790gx-g65 No Boot

Just built new gaming rig using the 790gx-g65 board. First time i tried to boot i missed seeing the initial post. I did see a screen that said press F11 to enter setup. After i pressed F11 machine froze up and i had to shut down using the power supply switch.  Now i cant get anything to come up at all. its like there is no video signal whatsoever.  Also now the main power button only works to start up the machine i have to use the power supply switch to turn it off. Any ideas on what might cause the non booting issue.
790gx-g65 board
Amd Phenom II quad with Zalman CNPS 10x flex heatsink
4x2gig corsair dominator
Video Asus ENg Tx 470
corsair tx 850 Power
Asus DX 7.1 sound card
Thermaltake element G case
P.S. I have tried booting with no video card and no sound card, 1 Dimm 4 dimm I get the same results, nothing but fans and some spinning of the dvd drive.

Four matched 2GB modules for use in high performance Intel Core i7, i5 and i3 Dual Channel systems
Intel XMP (Extreme Memory Profile) Support
Thats quoted from your link.
Its time to lay your hands on a single DDR3 stick, one of those green ones with the black ICs on them and without XMP. That will be the only way to establish if this RAM is the culprit.
Your mem was intended for Intel based systems and without being able to get into your BIOS you are not able to try and manually set an acceptable RAM speed and timing for your board. Sorry, but change those modules for some memory intended for your AMD board.
See the list of tested modules here. http://www.msi.com/uploads/test_report/TR10_1739.pdf
Also read this topic please. https://forum-en.msi.com/index.php?topic=130042.0 

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  • MSI 790GX-G65 Blank Screen on boot.

    I finally decided to upgrade my computer and I am having an issue unfortunately. Please take a look and see if you can give me any advice.
    Mobo: MSI 790GX-G65
    CPU: AMD Phenom II X4 955 Black Edition Deneb 3.2GHz
    RAM: G.SKILL 4GB (2 x 2GB) 240-Pin DDR3 SDRAM DDR3 1333
    PSU: Rosewill Stallion Series RD450-2-DB 450W ATX V2.2 Power Supply
    Output     +3.3V@22A,+5V@15A,+12V1@14A,+12V2@16A,
    [email protected], [email protected]
    I have isolated the problem to these components, attempting to turn it on the CPU fan turns on and LEDs on the motherboard all turn on but my monitor receives no input at all, boot screen, no blinking cursor, no nothing. the computer doesn't beep, if it wasn't for the blank screen I wouldn't have a problem. I don't know how to determine which part is the problem as I don't have parts to switch out but I need to figure out something soon If I am going to have to be returning stuff.
    I have read other posts on the forums and one of the first things you guys mention as being the problem is the PSU and I have considered upgrading it to AZZA Dynamo 850
    Output     +3.3V@24A, +5V@32A, +12V1@18A, +12V2@18A, +12V3@20A, +12V4@22A,[email protected], [email protected]
    I realize it doesn't have the +12v amps that everyone is recommending on a single rail but would this be workable with my set up for a casual gamer on a budget(the PSU is on a special right now with a case for cheap)
    Thanks for helping.

    Quote from: Fredrik on 29-October-09, 10:18:35
    All LEDs are Go? It doesn't sound like a BIOS problem, more of a power/processor thing, but update 1.2 is required.
    All LEDs light up.
    Quote from: Henry on 29-October-09, 11:17:07
    Check that all plugs of the wires from the PSU are fully seated in their sockets and that the 4/8 pin power for the CPU is plugged in. Usually labeled JPW1, JPWR1 or something similar.
    All wires are plugged in solidly and the PSU is fully seated
    Quote from: Fredrik on 29-October-09, 10:18:35
    Try with less memory; a single stick nearest to the processor.
    I tried with both sticks individually, same result. Blank Screen
    Quote from: Henry on 29-October-09, 11:17:07
    Corsair VX550W +12V~41A single rail would be a very good one for you especially if you might want to get a halfway decent VGA card later on down the road. I'm assuming you are using onboard graphics since you didn't list a separate card.   http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16817139004
    Right, I ordered a HD 4770 seperately and it came a day later, the screen receives no input whether I plug in from the onboard video or the video card.
    Quote from: Fredrik on 29-October-09, 10:18:35
    Get a quality PSU, please. An 850W PSU doesn't cost 60$, have a half hidden amps list, and come with blue LEDs. Better a quality 500W than a lousy 850W. How would you fancy this one?
    Quote from: Henry on 29-October-09, 11:17:07
    Like Fredrik said, a cheap junk PSU is still a cheap junk PSU no matter how many watts it claims to have. That's the mistake far too many people make is getting cheap with a PSU which is the heart of a system and when they take a dump it more than likely will take other components with it. I'm sure you've read plenty of that if did much reading of things regarding PSU's on this forum.
    Thanks for the PSU suggestions and advice, I'll be a better shopper when it comes to PSUs.
    Thanks for the suggestions but nothing worked, I guess I will be contacting newegg and telling them something doesn't work and let them sort it out.

