6131 voice dialing

A discontinued model but just bought new and unable to make voice dialing work for me (one of the reasons I bought the phone) 'Latest' firmware applied but on accessing voice dialing via the volume down button (is there any other way ?) I get an error message on screen 'VOICE SYSTEM ERROR'.
What am I doing wrong or what have I not configured ? Or is the phone at fault ?
Many thanks if anyone can help,Kevin

It could be a simple error having occurred during the update, you can try updating again (it will istall a fresh copy of the version you just upgraded to).
Alternately, there is not much else you cna do with this model yourself, you would have to take it to a Nokia service point. If your phone is still under warranty, problems caused by NSU can be repaired free.

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    Try syncing it back up and make sure the memos are included in the sync.

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    I ran into the same problem after upgrading to iOS 8 and it's REALLY annoying.
    However, today I stumbled upon something that seems to have fixed the problem on the contacts that I've tried it on so far.
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    Hi teturner,
    I'm sorry to hear you are having issues with your new iPhone 6. If you are unable to voice dial from your lock screen, you may want to see if the setting to disable Siri when the phone is locked is enabled, as is noted here:
    Prevent access to Siri when iPhone is locked. Go to Settings > Touch ID & Passcode (iPhone models with Touch ID) or Settings > Passcode (other models). You can also disable Siri by turning on restrictions. See Restrictions.
    Siri settings - iPhone
    - Brenden

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    Are you sure you lost the app, or did you just lose the widget?  Reason I'm asking is that the small square widget that we had in Gingerbread was replaced by a bar-looking widget in ICS; Google Search and Voice Search are now combined on that bar-looking widget (the Google Search widget mentioned in the earlier post).  Since you said that the Play Store said it was installed on the phone, have you verified that by going into Manage Apps and seeing if Voice Search is listed under All?

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    Is there a way to allow either or both actions in iOS?  Or is there a way to submit an enhancement request?

    You can leave feedback here -> http://www.apple.com/feedback/iphone.html

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    I have 2 Parrot Minikit Slims and really like them (one in each vehicle). The connect to the iPhone with no problem, and download the contacts, then you can do voice dialing from the kit without touching the phone at all. Call quality is pretty decent, the reason I started this post was to see if there were any others that did this and might be better. We use them all the time.
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  • 755p Voice Dial with BlueTooth

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    Voice dial capability is not part of the Treo 755p; one has to install a 3rd party program or service to gain this functionality.  There are a few good options out there, but they do cost additional money.
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    The only method I've heard of anyone successfully using a bluetooth headset for voice dialing with a Treo is to bypass the Treo Bluetooth Handsfree mode, purchase an extra bluetooth adapter meant to add bluetooth capabilities to non-bluetooth phones, and then pair the headset with that adapter.  This adapter typically costs $10-20, but is sort of big and must clip to your phone or to your belt.  This adapter plugs itself into the treo's headset jack and simulates a wired headset.  Apparently this mode works well, for yet more cost and additional bulk with makes it difficult to fit the phone into standard casings and/or take the phone out to work with the PDS without unplugging it.
    One such adapter is the Cardo "Node" (http://www.cardowireless.com/node/434), but you can't buy it from their website anymore so I'm looking for other options.
    I've heard that Jabra also has one, but I'm not sure of the model number, price, or form-factor.
    Am I on track with this?  This just doesn't sound right to me.  I've seen postings that users have had this issue from the earliest Treo models, so I would have thought that Palm would have addressed it by now.  I've always thought of Palm as a reputable and responsive company, so I'm hoping I've missed the "silver bullet" solution.  Can someone point me in the right direction?
    Many thanks.
    Bob Smiley
    Post relates to: Treo 755p (Sprint)

