4s isn't pushing mail

From day one of ownership my 4s is not pushing mail. I have reset phone, deleted and reentered email, set push notifications. I am not new to the iphone so I feel I know most of the tricks...anyone else having this problem with 4s? I am on AT&T provider, using a yahoo email address.

Same problem, Yahoo email from my Uverse service not pushing all the time.  worked about 24 hrs after I activated the phone, then didn't until a few minutes ago, not seems to be.  What's up with that? 

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    BT tell me that it is, but there's a couple postings on the web saying Push mail won't work
    So, my question is, is there somebody out there who who has been migrated to the new BT Mail server and who can confirm they can still get their @btinternet.com address post-migration to work as Push mail on their iPhone or ipad devices?

    There is no push mail on BTMail. Once you have been migrated to BTMail you will need to have your devices fetch emails. There is apparently no plans to change this.

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    What do you see exactly, for Yahoo?  Do the emails come down fine when you hit the sync button, but they aren't pushed down immediately?  Can you time it to see how long they typically take to arrive, when you don't sync manually?  
    As for rediff, I'm pretty sure (like 80% confident) that it's supposed to be polled every 15 minutes on the server.  So it should take 0-15 minutes (7.5 mins average) to receive new emails.  Rediff (unlike Yahoo) isn't techically push email.  What exactly are you seeing for rediff?

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    delete the account and re-add it.

  • Push mail to iPhone/iPad (iOS 5b3) Confirmed Working

    After much fiddle ******* around and 15 clean installations and about 64 hours later, I can confirm that push mail DOES indeed work to the iPhone/iPad from Mac OS X Lion Server.
    I still have configuration errors to resolve, but this is a down and dirty brief:
    Clean install of Lion (Forget the fact Apple says it is an easy upgrade from SLS. You will shoot yourself...)
    Install Server essentials and then download Server Admin Tools. (Or Server.app - depends on your preference)
    Open Server.app - ensure that your hostname is correct.
    Open ServerAdmin. 
    Set up DNS.  (Note:  Do yourself a favor and look at the Server.app help file and follow Apple's recommendation for related DNS entries, including all the SRV recommendations)
    Ensure DNS is working properly.
    Server.app Hardware, settings - turn it all on. Edit SSL first and make sure you have your self generated SSL cert selected.
    Tick the enable push notifications option and hit edit.
    Apply for / Download your push cert using the AppleID of the system (or yours if your don't have one for your server)
    ServerAdmin - setup OD as master.
    Open WGM - set up your user accounts and enable the basic services.
    Configure Mail thru ServerAdmin (not Server.app)
    Edit main.cf in postfix and remove the greylisting entry
    I then went down the list starting with Address Book and enabled/configured the services and tested them out using client apps on another Mac. (Skip Profile Manager)
    In the Web area, be prepared to beat your head against a wall.
    Make sure you follow the various recommendations in other discussions - I had a few:
    NameVirtualHost *:80
    NameVirtualHost *:443
    Must be in your httpd.conf file (Or the 00000.any.conf file suggestion if you prefer. The httpd.conf is centralized and much easier.)
    In your web site setup area, Any, is the easiest setting versus a specific IP address (if you are only hosting one web server or have one IP this is the only way anyway)
    Edit your indv site .conf files in /private/etc/apache2/sites
    I use just the host name in DNS, such as example.com
    in DNS make sure you have a correct Alias such as www.example.com
    Edit your indvidual site file and under ServerName example.com make an entry on a new line: ServerAlias www.example.com
    I moved my custom sites to /Library/WebServer/Documents by the way.  (Strictly your preference here, but make sure your httpd.conf file states where your default directory is)
    You can't change the server's default site in /Library/Server/Web/Data/Sites/Default  
    After all the services are configured/enabled configure/enable profile manager.
    Sign the configuration profiles with your SSL cert
    You can then open the Profile Manager and enable a few Profiles for you or whomever.
    Just as in a few other posts, the https://server.example.com/mydevices is a blank page on iOS devices. 
    This is the workaround on an iPad:
    On  your device go to https//server.example.com
    The server's main page will open (not your custom sites with any luck. If the custom sites open, start troubleshooting)
    On the Server's page, click on the Profile Manager hyperlink on the bottom right of the page.
    Then sign in when prompted
    Then on the upper right of the page you should see Your Name with a menu arrow next to it.
    Click your name/arrow
    Down will pop a contextual menu.
    Click Download Trust Profile
    Install on your iOS device
    Then navigate to your Name in the user pane (on left)
    If you had previously set up your profile (on a desktop because that iPhone screen will make your eyes bleed) click Download under the profile Section.
    Install on your device.
    The usual trust this, enable this and that boxes will pop up. Just make sure you allow your server's SSL cert to be trusted.
    After all this -
    Push mail works like a fkn champ!
    I must say it's really **** fast. I have an Exchange account on my iPad as well and the mail from my Lion Server beats the Exchange mail account every time.
    One caveat - I do have iOS 5b4 on my devices as a registered Apple Developer. And, the Team Profile is installed from apple. If these factors have any play in this - I don't know.  Try it and report back. I am curious to see if this works on 4.3
    It is 3:12 am and I tried to cover most of the steps in setting up push mail.  I may have missed some due to my fatigue, but if I am more than willing to help anyone get their server setup.  Just be kind and a) don't spam me and b) don't email me at o'dark thirty and expect a response. I am eastern standard time in Florida (USA).
    iCal and Contacts work with push and are pretty **** fast as well. 
    To get around the blank mydevices page problem on an iPhone, you have to generate an Enrollment configuration profile and email it to your device (which is stupid because that means you have to have email on your device - which is why you are setting up mydevices to begin with)
    First, however, you must download the Trust Profile and email it to the iphone. Install.
    Then the enrollment profile
    You should be in business after this. I still have a few bugs to work out, but at least I can confirm that the pushmail works.  And well at that.
    I will report more in the morning -
    Good Luck

