3 management servers (500 agents) are using excessive memory

Our Opsmgr 2012 R2 UR2 environment has got 3 management server for 500 agents
We got a few large MP's like:
Veeam, Cisco UCS (divided on two management servers)
One management server which has got only reporting service and the webconsole, without agents, is losing 16 gig of memory a day. The next day the server has consumed all the memory and we need to restart the server.
How can a new R2/UR2 management server consume so much memory on a server who communicates with reportings service which isn't used much and with a webconsole we don't use much.
Kind regards,

Would you please look into your task manager and find out the corresponding process that eat up most memory.
In addition, hope the below article can be helpful for you:
Troubleshooting Windows Performance Issues: Lots of RAM but no Available Memory
Yan Li
Regards, Yan Li

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    How much RAM do you have?
    300MB is a lot if you only have 512MB, but not too much if you have 1 or 2 GB, or more.
    See - 3. AVG Advisor = Disable AVG Advisor performance notifications <br />
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    156 MB
    167 MB
    Safari Web Content
    96 MB
    531-338 MB
    Kernel Task
    464 MB
    464 MB
    662 MB
    210 MB
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    BufferedImage originalBufferedImage = ImageIO.read(new File(imagePathAndFileName));
    int originalWidth = originalBufferedImage.getWidth();
    int originalHeight = originalBufferedImage.getHeight();
    double scale = 0;
    if (((double)75 / originalWidth) <
    ((double)75 / originalHeight)) {
    scale = (double)75 / originalWidth;
    } else {
    scale = (double)75 / originalHeight;
    int width = (int)(originalWidth * scale);
    int height = (int)(originalHeight * scale);
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    graphics2D.drawImage(scaledImage, 0, 0, dummyObserver);
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    Allocation request for 15085072 bytes
    at java.awt.image.DataBufferByte.<init>(DataBufferByte.java:87)
    at java.awt.image.ComponentSampleModel.createDataBuffer(ComponentSampleModel.java:430)
    at java.awt.image.Raster.createWritableRaster(Raster.java:965)
    at javax.imageio.ImageTypeSpecifier.createBufferedImage(ImageTypeSpecifier.java:1146)
    at javax.imageio.ImageReader.getDestination(ImageReader.java:2868)
    at com.sun.imageio.plugins.jpeg.JPEGImageReader.readInternal(JPEGImageReader.java:914)
    at com.sun.imageio.plugins.jpeg.JPEGImageReader.read(JPEGImageReader.java:886)
    at javax.imageio.ImageIO.read(ImageIO.java:1413)
    at javax.imageio.ImageIO.read(ImageIO.java:1299)
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    A 15M image correponds to a 5M-pixel RGB 24-bit image. "ImageIO.read" decodes your 1.9M compressed jpeg (beeing roughly a 5Mpixel image, right?) file to a buffered image of some in-memory RGB 24bit format making it consuming 15M. You can get away with using less memory if you can find some ImageIO plugin returning a BufferedImage of type TYPE_CUSTOM with a compressed in-memory representation of the loaded image.

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    [email protected]

    Was the computer turned off or asleep? It won't hurt to have it taken off. Normally I wouldn't worry about it unless it was going to be a few more months.

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    Thanks for all your help,

    You will never be able to get those numbers to add up.  This topic has come up before.  Examples:
    Memory used by unknown processes
    Where is my memory?
    And others.  You cannot use the numbers in that display to add up.  Even doing top in terminal produces conflicting numbers.  Many process are dynamic and may be missed in these displays.
    FWIW, here's an apple article on the Activity Monitor memory display:
    Using Activity Monitor to read System Memory and determine how much RAM is being used
    Editorial: In my opinion I do not recommend always running Activity Monitor (or top).  The constant poling and display does have some affect on performance and cpu utilization.  That's why it always usually appears near the top of the process list when sorted by percent cpu unless really outweighed by something much bigger.

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    Go to Solution.

    Hi Kelly
    Thanks for your response.  I am using CVI 8.1.0.  I detect the memory through using windows task manager. 
    My real problem is that my final application is using too much memory and going into virtual memory too much, when I have been tracing my memory usage I have a lot of memory unaccounted for and I cannot get it back.  This happens when I load the bitmap, and cannot be recovered untill my program is stopped.
    I have attached some code with pictures to try (use the 2 DSCxxx for comparision to my run).  I have also enclosed screen shots so you can see how the memory is used on my PC.  Sorry for the large file size, I thought it best to send the same sample photos I have been using.
    CVI Test.zip ‏4944 KB

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    Windows XP with 2Gb Ram

    As it sounds like you know what you're doing, you know the way that iTunes works. However, because you have not archived/exported (please correct me if you have) your library. There should only be a slight difference between the two.
    If you have not already been here, this also has some solutions.

