3 Phase AC Power Meter/Tran​sducer Drivers

We need to buy some AC digital panel meters with digital output.  We can't use just a Transducer and PLC, as we need the digital meter function at the measurement point.  We want to use RS232 or 485 output from a meter as input to labview
  We are measuring each phase and total of 600 VAC, 3000KW, PF, HP, AAC off a VFD, so we need a meter built for it.   
So far, we have found meters but none that labview lists drivers for:  Units manufactured by:
- Satec (PM line)
- Crompton (integra line of )
- Acuvim (Acuvim Line)
I assume there are other manufacturers (Ge, Siemens??) that may have power meters as well.  We don't care which manufacturer, just want to make it simple on ourselve by already having a labview driver for it.

Did you search the Instrument Driver Network? In any case, I have used the WT1600 from Yokogawa for voltaBges up to 1000V and .5MW and the drivers from NI. Used a GPIB connection.

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    Here's everything I can think of that might be being used by the driver.
    Labview Driver for 841-PE.llb ‏1590 KB
    Labview Driver for 841-PEu.llb ‏170 KB
    LabviewDriversFor-841-P-USB.llb ‏80 KB

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    "RSNRTZ Application Measure Power.vi
      Virtual Instrument
    - The subVI expected to be at "C:\work\RSD\drivers\rsnrtz\lv6_vi\RSNRTZ
    Reset.vi" was loaded from "C:\Program Files (x86)\National
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        - The subVI expected to be at
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    "C:\Program Files (x86)\National Instruments\LabVIEW
    7.1\instr.lib\rsnrtz\rsnrtz.llb\RSNRTZ Reset.vi".
        - The subVI
    expected to be at "C:\work\RSD\drivers\rsnrtz\lv6_vi\rsnrtzu\RSNRTZ
    Utility Clean Up Initialize.vi" was loaded from "C:\Program Files
    (x86)\National Instruments\LabVIEW
    7.1\instr.lib\rsnrtz\rsnrtzu.llb\RSNRTZ Utility Clean Up Initialize.vi".
    RSNRTZ Measure.vi
      Virtual Instrument
    - The subVI expected to be at
    "C:\work\RSD\drivers\rsnrtz\lv6_vi\rsnrtzu\RSNRTZ Write And Read
    Response.vi" was loaded from "C:\Program Files (x86)\National
    Instruments\LabVIEW 7.1\instr.lib\rsnrtz\rsnrtzu.llb\RSNRTZ Write And
    Read Response.vi".
    RSNRTZ Select Forward Measurement Mode.vi
      Virtual Instrument
    - The subVI expected to be at
    "C:\work\RSD\drivers\rsnrtz\lv6_vi\rsnrtzu\RSNRTZ Write And Read
    Response.vi" was loaded from "C:\Program Files (x86)\National
    Instruments\LabVIEW 7.1\instr.lib\rsnrtz\rsnrtzu.llb\RSNRTZ Write And
    Read Response.vi".
    RSNRTZ Select Reverse Measurement Mode.vi
      Virtual Instrument
    - The subVI expected to be at
    "C:\work\RSD\drivers\rsnrtz\lv6_vi\rsnrtzu\RSNRTZ Write And Read
    Response.vi" was loaded from "C:\Program Files (x86)\National
    Instruments\LabVIEW 7.1\instr.lib\rsnrtz\rsnrtzu.llb\RSNRTZ Write And
    Read Response.vi"."
    What's means???
    Maybe I have old driver for LabVIEW6? Can u help me to find correct driver?
    Respond me soon please...
    Sweet, Beautiful and Young Female Physicist (SBYFP)
    (I speak a not very good english, so If U are Italian LabVIEW expert speak in Italian, if U speak in Eglish... please speak easy )
    My e-mail for personal contact: [email protected]_NO_SPAM_PLEASE