  • 790GX-G65 AMD AHCI - Windows 7 file copy freeze

    Something very weird is going on with my Windows 7 64-bit Operating System which has just started, and I wanted to see if any of you are experiencing the same issue. The computer has started to freeze when I copy very large files 1GB+ to a USB flash drive, or from one SATA hard drive to another SATA hard drive. About two weeks ago, it would copy fine. Nothing has been installed in between then and now, unless it is Windows Updates.
    After having my computer freeze 6+ times, I decided to uninstall the AMD SATA/AHCI driver. I rebooted windows, and now using the generic Microsoft Windows AHCI drivers it copies fine. I reinstalled the AMD Drivers just to see if the drivers had become corrupt, but now it completely freezes using the drivers. The 790GX-G65 motherboard has worked flawlessly for the past four to five months without a problem (using the AMD AHCI drivers). I am concerned it is a Windows Update, but of course it could be a slight possibility that it is the motherboard itself (even though it is only 5 months old). It froze one day for no reason, wouldn't boot up, and eventually started working again.
    I did some research, and it seems like others are having this same exact problem, only they were using Nvidia Chipset motherboards. Microsoft even release a hotfix to fix the I/O copy error freeze for Nvidia motherboards.
    It is very frustrating that this had started happening within the week, and I don't know the root cause for the drivers to "suddenly" stop working. Have any of you had this problem? Heard of this problem? Or know if it is a common issue?
    Windows 7 64-bit Professional
    790GX-G65 (Bios v4.0)
    AMD Athlon II X2 245
    4GB DDR3 1300 MHz Memory
    1TB WD Caviar Black Edition
    500GB Seagate 7200.12

    Hi Mark,
    Thank you for the suggestions.
    I swapped the 460W CoolerMaster PSU for a Corsair GS600 unit with the following specifications:  +3.3V~25A, +5V~25A, +12V~48A (576W), -12V~0.8A, +5Vsb~3A.  I'm using both 24pin JPWR and 4 pin JPWR2 connectors to provide power to the 890GXM-G65/(MS-7642 ver1), as instructed in the documentation, and as previously configured with the CoolerMaster 460W PSU.  I have tried 3 independent power cables, and different power outlets in addition to swapping PSUs.
    The system freezes in the same manner, on the same 'Setup is starting...' portion of the Windows 7 installer.  This time, a single, short 'Beep' from the motherboard.  (Same type of beep you'd hear after a successful POST and boot.)  Subsequent retries did not produce any beeps from the motherboard. 
    I have tried booting various Live CDs in 32bit/64bit flavors and no success.  (Ubuntu 9.04, 9.10, 10.04)  I continue to disable various on-board components and am running with a single PS/2 keyboard plugged into the system for installation, but still no success.
    To test the system further, as recommended, I swapped the 1TB Western Digital with a known good 250GB Western Digital unit from another machine.  The drive is detected in the BIOS with no problems, but the installer continues to freeze.  The 250GB drive was taken from an XP based system that is able to read/boot from the drive without issues.
    Good suggestions, but I continue to freeze at the same point in the Windows & Ubuntu installers.  If the CPU was somehow damaged, my thought is that the machine itself would fail to POST.  Is that a fair assumption?  Could there be something wrong with the video configuration in the BIOS that is causing the OS to lock when detecting hardware?  I have set the primary adapter to 'Internal', UMA+Sideport, and AUTO for memory settings.
    If you or others had any additional suggestions, I'd appreciate the input.  Thanks in advance.

