20" imac with wifi speeds of 20Mbps,  macbook gets 52Mbps

Hello My imac gets @ 20Mbps and my ibook gets the same. But a Macbook gets 52Mbps and a windows machine  gets 52Mbps. They are all near to each other. The only one with an N card is the Macbook. Any ideas?

Exactly what model iMac do you have?
What wireless router are you using (exact make & model, please)?
If your wireless access point is running both 2.4GHz and 5GHz, check your Airport setup in your iMac  (System Preferences > Network > Airport (or WiFi) > Advanced > Preferred Networks).  If your 2.4GHz network's name appears higher in the list than your 5GHz network's name, your iMac will preferentially connect to the 2.4GHz network.  You can drag the network names in the order you want your iMac to connect.

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    sylviafromhanover wrote:
    So I assume that the original modem stays installed with the coaxial cable and the Exrtreme is in addition to that. 
    Yes, that is correct.
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    Hi Graham,
    Welcome to Apple Support Communities.
    Take a look at the article linked below, it provides a lot of great information which can help you setup your wireless printer so that it can be used with your iMac.
    OS X Lion: Set up a printer to print wirelessly

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    What version of Mac OS X are you running?
    If you live within range of several neighbors with WiFi Routers, you may be getting competition from them. The brute force approach to this is to cycle the power on your Router. When it comes up, it usually sniffs around and assigns itself the lightest-loaded channel.
    Some users have had success by setting the WiFi block size to slightly lower than the default 1500 characters -- to say, 1430.
    system preferences > network > WiFi > Advanced > | Ethernet |  Configure: Manually  > MTU : 1430
    Then ( Apply ) and close the window to take effect.

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    sancsell wrote:
    I'm also a bit concerned that rebooting/reseting the modem may trigger some automatic speed reduction by BT, thinking it's a fault!  Wait, maybe that'll get their attention....!
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    If someone answers your question correctly please let other members know by clicking on ’Mark as Accepted Solution’.

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    Any advise to improve this would be helpful...or I am at the end of the road in engaging with verizon fios service.

    StevenY wrote:
    I am very very unplease and frustrated with the fios wifi speed i've been getting in my home. I have a 15/5 plan, but literally i have not gotten the speed that it was promised ever since I signed up for more than a year ago. The speed can barely go up to 3/2 most of the time even though I was sitting 5 feet away from the router (Actiontec...I believed). 
    Any advise to improve this would be helpful...or I am at the end of the road in engaging with verizon fios service.
    Are you getting the speeds on wired? If so then you are getting what you are paying for. Wireless speeds will vary due to a lot of reasons. Refer to this thread or many of the others posted within the forums.

  • G710 - WIFI Speed

    Hallo, I bought my new Lenovo G710 a week ago. Since first day, I discovered a problem with wifi speed.
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    All laptops are tested on the same place at home, by the same speedmeter and similiar wifi settings (different wifi adapters)
    Driver is the newest as possible. I did try to change it for another versions to eliminate this option.
    Any idea what to do? Its though working when internet working just occasionally...

    hello there,
    could you please search the forum for wifi speed problem? there are lots of threads/solutions that may help you to solve the issue.

Maybe you are looking for