2nd Bioinformatic Coding Problem: genes into protein primary structures

On this wiki page:
Post 3  (Protein Primary Structures from a Scripting Language Point of Vew ) presents the background needed to understand how to translate a protein gene like this:
into a protein primary structure like this:
using the "standard genetic code":
F: ttt  S: tct  Y: tat  C: tgt 
F: ttc  S: tcc  Y: tac  C: tgc 
L: tta  S: tca  *: taa  *: tga 
L: ttg  S: tcg: *: tag  W: tgg 
L: ctt  P: cct  H: cat  R: cgt 
L: ctc  P: ccc  H: cac  R: cgc 
L: cta  P: cca  Q: caa  R: cga 
L: ctg  P: ccg  Q: cag  R: cgg 
I: att  T: act  N: aat  S: agt 
I: atc  T: acc  N: aac  S: agc 
I: ata  T: aca  K: aaa  R: aga 
M: atg  T: acg  K: aag  R: agg 
V: gtt  A: gct  D: gat  G: ggtr 
V: gtc  A: gcc  D: gac  G: ggc 
V: gta  A: gca  E: gaa  G: gga 
V: gtg  A: gcg  E: gag  G: ggg 
I'd love to have a copy of the necessary translation routine in each of the usual scripting languages - any routines posted in this thread will be added to the above wiki page.

$inseq  = "atgaacaaacagatcgatctacccattgctgatgtacaaggctcgttggacacaagacat";
$inseq .= "attgccatcgacagagtaggaatcaaagcgatccggcatcctgtcgtggtggcagataaa";
$inseq .= "ggcggtggctcccagcataccgtggcgcaattcaatatgtacgtcaatctgccccacaac";
$inseq .= "ttcaagggaacccacatgtctcgctttgtcgagatactgaacagtcacgagcgcgagatt";
$inseq .= "tcggtcgaatcgttcgaggaaatcctgcgttccatggtcagcagactggaatcggattcc";
$inseq .= "ggacatatcgaaatggccttcccttacttcatcaataaatctgcacctgtctcgggtgta";
$inseq .= "aaaagcctgctggactacgaagtgacatttatcggtgagatcaaacacggcaatcaatat";
$inseq .= "agttttaccatgaaggtaatcgtccctgttaccagcctgtgcccctgctccaaaaaaata";
$inseq .= "tccgactacggtgcacacaaccagcgttcacatgtcacgatttcggtgcgtaccaatagt";
$inseq .= "ttcatctggatcgaggacatcatcagaatcgcggaagagcaggcctcatgcgaactgtac";
$inseq .= "ggcctgctgaaacgcccggatgaaaaatatgttacggaaagagcttacaacaatccgaaa";
$inseq .= "tttgtcgaagatatcgtccgcgatgtggccgaagtactcaaccacgatgaccgtatagac";
$inseq .= "gcctatatcgttgaatcagaaaatttcgaatccatacacaaccactctgcctacgcattg";
$inseq .= "atcgaacgagacaaaagaatacgataa";
$trans  = array(
"ttt" => "F", "ctt" => "L", "att" => "I", "gtt" => "V",
"ttc" => "F", "ctc" => "L", "atc" => "I", "gtc" => "V",
"tct" => "S", "cta" => "L", "ata" => "I", "gta" => "V",
"tcc" => "S", "ctg" => "L", "atg" => "M", "gtg" => "V",
"tca" => "S", "cct" => "P", "act" => "T", "gct" => "A",
"tcg" => "S", "ccc" => "P", "acc" => "T", "gcc" => "A",
"tta" => "L", "cca" => "P", "aca" => "T", "gca" => "A",
"ttg" => "L", "ccg" => "P", "acg" => "T", "gcg" => "A",
"tat" => "Y", "cat" => "H", "aat" => "N", "gat" => "D",
"tac" => "Y", "cac" => "H", "aac" => "N", "gac" => "D",
"tgt" => "C", "caa" => "Q", "aaa" => "K", "gaa" => "E",
"tgc" => "C", "cag" => "Q", "aag" => "K", "gag" => "E",
"tgg" => "W", "cgt" => "R", "agt" => "S", "ggt" => "G",
"taa" => "*", "cgc" => "R", "agc" => "S", "ggc" => "G",
"tga" => "*", "cga" => "R", "aga" => "R", "gga" => "G",
"tag" => "*", "cgg" => "R", "agg" => "R", "ggg" => "G");
$inseq = strtr($inseq, "u", "t");
$substring_length[0] = -1; $stops[0] = "taa";
$substring_length[1] = -1; $stops[1] = "tga";
$substring_length[2] = -1; $stops[2] = "tag";
$i = 0;
foreach($substring_length as $sl){
  $substring_length[$i] = strlen($inseq);
  while($sl % 3 <> 0 && $sl <= strlen($inseq)){
    $sl = strpos($inseq, $stops[$i], $sl+1);
  if(!$sl === false){
    $substring_length[$i] = $sl;
echo strtr(substr($inseq, 0, min($substring_length)),$trans);
most of the code (apart from the definition of the input parameters) is an attempt to efficiently find the first stop codon to avoid loading and translating a sequence of several kilobytes where actually the first stop codon appears after a few bytes; if this isn't necessary the actual algorithm is a one-liner.
the language is of course ... well, a little trivial riddle (google some keywords to find out).