    I hope Palm is listening.
    It was good to see others as frustrated as I am about the Treo’s glaring deficiency – kind of a support group.  I kept thinking I must be wrong because I traded up from a dumb phone and couldn’t believe my new palm is incapable of Bluetooth voice dialing. 
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    I am really puzzled about this problem.  How hard can this be?  As Bob Smiley said, you can get a Bluetooth adapter to simulate a wired headset, and any one of us could superglue it to the Treo, but why?   
    It seems to me that this is such a basic function that, especially with all the upgrades, they should be able to fix it easily.  My impression is that no one at Palm is working on this and that no one is scheduled to work on this, but I hope I’m wrong.
    Post relates to: Treo 755p (Verizon)
    Post relates to: Treo 755p (Verizon)

  • Iphone 4 voice Dial used to work great, but now, I can't get it to recognize voice commands. When i give it a command to call someone, it ends up repeating someone elses name and starts the call. Does anyone know how to solve this problem?

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    Lately, the phone has really slowed down.  I am not sure if this is the problem.. I have closed all the open apps and deleted any extra picture off the card and extra songs that I have downloaded and the slow problem still exists. 
    Would a reset work to restore the phone to factory settings and if I then resync the phone, would all contacts pictures and songs be restored?

    What is wrong with your Mac?  You still haven't told us what the problem is. Is the computer still under warranty or Apple Care?
    the next time i attempted to use the computer it wasn't fine
    What do you mean by "wasn't fine".  We can't see your computer so you'll have to describe what your're experiencing in detail without the editorializing.
    Download and run Etrecheck.  Copy and paste the results into your reply. It's a diagnostic tool that was developed by one of the most respected users here in the ASC to help identify the more obvious culprits.

  • Voice Dialing On IPhone 3GS

    Sorry....new to this. I had posted the question of how to find out what number is being voice dialed on an iPhone 3GS that appears as 000-000-0008 on my AT&T bill. I am able as access the phone, as posted earlier. I'm suspecting an app maybe like Google Voice or Umail.  The individual is denying making the calls.  As a side note, there are other calls from this line on the bill that said individual denies.  I do not believe tI'm bring told the truth. Possibilities and thoughts please. Thank you so much. And yes, a marriage is on the line here, this not bring the only reason of course. 

    They are in the box with your 3G phone.
    Here's how they work: http://www.apple.com/iphone/how-to/#basics.stereo-headset

  • Voice dial not working after upgrading to iOS 5

    After I upgraded my iPhone 4's operating system to iOS 5, voice dial is not working any more. When I press and hold the home button, voice control is enabled but only music-realted features (such as play, pause, etc) and "what time it is" work. The "dial XXX" and "call NAME" option don't work any more, and in the blue screen that is shown for voice control, I don't see the word "dial" appearing any more.
    My friend who has iPhone 3GS upgraded and she doesn't have this problem.
    Do I have this problem because I made a mistake during upgrade?
    Is there some place where you can specifically disable/enable voice dial?
    Or, is it Apple who disabled this feature, to temp iPhone 4 users to upgrade to iPhone 4S to have that feature back?

    No, because I don't even know how to do that. I just restored the phone to one of the previous backups I had, using iTunes. The OS was unchanged (iOS 5) but the functionality was restored.
    In this process, I lost all my applications, but my notes, contacts, etc were untouched (see below). As for apps, all I had to do was to look at the list of my apps in iTunes, and reinstall them.
    If you want to do the same thing, note that you may lose your contacts or notes if you simply restore an old backup. Before you do so, enable iCloud and make sure your contacts and notes (and other important things) are backed up in iCloud. Then, after restoring your phone, enable iCloud again and it will fetch all the contacts, notes, etc that you might have added after that backup you just restored.

