220 jobs from world 2nd mobile adv company -blr

Dear All,
Are you looking for a job with world number two Mobile Advertising company then read on ...
We have 220 fresher and experienced recruitment for candidates with JAVA, .net, sql, big data, J2ME, Hadoop, NoSQL, Iphone and Andriod Technologies.
Exp level - Fresher - 10 years
location: Bangalore
Interview processing dates: 21st to 28th Nov 2012 , selected candidates will received online interview request or video interview process.
Register at www.hijobs.in at the earliest by Tuesday morning to participate in online interview test / video interview process with MNC client directly.
Forward the message to your friends who are looking for job.

See the following threads for more information about this kind of scam -
Do not send any information, and especially not banking information to these people. Obviously do not send them any money either.
If you do want to apply for jobs at Apple the place to start is here - http://www.apple.com/jobs/us/index.html
Best of luck.

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    Mobile.Actionscript.it presents the 2nd Mobile Game Contest
    Gaming today is one of the most popular means of
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    and is fast becoming the most exciting new field for mobile
    developers worldwide.
    In this flourishing new environment,
    decided to challenge the many professionals of the field by
    launching the
    Mobile Game Contest, now at its second edition. Developers
    from all over the
    world will be given the chance to show their skills and
    creativity, by
    competing for the title of best Mobile Game!
    Among this years exciting new features is the active
    participation of Jamba,
    which will be given a special vantage point on the event, by
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    jury panel, and by reviewing all games in the contest. As one
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    promises to add
    the pressure and make the competition all that more exciting
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    and public alike.
    To view all the details regarding the Contest (deadlines,
    rules, prizes.
    etc) please visit
    Giorgio Natili
    Administrator ActionScript.it - AUG
    mobile +39 347 7416932
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    NOTICE: The information contained in this message is
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    only for the use of the individual or entity named above. If
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    Check your date/time settings if correct.
    Happened to me when I changed the battery then I found out that the settings is not yet set.
    Works flawless now!
    Good luck!

  • VD-2 error in OEM while inserting jobs from job-library

    Hi, group.
    im quite new to oracle and in my new company i get the goal to make the things run better and faster as the old DBA got fired.
    I want to make a job in OEM which back up the whole DB once a day, but every time i want to submit ( i hope this is the right word i use , my english is very bad ) the job from the job-library to the job queue i get the error VD-2 : Systemerror is occured.
    I dont know what this error message means. i took a look in the OEM Error Message Guide but i didn find anything.
    Can somebody please help my. because my CIO get wilder and wilder as the system completely stuck an i get in many troubles if i couldnt fix the errors fast.

    Well that is the error message that it displays. I am not sure why LCM looks for that SAP system, maybe to check the rights. Anyway, remove the SAP system from your CMC and the LCM job should work.
    Roland Hoeller

