2-way sync problem

have an iPhone 3G and an iMac (one before new model). The main issue is that when I delete an item in my iPhone calendar it does not delete in iCal when synced and thus puts the item back onto the iPhone. So, iPhone to iCal is not working, the reverse does. It's a pain to make changes to the iPhone when I'm on the go and then have to do the same to iCal later on before I sync so that I don't get everything back again.
Any thoughts on this?

amalgamate your data on google calendars.

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    Does anyone know how to get it to sync from phone to pc?
    Thanks for your suggestions..

    When you create the calendar entry on the phone are you creating as a entry for the Gmail account associated with the Google Calendar or are you creating it for the phone only?
    Usually at the very top of the "create new event" there is a line telling you what calendar you are creating the event in.

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    Contacted Bell Mobility support, who advised to wipe the Blackberry. This resolved the issue.

  • ICal Print List Hang / Font Issue / Sync Problems...

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    Sync Problems...
    Regarding the Syncing problems, you can find an ongoing thread about @ http://forums.markspace.com/viewtopic.php?t=1632
    In short, some of us are having issues with events syncing to our Palm to the wrong timezone, causing them to be an hour off (usually within the new & old DST date change). Yes, all the usual fixes have been tried - pls read the thread noting "adairnet" and ymatto" postings.
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    Print List Hang...
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    Font Problems...
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    But the Console is displaying another string of messages every time the Print List proceedure hangs up which I cannot figure out...
    2007-04-24 16:24:54.151 iCal[28975] NSATSGlyphStorage inconsistency. Cannot find run storage for character range {138 67} for CTRun 0xDBE87D0. Ignoring the run...
    2007-04-24 16:24:55.175 iCal[28975] -[NSMutableStringProxyForMutableAttributedString replaceOccurrencesOfString:withString:options:range:] called with out-of-bounds range. For apps linked on Tiger this will raise an exception. For earlier apps it will produce this one-time warning and continue with existing behavior (which is undefined).
    2007-04-24 16:24:55.176 iCal[28975] * NSThread: ignoring exception '* -[NSMutableStringProxyForMutableAttributedString replaceOccurrencesOfString:withString:options:range:]: Range or index out of bounds' that raised during delayed perform of target 0xdde58d0 and selector 'renderPreview'
    So, all of this is causing me to wonder if the iCal or SyncServices database is corrupt. Is there a way to dig into the iCal db and check for corruption &/or fix it?
    Or does anybody have any further suggestions on any of these issues?

    The SyncServices folder should be avoided like "a swarm of bees". This article discusses some of the issues that can arise when the SyncServices folder is deleted or modified:
    Data loss and Data corruption can result from deleting or modifying the SyncServices folder, and that data loss or corruption can be propogated to devices, .Mac, and other applications that sync with SyncServices.
    If you have isolated an issue with the other steps in your post, I would recomend speaking with AppleCare before removing that folder.
    Hope this helps,
    Nathan C.

  • Ipod syncing problems...?

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    - See:      
    iPod touch: Hardware troubleshooting
    - Try another cable. Some 5G iPods were shipped with Lightning cable that were either initially defective or failed after short use.
    - Try another charging source
    - Inspect the dock connector on the iPod for bent or missing contacts, foreign material, corroded contacts, broken, missing or cracked plastic.
    - Make an appointment at the Genius Bar of an Apple store.
    Apple Retail Store - Genius Bar                          

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    I checked out the article and not much help, thanks anyway.
    Would it make a difference if I purchased Adobe Photo Album or would I still be stuck with changing and saving files to .bmp extensions? I have Adobe Photoshop album starter but still have to change file extensions.
    If someone has a solution to this problem I would really be greatfull. I did contact Dell as this is a brand new computer and that was a wash. They did give me a number for Apple but of course I bought the iPod off of ebay and has no warranty on it so unless I pay a fee I'm not calling. It just blows my mind that Microsoft and Apple can't or won't come up with a fix. But I guess when Microsoft wants you to buy the Zune or Apple wants you to buy the overpriced Macintosh why would they waste time on having there products compatible with each other.

