2 Related JTables and highlighting

I currently have a form with 2 JTables. They are related, and work where data is moved from 1 table to the other.
I have used the prepareRenderer to display the duplicate rows in a different colour, and that is all working great. However now I am trying to make it so that when I click on one of the duplicate rows, it will highlight the corresponding row in the other table in a different colour and hopefully also centre it in that tables view.
So far, I have had no luck in doing this .... or finding any references.
If anyone is able to give me a nudge in the right direction, that will be very appreciated.

JTable table = new JTable(data, column);
JScrollPane scrollPane = new JScrollPane(table);
JTable tableTwo = new JTable(data, column);
JPanel panel = new Panel(new GridLayout(0,1));
That is basically how my code looks like. I think i need to dynamically set the size of the table at runtime,
but it may be the panel. I can adjust to any type of format, as long as 2 tables look like one and are on
top of each other. table one's row size is dynamic and table two's row size is always 1.

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  • Text find and Highlight

    I have a textbox that I am loading text from instructionsArray that gets data from a XML file.  I want to search that textbox for a word that might be in the dictionaryArray that gets data from and XML file. Then I want the word if its there to be higlighted in red and be able to rollover  or click the word to get a popup that shows the words definition that is also in the dictionaryArray.    SO the code for all of this as I have it so far builds a rectangle backgournd and addes the textbox to it. The MA is a variable that tells what set of instuctions it is on (1, 2, etc).  Everything works except the search and highlight. Is this better?
    CODE for XML Dictionary
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
                        <definition>Natural chemical substances found in all plant and animal tissue. In growing plants, they aid in all growth processes including maturation and ripening. After maturity, continued activity of enzymes can cause undesirable changes in color, flavor and texture. Enzymes that cause these undesirable changes are destroyed during heat processing of foods.</definition>
                                  <image src="Flash_pictures/tn/tn_mouth.png" title="Mouth" url="Flash_pictures/mouth.png" />
                        <definition>Gain in oxygen or loss of electrons. Acid Foods: Foods containing natural acids, those that had vinegar added to them or those produced by controlled microbial fermentation are classified as acid foods. This food group includes fruits, tomatoes, pickles, sauerkraut and relishes. Because microorganisms do not thrive in acid, these foods can be safely processed in a water bath canner at 212 F (100 C) </definition>
                                  <image src="Flash_pictures/tn/tn_mouth.png" title="Mouth" url="Flash_pictures/mouth.png" />
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
                                  Before tomatoes enter the plant, they must be graded for quality. The quality of the tomatoes on a truckload determines how much the producer gets paid. Only grade A/B tomatoes will be used in canning. Grade C tomatoes may be used for other types of tomato food products such as juice or salsa.
                                  <![CDATA[ Tomato Grading
    <p>Enzymes The quality grade of a tomato is based on 3 things: size, ripeness and defects. This step is only an average of the quality for the whole truck so the producer can be fairly paid. Later, every tomato will be graded both by machine and by hand before being processed.
    <p>Minimum quality requirements must be met to continue processing or you risk the final canned product getting recalled by the USDA. The estimated Grade quality for the truck is not sufficient enough. Each tomato is graded for redness by a machine where tomatoes that are too green are siphoned off for juice production. Tomatoes are also evaluated by hand so that any broken fruit can be discarded. Broken fruit will jam up the machinery and not peel properly.</p>
    <p> Now it is your turn to practice grading tomatoes in order to determine how much to pay the producer!
    1.          Take a sample of tomatoes from 3 different spots in the truckload. <br/>2.          Give each separate sample a grade of A/B, or C. <br/>3.          Then average the 3 samples together to determine how much to pay you producer and decide what finished product to use the tomatoes for.