  • Moving LCM Jobs from one LCM server to another

    I have just built a new proof of concept LCM server (3.1 SP3 FP3.7).  My aim is to migrate the content from our current production LCM server (3.1 SP2 FP2.5) to the POC LCM server.  I have been able to migrate the subversion repository.  I have been able to migrate custom access levels and users etc.
    I want to migrate the actual LCM jobs stored within LCM itself from production LCM to POC LCM server.  Should be able to do this with LCM itself or Import Wizard but neither work.
    Import Wizard produces and error against each LCM Job as follows, "Failed to create a new CrystalEnterprise.LCMJob. reason: Item SI_NEWOBJECT was not found in the collection"
    LCM itself does not show the LCM jobs when adding objects to a job.  It will show the Sub Folders under the main LCM folder (which contain the specific jobs I'm looking to migrate) but not the jobs themselves.  Selecting one of the sub LCM folders and clicking the "Add & Close" button results in this error;
    Sorry, LCM application is unable to process your request.
    The error from the server is: Failed to get dependencies of the job.com.crystaldecisions.sdk.exception.SDKServerException: CMS operation timed out after 9 minutes. cause:com.crystaldecisions.enterprise.ocaframework.idl.OCA.oca_abuse: IDL:img.seagatesoftware.com/OCA/oca_abuse:3.2 detail:CMS operation timed out after 9 minutes. The server supplied the following details: OCA_Abuse exception 7710 at [.\exceptionmapper.cpp : 79] 48022 ...CMS operation timed out after 9 minutes. Thread timeout has expired. at com.crystaldecisions.sdk.exception.SDKServerException.map(SDKServerException.java:107) at com.crystaldecisions.sdk.exception.SDKException.map(SDKException.java:196) at com.crystaldecisions.sdk.occa.infostore.internal.InternalInfoStore.queryHelper(InternalInfoStore.java:736) at com.crystaldecisions.sdk.occa.infostore.internal.InternalInfoStore.query(InternalInfoStore.java:566) at com.crystaldecisions.sdk.occa.infostore.internal.InfoStore.query(InfoStore.java:167) at com.businessobjects.lcm.core.CMSLocal.query(CMSLocal.java:4083) at com.businessobjects.lcm.core.CMSLocal.queryInfoObjects(CMSLocal.java:1457) at com.businessobjects.lcm.dependencies.ParentChildDI.computeDependees(ParentChildDI.java:68) at com.businessobjects.lcm.dependencies.DependencyManager.computeDependees(DependencyManager.java:543) at com.businessobjects.lcm.dependencies.DependencyManager.computeDependees(DependencyManager.java:477) at com.businessobjects.lcm.core.LCMEngine.computeDependees(LCMEngine.java:1397) at com.businessobjects.lcm.job.Job.computeDependencies(Job.java:1006) at com.businessobjects.lcm.job.Job.addPrimaryResources(Job.java:389) at com.businessobjects.lcm.job.Job.addPrimaryResources(Job.java:244) at com.businessobjects.lcm.actionHelper.JobActionHelper.addResourceToJob(JobActionHelper.java:2313) at com.businessobjects.lcm.actionHelper.JobActionHelper.performAction(JobActionHelper.java:172) at com.businessobjects.lcm.actions.JobActions.execute(JobActions.java:37) at org.apache.struts.action.RequestProcessor.processActionPerform(RequestProcessor.java:419) at org.apache.struts.action.RequestProcessor.process(RequestProcessor.java:224) at org.apache.struts.action.ActionServlet.process(ActionServlet.java:1194) at org.apache.struts.action.ActionServlet.doPost(ActionServlet.java:432) at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(HttpServlet.java:709) at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(HttpServlet.java:802) at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.internalDoFilter(ApplicationFilterChain.java:252) at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.doFilter(ApplicationFilterChain.java:173) at com.businessobjects.lcm.LCMCacheControleFilter.doFilter(LCMCacheControleFilter.java:27) at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.internalDoFilter(ApplicationFilterChain.java:202) at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.doFilter(ApplicationFilterChain.java:173) at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardWrapperValve.invoke(StandardWrapperValve.java:213) at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardContextValve.invoke(StandardContextValve.java:178) at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardHostValve.invoke(StandardHostValve.java:126) at org.apache.catalina.valves.ErrorReportValve.invoke(ErrorReportValve.java:105) at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardEngineValve.invoke(StandardEngineValve.java:107) at org.apache.catalina.connector.CoyoteAdapter.service(CoyoteAdapter.java:148) at org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11Processor.process(Http11Processor.java:869) at org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11BaseProtocol$Http11ConnectionHandler.processConnection(Http11BaseProtocol.java:664) at org.apache.tomcat.util.net.PoolTcpEndpoint.processSocket(PoolTcpEndpoint.java:527) at org.apache.tomcat.util.net.LeaderFollowerWorkerThread.runIt(LeaderFollowerWorkerThread.java:80) at org.apache.tomcat.util.threads.ThreadPool$ControlRunnable.run(ThreadPool.java:684) at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:595) Caused by: com.crystaldecisions.enterprise.ocaframework.idl.OCA.oca_abuse: IDL:img.seagatesoftware.com/OCA/oca_abuse:3.2 at com.crystaldecisions.enterprise.ocaframework.idl.OCA.oca_abuseHelper.read(oca_abuseHelper.java:106) at com.crystaldecisions.enterprise.ocaframework.idl.OCA.OCAi._InfoStoreEx4Stub.queryEx3(_InfoStoreEx4Stub.java:209) at sun.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor201.invoke(Unknown Source) at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.java:25) at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:585) at com.crystaldecisions.enterprise.ocaframework.ManagedService.invoke(ManagedService.java:425) at com.crystaldecisions.sdk.occa.infostore.internal._InfoStoreEx4Proxy.queryEx3(_InfoStoreEx4Proxy.java:364) at com.crystaldecisions.sdk.occa.infostore.internal.InternalInfoStore.queryHelper(InternalInfoStore.java:708) ... 37 more com.crystaldecisions.sdk.exception.SDKServerException: CMS operation timed out after 9 minutes. cause:com.crystaldecisions.enterprise.ocaframework.idl.OCA.oca_abuse: IDL:img.seagatesoftware.com/OCA/oca_abuse:3.2 detail:CMS operation timed out after 9 minutes. The server supplied the following details: OCA_Abuse exception 7710 at [.\exceptionmapper.cpp : 79] 48022 ...CMS operation timed out after 9 minutes. Thread timeout has expired.
    Has anyone actually suceeded in moving an LCM job from one LCM server to another?