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  • Three new bioinformatic coding problems now in WIKI (all require regex)

    At the bottom of this page:
    I've defined three new bioinformatic coding problems (Problems 3a-c).
    These all involve regex parsing in one way or another and are therefore a lot more interesting than the first two problems I've presented.
    I'm hoping that Anton will continue to knock out solutions, and that others will feel challenged enough to join him.

    Anton -
    I am way impressed - not just by your code and how fast you produced it, but also by the speed with which you grasped the STRIDE documentation and put it to very good use.
    Regarding the question you ask at the very end - this question goes to the heart of why protein tertiary structure (the actual 3-dimensional shape of one chain of a protein) is so hard to predict, and why governments, universities, and pharma are throwing so much money at it.
    If protein primary and secondary structure were many-to-one, prediction of protein tertiary strructure would be a lot lot simpler.  (For example, if "VVAY" and all "similar" primary structure subsequences mapped to the same secondary structure.)
    But the mapping is, unfortunately, many-to-many because the amino acids (AAs) in a primary structure chain always bond the same way - the COOH (carboxy) of one  AA bonds to the HN (amino) of the next one to produce C-N with the OH and H going away to make a water moleculre ... COOH - HN ---> C-N + H20.
    And as pointed out by Linus Pauling (the discoverer of protein secondary structure), the C-N bond can take two forms:
    a) one that is llkely to force the two amino acids to become HH (part of a helix)
    b) one that is likely to force the two amino acids to become EE (part of a "stand")
    You may be surprised to find out that even primary structure subsequences of six amino acids can wind up as different secondary structures - not always "H" vs "E", the variants might be
    E TT H
    H TT E
    EEE HH
    HH EEE
    Anyway, thanks a lot for what you've done here.
    If you decide to stay involved a little longer, you will very soon be able to understand why there may be real promise in the approach to protein structure that is being taken here:
    (This is why I want to get SAP interested in the vertical bioinformatic sector - you can see why an integrated IDE with a robust DB is so important.)
    BTW, the site mentions Dr. Arthur Lesk as a team member.  Arthur is considered one of the fathers of what is called "structural alignment" (as opposed to pure sequence alignment.)
    If you Google him, you'll see that he has written many many books on bioinformatics - all worth purchasing if you're going to become involved in this area.  Arthur was at Cambridge (MRC) until recently, when he reached mandatory EU retirement age and took a position at Penn State here in the US.

