
    +//one of the nodes will have 1 vote and other 0(zero).+
    Now the cluster is in 'Installation Mode' and we need to add a quorum disk.
    Shutdown both the nodes as we will be adding shared disks to both of them
    Create 2 VirtualBox HDDs (VDI Files) on the host, 1 for quorum and 1 for shared filesystem. I have used a size of 1 GB for each :-
    *$ vboxmanage createhd --filename /scratch/myimages/sc41cluster/sdisk1.vdi --size 1024 --format VDI --variant Fixed*
    *Disk image created. UUID: 899147b9-d21f-4495-ad55-f9cf1ae46cc3*
    *$ vboxmanage createhd --filename /scratch/myimages/sc41cluster/sdisk2.vdi --size 1024 --format VDI --variant Fixed*
    *Disk image created. UUID: 899147b9-d22f-4495-ad55-f9cf15346caf*
    Attach these disks to both the VMs as shared type
    *$ vboxmanage storageattach solvm1 --storagectl "SATA" --port 1 --device 0 --type hdd --medium /scratch/myimages/sc41cluster/sdisk1.vdi --mtype shareable*
    *$ vboxmanage storageattach solvm1 --storagectl "SATA" --port 2 --device 0 --type hdd --medium /scratch/myimages/sc41cluster/sdisk2.vdi --mtype shareable*
    *$ vboxmanage storageattach solvm2 --storagectl "SATA" --port 1 --device 0 --type hdd --medium /scratch/myimages/sc41cluster/sdisk1.vdi --mtype shareable*
    *$ vboxmanage storageattach solvm2 --storagectl "SATA" --port 2 --device 0 --type hdd --medium /scratch/myimages/sc41cluster/sdisk2.vdi --mtype shareable*
    The disks are attached to SATA ports 1 & 2 of each VM. On my VirtualBox on Linux, the controller type is "SATA", whereas on Windows it is "SATA Controller".
    The "--mtype shareable' parameter is important
    Mark both disks as shared :-
    *$ vboxmanage modifyhd /scratch/myimages/sc41cluster/sdisk1.vdi --type shareable*
    *$ vboxmanage modifyhd /scratch/myimages/sc41cluster/sdisk2.vdi --type shareable*
    24) Start both VMs. We need to format the 2 shared disks
    25) From VM1, run format. In my case, the 2 new shared disks show up as 'c7t1d0' and 'c7t2d0'.
    +# format+
    select disk 1 (c7t1d0)
    [disk formated]
    Type 'y' to accept default partition
    quit26) Repeat step 25) for the 2nd disk (c7t2d0)
    27) Make sure the shared disks can be used for quorum :-
    On VM1
    +# ./cldevice refresh+
    +# ./cldevice show+
    On VM2
    +# ./cldevice refresh+
    +# ./cldevice show+
    The shared disks should have the same DID (d2,d3,d4 etc). Note down the DID that you are going to use for quorum (e.g d2)
    By default, global fencing is enabled for these disks. We need to turn it off for all disks as these are SATA disks :-
    +# cldevice set -p default_fencing=nofencing-noscrub d1+
    +# cldevice set -p default_fencing=nofencing-noscrub d2+
    +# cldevice set -p default_fencing=nofencing-noscrub d3+
    +# cldevice set -p default_fencing=nofencing-noscrub d4+
    28) It is better to do one more reboot of both VMs, otherwise I got a error when adding the quorum disk
    29) Run clsetup to add quorum disk and to complete cluster configuration :-
    +# ./clsetup+
    === Initial Cluster Setup ===
    Enter 'Yes' for "Do you want to continue"
    Enter 'Yes' for "Do you want add any quorum devices"
    Select '1) Directly Attached Shared Disk' for the type of device
    Enter 'Yes' for "Is it okay to continue"
    Enter 'd2' (or 'd3') for 'Which global device do you want to use'
    Enter 'Yes' for "Is it okay to proceed with the update"
    The command 'clquorum add d2' is run
    Enter 'No' for "Do you want to add another quorum device"
    Enter 'Yes' for "Is it okay to reset "installmode"?"Cluster initialization is complete.!!!
    30) Run 'clquorum status' to confirm both nodes and the quorum disk have 1 vote each
    31) Run other cluster commands to explore!
    I will cover Data services and shared file system in another post. Basically the other shared disk
    can be used to create a UFS filesystem and mount it on all nodes.