    Apologies for the formatting, IE6 and company policy means none of the formatting seems to work. :o(

  • Send Text message from adf to mobile device

    Hi All,
    My concern is that I want to send a SMS/text message from adf application to user mobile is there any sample proj / document/example application related to this requirement .pls help
    Edited by: 931029 on Jun 20, 2012 2:17 AM

    The example will not help you
    because the url that we generate we take it from the sms provider ( or the mobile service company )
    so its will not work with you.
    I mean if you want to send sms there is no standard way
    because its depend on the sms provider ( or the mobile service company )
    because every provider have different way>
    So the sms provider must tell you how to generate that URL or what is the a webservice
    that will send the sms.

  • Can not see running jobs from, package

    I have a problem with processing parallely runing jobs:
    I am creating another immediately runned jobs in a main job. Those two parallel jobs (2 loads from different databases) have to be finished before I run next operation (working out loaded data). Problem is that, after starting those 2 parallel jobs, I can not see them by select from ALL_SCHEDULER_RUNNING_JOBS that is executed immediately after I create those jobs in a package. If I take a look into ALL_SCHEDULER_RUNNING_JOBS from anonymous statement I can see all my running jobs. Let's sum it up:
    1/ Start of main job
    2/ Running 2 immediately created jobs (load data)
    3/ Checking in loop if jobs created in step 2 are still running
    3.1/ Jobs are running (ALL_SCHEDULER_RUNNING_JOBS check) - sleep for a
    while - It never happens - can't see any running jobs from select executed in
    package but can see them in
    anonymous statement
    3.2/ Jobs finished - start processing loaded data
    Can somebody help me with this task?
    Thanks alot!

    There is no reason a job should be visible from an anonymous block but not from inside a job. There are two things that may be happening here.
    - jobs scheduled to run immediately my not start running as soon as they are created/enabled, you may need to wait a bit before they start running (they will appear in all_scheduler_jobs immediately but maybe not all_scheduler_running_jobs immediately)
    - you may be running into privilege issues. Is the user that executes the anonymous block the same as the user that the job is running as (the job's schema) ? If not maybe the job user does not have privileges to see the job (you can grant alter on the job to the user to ensure this).
    Can you see the jobs in the all_scheduler_jobs view from within the job with status RUNNING ? If you can see jobs in all_scheduler_jobs as RUNNING but not in all_scheduler_running_jobs then this is a bug of some sort.

  • Cannot send an email from my alias Mobile Me account from the iPhone.

    I have a Mobile Me email account which works perfectly on my Mac and iPhone. I created a an Alias Mobile Me Account on the web.
    I am able to create a new email from the alias account on the Mac.
    The iPhone will not recognize the alias account, I cannot add it or sync the account.
    I cannot send an email from my alias Mobile Me account from the iPhone.

    To all frustrated MobileMe alias owners who want to send email from iPhone - please go to the feedback area of the apple.com and leave messages regarding this issue. I had a lengthy conversation with a tech support guy who agreed that this is a needed fix - he said to initiate a grass roots effort - and that by all of us leaving messages it will eventually get attention and fixed. Why would Apple give us the ability to create alias's, use them on mobileme website, on our mac mail programs, but NOT the iPhone, which is the MOBILE device. Silly. Please protest!! Thanks.

  • Help needed-Survey template data not flowing from CRM to Mobile & V V

    Hi experts,
    We have a requirement to create a custom survey template and pass it to mobile. The data flow should be to and fro. as in; from CRM to Mobile Application and vice versa.
    Currently we are facing an issue in this that the data if not being passed properly from the CRM TO Moblie.
    As i am new to the middleware concepts, i am not sure how to go about analysing if my data in the BDocs for the survey template if correct or not.Some data is present for the survey in the Bdoc(xml), but i am not sure if this xml value is correct or not as the Bdoc table entry (xml value)seems to have been truncated(i cannot view the entire xml there wen i try to open the BDoc fields in SMW01).
    any pointers to this is highly appreciated.