  • 790GX-G65 worst experience of all time

    So here i was an avg gamer. The only game i ever played was Arma 2 That game was CPU intensive and could only max out at 31-35 avg FPS.
    My build specs were:
    MSI 975x platinum edition
    core 2 duo E6700 (2.66ghz OC to 3.10ghz)
    4gb ddr 2 ram 667mhz
    maxtor 250GB
    Antec Neo Power Blue 650 watt PSU
    ATI HD 4870 (Palit sonic dual edition) 512MB
    My friend showed off his gaming rig. 4gb ddr3 and AMD phenom II x4 945.. His benchmarks in Arma 2 were great. I had just enough money. so i sold my Mobo, cpu, and ram and bought the following:
    MSI 790GX-G65
    AMD phenom II x4 945 (95watt) (http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16819103809&cm_re=phenom_II_945-_-19-103-809-_-Product)
    and G-skill 2x1GB DDR3 1333mhz
    500GB Samsung spinpoint f3
    I removed cleaned and properly installed everything... And this has been my experience so far....
    tried to boot from my old maxtor first just to test out my new cpu's power. had to change a few boot settings. when i got onto the logon screen BAM a gfx glitch (pink looked like a thumb print) and pc was completely unresponsive...
    i thought it was my gfx card (i had just rma'd the thing because of bad memory problems) so i couldnt believe it.. i quickly shut off to prevent further damage... to my surprise when i rebooted to bios, no gfx glitch. i figured it was the drivers.. my friend suggest i install windows 7 on my new spinpoint and start fresh..
    I spend 3 hours trying to install windows 7 because the disc would never finnish. it would freeze after the logo... i went back to bios changed a few things unplugged devices... finally i thought it was the new ram.. tried out both ram chips individually in dimm1 and dimm2 one by one to no avail. windows memory diagnoistics reported no problems. We finally managed to load it after we found out the OC switch on the mobo was on.. weird the CPU was running at 3.30ghz instead 3.0. But when the completing installation stage started windows the pc would just randomly reboot also causing the installation to be corrupted forcing me to try again and again and again
    So i put vista in, it finally installed but it would crash when "adjusting windows performance". This told me it was a hardware problem... me and my friend narrowed it down to the cpu/mobo. What fixed my problem was lowering the multiplier from default (x15) to x13. To our surprise i could finally logon to the new windows. My friend told me to instantly download prime95 and run a test to see what was going on.. Also to check CPU-Z and temps
    Almost instantly after hitting the start button in prime95 the pc crashed. So fast it felt like the start button was more like a "shutdown" button :O
    CPU-Z said that the cpu voltage was at 1.456 and avg around there... He told me it shouldnt be like that since his 945 avgs out at 1.3 or less
    Changing the bios "CPU Voltage" would make the pc not startup.. (screen would stay black) i couldn't even get into the bios. So i had to "clr CMOS" and try again.... and again.... and not ONE setting i tried for the "CPU voltage" was successful...
    Finally i installed windows 7 and would you look at that.. it installed. But anything higher than x13 muiltiplier would cause crashing in any programs... even sometimes starting CPU-Z would crash.. watching 1080P videos would crash... everytime everytime...
    and windows was so unresponsive at times with these weird stutters that lasted 1-3 seconds every 5 seconds. It was ridiculous. Why should i have to underclock my new cpu from the default values to 2.6 just to start my OS..
    We Tried everything buying new thermal paste reapplying thermal paste (6 times) changing coolers, i bought the best paste out there (artic silver 5) nothing...
    Finally changing the mobo to optimized defaults again and going directly to the "CPU Voltage" setting changing it to 1.284V my mobo booted without having to clear cmos. BUT HERE IS THE SHOCKER: temps where at 85C-90C range like 200F !!!!! i couldnt believe it.. so i shut off instantly and clrd cmos..temps dropped down again to the low to high 40's.
    Here i am now.. with an underclocked overvoltaged phenom II x4 945 edition barely able to run windows. My bios is updated to the latest wich is 4.10 and i dont know what else to do. Faulty CPU? doubt it. All i know so far is that my mobo is just sending waay to much power to my cpu causing the quick overheat and shut off. I've spent 5 miserable days since i got my new build trying to just run the default values. NOthing... so i'm contacting you msi guys and the people on these forums to please guide me. my last 5 days have been hell..
    Anyways my friend says my new cpu is not on the mobo support list which is true, but the other 945 is. not the new revision i have so maybe thats also a contributing factor....
    O and another weird thing.. sometimes i can play arma 2.. performance is not too good because of the hiccups, but it doesnt crash my pc.. Except when i tried to raise the cpu/fsb multiplier up to x14 it would crash sometimes.
    ANYWAYS please help me figure this out i dont understand all these experiences dont make sense to me.

