3750x high cpu hulk and crypto

Dear All,
We have a stack of two 3750x switches.
IOS 15.0.2SE02
Looking at the CPU usage I found the following:
  100                                      **     **                     * *
   90   *   *                   **         **    ***            *        * *
   80  ***  *  ***  **    ****  **  *  ** *****  ****     *  * ** *      * *
   70  *** *** *** *** ** ********* ** ** ***** ***** ****************  ** *
   60 **************** *****************************************************
   50 **********************************************************************
   40 **********************************************************************
   30 ######################################################################
   20 ######################################################################
   10 ######################################################################
               0    5    0    5    0    5    0    5    0    5    0    5    0
                   CPU% per hour (last 72 hours)
In order to find the spikes origin I configured a simple event monitor and found the following:
CPU utilization for five seconds: 75%/0%; one minute: 35%; five minutes: 33%
 PID Runtime(ms)     Invoked      uSecs   5Sec   1Min   5Min TTY Process
  40     4570503      276760      16514 45.28%  3.62%  0.75%   0 crypto sw pk pro
 178  1232406781   146765075       8397 19.20% 19.84% 19.83%   0 Hulc LED Process
For what I know the Hulk process is normal on stacks. When I insert a simple "show run" or a "write" the CPU spikes but I read that it is normal and do not affect the switching process.
"crypto sw pk pro" looks to be related to ssh but on our configuration there is nothing related to encryption and ssh access to vty is disabled:
line vty 0 4
 logging synchronous
 login local
 transport input telnet
line vty 5 15
 logging synchronous
 login local
 transport input telnet
Have you any idea?

I wouldn't touch 15.0(2)SE6 even if my life depended on it.  It's as buggy as he11.  
The MOST STABLE IOS for the 3750-series of switches is 12.2(55)SE8 or SE9.  This is closely followed by 15.0(2)SE4. 
The rest of the IOS published ... let's just say I tested them all ... only for a few minutes before I had to quickly and urgently roll back.  

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    Dear Colleagues,
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    Does anyone know what can cause the high load?
    Is the frequency of the GC runs normal?
    Can the timeouts be connected to the high CPU load?
    The error ony occurs on our productive system.
    I'd appriciate your help very much.
    Kind regards,

    hi Paul,
    I believe an issue like that needs to be done onsite and not via a forum
    as it probably requires doing lots of checks/tests
    my suggestion would be to get a PI consultant expert with basis experience onsite or do it via OSS with SAP
    Michal Krawczyk

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    local/jdk7-openjdk 7.u51_2.4.6-1
    local/jre7-openjdk 7.u51_2.4.6-1
    local/jre7-openjdk-headless 7.u51_2.4.6-1
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    Apr 11 12:26:18 saturn logger[7873]: Application title was not found in manifest. Check with application vendor
    Apr 11 12:26:37 saturn logger[7883]: IcedTea-Web java error - for more info see itweb-settings debug options or console. See http://icedtea.classpath.org/wiki/IcedTea-Web#Filing_bugs for help.
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    ...further research and learning. 
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    does anyone have same experiences?
    thanks for your help!
    mbp 2.0 1,5gb ram 80gb hdd   Mac OS X (10.4.7)  

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    System.err sap.com/irj Guest 19 #SAPEngine_Application_Thread[impl:3]_7##0#0#Error##Plain###com.sap.engine.services.httpserver.exceptions.HttpIOException: Read timeout. The client has disconnected or a synchronization error has occurred. Read 15205812 bytes. Expected 45455962.
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    Thanks in advance guys,
    J. Daugaard

    ...further research and learning. 
    Here is a good tutorial on Java.  Evidently, what I called "jobs" is referred to as processes and threads in this tutorial.  The tutorial states that multithreaded execution is an essential feature of the Java platform which explains the avalanche of threads I observe.  However, I am still stumped at what causes the avalanche of threads and excessive CPU consumption for such a mediocre task.  Also the system log says that IcedTea has an error stating "Application title was not found in manifest. Check with application vendor".   I interpret this to mean that IcedTea does not recognized some application.  What application?  .....the applet?