  • 2014 Sync problems on iPod classic / Please help!! 2014

    Hello community!
    I really need some help with this problem I am having... I have done some research for the past few days on my own but nothing I have found has helped.
    First some specs on my device...
    iPod Classic: 80 GB (I believe this is iPod with video, assumed on the fact that it supports movie syncs)
    iPod software version: 1.1.2 (up to date according to iTunes)
    Formatted for Windows
    Syncing to Dell Inspiron with Windows 7
    iTunes updated to current version (11.4)
    I had much mof my music library uploaded onto my iPod for quite sometime. (close to 14,000 songs synced at 192 kbps) I often like to put my iPod on shuffle and just listen to whatever comes on, but here and there I will skip songs until something I am in the mood for comes on... I began to notice that my iPod was freezing (ON THE DISPLAY ONLY!!! Playback through speakers continued) when I would skip through songs... Once the screen dimmed however, I could once again skip to the next song. I figured this was a problem concerning corrupted files or something similar. These are the steps I took..
    1.) Updated iTunes to version 11.4 and checked for further updates
    2.) ATTEMPTED to check disk within Windows (was unsuccessful and heard the iPod making a lot of 'clicking' noises from within the casing)
    3.) Performed an iPod restore within iTunes
    4.) Performed a check disk within Windows and recovered any bad sectors (SUCCESSFUL)
    5.) Selected 'Music' sync and the option for 'Entire music library'
    6.) UNCHECKED 'Include music videos'
    7.) Reconfigured settings as they were before and made slight changes..
         a.) Checked 'Open iTunes when this iPod is connected'
         b.) Checked 'Sync only checked songs and videos'
         c.) Checked 'Convert higher bit rate songs to '192 kbps' AAC'
         d.) Unchecked 'Manually manage music and videos'
         e.) Unchecked 'Enable disk use'
    8.) Began a sync on my iPod... With well over 10,000 songs I knew this was going to be a lengthy process.. I left computer unattended..
    When I returned to my computer, iTunes was unresponsive... The only way I could get iTunes to show was to minimize a Window on top of iTunes. iTunes states 'Syncing iPod... Do not disconnect' but does not show a rolling progress bar.. I cannot cancel sync, I cannot eject iPod, I cannot close iTunes...
    I attempt to eject iPod device through windows, UNSUCCESSFUL (Cannot unmount generic volume while the device is in use)
    I 'Ctrl+Alt+Dlt' to Task Manager and End Program 'iTunes' UNSUCCESSFUL..
    I End Process 'iTunes.exe *32' and eject iPod through Windows SUCCESSFUL
    When the iPod displayed 'OK to disconnect with load bar, I disconnected the device.
    As soon as this bar was full iPod IMMEDIATELY rebooted completely and powered back up with only 20 songs synced. (Frustration ensues)
    Confused and thinking maybe my screen saver caused an interruption during the sync, I changed screen saver and power saving options to eliminate any possible interruption, REPEATED STEPS 3-8 ABOVE, and started sync again.. Left computer unattended
    Again, coming back to computer much later, iTunes was in the same unresponsive state. Closed iTunes and began looking for answers on the internet. Any and all answers I found stated I should restore iPod, update iTunes, run diagnostics tests, etc., etc...
    All of which I had done EXCEPT for running a diagnostics test..
    Running a diagnostics test: I ran only the tests concerned with 'Device Connectivity' and 'Device sync' tests.. Here are the very interesting results I yielded from these tests...
    Device Connectivity Test:
    Support services:
         'iPod support service is running.' Status: GREEN
         'iTunes Helper is running.' Status: GREEN
         'Apple Mobile Device is running.' Status: GREEN
         'USB ports verified.' Status: GREEN
         'No FireWire (IEEE 1394) ports found.' Status: GREEN
         'iPod found.' Status GREEN
    Device Sync Tests
         No iPod touch, iPhone, or iPad found. Status: RED
    I am at a loss, I realize that Apple has discontinued the iPod Classic but does that mean iTunes will no longer support these devices!?
    And if ANYONE has ANY suggestions for possible steps I can take to regain syncing privileges to my iPod once again, please let me know!
    Also, I have diagnostics test results saved on my desktop and available to post if required!
    Thank you for any and all help!

    I made several adjustments to my sync options and made some progress and am now trying to sync in 'stages' as I like to think of them.
    Here is what I did:
    1.) Under 'Music' tab in 'My iPod' options I opted to sync 'Selected playlists, artists, albums, and genres'
    2.) Selected a small portion of tunes I know I want on my iPod (ended up being close to 3,500 songs.
    3.) Under 'Summary' tab I unchecked the 'Sync only checked songs and videos' box
    4.) Unchecked 'Convert higher bit rate songs to ___ AAC'
    5.) Checked 'Enable disk use'
    6.) Ran a SUCCESSFUL sync!
    I am now running a sync keeping the same adjustments in place and have added 6,556 songs. (SYNC IN PROGRESS)
    I am wondering if trying to convert that many songs to a lower bit rate is causing sync problems and it appears as if I am at least making progress on this. HOWEVER, I really prefer to decrease the bit rate on my songs so I may fit more on my iPod... Usually most of the files I have in iTunes are at 320 kbps with a select few at 192 kbps. I would like to make everything the way it was before my first iPod restore.. 192 kbps, but this also seems to be the cause of the sync problems I am having? Anyone else have a comment on this?
    Thanks again

