2011 Applicatio​n Properties Advanced Page View

I am trying to view all of the options on the Advanced Page of Application Properties.
I have an error when trying to load a compiled VI on to an older PC.
The error suggests that I need to disable the SSE2.
This should be possible within the Advanced Page of Application Properties but there is no option to scroll down to view the setting, or change it, from this dialogue box.

Find the attached screen shots.
The first shows the original error, indicating that the SSE2 needed to be disabled.
The second shows the view I had of the Application Properties Advanced page. As you can see the SSE2 option is not within the view and there is no way to scroll down. All options can only be viewed when I changed the screen resolution and reduced the text size. I am using windows 7. No modules installed.
003.JPG ‏2027 KB
ScreenHunter_01 Nov. 08 13.08.gif ‏47 KB

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  • Use of Advanced Page Properties

    I like to know what is the use of the Advanced Page Properties(Right click a Page> Select properties>Click on Advanced).
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    1) A2 Playback
    2) No Merge
    3) Send to Extension Server
    4) Skip in e-Tester
    5) Treat as Direct Navigation
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    Hi Aether,
    Hope this is the kind of info you are looking for. I think this info is in the knowledge base. I had copied it a long time back.
    Explanation of Advanced Options
    What are the Advanced Page Properties?
    A2 PlayBack
    Directs e-Tester to perform an A2 style navigation for this page during script playback. A2 and transforms are how e-Load executes script navigations. e-Tester records and plays back scripts by recording at the browsers object level and capturing all of the events that the user performed to navigate from one page to the next. This may include things like clicks on links, images, buttons, other form elements, etc. You can see these events or actions by looking in the Properties of the Address node for each script page. At the same time, e-Tester records a Transform (using A2 technology) to construct navigations to be used when running the script in e-Load. e-Load Thin Client cannot use object based navigations since it is not instantiating actual browsers the browser object model does not exist.
    In cases where your script does not playback in e-Tester, because the events to perform the navigation were not recorded properly, sometimes we may need to direct e-Tester to use e-Load style A2 navigations instead. We do this by setting A2 playback for the page we would like to do that on and that will force an e-Load A2 type navigation rather than using the recorded actions to navigate. It is best not to just set A2 navigations to try to resolve an e-Tester playback problem. You first need to try to understand the navigation that is being performed and determine why it was not recorded/played back properly by e-Tester. Understanding the problem is critical because their may be real problems that need to be resolved. A2 should be only used as a last resort when all other options have been exhausted.
    No Merge
    Instructs e-Tester not to merge new page content retrieved on playback with the existing recorded baseline pages in the visual script. When this is set you will see that the Visual Script will not update on playback even if there is different content retrieved (no flags or updated content will be shown in the page nodes). The example where this setting is used most is to avoid updates to the recorded items in the Parameters node as follows.
    When you record a script, e-Tester automatically captures, in the Parameters node of a page, all of the user-input form fields and data submitted from the preceding page. On playback, if that first page had additional form fields that were not there during recording, these new form fields will be merged in and added to the Parameters node of the next page.
    You can see this in the FMStocks demo. The login page has 2 fields (login and password) which will be captured in the Parameters node of page 2 of your script (if you just record a 2 page login script). If you switch to Build B of FMStocks, you will see a Customer ID field added to the login page and when you play the script back that you had originally recorded, the Customer ID field will be added to the Parameters node of page 2. If you had set "No Merge" on page 2, then this additional form field would not have been added to the page 2 Parameters node.
    There are some cases where you need to use No Merge. For example, when the form fields on a page have dynamic names which causes e-Tester to constantly keep adding Parameters every time the script plays back.
    For example lets say the Login and Password fields were called "login123" and "password123". Then you play the script back and the content of the login page is dynamically updated and the fields are now called "login456" and "password456". This would cause e-Tester to add another login and password field to the Parameters node of page 2 because it sees these as new fields (since the names are different). In this case they are actually the same fields, just with new names. Therefore you would want to set No Merge to avoid this situation so e-Tester handles it properly.
    Send to Extension Server
    Used to mark a page in your script to be sent to Extension Server when running the script in e-Load. e-Load once again uses Transforms and A2 navigations to play the script when running in Thin Client. Sometimes e-Load Thin Client will not be able to process the page to perform the navigation properly using the Transform or you may have failures during script playback in e-Load (Failed to Find/Failed to Match). When Extension Server is enabled, e-Load switches from a Thin Client to a full browser for the page that its enabled on. This allows e-Load to process that page as a full browser would. This may be required, for example, if there is some client side script that needs to be executed for the navigation to perform properly. Once again, you should not resort to Extension Server until you have understood the problem at hand. In most cases, the A2 Transforms should be able to perform the navigations in e-Load Thin Client, without the need for Extension Server. Also, enabling Extension Server is a scalability hit because a full browser must be instantiated for the page which requires much more resources than just using the Thin agent. If there are no other options, then Extension Server should be enabled.
    Treat as Direct Navigation
    Instructs e-Tester to perform a page navigation as a direct navigation to the recorded URL for that page. Once again, e-Tester normally performs script navigations by executing the recorded actions that the user performed to get from one page to the next. However, if e-Tester cannot perform the navigation in this manner because it couldnt record or playback the events proprerly, a direct navigation may need to be used instead. You would use Treat as Direction navigation if you are performing a static navigation that does not require A2. If the navigation to the next page is dynamic due to URL session variables etc. then you will need to set A2 playback instead. As in the case of using A2 playback, you should never automatically just set Treat as Direct Navigation to try to resolve an e-Tester playback problem. You first need to try to understand the navigation that is being performed and determine why it was not recorded/played back properly by e-Tester. Understanding the problem is critical because their may be real problems that need to be resolved. Treat as Direct Navigation should be only used as a last resort when all other options have been exhausted.

