7303033 Patch failed

we are upgrading our instacne from 12.0.6 to 12.1 and then 12.1.2
all steps to make Base Release for 12.1 is done sucessfully
when we apply patch 7303033 to upgrade 12.1 to 12.1.2 the patch error out
here showing the Autopatch logfile
************* Start of AutoPatch session *************
AutoPatch version: 12.0.0
AutoPatch started at: Sun Jun 06 2010 23:57:32
APPL_TOP is set to /oracle/PROD/apps/apps_st/appl
NLS_LANG value from the environment is : American_America.AR8MSWIN1256
NLS_LANG value for this AD utility run is : AMERICAN_AMERICA.AR8MSWIN1256
You can be notified by email if a failure occurs.
Do you wish to activate this feature [No] ? No
Please enter the batchsize [1000] : 1000
Please enter the name of the Oracle Applications System that this
APPL_TOP belongs to.
The Applications System name must be unique across all Oracle
Applications Systems at your site, must be from 1 to 30 characters
long, may only contain alphanumeric and underscore characters,
and must start with a letter.
Sample Applications System names are: "prod", "test", "demo" and
Applications System Name [upg] : upg *
NOTE: If you do not currently have certain types of files installed
in this APPL_TOP, you may not be able to perform certain tasks.
Example 1: If you don't have files used for installing or upgrading
the database installed in this area, you cannot install or upgrade
the database from this APPL_TOP.
Example 2: If you don't have forms files installed in this area, you cannot
generate them or run them from this APPL_TOP.
Example 3: If you don't have concurrent program files installed in this area,
you cannot relink concurrent programs or generate reports from this APPL_TOP.
Do you currently have files used for installing or upgrading the database
installed in this APPL_TOP [YES] ? YES *
Do you currently have Java and HTML files for HTML-based functionality
installed in this APPL_TOP [YES] ? YES *
Do you currently have Oracle Applications forms files installed
in this APPL_TOP [YES] ? YES *
Do you currently have concurrent program files installed
in this APPL_TOP [YES] ? YES *
Please enter the name Oracle Applications will use to identify this APPL_TOP.
The APPL_TOP name you select must be unique within an Oracle Applications
System, must be from 1 to 30 characters long, may only contain
alphanumeric and underscore characters, and must start with a letter.
Sample APPL_TOP Names are: "prod_all", "demo3_forms2", and "forms1".
APPL_TOP Name [upgrade] : upgrade *
You are about to apply a patch to the installation of Oracle Applications
in your ORACLE database 'upg'
using ORACLE executables in '/oracle/PROD/apps/tech_st/10.1.2'.
Is this the correct database [Yes] ? Yes
AutoPatch needs the password for your 'SYSTEM' ORACLE schema
in order to determine your installation configuration.
Enter the password for your 'SYSTEM' ORACLE schema: *****
Connecting to SYSTEM......Connected successfully.
The ORACLE username specified below for Application Object Library
uniquely identifies your existing product group: APPLSYS
Enter the ORACLE password of Application Object Library [APPS] : *****
AutoPatch is verifying your username/password.
Connecting to APPLSYS......Connected successfully.
The status of various features in this run of AutoPatch is:
<-Feature version in->
Feature Active? APPLTOP Data model Flags
PREREQ Yes 6 6 Y N N Y N Y
Connecting to SYSTEM......Connected successfully.
Connecting to APPLSYS......Connected successfully.
Identifier for the current session is 34811
Reading product information from file...
Reading language and territory information from file...
Reading language information from applUS.txt ...
AutoPatch warning:
Product Data File
does not exist for product "zfa".
This product is registered in the database but the
above file does not exist in APPL_TOP. The product
will be ignored without error.
AutoPatch warning:
Product Data File
does not exist for product "zsa".
