5230 email notifications

I have my Gmail account set up as my main mailbox and notifications turned on. When I receive an email I get a tone informing me of such. However, if I am not near the phone and I miss the tone then I can't tell if I have new mail until I connect to the mailbox because the inbox counter on the home screen is always (0), despite there being new mail.
Is this a bug or is it limited to Gmail accounts? 
I also encountered another related issue. I changed my general message destination from phone to memory card. When I changed it back to phone memory the default email client is no longer available and email defaults to the 'Nokia Messaging' software instead. To get the default email client back, that is the one that's integrated into the text/MMS menu, I have to return to using the memory card as storage. Not really a problem as I continue to use the memory card for storage but it is strange nonetheless. Not to mention that the 'Nokia Messaging' app cannot seem be linked to the home screen like the default client, but rather has to be constantly running in either the foreground or background.
Thanks for any advice in advance

Email Setting of Nokia Xpress

Similar Messages

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    Thank you.

  • SharePoint Foundation 2013 installed on Windows Server 2012 not sending out email notification

    I have a server where i installed SP Foundation 2013 on top of Windows Server 2012. I have configured the SMTP as well as the outgoing SMTP in Central Administration
    of SharePoint. When i create an alert on a document library, its did not sent any email notification on the changes made to the document in the document library. So, i created a workflow to send out email using SPD2013. The workflow run, but it cannot sent
    out email with error saying that outgoing email is not configured correctly. I have checked with another server which i installed SP foundation 2013 on top of Windows Server 2008 R2 - its sending out email just fine using same configuration and outgoing SMTP.
    I need help to resolve this issue or at least the cause of the problem.
    Any help is greatly appreciated.

    Try below:
    Go to Central Admin ---->Operations----->outgoing email settings and verify that SMTP server is mentioned correctly 
    2) Test the connectivity with the SMTP server.
    In order to do that follow these steps:
      Open  cmd
      telnet <SMTP server name> 25 ( We connect smtp server to the port 25)  
                     you should see a response  like this 220 <servername> Microsoft ESMTP MAIL Service, Version: 6.0.3790.3959 ready at date and time
                     Beware that different servers will come up with different settings but you will get something
                     If you dont get anything then there could be 2 possible reasons, either port 25 is blocked or 
                     the smtp server is not responding.
      For testing response from your server
                       For testing response say ehlo to it.
                            Type :
                                        ehlo <servername>
                                        250 <servername> Hello [IP Address]
      Now a test mail can be sent from that SharePoint server. 
                          Now we need to enter the From address of the mail.
                          Type :
                           mail from: [email protected]
                           250 2.1.0 [email protected]….Sender OK
     It's time to enter the recepient email address.
    Type : rcpt to: [email protected]
    250 2.1.5 [email protected]
     Now we are left with the data of the email. i.e. subject and body.
    Type : data
    354 Start mail input; end with <CRLF>.<CRLF>
    subject: this is a test mail
    This is test mail body
    I am testing SMTP server.
    Hit Enter, then . and then Enter.
    250 2.6.0 <<servername>C8wSA00000006@<servername>> Queued mail for delivery
    Type: quit
    221 2.0.0 <servername> Service closing transmission channe
    3)  Check alerts are enabled for your web application
          verify if the windows timer service is running or not.
          Run this stsadm command to check that
          Stsadm.exe -o getproperty -url http://SharePoint-web-App-URL -pn alerts-enabled
         This should return <Property Exist="Yes" Value="yes" />
         If you don’t get this, Enable alerts by:
         stsadm.exe -o setproperty -pn alerts-enabled -pv "true" -url http://SharePoint-web-App-URL
          If its already enabled, try turn off and turn on it back.
    4)  Check the Timer job and Properties
           Go to
           MOSS 2007:  Central Administration > Operations > Timer Job Definitions (under Global Configuration)
           In SharePoint 2010: Central Administration > Monitoring > Review Job Definitions 
           Check whether the "Immediate Alerts" job is enabled for your web application. check these properties:
           stsadm.exe -o getproperty -url "http://Your-SharePoint-web-App-URL" -pn job-immediate-alerts
           The expected output is:
           <Property Exist="Yes" Value="every 5 minutes between 0 and 59"/>.  
           If you don’t get this, run the following command to set its value.
           stsadm.exe -o setproperty -pn job-immediate-alerts -pv “every 5 minutes between 0 and 59" -url http://Your-SharePoint-web-App-URL
    5)  Check whether the account is subscribed for alerts and it has a valid email account. This should be the first thing to check if the problem persists for some users not for      all.
    6)  Then check if at all those users have at least read permission for the list. Because the first mail should go out for every user without security validation but the next ones       won't be delivered unless the user has at least read
    7)  If it is happening for one user, can also try to delete and re add the user in the site.
    8)  Most importantly , you should try this one.
          Run this SQL query to the content db < Select * from Timerlock>
          This will give you the name of the server which is locking the content database and since when.
          In order to get rid of that lock 
          Go to that server which is locking the content db and then restart the windows timer service.
          within some time it should release the lock from content db, if not then at the most stop the timer job for some time
          Once the lock will be released then try to send some alerts
          You will surely get the email alert.
    I found this is the most probable reason for alert not working most of the time. We should start troubleshooting with above steps before coming to this step for any alert email issue but from step 1 to step 7 are best for new environments or new servers.
    If the issue is like this ,alert was working before and suddenly stopped working without any environmental change then above conditions in step 1-7 should be ideally fine.
    Even after this if it is not working, then you can try these few more steps too
    9)  Try re-registering the alert template:
    stsadm -o updatealerttemplates -url http://Your-SharePoint-Web-App-URL -f  "c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\web server extensions\12\TEMPLATE\XML\alerttemplates.xml" -LCID 1033
    10)  Try to clear the configuration cache
    If this helped you resolve your issue, please mark it Answered

  • Facebook Notifications and email notifications on ...