    Well, this is the motherboard i have:
    I dont know how to check if its a "winkie" board.?
    Anyways. I can confirm that flashing the bios back to 4.0 did nohing for me.. Exact same results. I also changed my PSU and got exact same problem.
     So so far its not:
    Cooler (i'm pretty sure its not the cooler because i went from my antec cooler to reapplying paste on my antec to stock cooler to reapplying paste on stock cooler twice. After 4-5 times playing with the coolers and paste i'm pretty sure its not the Cooler/paste causing the issue.
    And 97C isn't possible, the board should shutdown at about 70C.
    I gurantee you this is what the motherboard monitoring stated.
    yes 45C isnt good i know that. And i cant seem to do anything about it. The weird thing is the first test run the temperature was at high 30's second try with reapplied paste bios said temperature was at the low 20's (21-23C) But as i booted OCCt temperatures readings said 70C which made no sense to me.
    So i finally put the stock cooler and so far all the readings have been in the 43-47C range. Except for that one time i changed the "Cpu Voltage (V)" to 1.2840 which btw was the highest setting possible in the bios and caused my readings to go off the chart at 97C range. I can confirm doing this over and over will give me same results. All the higher settings are in red or "Not recommended" and also force the mobo to not boot. 1.2840V is the only setting that i can change aside from auto that will alow my mobo to reboot. And its also the highest thats not in the red zone
    I'm now able to get on with you guys because the multiplier is at 13X and temps in OCCT AND mobo are conistent with one another reading at 45-47C.
    My friend is suggesting me to get a new mobo but before i do i want to know if it's really the motherboard or the cpu... I bought this cpu last week and i can still RMA it if thats the problem.

  • MSI 790GX-G65 Hangs when loading windows

    Corsair 650W PSU (New)
    MSI 790GX-G65
    AMD Phenom II - Deneb 810 2.6 GHZ with XIGMATEK HDT-S1283 Heatsink(New)
    GeForce 260gx(Not in board at the moment)
    4x1gb SuperTalent 1333ghz DDR3
    500GB Seagate (used to be an external)
    64GB Crucial SSD (New, no OS)
    I bought my computer in July 2009 and have had a reoccurring problem where, at any random point, my computer would completely lock up causing me to force shut down.
    At first I thought it was a power supply so I replaced that and the problem persisted. Usually I would be on my computer, it would hang and I would restart it and everything would be fine for the rest of the day. Some days it wouldn't hang at all and run perfectly fine. I thought that maybe it was a heat issue so I've had my case open with a box fan sucking air out it. I just recently bought a new heat sink for my CPU to sure up any doubt.
    Last weekend, I attempted to do some more troubleshooting and updated my BIOS, but my computer really didn't like it. Now it will not boot Windows after POST. I cleared CMOS and tried again but the same issue would occur. I would get into the Windows loading screen and the computer would lock up or it would make it to the login screen but would restart.
    I considered the possibility that my HDD, being an old external, might have been the problem so I just recently purchased a new SSD. Last night I plugged in the SSD and in my attempt to load Windows on it, it would completely lock up the same exact way. I've narrowed it down to either being the SATA cables or the SATA connectors to the motherboard.
    The two SATA cables that I am using are a bit old. One of them I found in my cable drawer and don't know how old it is or what the gb/s rating on it is. The other cable came stock with the MoBo and I've been using that one since the rig was built. I am going to buy some new SATA cables tonight and try again, but would it be that the motherboard SATA connectors are faulty or something? I was about to buy a new Motherboard but this one is POSTing fine and reading all of my hardware. What other issues could there be? Any help would be very much appreciated.