    Followed your instructions on my iPhone running 4.3.5 and my iPad which is running iOS 5 beta 4...  IT WORKS!
    Thanks a lot!

  • Is there a way to disable push mail from Yahoo? It's draining my battery

    I'm on the prepaid plan and every 10-15 minutes my iphone turns on with a "The last transaction cost $0.00" message. I don't mind the message (although it is a bit annoying) but my problem is that this turns the LCD on for about 2 minutes at a time.
    I charged my battery to 100% last night, haven't used it at all today and after just turning it on a few minutes ago I had the "Your battery life is at 10%" message followed by a 5% remaining message a few minutes later.
    I've heard that it's the yahoo push mail service thats causing the phone to give the message (since it connects to the internet). My Yahoo account is my main one and I'd hate to have to login to yahoo's site each time to check it (the email functionality was a big selling point for me with the iphone). ATT/Apple don't seem to want to disable this message/"Feature", so I'm guessing I would need to step in and do something on my end.
    Is there any way to disable yahoo mail from "pushing" messages to my phone? I can hit the Check Mail button if I have to.

    Hi Everyone,
    To give an update on the situation: I disabled the Yahoo account and it seems to make a VERY NOTICEABLE difference in battery life - prior to this my battery would drain quite rapidly but since disabling it it's only lost about 15-20% over the past 24 hours (and thats with using the video/music/internet functions for about an hour and a half).. Prior to this it would have been close to drained under the same circumstances.
    Also, to confirm, the "Your last transaction cost 0.00" messages only appear when accessing the internet manually now. before they appeared every 10-15 minutes with no interaction from myself at all (while it was sitting idle, while watching videos, while charging, while in my pocket, etc..)
    I do have it set to only check Manually but Yahoo would seem to check on it's own even though this setting is checked (I'm guessing it has to do with the Push setting). Aside from draining the battery, it was quite annoying having 30 or so "Your transaction cost $0.00" messages to click through whenever I turned on the phone.
    I did have the screen set to shut off after 1 min, but the 'your transaction cost..' messages would first wake the iphone up, the screen would stay bright for about 30 seconds, dim for about 30 seconds, then turn on bright again for 1 minute until it shut off. I'm guessing the screen (being on for about 10-15 minutes per hour due to this) and the fact that yahoo accesses the internet on such a frequent basis are what cut the battery life down.
    I really wish I could make Yahoo work more like Gmail and have it manually search for new mail

  • Push mail not working with wifi but with 3g?

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    don't know why? if someone from Nokia could answer it would be nice. Thanks

    Moraaac !! you saved my lifeee !! i was just preparing to make a restore of my iphone 3.1.2.. and .. disabling push on settings like 10 seconds and enabling again i received all my notifications again... im loving you u saved me 3 or 4 hours of restoring my phone and my apps thank you SOOOO MUCH
    i just had my registration on aple disscussions just to regret you about your solution im so happy as u can see thanks

  • How to enable push mail for gmail in iphone 6 plus

    how to enable push mail for gmail in iphone 6 plus

    Tommacgr wrote:
    You can setup gmail account in iphone as exchange so the trick is simple and easy and push notification work after instantly . Just follow this steps http://email.about.com/od/iphonemailtips/ss/Set_Up_Push_Gmail_in_iPhone_Mail_Ste p_by_Step_Screenshots.htm
    You can only set up a Gmail account as an Exchange account if you have a paid account. Google dropped Exchange support for free accounts two years ago. That link is just a bit outdated.