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    On my 808 it shows only msgs and miscalls....any fix??

    not possible unless the app supports that behaviour. but email notifications and on notification lights has been broken on Symbian for a while, and as Symbian is in maintenance mode, is unlikely to see a fix, possibly ever.

  • Procedures and Email Notifications

    Hi everyone!!
    In my BPM development, i'm trying to automatize the email notifications, based on due process periods. Also, I need to inform, based on the delay, some other participants that escalates the alarm message.
    Is it possible to do it using an "E-Mail Notification" component that can be reused during all the process, even that the interval conditions and informed users varies upon each activity.
    Is there another way to solve it?
    Saludos a todos!
    En mi desarrollo BPM requiero automatizar el proceso de envio de email, al caducar ciertas actividades. Basado en ello, el tiempo de caducidad varia de acuerdo a cada actividad y al usuario, ya que varian tanto los intervalos de aviso, como los correos y su escalamiento en caso de demoras mayores a lo solicitado.
    Pienso que es posible tomar un procedimiento especializado que permita ser reutilizado en este y otros proyectos, a pesar de que requiera parametrizar tanto los usuarios "base" y "escalados", como los intervalos de alarmas, durante el proceso.
    ¿ Existe otra forma de realizarlo?

    I think I understand what you're after. I think you want to use the same escalation logic for all of your processes and instead of embedding this in every process you want something reusable. If this is not the case, read no further.
    While you can do this, there are still going to be 5 things each process would still need to have inside of them:
    <li> your process would need to set the "deadline" predefined variable to the intial timeout (2 hours in the future in your example)
    <li> your process would need an Exeption Handler needs to be added with an Exception transition set to "Instance Expiration"
    <li> your process would need an Integer instance variable "alertLevel" to keep track of the current level
    <li> your process would need a String instance variable "currentlyAssignedTo" to keep track of who's supervisor you want to notify
    <li> your process would need an Automatic activity with one line of logic inside it.
    You could have the Exception transition leaving the Exception Handler activity go to a subprocess using a Subflow activity. This subprocess would send the emails, determine the new deadline interval, determine the new priority of the instance, look up the currently assigned user, manager and supervisor's email addresses and send the email(s). The subflow would have two input argument variables (alertLevelArg and currentlyAssignedToArg). In the Begin activity, these arguments would be mapped to corresponding instance variables. Inside this subprocess there would be an automatic with the logic to send the email to the user / manager / supervisor based on the alertLevel instance variable. This subprocess would pass back out through its output argument variables the new alertLevelArg, and new deadline (a time argument variable set to some time in the future based on the new alert's level).
    Once the instance in the called subprocess completes, the output arguments need to be mapped to the original process's "alertLevel" and "deadline" variable. From the Subflow activity, you'd have an unconditional activity that flows into an Automatic activity via an unconditional transition. This automatic activity would have the single line of logic "action = BACK" so the instance is sent back from the Exception Hanldler's flow back to the activity inside the process it was in when the Instance Expiration exception occurred.
    Avoid hard coding the values of "2" and "5" and "8" for the number of hours to have elapse inside your logic. Instead make them business parameters capable of being edited by an business owner.

  • How to cancel email notifications in ical?

    Please help.
    I share a work calendar with a colleague via ical and syncing via mobile me.
    When I as the "owner" of the calendar send or update an event in ical my colleague recieves an email notification.
    I update the calendar many times each day and each time an email notification is recieved by my colleague in mac mail....this is proving very boring and unnecessary and meaning he is getting more than 50 emails a day referring to our shared calendar .
    Is there any way to cancel these email notifications as we always have our calendars open and can see the updates  / changes?
    Many thanks

    I have the exact same problem. No one out there with a solution??

  • Cannot Send Email Notification Using Stored Procedure.