                                  <![CDATA[<br/> <br/> <br/> How would you grade this truck?</p>]]>
                                  <a>Grade A</a>
                                  <b>Grade B</b>
                                  <c>Grade C</c>
                        <image src="Flash_pictures/tn/tn_mouth.png" title="Mouth" url="Flash_pictures/mouth.png" />
    function loadXML():void
              XMLLoader.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, xmlLoadComplete);
              XMLDataRequest = new URLRequest(XMLFiles[XMLFilesPointer]);
    function xmlLoadComplete(e:Event):void
              XMLLoader.removeEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, xmlLoadComplete);
              var xmlData = XML(e.target.data);
              //distinguish between both xml types
              xmlData.ignoreWhitespace = true;
              if (xmlData.actInstructions != undefined)
              {//if instructions node exists, then it is instructions xml
                        trace('instructions xml file');
                        for (var b = 0; b < xmlData.actInstructions.length(); b++)
                                  instructionsArray.push({name:xmlData.actInstructions[b].name.text(), boxtext:xmlData.actInstructions[b].boxtext.text(), instructions: xmlData.actInstructions[b].instructions.text(), question: xmlData.actInstructions[b].question.text(), image: xmlData.actInstructions[b].visualAids.text(), video: xmlData.actInstructions[b].video.text() });
              if (xmlData.allWords != undefined)
              {//if movie node exists, then it is dictionary xml
                        trace('dictionary xml file');
                        for (var n = 0; n < xmlData.allWords.length(); n++)
                                  dictionaryArray.push({word: xmlData.allWords[n].word.text(), definition: xmlData.allWords[n].definition.text(), image: xmlData.allWords[n].visualAids.text() });
              if (XMLFilesPointer < XMLFiles.length)
    //build display and add text
    var words:Array = instructionsArray[MA].instructions.split(/\s+/);
    var highlight:TextFormat = new TextFormat("Arial",14,0xff0000,null,true);
    var dictionaryTimer:Timer = new Timer(100,dictionaryArray.length-1);
    dictionaryTimer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, onTimer);
    function onTimer(e:TimerEvent):void
              var re:RegExp = new RegExp("\\b"+words[dictionaryTimer.currentCount]+"\\b", "gi");
              var result:Object = re.exec(instructionsArray[MA].instructions);
              while (result)
                        textbox.setTextFormat(highlight, result.index, result.index+words[dictionaryTimer.currentCount].length);
                        result = re.exec(instructionsArray[MA].instructions);
    instructionsFormat.font = tomatoBasefont.fontName;
                                  instructionsFormat.size = 14;
                                  textbox.defaultTextFormat = instructionsFormat;
                                  textbox.multiline = true;
                                  textbox.htmlText = instructionsArray[MA].instructions;
                                  textbox.width = 778;
                                  textbox.height = 340;
                                  //Testing Dictionary Search START
                                  //Search instructions for words in dictionaryArray
                                  dictionaryTimer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, onTimer);
                                  //Testing Dictionary Search END
                                  i_MC.x = 180;
                                  i_MC.y = 160;
                                  i_MC.name = "instructionBox";
                                  // Shadow Gray color;
                                  // x, y, width, height, ellipseW, ellipseH;
                                  qbkg_shadow.graphics.drawRoundRect(10, 10, 788, 351, 20, 20);
                                  // Purple Box color;
                                  // x, y, width, height, ellipseW, ellipseH;
                                  qbkg.graphics.drawRoundRect(0, 0, 788, 351, 20, 20);
                                  xClose.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, mouseClickHandler);
                                  xClose.x = 750;
                                  xClose.y = 2;

