3GS freezing up following phone call

I am on my third iPhone one 3G and two 3GS. This has happened on all three !
way too frequently when I am through with a phone call, sometimes when I go to hang up or the other party hangs up, the screen goes blank and it stays blank with no control for 5 to 60 seconds (varies). When it does happen, ther is no response whether I press the main button or the on / off button. This is not consistent and there is no pattern to it. Sometimes 2 to 3 times per day sometimes it does not happen. If I am attenmpting to hang up sometimes it remains connected and after 5 to 60 seconds of blank screen, it will finally comeback on and it is still connected. As I said this is my third iPhone. The reason I am on my second 3GS is I took the phone back after this happened and they replaced it with a new one but it has started up again. HELP !

Yes !
AT&T, Apple Store and Radio Shack say they have never heard of this issue !

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    That's harsh, but looks like it is true!
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    You're not speaking to Apple on in this forum, nor will someone from Apple see this post.   We are just users like you and I.
    Have you tried to restore or reset your phone?
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    Thanks and regards

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