This product is registered in the database but the
above file does not exist in APPL_TOP. The product
will be ignored without error.
AutoPatch warning:
Product Data File
does not exist for product "jts".
This product is registered in the database but the
above file does not exist in APPL_TOP. The product
will be ignored without error.
Reading database to see what industry is currently installed.
Reading FND_LANGUAGES to see what is currently installed.
Currently, the following languages are installed:
Code Language Status
US American English Base
AR Arabic Install
Reading language information from applAR.txt ...
Your base language will be AMERICAN.
Your other languages to install are: ARABIC
Setting up module information.
Reading database for information about the modules.
Saving module information.
Reading database for information about the products.
Connecting to SYSTEM......Connected successfully.
Connecting to APPLSYS......Connected successfully.
Connecting to SYSTEM......Connected successfully.
Reading database for information about how products depend on each other.
Connecting to APPLSYS......Connected successfully.
Reading topfile.txt ...
Saving product information.
Connecting to SYSTEM......Connected successfully.
Connecting to APPLSYS......Connected successfully.
AD code level : [B.2]
STRT_TASK: [AutoPatch startup after aimini] [] [Sun Jun 06 2010 23:57:47]
Connecting to APPS......Connected successfully.
STRT_TASK: [Validate schema passwords] [] [Sun Jun 06 2010 23:57:47]
Connecting to APPLSYS......Connected successfully.
Connecting to APPS......Connected successfully.
STOP_TASK: [Validate schema passwords] [] [Sun Jun 06 2010 23:57:47]
STRT_TASK: [Upload Patch History information from filesystem] [] [Sun Jun 06 2010 23:57:47]
Trying to obtain a lock...
About to attempt instantiating the current-view snapshot: Sun Jun 06 2010 23:57:47
Attempting to instantiate the current-view snapshot...
Was already instantiated. So no instantiation done this time.
Done attempting to instantiate the current-view snapshot: Sun Jun 06 2010 23:57:47
**************** S T A R T O F U P L O A D ****************
Start date: Sun Jun 06 2010 23:57:47
0 "left over" javaupdates.txt files uploaded to DB: Sun Jun 06 2010 23:57:47
0 patches uploaded from the ADPSV format patch history files: Sun Jun 06 2010 23:57:47
Uploading information about files copied during the previous runs ...
0 "left over" filescopied_<session_id>.txt files uploaded to DB: Sun Jun 06 2010 23:57:47
****************** E N D O F U P L O A D ******************
End date: Sun Jun 06 2010 23:57:47
STOP_TASK: [Upload Patch History information from filesystem] [] [Sun Jun 06 2010 23:57:47]
Enter the directory where your Oracle Applications patch has been unloaded
The default directory is [oracle/Upgrade_box/patches_12.1.2/7303033/7303033] : /oracle/Upgrade_box/patches_12.1.2/7303033/7303033
STOP_TASK: [AutoPatch startup after aimini] [] [Sun Jun 06 2010 23:57:50]
Please enter the name of your AutoPatch driver file : u7303033.drv
STRT_TASK: [Run a single patch driver file] [] [Sun Jun 06 2010 23:58:03]
STRT_TASK: [Steps before copy portion] [] [Sun Jun 06 2010 23:58:03]
STRT_TASK: [Initial driver processing steps] [] [Sun Jun 06 2010 23:58:03]
Start time for driver file is: Sun Jun 06 2010 23:58:03
STOP_TASK: [Initial driver processing steps] [] [Sun Jun 06 2010 23:58:03]
STRT_TASK: [Get Oracle Applications Release and read driver file] [] [Sun Jun 06 2010 23:58:03]
STRT_TASK: [Get Oracle Applications Release] [] [Sun Jun 06 2010 23:58:03]
Getting Oracle Applications Release...
Connecting to APPLSYS......Connected successfully.
Current installed release is 12.1.1
Connecting to APPS......Connected successfully.
STOP_TASK: [Get Oracle Applications Release] [] [Sun Jun 06 2010 23:58:03]
STRT_TASK: [Process patch driver file] [] [Sun Jun 06 2010 23:58:03]
Reading patch driver file...
Connecting to SYSTEM......Connected successfully.
