2006 model iMac, is it worth putting in 3 GB over 2GB of RAM?

I currently have 2GB of RAM installed as 2x1GB chips. Is it worth bumping the memory up to 3GB (Apple said I can put in 2x2B chips but it will only see 3GB)? Will I notice any difference or is the 2GB pretty much the sweet spot? Thanks.

Hi nflp
What does your Activity Monitor tell you after an hour of normal use?
If your running a lot of big app's at the same time and your running low with 2 GB them yes 3 GB would be better.
Except that ram is cheap and 4 GB would be even better, because your system would access 3.3 GB of ram and maintain the matched ram performance.

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    From the little I understand, what you are trying to do is to fool the hardware and from previous posts here, it's been tried before. Result: it won't work. Even if you were able to put in another graphics card (not possible) and a logic board and a processor, the result would be the same: it will not work.
    Your model can go to 2 GB RAM. If you do that, you can run Lion, but  it won't run well with it (if that is your ultimate aim), as both Lion and ML are memory hogs and 2 GB just won't cut it.
    Also, read the specs on this page including the limitations of Core Duo and Core 2 Duo (educational model):
    http://www.everymac.com/systems/apple/imac/specs/imac-core-2-duo-1.83-17-inch-sp ecs.html

  • Unable to install on 2006 model iMac Intel Model

    I recently purchased a Macbook which came with snow leopard installer DVD.
    I also have a iMac Intel Model(2006) which is currently on Tiger 10.4.* (2GB RAM)
    When I tried to install snow leopard from the Macbook DVD on the iMAC, I got an option to select the language and then encountered error message which said " The installation cannot be done on this device"
    I backed up the data and formatted using disk utility and then tried to install again from the Snow Leopard DVD which failed with the same error message.
    Can you please advise if I can use the MacBook installer on iMac.

    Any idea if the other DVD which came with the MacBook 'Applications Install DVD' would work .
    It will not work. Even if you try to use the installers hidden on the disc for the apps it contains, you will get a message telling you that you cannot run them directly & instead must install them from Disc 1.
    This is because those apps are licensed for use *only with the Mac they came with* & Apple has no interest in helping users steal the use of its software without paying for it.
    Please read the licensing agreement that came with the new Mac. You own the Mac but Apple owns the software & only grants you a license to use it in specific ways.

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    To clarify;
    Snow Leopard 10.6;
    Lion 10.7:
    Snow Leopard DVD:
    You can get it only by phone now from Apple.
    In the US, call 1-800-MY-APPLE and ask for a sales assistant. Last quoted price was $19.99 for the single-user and $29.99 for the family licence.
    For other countries, check here; http://support.apple.com/kb/HE57
    Don't forget to ask for Sales; the tech support guys can't help.
    When you've installed SL it will be 10.6.3. You need to update that to 10.6.8 with the combo installer from http://support.apple.com/kb/DL1399
    Lion is only available by phone also - same number and they'll give you a download code to use in the Mac App Store.

  • Late 2006, 24" iMac, 2.16 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo, Screen Tearing, nVidia 7300