  • Making "Go to a Page View" the Default Link Action

    Up until recently, it was quick and easy for me to add a "Go to a Page View" link to PDFs in Acrobat Pro. I highlighted the text I wanted to link, right-clicked on it, and then selected Create Link from the pop-up menu. At that point, the Create Link box would be displayed:
    After clicking Next, the Create Go to View box would be displayed:
    I would then scroll to the the page I wanted to link to, click Set Link, and then the process was complete. I don't know if I have inadvertently changed settings or if things are different in the most recent version of Acrobat Pro, but now I have to go through several more steps to do the same thing. Here's what I have to do now.
    1. Highlight and right-click on the text. Select Create Link from the pop-up menu. The Create Link box is displayed.
    2. Click Next. The Link Properties box is displayed.
    3. Click OK. The Link Properties box is displayed. Click on the Actions tab.
    4. Select Go to a Page View from the Select Action drop-down menu.
    5. Click Add. The Create Go to View box is displayed.
    6. Scroll to the appropriate page and click OK. The Link Properties box is displayed AGAIN.
    7. Click OK, and FINALLY the process is over.
    I've looked online for an answer but can't find anything. I'm guessing that I'm just missing something small but as of yet it eludes me. I've tried messing around with the Locked check boxes, thinking that they may lock the settings, but to no avail. Can anyone help me get back to the much shorter process?
    Thanks in advance.

    Hi tedbeam,
    What happens when you select the Add or Edit Link tool on the Content Editing pane in the Tools panel? When you use that tool, you can drag a box around the text that you want to link, and the Link Action options should appear in the first dialog box that pops-up. Then you can change the view to the appropriate page, and click Set Link.
    That should simplify the process a bit.
    Please let us know how it goes.

  • Advanced XML View

    Hey guys,
    I wanna create an advanced XML View:
    This is the code in the JS-View:
    new sap.m.Page("page", {
    title : "Test",
    showNavButton : "true",
    showFooter : "true",
    customHeader : new sap.m.Bar({
         contentLeft : [ new sap.m.Button({
         icon : "sap-icon://home",
         tap : function() { app.back();}
         contentMiddle : [ new sap.m.Label("title", { text : "{CategoryName}"
    I started like this:
      xmlns:core="sap.ui.core" >
      showNavButton = "true"
      showFooter = "true"
      customHeader = <Bar>
    And thats the point I am struggling. How can I create the custumHeader?
    Thanks + regards

    Thanks Shilpa, that worked perfect! I am aware now of the difference between how to handle a aggregation and how to handle properties.
    But I got a new problem while creating a new XML-View:
    JavaScript view:
    var oHtml = new sap.ui.core.HTML({
    id: "map_canvas",
    content: '<div id="map_canvas" style="float:left;min-width:500px;width:70%;min-height:600px;height:100%;"></div>'
      content= " '<div id="map_canvas" style="float:left;min-width:500px;width:70%;min-height:600px;height:100%;"></div>' ">
    This time I have the property content, so I mentioned it as a attribute. But I get the error:
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    Thanks & Regards, Sudheer

    I think that is the default behavior of the page viewer webpart.
    In the page viewer web part,your just enter the url of the website.So that is treated as webpage and it is displaying as per page.
    If you want to display a folder, type in a network path to that folder under Link and the folder content will be displayed. 
    Find the more details about page viewer webpart in msdn

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    It's possible to use the Page Open actions to trigger a view mode change but it's messy - if the user tries to override them because they prefer to zoom in, etc. then they'll get very annoyed when things keep resetting.
    To create a Page Open action, open the thumbnails panel, right-click on a page, choose Page Properties, then the Actions tab. You can use the Execute a Menu Item tool to fire one of the view modes.