  • Coding Problem 6 Now Defined in Scripting Languages/Bioinformatics WIKI

    In the "Scripting Languages and Bioinformatics" WIKI, I have completed a new page here:
    and also defined Coding Problem 6 at the end of this page.
    This problem involves scripting an interactive session with a web site and parsing what the web site returns at various points duing the session.
    Am looking foward to a script that solves this problem, if anyone feels like spending the time to do it.

    // sequence to search ---------------------------------------------
    // url for form1 --------------------------------------------------
    $url = "http://blast.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov:80/Blast.cgi";
    // parameters for form1 -------------------------------------------
    $bdb         = "protein";
    $bgeneticcode= "1";
    $bquery_from = "";
    $bquery_to   = "";
    $bjobtitle   = "ACW-" . time();
    $bdatabase   = "nr";
    $bblastprog  = "tblastn";
    $bpagetype   = "BlastSearch";
    $pf  = "";
    $pf .= "QUERY=" . $bquery;
    $pf .= "&db=" . $bdb;
    $pf .= "&QUERY_FROM=" . $bquery_from;
    $pf .= "&QUERY_TO=" . $bquery_to;
    $pf .= "&JOB_TITLE=" . $bjobtitle;
    $pf .= "&DATABASE=" . $bdatabase;
    $pf .= "&BLAST_PROGRAMS=" . $bblastprog;
    $pf .= "&PAGE_TYPE=" . $bpagetype;
    $pf .= "&GENETIC_CODE=1";
    $pf .= "&DBTYPE=";
    $pf .= "&EQ_MENU=";
    $pf .= "&EQ_TEXT=";
    $pf .= "&NEWWIN=";
    $pf .= "&MATCH_SCORES=";
    $pf .= "&MAX_NUM_SEQ=100";
    $pf .= "&EXPECT=10";
    $pf .= "&WORD_SIZE=3";
    $pf .= "&MATRIX_NAME=BLOSUM62";
    $pf .= "&GAPCOSTS=11 1";
    $pf .= "&REPEATS=";
    $pf .= "&FILTER=";
    $pf .= "&LCASE_MASK=";
    $pf .= "&TEMPLATE_LENGTH=";
    $pf .= "&TEMPLATE_TYPE=";
    $pf .= "&I_THRESH=0.005";
    $pf .= "&CLIENT=web";
    $pf .= "&SERVICE=plain";
    $pf .= "&CMD=request";
    $pf .= "&PAGE=Translations";
    $pf .= "&PROGRAM=tblastn";
    $pf .= "&MEGABLAST=";
    $pf .= "&RUN_PSIBLAST=";
    $pf .= "&SELECTED_PROG_TYPE=tblastn";
    $pf .= "&SAVED_SEARCH=true";
    $pf .= "&BLAST_SPEC=";
    $pf .= "&DB_DIR_PREFIX=";
    $pf .= "&SHOW_OVERVIEW=true";
    $pf .= "&SHOW_LINKOUT=true";
    $pf .= "&GET_SEQUENCE=true";
    $pf .= "&FORMAT_OBJECT=Alignment";
    $pf .= "&FORMAT_TYPE=HTML";
    $pf .= "&ALIGNMENT_VIEW=Pairwise";
    $pf .= "&MASK_CHAR=2";
    $pf .= "&MASK_COLOR=1";
    $pf .= "&DESCRIPTIONS=100";
    $pf .= "&ALIGNMENTS=100";
    $pf .= "&NEW_VIEW=true";
    $pf .= "&OLD_BLAST=true";
    $pf .= "&NCBI_GI=false";
    $pf .= "&SHOW_CDS_FEATURE=false";
    $pf .= "&NUM_OVERVIEW=100";
    $pf .= "&FORMAT_EQ_TEXT=";
    $pf .= "&FORMAT_ORGANISM=";
    $pf .= "&EXPECT_LOW=";
    $pf .= "&EXPECT_HIGH=true";
    $pf .= "&QUERY_INDEX=0";
    // define the HTTP connection -----------------------------
    $ch = curl_init();
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, 1);
