4.5 OPS loading error

After loading 4.5  using the instructions copied and pasted below (italics), I cannot get phone to restart.  It goes through hourglass, white screen, AT&T logo, then says "App error 552" and gives one option - to reset.  Reset only puts in through the same cycle.
I wanted to follow the last part of instruction #4 listed below, but not only is my error message a different number, my device manager will not recognize my BB as being connected.  What should I do?
Instructions for installing on ANY carrier's 8310:
1. Make sure you have Desktop Manager 4.2 SP2 or higher installed. If you don't already have it you can download it here.
2. Download the OS file listed above to the PC then install it to the PC by running the file you downloaded.
3. Locate the vendor.xml file and delete it. It's located in c:\program files\common files\research in motion\apploader
4. Plug in BB and Open Desktop Manager. You should be prompted to upgrade.
The process takes about 45 minutes to an hour depending on how much data you have to backup and restore during the process. Once it's done loading the new OS it will reboot (it may do this twice during the entire process.) You will see a white screen with an hourglass for up to 20 minutes at a time while the DM says "waiting for initialization."
If you end up with a white screen with small icons and the number 507, simply connect to DM again and run application loader again and it should load the OS to the device.

Answered in your other thread:
1. If any post helps you please click the below the post(s) that helped you.
2. Please resolve your thread by marking the post "Solution?" which solved it for you!
3. Install free BlackBerry Protect today for backups of contacts and data.
4. Guide to Unlocking your BlackBerry & Unlock Codes
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    First of all can you start this database from say EAS, does it say it cannot start?
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    Find First Error.vi ‏24 KB

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    Hi Bander Bunny!
    I have a couple of articles that should be able to help you troubleshoot this issue a little further. You may want to try uninstalling and reinstalling iTunes first. This has to be done in a specific manner, and this article can help you do that:
    Removing and reinstalling iTunes, QuickTime, and other software components for Windows Vista or Windows 7
    Another option is that you may want to try syncing your iPod nano manually. Here's is an article that pertains to manually managing the content of your iPod nano:
    Managing content manually on iPhone, iPad, and iPod
    It's also possible that this issue resides with your iPod nano. Here is a website that will help you troubleshoot the iPod nano:
    Apple - Support - iPod Troubleshooting Assistants
    Thanks for using the Apple Support Communities. Have a good one!

  • Program Load Error

    HI everyone,
        I have a problem regarding abap program,
    I have transported a program with tcode from development server to production  server but when i run the program in production server the program gives a runtime error.
    " Program Load Error " thus dumping the program.
    when i checked it in SE38 of production server it quotes " program does not exiist ".
    Can please anyone let me know wat is the reason??
    Thank you,

    Hi vivekacharya,
    I think you saved  the report and tcode in different Transports Requests, you moved only one request in which the report is not exsist.
    so  go to se38 program goto utilities --> versions  -->  version management and then  get the request and transport  the request to production server.

  • What can I do about "LabVIEW load error code 38: Failed to uncompress part of the VI."

    While attempting to load an executable LabVIEW application for LabVIEW 2009 SP1 on a Windows-XP machine when the following pop-up message occurs. "LabVIEW: Memory or data structure corrupt. An error occurs in loading VI 'NI_Gmath.lblib: Backward Bracket Search.VI'. LabVIEW load error code 38: Failed to uncompress part of the VI. The VI is most likely corrupt." What seems odd is that the same LabVIEW application loads fine when logged on as a privileged user account, but fails to load on a private user account.
    2012-07-18 LabVIEW Load error code 38.jpg ‏1314 KB

    Here's a thought:
    So when something is decompressed, a temp folder is often used. 
    I have no idea why LabVIEW would be decompressing anything, but I suspect it is trying to put the decompressed file into a temp folder where the user does not have write permissions.
    In the .ini file for your executable, you can add a line that specified the location of the temp folder to use:
    On my Win7 machine, the location is:
    On WinXP, it is probably:
    C:\Documents And Settings\YourUserName\local settings\temp
     Try changing the tmpdir key in your ini file to something to C:\Temp and see if that helps.
    - john

