2222:Index name is not unique

Hi Chris
We find some TT6003 errors in foreground, and tterrors.log shows waiting for "Index VEASMS.B2CPOLICY_CW_2_CANCEL". I feel there may be the reseason for the error and try to drop and create this index( if this index is unsuable),but when drop the index there an another error 2222:Index name is not unique.
Could you please suggest how can we address this problem?
Thank you!
18:03:59.95 Warn:    : 10254: 13516/0x2abdb864fdb0: ConnId=207 (java) waiting for latch "Index VEASMS.B2CPOLICY_CW_2_CANCEL"(2374632), Holder=227 (java) PID 13516, now 1 secs 18:03:59.95 Warn:    : 10254: 13516/0x2abdc03be8c0: ConnId=75 (java) waiting for latch "Index VEASMS.B2CPOLICY_CW_2_CANCEL"(2374632), Holder=227 (java) PID 13516, now 1 secs 18:03:59.96 Warn:    : 10254: 13516/0x2abdb0643170: ConnId=288 (java) waiting for latch "Index VEASMS.B2CPOLICY_CW_2_CANCEL"(2374632), Holder=227 (java) PID 13516, now 1 secs 18:03:59.99 Warn:    : 10254: 13516/0x1d8cac50: ConnId=85 (java) waiting for latch "Index VEASMS.B2CPOLICY_CW_2_CANCEL"(2374632), Holder=227 (java) PID 13516, now 1 secs 18:04:01.31 Warn:    : 10254: 13516/0x1ebf2c10: ConnId=227 (java) waiting for latch "Index VEASMS.B2CPOLICY_CW_2_CANCEL"(2374632), Holder=207 (java) PID 13516, now 1 secs 18:04:01.42 Warn:    : 10254: 13516/0x1d8cac50: ConnId=85 (java) waiting for latch "Index VEASMS.B2CPOLICY_CW_2_CANCEL"(2374632), Holder=207 (java) PID 13516, now 1 secs 18:04:01.42 Warn:    : 10254: 13516/0x2abdc03be8c0: ConnId=75 (java) waiting for latch "Index VEASMS.B2CPOLICY_CW_2_CANCEL"(2374632), Holder=207 (java) PID 13516, now 1 secs 18:04:03.32 Warn:    : 10254: 13516/0x2abdb0643170: ConnId=288 (java) waiting for shared latch "Index VEASMS.B2CPOLICY_CW_2_CANCEL"(2374632), now 1 secs 18:04:03.34 Warn:    : 10254: 13516/0x1ebf2c10: ConnId=227 (java) waiting for latch "Index VEASMS.B2CPOLICY_CW_2_CANCEL"(2374632), Holder=288 (java) PID 13516, now 1 secs 18:04:03.42 Warn:    : 10254: 13516/0x1d8cac50: ConnId=85 (java) waiting for latch "Index VEASMS.B2CPOLICY_CW_2_CANCEL"(2374632), Holder=288 (java) PID 13516, now 1 secs Command> SELECT ixname,ixowner,ixid,tblid,ixtype FROM sys.INDEXES WHERE IXNAME='B2CPOLICY_CW_2_CANCEL'  ; < B2CPOLICY_CW_2_CANCEL          , VEASMS                         , 2642328, 1798240, 1 > 1 row found. Command> SELECT  tblname,tblowner,TBLID  FROM SYS.TABLES  where TBLID='1798240'; < B2CPOLICY_CW_2_CANCEL          , VEASMS                         , 1798240 > 1 row found. Command> drop Index VEASMS.B2CPOLICY_CW_2_CANCEL; 2222: Index name is not unique The command failed. Command>

Hi Li,
Sorry, I replied too quickly :-) Error 2222 can occur in two circumstances:
1.   If the index is the primary key index; as you have found you cannot drop a primary key index in TimesTen.
2.   If you have indexes with identical names on different tables; in this case you need to use the FROM owner.table qualifier on the DROP INDEX statement.
If you want to drop the primary key index then you will have to drop the entire table to do that. TimesTen does not have any concept of 'index status' and an index can never become unusable in TimesTen. The daemon log messages that you originally posted simply indicate that some process is waiting to acquire a latch on the index but is unable to because some other process is still holding it. Normally a latch should only be held for a very short time so if something waits much longer (in this case 1 second) we print these warning messages. So the real question here is why do you have such heavy latch contention on this index...
What exact TimesTen release is this? If it is an 11.2.2 release, you should consider using B-Trees for the range indexes rather than T-Trees as they offer much better concurrency. If you decide to do that, be sure to upgrade to or later first.