    curl_setopt($ch,CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $pf);
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER , 1);
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER,1);
    // call it ------------------------------------------------
    $my_result = curl_exec($ch);
    // get the request ID; the query takes some time and this ID
    // allows to identify the original request
    $query = "/<tr><td>Request ID<\/td><td> <b>([0-9A-Z]*)<\/b><\/td><\/tr>/";
    preg_match($query, $my_result, $request_id);
    // query for the result page every 2 seconds...when the result
    // is ready, we recognize it by its signature
    $not_ready = true;
    $result_url = "http://blast.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/Blast.cgi?CMD=Get&VIEW_RESULTS=FromRes&RID=" . $request_id[1];
      $temp_page = null;
      curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, 0);
      $my_result = curl_exec($ch);
      $query = "/This page will be automatically updated in <b>(\d*)<\/b> seconds/";
      preg_match($query, $my_result, $temp_page);
      if(isset($temp_page[1])) {  sleep(2); }
      else { $not_ready = false; }
    // parse the results page; split it into result fragments first --------
    $pat = "/";
    $pat .= "><input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"getSeqGi\"([^\n]*)\n";
    $pat .= "Length=\d*\n\n";
    $pat .= "[\w\s]*:\n";
    $pat .= "(\s*<a[^>]*>[^<]*<\/a>\n)*\n";
    $pat .= "([^\n]*\n){3}\n";
    $pat .= "(([^\n]*\n){3}\n[^n])*";
    $pat .= "/";
    preg_match_all($pat, $my_result, $fragments);
    // 'fine parse the result fragments and get some important parameters -----
    foreach($fragments[0] as $fragment){
      $query = "/<a href=\"http:\/\/(www\.ncbi\.nlm\.nih\.gov\/entrez\/query\.fcgi\?";
      $query .= "[^>]*)>([^<]*)<\/a><a[^>]*>[^<]*<\/a>\s*<a[^>]*><img[^>]*><\/a>([^\n]*)/";
      preg_match($query, $fragment, $u);
      $query  = "/\s*Score\s*=\s*(\d*) bits\s*\(\d*\),\s*Expect\s*=\s*([^,]*),";
      $query .= "[^\n]*\n\s*Identities\s*=\s*\d*\/\d*\s*\((\d*%)\)[^\n]*\n\s*Frame\s*=\s*([^\n]*)\n/";
      preg_match($query, $fragment, $u1);
      preg_match_all("/Sbjct\s*(\d*)\s*[A-Z\-]*\s*(\d*)\n/", $fragment, $positions);
      $fr["url"]        = $u[1];
      $fr["shname"]     = $u[2];
      $fr["name"]       = $u[3];
      $fr["score"]      = $u1[1];
      $fr["expect"]     = $u1[2];
      $fr["identities"] = $u1[3];
      $fr["frame"]      = $u1[4];
    // find out if we have to reverse the strand direction or not; adjust
    // lower and upper limit
      if ($fr["frame"] >= 0) {
        $fr["high"] =  $positions[2][count($positions)-1]; $fr["low"] = $positions[1][0]; $fr["reverse"] = ""; }
      else {
        $fr["high"] =  $positions[1][0]; $fr["low"] = $positions[2][count($positions)-1]; $fr["reverse"] = true;}
      $frx[] = $fr;
    // we call the final details form for the top ranked result