    Late 2006, 24" iMac, 2.16 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo, Screen Tearing, nVidia GeForce 7300 GT
    I've been suffering with screen tearing, strange screen artifacts, etc. followed by totally unresponsive freezing machine. This problem has been happening to varying degrees for about 9 months.
    Initially, I was able to mitigate the problem with smcFanControl. Adjusting the fan speeds up helped keep the machine cool and prevent most of the problems. Recently, we had a spell of hot weather and the fans just couldn't keep up. If you're using smcFanControl, the only fan speed that will really make a difference is the CPU. The HDD and ODD fans are no where near where you need to be.
    Also, I noticed the machine was LOADED with dust when I took it apart, including the heat sink fins for the graphics card. If you have time you may want to try a thorough cleaning with compressed air before replacing the card. You just need to get through step 11 below to access what needs to be cleaned.
    Based on reading here and elsewhere, I decided to replace the graphics card. To give back to the community, I wanted to layout the procedure here.
    Where to buy the card.
    I had a tough time finding the right card. I did exhaustive web searches using every combination of Nvidia 7300 GT, etc. You really need to search by the Apple part number. The Apple part number for the 7300 is 661-4179, for the 7600 is 661-4180. I found it at We Love Macs and at dv warehouse. I paid $248 for the 7600 card. BE CAREFUL buying a "refurbished" card. At We Love Macs, "refurbished" means "pulled from a working machine." Could be a machine with as much mileage as yours and prone to the same failures as yours.
    The card is an MXM style card (generally used in laptops), with a giant heat sink and heat pipe assembly. The card can be separated from the heat assembly. If I had time, I would have tried a generic, cheaper, MXM style card.
    Dispelling some myths.
    People here and elsewhere have said that no Intel iMac graphics card can be replaced, that they're wedded to the logic board. The one on this model can be replaced, I've done it. Also, some have said you can't put a 256MB, 7600 GT in a machine that originally had a 128MB, 7300 GT. Also, not true. That's what I did to my machine and it is working fine.
    So here's the step-by-step on my take apart and replacement. This is just one user helping out others, PROCEED AT YOUR OWN RISK. This takes about 1 1/2 hours to take apart and 2 to put back together.
    1) Install the iStat widget and monitor the temperatures for a few days and record the temperatures (to be able to verify that you've completed the repair correctly later)
    2) Make a complete backup of any internal drives and make sure the backup will be bootable (use Carbon Copy Cloner)
    3) Use static safeguards, like an anti-static wrist strap.
    4) Get a pen a stack of paper envelopes to separate and label the pieces you remove.
    5) You'll need a #2 Phillips and #6, 8, 10 Torx. Most of the screws at T-8. There are 8 T-8s holding in the LCD. They are about 1 1/4" down. You'll need a long, skinny T-8 to get to them.
    6) Unplug the machine and place it on it's back on a large white sheet of paper.
    7) Remove RAM door, #2 Phillips x 2.
    8) Remove RAM.
    9) Remove 4 T-8s along bottom.
    10) Remove large rectangular plastic bezel surrounding the whole machine, tilt up being careful not to stress iSight cables. You'll need to stretch it around the RAM ejection tabs.
    11) Detach two iSight cables.
    12) Peel up black stickers at lower corners of speakers.
    13) Remove LCD screws, T-8 x 8. You'll probably drop a few, they're pretty easy to retrieve.
    14) Remove two retaining screws on right hand LCD cable. T-6 x2 Unplug cable.
    15) Remove LCD inverter cable, left.
    Start unplugging everything connected to the logic board.
    16) Unplug cable coming from right speaker. Note cable routing, it is the only one that's a little tricky. Also, note that the left one plugs in on the right and the right one plugs in on the left.
    17) Remove right speaker. T-10 Note: left and right speaker screws are different lengths.
    18) Unplug ODD blower cable.
    19) Unplug ODD temp cable and lift up tape.
    20) Unplug HDD blower cable.
    21) Unplug the HDD temp cable.
    22) Unplug the camera & mic cable.
    23) Unscrew the clamp securing the airport card (has two antenna cables going to it, labeled PCIE), T-6 x 2
    24) Unplug SATA cable.
    25) Unplug Power cable, thick black plastic harness, socket.
    26) Unplug ambient temp cable.
    27) Unscrew the bluetooth card, T-6 x2.
    28) Unplug CPU blower cable.
    29) Unplug power button cable, 2 conductor, tiny cable, bottom left.
    30) Unscrew left speaker, T-10, unplug from logic board, but just leave dangling, no need to remove cable completely.
    31) Remove logic board screws. Be careful to segregate them, they have different lengths and different thread pitches and thread types. Some are machine threads going into metal, some are coarse threads going into plastic.
    31a) Heat sink frame to case T-8 x 2
    31b) Logic board to case T-8 x 3
    31c) Screws at heat sink from arrows T-8 x 3
    31d) Logic board at bottom near RAM slot T-8 x 2
    32) Unplug ODD ribbon cable, be extremely careful. Release plastic tabs on each side to remove. Be sure it is fully and evenly seated when you put it back later.
    33) Remove logic board with attached graphics card.
    34) Unplug graphics card heat sink sensor cable at logic board end.
    35) Remove graphics card screws 2 x T-6
    36) Remove single screw from small L-bracket on heat sink 1 x T-6
    Replace graphics card.
    Reverse steps, put everything back together. Be careful not to pinch any cables when you put the logic board back in. When you put the LCD back in, if you can't get the screws to stick to the driver, use some glue stick from your kid's art supplies.
    Test everything. You've disconnected every cable in the system.
    I torture tested the machine with a space heater on it, 5 different videos of different formats playing at the same time. No problems.
    I took a lot of pictures inside the machine. As soon as I figure out a good place to post them, I'll try to add a link here.
    Good luck