  • Syncing Problems - Worried about losing all my data

    Wife and I each have an iphone 3GS running latest version of iTunes in 10.5.8. Never had syncing problems previously. We haven't synced for a month. Tonight, I plug my wife's in and it asks to update software. I proceed and then after it tries, it says there was a problem updating software. I don't have time to problem shoot, so I sync hers and then plug mine in.
    When I plug mine in, instead of recognizing my phone and all its content, it says an iphone has previously been synced with this computer and asks if I want to restore from back up or format (not the word they use, but can't remember) it as a new iphone. So, if I format it, I lose all my info and if I restore from a back up, I lose all the calendar entries I've made and applications I've purchased since the last sync which was a month ago.
    Why is it not recognizing my phone as current? What can I do?
    I tried resetting the phone. I don't want to do anything else that's going to make me lose all my updates from the past month. Please help!

    If there is any data left on the phone you didn't back up on your mac, try to do a manual backup. Disable autosync in itunes, connect your phone, right click on it in the device list and choose "Backup"
    See what the backup contains here: http://support.apple.com/kb/HT1766
    Transfer your purchases the same way.
    If your phone is not recognized, try to connect in recovery mode: http://support.apple.com/kb/HT1808

  • Syncing problems won't go away

    I have an annoying problem with my new computer. Whenever I want to add songs that I purchased from itunes to my ipod and connect it to my laptop, it requests I choose to erase and sync or to add my ipod songs to my library, either way it's a disaster. And it goes through all of my 700 songs just to add my few purchased ones. Which still doesn't always work. Trying to upload cd songs onto my ipod is a nightmare too.
    I am sick of this, I have been dealing with missing music (My library is totally empty) and this syncing problem from the moment I got this laptop.
    PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I've been trying to syncronize my Ipod with some new music uploaded into itunes and it keeps prompting me with the same message "attempting to copy to the disk "VICTOR JAV" failed. An unknown error occurred (-69).
    Is there something else that i need to do? I tried to restore the company settings but its not working either. Could you please provide me with a solution since it is kind of frustrating.
    On the other hand, How can i upload movies into my iPod? never been able to do this.

  • Desktop Software for MAC allows only two way sync

    I want help with the Blackberry desktop software for MAc. I am able to synce my phone, however there is no way in which I can do a one-way sync  - replacing all the data on the mac with the data of the phone...
    please let me kniw if there is any way of doing that

    Isn't it simply because of the known problem with iCloud sync enabled?
    This operation makes the address book and calendar(s) invisible to BBDM as the data files are "removed" from the Mac and put "in the cloud"...
    Several posts are documenting the problem and suggest some alternatives or work around (by disabling iCloud).
    Look on the forum for additional details.
    Please don't forget to mark as "solved" if your question is replied and to "like" a useful reply to your post ;-)

  • Sync problems with outlook 2007 calender

    I am new in this type of comms.
    BUT: I have a Palm Tungsten T5; have Palm Desktop 6.2.2 with the update for Windows7.
    I have a sync problem with outlook 2007 calender; contacts, ToDo, memos all ok.
    HotSynLog says: there are multi-day repeating records. [i knew that they do not sync, hence i deleted them PRIOR to syncing]
    I found the listed records BUT either on dif days and they are "no timed" ones! and NOT multi-days ones.
    I deleted them anyway - did a re-sync. With no different result. Still listed - though deleted and now non-existent.
    Error code: OLERR: 03-000F (0xaf604005) and others - if this means anything.
    Post relates to: Palm TX

    I receive email on my device from two addresses: 1) @sprint.blackberry.net and 2) @charter.net.  When I was having problems similar to those you are experiencing, I had these two addresses listed under Default Services - Calendar (CICAl) - Messaging (CMIME).  These addresses were @sprint.blacberry.net and @charter.net. Once I followed the steps previously referenced, only one email address(@sprint.blackberry.net) appeared under the (CICAI) and (CMMIE) default setting.  Reference to @charter.net was removed.  My syncs have worked correctly since then; however, I only two way synce with the device and Outlooks.  I also continue to get emails from both addresses without a problem.
    If you don't mind giving up the Yahoo calendar, I would do the same.  If you want to continue using the Yahoo calendar, I'm guessing that it must be selected in the Default Services - Calendar (CICAI) before performing a sync.  Likewise for your @sprint.blackberry.net address; it also must be selected in the Default Services prior to performing a device to Outlook sync.
    I hope this helps.