    // here we could loop over several results
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, 0);
    $my_result = curl_exec($ch);
    // parse the final details form to get the necessary parameters to execute
    // the final details form
    preg_match("/<input name=\"WebEnv\" type=\"hidden\" value=\"([^\"]*)\"/",
               $my_result, $u5);
    preg_match("/<input name=\"query_key\" type=\"hidden\" value=\"([^\"]*)\"/",
               $my_result, $u6);
    preg_match("/<input name=\"db\" type=\"hidden\" value=\"([^\"]*)\"/",
               $my_result, $u7);
    preg_match("/<input name=\"qty\" type=\"hidden\" value=\"([^\"]*)\"/",
               $my_result, $u8);
    preg_match("/<input name=\"c_start\" type=\"hidden\" value=\"([^\"]*)\"/",
               $my_result, $u9);
      "/<select name=\"dopt\".*<option value=\"([^\"]*)\" selected=\"1\">/",
      $my_result, $u10);
      "/<select name=\"dispmax\".*<option value=\"([^\"]*)\" selected=\"1\">/",
      $my_result, $u11);
      "/<select name=\"sendto\".*<option value=\"([^\"]*)\" selected=\"1\">/",
      $my_result, $u12);
      "/<input type=\"hidden\" id=\"([^\"]*)\" name=\"fmt_mask\".*value=\"([^\"]*)\"/",
      $my_result, $u13);
      "/<input type=\"checkbox\" id=\"truncate\" name=\"truncate\" value=\"([^\"]*)\"\/>/",
      $my_result, $u14);
    // fill in the necessary parameters parsed out now and earlier
    $of  = "WebEnv=" . $u5[1];
    $of .= "&query_key=" . $u6[1];
    $of .= "&db=" . $u7[1];
    $of .= "&qty=" . $u8[1];
    $of .= "&c_start=" . $u9[1];
    $of .= "&dopt=" . $u10[1];
    $of .= "&dispmax=" . $u11[1];
    $of .= "&sendto=" . $u12[1];
    $of .= "&fmt_mask=" . $u13[1];
    $of .= "&truncate=" . $u14[1];
    $of .= "&less_feat=";
    $of .= "&from=" . $fr["low"];
    $of .= "&to=" . $fr["high"];
    $of .= "&strand=" . $fr["reverse"];
    $of .= "&extrafeatpresent=1";
    $of .= "&ef_SNP=1";
    $of .= "&ef_CDD=8";
    $of .= "&ef_MGC=16";
    $of .= "&ef_HPRD=32";
    $of .= "&ef_STS=64";
    $of .= "&ef_tRNA=128";
    $of .= "&ef_microRNA=256";
    $of .= "&ef_Exon=512";
    $of .= "&submit=Refresh";
    $ourl = "http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/viewer.fcgi?" . $of;
    // execute the final details form
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, 0);
    curl_setopt($ch,CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $of);
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER , 1);
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER,1);
    $my_result = curl_exec($ch);
    // parse the result page and get the final ORIGIN snippet
    preg_match("/ORIGIN\s*\n\s*<a name=\"[^\"]*\"><\/a>\s*([^\/]*)\//", $my_result, $u99);
    // output the final result ----------------------------------
    echo "\n" . preg_replace("/\s{2,}/", "\n", preg_replace("/\d+\s/", "", $u99[1]));
    Edited by: Anton Wenzelhuemer on Aug 6, 2008 8:08 PM (Re-Formatted)