    OK, I see what's happening. When the driver was originally saved it was saved from a working directory instead of from the instr.lib. It's still OK. LabVIEW updated the links. Just re-save the VIs once they open.
    I have seen that there are also a driver "Virtual NRT for Power Meter NRTZ43", but I have the version for WIN 95/NT. And I don't find a version to WIN XP. Can u help me to find the correct version for my pc?
    That's an application that Rohde&Schwarz wrote. I think the latest version is here: http://www2.rohde-schwarz.com/file/NRT_ZV2_1.EXE.
    vanny wrote:  I have connected Power Meter to this port:
    but I haven't istalled my Power Meter. I have only put in instr.lib the folder of driver taken by site of Rohde & Schwartz.
    In the manual (if u want to help me really with heart read please) there is write that I must set the PORT COM, but when I have seen in Panel Control of Windows and after in System the Power Meter is unrilevated (NOT DETECTED). But with labview I have illogical miasurement.
    If I find the program to see the power in and reflected maybe I can understant if labview function is correct.
    I wait you... but now Are u sleep? Eheh, kisses...
    If you connected the power meter to the computer it's installed. The power meter will not be detected because it's a serial connection. An instrument connected over the serial port cannot be automatically detected in MAX (Measurement & Automation Explorer) like a GPIB instrument can. In LabVIEW you have to tell it which serial port you connected it to.
    In MAX you will see the COM ports:
    In the LabVIEW driver you set the COM port this way:
    COM 1 --> ASRL1::INSTR
    COM 2 --> ASRL2::INSTR
    Message Edited by smercurio_fc on 01-15-2010 04:25 PM
    MAX serial.png ‏49 KB
    Power meter VISA resource control.png ‏26 KB

  • Programming optical power meter 1931 c on labview.

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    Hello to all who read this,
    I think I can attest to the thread starter over his frustrations. But i i would like to borrow this thread to highlight some 'quirks' with Newport devices.
    I am personally using Newport's 1935-C Power Meter with 918D Photodetector IR OD3 (A newer variation of the 1931-C). I have attached the user manual and LLBs that came from Newport FTP website. The power meter basically can communicate via RS232 or USB (square port on device) to USB flat port(on PC). The Power meter i believe is not a USBTMC class of instrument and thus can only be recognised in MAX via use of VISA driver creation method for USB Raw device.
    Try out #1-> USB RAW Talking: I did follow NI's tutorial on creating the USB INF files for this power meter via the VISA Driver Wizard. However, this will require complicated development of the VI for say extracting the value the power meter is measuring throught the PMOWER? command.
    Try out #2-> Going through tutorials on various levels of communicating with instruments, I understand that you could have Direct I/O, PLug and Play Drivers etc. which translates to shortest development time to longest development time and consequently varying functionality sophitication. Since Try out #1 was complicated, I decided to go with the I/O Instrument Assistant method of building a simple VI to extract the measurement. Of course this has to be done via RS232 Serial port. (I have tried using USB Raw drivers done by the Driver wizard, and having Instr I/O Asst. to find my USB instrument but it could only show me GPIB and Serial. MAX did detect the USB device.)
    As I have learnt from my course instructor at NI Singapore, based in Ngee Ann Polytechnic, I set the approapriate parameters of baud rate, bit parity etc in MAX-> Serial and validated it. It was fine. I opened VISA Test panel but failed to get any explicit response from the Newport device.
    I use the Instr I/O Asst to run a Query and Parse step on the COM port of the RS232 where the Newport instrument is connected. It return the bites and ASCII string. However, it was not the appropriate response as set out by  Newport's list of commands in their user manual. (I have attached a screen shot of it)
    Ultimate Try out-> At wits end, I managed to find the sample drivers designed by Newport themselves and place the LLB (also attached) in my instr.lib folder. The Sub VIs in the Instrument Drivers for Newport showed a few icons like Query icon, Parse Icon, Send, Read. I looked at the Hierachy diagram and noticed they use case structures and sequence structures to pass from Write to Read. But I have do not fully understand the principles behind their Sample Query VI. The Sample Query VI on its own does work off hand, but it merely alows the user a interface to query the instrument and extracting the readout.
    So I would like to ask NI,
    1. Could the weird Query and Parse observation be due to hardware or the lack of support by NI's Instrument I/O Assitant? (version 2.4 was used). The conclusion i have is that I am not getting the appropriate response after parsing (evident when the byte index is 0, ASCII string is the command i sent out). If the Instr I/O Asst. were to work as it would have, then things will be simpler in developing the VIs for my purpose of extracting readouts at fixed intervals and plot on a Graph chart within Labview. 
    2. How can I proceed from here after "banging" walls in trying to communicate with the device? Newport has no proper step by step into using their sample Labview drivers.
    Appreciate it if someone could provide some input.
    Nanyang Technological University
    1935_2935_Power_Meter_User's_Manual.pdf ‏4776 KB
    NP_GeneralDrivers_LV8.llb ‏226 KB
    Instrument IO Asst queried after parsing wrong response.JPG ‏125 KB