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    we've configured a user who is acting in the default 'Operator' role.
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    weblogic.management.NoAccessRuntimeException: Access not allowed for subject:
    principals=[oper, Operators], on ResourceType: Server Action: write, Target: ExpectedToRun
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    this role should be allowed to start managed servers.
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    I believe this is a known problem, please contact BEA support for a patch.
    Robert Akolk wrote:
    we've configured a user who is acting in the default 'Operator' role.
    He can shutdown a managed server using the admin console, but when
    trying to restart that managed server via node manager he fails with an exception.
    weblogic.management.NoAccessRuntimeException: Access not allowed for subject:
    principals=[oper, Operators], on ResourceType: Server Action: write, Target: ExpectedToRun
    According to the documentation http://edocs.bea.com/wls/docs81/secwlres/secroles.html
    this role should be allowed to start managed servers.
    -- What are we doing wrong ? --

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    In SCOM 2012 R2 console  if i look at all of my agent managed servers have agent builds of 7.1.10184 but my two service manager  servers have agent builds of 6.1.7221.49
    Can anyone let me know is this known issue or how can we upgrade the agent to correct version.
    Thanks in advance

    SCOM and SCSM are built on the same structure, Management Servers and DAta Warehouse etc. This means that when you install the SCSM Management Server, the Microsoft Monitoring Agent is also installed. When
    you want to monitor Service Manager and the server it´s installed on, you need to configure the SCOM parameters from the control panel at the SCSM management server.
    If you were to try and install the SCOM agent at the SCSM server, it would fail and tell you that you can´t install the agent on a server where Service Manager is installed. The agent will be upgraded when
    you upgrade Service Manager so this is all expected and It´s as it should be :)
    IT Consultant at Viridis IT

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    We currently run separate WebLogic domain instances for each business application in a Unix environment. Each one is created using a unix userid unique to that application and which owns all the files and is used to run the process when that particular WebLogic instance is started up. We have run this way for a while.
    I am considering altering our approach to the one that is recommended, i.e. in our Production environment we would run a single Admin instance with numerous managed servers. One issue I'm stuck on is the fact that in our current environment, each application has a different unix userid that owns the files making up the WebLogic domain instance and that WebLogic instance is run under that userid.
    I've investigated and experimented using WebLogic 10.3 preview and WebLogic 10.0, but I haven't been able to determine what I have to do to make each managed server's files and processes belong to a different unix userid, if that is even possible.
    Is there a way, using the recommended approach, where there is a single Admin instance that has multiple managed servers whose files and processes are owned by different unique, unix userids?
    If not, how would you separate access to each of the Managed Servers so that the programmers who maintain them don't have access to Managed Servers that they are not responsible for?
    Thanks for any help or suggestions.....

    I played with this stuff and I found that this will work, without the Location elements:
    <IfModule mod_weblogic.c>
    MatchExpression /app1 WebLogicHost=server1|WebLogicPort=7003
    MatchExpression /app2 WebLogicHost=server2|WebLogicPort=7003
    Also this will work too, with no entries inside the IfModule element:
    <Location /app1 >
    SetHandler weblogic-handler
    WebLogicHost server1
    WebLogicPort 7003
    <Location /app2 >
    SetHandler weblogic-handler
    WebLogicHost server2
    WebLogicPort 7003

  • ITunes and its support programs, iTunesHelper AppleMobleDeviceService.exe, are using up an excessive amount of system resource. What is causing this and how can I fix it?.exe and

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    -They are using excessive system resources (AppleMobileDeviceService.exe was using 50% of my CPU, and this without me plugging in a device or opening                              iTunes.),
    -I cannot find them under the Programs Menu in Control Panel, meaning, I cannot uninstall them.
    iTunes itself is using more system resources than I would expect. If these issues continue without a reasonable fix, I will have to consider iTunes to be malware and iTunesHelper.exe and AppleMobileDeviceService.exe to be trojans, and treat them as such.

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