  • Multi-table mapping is not inserting into the primary table first.

    I have an inheritance mapping where the children are mapped to the parent table oids with the "Multi-Table Info" tab.
    One of children is not inserting properly. Its insert is attempting to insert into one of the tables from the "Additional Tables" of "Multi-Table Info" instead of the primary table that it is mapped to.
    The other children insert correctly. This child is not much different from those.
    I looked through the forums, but found nothing similiar.

    I would expect the Children to be inserted into both the primary table and the Additional Table? Is the object in question inserted into the primary table at all? Is the problem that it is being inserted into the Additional Table first? If it is, are the primary key names different? Is it a foreign key relationship?
    If the object in question has no fields in the additional table is it mapped to the additional table? (it should not be)
    Perhaps providing the deployment XML will help determine the problem,

  • Coding problem with my website

    On my website, rockycapellaprods.com, I have a coding problem with the labeling of the videos as well as the videos playing on the website. Everything works great on the IWEB site, but as I loaded the information on the GoDaddy hosting site, several pages have a problem with the playing the videos and having several of the images moving onto the written areas. Do you have any solutions so the videos and the images stay on the website where I set them up?

    this would be a problem with style sheets or CSS and common with iFrames. If you have a fixed width for the body on your page template, you will have varying results of layout when you view the page.
    If you have your editor stretched to a certain width across your screen, you will likely be able to layout all your text blocks and objects into the places you want which may or may not ignore the "width" restrictions of the body. when you upload the site and open it in a browser, the layout could change because of the width restrictions in the HTML or CSS code and thus "wrap" to the next line.
    THe solution is to be familiar with static and fixed positioning of text and objects within your page. Be familiar with text that wraps around images, or images placed within a text box, etc. How your images and text react in relation to each other is all part of the code for the objects, text, and body parameters combined.
    I'm sorry there isnt a fast fix for this, and it would literally be an extended lesson posted here online to take you thru understanding the code, how it works, what its affects are, style sheets, template restrictions and so on. One thing you can do is stretch the browser window open more to see if your objects align themselves similar to what you saw in iWeb editor. if it does, your template is set to "percentage of page width" for the body of the page.
    Message was edited by: iRocket
    Message was edited by: iRocket

  • I just bought a new Retina Display macbook pro, and I plugged in my iPod touch (4th gen) into the new computer, but it will not show up, even after I typed in the passcode. How do I get my iTouch to sync with my new computer without restoring my itouch?

    I just bought a new Retina Display macbook pro, and I plugged in my iPod touch (4th gen) into the new computer, but it will not show up, even after I typed in the passcode. How do I get my iTouch to sync with my new computer without restoring my itouch?

    iOS: Device not recognized in iTunes for Mac OS X

  • Problem Logging into only one of many computers

    1. I have two desktop computers. One is hard wired to a linksys router and works great. The other desktop that has a problem logging into my email account. See (5) below. 2. First you must know that I also have an apple mac that is connected via the Router and it also works fine running OSX. 3. I have a Dell Laptop running Vista connected via the Router that runs fine. 4. Have another Dell Laptop running Win 7 is connected via the Router that runs fine. 5. I have this desktop running Win XP pro that is my problem. This is how the problem goes: I get to what appears to the correct login page; Type in the correct user and PW info; execute by clicking on the correct button; Nothing happens; I try several other ways; I click on the "signin" box at the extreme top right and nothing happens; I click on another box that ask for my location and a new window appears asking for my addres and zip code. I eventually get to the email. Now at this moment I look at the top of this my current window and I see that my location is shown and I am signed into verizon to write to you. There is a block that reads "signout". What is going on?

    And one more small detail.  After I have this problem there's a crash file in ~Library/Preferences called 'com.apple.iLifeAssetManagement.crqash.plist'.  It's cryptic, but it says:
    _&AssetManagementAgentProcessInfoDateKey_3AssetManagementAgentProcessInfoProcess IdentifierKey_0AssetManagementAgentProcessInfoSupportsDeleteKey_7AssetManagement AgentProcessInfoSupportsSharedStreamsKey_0AssetManagementAgentProcessInfoExecuta blePathKey3A∑Ëô¿U∞y—                    _i/Applications/iPhoto.app/Contents/Library/LoginItems/PhotoStreamAge nt.app/Contents/MacOS/PhotoStreamAgent÷_&AssetManagementAgentProcessInfoDateKey_ 3AssetManagementAgentProcessInfoProcessIdentifierKey_0AssetManagementAgentProces sInfoSupportsDeleteKey_<AssetManagementAgentProcessInfoSupportsSharedStreamsVide oKey_7AssetManagementAgentProcessInfoSupportsSharedStreamsKey_0AssetManagementAg entProcessInfoExecutablePathKey3A∏Ü“@Ôx          î                              _i/Applications/iPhoto.app/Contents/Library/LoginItems/PhotoStre amAgent.app/Contents/MacOS/PhotoStreamAgent