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       Why I am not able to create the view after including a field that EXISTS in two tables, PLEASE ?

    you can include both fields (but what for??); most likely KNUMH will also complain after fixing DATAB (just a guess...).
    You can include both fields if you name them differently (different aliases):
    In the view fields tab, enter two different names in the column "view field".
    this will work.
    hope this helps...
    Message was edited by:
            Olivier Cora

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    --VARRAY type
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    --VARRAY type
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    I see the problem now. If there are more values in one varray or the other, how do you want to handle it? Below I have demonstrated, first the solution that I previous offered, that would only insert the rows where there are values from both varrays. In the second example below, I have inserted a null value in place of the missing value from the varray that has fewer values.
    scott@ORA92> CREATE TABLE p_client
      2    (id_client  NUMBER,
      3       nameclient VARCHAR2(15))
      4  /
    Table created.
    scott@ORA92> CREATE TABLE p_items
      2    (id_client  NUMBER,
      3       name_item  VARCHAR2(10),
      4       price_item NUMBER)
      5  /
    Table created.
      2  IS
      3    TYPE item_array IS ARRAY(10) OF VARCHAR2(10);
      4    TYPE price_array IS ARRAY(10) OF number;
      5    PROCEDURE p_proc
      6        (Id_clt    IN P_CLIENT.id_client%TYPE,
      7         nameClt   IN P_CLIENT.nameclient%TYPE,
      8         priceItem IN price_array,
      9         nameItem  IN item_array);
    10  end PE_CL;
    11  /
    Package created.
    scott@ORA92> show errors
    No errors.
    -- first method:
      2  IS
      3    PROCEDURE p_proc
      4        (Id_clt    IN P_CLIENT.id_client%TYPE,
      5         nameClt   IN P_CLIENT.nameclient%TYPE,
      6         priceItem IN price_array,
      7         nameItem  IN item_array)
      8    IS
      9    BEGIN
    10        INSERT INTO P_CLIENT VALUES (Id_clt, nameClt);
    11  --    FORALL i IN nameItem.FIRST .. nameItem.LAST
    12  --      INSERT INTO P_ITEMS VALUES (Id_clt, nameItem(i), priceItem(i));
    13        FOR i IN nameItem.FIRST .. nameItem.LAST LOOP
    14          IF nameItem.EXISTS(i) AND priceItem.EXISTS(i) THEN
    15            INSERT INTO P_ITEMS VALUES (Id_clt, nameItem(i), priceItem(i));
    16          END IF;
    17        END LOOP;
    18    END;
    19  end PE_CL;
    20  /
    Package body created.
    scott@ORA92> show errors
    No errors.
    scott@ORA92> declare
      2    priceitem pe_cl.price_array := pe_cl.price_array(2, 5);
      3    nameitem pe_cl.item_array := pe_cl.item_array('item a', 'item b', 'item c');
      4  begin
      5    pe_cl.p_proc
      6        (id_clt    => 900,
      7         nameclt   => 'MIKE',
      8         priceitem => priceitem,
      9         nameitem  => nameitem);
    10    COMMIT;
    11  end;
    12  /
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
    scott@ORA92> SELECT * FROM p_client
      2  /
           900 MIKE
    scott@ORA92> SELECT * FROM p_items
      2  /
           900 item a              2
           900 item b              5
    scott@ORA92> TRUNCATE TABLE p_client
      2  /
    Table truncated.
    scott@ORA92> TRUNCATE TABLE p_items
      2  /
    Table truncated.
    -- second method:
      2  IS
      3    PROCEDURE p_proc
      4        (Id_clt    IN P_CLIENT.id_client%TYPE,
      5         nameClt   IN P_CLIENT.nameclient%TYPE,
      6         priceItem IN price_array,
      7         nameItem  IN item_array)
      8    IS
      9    BEGIN
    10        INSERT INTO P_CLIENT VALUES (Id_clt, nameClt);
    11  --    FORALL i IN nameItem.FIRST .. nameItem.LAST
    12  --      INSERT INTO P_ITEMS VALUES (Id_clt, nameItem(i), priceItem(i));
    13        FOR i IN nameItem.FIRST .. nameItem.LAST LOOP
    14          IF nameItem.EXISTS(i) AND priceItem.EXISTS(i) THEN
    15            INSERT INTO P_ITEMS VALUES (Id_clt, nameItem(i), priceItem(i));
    16          ELSIF nameItem.EXISTS(i) THEN
    17            INSERT INTO P_ITEMS VALUES (Id_clt, nameItem(i), null);
    18          ELSIF priceItem.EXISTS(i) THEN
    19            INSERT INTO P_ITEMS VALUES (Id_clt, null, priceItem(i));
    20          END IF;
    21        END LOOP;
    22    END;
    23  end PE_CL;
    24  /
    Package body created.
    scott@ORA92> show errors
    No errors.
    scott@ORA92> declare
      2    priceitem pe_cl.price_array := pe_cl.price_array(2, 5);
      3    nameitem pe_cl.item_array := pe_cl.item_array('item a', 'item b', 'item c');
      4  begin
      5    pe_cl.p_proc
      6        (id_clt    => 900,
      7         nameclt   => 'MIKE',
      8         priceitem => priceitem,
      9         nameitem  => nameitem);
    10    COMMIT;
    11  end;
    12  /
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
    scott@ORA92> SELECT * FROM p_client
      2  /
           900 MIKE
    scott@ORA92> SELECT * FROM p_items
      2  /
           900 item a              2
           900 item b              5
           900 item c

