3G - Lose 50% of pings to LAN device but not to SVI

Hi have a 3G 887 Router (standalone) connected into an MPLS network.
Fa0 is connected to the local LAN on VLAN1 (
Dialer 1 is the default route. There are no other connections in the router.
There is a PC on the local LAN (
There is a remote MPLS site with LAN range
If I ping from the remote MPLS site to the VLAN1 interface all pings respond ok.
If I ping from the remote MPLS site to PC on site 50% of the pings fail (alternating).
If I ping from the PC on site to the MPLS site 50% of the pings fail (alternating).
When I do packet debugging I find that only the pings that are getting through are showing up:
Ping from remote site to PC - 2/5 pings succeed (.!.!.)
Sep  9 17:40:13 BST: IP: s= (Vlan1), d=, len 60, input feature
Sep  9 17:40:13 BST:     ICMP type=8, code=0, Common Flow Table(5), rtype 0, forus FALSE, sendself FALSE, mtu 0, fwdchk FALSE
Sep  9 17:40:13 BST: IP: s= (Vlan1), d=, len 60, input feature
Sep  9 17:40:13 BST:     ICMP type=8, code=0, Stateful Inspection(7), rtype 0, forus FALSE, sendself FALSE, mtu 0, fwdchk FALSE
Sep  9 17:40:13 BST: IP: s= (Vlan1), d=, len 60, input feature
Sep  9 17:40:13 BST:     ICMP type=8, code=0, MCI Check(101), rtype 0, forus FALSE, sendself FALSE, mtu 0, fwdchk FALSE
Sep  9 17:40:13 BST: FIBipv4-packet-proc: route packet from Vlan1 src dst
Sep  9 17:40:13 BST: FIBfwd-proc: packet routed by adj to Dialer1
Sep  9 17:40:13 BST: FIBipv4-packet-proc: packet routing succeeded
Sep  9 17:40:13 BST: IP: s= (Vlan1), d= (Dialer1), len 60, output feature
Sep  9 17:40:13 BST:     ICMP type=8, code=0, Dialer idle reset(97), rtype 1, forus FALSE, sendself FALSE, mtu 0, fwdchk FALSE
Sep  9 17:40:13 BST: IP: s= (Vlan1), d= (Dialer1), len 60, output feature
Sep  9 17:40:13 BST:     ICMP type=8, code=0, Dialer idle reset(98), rtype 1, forus FALSE, sendself FALSE, mtu 0, fwdchk FALSE
Sep  9 17:40:13 BST: IP: s= (Vlan1), d= (Dialer1), g=, len 60, forward
Sep  9 17:40:13 BST:     ICMP type=8, code=0
Sep  9 17:40:13 BST: IP: s= (Vlan1), d= (Cellular0), len 60, sending full packet
Sep  9 17:40:13 BST:     ICMP type=8, code=0
Sep  9 17:40:19 BST: IP: s= (Vlan1), d=, len 60, input feature
Sep  9 17:40:19 BST:     ICMP type=8, code=0, Common Flow Table(5), rtype 0, forus FALSE, sendself FALSE, mtu 0, fwdchk FALSE
Sep  9 17:40:19 BST: IP: s= (Vlan1), d=, len 60, input feature
Sep  9 17:40:19 BST:     ICMP type=8, code=0, Stateful Inspection(7), rtype 0, forus FALSE, sendself FALSE, mtu 0, fwdchk FALSE
Sep  9 17:40:19 BST: IP: s= (Vlan1), d=, len 60, input feature
Sep  9 17:40:19 BST:     ICMP type=8, code=0, MCI Check(101), rtype 0, forus FALSE, sendself FALSE, mtu 0, fwdchk FALSE
Sep  9 17:40:19 BST: FIBipv4-packet-proc: route packet from Vlan1 src dst
Sep  9 17:40:19 BST: FIBfwd-proc: packet routed by adj to Dialer1
Sep  9 17:40:19 BST: FIBipv4-packet-proc: packet routing succeeded
Sep  9 17:40:19 BST: IP: s= (Vlan1), d= (Dialer1), len 60, output feature
Sep  9 17:40:19 BST:     ICMP type=8, code=0, Dialer idle reset(97), rtype 1, forus FALSE, sendself FALSE, mtu 0, fwdchk FALSE
Sep  9 17:40:19 BST: IP: s= (Vlan1), d= (Dialer1), len 60, output feature
Sep  9 17:40:19 BST:     ICMP type=8, code=0, Dialer idle reset(98), rtype 1, forus FALSE, sendself FALSE, mtu 0, fwdchk FALSE
Sep  9 17:40:19 BST: IP: s= (Vlan1), d= (Dialer1), g=, len 60, forward
Sep  9 17:40:19 BST:     ICMP type=8, code=0
Sep  9 17:40:19 BST: IP: s= (Vlan1), d= (Cellular0), len 60, sending full packet
Sep  9 17:40:19 BST:     ICMP type=8, code=0
If I run wireshark on the PC and ping it from the remote site, I see the incoming ICMP requests but only get half of them back.
This indicates that whatever is happening as traffic enters fa0 is causing it to be dropped before it even hits the ACL to show up.
Successful and failed pings always show up in an alternating format.
Can anyone advise what might be causing this?

I have fixed the problem. I believe to to be an IOS bug.
The solution appears to be very strange.
You need to create an ACL that permits anything AND applies logging (it will not work without logging) inbound on the vlan1 interface.
access-list 101 permit ip any any log
int vlan 1
ip access-group 101 in
Why this fixes the issue I am unsure. But leaving no ACL on the interface will still cause the router to suffer the 50% loss issue. To make it weirder logging on the ACL must be on.

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    .21 - Server 2012 R2 (Virtual)   -  Runs Apache
    .22 - Server 2012 R2 (Virtual)  -   Runs Apache.  This is the device I am trying to ping (s000abc123ww)
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    .99 - Windows 7  (Virtual)
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    CNAME resource records are recommended for use in the following scenarios:
    • When a host that is specified in an A resource record in the
    same zone needs to be renamed
    • When a generic name for a well-known server, such as www, must resolve to a group of individual computers (each with individual A resource records) that provide the same
    service, for example, a group of redundant Web servers
    Therefore please try to create your CNNAM record in the same zone and try again.
    The related KB:
    Adding, Changing, and Deleting Resource Records
    Hope this helps.
    are trying to better understand customer views on social support experience, so your participation in this
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    - Actually restoring the iPad to factory settings, then restoring from backup in case there was an issue with the iOS install
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    Keep the ideas coming.
    So far, been there- done that on everything suggested   :-)

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    the one I am trying to get it one IS a 5. I managed to get it form connecting to our really old computer, now I have a different problem. this computer is the one I mainly use, and just bought some apps and music that I put on the 5th gen one, however now it tells me that this computer isn't auth. for this ipod.(and I letterally just bought this other stuff on it and transferred to this ipod about a week ago) isn't Auth.      I even tried removing auth . then giving it again, but no help

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