    And here is a "workable solution" - an example of how to deal with it.
    This class creates roll overs and tooltips for the search term.
    A lot of this code is based on what we discussed before - nothing really new.
    Just place this class in to FLA directory and make this class a Document Class in Flash IDE. I don't like Flash IDE and coding on the timeline - so it is up to you to translate it into  timeline code. Some aspects are commented in the code.
              import flash.display.Sprite;
              import flash.events.MouseEvent;
              import flash.geom.Rectangle;
              import flash.text.TextField;
              import flash.text.TextFormat;
              public class TextRollOverExample extends Sprite
                        private var highlight:TextFormat = new TextFormat("Arial", 14, 0xff0000, null, true, true);
                        private var originalText:String;
                        private var tf:TextField;
                        private var inputField:TextField;
                        private var termBoundaries:Vector.<Rectangle>;
                        private var _searchTerm:String;
                        private var tipText:TextField;
                        public function TextRollOverExample()
                        private function init():void
                                  originalText = "I have a textfield that I am reading the content in from a XML file.  Is there a way to search said textfield for a certain word from an Array?  For Ex.  if I have a paragraph of text in the textfield and I want to search the textfield for a word that is in an array like 'The' and underline every instance of the word can I do that?";
                                  tf = new TextField();
                                  tf.defaultTextFormat = new TextFormat("Arial", 12);
                                  tf.multiline = tf.wordWrap = true;
                                  tf.width = 300;
                                  tf.autoSize = "left";
                                  tf.text = originalText;
                                  tf.x = tf.y = 50;
                                  searchTerm = "textfield";
                        private function set searchTerm(term:String):void
                                  _searchTerm = term;
                                  var re:RegExp = new RegExp(term, "gi");
                                  var result:Object = re.exec(originalText);
                                  termBoundaries = new Vector.<Rectangle>();
                                  while (result)
                                            tf.setTextFormat(highlight, result.index, result.index + term.length);
                                            // get term boundaries and push them into collection of all related boundaries
                                            termBoundaries.push(tf.getCharBoundaries(result.index).union(tf.getCharBoundaries(result.index + term.length)));
                                            result = re.exec(originalText);
                        private function drawHotSpots():void
                                  // create hot spots for all
                                  for each (var rect:Rectangle in termBoundaries)
                                            hotSpot = rect;
                        private function set hotSpot(rect:Rectangle):void
                                  var s:Sprite = new Sprite();
                                  s.buttonMode = s.useHandCursor = true;
                                  s.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, onHotSpotInteraction);
                                  s.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, onHotSpotInteraction);
                                  s.graphics.beginFill(0xff0000, 0);
                                  s.graphics.drawRect(0, 0, rect.width, rect.height);
                                  // position hotspot over corresponding word
                                  s.x = tf.x + rect.x;
                                  s.y = tf.y + rect.y;
                        private function onHotSpotInteraction(e:MouseEvent):void
                                  switch (e.type)
                                            case MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER:
                                                      drawTooltip(_searchTerm, Sprite(e.currentTarget));
                                            case MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT:
                        private function drawTooltip(term:String, target:Sprite):void
                                  tipText = new TextField();
                                  tipText.defaultTextFormat = new TextFormat("Arial", 11, 0x008000);
                                  tipText.width = 100;
                                  tipText.border = true;
                                  tipText.background = true;
                                  tipText.borderColor = 0x808080;
                                  tipText.autoSize = "left";
                                  tipText.multiline = tipText.wordWrap = true;
                                  tipText.text = "This thingy describes what " + term + " is.";
                                  tipText.x = target.x;
                                  tipText.y = target.y + target.height + 2;
                        private function killToolTip():void
                                  if (tipText)
                                            if (this.contains(tipText))
                                            tipText = null;