    Hi Friends,
    I tried to execute this job scheduler...
    job_name => 'ILMS_JOB_SCHEDULE'
    ,job_type => 'PLSQL_BLOCK'
    ,job_action => 'begin ilms.check_reminder(); end; '
    ,start_date => SYSTIMESTAMP
    ,repeat_interval => 'FREQ=DAILY'
    ,enabled => TRUE
         ,end_date => NULL
    ,comments => 'Ilms job schedule for notification.');
    However, since the effect is too long I rescheduled the frequency to be every one minute in this set attribute...
              name => 'ILMS_JOB_SCHEDULE'
              ,attribute => 'repeat_interval'
              ,value => 'FREQ=MINUTELY;INTERVAL=1'
    Check Reminder is the stored procedure invoked by job scheduler to check values in database columns before sending email notification to the respective recipients' email address and also the format of the email notification to be sent to the recipients...
    NO number;
    CURSOR emp_cur is
    select * from pergerakan_ks where TASK_FLAG=7 and TASK_STATUS='InProgress';
    emp_rec emp_cur%rowtype;
    email_to varchar2(200);
    default_email varchar2(200);
    mesg varchar2(4000);
    no_kes varchar2(100);
    subj varchar2(4000);
    kpi number;
    crlf VARCHAR2( 2 ):= CHR( 13 ) || CHR( 10 );
    FOR emp_rec in emp_cur
    if emp_rec.PKS_TKH_TERIMA is null then
    dbms_output.put_line('count day ' || round(sysdate - to_date(emp_rec.pks_tkh_hantar)) || crlf || crlf);
    if round(sysdate - to_date(emp_rec.pks_tkh_hantar)) >3 then
    select b.KS_BIL_NO into no_kes from kertas_siasatan b where b.KS_ID = emp_rec.pks_ks_id;
    subj:='Reminder untuk Membuat Tindakan Bagi No Kes '||no_kes;
    mesg:='Reminder untuk Membuat Tindakan Bagi No Kes '||no_kes;
    dbms_output.put_line('Sending email to ' || email_to || ' subject: ' || subj);
    dbms_output.put_line('update old pergerakan pks_id : '||emp_rec.pks_id);
    update pergerakan_ks set task_status='Done' where pks_id=emp_rec.pks_id;
    dbms_output.put_line('insert new pergerakan ks : ');
    insert into pergerakan_ks(pks_id,pks_ks_id,pks_km_id,pks_penghantar_id,pks_tkh_hantar,
    end if;
    end if;
    if emp_rec.PKS_TKH_TERIMA is not null then
    dbms_output.put_line('emp_rec.pks_km_id ' || emp_rec.pks_km_id || crlf);
    select c.KM_KPI into kpi from keluar_masuk_ks c where c.KM_ID = emp_rec.pks_km_id;
    no := round(sysdate - to_date(emp_rec.pks_tkh_terima))-kpi;
    dbms_output.put_line('count day - kpi' || no || crlf);
    dbms_output.put_line('kpi ' || kpi || crlf);
    if no = 1 then
    select b.KS_BIL_NO into no_kes from kertas_siasatan b where b.KS_ID = emp_rec.pks_ks_id;
    subj:='Reminder untuk Membuat Tindakan Bagi No Kes '||no_kes;
    mesg:='Reminder untuk Membuat Tindakan Bagi No Kes '||no_kes;
    dbms_output.put_line('Sending email to ' || email_to || ' subject: ' || subj);
    subj:='Reminder untuk Membuat Tindakan Bagi No Kes '||no_kes;
    mesg:='Reminder untuk Membuat Tindakan Bagi No Kes '||no_kes;
    dbms_output.put_line('Sending email to ' || email_to || ' subject: ' || subj);
    end if;
    if no = 3 then
    select b.KS_BIL_NO into no_kes from kertas_siasatan b where b.KS_ID = emp_rec.pks_ks_id;
    subj:='Reminder untuk Membuat Tindakan Bagi No Kes '||no_kes;
    mesg:='Reminder untuk Membuat Tindakan Bagi No Kes '||no_kes;
    dbms_output.put_line('Sending email to ' || email_to || ' subject: ' || subj);
    end if;
    end if;
    E_mail_message is the stored procedure invoked by the check_reminder to tell scheduler information of the connection and the email address of the recipients...
    CREATE OR REPLACE procedure
    from_name in varchar2,
    to_name in varchar2,
    subject in varchar2,
    message in varchar2
    l_mailhost VARCHAR2(64);
    l_from VARCHAR2(64);
    l_to VARCHAR2(64);
    crlf VARCHAR2( 2 ):= CHR( 13 ) || CHR( 10 );
    l_mail_conn UTL_SMTP.connection;
    mesg VARCHAR2( 4000 );
    select a.SERVER into l_mailhost from email_setting a where a.SERVER is not null;
    select a.USERNAME into l_from from email_setting a where a.SERVER is not null;
    mesg:= 'Date: ' || TO_CHAR( SYSDATE, 'dd Mon yy hh24:mi:ss' ) || crlf ||
    'From: <'||l_from||'>' || crlf ||
    'Subject: ' ||subject|| crlf ||
    'To: '||to_name || crlf || '' || crlf ;
    l_mail_conn := UTL_SMTP.open_connection(l_mailhost, 25);
    UTL_SMTP.helo(l_mail_conn, l_mailhost);
    UTL_SMTP.mail(l_mail_conn, l_from);
    UTL_SMTP.rcpt(l_mail_conn, to_name);
    UTL_SMTP.data(l_mail_conn, mesg);
    I tried to execute to execute the e_mail_message procedure but received this error. Also, no notification sent to the email address...
    ORA-29279: SMTP permanent error: 501 5.1.3 Invalid address
    ORA-06512: at "SYS.UTL_SMTP", line 21
    ORA-06512: at "SYS.UTL_SMTP", line 99
    ORA-06512: at "SYS.UTL_SMTP", line 241
    ORA-06512: at "ILMS.E_MAIL_MESSAGE", line 33
    ORA-06512: at line 13
    Please help so that I can receive the email notification into my email...thanks in advance for your time..

    user13281540 wrote:
    ORA-29279: SMTP permanent error: 501 5.1.3 Invalid address
    ORA-06512: at "SYS.UTL_SMTP", line 21
    ORA-06512: at "SYS.UTL_SMTP", line 99
    ORA-06512: at "SYS.UTL_SMTP", line 241
    ORA-06512: at "ILMS.E_MAIL_MESSAGE", line 33
    ORA-06512: at line 13This is not an Oracle error - this is the mail server saying "+hey, I don't like that e-mail address you are supplying, I'm not accepting it!+".
    If you look at RFC821 (Request For Comments memo 821 describes the SMTP specifications), you'll see that the sender and recipient needs to be supplied in the format +<[email protected]>+, e.g. +<[email protected]>+.
    I have found that not all SMTP servers are equal in this regard. Some may insist on the brackets around the address, some may not.
    You need to confirm the format of the addresses you use in the "+MAIL FROM+" and "+RCPT TO+" commands.. and ensure that these formats are accepted by your SMTP server - and if not, change your code to use an acceptable format.
    The easiest way to do this is using telnet - and interacting directly and manually with the server. SMTP is a clear text protocol and easy to use manually. Try it. It is the best way to test SMTP interaction and validate the approach and SMTP commands and arguments used by your code.