  • Agilent n8262A p-series power meter

    Below is the manual attach:
    i have new assignment which is to simple create a gui the option to calibrate the power meter for right now.
    I wanted to see if anyone could help me with the commands to send over the control bus. Im reading over the 
    manual to understand the commands.
    at the moment im just a lil confuse  i guess how to format the commands. 
    for example the command to calibrate is    CALibration[1|2]:AUTO ONCE        
    im not sure if i suppuse  to enter the command as a string  "CALibration[1|2]:AUTO ONCE" .
    I just need a lil assistance so that I can start. right now im just reading the manual to get understanding .
    if the  interface controller is the standard PC serial communication .
    how to get access to the drivers  read and write functions?
     Im assuming its the IVI drivers
    PowerMeterManual.pdf ‏4735 KB

    The guide must have a part where it explains the syntax. Read that part carefully.
    Generally, [x|y] means you have to use either x or y, not both.
    So the actual command may be "CALIBRATION1:AUTO ONCE". 1 and 2 probably define the channel number here.
    Btw, you do not have to send command characters shown lowercase.
    That means, it is enough to send "CAL1:AUTO ONCE".
    Hope this helps, 
    S. Eren BALCI

  • PM100A optical power meter

    Hi everybody, 
    Does anyone how to implement PM100D drivers (or VISA) in order to achieve power using a PM100A optical power meter from Thorlabs?? I found some examples on the web (examples) but I´m not able to use them because no device is recognized 
    I will receive different wavelengths and I need to know how much power is my sample receiving. 
    Thanks in advance for all your help!

    我已经咨询过Newport了,这个问题基本上已解决:在Newport Valid Reading from 1830-C.vi里面加了一个Time Delay,就可以了。

  • Can't get IVI Power Meter error query to work properly.

    I have been trying to use the IviPwrMeter Error-Query.vi to read possible errors coming from the Power Meter.  However, I have found that no errors can be detected using this vi.  This is because the returned value 'status' is wired over to the 'error code' input of 'IviPwrMeter Error Converter.vi' and the status value will always be equal to VI_SUCCESS as the attached code signifies.
    All of this code was generated by either LabWindows/CVI and/or LabView.
    If I wire the error code output of 'IviPwrMeter_error_query' function to the error code input of 'IviPwrMeter IVI error converter.vi', the errors on the Power Meter is at least detected.
    Am I doing something wrong here or are there other work arounds?
    Source listing of driver call:
    ViStatus _VI_FUNC age4418b_error_query (ViSession vi, ViInt32 *errCode,
                                            ViChar errMessage[])
        ViStatus    error = VI_SUCCESS;
        checkErr( Ivi_LockSession (vi, VI_NULL));
        if (errCode == VI_NULL)
            viCheckParm( IVI_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER, 2, "Null address for Error Code");
        if (errMessage == VI_NULL)
            viCheckParm( IVI_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER, 3, "Null address for Error Message");
     if (!Ivi_Simulating(vi))                /* call only when locked */
         ViSession   io = Ivi_IOSession(vi); /* call only when locked */
         checkErr( Ivi_SetNeedToCheckStatus (vi, VI_TRUE));
         viCheckErr( viPrintf(io, "YST:ERR?"));
      viCheckErr( viScanf (io, "%ld,\"%256[^\"]", errCode, errMessage));
             /* Simulate Error Query */
         *errCode = 0;
         strcpy (errMessage, "No error.");
        Ivi_UnlockSession(vi, VI_NULL);
        return error;

    I get the same results as you if I don't have a power meter connected.  However, this doesn't supprise me because the session handle is probably checked at a higher level.
    The calling hiearchy is as follows (I think, because I don't have all of the code)  IviPwrMeter Error Query.vi -> IviPwrMeter_error_query (IviPwrMeter.dll) ->age4418b_error_query (age4418b.dll).  I would guess that the session is validated in the second layer and not the bottom layer where the actual instrument error query is happening.
    Something you may try.  If you have any instrument, write a simple program to get a valid handle then call the error query using the error cluster to link them together.  Set a breakpoint before the error query, run the program, use MAX to send an invalid command and create an error.  Then resume your original program and see if an error is reported in the error cluster after executing the IVI error query.