    The Solaris Cluster 4.1 Installation and Concepts Guide are available at :-

  • Verify HA Cluster setup in Oracle Virtual machine thru GUI

    Hi All,
    I have setup 3 node cluster with HA[Oracle VM] enabled.When i checked in the GUI it
    shows "High availability Infrastructure works well" like that.
    For testing HA, I poweroff one of the Oracle Virtual server node from the Oracle Virtual manager browser.
    Then if i checked the "Server Pools > Edit Server Pool ".check for "High Availability Infrastructure" browser keep going.
    Also one more thing is the Powered off machine automatically after some time it is coming up.Is
    it right ?
    After powered off if i run the below command in ovmmgr it shows 2 nodes are up.Same o/p
    how can i get in GUI when i clicked High Availability Infrastructure in "Server Pools > Edit Server Pool "
    [root@xxxovmsr1 ~]# /usr/lib/ovs/ovs-cluster-check master alter-fstab
    O2CB cluster ocfs2 already online
    Cluster setup complete.
    Link hangs quit sometime.Not allowing new connections also ..What to do ?
    Basic question
    How to verify the cluster setup from the GUI when i click "High Availability Infrastructure" check button?
    Some one can help me in this please ?
    Edited by: user2861234 on Jun 29, 2009 8:11 AM

    After powered off one of VM server if i run the below command in ovmmgr it shows 2 nodes are up.
    Why are you going ovmmgr ?
    Are your checking it only thru gui part of the manager or also thru thr command line.
    Oracle vm server - are hosts for your virtual systems your create on them.
    If you power off the server - from GUI part you can see - it as switched off or unreachable
    If your HA feature is enabled for that pool having more than 1 server sharing the /OVS filesystem - then he virtual system which is runnign on 1 of the Oracle VM server - will not die
    It will migrate to other available server in the pool - which is whole idea and purpose of HA
    I don't understand what exactly you are trying to crosscheck or verify here with these commands
    High Availability Infrastructure in "Server Pools > Edit Server Pool "
    root@xxxoxxxr1 ~# /usr/lib/ovs/ovs-cluster-check master alter-fstab
    O2CB cluster ocfs2 already online
    Cluster setup complete.
    If you have to check whether your HA feature is working - form GUI you can got o server pool - tab -
    edit it
    and chk the HA - tab
    and verify-
    it HA feature is working properly - it will give you message accordingly.

  • BAM Cluster setup - issue with whole server migration configuration

    We are working on a SOA , BAM , BPM Cluster setup on OEL VMs
    With Admin server running on Host1 and Soa_server1, BAM_server1 , Host2 - Soa_server2 , Bam_server2.
    We were successfully able to setup clustering for Soa without using the webTier utilities in our environment, Just by adding entries in the /etc/hosts file.
    Followed the document - except for web tier setup
    1)     Installed Weblogic 11g.
    2)     Soa 11g.
    3)     Domain creation
    4) Configured Node manager
    5) Soa Clustering completed successfully.
    6) Domain up and running with SOA_Cluster up and running.
    7)     Extended the domain with BAM
    The issue revolves when we are doing teh Migration configurations from the console for BAM and we restart BAM server we get an error -
    Apr 14, 2011 2:30:35 AM weblogic.nodemanager.server.Handler handleStart
    WARNING: Exception while starting server 'bam_server1'
    java.io.IOException: Command '/oracle/Shared_MWHome/user_projects/domains/SOA_Domain/bin/server_migration/wlsifconfig.sh -addif eth0 ' returned an unsuccessful exit code '1'. Check NM logs for script output.
    and Bam server goes to Failed Not Restartable state.

    The error is clearly out there
    java.io.IOException: Command '/oracle/Shared_MWHome/user_projects/domains/SOA_Domain/bin/server_migration/wlsifconfig.sh -addif eth0 ' returned an unsuccessful exit code '1'. Check NM logs for script output.
    This error occurs due to a failure in adding the virtual IP of BAM server to the network interface you have specified in nodemanager.properties.
    You need to check whether you have specified the correct interface and subnet mask in node manager.properties as below :
    The fourth step is to edit the Node Manager's properties file. This file is called nodemanager.properties
    and is located in the ORACLE_BASE/product/osbmw/wlserver_10.3/common/nodemanager directory.
    For server migration to work properly, you need to add the properties listed below:
    · Interface
    This property specifies the interface name for the floating IP (for example, eth0).
    · NetMask
    This property specifies the net mask for the interface for the floating IP. The net mask should the
    same as the net mask on the interface; is used as an example in this document.
    · UseMACBroadcast
    This property specifies whether or not to use a node's MAC address when sending ARP packets,
    that is, whether or not to use the -b flag in the arping command.