    I was reading about how to install the >>Use the MSI HQ Forum USB flasher<<.
    It's saying in step 3:
    If your MSI Retail Board is properly detected and you have pressed the >OK< button in the message box, an option box will pop up that allows you to choose between three different operating modes.
    I came across this FAQ:
    ->Q: Can I prepare USB stick in another mainboard?
    A: * If you want to use method 3 it will not be possible, since Tool will detect different MSI board which uses a corresponding different BIOS.
        * If your other mainboard is retail MSI, yes you can.
    My current system is unusable which will mean that I'll have to install and create the USB flasher on a laptop that doesn't have a MSI MoBo. Will it still work?

  • 790GX-G65: Freeze, IDE issue

    my 790GX-G65 worked well for ~2 weeks. Problems started then.
    1. For some reason, no IDE devices are shown nor accessible in Win XP (SP3, fresh install). This occurred after BIOS update from 1.1 to 1.3. BUT the BIOS sees the IDE devices, and I can boot Linux from that CD drive.
    I can see the AMD PCI IDE controller (v5.1.0.8) and also the secondary channel (MS driver, v. 5.1.2600.2180) with settings for DMA etc. The HDD is master, CD/DVD is slave.
    Going back to BIOS 1.1 does not fix this problem.
    The ATI SB driver (Catalyst 9.6) was installed, but after de-installation it is the same: no IDE drives.
    2. More headaches:
    Since 1 week the system freezes randomly, when running BOINC (at ~75% load, 2 cores). Today it has not freezed, BOINC was off.
    Other symptoms:
    -prime95 states calculation errors
    -memtest86 sees some errors, but could also run for some hours without error
    So, I changed the mem settings to 2T: Freezes. Changed CL from 9 to 10: Freezes.
    Memory is GEiL 4GB, 9-9-9 (2 modules, in slots 1&2), Value PC3-10600(DDR3-1333). It is not listed in the provided PDF for the board, but it should work.
    CPU is Phenom II 705e (3 cores).
    The board is not OC. All settings in BIOS is on defaults (except some settings mentioned above). QnC is on.
    All is as it should be (HT speed 2000, bus speed 200, CPU 2500, core voltage jumps up and down)
    PSU is a new Enermax 82+, 385W. Should be sufficient; I am using the onboard grafics (sideport only).
    All temperatures are mostly below 40 deg C, and currently 27 deg C, without BOINC.
    Any ideas? What to return? Board? Mem? CPU?
    What else could I try?
    ALL hints welcome...
    BR, cooper2k9.

    Quote from: Bas on 11-July-09, 00:47:47
    And who created IO-meter and AHCI?
    I believe the same company that pushes it.
    As all other benchmarks show better results for IDE, test with ATTO or HDTune.
    Hi Bas,
    I am aware that intel made IOmeter. And supports AHCI.
    Quote from: Bas on 11-July-09, 00:47:47
    That's not a lot, should be way above 40MB/sec.
    I don't care about numbers, just directions - in this case.
    Results of HDTune Pro, on my C:\ drive (500GB ST, NTFS), results for read access:
    Min Transfer [MB/s] 53.3:19.8
    Max Transfer [MB/s] 109.7:109.6
    Avg Transfer [MB/S] 86.2:82.8
    Access time [ms] 12.5:12.5
    Burst rate [MB/s] 132.7:125.0
    CPU usage [%] 8.2:11.1
    Pretty accurate tool, imho!
    The tendency of both lines over the disk are quite the same, except more spikes downwards with IDE.
    CPU usage surprises me.
    Have a nice evening
    BTW: My system seems stable now, with RAM speed @ 1066MHz.