  • Cannot send email notification to more than one people

    Hi everyone,
    Hope anyone could help me to solve this. I want to send email notification to two people. First to the staff to alert him that his claim is ready. And also to his supervisor that the claim has been disbursed. Below is the PL/SQL procedure, check_claim being used..
    NO number;
    CURSOR emp_cur is
    select * from emp where dept=7 and status='active';
    emp_rec emp_cur%rowtype;
    email_to varchar2(200);
    default_email varchar2(200);
    mesg varchar2(4000);
    subj varchar2(4000);
    crlf VARCHAR2( 2 ):= CHR( 13 ) || CHR( 10 );
    FOR emp_rec in emp_cur
    if emp_rec.claim_status ='Y' then
    subj:='Claim No'||emp_rec.claim_id;
    mesg:='Your claim has been disbursed. Please check.';
    mesg:='Claim No'||emp_rec.claim_id||' has been disbursed';
    end if;
    The first email_to is to be sent to staff_id and the second email_to is to be sent to staff_hod.
    The PL/SQL procedure then called the e_mail_message procedure shown below for the connection information..
    CREATE OR REPLACE procedure
    from_name in varchar2,
    to_name in varchar2,
    subject in varchar2,
    message in varchar2
    l_mailhost VARCHAR2(64);
    l_from VARCHAR2(64);
    l_to VARCHAR2(64);
    crlf VARCHAR2( 2 ):= CHR( 13 ) || CHR( 10 );
    l_mail_conn UTL_SMTP.connection;
    mesg VARCHAR2( 4000 );
    select a.SERVER into l_mailhost from email_setting a where a.SERVER is not null;
    select a.USERNAME into l_from from email_setting a where a.SERVER is not null;
    mesg:= 'Date: ' || TO_CHAR( SYSDATE, 'dd Mon yy hh24:mi:ss' ) || crlf ||
    'From: <'||l_from||'>' || crlf ||
    'Subject: ' ||subject|| crlf ||
    'To: '||to_name || crlf || '' || crlf ;
    l_mail_conn := UTL_SMTP.open_connection(l_mailhost, 25);
    UTL_SMTP.helo(l_mail_conn, l_mailhost);
    UTL_SMTP.mail(l_mail_conn, l_from);
    UTL_SMTP.rcpt(l_mail_conn, to_name);
    UTL_SMTP.data(l_mail_conn, mesg);
    However, the email notification only being sent to the supervisor / head of department. The staff concerned does not receive any email notification. Please help. Thank you for your time...

    from wht i see
    subj:='Claim No'||emp_rec.claim_id;
    mesg:='Your claim has been disbursed. Please check.';
    email_to:=emp_rec.staff_hod||default_email;  -- wrongit should be
    subj:='Claim No'||emp_rec.claim_id;
    mesg:='Your claim has been disbursed. Please check.';
    email_to:= email_to || ' , ' ||  emp_rec.staff_hod||default_email;

  • Auto-included link to list item not working in Workflow or email notification

    I made a workflow straight from my SharePoint site--NOT from SharePoint Designer. (My computer is still running on Windows XP, so I can't download Designer until my boss upgrades me to a newer system.) When creating the workflow, you have the option to include
    a link to the list item by clicking a checkbox. The links don't work in either the email notification or in the workflow properties. Extra characters are being added for some weird reason. (For example, the correct link looks like "https://www.w14b.comcast.net/sites/<yada
    yada>.docx" and the links in the workflow and email look like "http://www.w14spw-po-b1.com/sites/<yada yada>.docx")  I see no place to edit the URL. How do I fix the links???

    Please check if the http://www.w14spw-po-b1.com/sites/ is the url of default zone of the web application where this site resides.
    Here is a similar thread for your reference:
    In addition, Windows XP SP3 is supported for SharePoint designer 2010:
    Rebecca Tu
    TechNet Community Support
    Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help, and unmark the answers if they provide no help. If you have feedback for TechNet Support, contact
    [email protected]

  • Sharepoint Server 2013 not sending Email notification

    I have a Sharepoint 2013 farm that is not sending any kind of email notifications. I also have a Sharepoint 2010 farm whit the same Outgoing Email settings and it is sending emails notifications normaly.
    The SMTP service (the role) is in the same member servers of the 2013 farm, so it is reachable. The timer service is running well in both member servers of the 2013 farm. We don't have an On-premise Exchange enviroment because we use Office 365 (I cannot
    set the sharepoint servers as allowed to relay in Exchange). The 2010 farm and the 2013 farm have the same Outgoing Email settings, I don´t know why the 2013 does not send emails. It is driving me crazy!.
    How can I solve this?
    MCTS, Windows Server 2008 R2: Network Infrastructure
    MCTS, Windows Server 2008 R2: Active Directory, Configuring

    What about Relay and Authentication?
    Trevor Seward, MCC
    Follow or contact me at...
    This post is my own opinion and does not necessarily reflect the opinion or view of Microsoft, its employees, or other MVPs.
    I think this is the correct configuration because it sends emails normaly with SharePoint 2010.
    If I configure my own email account in Outbound Security, Sharepoint 2013 sends emails but just when I login to Sharepoint, if other users login it doesn't send emails.
    MCTS, Windows Server 2008 R2: Network Infrastructure
    MCTS, Windows Server 2008 R2: Active Directory, Configuring

  • Email Notification Script is Not Working in Windows Server 2012..