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    [email protected]

    The description of the message given by the system is like below
    Field name BUKRS not unique
    Message no. MC 060
    When you define aggregates (views, lock objects or matchcode objects), you can assign the aggregate fields your own names (the system assigns names to the basic fields automatically). These names must be unique.
    System Response
    The system has established that the names assigned to the aggregate fields in an aggregate definition are not unique and issues an error message.
    Assign unique names to the aggregate fields in question.
    [email protected]

  • Business transaction name is not unique in language EN

    Dear All ,
    I want to delete one entry on FBCJ (Petty cash journal), But having this Error.Let me know the solution.
    I have tried to find in FBCJC2 but i haven't got anything .
    ERROR :
    Business transaction name ELECTRICITY EXPENSES is not unique in language EN
    Message no. F5A430
    You used business transaction &1. However, this name is not unique in the language &2.
    Change the Customizing of the business transactions in language &2 so that each business transaction name is unique (transaction FBCJC2).
    Swapnil Vaidya

    Hi Swapnil,
    The error saying that you are trying to use Business transaction &1 but the reversal is for Business Transaction &2 , just check once again really you are trying to reverse the document using correct business transaction.
    thanks and regards

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    How can I get around this and successfully import my library?

    I get the same message and then after name is not unique it says:  iPhone.  were you able to find out what the issue is? 

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    Thanks for pointing this out. Have logged a bug for this one.
    Meanwhile the workaround is to switch focus on to some other tab of the wizard and back on to the Index page, to get the Name field enabled again.

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    As far I can see the only syntax accepted by Oracle 9i to create more than one index at the time of the table creation is:
    But, in my case I need to have the unicity only for the primary key, but not for the second index, that I would like to have not unique.
    How to do that inside of the CREATE TABLE statement?
    Any help?
    Thanks a lot in advance.

    To create an index automatically (not constraint related) , you will need to have an 'event' trigger on the schema that will (IE: detecting a table create/drop matching ARCHIVE_%) , generate the appropriate SQL required (create index sql) and pass THAT to a DBMS_JOB.
    Make sure you have job queue's enabled.
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  • Post-upgrade ToDo, PI configuration Wizard: com.sap.security.api.DuplicateKeyException Group found, but unique name "SAP_SLD_DATA_SUPPLIER" is not unique!

    after PI-Upgrade to NW-PI-731-SP07,  executing the PI-configuration wizard:
    step 126 of 162
    Assign SLD Data Supplier user to Group SAP_SLD_DATA_SUPPLIER (local SLD)
    Group found, but unique name "SAP_SLD_DATA_SUPPLIER" is not unique!
    Execute Java Service
    Library: sap.com/tc~lm~ctc~util~core_ear
    Class: com.sap.ctc.util.core.services.UserFacade
    Method: void com.sap.ctc.util.core.services.UserFacade.addUserToGroup(java.lang.String, java.lang.String)
    Arguments (2)
    userName : SLD_DS_EXE
    InvokeService- Result: ERROR
    Refresh Env. Messages: false
    Duration: 1.936 sec
    Library Info
    Default Trace
    Exception Class: com.sap.security.api.DuplicateKeyException
    Exception Message: Group found, but unique name "SAP_SLD_DATA_SUPPLIER" is not unique!
    com.sap.security.api.DuplicateKeyException: Group found, but unique name "SAP_SLD_DATA_SUPPLIER" is not unique!
    at com.sap.ctc.util.infra.rfc.BaseConfig.dispatchException(BaseConfig.java:230)
    at com.sap.ctc.util.core.services.impl.ume.java.GroupJavaImpl.verify(GroupJavaImpl.java:121)
    at com.sap.ctc.util.core.services.impl.ume.DualGroupImpl.verify(DualGroupImpl.java:118)
    at com.sap.ctc.util.core.services.content.ume.UserService.addToGroup(UserService.java:725)
    at com.sap.ctc.util.core.services.UserFacade.addUserToGroup(UserFacade.java:288)
    what to do?
    first run the UME consistency check => found some inconsistency => did repair UME
    then run again UME consistency check => found no more inconsistency !!
    the again - try to run the PI-Upgrade-Wizard => but again error on executing .....