  • 790GX-G65 bad flash

    I'm new here, and of course that's because I made a stupid mistake (or more than one).
    I was informed that I could 'unlock' the fourth core on my AMD Phenom II (on http://us.msi.com/landing/amd_quadcore/amd_quadcore.html) so that seemed worth the risk of trying. I followed their instructions and when I rebooted the system didn't work anymore, except for some serious beeping.
    I panicked a little but with the 'Clear CMOS' button I was able to get back into the BIOS, and got my system to work again.
    Still wanting to try to 'unlock' the fourth core, I found an updated 1.5 BIOS with Support for the "CPU Core Control" function.
    (on http://www.msi.com/index.php?func=downloaddetail&type=bios&maincat_no=1&prod_no=1739)
    I checked, and was running 1.4 at the time.
    I downloaded 1.5 and updated it through M-flash. It seemed to work just fine until when rebooted back in the M-flash section of the BIOS, with no other options.
    I now suspect this may have been booted from the USB-stick (or the dual boot thing, I am not sure). As the only thing I could do in the BIOS-menu was to update the BIOS again, I tried. This time it gave a warning that the version did not match something, but i don't remember what.
    This could have been a smart point not to go ahead with that same flash, but I did. It again seemed to update the BIOS, but this time it would not boot at all anymore.
    The computer remained on on a black screen. After a couple minutes I restarted the system to see if it would boot, but nope. Fans start running, lights come on, I hear the HD spinning up, but no reaction. I tried with and without the USB-stick, but no responses. Screen never seems to get any signal.
    Guess I really screwed this BIOS up now, and hope there still is a way to fix this.
    Still kinda new at this and have been reading a lot to find an answer.
    I found stuff about hotswapping the BIOS (kinda hard since it is soldered on), using floppydisks (where can I still find one of those?), or using certain key-combinations on PS2-keyboards, but I finally got a bit scared and thought to ask you before screwing it up even more, if possible.
    Hope you can help.
    This is my hardware, if you need more info please let me know. I (was) run(ning) Windows 7 Ultimate RC.
    MSI 790GX-G65, 790GX+SB750, Socket-AM3, DDR3, ATX, 2xPCI-Ex(2.0)x16, GbLan, HDMI, DVI
    AMD Phenom II X3 720 Black Edition, Triple Core, 2,8Ghz, AM3, 95W, Boxed
    Antec NSK4480B Mini Tower Case, Black, w/380W PSU
    Samsung DVD±RW burner, SH-S223B 22x DVD, DVDRAM, SATA, Black, Bulk
    Crucial DDR3 1333MHz 4GB KIT, CL9, Kit w/two matched DDR3 2GB, 240pin
    Samsung spinpoint T166 SATA 500 GB
    Samsung SyncMaster 245B Plus connected through DVI on the onboard Radeon HD3300[/li]
    Thanks in advance!

    Ok seeing how nobody knows the answer to your problems and which I know, nobody wants to be in a position where a bad flash has gone awry. I have to tell everyone here that MSI has screwed up bigtime on its latest bios revision for this mainboard! there seems to be a fatal error when flashing with the M-flash. MSI seriously needs to add a note to the new .150 bios and add DO NOT FLASH THIS BIOS WITH M-FLASH AS IT WILL BRICK YOUR MOTHERBOARD, USE HQ MSI USB TOOL INSTEAD well thats the sad truth about it all. I was in your same position and all of this could have been avoided with a little note attached to the new bios update. Now here´s the good news  you can recover it with the help of some czech programmers and a little ingenuity. follow the trail and put it all together in order to learn how to flash the damaged bios through the spi diagnostic port, no need to desolder or anyother physical hack. heres a diagram of the boards diagnostic port, numbers are based on a parallel header. you will need 4 150 ohm resistors 1/4 watt, skip the 1uf cap in the schematic from here http://www.fccps.cz/download/adv/frr/spi/msi_spi.html as you do not need an external power source. VCC is unused in our case as the motherboard still boots standby power. Run CWSDPMI.EXE before SPIPGM.EXE
    SChematic in order to build the cable
    the following commands are used to identify, erase and finally flash the dead bios chip
    SPIPGM.exe /i
    SPIPGM /e
    SPIPGM /p bios.120 (i used bios version 1.2 to be on the safe side)
         Vcc  |o o|  Vcc <-- (both not used)
    10   SO  |o o|   SI   9
     7   CS# |o o| SCLK   8
         GND  |o o|  GND  18
          n.c. |o  |
    1. Build an SPI Cable and install header pins on jspi1 port
    2. Leave the computer connected in standby power and attach the cable to the jspi1 pinout and attach the parrallel end to another computer booting DOS (for example I built a custom freedos bootdisc with said programs)
    3. run the spi server then run the spi software
    4. detect, erase, flash
    5turn pc on and learn from your mistakes
    Optional flash the new 150 bios with the HQ MSI USB TOOL!
    Cheers , RadiatedAnt

  • 790gx-g65 with phenom quad cpu vin core voltage ?