  • SOAP ports with cluster setup and BES?

    Okay, our cluster setup in NetWare (yes, still NetWare cluster) with Groupwise 7.0.3 we have unique TCP ports for the client/server (like 1677-something). Even though each clustered node has a unique IP and is running in protected memory.
    That being said:
    We'd like to enable SOAP for use with BES and GWArchive.
    The issue/question:
    Do either of these figure out the SOAP port for each PO? Or must the SOAP port be the same among all the PO's for BES to work properly?
    If the SOAP port must be the same (I'm not the BES admin, so I don't know if the setup lets you specify just one port or if you can defined them per PO), can you run multiple POA on the same physical host (keep in mind, this is clustered with protected memory) and use the same TCP port # for SOAP?

    kjhurni wrote:
    > Okay, our cluster setup in NetWare (yes, still NetWare cluster) with
    > Groupwise 7.0.3 we have unique TCP ports for the client/server (like
    > 1677-something). Even though each clustered node has a unique IP and is
    > running in protected memory.
    > That being said:
    > We'd like to enable SOAP for use with BES and GWArchive.
    > The issue/question:
    > Do either of these figure out the SOAP port for each PO? Or must the
    > SOAP port be the same among all the PO's for BES to work properly?
    > If the SOAP port must be the same (I'm not the BES admin, so I don't
    > know if the setup lets you specify just one port or if you can defined
    > them per PO), can you run multiple POA on the same physical host (keep
    > in mind, this is clustered with protected memory) and use the same TCP
    > port # for SOAP?
    I haven't used BES, but in general there's no auto-discover method for
    SOAP ports, so yes they'd probably have to be the same port.

  • Replace 2 Nodes in Cluster

    Have a 2 node SQL Cluster & looking for best way to replace these with two new servers. I was thinking of removing 1 SQL node and then remove node from windows failover cluster mmc. Then unplug crossover cable and plug into new server and make new
    server same name as one that was just removed.. Then add to cluster and start w. SQL nodes.. thoughts? any articles,etc to follow?

    You can refer the following same scenario solution:
    Add or Remove Nodes in a SQL Server Failover Cluster (Setup)
    Replace broken node on SQL 2008 failover cluster
    Hope this helps.
    are trying to better understand customer views on social support experience, so your participation in this
    interview project would be greatly appreciated if you have time.
    Thanks for helping make community forums a great place.

  • How to Uninstall SQL instance on active-passive SQL server , which failed during Cluster Setup (Error-Failed at Validate Active Directory Configuration)

    How to Uninstall SQL instance on active-passive SQL server , which failed during Cluster Setup (Error-Failed at Validate Active Directory Configuration)
    active-passive SQL server cluster setup failed due to some steps missed in initial cluster setup,
    now i have unistall sql instance from nodes,
    Your help will higly appriciated.

    Please refer to the following link about remove a node of  SQL Server Failover Cluster Instance:
    Fanny Liu
    Fanny Liu
    TechNet Community Support

  • Qadmin cluster setup

    Hi - I have an iMac and a macbook, both running 10.7.3, same version of Compressor 4, fcpx, and M5.  I am trying to set up a cluster with both these machines, with the laptop as cluster controller and the imac to do heavy lifting.  the qmaster service browser on the book shows both machines with all their service nodes present and accounted for, but greyed out - I can't move them to a cluster controller definition.  I got it to work once when setting the imac to cluster controller, then that stopped also.  Also, when I set up a cluster on the imac, I was able to allocated book services to the cluster, but the jobs never took advantage of them.  Is there some sort of comm link setup I am missing?
    Please help.
    .... clueless

