4.2 can't double tap to zoom within frameset

Right now I am developing a web app.
Yesterday, after updating my iPad, I wondered if I had made a mistake because all of a sudden when I would double tap on an image or text within an appropriate block (ie ) on a page that was part of a frameset, safari wouldn't zoom in.
If I look at the frames one at a time, ie if I am looking at a single page rather than a frameset, double tap to zoom works perfectly. However the second that very same page is part of a frameset the double tap to zoom functionality is gone.
On my iPhone 4 and my iPhone 3gs the double tap to zoom is still working perfectly.
I mean if it comes do it I can redesign and do away with the frames entirely, but there are an awful lot of websites out there that still use frames. I swear before I updated double tap to zoom was working.
Can somebody else confirm this issue?

okay where it says "appropriate block (ie )" the blank space was meant to show a div tag. sorry!

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    ''bobcowdery [[#question-1042217|said]]''
    I'm having awful trouble with scaling. When I get the screen resolution of my tablet is says 1280x800. However if I scale my page to fit using -moz-transform:scale it overflows the page and I need to scale it down by 0.76 to make it fit. Strangely if I use portrait which reports as 800x1024 the page is then too small and I need to scale it up by 1.23 (note its -0.23 and +0.23 for landscape and portrait respectively).
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    Slightly closer. I've added <META name="viewport" content="width=device-width, height=device-width, initial-scale=1.0, maximum-scale=1.0"> to my top level container. This seems to stop firefox from doing an auto-zoom so my page is now properly displayed in both orientations. In landscape all works fine. In portrait however my navigation buttons at the bottom have no touch response unless I double tap to zoom in and then they work. Strangely, the buttons in the content area that are generated on the fly work correctly even after I zoom out again.
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    System Preferences > Dock  > Minimize windows using:
    Enable "Double-click a window's title bar to minimize".
    If you double-click an app’s title bar, and the app minimizes into the Dock, the “Double-click a window’s title bar to minimize” option is set in Dock preferences. To instead expand the app window, choose Apple menu > System Preferences, click Dock, then deselect “Double-click a window’s title bar to minimize.”
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    I don't know if you'll ever see this, but thank you! I hope this helps somebody else down the line, too.
    re. "I can use double tap and move with one finger to select text if the cursor is between text."
    I've been trying to figure out how to select text with tapping and without clicking.
    This did the trick.
    It's quite finicky to not select a space in between words.
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    ((There's a smartMagnifyWithEvent Cocoa NSEvent that's not universally supported across all applications for noob OS X developers like me.))
    I haven't been able to find the part about double tapping between text to begin a selection (which seems to work best when double tapping directly next to a letter) anywhere in the help system on or online. I probably just missed it, though.
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    Shutting down and removing all power cords and cables to the computer.
    Removing the batteries from TrackPad & Mouse.
    Creating a new user account.
    Reinstalling OS X 10.8.2 including updates 3 times.
    Booting into Safe Mode then running Disk Utility to Repair Disk Permissions and Repair Disk.
    Running Capture_Data.dmg and sending the files to Apple Support.
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    Deleted com.apple.Bluetooth.plist & com.apple.PowerManagement.plist per Apple.
    Cleared browser cache & history, then emptied trash.
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    Since Apple said they have no reported cases like this, I have done a lot of digging on my own before writing this.  Sorry about the long post, but I was hoping to provide as much detail as possible to be respectful of everyones valuable time.  Any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
    Doug Klimek

    Problem Solved in less than 5 minutes - Thank you Travis @ AppleCare!
    Set the Mouse & Trackpad Double-Click speed to any value other than "Fast". The slider bar has 10 settings (1=Slow to 10=Fast) so I set mine to 9 and it works fine.  But your system may respond differently, so you might want to start with #5 (Middle) and go from there.  FWIW, the #10 setting (Fast) does work, however I had to use one finger on each hand because I couldn't tap fast enough with only one hand.
    Click the Apple Logo > System Preferences > System > Accessibility > Mouse & Trackpad > Double-click speed > Drag slider to the #5 setting (Middle of bar) then tweak to your liking
    FWIW, I had no Double-Click problems when setting the Mouse & Trackpad Tracking to #10 (Fast) as long as the Double-Click speed (above) was set to any value other than #10 (Fast).  I am only mentioning this to share what I learned.
    Click the Apple Logo > System Preferences > Hardware > Mouse > Point & Click > Tracking > Drag slider bar to your liking
    Click the Apple Logo > System Preferences > Hardware > Trackpad > Point & Click > Tracking Speed > Drag slider bar to your liking
    Hope this information is helpful to anyone before consider wiping their disk clean and doing a fresh M/L reinstall like i almost did.

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    Hi there,
    It sounds like you may have an accessibility feature called VoiceOver enabled. Take a look at the article below for more information on how to use VoiceOver as well as how to disable it.
    iPod nano (6th generation and later): How to use VoiceOver
    -Griff W.