  • Odd difference between shadow and highlight clipping

    A newly imported RAW file I started to process shows what I thought to be odd behaviour when the shadow clipping button was pressed ; initially the trunk of a tree in deep shadow showed large areas of shadow clipping , and was so mostly blue .
    Then , when the Fill Light slider was pulled across from 0 to say 30 , the blue colour indicating shadow clipping started to disappear , and definite detail started to appear . Examination at 300% shows that differentiated pixels appear directly from the blue ones , and aren`t just adjacent to the blue originally .
    I thought that shadow clipping was exactly analogous to highlight clipping , and that pixel info had been permanently lost from these areas , with RGB;0:0:0 , just like blown highlights .
    So is the shadow clipping indication an absolute measurement , or is it somehow relative , and if so to what ? Anyone able to suggest the underlying mechanism and any answers ? Thanks in advance .
    Nikon D70 NEFs into XP on an Athlon XP 2200 with 1 GB RAM .

    The clipping (shadows and highlights) indicates clipping in the current rendering, not in the RAW data. If the "RAW" data is a JPEG, you can't recover highlights, just shadows. If the "RAW" data is a RAW, you can't tell from the clipping indicators if the RAW data is clipped or not. You may be able to recover using the develop tools.

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    When I try open a .pdf file my Adobe Reader 11 only allows the download / save opening the related window and don't show me both options 1) open with ... and 2) save as.... probably someone flagged the choise... always perform this way ....
    Could some one give help and let me know where I can probably find the settings option that allows me to change and switch to previous situation where it was possible to decide time to time how to proceed either opening the file or saving it ??
    Thanks in advance

    What is your operating system?
    Open a PDF from where?  If online, in what browser?

  • Normally when I go to a website the site automatically opens, now with the updated Firefox I have to go to the http: line and highlight and turn arrow to red. Why?

    The website shows on the bottom line with other websites visited, but will not open automatically, I have to go up to the mozilla.com toolbar and highlight the website and then go to the arrow and highlight it so that it turns red. Uses a lot of extra time.

    You may have a user agent that is corrupted.
    See also:

  • JTable and clipboard...

    Hi all!
    I'm trying to copy data from JTable to system clipboard. Here's my code that is
    supposed to do that except it doesn't work. Nothing happens. The system is
    Windows, rigth click invokes menu with only one position - COPY, which is served
    by a appopriate ActionListener. I want to copy entire table (all data):
    private class NotEditableTable extends JTable
    NotEditableTable(Object[][] data, Object[] columnNames)
    super(data, columnNames);
    NotEditableTableEngine nete = new NotEditableTableEngine();
    public boolean isCellEditable(int row, int column)
    return false;
    private class NotEditableTableEngine extends MouseAdapter implements ActionListener
    public void mouseReleased(MouseEvent e)
    if (e.isPopupTrigger())
    JPopupMenu menu = new JPopupMenu();
    JMenuItem menuitem = new JMenuItem(Lang.TABLE_COPY, new ImageIcon("res/Copy16.gif"));
    menu.show(NotEditableTable.this, e.getX(), e.getY());
    public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
    TransferHandler th = new TransferHandler(null);
    Clipboard clip = NotEditableTable.this.getToolkit().getSystemClipboard();
    th.exportToClipboard(NotEditableTable.this, clip, TransferHandler.COPY);

    I also tried the code above with a simple JTextField, both with text selected and not.Did my sample code use the TransferHandler??? The simple way to do it for a JTextField would be
    Clipboard c = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getSystemClipboard();
    StringSelection testData = new StringSelection( textField.getText );
    //StringSelection testData = new StringSelection( textField.getSelectedText );
    c.setContents(testData, testData);
    As for the table I said that the Ctrl-C KeyStroke will invoke the default Action to copy selected data from the JTable to the Clipboard. This can be tested manually by simply using Ctrl-C. If you want to invoke it in your program then you need to get the corresponding Action from the JTable and invoke the ActionPerformed method of the Action. You can try using the
    getActionForKeyStroke(...) method of JComponent to get the Action.

  • I cannot change song order on playlist with highlight and drag. I have turned off shuffle and highlighted the far left column( up/down arrow) of playlist. My mac pro is running 10.5.8  and am using itunes 10.4.

    I cannot change song order on playlists (old or new) with highlight and drag. I have turned off shuffle and highlighted the far left column (up/down arrow) of playlist. My mac pro is running 10.5.8  and am using itunes 10.4. I can't drag and drop "music" to "playlist" but can right click and get the option to "add to playlist." No such option for moving song within playlist, only the up and down arrow which moves song from top to bottom list, so if it is #4 from top it will move to #4 from bottom. Stupid I know. I spent over an hour with Apple support, reinstalled itunes, restarted and rebooted computer. Networked with my laptop which is running 10.6.8 and itunes 10.4 and it can drag and drop. The final Apple support solution was to reinstall my operating system. I would prefer not to. Any other ideas?

    After looking at other people's posts, I think it's official: there is a bug. Itunes support said I should not have lost the drag/drop tool and I haven't on the laptop that is running itunes 10.4 and operating system 10.6.8. I chatted with someboby who lost both his drag/drop and side scroll and what we have in common is a wacom tablet for a mouse. My laptop is a wireless mouse. I reinstalled whatever updated driver that wacom has out there, shut the system down for night, hoping for magic, but alas none to be had. So if I want to change song order, I network the laptop and desktop, share the screen on the laptop, drag and drop to my heart's content and curse Apple for making me work this hard to find the tool that was once at my fingertips. Apple also let me know that if I want to share songs in household that the hundreds on songs that were purchased for .99 need to be repurchased for another .30. Maybe Apple is holding my drag/drop tool captive til I pay up the money or Maybe the next update will fix the problem, I for one give up for now.