STRT_TASK: [Parse and load patch driver file] [] [Sun Jun 06 2010 23:58:03]
Connecting to APPS......Connected successfully.
Parsing and loading patch driver file...
Processing line 10000.
Processing line 20000.
Processing line 30000.
Processing line 40000.
Processing line 50000.
Processing line 60000.
Processing line 70000.
Processing line 80000.
Processing line 90000.
Processing line 100000.
Processing line 110000.
Processing line 120000.
Processing line 130000.
Processing line 140000.
Processing line 150000.
Processing line 160000.
Processing line 170000.
Processing line 180000.
Processing line 190000.
199181 lines processed.
STOP_TASK: [Parse and load patch driver file] [] [Sun Jun 06 2010 23:58:07]
STRT_TASK: [Check patch integrity] [] [Sun Jun 06 2010 23:58:07]
Not checking patch integrity as integrity checking flag is turned off.
STOP_TASK: [Check patch integrity] [] [Sun Jun 06 2010 23:58:07]
Successfully read patch driver file.
STOP_TASK: [Process patch driver file] [] [Sun Jun 06 2010 23:58:07]
STRT_TASK: [Other driver and release-related logic] [] [Sun Jun 06 2010 23:58:07]
Determining target release...
Current target release is 12.1.1
STOP_TASK: [Other driver and release-related logic] [] [Sun Jun 06 2010 23:58:07]
STOP_TASK: [Get Oracle Applications Release and read driver file] [] [Sun Jun 06 2010 23:58:07]
STRT_TASK: [Prereq checking logic] [] [Sun Jun 06 2010 23:58:07]
The description for the entity 'dna' in the patch driver
does not match with the current description.
The current description is :'Development'
The description in the patch is :'Product Workbench'
The current description will not be changed.
The description for the entity 'iby' in the patch driver
does not match with the current description.
The current description is :'iPayment'
The description in the patch is :'Payments'
The current description will not be changed.
The description for the entity 'izu' in the patch driver
does not match with the current description.
The current description is :'Support Diagnostic Tools'
The description in the patch is :'Oracle E-Business Suite Diagnostics'
The current description will not be changed.
For the Current View:
l_appl_top_id .............. 192
l_eav_patch_release_name ... 12.0.0
Current View - 7303033:US is NOT_APPLIED
STOP_TASK: [Prereq checking logic] [] [Sun Jun 06 2010 23:58:07]
STRT_TASK: [Ask translated patch question] [] [Sun Jun 06 2010 23:58:07]
This base patch contains files which may require translation
depending on the languages you currently have installed.
Oracle Corporation recommends that you obtain any translated versions of this
patch for each of your non-US languages PRIOR to applying this base patch.
The translated version of the patch should be applied immediately AFTER
applying this base patch.
Do you wish to apply this patch now [No] ? yes
STOP_TASK: [Ask translated patch question] [] [Sun Jun 06 2010 23:58:14]
STRT_TASK: [Determine bugs to apply] [] [Sun Jun 06 2010 23:58:14]
Determining which bug fixes to apply...
Turning off bug fixes for products not installed or shared in the database...
Resetting bug actions for bug fixes we will not apply...
Processing files for Oracle Government Applications...
Done determining which bug fixes to apply.
Log and Info File sync point:
Sun Jun 06 2010 23:58:14
Turning off actions that reference unrecognized products.
Log and Info File sync point:
Sun Jun 06 2010 23:58:15
End of unrecognized products checking.
STOP_TASK: [Determine bugs to apply] [] [Sun Jun 06 2010 23:58:15]
STRT_TASK: [Process action options] [] [Sun Jun 06 2010 23:58:15]
STOP_TASK: [Process action options] [] [Sun Jun 06 2010 23:58:15]
STRT_TASK: [Modify actions for bootstrap mode] [] [Sun Jun 06 2010 23:58:15]
STOP_TASK: [Modify actions for bootstrap mode] [] [Sun Jun 06 2010 23:58:15]
STRT_TASK: [Ask for number of parallel workers] [] [Sun Jun 06 2010 23:58:15]
Connecting to SYSTEM......Connected successfully.
Connecting to APPS......Connected successfully.