    Hi people I wonder some experts may be able to help me here ?
    For weeks and weeks I have been struggling to get my PC to run correctly or boot into windows, I have a 3 boot system Vista,Seven and XP, and had always been using the windows 7 O/S until about three weeks ago when it failed to boot, I managed to get into vista, and XP so assumed something had become corrupt, but noticed XP verry sluggish to respond, and the mouse curser barely reacts, now vista also wont boot, and only accasionally will xp, I have run virus scans, and mailware scans, tune up programs on all drives, disconnected all but boot drive,and taken ram out one by one, but nothing seems to sort out the problem, today I noticed an amd overdrive tool that gives some system stats, and noticed that all my cpu cores run at arround 1 to 1.9 volts, but vin2 is at 154.88 volts, surely not ?, all tempretures appear ok, I'm hoping its a glitch of some type, but if not, how do I change it, or any ideas as to cause and what I may do to get my system back ?
    System specs as follows:-
    MSI 790GX-G65 790GX AM3 DDR3 VGA DVI HDMI 8 channel Blu-ray audio ATX Motherboard
    AMD Phenom II X4 955 Black Edition 3.2 GHz
    Kingston 4GB (2x2GB) DDR3 1333MHz HyperX Memory Kit CL7 1.7V
    Corsair Performance Series 128GB 2.5" SATAII Solid State Hard Drive
    power supply came with case it says :-  500 watt, Raidmax amp ratings :- +3.3 = 28.0a   +5v = 38.0a   +12v = 22.0a   -5v = 0.5 a   -12v = 0.8a   +5vsb = 2.0 a
    Graphics currently on board hd3300
    I think thats about all that may be relivent, some help would be grately appretiated

     Yes to what Fredrik said about Raidmax, those things belong in a junk box not a PC box. $25 piece of garbage. Fredrik put it too mildly.
    Maybe something like this: http://www.ebuyer.com/product/135514     Corsair TX650W

  • MSI 790GX-G65 delay before post

    Sorry for hijacking that other thread
    So I press the power button on my computer, then the case/mobo lights and fans (inc. cpu fan) turn on, but I have to wait about 20-30 seconds and then it posts.
    I built this system in June '09 but this problem didn't start til maybe October. This problem started happening BEFORE I updated/flashed, however I tried updating to solve the problem to no avail.
    I don't remember doing anything different when that problem started.
    My system:
    MSI 790GX-G65 motherboard
    AMD Phenom II x3 720 BE 2.8 ghz (not OC)
    G Skill 2x2GB ddr3 1600 ram (@ 1333 because of no OC)
    WD Caviar blue 320 GB 7200rpm hard drive
    HP 22x DVD burner 1170i w/ light scribe
    case: ABS Aplus el diablo
    monitor: HP 2009m 20" (DVI)
    Power Supply: Raidmax Hybrid 2 530 watt Modular (although I doubt that's the problem because power seems to be working - cpu fans turn on and mobo lights come on long before post)
    the power for the HD uses a 4-pin to SATA converter (for easier wiring) but I've tried it with regular SATA power cables
    I've tried running one ram stick
    swapped CD/dvd and Hard drive places on mobo (swapped HD from sata_0 to sata_1 etc)
    my case has a lot of wires for fans and lights, so just to make sure i disconnected those and left whatever was necessary connected
    I've tried changing the boot order HDD first, and also tried CD first just in case, didn't help
    none of these things helped :(
    if I left anything out that may help please say so
    EDIT: using onboard VGA (set as default display device in BIOS), OS is Windows 7 64bit RC in case those might help
    I currently have my case fans connected directly to molex power connectors from PSU, and hard drive and optical are both connected to regular SATA power connectors, regular SATA cables

    Quote from: Svet on 11-February-10, 15:38:52
    disconnect all storages and see how its goes,
    also do >>Clear CMOS Guide<< with power cord removed.
    if problem persist, write down and paste here what's written on the screen when the delay is happening.
    Quote from: CSN9 on 24-February-10, 05:24:10
    Yes! Disconnecting the hard drive stops the delay from happening. I had already cleared the CMOS the way the guide says, but I just did it again while the hard drive was disconnected. However, with the hard drive connected there is still the delay.
    Now that we know it has to do with the hard drive, does this mean I need a new one? I mean, I've always had the same hard drive and this problem didn't happen from the beginning. So does it mean I should reformat it or something?
    What hard drive is that? and where is connected?