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    I did not change any settings.
    I also tried removing the battery
    Any ideas?

    Yes very.. it just seem to start happening.. It was notifying and highlighting before today I thought

  • Retrieving data from a relational table and CLOB as a whole XML file

    I created the table lob_example and I have managed to insert XML document into it using XML SQL Utility. In this document I put contents of <DESCRIPTION> tag into CDATA section.
    Name Null? Type
    But I could not retrieve this data properly. I can think of only one solution - to parse and build the whole XMLDocument. I found the suggestion of another solution to use Oracle8i views to do that in http://technet.oracle.com/tech/xml/infoocs/otnwp/about_oracle_xml_products.htm, but this text is not clear enough for me.
    I would like to quote the fragment from document mentioned above, which is ambiguous for me:
    "Combining XML Documents and Data Using Views
    Finally, if you have a combination of structured and unstructured XML data, but still want to view and operate on it as a whole, you can use Oracle8i views. Views enable you to construct an object on the "fly" by combining XML data stored in a variety of ways. So, you can store structured data (such as employee data, customer data, and so on) in one location within object -relational tables, and store related unstructured data (such as descriptions and comments) within a CLOB. When you need to retrieve the data as a whole, you simply construct the structure from the various pieces of data with the use of type constructors in the view's select statement. The XML SQL Utility then enables retrieving the constructed data from the view as a single XML document."
    The main question is - how to use type constructors in the view's select statement?

    Sorry for asking the same question again, but any responses would be greatly appreciated.
    How to use type constructors in the view's select statement?
    I could not find any answers for this question on Technet. Maybe the other approaches are more efficient to combine the part of data from CLOB with data from other column types?
    Thank you

  • Creating Electronic Binders Using PDF Portfolio - Commenting and Highlighting

    For a few years now I have been using Portfolios to create electronic versions of binders.  Users want to be able to review, search, highlight and comment within the PDFs - and each have a copy with their comments.  Security is also a big deal.  My main question is:  Is using Adobe Portfolios the best solution for making an electronic binder, or does Adobe or another vendor offer a better one?  Recently I saw a product called GDoc Binder that looks promising.  For now using the Portfolios is the best solution I know of.
    Problems with the current solution:  Right now I have to create multiple copies of the document to allow users to comment and highlight on their own copy.  File size can be problematic - if it's too big searching can take a long time even after I index the file.  Updating and adding sections is problematic since if you update a page or file you could lose their comments, and so I have to update multiple copies of the same file.  I know you can export and import comments but that can be complex/time consuming. One question I have: Is there a search and/or report on comments and highlights from the full Portfolio rather than just one at a time?
    Since Adobe Pro X I have had to use a custom template from PracticalPDF.com to recreate the list navigation of Adobe Pro 9. I did see another post saying that the use of Flash with Portfolios mean that it's day are numbered. Question: I am curious if this is true, and if Portfolios using Flash are becoming obsolete, what Adobe Pro would use for an alternative?
    Thank you in advance for any insight and answers - it is greatly appreciated.

    Take a look at the free 'CoolList' layout from Joel Geraci : http://blog.practicalpdf.com/portfolios/

  • How can I resize a pdf page content with annotations and highlights in Acrobat Pro?

    How can I resize a pdf page content with annotations and highlights in Acrobat Pro while maintaining page size and annotation/highlight interactivity? I've tried to use the crop tool in Acrobat Pro (9) and the page does resize, but the highlights and annotations go all over the place. I specifically need to scale the page content smaller (83%) but maintain page size and annotation/highlight to content connection and interactivity.

    An old trick (not recommended) would be to print to a new PDF with the page size selected but a scaling of the content. Only print the document, not the markup, to a new PDF. Close that PDF when done and reopen the old one (or maybe a copy of the old one for safety) and use Document Replace pages and select the new document to replace your current pages. You will then have to go back through the markup to locate it all correctly. There may be a more elegant way, but this may be the fastest.