    I know this is in response to your post from over 2 years ago, but I was searching on Apple's site for the max RAM I can upgrade our refurbed iMac too and it brought up this post.
    Oddly enough, I've been experiencing the same screen issues and locking up on our iMac as well. I was concerned it was a bad memory module, but now I'm thinking it's the same issue you found.
    Because I bought this some 2+ years ago refurbed from Apple, I'm not surprised that could be the actual problem.
    I've pulled this thing apart once to replace the hard-drive which crashed about a year ago, so I'm not totally new at opening it up, but this process you mention sounds pretty intense...just wanted to get your second take on it based on what I've done thus far.
    Thanks again for posting this...it was an eye-opener as to what might actually be causing our issues with our trusted Mac!

  • Can I install iLife '09 on a early 2006 model macbook?

    Does anybody know if a early 2006 model macbook can install iLife '09 or iLife '11? I just got my hard drive replaced and was able to upgrade from Tiger to Snow Leopard (I'm a little behind the times). I look at the requirements for iLife, and I think I'm good on everything. This is what I found for the requirements:
    System Requirements for iLife '09
    Mac OS X v10.5.6 Leopard or laterMac computer with an Intel, PowerPC G5, or PowerPC G4 (867MHz or faster) processor.; iMovie req uires an Intel-based Mac, Power Mac G5 (dual 2.0GHz or faster), or iMac G5 (1.9GHz or faster); GarageBand Learn to Play requires an Intel-based Mac with a dual-core processor or better.
    512MB of RAM; 1GB recommended.
    High-definition video requires at least 1GB of RAM.Approximately 4GB of available disk space.
    DVD drive required for installation.
    QuickTime 7.5.5 or later (included).AVCHD video requires a Mac with an Intel-based Core Duo processor or better.24-bit recording in GarageBand requires a Mac OS X compatible audio interface with support for 24-bit audio.
    Please consult the owners manual or manufacturer directly for audio device specification and compatibility.
    Burning DVDs requires an Apple SuperDrive or compatible third-party DVD burner.
    Some features require Internet access and/or MobileMe; additional fees and terms apply.
    System Requirements for iLife '11
    Mac OS X v10.6.3 or later.
    Mac computer with an Intel processor.
    GarageBand Learn to Play requires a Mac with an Intel Core Duo processor or better.
    AVCHD video from supported video cameras requires a Mac with an Intel Core Duo processor or better. Visit the iMovie ’11 Supported Cameras page for additional details.
    1GB of RAM.
    Approximately 5GB of available disk space.
    DVD drive required for installation. Burning DVDs requires an Apple SuperDrive or compatible third-party DVD burner.
    Display with at least 1280 x 768 pixel resolution.
    24-bit recording in GarageBand requires a Mac OS X-compatible audio interface with support for 24-bit audio. Please consult the owner’s manual or manufacturer directly for audio device specifications and compatibility.
    Other Requirements
    Some features and third-party services require Internet access and/or MobileMe; additional fees and terms apply. MobileMe is available to persons age 13 and older. Annual subscription fee and Internet access required. Terms of service apply.
    iPhoto Print Products are available in the U.S., Canada, Japan, and select countries in Europe and Asia Pacific.
    GarageBand Artist Lessons are sold separately and are available directly through the GarageBand Lesson Store in select countries.
    Third-party services may not be available in all languages or in all countries. Use of these services requires Internet access and may require you to accept additional terms.
    I have OS X v10.6.8, with 1 GB 533 Mhz DDR2 SDRAM,  2GHz processor speed with 1 processor, 2 cores, 667MHz Bus speed, 2 MB L2 Cache. I don't know where to look to find the information about the 24-bit audio. I clicked on the System Profiler and looked at audio, but it didn't say anything about it. If there is anyone that can answer this question, I would really appreciate it. Thank you!

    If you're on 10.6.8 you can use either '09 or '11.
    As for the Audio question, if you go to Audio MIDI Setup (Applications > Utilities), and select the Audio Devices Window (from the Window menu in the menu bar if it doesn't open on that one by default) and see the drop-down in the middle of the pane - you'll see that 24-bit is available.

  • Late 2006 24" imac - broken sata connector on logic board

    How to fix broken sata port on logic board? It snapped off, apparently it wasn't soldered on very securely. Now I can only boot my machine with external usb drive. Help!