  • Synptics / hal and double tap broken

    I can't double tap with one finger anymore here on my Samsung notebook. I have to tap tree times to get a double click effect.
    [andyrtr@laptop64 ~]$ lshal -u platform_i8042_i8042_AUX3_port_logicaldev_input
    udi = '/org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/platform_i8042_i8042_AUX3_port_logicaldev_input'
    info.capabilities = {'input', 'input.touchpad'} (string list)
    info.category = 'input' (string)
    info.parent = '/org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/platform_i8042_i8042_AUX3_port' (string)
    info.product = 'SynPS/2 Synaptics TouchPad' (string)
    info.subsystem = 'input' (string)
    info.udi = '/org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/platform_i8042_i8042_AUX3_port_logicaldev_input' (string)
    input.device = '/dev/input/event9' (string)
    input.originating_device = '/org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/platform_i8042_i8042_AUX3_port' (string)
    input.product = 'SynPS/2 Synaptics TouchPad' (string)
    input.x11_driver = 'synaptics' (string)
    input.x11_options.AccelFactor = '0.0028' (string)
    input.x11_options.ClickFinger1 = '1' (string)
    input.x11_options.ClickFinger2 = '3' (string)
    input.x11_options.ClickFinger3 = '2' (string)
    input.x11_options.FingerHigh = '30' (string)
    input.x11_options.FingerLow = '25' (string)
    input.x11_options.FingerPress = '255' (string)
    input.x11_options.HorizEdgeScroll = '1' (string)
    input.x11_options.HorizScrollDelta = '1000' (string)
    input.x11_options.HorizTwoFingerScroll = '0' (string)
    input.x11_options.LBCornerButton = '0' (string)
    input.x11_options.LTCornerButton = '0' (string)
    input.x11_options.MaxDoubleTapTime = '200' (string)
    input.x11_options.MaxSpeed = '0.45' (string)
    input.x11_options.MaxTapMove = '220' (string)
    input.x11_options.MaxTapTime = '180' (string)
    input.x11_options.MinSpeed = '0.18' (string)
    input.x11_options.PalmDetect = '0' (string)
    input.x11_options.PressureMotionMinZ = '10' (string)
    input.x11_options.RBCornerButton = '3' (string)
    input.x11_options.RTCornerButton = '2' (string)
    input.x11_options.SHMConfig = 'true' (string)
    input.x11_options.TapButton1 = '1' (string)
    input.x11_options.TapButton2 = '2' (string)
    input.x11_options.TapButton3 = '3' (string)
    input.x11_options.VertEdgeScroll = '1' (string)
    input.x11_options.VertScrollDelta = '100' (string)
    input.x11_options.VertTwoFingerScroll = '0' (string)
    linux.device_file = '/dev/input/event9' (string)
    linux.hotplug_type = 2 (0x2) (int)
    linux.subsystem = 'input' (string)
    linux.sysfs_path = '/sys/class/input/input9/event9' (string)
    What's wrong here? Any idea?

    Ummm..I can't work out the 'Quotes' and how to do them on this forum board..so I'll just use bold and different fonts.
    But you mis understand my question...
    Here is part of my original post
    I could double tap the home icon when a dialogue box was open
    Implying that the dialogue box is already open BEFORE I use the double tap function.
    As I go on to further explain, this dialogue box could be from either WiFi asking for a password, or Mail asking for a password, or Mail telling me it can't connect to the Server.
    When you have 8 e-mail accounts and you have to hit OK or Cancel  twice per e-mail account..before you can close the app...it is more than frustrating.  ..all these multiple dialogue or warning boxes and you can't get out of them without acknowledging each of them.  You used to be able to Double tap, and Swipe the preview up to close the app..or jump to another app.
    I understand this perfectly, what you said:
    Double clicking the home button shows the recently opened app icons along the bottom of the screen with a preview above each icon. To open one of the apps, touch the icon and the app opens.  Copy what you want, double click, open the the other app, then paste.  The preview screens are used to close the apps by slideng the screens up.  See this:
    ..and that is what I am trying to do.  But when one of these Mail or Wif bode Dialogues or warnings are open the double tap is not possible..it does not work.  so you can't go to the other app to copy and paste. or slide the preview screen up to close it.

  • Can't use three-finger double tap zoom.

    iPad 2 version 6.3.1.
    Couple of days ago, I tried to use the three-fingered, double-tap zoom, but it didn't work. Now, being a middle-aged person, I like to use this feature. So, tried again. Didn't work. Double tapped all over the screen. Nada. Went to Settings > General > Accessibility > Zoom. Zoom was on. Turned it off. Turned it on. Didn't work. Turned it off; turned it on again. Nope. Turned off the iPad. Turned on the iPad. Nuh-uh. Turned on, turned off the iPad again. Nah. Tried triple tapping the Home button to turn Zoom off and on again. Zilch. (Ordinary double-tap enlarge works, and so does Pinch to Zoom.)
    I'm almost ready to reset the iPad, but that is such a drastic step, I thought I'd try here first. Any thoughts?
    -- yah

    So if you double tap with three fingers and drag up the amount of zoom will increase. If you double tabp with threed fingers and drag down the amount of zoom will decrease. It is possible to have so little zoom that it looks like none.
    Is that possibly what you are experiencing?

  • In Safari, my iMac sometimes zooms way too much and will not zoom back.  I have a wireless mouse set to zoom in and out on double tap, but the excessive zooms happen with no taps.

    In Safari, my iMac sometimes zooms way too much and will not zoom back.  I have a wireless mouse set to zoom in and out on double tap, but the excessive zooms happen with no taps.  A page zooms in so less than 1/4 of the page is visible and nothing I do will zoom back out, command minus doesn't do it, double tap on mouse does not zoom out, and the window will not scroll to show any of the rest of the page.  reloading the page does not help.  Loading a different page gives me a normal view again.

    If it were a tweaked setting, it should happen less randomly.  And there should be no settings that could override the zoom setting in unversal Access and the Mouse zoom preferences. 
    In addition, this only happens in Safari 6, and seems to happen more fredquently on some websites and not on others.  That suggests some sort of conflict in the site code with Safari and Apple wireless mouse code.  It does not happen in Mail, Word, Excel, Photoshop, Illustrator, or other software as far as I can tell.

Maybe you are looking for