AD utilities can support a maximum of 999 workers. Your
current database configuration supports a maximum of 88 workers.
Oracle recommends that you use between 4 and 8 workers.
Enter the number of parallel workers [4] : 4
STOP_TASK: [Ask for number of parallel workers] [] [Sun Jun 06 2010 23:58:21]
AutoPatch will run in parallel mode.
STOP_TASK: [Steps before copy portion] [] [Sun Jun 06 2010 23:58:21]
STRT_TASK: [Copy portion steps] [] [Sun Jun 06 2010 23:58:21]
STRT_TASK: [apply new applterr.txt] [] [Sun Jun 06 2010 23:58:21]
Did not need to apply new applterr.txt.
STOP_TASK: [apply new applterr.txt] [] [Sun Jun 06 2010 23:58:21]
STRT_TASK: [AutoSplice applprod.txt and applUS.txt] [] [Sun Jun 06 2010 23:58:21]
Applying new applprod.txt (if any)...
Did not need to apply new applprod.txt.
STOP_TASK: [AutoSplice applprod.txt and applUS.txt] [] [Sun Jun 06 2010 23:58:27]
STRT_TASK: [Version checking for driver files] [] [Sun Jun 06 2010 23:58:27]
Performing version checking for driver files...
Log and Info File sync point:
Sun Jun 06 2010 23:58:33
AutoPatch found some files which it will not apply.
These files are listed in the AutoPatch informational message file.
STOP_TASK: [Version checking for driver files] [] [Sun Jun 06 2010 23:58:39]
STRT_TASK: [Copy driver files] [] [Sun Jun 06 2010 23:58:39]
Copying driver files into installation area...
You are running admvcode
Header information is:
$Header: aiopatch.lc 120.7 2007/12/03 08:27:09 nissubra ship $
Start of admvcode session
Date/Time is Sun Jun 06 2010 23:58:41
Filelist file is: /oracle/PROD/apps/apps_st/appl/admin/upg/out/copymast.txt
Patch Character Set is: us7ascii
On-site Character Set is: AR8MSWIN1256
Log and Info File sync point:
Sun Jun 06 2010 23:58:41
Information about files copied to the APPL_TOP would be written to the
informational message file.
Character set 'US7ASCII' is a subset of character set 'AR8MSWIN1256'.
No character set conversion is required.
Copying files to APPL_TOP...
0 directories created.
124 files copied without character set conversion.
0 files copied with successful character set conversion.
124 files copied successfully.
0 files had fatal errors.
admvcode is exiting with status 0
End of admvcode session
Date/time is Sun Jun 06 2010 23:58:49
Done copying driver files into installation area.
STOP_TASK: [Copy driver files] [] [Sun Jun 06 2010 23:58:50]
STRT_TASK: [Forcecopy driver files] [] [Sun Jun 06 2010 23:58:50]
ForceCopying driver files into installation area...
No driver files were selected for ForceCopying.
STOP_TASK: [Forcecopy driver files] [] [Sun Jun 06 2010 23:58:50]
STRT_TASK: [Screen out files not valid for this configuration] [] [Sun Jun 06 2010 23:58:50]
Screening out files not valid for this installation...
STOP_TASK: [Screen out files not valid for this configuration] [] [Sun Jun 06 2010 23:58:50]
STRT_TASK: [Read file driver files to get list of valid files] [] [Sun Jun 06 2010 23:58:50]
Determining valid on-site files...
Setting JAVA_TOP to '/oracle/PROD/apps/apps_st/comn/java/classes'
STOP_TASK: [Read file driver files to get list of valid files] [] [Sun Jun 06 2010 23:59:09]
STRT_TASK: [Perform libout actions] [] [Sun Jun 06 2010 23:59:09]
Extracting object modules from product libraries...
Done extracting object modules from product libraries.
STOP_TASK: [Perform libout actions] [] [Mon Jun 07 2010 00:00:10]
STRT_TASK: [Perform version checking] [] [Mon Jun 07 2010 00:00:10]
Performing version checking...
Log and Info File sync point:
Mon Jun 07 2010 00:00:12
AutoPatch found some files which it will not apply.
These files are listed in the AutoPatch informational message file.
No version in patch file:
Error occurred in version checking.
See above error messages or AutoPatch log file for details.
Exiting AutoPatch...
Freeing includes hash table
Freeing fixes hash table
Freeing basedons hash table
Freeing entities hash table
You should check the file
for errors.