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    windows 8.1 64 bit
    inel i5 4200m 2.5ghz
    anti virus installed avast fee antivirus
    im using nvidia 820m geforce 344.75 version  driver
    ram installed 8gb
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    no lag now
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    but now everything is running good

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    Visit: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-middle-east-15814035
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    Now turn off javascript and reload the page. Swipe to scroll up and down. Smooth as silk!
    My device is a new 16Gb with version Thanks

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    11:45:38.8648734    SynTPEnh.exe    3544    RegCreateKey    HKU\S-1-XXX\Software\Synaptics\SynTPEnh\UltraNavPS2    SUCCESS    Desired Access: Maximum Allowed, Granted Access: All Access
    11:45:38.8649077    SynTPEnh.exe    3544    RegQueryValue    HKU\S-1-XXX\Software\Synaptics\SynTPEnh\UltraNavPS2\TrackPointModeFunction    SUCCESS    Type: REG_DWORD, Length: 4, Data: 17
    11:45:38.8649209    SynTPEnh.exe    3544    RegCloseKey    HKU\S-1-XXX\Software\Synaptics\SynTPEnh\UltraNavPS2    SUCCESS  
    11:45:38.8752991    SynTPEnh.exe    3544    RegCreateKey    HKU\S-1-XXX\Software\Synaptics\SynTPEnh\UltraNavPS2    SUCCESS    Desired Access: Maximum Allowed, Granted Access: All Access
    11:45:38.8753153    SynTPEnh.exe    3544    RegQueryValue    HKU\S-1-XXX\Software\Synaptics\SynTPEnh\UltraNavPS2\TrackPointModeFunction    SUCCESS    Type: REG_DWORD, Length: 4, Data: 17
    11:45:38.8753257    SynTPEnh.exe    3544    RegCloseKey    HKU\S-1-XXX\Software\Synaptics\SynTPEnh\UltraNavPS2    SUCCESS  
    11:45:38.8901752    SynTPEnh.exe    3544    RegCreateKey    HKU\S-1-XXX\Software\Synaptics\SynTPEnh\UltraNavPS2    SUCCESS    Desired Access: Maximum Allowed, Granted Access: All Access
    11:45:38.8902010    SynTPEnh.exe    3544    RegQueryValue    HKU\S-1-XXX\Software\Synaptics\SynTPEnh\UltraNavPS2\TrackPointModeFunction    SUCCESS    Type: REG_DWORD, Length: 4, Data: 17
    Can this driver be optimized?
    Also, when I use the TrackPoint to scroll in Firefox or in other applications, scrolling is not as smooth as when I use a simple external mouse with a wheel. Moreover, while scrolling with the TrackPoint, the "scrolling cursor" flickers.
    Message Edited by Izmi on 01-17-2009 02:58 AM

    Same here, but usually around 10% CPU, Win7 64bit on T431s

  • Syslogd makes high CPU Load and standby mode doesn´t work.

    After updating to Leopard I see high CPU Load caused by syslogd daemon(40%-80%) and my MacBook has problems with standby mode. After stopping the white LED lights and CPU fan speeds up. Is there any chance to fix these problems?

    OK.. here's where I'm at with troubleshooting this. As I said before, for ME it occurred simultaneous to a low or out of memory situation. I don't know if syslogd was using my the ram, or if the low ram was a symptom of an issue that syslogd was getting caught up in reporting... but the system log file had tens of THOUSANDS of out of memory errors listed. Almost all were from dashboard.
    So... I've done the following. In dashboard I closed ALL open widgets. I disabled spaces (since in another thread someone indicated it used a lot of memory). I ran Leopard Cache Cleaner and used it to perform maintenances, run the os scripts and rebuild caches and so on. Rebooted.
    Now its working fine! Since then its been over 24 hrs and I STILL have over 300megs of ram reported free on a 1 gig system. I've used everything else like normal (safari, mail, ichat, itunes, etc..). Where the problem used to happen after a couple of hours after a reboot every time, now it seems normal. No out of mem, and syslogd is running normally (apparently).
    I will run a few apps that I havent run in a while and see if those create an issue. If not, later today I will enable spaces and see how that does after a few hours. Finally I'll add in the dashboard widgets one at a time to see if the issue lies there. I'll report back here if I discover anything.

  • High CPU Usage and Temperature

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    Sometimes when I connect an external drive which I have made drastic file changes to, there are two process that eat up a lot of cpu power and get the macbook really hot for awhile, those two processed are related to the way spotlight tries to re-index the external drive or the internal hd itself if I had made drastic changes to it too.
    Could it be that?
    You can see them show up in Activity Monitor, they are mdimport and another one starting with md(something) too.
    Hope that helps (if that's the issue)

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    Thanks for the quick reply.
    If you do not have that 3rd party add-on running, do you notice a difference in the cpu usage? or network connectivity?
    Also did you experience any of these problems with running with DTM 5.0.1
    The only network connection that Desktop Manager uses is to register the PIN number and to check for updates and down the new updates.  But it does not continue constantly.
    I would see if you can use BlackBerry Desktop Software without the 3rd party add-on unless you tried before, to see if it's a third party add-on causing the issue or Desktop Manager.
    I look forward to your results.
    Come follow your BlackBerry Technical Team on Twitter! @BlackBerryHelp
    Be sure to click Like! for those who have helped you.
    Click  Accept as Solution for posts that have solved your issue(s)!