    I have Server 2012 and I wants to make new task seclude for email notification, while any user is login to the
    server the server will send notification email about user name and IP address for the user, I have script it is working fine in windows 2008 and it is xml file, but the script is not working in 2012 because in task schedule in windows 2008 there is an option
    called send email but in windows 2012 this option is deprecated, I’m using start program to run the script in PowerShell instead of send email and I configured as an
    -From [email protected]
    -Subject "Email Notification"
    -To [email protected]
    -SmtpServer mail.domainName.com
    But when I use this PowerShell I only receive email notification without any name and IP address, kindly I need
    your support and help, I’m using below script.
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-16"?>
    < Task version="1.2" xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/windows/2004/02/mit/task">
        <Author>Company Name\User Name</Author>
        <Description>RDP Login V1</Description>
          <Subscription>&lt;QueryList&gt;&lt;Query Id="0" Path="Security"&gt;&lt;Select Path="Security"&gt;*[System[(EventID=4624)]] and *[EventData[Data[@Name='LogonType'] and (Data=10)]]&lt;/Select&gt;&lt;/Query&gt;&lt;/QueryList&gt;</Subscription>
            <Value name="IpAddress">Event/EventData/Data[@Name="IpAddress"]</Value>
            <Value name="TargetUserName">Event/EventData/Data[@Name="TargetUserName"]</Value>
        <Principal id="Author">
          <UserId>Company Name\User Name</UserId>
      <Actions Context="Author">
          <Server>Name of the Server.com</Server>
          <Subject>RDP Login V1</Subject>
          <To>Sender Name</To>
          <From>Any Email.com</From>
          <Body>Login Alert on ServerName IP : $(IpAddress)  User: $(TargetUserName). Please take necessary action</Body>
          <HeaderFields />
    < /Task>

    I have Server 2012 and I wants to make new task seclude for email notification, while any user is login to the
    server the server will send notification email about user name and IP address for the user, I have script it is working fine in windows 2008 and it is xml file, but the script is not working in 2012 because in task schedule in windows 2008 there is an option
    called send email but in windows 2012 this option is deprecated, I’m using start program to run the script in PowerShell instead of send email and I configured as an
    -From [email protected]
    -Subject "Email Notification"
    -To [email protected]
    -SmtpServer mail.domainName.com
    But when I use this PowerShell I only receive email notification without any name and IP address, kindly I need
    your support and help, I’m using below script.
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-16"?>
    < Task version="1.2" xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/windows/2004/02/mit/task">
        <Author>Company Name\User Name</Author>
        <Description>RDP Login V1</Description>
          <Subscription>&lt;QueryList&gt;&lt;Query Id="0" Path="Security"&gt;&lt;Select Path="Security"&gt;*[System[(EventID=4624)]] and *[EventData[Data[@Name='LogonType'] and (Data=10)]]&lt;/Select&gt;&lt;/Query&gt;&lt;/QueryList&gt;</Subscription>
            <Value name="IpAddress">Event/EventData/Data[@Name="IpAddress"]</Value>
            <Value name="TargetUserName">Event/EventData/Data[@Name="TargetUserName"]</Value>
        <Principal id="Author">
          <UserId>Company Name\User Name</UserId>
      <Actions Context="Author">
          <Server>Name of the Server.com</Server>
          <Subject>RDP Login V1</Subject>
          <To>Sender Name</To>
          <From>Any Email.com</From>
          <Body>Login Alert on ServerName IP : $(IpAddress)  User: $(TargetUserName). Please take necessary action</Body>
          <HeaderFields />
    < /Task>

  • Using Alert Framework to send email notifications when Process Chain fails

    Hi Everyone,
    I've configured ALRTCATDEF in Solution Manager, selected the alerting option for Process Chains in - RSPC > Attributes > Alerting, but it looks like whenever any process chain fails, an email notification will be sent to the same recipients.
    Is there anyway to have an ALRCATDEF - alert category for different process chains, so that different recipients receive notifications for different Process Chains.

    Interesting....I was actually hoping for different recipients for different process chains.
    E.g. for our
    CRM process chain - Support Team 1
    FI process chain - Support Team 2
    and so on and so on.
    I think the only way may be creating a custom process type and implementing a class for this process type that calls function SALRT_CREATE_API. Then adding this process type to the process chain, with a different variant for each.
    However if anyone knows a way to do this in a SAP standard way using the Alert Framework, that would be great.

  • Alert Email notification for Log file alerts

    Scenario: SCOM 2012 R2 UR4.
    There are created unix/linux log file monitoring objects. In SCOM console I can view alerts related to unix/linux log file monitoring. Email notification is: Warning or Critical for severity, and, Medium or High for priority. The alerts for unix/linux log
    file are severity warning and priority medium.
    In my inbox there are emails for alerts (Warning or Critical for severity, and, Medium or High for priority) except for unix/linux monitoring.
    The question is:
    How to enable email notification for unix/linux log file monitoring?
    Thanks in advance!