  • Order-related billing and Dlv-related Billing in single Invoice

    Say in a single order or order type say OR there can be two materials with different item categories say TAN and ZTAN.
    TAN with billing relevance as A( delivery related billing) and ZTAN with billing relevance as B (order related billing )
    If that happens the billing will be split
    In VOV8 we mention for OR the order related billing as F1 and delivery related billing as F2 in the billing tab
    Now in billing TAN will pick F2 as it is delivery related billing
    ZTAN will pick F1 as it is order related billing.
    Now my question:
    In VOV8, i maintained OR order type for Order-realted Billing as F2 and Delivery-related Billing as F2 as well.
    Then will there still be an billing split ?   There will be two F2 invoices TAN will pick one F2 invoice and ZTAN will pick another F2 invoice...?
    And i want to know whether this an right way of doing things??   IF not, what is the right way of doing things?
    Thank you very much.

    Yes that is the right way.
    You can create Single Invoice for Order Related Items & Delivery Related Items.
    E.g. You are Selling Air Conditioner & also installing the same at Customer Location. Now you will Invoice the Customer for Air Conditioner & Installation in the same Billing Correct? Now Air Conditioner is Delivery Related Billing & Installation is Order Related Billing.
    It is in such scenario Order Releted & Delivery Related Items can be Invoiced in same Billing Document.
    While create Invoice enter the Delivery Number & the Sales Order Number, select both the LIne Items & Execute... You will see the system will pick items from both Order & Delivery.
    Hope this helps,
    Jignesh Mehta

  • JTable and ResultSet TableModel with big resultset

    Hi, I have a question about JTable and a ResultSet TableModel.
    I have to develop a swing JTable application that gets the data from a ResultSetTableModel where the user can update the jtable data.
    The problem is the following:
    the JTable have to contain the whole data of the source database table. Currently I have defined a
    The problem is that when I execute the query the whole ResultSet is "downloaded" on the client side application (my jtable) and I could receive (with big resultsets) an "out of memory error"...
    I have investigate about the possibility of load (in the client side) only a small subset of the resultset but with no luck. In the maling lists I see that the only way to load the resultset incrementally is to define a forward only resultset with autocommit off, and using setFetchSize(...). But this solution doesn't solve my problem because if the user scrolls the entire table, the whole resultset will be downloaded...
    In my opinion, there is only one solution:
    - create a small JTable "cache structure" and update the structure with "remote calls" to the server ...
    in other words I have to define on the server side a "servlet environment" that queries the database, creates the resultset and gives to the jtable only the data subsets that it needs... (alternatively I could define an RMI client/server distribuited applications...)
    This is my solution, somebody can help me?
    Are there others solutions for my problem?
    Thanks in advance,

    The database table currently is about 80000 rows but the next year will be 200000 and so on ...
    I know that excel has this limit but my JTable have to display more data than a simple excel work sheet.
    I explain in more detail my solution:
    whith a distribuited TableModel the whole tablemodel data are on the server side and not on the client (jtable).
    The local JTable TableModel gets the values from a local (limited, 1000rows for example) structure, and when the user scroll up and down the jtable the TableModel updates this structure...
    For example: initially the local JTable structure contains the rows from 0 to 1000;
    the user scroll down, when the cell 800 (for example) have to be displayed the method:
    is called.
    This method will update the table structure. Now, for example, the table structure will contain data for example from row 500 to row 1500 (the data from 0 to 499 are deleted)
    In this way the local table model dimension will be indipendent from the real database table dimension ...
    I hope that my solution is more clear now...
    under these conditions the only solutions that can work have to implement a local tablemodel with limited dimension...
    Another solution without servlet and rmi that I have found is the following:
    update the local limited tablemodel structure quering the database server with select .... limit ... offset
    but, the select ... limit ... offset is very dangerous when the offset is high because the database server have to do a sequential scan of all previuous records ...
    with servlet (or RMI) solution instead, the entire resultset is on the server and I have only to request the data from the current resultset from row N to row N+1000 without no queries...