  • Can't keep stable continuous single page view

    One day my Acrobat 9 pro mysteriously started to display output in a 2-page view by default.  I have changed the view as well as edited preferences (even trying to toggle it by setting preferences as dual page and back to single page continuous to no avail.  It seems that if I change view and preference and then save a pdf it will reopen as desired in single page continuous.  But as soon as I print to Adobe from Word or download a pdf or tiff, the resulting file opens in dual page.  This is a minor hassle but doing it multiple times per day begins to get grating -- I have tried the 'file repair' option and everything else I can think of -- what might I be doing wrong? (I am on a machine with Vista).  Thanks -- Scott

    (Boy have I had a hard time responding to the reply!)
    I still can't get the setting to stick no matter what I do -- setting edit> preferences, file > properties, and view>single page continous.  If i save a PDF with it in the single page continuous view it seems to reopen that way.  Any PDF I download or create from word comes back in 2-page view.  Oh well.
    For what it is worth I tried emailing a reply but it bounced back and the for the longest time I have not been able to find a way to post a reply.

  • View application pages - view forms views and application pages. enumerate lists

    view application pages - view forms views and application pages. enumerate lists, if we disable this permission in sharepoint then user gets blocked from getting into application pages which is good. But now I have few list view web parts on a page and user
    is not able to see those reports based on view. It shows working on it. As soon as I enable view application pages permission it works.
    I need a permission level -view forms views only.
    MCTS Sharepoint 2010, MCAD dotnet, MCPDEA, SharePoint Lead

    Hi Amit,
    SharePoint has a feature called “ViewFormPagesLockDown” at site collection scope. After enabling the feature, all groups / users not having the “View Application Pages” permission will not be able to navigate to pages like “_layouts/viewlsts.aspx”
    or “pages/forms/allitems.aspx”.
    So, for your issue, please disable the ViewFormPagesLockDown feature via PowerShell command:
    $lockdownFeature = get-spfeature viewformpageslockdown
    disable-spfeature $lockdownFeature -url [the URL of your site]
    More information:
    Best Regards,
    Forum Support
    Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help and unmark them if they provide no help. If you have feedback for TechNet Subscriber Support, contact
    [email protected]
    Wendy Li
    TechNet Community Support

  • Captivate 5.5 Is it possible to import PPT slides in Notes Page view?

    Hello experts,
    This may seem like an odd question. I'd like to display all the notes in the page of a PowerPoint deck that provides samples of code and explaintions of what the code is doing. It is too much information for the slide, which just has discussion point bullets, and I think it is too much for the closed caption pane. It this possible to import PPT slides in Notes Page view?
    Thank you so much in advance for any hints, tips, and replies.
    Kindest regards,

    I found an alternative but circuitous way of achieving the desired result. In PowerPoint I opened, then I printed the PPT presentationto a PDF selecting the Notes Page option instead of Full Slide. By then using a PDF converter to convert it back to PPT I was able to insert the  PPT as is. In other words it "looks" just like the PPT Notes Page view, which is exactly what I wanted. The code snippet and notes were intact.

  • Why does "allow page view sharing" not show up in Acrobat XI (11.0.04)?

    I have some trouble using the live-review function of acrobat workspaces. I remember this was a little different some time ago (might was Acrobat 9). I follow these steps that I learned form the AdobeTV-Video "Collaboration using Shared Reviews via Acrobat.com":
    - Acrobat XI: I choose "Send for Shared Review" from the "Comment"-Menue.
    - I select "Automatically download & track comments with Acrobat.com"
    - I automatically get logged in with my AdobeID (creative cloud for teams-subscription)
    - I add the recipients' email-adresses
         - Now I want to "Allow page view sharing and chat collaboration in this document", but I can not see the option
    This is it...
    I dont want users to download to desktop / open / comment / publish comments and save the File. I remember it was possible to open it in the browser and comment live on it, while others could respond on that comments and so on.
    Has the feature (how I know it) been removed/changed or is there something else I can't see?
    Thanks in advance and greetings

    That feature was removed.