    If you go into the "Subscription" in the Notifications section of the Operations Console\Administration, you should be able to see the Description of the subscription criteria.  Could you copy paste that in a reply?

  • Email notification error...

    Hi All,
    I have created new procedure for email notification. When i execute the procedure email is triggered but in the email body it gives error message as mentioned below. Actually its not error message it outputs the code.
          l_ana_report  VARCHAR2(32767); --empty_clob; --clob :=
          l_header VARCHAR2(1000);
          l_footer VARCHAR2(200);
          cnxn UTL_SMTP.connection;
               l_ana_report := '<style type="text/css">
        <!--.style1 { font-family: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 10pt; font-style: normal; color: #FF0000}-->
        <!--.sidebar1 { font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 10px}-->
        <!--.text { font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 12px}-->
        <center><b><font face="Arial">Ana Run Summary Report '
                    || TO_CHAR(SYSDATE, 'DD-MON-YYYY HH:MI AM') || '<br><br></font></b></center>'
                    || ' <div align="center"><table width="95%" border="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="1" </div>'
                    || '<span style="font-size: 10pt; font-family: Arial"> </span> '
                    || '<tr bgcolor=b4b4b4><td align="center"> <font size="3"> <b>'
                    || 'Ana</b></td><td align="center"><font size="3"> <b>'
                    || 'Start Time</b></td><td align="center"><font size="3"> <b>'
                    || 'End Time</b></td><td align="center"><font size="3"> <b>'
                    || 'Run Duration (mins)</b></td><td align="center"><font size="3"> <b>'        
                    || 'Status</b></font></td></tr> ' || UTL_TCP.CRLF;
                                         ROUND(((ARH.RUN_END_TIME-ARH.RUN_START_TIME)*24*60),2) RUN_TIME_SECS,ARH.JOB_STATUS STATUS
                                         RUN_HISTORY ARH,ANA AN,
                                              (SELECT ANA_ID FROM ANA_SELECTED_DATA_TYPES
                                               WHERE DATA_TYPE_ID IN (SELECT DATA_TYPE_ID FROM DATA_TYPE_LU
                                               WHERE IND IN ('P','L'))) ADT
                                         AND AN.ANA_ID=ARH.ANA_ID
                                         AND ARH.RUN_START_TIME>TO_DATE(SYSDATE-20)
                                         ORDER BY ARH.RUN_START_TIME DESC)  LOOP  
               l_ana_report  := l_ana_report ||
               '<tr><td align="center">'|| curr_refresh.ana_name                 
                  || '</td><td align="center">' || curr_refresh.start_time || '</td><td align="center">'
                  || curr_refresh.end_time || '</td><td align="center">'|| curr_refresh.RUN_TIME_SECS ||
                  '</td><td align="center">'|| curr_refresh.STATUS ||
                  '</td> </tr>' || UTL_TCP.CRLF;
                   exit when length (l_ana_report) > 32500;  
          END LOOP;
           l_ana_report := l_ana_report || '</table><br><br>';
        --   l_body := UTL_TCP.CRLF ||
        --   UTL_TCP.CRLF || l_ana_report;
        --   l_footer := UTL_TCP.CRLF || '--' || K_BOUNDARY || '--' || UTL_TCP.CRLF;
         l_footer := UTL_TCP.CRLF ||
         '<b> Note: This is an auto generated email. Please do not reply to it. Contact the IT team for any further information.</b>'||  UTL_TCP.CRLF;
                FOR curr_email IN (SELECT global_name instance_name,
                REU.EMAIL_USER_LAST_NAME last_name,
                REU.EMAIL_USER_FIRST_NAME first_name,
                '[email protected]' mail_from
                                 FROM EMAIL_USER REU,EMAIL_GROUP REG,GLOBAL_NAME
                                             WHERE REU.EMAIL_GROUP_ID = REG.EMAIL_GROUP_ID
                                                   AND REG.EMAIL_GROUP_NAME = 'Business'                                           
                                  ) LOOP
                cnxn := UTL_SMTP.open_connection('smtprelay.aceins.com', 25);
                UTL_SMTP.helo(cnxn, 'smtprelay.aceins.com');
                UTL_SMTP.mail(cnxn, '[email protected]');
                UTL_SMTP.rcpt(cnxn, curr_email.EMAIL_USER_EMAIL_ID);
            l_header := 'MIME-Version: 1.0'||'
            To: ' || curr_email.last_name || ' <' || curr_email.EMAIL_USER_EMAIL_ID || '>
            From: ' || curr_email.mail_from || '
            Subject: Ana Run Status Report for ' || curr_email.instance_name || ' on ' || to_char(sysdate, 'DD-MON-YYYY') || '
            Reply-To: [email protected]
            Content-Type: text/html;' || UTL_TCP.CRLF || UTL_TCP.CRLF;
          -- l_email := UTL_TCP.CRLF || l_header || l_ana_report || l_footer;
                UTL_SMTP.data(cnxn, l_header || l_ana_report || l_footer);                   
                DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line('mail sent to ' || curr_email.EMAIL_USER_EMAIL_ID);
          END LOOP;
    <style type="text/css">
    <!--.style1 { font-family: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 10pt; font-style: normal; color: #FF0000}-->
    <!--.sidebar1 { font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 10px}-->
    <!--.text { font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 12px}-->
    <center><b><font face="Arial">Ana Run Summary Report 29-JUL-2011 01:22 PM<br><br></font></b></center> <div align="center"><table width="95%" border="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="1" </div><span style="font-size: 10pt; font-family: Arial"> </span> <tr bgcolor=b4b4b4><td align="center"> <font size="3"> <b>Analysis</b></td><td align="center"><font size="3"> <b>Start Time</b></td><td align="center"><font size="3"> <b>End Time</b></td><td align="center"><font size="3"> <b>Run Duration (mins)</b></td><td align="center"><font size="3"> <b>Status</b></font></td></tr> <tr><td align="center">PCSUM CE US</td><td align="center">28-JUL-11</td><td align="cente ...... and so on
    Can anyone please guide me if anything wrong with syntax or code. I checked on google but couldnt get, still googling out.
    Edited by: k_17 on Aug 1, 2011 2:41 PM