    Hi Aaron
    Bummer, I only see 4 options.
    1. Continue to run from an External HD, FireWire 400 is faster than USB.
    2. Find someone with the tools and skill to re-solder a connector back onto the logic board.
    +(problem is, not to many folks can or will, because it's nearly impossibly)+
    3. Buy a new Logic Board for $600+ > http://www.welovemacs.com/apim242inco26.html
    +(problem is, that the iMac isn't worth $600)+
    4. Buy a New or Refurbished iMac.
    Personally I'd put my money on #4, instead of spending another dime on a 4 year old machine that also needs a Graphic's Chip and who knows what else.

  • My 2006 24" iMac (6.1) no longer recognizes Tiger 10.4

    As I remember, in 2006 this imac had Tiger 10.4 installed when new. Since then, I've done a clean install to Snow Lion 10.6.8. Now when I try to reinstall Tiger I see a dialog box that tells me this computer does not support Tiger! Does anyone know why and how to go back to Tiger?

    Thank you Klaus, I suspected as much but wasn't sure. What I want to do is load Tiger onto an external HD so I can see Tiger as I talk my sister through a problem. Besides wiping the boot HD, is there a way to put Tiger on an external drive? Guessing "No"...

  • What is the max HDD for my model iMac?

    I have a 2006 (last of the white plastic gen) iMac 24" 2.16GHz Intel Core Duo. Came with 1GB RAM, which I upgraded to the maximum possible of 3GB RAM.
    It also came with a 250GB HDD which I would like to upgrade. I know Apple won't do this and I need to go to a reseller/partner, but I am getting conflicting messages about what is possible.
    One says I can go to 2TB but another tells me that the maximum drive size I can put in is 750GB. Apart for the physical size of the drive, I can't see why there would be a limit to the size of drive I can install. Don't they all have the same interface, power consumption and heat output?
    I would have thought that a 2TB drive from 2011 would be smaller than a 250GB drive from 2005/6.
    Thanks in advance.

    Hi Barbara
    I have two externals already:
    1. Lacie Rugged which I am using for Time Machine
    2. Lacie 4Big which houses my iTunes library
    I think that I will move my iPhoto library to the Lacie 4Big which has about 200GB spare freeing up 175GB on my internal. If successful, I shouldn't need to replace the new internal. I was always a bit worried about moving stuff from the internal, which seems quite reliable. I have had 2 Maxtor drives fail on me in the past and lost much of my iTunes library. So when it comes to seven years and 23k+ of family photos I am very cautious.
    The Lacie is built in RAID 5 so I hope I can fix it even in the event of a drive failure.

  • Snow Leopard runs super slow on early 2006 (Intel) iMac

    Hi. I need some advice please. I have an early 2006 iMac 20" that was running slow and I wanted to upgrade OS and main applications so I bought the SL box set. I backed up my data on a USB HDD and did a clean install, but now the system runs incredibly slowly. Genius at the Apple store ran diagnostics all day and found no problems with the HW and recommended I added another 1GB of RAM to existing 1GB. I did and system is still incredibly slow. I get the beach ball all the time and sometimes the system is completely unresponsive. Anyone else have performance issues with SL on this model iMac?
    Message was edited by: Leibochips

    Mac Maintenance Quick Assist,
    Mac OS X speed FAQ,
    Speeding up Macs,
    Macintosh OS X Routine Maintenance
    Essential Mac Maintenance: Get set up,
    Essential Mac Maintenance: Rev up your routines,
    Maintaining OS X, and
    Myths of required versus not required maintenance for Mac OS X for possible fixes.

  • 2006 model a good computer

    to supplement my imac g4 and imac g3 i would like to get a computer that is more internet friendly in today's world. iphoto and chrome would probably be the only applications i would use. to save space the 17" model seems about right. and the white color would match my others. any opinions on the 1.83ghz or 2.0ghz 17" models with core 2 duo? i would continue to use my others for all the other stuff i do.  these things are going for very cheap on e-bay now.

    The core 2 Duo oes won't be too bad, but sad thing is the 1.83 only takes 2GB of RAM, which is not half enough for OSX by itself, the 2.0 can take 4GB, (3GB usable), but isn't enough RAM still for today's bloated Internet & the OS.
    My GF was very disappointed with 10.6 on her 2006 iMac, even after I installed 4GB of RAM, & Internet was all she did on it.
    http://www.everymac.com/systems/apple/imac/specs/imac-core-2-duo-1.83-17-inch-sp ecs.html
    http://www.everymac.com/systems/apple/imac/specs/imac-core-2-duo-2.0-17-inch-spe cs.html

  • Why is my 2006 20inch Imac's screen crashing unexpectidly ?