  • Is there any LabVIEW driver for the Agilent 53147A counter/power meter?

    I am trying to find a LabVIEW driver for the Agilent 53147A counter/power meter, but I cannot find it. Is there any?

    NI does not have a driver and a quick check with Agilent shows that they don't have a driver either.
    You can go to http://www.ni.com/devzone/idnet/ and request a driver. You will also find links on how to create your own driver. Your other option is to use the Instrument I/O Assistant.
    p.s. In the future, you should use the Instrument control board for posting questions. this board is for NI counter/timer products.

  • Connecting a power meter to PC via GPIB

    I'm trying to use LabVIEW to control an E4419B power meter using GPIB. When I connect it using the cable and bring up MAX, should the connection appear straight away or does further action need to be taken?

    Some devices need to be set up to communicate with the instrument on its support interfaces i.e. gpib, usb, serial etc. Make sure the device is configured for this. After scanning for instruments you should then be able to communicate with it by performing simple supported commands.
    Check the spec of the instrument and the supported implementation of the 488 standard. If this is a NI card use the utilities in MAX (NI-SPY/NI-Analyzer (if its a GPIB+ board) to see whats going on.
    Do you have VISA installed?
    Kind Regards
    Steven Bird
    Applications Engineer
    National Instruments

  • Modem relay or passthrough? Power meter trying to be read...

    Hello Everyone!
    I am stuck with a problem and don't know how to proceed.
    Our power company has a modem (old as cold) in their power meter. We have a PRI hitting a VGW (2921 router), this VGW hands off the call to a VG204. They are negated to upgrade their equipment and we need to provide them a "functioning" line through which they can read their data.
    The call connects, but no data is transferred.
    The dial peers involved are as follows:
    dial-peer voice 3003 voip (outgoing at 2921)
     description Power-Meter
     translation-profile incoming PRIInbound
     destination-pattern 6257
     modem passthrough nse codec g711ulaw
     session target ipv4:
     codec g711ulaw
     fax-relay ecm disable
     no fax-relay sg3-to-g3
     fax protocol none
     no vad
    dial-peer voice 3000 voip (incoming at VG 204)
     modem passthrough nse codec g711ulaw
     session protocol sipv2
     incoming called-number .
     codec g711ulaw
     fax-relay ecm disable
     no fax-relay sg3-to-g3
     fax nsf 000000
     fax protocol none
     no vad
    dial-peer voice 1103 pots (dp for voice port)
     description Power-Meter
     destination-pattern 6257
     incoming called-number .
     port 0/2
    Please find debugs attached.
    Thank you in advanced.

    Hi SgtPeprLHCB!
    I recently buoght a usb adapter to rs-485 ( see attachment)and will try it as soon as I recive it, and then try the example you linked. Since my last configuration did not work.
    But this time I think it will, the only thing I see as a problem is to get the right information from the power meter.  I know a should use a VISA write function to send the adress that I want to acess but I don't know how to convert the "Modicon adress" in my power meter protocol to a ASCII adress.
    Beacuse just using a simple VISA read/write example won't give me what I want unless I tell it to do so.
    What is the best way to do this? Maybe I want more tabs of information that gives me "KWh" and "var" and so on, then I must write more adress at the same time.
    In short, I don't know how to get the right adress code from my powermeters modbus protocol ( see attachment).
    Best regards Maurlind!
    UPort1100_eng_datasheet.pdf ‏748 KB
    Protokoll WM14 A and CPT A v2r2 ENG 0108.pdf ‏342 KB

  • Read dispaly of a 6960b POWER METER

    Hi am attempting to read a measurment from a Marconi/IFR/Aeroflex 6960B power meter.
    I have had a good look in the manual but am unable to see what the GPIB command is to read the display.
    Would anyone have a example VI or know the command to do this would be greatly appriciated?