  • High CPU usage and continuously running fan

    I recently sent off a logicboard to be repaired for a non-charging issue.  Everything worked fine with the exception of the battery would not charge.  I received the board back today and noticed immediately that the fan starts running at high speed within 10 seconds of pushing the power button.  It also boots extremely slow and when it does finally, eveything takes forever to open.  It seems to operate better in safe mode but the fan is still running at about 6200 rpm.  Using iStat, I noticed that the temperature itself is not that bad.   The CPU is running at about 32 C.  And it doesn't feel hot to the touch at all.  But the fan never shuts off.  I have tried an SMC reset and PRAM reset, no joy.   I tried a new hard drive, still no joy.  When I can finally get into Activity Monitor, it says that Kernel_task is using upwards of 200% of the CPU.  Any suggestions on what I can try to get this kernel_task issue corrected and get the fan to slow back down?  Thanks in advance for any light anyone can shed on this.  
    Macbook Pro 2010 13 inch

    I was able to run the Apple Hardware Test and the error is:
    4SNS/1/C0000008: TsOP- - 124
    Apparently that has something to do with a temperature sensor.  Of course, I can't find any information on how to replace it or even where it might be located.   Don't even know if it's replaceable.  Can't believe I just got this logic board back from being "fixed" and it's not "fixed!

  • Flash Player using high CPU constantly and heating system

    Hi I am in India ... from last few months I am noticing that Flash Player is using too much CPU when ever I run IE, Explorer or opera ... when I disable Flash Player then IE and opera work on normal CPU ... I have uninstalled Chrome since I was unable to disable flash player on it ... I have 2nd generation i5 .. 3gb ram ... dedicated 1gb nvidia graphics card ... 750 Gb hdd ... win7 home premium 64 bit ... I am able to easily play Crysis 2 ... halo ... far cry ... wolfenstein 2009 and many more intense graphic games on my laptop without over heating it ... but flash player causes excessive CPU constant use and system to over heat if I watch a complete movie on you tube ... any other compatible player available plz do tell ..... rgds 

    Hi ... I use admin account only to install new software or games ... for all other uses I log in as an ordinary account
    But even when logged in with admin account the same prb persists ... cause of this flash player prb I have even stopped playing  games on FB & Zynga ...
    For this flash player problem I even took it to acer service center and since I have extended service warranty the engineers there ran acomplete check on ram, hdd, graphic card and they also did a complete fresh install of win 7 home premium 64 bit edition. They even completely serviced it, cleaned it and applied new thermal paste ...  but even they were baffled that my system can stand up to high intensity graphic games running from HDD or DVD rom or USB pen drive but if I try to run graphic flash player games for long ie castleville or watch a long movie on you tube then flash player can single handedly cause CPU usage to be constantly high leading to system getting heated up.
    Guess will just have to be content without flash ... but some sites require flash player to be enabled and therein lies the problem

  • IPhone iOS 4 high CPU bug and work around

    Using activity monitor app, frequently I notice that the System CPU usage won't drop below 10% with total usage ranging from 15 to 20% (idle never goes above 90%). Closing apps doesn't recover from this state, neither does turning off services, WiFi or 3G. The only thing that works (other than restarting the phone) is to turn on airplane mode for about 10 seconds and then turn it off. The System CPU usage will still be high while in airplane mode, but will drop down to about 2% (6% total) after turning airplane mode off and idle will stay above 90% at that point.
    I've tried all combinations of turning WiFi, 3G, location services, etc off and on, but only turning airplane mode on and off works.
    I've done a full restore and it still happens. I have no idea what the trigger is. It doesn't seem to be based on what apps are or were running because I've had it happen overnight when not running any apps. It might be based on mail or something, but killing the mail app doesn't fix it. Only turning airplane mode on and off does.
    Letting the System CPU hover around 10% instead of 3% causes a noticeable drop in battery life. This needs to be fixed.

    I have the same problem, and it was the same even for previous versions of iPhone OS. I don't think it's a time zone issue, as I am living in Norway and the reports here are the same from various locations.
    However, I think I might have found a workaround for this problem. Normally I have my mail, contacts and calendar synced via Exchange. When I in addition to syncing with Exchange select "Sync contacts with Outlook" in the "info" tab in iTunes on my computer, the dates appear to be transferred correctly. But then again, this gives me several contact groups on my iPhone, whilst I really only want and need one group, the Exchange contacts. Anyway, the contacts appear only once when I select the "group" all contacts on my iPhone.
    Hope this can be of any help until the bug is fixed.

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