  • Sync problems with Outlook 2007

    I had some problems with syncing to outlook 2007: the agenda and contacts where not syncing anymore. I have a 32G 2nd gen iPod Touch (4.1) and using iTunes
    Details: some weeks ago suddenly the address and contacts items did not sync anymore in both directions. No error messages appeared after sync, so all looked fine. I found this article http://support.apple.com/kb/HT1692 and noticed that creating a new user account on the PC did work. So, first I tried reinstalling iTunes (because when creating a new user account on the PC it also creates a new iTunes session): no result. Then I repaired outlook 2007 (go to control panel – software - and select change/delete at office 2007) and guess what: the problem was resolved. I just want to share this with you, that repairing outlook could help resolving this problem. Maybe this also works for other versions outlook.
    Good luck!

    I receive email on my device from two addresses: 1) @sprint.blackberry.net and 2) @charter.net.  When I was having problems similar to those you are experiencing, I had these two addresses listed under Default Services - Calendar (CICAl) - Messaging (CMIME).  These addresses were @sprint.blacberry.net and @charter.net. Once I followed the steps previously referenced, only one email address(@sprint.blackberry.net) appeared under the (CICAI) and (CMMIE) default setting.  Reference to @charter.net was removed.  My syncs have worked correctly since then; however, I only two way synce with the device and Outlooks.  I also continue to get emails from both addresses without a problem.
    If you don't mind giving up the Yahoo calendar, I would do the same.  If you want to continue using the Yahoo calendar, I'm guessing that it must be selected in the Default Services - Calendar (CICAI) before performing a sync.  Likewise for your @sprint.blackberry.net address; it also must be selected in the Default Services prior to performing a device to Outlook sync.
    I hope this helps.

  • Sync problems with my iphone

    Can anyone offer suggestions for trobleshooting sync problems with my iphone. Recently I have connected my iphone and my ipod to my computer while having itunes open and I do not see my devices in itunes. I have powered off the iphone and powered back on and I have the most recent version of itunes on my computer. I have also tried multiple USB ports and multiple cords on my computer. When I go to file in itunes, Sync is not an option (greyed out). Any suggestions?

    Had the same issue last year on XP Pro.
    1) Start->All Programs->Apple Software Update Run this and make sure your up to date on iTunes.
    2) Unplug both devices.
    3) Restart the computer (I know your tired of being told this-it's a windows thing and sometimes it's a PO'd IT person thing either way do it).
    4) After restart open iTunes.
    5) wait a tad for iTunes to open all the way up, navigate through your music to make sure. Then connect the iPhone. Watch your clock area and you should see two pop-ups. One says Found new device, second says iPhone.
    Last, if it doesn't appear it's because windows photo capture is trying to connect to the iPhone. Minimize iTunes and you'll probably have a pop up sitting there. THIS WINDOW will not show up in the task bar.

  • Sync problems with iCloud & Outlook 2010?

    I am having sync problems with Outlook. Sync seems to cause outlook to crash, run boggy, etc. Tried Code Two software to sync which only made thing worse. Any ideas?

    Another way to put it would be: What is the optimal combination when you have a Windows PC running Outlook on one hand, and want to sync contact and calendar information with your iPhone over the Internet?
    Maybe I should ask, what is the least painful way of doing this?
    Is it Gmail+Outlook+some add on?
    Outlook.com + Outlook?
    Or something else?

  • Calendar Sync Problem: Database cannot be accessed

    Hi all,
    I'm so frustrated with this sync for blackberry! I have been trying to sync iCal with my bb curve 8330. Everytime I try, it says "The database for synchronization cannot be accessed. Refer to article KB19454 in the blackberry for mac desktop manager knowledge base"
    Anyone get this message or know how to fix it? I have tried clearing, forgetting, and resyncing the calendar and so far it has not worked.
    I'd appreciate any help, thanks everyone!

    I had the problem continually.  I use a Mac and Desktop Software for Mac.  After many failed attempts I did the following which worked like a charm.
    1. Using the BB Desktop Software, I cleared the data for calendar from the device (it's an option under the Device Tab)
    2. On the BB, go to Options - Advanced and "Default Services".  Make sure the calendar and messaging services are the same.
    3. Then go to Options - Advanced and "Service Books".  Delete all of the CICAL items that do not match the one you saved in step 2.
    4. Sync your BB selecting replace all data on the device
    5. Sync it with 2 way sync.
    Should work.  Good luck

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