    see this sap-notes:

  • Domain name does not link to index page.

    Having a lot of difficulty publishing to FTP, have researched many forums and unable to find answers. Whether I publish to FTP via iWeb or Cyberduck, my domain name danbaileymusic.com shows a 403 Forbidden Error. However if i type in danbaileymusic.com/index or /music, ect it loads. The whole site functions fine, but the domain name does not link to the index page.
    In Cyberduck all permissions have been turned on. Also I noticed that when publishing to a local folder, iWeb creates a folder "danbailey" and an index.html. This index page does not work in Cyberduck, however the index page that is WITHIN the folder "danbailey" does work, but it doesn't link to the domain name.
    Please help! I've been working on this for weeks and cannot figure out why the domain name is not working!

    It only creates the page names with first letter capitalized (as in Index not index) I have tried changing it from the sidebar and from the Page Name in the Inspector -- typing "index" comes back as "Index" It's easy enough to change the "I" to an" i" at the file level (which did fix the problem) but doing this also breaks all the links I have to "Index.html" Fixing this on the creation side would be ideal. Thoughts?
    I am using iWeb '09 v.3.0.1 if that makes a difference

  • Trouble uploading to shootproof, keep getting an error that says "internal error, name not unique, color" any idea what this is and how to resolve it?

    trouble uploading to shootproof, keep getting an error that says "internal error, name not unique, color" any idea what this is and how to resolve it?

    Note that you should be cautious when you get the 'untrusted' error message and that you should never create a permanent exception in cases like this without investigating the cause.
    If you have created a permanent exception then best is to remove it in the Server tab in the Certificate Manager.
    *Tools > Options > Advanced > Certificates/Encryption: View Certificates

  • Bug? Create Index can not edit index name

    when I want to create an index I can not edit the index name which is always tablename_index1 after I create the index with this name, delete it again and create a new one I can edit the indexname.
    this happens when you use the tabs in edit table. It works when you use context menu create index
    Regards, Juergen
    Message was edited by:
    Message was edited by:

    This seems to be specific to Oracle 9. I could not reproduce in 10 but did just reproduce in 9. The only way to get the index created was to refresh the connection, just refreshing the table or all tables did not do it. I will log a bug now.
    -- Sharon

  • Service principal names of user are not unique; check the active directory

    Hello Experts,
    My company had set up this service principal account to use with Kerberos and I am trying to configure the authentication template using SPNEGO wizzard.  The format of the service account is not the same as SAP recommened (J2EE-SID-DOMAIN) but something like abc_de_portal.  After trying to use that account with the wizzard I am getting this error "Service principal names of user abc_de_portal are not unique; check the active directory configuration."  I am not sure what else in the AD attributes is causing the problem.  Please let me know if you have ran into similar issue and how did you corrected.  Points will be rewarded of course. 
    Thank you so much for any help that I can get.

    Hello Duy,
      SPN of the service user for kerberos has to be unique as you would have made out from the message . There seems to be
    someother user having the SPN as yours.
    You would have to find the other AD user with the same SPN as yours and then de register that with
    setspn u2013d <SPN> Username
    Then this error should not come up after that .
    There was a tool called Ldifde  which you can use for this. We have our AD team do this for us. Would be better if you ask them to carry this out.

  • Service principal names of user j2ee- SID are not unique

    Hi everyone,
    I am trying to configure the SPNego, following the guide below Configuring and troubleshooting SPNego -- Part 1
    but I'm getting an error that I have not been solved
    then pictures of the developments so far:
    [step 1|http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/807/59238690.jpg/]
    [Step 2|http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/804/55731867.jpg/]
    [Step 3|http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/27/73007146.jpg/]
    Test following and has not worked

    Hi, Manuel!
    Check these threads for solution:
    Service principal names of user are not unique; check the active directory
    Service Principal Names of Users j2ee-MDS-tcsm3 not in unique-Check ADC
    Regards, Mikhail.

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