  • How do you reorder the pages in a PDF ie back to front (not individually via Page view)

    Sorry if this is in the wrong place or if this has been answered elsewhere but I couldn't seem to search "the database"
    How do you reorder the pages in a PDF ie back to front (not individually via Page view). The manual solution of course is to scan or import them in the correct order in the first place. However, this did not happen, and we have many PDF's which are 100% in the wrong order. So we would like to press a button and have them in the right order.
    Many thanks in advance for your help...

    Got it to work. It returned a completely different path of course just to make life interesting and required a FN+OPTION ENTER in order to return the path. I now have the FLATTEN option in the edit menu.
    Just trying it checking all the Flatten options except the fields seemed to work on the first pass. I'm going to try and load a copy of the original complete document. I assume that is the proper way to use this at this point since I created the form ***-backwards?
    I've used Adobe layout programs since the Aldus days but Acrobat seems to work differently than any other program I've used.
    If I understand what you're saying I should:
    1. Design the layout of the form leaving spaces for the fields
    2. Open Acrobat, import the document
    3. Auto-add and correct, or manually add the fields
    4. Fix tabbing
    5. Add any additional comments or annotations
    6. Flatten everything but the fields?  (If the fields are flattened I can't fill out the form unless it's supposed to be a printed form only, right?)
    Might just have to break down and RTFM.  Acrobat is a really different animal.

  • Page viewer webpart (set to network folder) works in ie11...but not ie9

    Hello all,
    I have configured a pvwp to point to a network folderon my app sever.
    Any user running ie 11 who opens the page containing the webpart can see the contents of the shared folder.
    Any user running ie 9 who opens the page containing the webpart sees a browsers error saying: Internet Explorer cannot display the webpage.
    If I have a user with IE 9 log in to sharepoint using a PC running IE 11 they are then able to see the content so it does not appear to be user permissions (in sharepoint or on the share) related.
    Does anyone have any ideas on this?
    Thank you!

    As I understand, page viewer web part works in IE11 but not in IE9 with same user account.
    Could you please test the issue on other browsers and see if it works? Make sure you are using 32-bit IE browser.
    Please perform the steps below on your IE9:
    1.Reset IE settings via Internet Explorer options > Advanced tab > Reset.
    2.Add your SharePoint sites to trusted sites or local intranet sites via Internet Explorer options > Security tab.
    3.Use Compatibility settings for your SharePoint sites.
    4.You could also try installing latest update to your IE 9.
    Rebecca Tu
    TechNet Community Support

  • Acrobat single page view - can't make it work.

    Hi, everyone.
    I have created a book using Blurb's template for InDesign. After I finished the book I exported it as a PDF file and wanted to review it on my notebook and iPad but Acrobat only displays it in two page view (the 'spread' as InDesign refers to it).
    I've tried a vew options in Acrobat including view in single page mode but so far haven't been able to make it work. In addition, although I have chosen the option in Acrobat to have a space displayed between pages when viewing the 2-page spread, the space still doesn't show.
    Any ideas as to how this can be accomplished ?
    I need to be able to see this PDF on page at a time instead of the 2-page spread as Acrobat displays it now.
    Thank you in advance for your help.

    The fix is on the InDesign side since what appears to be two pages is really a single page in the PDF. Export as single pages, not spreads. For example: http://indesignsecrets.com/interactive-pdf-from-indesign-cs5-always-has-spreads-on.php

  • Enable scrolling instead of single page view (as default)

    I have ebooks that open using "single page view", which is where you can't scroll DOWN the pages, it just automatically goes to the next page if you scroll the mouse down.  I want to enable scrolling automatically.  I can do this by going:    View >Page display >Enable scrolling... but when I close the document it doesn't save the settings ???

    You can set this under File - Document Properties - Initial View.
    However, I think that the local settings of the user (if set) will override
    the document's setting.

  • Single page view not working.

    Hi, everyone.
    I have created a book using Blurb's template for InDesign. After I finished the book I exported it as a PDF file and wanted to review it on my notebook and iPad but Acrobat only displays it in two page view (the 'spread' as InDesign refers to it).
    I've tried a vew options in Acrobat including view in single page mode but so far haven't been able to make it work. In addition, although I have chosen the option in Acrobat to have a space displayed between pages when viewing the 2-page spread, the space still doesn't show.
    Any ideas as to how this can be accomplished ?
    I need to be able to see this PDF on page at a time instead of the 2-page spread as Acrobat displays it now.
    Thank you in advance for your help.

    I made the corrections as you recommended and solved the problem. I was able to export the PDF and view it in Acrobat as single pages just as you described.
    Thank you for your help and reply.

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