AutoPatch warning:
Product Data File
does not exist for product "zsa".
This product is registered in the database but the
above file does not exist in APPL_TOP. The product
will be ignored without error.
AutoPatch warning:
Product Data File
does not exist for product "jts".
This product is registered in the database but the
above file does not exist in APPL_TOP. The product
will be ignored without error.
Those warning messages can be ignored -- See (Note: 421136.1 - Product Data File Error Applying Patch 4440000) for details.
For the other error, I believe the document provided by Helios should be helpful.

Similar Messages

  • I tried downloading Adoboe Photoshop CC and it says: Installation succeeded but a patch failed. How do I fix this?

    Let me explain. I have an HP 2000 series laptop running Windows 7 Home premium with a 500gb hard drive. I currently have Adobe Photoshop CS4 on my computer but I uninstalled it first before downloading the trial of CC. I figured when my 30 day Photoshop CC trial was over I could go back and download CS4 with the CD again. I just wanted to try CC to see how different it was from CS4 and for some reason when I install it gets to 99% and when it finally reaches that 100% the error message comes up "Installation succeeded but patch failed." I have tried to hit the retry button a number of times and each time it still gives me the same error message. I tried restarting my laptop to see if this would fix the issue and it did not. What does this "patch failed" error mean and how do I fix this so I can download my adobe photshop CC trial?

    Yeah for some odd reason out of no wear i am able to successfully download everything. Ill be honest i couldn't download everything properly while watching Netflix. ha Weird. But yea i just got Photoshop and flash to download fine! so thats awesome thank you for the tip i will be sure to add that next time i have a problem thank you!

  • ERROR: OPatch failed as verification of the patch failed.

    I installed OID by following these instructions( http://www.oracle.com/technology/pub/articles/chan-oid.html), db version created is , but every time i apply CPU patch i receive error
    here is opatch lsinventory results
    Installed Patch List:
    1) Patch 9119261 applied on Mon Feb 15 16:17:37 CST 2010
    Unique Patch ID: 12031038
    Error during opatch apply
    OPatch encounters the following issues during Make:
    There were problems running make commands. The errors encounted were:
    Error for command: cd /oracle/product/oid10g//rdbms/lib
    /usr/ccs/bin/make -f ins_rdbms.mk client_sharedlib ORACLE_HOME="/oracle/product/oid10g" 2>/oracle/product/oid10g/.patch_storage/9119261/make_local.stderr
    I ran this command manually and it did'n gave any error
    /usr/ccs/bin/make -f ins_rdbms.mk client_sharedlib ORACLE_HOME="/oracle/product/oid10g" 2>/oracle/product/oid10g/.patch_storage/9119261/make_local.stderr
    Comparing "/oracle/4dba/9119261/files/lib/liboraolap10.a/xsoqhelp.o" and "/oracle/product/oid10g/.patch_storage/verify/lib/liboraolap10.a/xsoqhelp.o"
    Comparing "/oracle/4dba/9119261/files/lib/liboraolap10.a/xsoqftbl.o" and "/oracle/product/oid10g/.patch_storage/verify/lib/liboraolap10.a/xsoqftbl.o"
    There are 2 issues copying files to Oracle Home.
    FILE PROBLEM: some files are not patched.
    OPATCH_JAVA_ERROR: Patch was not successfully applied.
    Verification of the patch failed.
    ERROR: OPatch failed as verification of the patch failed.
    Edited by: user12001353 on Feb 15, 2010 2:31 PM
    Edited by: user12001353 on Feb 15, 2010 2:37 PM

    Why are you applying Database Patches to Oracle Application Server?
    What is telling you to do this?