    Hi Cally,
    Have you considered using the Instrument I/O Assistant in LabVIEW?  If you know the commands or if the vendor can give you some direction, then the Instrument I/O Assistant may be a good way to get you started.
    Best regards,

  • Difficulty in reading GPIB device(power meter)

    I am using the following Vi attached. i am generating array of frequency writing it to the signal generator with GPIB address 28.afterawards reading powermeter with GPIB address.and finally writing it to the file.
    the problem is some times this GPIB read does not work properly. i get error from the power meter. in the read array it displays trigger or Nrvs or some thing different. i thought may be it is due to initializing of power meter. i send SC1 command for power meter initialization. but it does not work. why ? i attached the manual of power meter and signal generator.
    thanks for some help
    27_10.zip ‏57 KB
    manual.zip ‏13855 KB

    yes you are right.but if i just execute this driver and afterwards i execute my VI i get some reading from power meter in the form of an string array. it is like this i write an array of frequencies to signal generator at GPIB address 28.and then other device(power meter) is connected at GPIB address 13.
    this device returns reading in the form an array string. i thought that i must send/write some command to GPIB 13 device (power meter), so that it starts sending data.this is i am doing in my VI by sending SC1 command. may be i am using wrong command or may be i must send some sequence of command.
    the problem with executing the driver, that you mentioned is that i have to execute this driver VI all the time just before my VI.if i execute this driver VI/DL
    L then every thing is fine and my VI sends and read reading according to my wish. but what happened if all these devices are initialized or reset,my VI does not run any more. and because i dont know which part of this driver VI cause this activation to react, i just have to blindly execute the driver every time without understanding what should i do in my VI that i dont need to execute the driver any more and this VI would be independent of driver VI.

  • Modbus yokogawa PR300 power meter

    I am working on an applicaiton that communicates with a Yokogawa PR300 Power Meter with modbus rtu. I have a rs 232 converter and the labview modbus vis. I am able to communicate with the device because I am getting some values, however i am not sure what i am getting. For example if I use
    Function code:  read multiple registers
    Starting address: 26 (voltage as stated in the attached manual)
    Quantity: 1
    I get a value of 39322... What is this value??? Do I need to do something else to the modbus vis? Do I need to do some data conversion on this result???
    Please help me in finding this solution...

    Unfortunately, I cannot save the VI [which I initially posted] in 7.1 format.
    The said VI takes to inputs:  High Word, and Low Word.
    High Word would be the value of register 26, and Low World would be the value of register 25 (or vice versa - I can't remember)
    The said VI returns a floating point number (which should be the number that you're interested in)
    Take a look at the attached image.  It is the block diagram of the said VI.  Reproduce it, and give it a try.
    Good Luck.
    block_diagram.JPG ‏57 KB

  • Analog signal from Laser Power Meter

    First, I have to say that I am new using Labview.
    Probably for some of you the question I am going to ask is pretty easy, hope you guys can help me solving this.
    I am trying to acquire an analog signal from a Fieldmate Laser Power meter, the specifications from this meter are shown in the link below:
    I need to get the signal and save it in MS Excel files. My big issue is with the acquisition of the signal from the meter to the NI Board. I am using an NI SCB 68.
    Hope you guys can help me.

    The SCB68 is just a shielded connector block, not a DAQ device.
    Use NI's MAX utility (Measurement & Automation Explorer) to find out what DAQ card you have installed in the PC.
    There are also plenty of analog acquisition examples that ship with LV, Search Examples in Help.
    "It’s the questions that drive us.”

  • T500 Vista Enterprise - Cannot read power meter on taskbar

    Just moved over to my new T500.  It is running Vista.  For some reason the power meter on the taskbar shows up, but the percentage or time inside the battery icon on the taskbar is virtually impossible to read.   The only way I can get the info is to place the mouse over the icon.    Anyone run into this, or have any suggestions?
    Go to Solution.

    Found the answer....it is transparency.   I had it disabled...enabled it and I am good to go.

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