  • Push mail is not working for gmail and hotmail on ...

    i have been using my nokia e72 since february 2011. i had two mailbox configured, gmail and hotmail. Until last week, everything was fine. but suddenly my push mail stopped working for both gmail and hotmail.
    when i noticed this, i removed both of my mailboxes and tried to create a new one. when trying to create a Gmail mailbox, it goes fine upto "downloading terms". after that, when i choose to connect to "nokia messaging service", it creates a mailbox named "HOTMAIL" instead of "GMAIL". it takes only my user name for Gmail and rest of the settings are for HOTMAIL.
    if i choose not to connect to "nokia messaging service" then it works quite well. but thats not real push mail. it will check my email every 5 mins. but when tried to create a "HOTMAIL" mailbox, i had no luck. no matter how i try, hotmail mailbox can't download my mail. and as hotmail don't support IMAP, its very disgusting to use "POP3" if i choose not to connect to nokia messaging.
    i have tried to reset the phone using *#7370# and *#7730#, but no luck. i also tried reinstalling the firmware using ovi suite, but i didn't had any luck either.
    please help me, i am very disappointed with this kind of problem specially from nokia.
    someone please do help. i m in a huge mess.

    delete the account and re-add it.

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    Follow this: /t5/Messaging-Email-and-Browsing/Symbian-Anna-Mail-for-Exchange-not-working-on-Exchange-running/td-p...
    A lot of people have trouble's with Exchange sync after upgrade to Symbian Anna.

  • Nokia e72 push mail not working plus internet conn...

    i bought nokia e72 yesterday for its free push mail. then i set up my yahoo and gmail account on it. but first problem is that its not working untill i manually sync it and the second problem is my internet connectivity icon always remain on the topleft corner of the screen.. plsease help me out with my problem....this is really annoying.
    many thanks
    Manny Thnanx
    Mohit Jain
    Go to Solution.

    Yup, by TOS I meant terms-of-service
    As far as I know the way it works is that (1) your phone maintains a connection with (one of the) Nokia servers, so that as soon as the Nokia server has anything to say (e.g. "new e-mail"), your phone gets it; and (2) the Nokia servers fetch your e-mails so that (1) can work.
    Now, I don't know how (2) works. In theory the Nokia server should act like an IMAP client, and should be using IDLE in order to fetch the e-mails as soon as the server gets them.
    I don't use Nokia Messaging anymore (I now prefer Profimail on my E75), but for some time I did research a bit on that topic, and noticed that the Nokia server was making an IMAP connection to my e-mails server (fastmail.fm) every 15min, i.e. not keeping it open permanently using IDLE. It may be that during those 15min sessions IDLE was used, and then the Nokia server simply decided to close and re-open the connection. That may sound illogical, but perhaps it's more reliable this way.
    In any case, I was getting my e-mails on the phone instantly, i.e. the reconnection every 15min had no impact on the actual push delivery.
    Apparently there are many people having problems with Nokia Messaging. I don't know if Gmail or Yahoo allow you to see a connection log, but if they do, please have a look and see if and how often a server from Nokia/Finland is connecting to your IMAP server.
    Also, I would just in case log on on email.nokia.com and make sure that your account is active (the E72 should give you a lifetime subscription, but please double check).

  • IOS 8.3 Update - Push Mail Not Working

    Hi guys,
    I updated to 8.3 last week and since then, I do not seem to be receiving any push mail. Fetch still works, but my iCloud based email which is the catchall for my various accounts (read: ALL OF MY MAIL), fails to push to my iPhone (6/128gb). My mail just limply says that it was Updated Yesterday when I wake up in the morning.
    Has anyone else encountered this?
    My workaround in the meantime has been to set a fetch schedule of every 15 minutes, but 15 minutes is a long time on a work day.
    Any help as always is much appreciated, thanks!

    I Am also having this issue. It doesn't want to update throughout the day. I have to rest (hard or soft) both my iPad Air 2  and iPhone 6 plus throughout the day  then it's fine for a few hours. Started right after iOS 8.3 upgrade. I bet resting all my settings will correct but I've had to do that 4 times Now since the iOS 8 "update" and it's such a pain to restore everything when I do. 

  • When will iCloud push mail in Germany be available again?

    When will iCloud Push Mail be available again in Germany?
    As far as a know, Apple and Motorola(Google) stopped fightig about this issue.
    Thanks for your answers

    Strange decision indeed. The Envy 17 is too big and heavy to carry around and the new Spectre seems to miss some power.
    I guess I'm going for the Samsung Series 7 now...

  • Push Mail slow or not working

    I currently have the OG Iphone. After ugrading to firmware 2.0 my Push Mail through Yahoo is either delayed or I don't get it at all. I have tried reseting the account as well as deleting it, then entering it back again. Anyone else with the same issue?

    I am having the same problem. Email hasn't appeared since Sunday 7/13 and attempting to manually download just hangs on "connecting"
    UPDATE: After reading another thread, it sppears that shutting off the phone (completely), then powering it back on fixes the problem - at least for a while. Working for me so far.
    Message was edited by: mrnutty

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