  • 4.3 Update - Car Stereo Issue, voice dialing not working with Bluetooth

    I've seen some similar issues reported, but they were for specific cars/stereos, and the symptoms were different, so I'm posting about mine:
    Phone: Samsung Galaxy SIII, Android 4.3.
    Car Stereo: Pioneer AVH-X2500BT
    This is a stereo I bought and installed myself. All of its features worked fine, and I was enjoying making calls using voice dialing via the stereo. Then, I installed the 4.3 update to the Galaxy SIII. Ever since (literally, I made a call that day before installing it, and tried shortly after), I cannot use the voice dialing feature. Any attempt to use voice dialing or voice commands via the car stereo will fail. Here's what happens:
    I do a long press on the car stereo's Home button to initiate voice dialing. On my phone, S-Voice starts up, and a Toast (little message) pops up briefly that says "Check in-car audio". When I talk, the little animation on the microphone button in S-Voice does not happen, meaning it's not hearing anything. The car stereo shortly cancels out of voice dialing mode, as though it timed out, or something.
    I've tried switching to Google voice, but the same thing happens. I've tried all kinds of configuration on both devices. I've unpaired and re-paired. Nothing.
    Also, turn-by turn directions from Google Maps appears to not work. The app thinks it's giving them, and when I turn the car off, the voice suddenly works from the phone, but it just won't come out the stereo.
    All other features work fine, including Pandora, and streaming Bluetooth audio. I can even make phone calls, by accessing the contacts and recent call list from the car stereo. The calls work and come through the stereo fine. Literally voice dialing and Google Maps are all that doesn't work.
    Does anyone know how to fix this?

        There could be any number of factors that may be affecting this, byounie. It may be that the firmware on your car stereo headunit may need to be updated. My direct recommendation to check first would be to access your bluetooth submenu, and next to paired info for the Pioneer AVH-X2500BT, you should see a little cog wheel/settings icon. Please select this, and start unselecting everything available there. Work your way up, and enable and test these different settings one by one, to see if there is a conflict between Google Maps and Voice dialing services. Let us know what happens, byounie.
    Follow us on twitter @VZWSupport

  • No "Voice Dialer" prompting after GB Update

    Has anyone else had an issue with the stock "voice dialer" no longer working properly since the recent OTA to 2.3.4 (Gingerbread)?  I have the same "won't appear / won't disappear" issue with the voicemail notifications, but I have one other issue, and that is that the voice dialer no longer works for me with voice prompting.  I installed the Google text-to-speech data download (which I had to do last update as well), but it has not solved the problem.  This is especially troublesome if I want to make a hands-free call with either my Bluetooth headset or the link in my car.  I did the OTA on the first day (Wed late afternoon) and am now finding the broken voice dialing prompting to be a major hangup.  I push the button and hear nothing.  It will record what I say and then I have to push a button on the screen to confirm the dialing, but without voice prompting, I have no idea if it got the number correct or not.  I read elsewhere from one other forum where an individual had this same problem and a few users suggested using the free "Vlingo" app from the Android Market instead.  I gave it a try, but it behaves oddly with the bluetooth connection (e.g. prompting doesn't come through my headset, but the phone's speaker, though it will use the mic from the headset).  I want my stock "voice dialer" to work again.  Help anyone?

    I solved my issue today within minutes of knocking at the VZW store's door to roll me back to Froyo.  Ready folks?
    1.  Turn off your phone.
    2.  Remove the backing, battery, and sd card
    3.  Leave it sit for a bit
    4.  Reinsert the battery and sd card
    5.  Perform a restart (hold in the power button)
    Phone restarted.  Connected to the car bluetooth.  Now pressing the button to dial brings the voice prompting for dialing back again!
    I have restarted the phone since then and the setting has been retained.  If you lost your voice dialing prompting, please try these steps.  Don't know why they worked (when a restart did not), but it did!
    Now I just have the broken VM prompt that everyone else is experiencing...  Hope a fix is soon.

  • Voice dialer installed unsolicitedly after 4.2.2 to 4.3 upgrade

    It is about Xperia Z Tablet LTE with Sony original firmware on it.
    Upgrade from 4.2.2 to 4.3 has been conducted.
    Upon the upgrade the user realized presense of new app, the voice dialer.
    It was definitely not installed before the upgrade.
    The tablet is a data-only device. Classical voice calls are not supported.
    If voice calls than only via packet based connections.
    So user wanders how the dialer can help on Tablet.
    If it can help while dialing on when VoIP-ing there is no possibility to say the dialer 
    what a VoIP solution is in use, where installed and where it is to be found.

    any idea

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    How do I get the phone to listen for my voice command without the use of a headset?

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