    The below is mesage it displays in the body where as it should appear as html page. Three days back it had worked proper but off sudden it changed. The code is same.
    <style type="text/css">
        <!--.style1 { font-family: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 10pt; font-style: normal; color: #FF0000}-->
        <!--.sidebar1 { font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 10px}-->
        <!--.text { font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 12px}-->
        <center><b><font face="Arial">Analysis Run Summary Report 29-JUL-2011 01:22 PM<br><br></font></b></center> <div align="center"><table width="95%" border="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="1" </div><span style="font-size: 10pt; font-family: Arial"> </span> <tr bgcolor=b4b4b4><td align="center"> <font size="3"> <b>Analysis</b></td><td align="center"><font size="3"> <b>Start Time</b></td><td align="center"><font size="3"> <b>End Time</b></td><td align="center"><font size="3"> <b>Run Duration (mins)</b></td><td align="center"><font size="3"> <b>Status</b></font></td></tr> <tr><td align="center">1PCSUMM1 CE LG PreCat US$-TEST</td><td align="center">28-JUL-11</td><td align="center">28-JUL-11</td><td align="center">11.62</td><td align="center">Completed</td> </tr> <tr><td align="center">1PCSUMM1 CE LG PreCat US$-TEST</td><td align="center">28-JUL-11</td><td align="center">28-JUL-11</td><td align="center">11.62</td><td align="center">Completed</td> </tr> <tr><td align="center">1PCSUMM1 CE LG PreCat US$-TEST</td><td align="center">28-JUL-11</td><td align="center">28-JUL-11</td><td align="center">11.62</td><td align="center">Completed</td> </tr> <tr><td align="center">1PCSUMM1 CE LG PreCat US$-TEST</td><td align="center">22-JUL-11</td><td align="center">22-JUL-11</td><td align="center">9.1</td><td align="center">Completed</td> </tr> <tr><td align="center">1PCSUMM1 CE LG PreCat US$-TEST</td><td align="center">22-JUL-11</td><td align="center">22-JUL-11</td><td align="center">9.1</td><td align="center">Completed</td> </tr> <tr><td align="center">1PCSUMM1 CE LG PreCat US$-TEST</td><td align="center">22-JUL-11</td><td align="center">22-JUL-11</td><td align="center">9.1</td><td align="center">Completed</td> </tr> <tr><td align="center">Australia Ledger LG (EP,IL&ALAE,PL&ALAE)</td><td align="center">22-JUL-11</td><td align="center">22-JUL-11</td><td align="center">13.1</td><td align="center">Completed</td> </tr> <tr><td align="center">Australia Ledger LG (EP,IL&ALAE,PL&ALAE)</td><td align="center">22-JUL-11</td><td align="center">22-JUL-11</td><td align="center">13.1</td><td align="center">Completed</td> </tr> <tr><td align="center">Australia Ledger LG (EP,IL&ALAE,PL&ALAE)</td><td align="center">22-JUL-11</td><td align="center">22-JUL-11</td><td align="center">13.1</td><td align="center">Completed</td> </tr> <tr><td align="center">Australia Ledger LG (EP,IL&ALAE,PL&ALAE)</td><td align="center">22-JUL-11</td><td align="center">22-JUL-11</td><td align="center">13.1</td><td align="center">Completed</td> </tr> <tr><td align="center">Australia Ledger LG (EP,IL&ALAE,PL&ALAE)</td><td align="center">22-JUL-11</td><td align="center">22-JUL-11</td><td align="center">13.1</td><td align="center">Completed</td> </tr> <tr><td align="center">Australia Ledger LG (EP,IL&ALAE,PL&ALAE)</td><td align="center">22-JUL-11</td><td align="center">22-JUL-11</td><td align="center">13.1</td><td align="center">Completed</td> </tr> <tr><td align="center">Australia Ledger LG (EP,IL&ALAE,PL&ALAE)</td><td align="center">22-JUL-11</td><td align="center">22-JUL-11</td><td align="center">13.1</td><td align="center">Completed</td> </tr> <tr><td align="center">xAdhoc LM - Energy Sweden AY NoF LL</td><td align="center">19-JUL-11</td><td align="center">19-JUL-11</td><td align="center">2.42</td><td align="center">Completed</td> </tr> <tr><td align="center">xAdhoc LM - Energy Sweden AY NoF LL</td><td align="center">19-JUL-11</td><td align="center">19-JUL-11</td><td align="center">2.42</td><td align="center">Completed</td> </tr> <tr><td align="center">xAdhoc LM - Energy Sweden AY NoF LL</td><td align="center">19-JUL-11</td><td align="center">19-JUL-11</td><td align="center">2.42</td><td align="center">Completed</td> </tr> <tr><td align="center">PCSUMM4 CE PreXL A&H Total US$ - Viewer</td><td align="center">19-JUL-11</td><td align="center">19-JUL-11</td><td align="center">22.17</td><td align="center">Completed</td> </tr> <tr><td align="center">PCSUMM4 CE PreXL A&H Total US$ - Viewer</td><td