    May be this thread will help
    v('APP_USER') not returning HTMLDB user

  • When sending job from Final Cut Pro to Compressor using local QCluster

    When sending job from Final Cut Pro to Compressor by way of Share and using the local QCluster, the audio renders, but the video errors out saying something along the lines of Can not locate file.
    If I use 'This Computer' it works fine.
    What gives?
    Fresh install of OS and FCS.

    I'm just learning the intricacies of Compressor and Qmaster myself, but I have learned that when you use Qmaster you can not share directly from FCP. You must export a Quicktime movie (reference movie seems to be fine) and input that to Compressor. This is only an issue when using Qmaster, as you've seen.

  • How can I download music, etc. to my Iphone 5 from my 2 previous Itunes accts.? When I download from one acct. and then try to download the items from my 2nd acct. I am told it will erase the items I downloaded from the 1st account......How can I get all

    I have 2 Itunes accts. from previous Iphones. I now want to put the music, apps, etc onto my new phone from both accounts. When I sync one account to my new phone and try to sync the other items from my 2nd account - it wants to erase all of the items I synced from the 1st account. Please help! ????

    There is no solution other than getting all of your content into a single iTunes library. By design, iPhone syncs or manually manages with one computer/iTunes account at a time.

  • Print the job from the spool in abtch mode

    I want to be able to print a job from the spool in batch mode. In other words a job currently exists that creates a report that currently goes to a printer.
    The user wants the report to print on two different printers. This extra printer cannot be placed in the job, since SAP only allows one printer per output. What I would like is to find a SAP program that would accept a spool name and a printer destination. It necessary we can write a program that might execute a SAP function to do the same.
    SP01, the spool transaction, does not easily adapt itself to batch execution. I donu2019t want to create a bdc session using it.

    If the domain of these fields are of type SYTIME, then adding the fields like a numeric value should suffice.

  • Error when executing job from BW

    We have created a job that transfers a set of data to BW PSA.
    When executing from data services designer or from the management console the job works fine.
    When executing the job from BW administration workbench, the job is executed and does not report failures (we can consult the log in the management console).
    But nothing arrives in the PSA, and on the workbench we get the following errors:
    Error in a data conversion in record
    data record      1 of the fragmented entry is too long.
    Error in a data conversion in record
    Please advice what to check next.
    Best regards

    Thank you for your help.
    I tried changing the BW datastore to UTF-8 but am still not able to load these data when it is trigged from BW.
    After changing the datastore to UTF-8 I get some additional information in the log but no errors
    Additional information in the log:
    The specified locale  and datastore codepage
    Søren Ejlersen

  • Submitting job from a procedure

    I need to submit a job and call it frm a procedure. I need to run the job exactly at 12 in the midnight. How will i pass the start_time to the job? the problem i face here is the procedure can be called on any date. following is the procedure
         END LOOP;
         DBMS_JOB.SUBMIT(L_JOB, 'SPARCHIVE('||DT||');', SYSDATE , 'sysdate+1');
    /pls help me how to do it.

    Current date and time
    SQL> SELECT to_char(sysdate, 'DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI:SS') FROM dual;
    18-OCT-2004 13:13:09the previous midnight...
    SQL> SELECT to_char(trunc(sysdate), 'DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI:SS') FROM dual;
    18-OCT-2004 00:00:00the next midnight...
    SQL> SELECT to_char(trunc(sysdate+1), 'DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI:SS') FROM dual;
    19-OCT-2004 00:00:00Okay?
    Cheers, APC

  • Print a job from both the trays in a printer

    I am developing an application in JDK 1.4 to use the new printing APIs. Our requirement is to print a job from a printer using both the upper tray as well as the lower tray. This is because the application prints pages alternatively in both Legal and Letter format. Is it possible to accomplish this task?
    Thank you.

    I think you are going to need to use the java.awt.print.Book class. This class allows you to specify a different page format for each page in the document to be printed. In the PageFormat you return for each page, you can specify the orientation, paper, etc. However, I haven't done what you are specifically asking about so I can't give you details beyond my educated guesses. :)

  • How can I change my email settings in order for a message to come from my 2nd email account?

    When I send an email from my 2nd email account (the 1st is personal & the 2nd is Gmail), I would like the repient to see that it came from my 2nd email account - not my default (1st) account.  How do I do that?

    Assuming you have both accounts set up on your phone, when you are composing a mail just tap on the From: field and then select the account you wish to send from.  
    If you want to default it to that account all of the time, select it under Settings - Mail, Contacts, Calendars - Mail - Default Account

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