  • Problem in generating the Primary Key

    Hi All ,
    I am trying to persist an object and also generating the primary key using a default sequence . But the problem is that the Primary key is getting incremented by 2 instead of 1 . My code looks like this :
    import java.util.HashMap;
    import javax.persistence.EntityManager;
    import javax.persistence.EntityManagerFactory;
    import javax.persistence.EntityTransaction;
    import javax.persistence.Persistence;
    import javax.persistence.PersistenceContext;
    import javax.persistence.PersistenceContextType;
    import javax.persistence.PersistenceUnit;
    public class entityCaller {
    //     @PersistenceContext(unitName="testApp" ,type=PersistenceContextType.EXTENDED)
         EntityManager em;
    //     @PersistenceUnit(unitName="testApp")
         EntityManagerFactory emf ;
         public void persistEntity( String Name , int Age ) {
              EntityManagerFactory emf =
              Persistence.createEntityManagerFactory("testApp", new HashMap());
              em = emf.createEntityManager();
              EntityTransaction entityTransaction = em.getTransaction();
         Tab1 oBJTab1 = new Tab1();
    //      oBJTab1.setId(Age);
                   System.out.println("Making object");
                   System.out.println("Making object2");
                   System.out.println("Entered the Values");
              }catch (Exception e) {
         public static void main(String[] args) {
              entityCaller caller = new entityCaller();
    My persistence.xml looks like this :
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <persistence xmlns="http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/persistence" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" version="1.0" xsi:schemaLocation="http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/persistence http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/persistence/persistence_1_0.xsd">
    <persistence-unit name="testApp">
    <!-- <jta-data-source>java:/XAOracleDS</jta-data-source>     -->
    <!-- Provider-specific connection properties -->
    <property name="toplink.jdbc.driver" value="oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver"/>
    <property name="toplink.jdbc.url" value="jdbc:oracle:thin:@"/>
    <property name="toplink.jdbc.user" value="system"/>
    <property name="toplink.jdbc.password" value="jlkklkj"/>
    <!-- Provider-specific settings -->
    <!-- other values are: drop-and-create-tables|none -->
    Please provide me with some pointer as to know where the things are going wrong.

    If you generated your original schema using toplink.ddl-generation, then later dropped it and created it then you should keep in mind the sequence table does not get dropped. This can lead to an initially 'empty' database with a PK sequence starting at '2' if you have one persistence unit and one entity. Can you steadily duplicate this or did you just notice that your persist started with an key of '2'? Just a thought.

  • Convert Problems/Solutions into Knowledge Articles

    Hi Experts,
    I am wroking on SAP CRM 7.0 SP06 and now we are planning to implement Knowledge Article functionality.
    I have done the all configuration settings and multilevel categorization, every thing working fine. Now I want to convert problems/solutions which already created in CRM and stored in SDB into knowledge article.
    Any one please guide me how can I convert existing problems/solutions into knowledge articles. Is there any report for this?
    Thanking you in anticipation.

    Hi Kevin,
    Well, I'm new on this and have only worked on CRM 6 & 7. I'll give you my advice regarding these CRM versions. I don't know if it is supported on CRM 5.
    CRM >> Enterprise Intelligence >> SAF >> Name and Configure KB
    You create and define you DB as you want: ACME INC
    CRM >> Enterprise Intelligence >> SAF >> Business Add-Ins >> BAdI: Knowledge Base
    Each knowledge base should have its own Add-In implementation. So you have to implement an Add-In based on Add-In definition CRM_SAF_KB_*: CRM_SAF_KB_ACME. You can follow IMG documentation.
    In my case, the add-in already existed, since Knowledge Article functionality is standard in 7.0. KB didn't exist, I don't know why. I just created it with the name assigned on the BAdI, compiled, and everything works fine now.
    Hope it helps.