  • Patch Failed -  error 004, Could not find etc\config\inventory

    I'm trying to upgrade a database with the new patch (via Enterprise Manager) and although EM had all steps succeeding (cachePatchFile, checkTarget, stagePatch, expandPatch, applyPatchWIN, collectionStep) when I look at the logs, I see that the applyPatchWIN step actually failed. Does anyone know why this occurs? How do I make redo the last two tasks after making whatever changes I need to make?
    Thanks. (log contents follow).
    Output Log
    Microsoft Windows XP [Version 5.1.2600]
    (C) Copyright 1985-2001 Microsoft Corp.
    Running: C:\oracle\product\10.1.0\Db_1\sysman\admin\scripts\osm\ecmApplyOPatch.pl
    Argument count: 2
    Perl version: 5.006001
    Hostname: vaff01-vista03
    Operating system: MSWin32
    Time: Tue Oct 5 16:35:00 2004
    Tue Oct 5 16:35:00 2004 - Attempting to apply patch to Oracle home (C:\oracle\product\10.1.0\Db_1)...
    ---------- Error Message ----------
    Error: 004
    Could not find etc\config\inventory to apply patch
    ----------- End Message -----------
    Tue Oct 5 16:35:03 2004 - Patching failed.

    Bug No. 3671290
    Metalink Note: Note:308709.1

  • Upgrade error illustrator CC 2014 - Patch failed

    Creative Clouds states that Illustrator has successfully installed, but that a patch failed..
    I have manually uninstalled and reinstalled Illus. When that did not work, I uninstalled all adobe products restrated my PC and reinstalled everything.
    Same error.
    The error reads as follows when I open illustrator:
    Error reads: Error loading plugins.

    When starting Illustrator after I get the above error, this is what I get:
    The procedure entry point
    ?UI_DoPointerEvent@UI_ScrollView@controls@dvaui@@MEAANPEAVUI_Node@ui@3@AEBVPointerEvent@53 @@Z could not be located in the dynamic link library dvaui.dll

  • CC patch fails after initial install

    I have a new laptop (Win 8) and am installing CC apps. After downloading the apps, the app manager gives me the following error message:
    Installation succeeded, but a patch failed.
    This behavior has been consistent for Dreamweaver, Photoshop, and InDesign. When I try to update afterwards, it simply said "Patch failed."
    Any idea what is going on and how to fix it?

    Hi jefferymoulton,
    Welcome to the Community!
    Likely you will need to review your installation logs similar to your previous discussion at http://forums.adobe.com/thread/1326319.  Please see Error U44M1I210 | Install updates - http://helpx.adobe.com/creative-suite/kb/error-u44m1i210-installing-up dates-ccm.html which discusses the steps you have performed so far.  The next step will be to review the installation log files to determine the exact error you are receiving.
    Please see Troubleshoot install issues with log files | CC - http://helpx.adobe.com/creative-cloud/kb/troubleshoot-install-logs-cc. html for information on how to locate and interpret your installation log files.  You are welcome to post any specific errors you discover to this discussion.

  • It looks like Apple's DNS patch failed to fix the DNS flaw...

    It looks like Apple's DNS patch failed to fix the DNS flaw...
    Apple's patch fails to fix DNS flaw, researchers claim
    Mac OS X clients still at risk, situation on servers unknown
    http://computerworld.com/action/article.do?command=viewArticleBasic&taxonomyName =hardware&articleId=9111363&taxonomyId=12&intsrc=kc_top
    Did Apple forget to patch something?