  • How to resolve "Internal error: ABAP Report  cannot be loaded" error

    Hi All,
    I am new to SAP.Please help me out from this problem.
    When I am trying to debug BSP page, in debugging mode it shows "Internal error: ABAP Report  cannot be loaded" error and then dumps.
    In transaction ST22 it shows this dump something like this
    Runtime Errors         MESSAGE_TYPE_X
    The current application program detected a situation which really
    should not occur. Therefore, a termination with a short dump was
    triggered on purpose by the key word MESSAGE (type X).
        2 *"----
        3 ""Lokale Schnittstelle:
        4 *"  IMPORTING
        6 *"  EXCEPTIONS
        7 *"      CNTL_SYSTEM_ERROR
        8 *"      CNTL_ERROR
        9 *"----
       10   data: sysubrc like sy-subrc.
       13        EXPORTING
       14             SYSTEM_FLUSH = 'X'
       15             CALLED_BY_SYSTEM = CALLED_BY_SYSTEM
       16        IMPORTING
       17             MESSAGE_NR   = sysubrc
       18             MESSAGE_TEXT = SY-MSGLI.
       20   sy-subrc = sysubrc.
       22   CASE SY-SUBRC.
       23     WHEN 0.
       24     WHEN 1.
       25 *     system_error
       27     WHEN 2.
       28 *     method_call_error
       30     WHEN 3.
       31 *     property_set_error
       33     WHEN 4.
       34 *     property_get_error
       36     WHEN OTHERS.
       37       RAISE CNTL_ERROR.
       38   ENDCASE.
       40 ENDFUNCTION.
    Thanks in advance
    Sunil Choudhury

    Hi Sunil,
    The reason for this could be anything, anyways look up for an OSS note with the error message first.
    As a workaround, you can try to use the classic debugger instead of the new ABAP debugger and see if it works.
    You should be logged into SAP via SAP GUI when you are debugging BSP.

  • Installer LV7.1 - LabVIEW load error code 21: An external subroutine required for execution could not be found.

    Je cherche à créer un installer portatif utilisant les drivers NI-DAQmx 8.7.1 et NI-CAN 2.6.0.
    Je dispose d'un code LV 7.1 et j'ai installé l'application builder 7.1.
    Mais une fois l'application installé sur un PC vierge de Labview, j'obtiens le message suivant:
    load error code 21: An external subroutine required for execution could not be found.
    Ce message est répété plusieurs fois (pour différents VIs) puis le programme ne se lance pas.
    J'ai bien veillé à installer les drivers NI-CAN et NI-DAQmx correspondant au préalable sur la machine cible.
    En chercant sur le forum, plusieurs pistes m'ont été proposé:
    La version NI-DAQ
    L'intégration du Run time Engine
    Un problème de DLL
    J'ai vérifié ces 3 points mais cela n'a pas règlé mon problème.
    Résolu !
    Accéder à la solution.

    Merci de ta réponse.
    En fait, j'ai bien inclu le runtime engine de Labview qui était effectivement la source de l'erreur.
    L'installation de NI-DAQmx v 8.7.1 provoque la mise à jour de la version du runtime engine (passage de 7.1 à 7.1.1).
    J'ai donc désinstallé Le runtime engine 7.1.1 (ce qui a provoqué la désinstallation de labview et NI-DAQ).
    Puis je suis passé par une version plus ancienne de NI-DAQ (7.2) que j'ai adapté (inclusions de DLL et de VIs).
    Les messages d'erreurs ont alors tout simplement disparus!

  • Crystal Reports 2008 - Report Load error - Memory Leak Error?