    No, we're singing off the same sheet.....
    I have another clustering tidbit.  If you embed videos in Motion 5, as one is apt to do, via linked media, and submit this job to a cluster set up according to the Matt Hughes arrangement, the service nodes drop the linked videos (substituting a filled alpha of sorts), and the resulting rendering will not feature said items.  It appears that linked media of that nature is not made available to the service node to do its work.  And if it is intended to do so, but probibited by some Lion rights protection feature, the 'successful' outcome of the Qmaster job status is masking any such trouble.  I know this because I checked all the segments processed by the nodes vs cluster controller (where the media resides) and - yep - rendering failures are only on the nodes for linked media.
    Ergo: any complex Motion products are best processed in situ where all the linked media resides.  My guess is its just more NFS trouble, but the fact that Qmaster tells you that everything is ok means there are fundamental protocol failures.

  • Oracle cluster setup

    Hi There,
    We're trying to build a clustered oracle environment using oracle 11g ( under Windows 2008 server.
    The basic setup is to have 2 servers (active/passive), one shared SAN disk, install the software on both servers, put the database datafiles on the shared disk/SAN and when needed we can switch the shared disk between the 2 servers as failover/failback.
    IS the above industry standard cluster setup? or is there a better way of doing it? does oracle/windows provide a way to failover/failback between servers?
    Are there any documents that we can read that explains a good cluster setup please (without using RAC)? Or is there a document that have a better setup?
    Can someone shed some light on this please and/or point us to the right direction.

    Does oracle clusterware comes shipped with the specific release (10g, 11g..etc) database installation pack or is it a separate download?
    We saw this under the oracle download section:
    Oracle Database 11g Release 2 Grid Infrastructure ( for Microsoft Windows (x64)
           Download      win64_11gR2_grid.zip (715,166,425 bytes) (cksum - 3127109177)
    Contains the Grid Infrastructure Software including Oracle Clusterware, Automated Storage Management (ASM), and ASM Cluster File System. Download and install prior to installing Oracle Real Application Clusters, Oracle Real Application Clusters One Node, or other Oracle software in a Grid Environment So, I was wondering if we should download this and install it on the server?
    Edited by: rsar001 on Jul 19, 2010 8:20 AM

  • 3 Node Failover Cluster With iSCSI

    Is there any information available on the steps to create a 3 node failover cluster with iSCSI storage?  Is there a step-by-step guide?  I looked around but couldn't find much.  Thanks!

    Hi SCPSTech,
    The 3 node cluster create steps same with 2 node, you can refer the following step by step white paper create the 2 node cluster then add the another node to cluster.
     Configuring Failover Clusters with Windows Storage Server 2008
    Add a Server to a Failover Cluster
    More information:
    Add or Remove Nodes in a SQL Server Failover Cluster (Setup)
    Hope this helps.
    are trying to better understand customer views on social support experience, so your participation in this
    interview project would be greatly appreciated if you have time.
    Thanks for helping make community forums a great place.

  • Kernel Upgrade of R/3 4.7 Enterprise in Cluster Setup

    Hi Experts,
    We have a cluster setup with SAP R/3 Enterpirse 4.7 with MSSQL in windows 2003 server with node A and node B. Presently the system is running on Node B.
    We also have two application servers (Dialog Instance).
    Now I want to upgrade kernel of R/3 system. Please let me know what is the procedure for upgrading the kernel in cluster setup.
    Appreciate quick response.

    Hi All,
    I have successfully upgraded the kernel patch from 640-43 to 640-201 for R/3 4.7 with cluster setup. Currently the system was in Node B.
    The only problem which I faced after copying the files to run folder was that the system was not coming up. So we copied back the old kernel files and started the system and it was coming online.
    Wen we anayzed the problem we came to know that after copying the latest kernel files the system was not coming up as some DLLs were missing. The Note 684106 - Microsoft runtime DLLs solved the issue. Downloaded the files R3DLLINSTZIP which was given in the note and installed the files and after that my system came up with the latest kernel files.
    Hope this will be helpfull for someone in futue.
    Sharath Babu

  • Database bau host in HA cluster setups

    In cluster setups for MSSQL, is there a technical term to describe the host that will run specific SQL instances/databases under normal circumstances (i.e. while it is up and doesnt need to be run by another server in the cluster)?