    I have a late 2006 20 inch Imac (2,16 Ghz intel core i2 and 2GB of ram and with the Ati Radeon x1600 graphics card)
    I have screen black outs from time to time (approximately twice a day) the only possible solution is to hold the power button down and restart the computer .
    Other forums tell me it seems to be a graphics card or logic board problem. The crashes are usually different colour flashes and then a complet black screen but the sound carries on and the computer is completely unresponsive. I also have another screen problem when I wake the computer from sleep it stays on for approximately 10 secs then it just goes black again. When i wake it again it just repeats the same problem.
    I looked at the logs and there are no signs of any application causing it and when there is one I remove it and the problems just stays and never leaves.
    If the problem is the graphics card which is attached to the mother board I have no other solutions but to replace the whole mother board or buy another computer !
    Hope there is a solution that is not to costly ! (wallet is not in a good state at the moment )

    Thanks for the help everyone.
    First, i have all my data/files backed up on my older Lacie drives. New ones are still in their boxes.
    Second, the noise with the disc. It's not a clicking sound. It's more like the drive is struggling to do something.
    It's not continuous, It happens when opening up itunes or iphoto or another app. Or when i try to open up a page on Safari, the page will start to load, the noise will start and either the noise stops and the page loads or the page stalls and the sound continues and then i just hit reload or quit Safari depending on how annoyed i am at the time! It did do this before i updated to SL but it seems to be more and more now!
    If i have Safari, iPhoto and Mail open all at once, it's like a battle over what get's done with the sound creaking away and the spinning icon all over the place.
    How do i check my drive using Disk Utility? Do i 'verify' it? I have done it before but it was a long time ago.
    I never did a clean install. I just put in SL and let it update, then i updated the software to 10.6.8.
    I will do that when i get the new RAM however just to start afresh.
    I have bought a 2GB Crucial RAM memory (Thanks RadiationMac) but do i need to buy another one now?
    Also how would spotlight make noise?
    Thank you. These forums are invaluable.

  • Is it possible to install a 160 GB Toshiba slim-fit HDD from an iPod Classic 2009 model into a iPod 5th Gen Late-2006 model that originally had a 30 GB Toshiba drive?

    Is it possible to install a 160 GB Toshiba slim-fit HDD from an iPod Classic 2009 model into a iPod 5th Gen Late-2006 model that originally had a 30 GB Toshiba drive?
    I have had my 30 GB iPod video for about 7 years, it was a gift and has served me well. Unfortunately it was in my pocket when I brushed up against a very powerful magnet which latched onto the unit and scrambled the hardware. Sad iPod icon.
    I was told I probably need to replace the HD in order to get it back to working order. What I am wondering is, would I be able to replace it with a larger capacity drive so long as I got a unit that was slim enough to fit into the casing?

    Have you tried resetting the PRAM? http://gigaom.com/2011/07/26/when-to-reset-your-macs-pram-and-smc/
    Which Windows version are you trying to install? If I remember right, you can't use windows 8 on these older machines.
    Other than that it's hard to say what could have gone wrong. I can only suggest going through the steps again carefully and making sure everything worked the way it should.
    Have a look at this article too for a slighly more verbose instruction on making a drive bootable: http://www.instructables.com/id/Install-Windows-7-without-USB-or-DVD-without-upg ra/

  • Can i take apart the imac power cord to put it through a hole in my desk.  I'm able to get the ring off, but dont want take the housing off incase it breaks

    can i take apart the imac power cord to put it through a hole in my desk.  I'm able to get the ring off, but dont want take the housing off incase it breaks

    I hear you.  The reason I asked is that on the computer end of the cable, I took the ring off and it looks like there are some clasps around the housing, so I was wondering if these were for the purpose of threading the the cable.  I will try and get some pictures.  The drill is charging, however!!

  • 2006 Intel iMac with new Mac Mini?

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    The iMac only has mini-DVI so I was looking at the cables available and there's mini-DVI to either VGA or DVI, and then HDMI to VGA or DVI, would using the matching cables for each of those work?
    (I can't really afford to spend at least twice as much buying a whole new iMac...)

    No. The mini DVI port on the iMac doesn't support video in.

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