    Check for yourself as that article is complaining about OS X client, they openly state
    they don't have server to test with. So the complaint is legitimate, but dangerously inaccurate.
    Unless you have installed the server update and verified that it does not fix the issue.

  • Error "Motion patch failed to render"

    Hi all.
    I am trying to approach the same topic I approached a while ago here but with no cuccess.
    This problem has ground my productivity to a halt.
    Every time I go to render a sequence that has any motion template files in it I get this error "Motion patch failed to render"
    Therefor I have to export the whole sequence via compressor to view the clip. This takes hours and hours.
    Can anyone help.
    PLEASE !!!!!!!!!!

    I kinda doubt they're compatible.  Try exporting from Motion as a selfcontained qt with settings that match your fcp sequence and see if that will come in to fcp.

  • "Motion patch failed to render"

    Hi guys.
    I am hoping someone can help me with this very frustrating long term problem.
    No one on the Ken Stone forum wants to touch it.
    Basically it is this.
    Whenever I import Motion template files into the timeline I lose all ability to render.
    The error message gets thrown up straight away "Motion patch failed to render".
    What is this Motion patch?
    I thought maybe it is something to do with where my motion files are stored on the hard drive? Or maybe a Apple patch issue?
    I really have no idea.
    Can anyone help?

    I kinda doubt they're compatible.  Try exporting from Motion as a selfcontained qt with settings that match your fcp sequence and see if that will come in to fcp.

  • Installation Succeeded but Patch Failed. Download Error Support (49)

    Installation Succeeded but Patch Failed. Download Error contact Support (49)

    i have the exact error. I have CC for Photographer for quite some times now and it updates on and off normally until perhaps a couple of month ago. Lr updated ok. ACR updated ok. But Ps ended up with such error. I uninstall it and tried again, same error. There was one hit that mention about disabling McAfee anti-virus. Since my machine is managed by my company, I can only disable it by booting Windows (Win 7 enterprise) in Safe Mode. I did but the same error. Any other suggestion?
    By the way, my other machine which I install exactly the same CC applications have no problems at all so I am quite sure it is my company machine that is causing the problem. I just need to figure out what is wrong.

  • Patch fail when installing Apps. Not Updating

    Whenever i try to install an application it says application successful but patch failed, unable to extract the downloaded files and it gives me the U44M1I210 error code. i can open and use the applications but they are a little buggy and i cant update them from the creative cloud app on my laptop. i have a mac and i tried uninstalling and reinstalling the apps but it didnt work. i have a destinations folder set to applications for downloads. help.

    Downloading apps stuck on waiting...: Apple Support Communities
    Waiting applications: Apple Support Communities

  • I cant get my photoshop to load completely, it always says a patch failed to load

    I cant get my photoshop to load completely, it always says a patch failed to load...I unistall and try again and same error.

    Hi wilsonBright,
    Which OS are you using? Please specify the exact error message?
    Romit Sinha

  • Patch Fails: 119907-13 Gnome 2.6.0_x86: Virtual File System Framework patch

    When I try to use my Sun(TM)Update Manager, I get:
    119907-13 Gnome 2.6.0_x86: Virtual File System Framework patch Failed.
    Utility used to install the update failed with exit code 997. Patch is not available in the patch directory.
    It is the only patch left to be installed and I tried rebooting several times with no luck. There is no 119907-13 directory or 119907-13.jar in my /var/sadm/spool either. Thanks for any hints.

    I have the free version of Solaris for the x86/x64 platform on my workstation at home. I did register the OS when I installed it, but I do not have a support contract.
    I am curious as to why this has never been an issue before with the hundreds of patches I've installed previously.
    If I do not wish to purchase a support contract, there ought to be a way to get the patch out of my Sun(TM) Update Manager so that the green indicator in my
    systray doesn't drive me nuts.
    Thanks for your help and any further suggestions.