    We have a problem with Crystal Reports 2008 with .NET 2.0.
    CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine, Version=12.0.2000.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=692fbea5521e1304
    The problem is that during high amount of report producing, errors in eventlog pops up and the production of reports using <br>
    Crystal Reports stops.
    Below are examples of the three most common event logs.
    We have tried to implement a cleanup method both as a destructor (with a global ReportDocument rdoc variable) and using direct call to cleanUpDoc() method when finished with loading doc:
            private void cleanupDoc()
                    if (rdoc != null)
                        rdoc = null;
    The doc is loading using the "normal" method (in-process).
                        rdoc = new ReportDocument();
                   catch (Exception ex)
    ...process doc....
    Furthermore we have tried during Scalable tests of the system - but cannot produce the below errors ourselves. Only the customer can.
    Please help with solving this problem.
    Is the above advisable to do?
    Should the document be loaded in another way?
    Is it a memory leak?
    event logs:
    Event Type:     Error
    Event Category:     None
    Event ID:     1102
    Date:          12-02-2010
    Time:          10:22:05
    User:          N/A
    IO_ServerClass.IO_ServerPrepareReportBeforeExecute() Report load Error:
    Loading reportfile=C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\xxx\Reports\321.rpt
    Message=Load report failed.
    Stacktrace=   at
       at CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine.ReportDocument.Load(String filename,
    OpenReportMethod openMethod, Int16 parentJob)
       at CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine.ReportDocument.Load(String filename)
       at xxx.IOServer2.IOServerClass.IO_ServerPrepareReportBeforeExecute(String
    WebRootRelPathNameRepName, String init, Hashtable ParmsVals, Int32 JobId, Int32 JobStep,
    Page webpage) in C:\Documents and Settings\xxx\My Documents\Visual Studio 2008\Projects\xxx.IOServer2\IOServerClassClassic.cs:line 290
    InnerSource:Analysis Server
    Error in File 321 {19463E3B-D404-45EB-88AE-5722A7FF9E90}.rpt:
    The request could not be submitted for background processing.
    DocumentPath, Int32 Options)
       at CrystalDecisions.ReportAppServer.ReportClientDocumentWrapper.Open(Object&
    DocumentPath, Int32 Options)
    IO_ServerClass.IO_ServerPrepareReportBeforeExecute() Report load Error:
    Loading reportfile=C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\xxx\Reports\321.rpt
    Message=Creating an instance of the COM
    component with CLSID {D7F5D7C3-B06C-4CAC-BC47-A06E66D2EE9B} from the IClassFactory failed
    due to the following error: 8007000e.
    Stacktrace=   at
       at CrystalDecisions.ReportAppServer.ReportClientDocumentWrapper..ctor()
       at CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine.ReportDocument.Initialize()
       at CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine.ReportDocument..ctor()
       at Kimik.IOServer2.IOServerClass.IO_ServerPrepareReportBeforeExecute(String
    WebRootRelPathNameRepName, String init, Hashtable ParmsVals, Int32 JobId, Int32 JobStep, Page webpage) in C:\Documents and Settings\xxx\My Documents\Visual Studio 2008\Projects\xxx.IOServer2\IOServerClassClassic.cs:line 289
    IO_ServerClass.IO_ServerPrepareReportBeforeExecute() Report load Error:
    Loading reportfile=C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\xxx\reports\340.rpt
    Message=Load report failed.
    Stacktrace=   at
       at CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine.ReportDocument.Load(String filename,
    OpenReportMethod openMethod, Int16 parentJob)
       at CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine.ReportDocument.Load(String filename)
       at Kimik.IOServer2.IOServerClass.IO_ServerPrepareReportBeforeExecute(String
    WebRootRelPathNameRepName, String init, Hashtable ParmsVals, Int32 JobId, Int32 JobStep,
    Page webpage) in C:\Documents and Settings\xxx\My Documents\Visual Studio 2008
    \Projects\xxx.IOServer2\IOServerClassClassic.cs:line 290
    Attempted to read or write protected memory. This is often an indication that other memory is corrupt.
    at CrystalDecisions.ReportAppServer.ClientDoc.ReportClientDocumentClass.Open(Object&
    DocumentPath, Int32 Options)
       at CrystalDecisions.ReportAppServer.ReportClientDocumentWrapper.Open(Object&
    DocumentPath, Int32 Options)
    Edited by: kristians on Feb 16, 2010 2:57 PM

    First, ensure you have the latest service pack / hot fix for your version of Crystal Reports, and that the client has the same updates as well. Fix Pack 2.4 is the current latest, and can be downloaded from our downloads section.
    One of the errors is the Background Processing error, so have a look at the following article:
    Follow us on Twitter u2013 http://twitter.com/SAPCRNetSup

  • Map loader / error loading catalog

    Hi there,
    i have a problem with the "map loader" and my Nokia 5800 XM.
    ... the map loader worked as i bought the phone some months ago. Everything worked fine. Today i had to do a reset. The map is still working, but i cant get the map loader to work.
    After the start of the program and sync with the 5800 XM im getting an errormsg (in german but im trying to translate).. "cannot load the catalog of the 5800 xm"
    Thats it. I googled whole day, but found no solution... so this forum is my last help right now.
    It worked (today) before i have done the reset so im thinking that its not my OS (Windows7 64bit).
    thx in advance

    one more thing.. i have updated the FW today to the newest available. 50.0.005
    found also another thread here /t5/Maps-Navigation-and-GPS/Map-Loader-error-while-loading-catalogue/td-p/624895/page/2
    might be an FW problem then?

  • Most common BW data load errors in production and how to solve them ..

    Hi All,
    Most common BW data load errors in production and how to solve them ..
    Any doc on it ,if so plz send it across to this id [email protected]
    Thanks in advance.

    1) RFC connection lost.
    2) Invalid characters while loading.
    3) ALEREMOTE user is locked.
    4) Lower case letters not allowed.
    5) While loading the data i am getting messeage that 'Record
    the field mentioned in the errror message is not mapped to any infoboject in the transfer rule.
    6) object locked.
    7) "Non-updated Idocs found in Source System".
    8) While loading master data, one of the datapackage has a red light error message:
    Master data/text of characteristic 'so and so' already deleted .
    9) extraction job aborted in r3
    10) request couldnt be activated because theres another request in the psa with a smaller sid
    11) repeat of last delta not possible
    12) datasource not replicated
    13) datasource/transfer structure not active ´
    14) Idoc Or Trfc Error
    15. ODS Activation Error

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