align="center">19-JUL-11</td><td align="center">19-JUL-11</td><td align="center">22.17</td><td align="center">Completed</td> </tr> <tr><td align="center">PCSUMM4 CE PreXL A&H Total US$ - Viewer</td><td align="center">19-JUL-11</td><td align="center">19-JUL-11</td><td align="center">22.17</td><td align="center">Completed</td> </tr> <tr><td align="center">1PCSUMM1 CE LG PreCat US$-TEST</td><td align="center">19-JUL-11</td><td align="center">19-JUL-11</td><td align="center">10.97</td><td align="center">Completed</td> </tr> <tr><td align="center">1PCSUMM1 CE LG PreCat US$-TEST</td><td align="center">19-JUL-11</td><td align="center">19-JUL-11</td><td align="center">10.97</td><td align="center">Completed</td> </tr> <tr><td align="center">1PCSUMM1 CE LG PreCat US$-TEST</td><td align="center">19-JUL-11</td><td align="center">19-JUL-11</td><td align="center">10.97</td><td align="center">Completed</td> </tr> <tr><td align="center">1PCSUMM1 CE LG PreCat US$-TEST</td><td align="center">19-JUL-11</td><td align="center">19-JUL-11</td><td align="center">10.53</td><td align="center">Completed</td> </tr> <tr><td align="center">1PCSUMM1 CE LG PreCat US$-TEST</td><td align="center">19-JUL-11</td><td align="center">19-JUL-11</td><td align="center">10.53</td><td align="center">Completed</td> </tr> <tr><td align="center">1PCSUMM1 CE LG PreCat US$-TEST</td><td align="center">19-JUL-11</td><td align="center">19-JUL-11</td><td align="center">10.53</td><td align="center">Completed</td> </tr> <tr><td align="center">xAdhoc LM - Energy Sweden AY NoF LL</td><td align="center">12-JUL-11</td><td align="center">12-JUL-11</td><td align="center">.9</td><td align="center">Completed</td> </tr> <tr><td align="center">xAdhoc LM - Energy Sweden AY NoF LL</td><td align="center">12-JUL-11</td><td align="center">12-JUL-11</td><td align="center">.9</td><td align="center">Completed</td> </tr> <tr><td align="center">xAdhoc LM - Energy Sweden AY NoF LL</td><td align="center">12-JUL-11</td><td align="center">12-JUL-11</td><td align="center">.9</td><td align="center">Completed</td> </tr> <tr><td align="center">PCSUMM4 CE PreXL A&H Total US$ - Viewer</td><td align="center">12-JUL-11</td><td align="center">12-JUL-11</td><td align="center">18.7</td><td align="center">Completed</td> </tr> <tr><td align="center">PCSUMM4 CE PreXL A&H Total US$ - Viewer</td><td align="center">12-JUL-11</td><td align="center">12-JUL-11</td><td align="center">18.7</td><td align="center">Completed</td> </tr> <tr><td align="center">PCSUMM4 CE PreXL A&H Total US$ - Viewer</td><td align="center">12-JUL-11</td><td align="center">12-JUL-11</td><td align="center">18.7</td><td align="center">Completed</td> </tr> <tr><td align="center">PCSUMM4 CE PreXL A&H Total US$ - Viewer</td><td align="center">12-JUL-11</td><td align="center">12-JUL-11</td><td align="center">28.78</td><td align="center">Completed</td> </tr> <tr><td align="center">PCSUMM4 CE PreXL A&H Total US$ - Viewer</td><td align="center">12-JUL-11</td><td align="center">12-JUL-11</td><td align="center">28.78</td><td align="center">Completed</td> </tr> <tr><td align="center">PCSUMM4 CE PreXL A&H Total US$ - Viewer</td><td align="center">12-JUL-11</td><td align="center">12-JUL-11</td><td align="center">28.78</td><td align="center">Completed</td> </tr> </table><br><br> <b> Note: This is an auto generated email. Please do not reply to it. Contact the IT team for any further information.</b>Regards,

  • Email notification was sent out twice

    I created two jobs using DBMS_SCHEDULER.CREATE_JOB. The first job was to update the table and the second job was to check the status of the first job in dba_scheduler_job_run_details. I also add email notification on the second job by using DBMS_SCHEDULER.ADD_JOB_EMAIL_NOTIFICATION which sends the email to myself. The problem was the email notification was sent to me twice everytime when I do that. My script is as the follows.
    job_name => 'KUDSJ_ENOT_ADBD_ENDPROC'
    ,recipients => '[email protected]'
    ,sender => '[email protected]'
    ,subject => 'Company Schedule Job - %job_owner%.%job_name% - %event_type%'
    ,body => '%event_type% occurred at %event_timestamp%. %error_message%'
    ,events => 'JOB_SUCCEEDED');
    I am not sure where the problem is. Please help. Thanks.

    You meant that I should set recipients to null when I do the remove_job_email_notification. I did drop_job and remove_job_email_notification a couple of times already. Could you tell me more specific? Thanks.
    This is what I did.

Maybe you are looking for