  • Patch failes??

    when i applied localization patch(india) everything complted but message thrown out as FAILED APPLYING OBJECTS.
    i see the metalink doc is 433764.1 . in that doc issue2 was found for me. actually
    ja_top tables are created in apps schema. so i want to move that ja schema realted tables from apps schema to ja schema.
    i tried for creating table in ja schema but it dispaly insufficient priviligies
    give me solution how i create the tables in ja schema.???

    Please c Note:376756.1
    I think u hav 2 node's
    db node: have DB,CONCURRENT
    webnode: have FORMS,REPORTS
    Then u need to apply the patch first on DB node by following command:
    perl $JA_TOP/inpatch/indpatch.pl drvr_file=<bugno>.drv fnd_patchset=H
    appspwd=<apps password> japwd=ja mode=CD systempwd=<system password>
    1.check from fnd_product_installations for fnd_patchset level as
    select PATCH_LEVEL from fnd_product_installations where PATCH_LEVEL like '%FND%'
    2.mode - any combination of letters "F", "C" and "D". Give "F", if the node is Forms Server node, "C", if the node is concurrent processing node and "D", if Database node. Default is "FCD", meaning a single node instance. For multi-node, apply the patch with
    appropriate mode specified.
    assuming u have db node have DB,CONCURRENT then mode=CD
    If the patch goes fine then u apply the same on 2nd node(web node).
    perl $JA_TOP/inpatch/indpatch.pl drvr_file=<bugno>.drv fnd_patchset=H
    appspwd=<apps password> japwd=ja mode=F systempwd=<system password>
    I think it shd work fine.

  • Applying OLAP patch fails

    I can't apply OLAP patch.
    Bellow is the error message I got and it seems like the additional '/' after the 'lib' directory in the path is causing the problem. Can anyone help me with this problem? Thank you very much.
    Best Regards,
    $ OPatch/opatch apply
    Performing pre-patch installation checks.
    It is safe to abort the patch process at this time.
    Do you want to continue and apply the patch?
    Please respond Y|N > Y
    Backing-up files before patching.
    Applying patch 2499827.
    Running make for olap_on.
    Running make for ioracle.
    ld: warning: file /export/home/app/oracle/product/ wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS32
    Undefined first referenced
    symbol in file
    xsaggrflcu /export/home/app/oracle/product/
    xsNotify /export/home/app/oracle/product/
    xsstatedump /export/home/app/oracle/product/
    xssinfoflcu /export/home/app/oracle/product/
    xsawsv /export/home/app/oracle/product/
    xscts_ktccg /export/home/app/oracle/product/
    xsawugaInitialize /export/home/app/oracle/product/
    xsncupd /export/home/app/oracle/product/
    xsoqNotify /export/home/app/oracle/product/
    xsawLatchRecov /export/home/app/oracle/product/
    xsoqugaSwitch /export/home/app/oracle/product/
    xspgpoolchg /export/home/app/oracle/product/
    xsoqugaInitialize /export/home/app/oracle/product/
    xsolapi_fvec /export/home/app/oracle/product/
    xscts_fvec /export/home/app/oracle/product/
    xsawugaSwitch /export/home/app/oracle/product/
    xsaggrftc /export/home/app/oracle/product/
    xssinfoftc /export/home/app/oracle/product/
    xsdbpcps /export/home/app/oracle/product/
    xsoqugaDestruct /export/home/app/oracle/product/
    xsawugaDestruct /export/home/app/oracle/product/
    ld: fatal: Symbol referencing errors. No output written to /export/home/app/oracle/product/
    make: Fatal error: Command failed for target `/export/home/app/oracle/product/'
    OPatch/opatch.pl version:
    Copyright (c) 2001,2002 Oracle Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
    Please re-run this patch script after the problems have been resolved.
    There were problems in running the make commands needed to finish the
    patching process.
    The errors encounted were:
    Error for command: make -f ins_rdbms.mk ioracle

    Please would you direct questions relating to Oracle9i OLAP, to the OLAP OTN forum.
    The link for the OLAP OTN forum, is as below :-
    Many thanks
    BI Beans
    Product Management Team

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