  • HIGHLIGHTING WORDS AND DICTIONARIES SUPPORT - Search and highlight words in the PDF documents

    One of the things that Adobe people don't understand very well, is they focus and focus and focus constantly in adding new "cool" features to the product... as more flash support... etc. etc.
    But Adobe still pending to make easier the life of people that work with tons and literally tons of PDF documents.
    Students, researchers, law professors, academics... they all need a solution to search and highlight in different colors, for certain words in a lot of documents.
    So here we have a challenge for the Adobe folks.
    Let's imagine you are working in a Law Office, ok? (you're lawyer, not programmer)
    You have a trial tomorrow...
    The trial is about robbery (for example)
    Now you are looking for Jurisprudence (other similar cases that were judged before)...
    And let's imagine you have a folder with 200 cases in 200 PDF files, talking about robbery, between the years 2005-2009
    Now, let's imagine you are interested to search the words:
    How do you do that Adobe folks?
    Reading the 200 documents? one by one, having to drink all the ink of the documents, line by line...
    Or, could you, please, allow Adobe Acrobat 10 can handle dictionaries of words, and allow the users, to search and highlight those words in folder of PDF documents.
    Of course!!! you'll tell me, oh, you can accomplish a search of the desired words and Acrobat will search them for you in a lot of documents in a folder...
    And I'll reply you! oh! that is not enough!
    And do you know why?
    Just simpley because I need to see all the information highlighted in a context...
    If I see the word CRIME in red close to FAILURE... also in red I can see that something wrong is happening with that trial, for example...
    Do you understand now that searching single words in a lot of documents is not enough, and you have to improve URGENTLY this feature?
    Highlighting the words the users need to search in a folder of documents, allow INTENSIVE RESEARCH AND SAVE HOURS AND DAYS AND EVEN MONTHS OF HARD WORK TO THE USERS.
    In that way, you don't have to read the whole document, you just go directly to the highlighted parts.
    I've been submitting this feature since Adobe Acrobat 6!!!! No one in Adobe listened to me!!!
    I sincerely don't know why these forums are opened, must be an idea of someone from marketing, because finally, Adobe don't implement any specification from the users.
    I am absolutely sure, Adobe folks will present the 10 version as something pretty cool, with more flash support and more graphic stuff.
    But, as always, withouth helping the real people that work extensively with large amounts of documents.
    So I hope, Sirs, Madams of Adobe, please, now yes, you give support to this feature once and for all !!!

    Adobe does listen to users, but it listens to 10 users more frequently than 1 user. It listens to 1000 users more frequently than 10. Get everyone you know that works for lawyers to post the request in the Adobe wish form (where Adobe tabulates user requests).
    Then maybe it will appear in Acrobat 11. If it is not in Acrobat 10 by now it is probably too late in the upgrade cycle for it to get in.

  • Is it possible to have 2 mail programmes on my macbook pro? one for business related emails and one personal. I dont want all the emails in one mail programme!

    Is it possible to have 2 mail programmes on my macbook pro? one for business related emails and one personal. I dont want all the emails in one mail programme. At the moment i have 2 personal email address being sent to my mail but because of receiving huge numbers of work emails it would be good to keep them seperate, what is the best way of doing this?

    if i use the one mail programme can it separate the incoming mail from the different email accounts into 2 folders without me having to do it manually?
    Yes, you can.  Nearly all email software can do this.  It involves creating two folders and a Rule for each folder.
    Maybe call one folder Personal Mail, the other Work Mail (Apple Mail calls folders Mailboxes).  One Rule would route all mail from your personal email account into the Personal Mail folder; the other Rule would route all mail from your work email account into the Work Mail folder.  It's actually easy to do, all you have to do is click a few things and the rule is set up.  Once the Rule is written you can also apply it to existing messages already downloaded to your Mac.
    In Apple Mail, Rules are under Preferences > Rules.  Follow the prompts to create a rule like this:
    If = Any
    Account = my Personal account (select the name of your personal email account)
    Perform the following actions: Move Message to Mailbox = my Personal Mail (select the name of your Personal Mail folder (aka mailbox))
    This rule says,  "take any message that comes in from my Personal Account and move it to my Personal Mail mailbox (folder)"
    Create a similar rule for your Work email.

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