  • Cannot insert null into a Primary Key Column using Entity Framework

    I have to insert data into UserPreferences Table which has a primary key. This I am doing with Oracle Entity Framework Provider.
    It is unable to do it though i have set the StoreGeneratedPattern = "Identity". But while saving changes it is saying a null error is being inserted into the primary key.

    I exported the same package to BIDS and ran it but still unable to get the issue. It is running fine.
    Also then same package is running fine in other environments.
    Thats strange
    Are you pointing to same databases itself while executing from server?
    Please Mark This As Answer if it solved your issue
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  • Problem logging into essbase studio in windows 7 -64bit-

    hi everyone
    I have a problem logging into Essbase studio as i have installed Essbase foundation 11.1.3 and Essbase server in windows 7 "64bit" version
    when ever i try to log into Essbase studio it gives me this error
    Error connecting to Essbase server studio
    Network Error
    Network Communication with the server failed
    connection refused
    as in the following pic
    I hope you can help me with that problem.
    Thanks in advance..

    I dont think Windows 7 is supported OS.
    Go through the support matrix,
    Having said that, there are ppl who have installtion done on Windows 7 as well.
    I would say, check the services first if they are up and running or not. If yes, then logs should be the first place to visit.

  • I am have a problem log into my iTunes account it tell me to verify but not send to my email

    I am have a problem log into my iTunes account it tell me to verify but not send to my email

    Hi Pat. Thank you for the response. I wanted to use the acrobat pdf to word transfer service. I am from London, Uk and I am visiting Cape Town, South Africa. I need for tickets purposes a document which is in PDF but need to work on it and transfer it to WORD as they do not accept any other format. Its all good I opened a new account and have now transferred the file. Thank you for the prompt response.

  • Is anyone experiencing problems signing into imessage and FaceTime since upgrading iOS 6?

    Since upgrading to iOS 6, is there anyone who  have had problems signing into iMessage and face time? I need some assistance!

    I think I've fixed it !!
    not sure if this will work for everone but I noticed when you go on settings>messages>Send & Receive it was displaying my Apple ID twice and underneath where is says "You can be reached by iMessage at:" , it was displaying my email address twice as well, so I clicked on my Apple ID and signed out, restarted my ipod and signed back into iMessage in the settings and it just displayed my apple ID and email once. Next I restarted my router and my Ipod Touch 4g IOS 6 and it was working again !!! . Not sure if this will work for everyone but I just ****** around with it and it seems to be working for now anyway

  • Im having problems signing into my itunes account and i now the password is correct so it is not letting me homeshare?

    Im having problems signing into my itunes account on my apple tv so it is not letting me homeshare with my laptop, others are claiming to have the same problem. What is going on?

    If you are absolutely positively sure that the password you are typing in is your Apple ID password, I would try once more to enter the password. Be real careful as you type and make sure that Autocorrect is not changing what you are typing.
    If no luck try to proceed without entering the password. If you can get the iPad functional go into
    Settings > ITunes and App Store and log in there.
    If you can log into to your Apple ID there you will also need to go to
    Settings > Messages > Send and Receive and enter or check the email at which you want to receive messages,
    Settings > FaceTime > check or enter the email address you want to be reached by FaceTime.

  • Problems signing into communities Nokia C3- Help!!

    Hey...i recently got a nokia C3 but have had problems sigining into the communities to acces live feeds from twitter and facebook. Internet connection is not a problem here, i'm in lusaka. could it be that the service is not available in my country Zambia?

    Excellent. If you ever want to uninstall that trial Norton, keep in mind that you need a special removal tool from Symantec. Simply uninstalling it via Add/Remove Programs does NOT delete it from your PC. It really is horrible software.

Maybe you are looking for

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