    This is the "Primary Node" for the instance.  That's not a term that has any technical meaning in a Windows Cluster.  You may use cluster failover policies for the instance to help ensure that the instance is normally running on its Primary Node.
    You can set the Primary Node for the instance as the "Preferred Owner" in the cluster configuration.  This will cause that node to be preferred over other nodes for failover
    and failback.
    David http://blogs.msdn.com/b/dbrowne/

  • Questions about adding a 3rd node on a 2-node RAC cluster

    I have created a 2-node cluster on 1 VMServer machine following the steps as described in RAC11gR1-OVM-template-TestConfiguration.pdf
    Now want to add a third node as documented in Appendix B of this document, but this is not clear to me.
    Here it is stated in step 7: "Do not run this procedure on a node with RAC software already configured.", while on the other hand step 9 says you need to run the Add Node procedure with the -noCopy option since the software is already loaded on the new node. This seems a conflicting message to me.
    Can anyone clarify this?
    Can't I just add a node using this procedure when you already have a 2 node cluster up and running?

    Step 7 says to run on the new node this to setup the network:
    "Invoke the network configuring script in silent mode as root on the new VM:
    # /u01/clone/netconfig.sh -n3
    Flag -n3 means 3rd node, -n4 would be 4th node, etc. Do not run this procedure on a node with RAC software already configured."
    Step 9: says to run addNode.sh, as normally in the documentation, this is run from existing cluster member. You need to add the -noCopy flag so that software doesn't get copied to the new VM, since the software is already there, it is not configured or running yet, but the software is there.
    In such procedures it's often the case you need to run some commands on existing, and some on new node(s). I think the misunderstanding is that software existing on the VM doesn't mean it's running or configured.
    This entire process is fully automated in the 11.2 templates.

  • Install mulutple RAC databases on 2-node RAC cluster

    I am installing 5 RAC databases on a 2-node RAC cluster. I have setup SCAN using 3 IP addresses.
    Do I have to use SCAN listener for all databases?
    When installing the 3 database, I get ORA-12537: TNS connection closed error.
    ENV: 11gR2 2-node RH5.x

    I have setup SCAN using 3 IP addresses.
    Do I have to use SCAN listener for all databases?These 3 scan ip will work for youe all database running under this cluster setup.
    you may also use VIP to make connection like 10g.
    I get ORA-12537: TNS connection closed error.Appear some connectivity/configuration isue,please try MOS doc contain detail on this.
    How to Troubleshoot Connectivity Issue with 11gR2 SCAN Name [ID 975457.1]

  • Error message in opmn OC4J log for my BPEL cluster setup

    I am settings up my 2 nodes BPEL cluster in the same subnet, i prepared my jgroups-protocols.xml as:
    <UDP mcast_send_buf_size="32000"
    <PING timeout="2000"
    <MERGE2 max_interval="10000"
    <FD timeout="2000"
    <VERIFY_SUSPECT timeout="1500"/>
    <pbcast.NAKACK max_xmit_size="8192"
    <UNICAST timeout="1200,2400,3600"/>
    it is same as the default file, the configuration is same in both nodes, however, in OC4J log, i found it return the address is already in use:
    zed adaptors for platform 'ias_10g'
    Feb 22, 2008 2:58:17 PM org.collaxa.thirdparty.jgroups.protocols.UDP createSockets
    INFO: sockets will use interface
    08/02/22 14:58:17 java.lang.Exception: exception caused by UDP.start(): java.net.SocketException: Address already in use
    08/02/22 14:58:17 at org.collaxa.thirdparty.jgroups.stack.Protocol.handleSpecialDownEvent(Protocol.java:600)
    08/02/22 14:58:17 at org.collaxa.thirdparty.jgroups.stack.DownHandler.run(Protocol.java:117)
    <2008-02-22 14:58:18,453> <INFO> <collaxa> <ServerManager::uninit> Shutting down all domains
    <2008-02-22 14:58:18,453> <INFO> <collaxa> <ServerManager::uninit> Done shutting down all domains
    <QuartzPublisherInit::init> Notification Retry publisher scheduled at every 15 minute(s)
    08/02/22 14:59:18 Oracle Containers for J2EE 10g ( initialized
    what is the problem ? how to fix it ?

    Remove "receive_on_all_interfaces" and set bind_to_all_interfaces=false i think.
    It might not be exactly what you want to do, but read up on those parameters on the internet on Jgroups.

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