  • 720 X3 -790GX-G65 and DDR 1600 ?

    Hi all ,    New MSI customer here .
      Ok ,So I got me a 790GX-G65 motherboard for cheap from Newegg on a "open box" deal $89.99 . Also got a 4870 1gb "open box" tooo for $129.99 and 4gb OCZ DDR1600 "new retail" for $65.99 (see signiture for model #'s) for a sweet upgrade from my BIOSTAR A770 A2+ motherboard with a 5000+ Black Edition along with 2x1gb Super Talent DDR800 and 3870 512mb .
     The 790GX-G65 was still in anti-static bag un-opened and all accessories were there ,only the sticker seal on the box was opened (lucky me) . I used My Power suppy and other goodies like , case , DVD and CD drives from my previous build and could'nt be happier about the performance boost I got for the $$$ spend !
      Ok, now that I've tried to give you a little background on the build here's is my issue or question (whichever you prefer) :
          I cannot get my memory to run at 1600 regardless of what I do  , I could'nt even run 1333mhz stable until I flashed to latest BIOS 1.3 ( board came with 1.1 ) @1333 RiG would run just fine booting up and up to desktop any type of stress at all like multi tasking it would get "flakey" and start pausing and jumping and gaming was out of the question, as the Video driver ( 9.4 BTW )would crash as soon as 3D started . After flashing to 1.3 bios all is well at 1333 and stable in Prime for hours on end with no errors. Games run well tooo ( Crysis all "very high" settings with 8xAA and 16xAF via CCC , smooth as silk @ 1280X1024 in Windows 7 RC ) .
        This is what I've tried so far to get RAM up to 1600mhz with no avail . BTW running in Dimms 3+4 (the two furthest from CPU socket)at the moment !
    1) changed fsb/dram ratio to 1.4 ............no luck !   
    2) raised dram voltage all the way up to 1.92 ! ........no luck !   
    3) set timings to OCZ's specs of 8-8-8-24 (and even set all timings to slowest BIOS would allow)..... no luck !   
    4) tried lowering HT and NB ratios along with CPU multiplier and raising FSB using 1.2 and 1.3.3 memory dividers to get ram up to 1600 without overclocking the CPU ......... no luck !   
    5) about every combination of 1-4
    and a few other things tooooo , can't remember every tweak I've tried !
      I get a post loop that will go on forever and never show anything on the screen when RAM is in dimms 3-4 , and using Dimms 1-2 I make it up to the initializing USB devices ,then get Cmos checksum error, which upon enter BIOS menu it has changed everything to "optimized defaults" without any input from me      !
      I'm alittle lost as to what to try next ,but I'd sure like to try to get the RAM up to 1600mhz instead of 1333mhz ,regardless of , the performance difference ( I read the post about AMD 1333 vs 1600 performance BTW )
     Since the memory is rated to run at that speed ,I'd atleast like to see it run that speed if nothing else .
      I don't think Power is a problem as I can overclock the 720 x3 up to 3.8 with just changing the multi to 19x and stable at stock voltage ( ********  ) ,even though 3.9 seems to be the wall with this ( 906 ) CPU ,that I have as no amount of volts will get me over that 
     Like I said earlier NEW MSI Customer ,,have played with a few older MSI boards ,but they were much older and other folks . This is the first MSI purchase made by myself , so far I 'm liking what I see 
         Any suggestions ?????     Or am I overlooking the Obvious ??
                              Thanks in advance ,for any replys!

    Quote from: Fredrik on 20-May-09, 04:43:58
    Do not have this board myself, but it may have to do with the memory used.  OCZ memory's name says it all:
    " Special Ops Urban Elite "   
    Much prefer Corsair, and have ever since dear Richard helped me out a thousand years ago.
      I've owned just about every brand of memory ( or installed on clients machines ) available to the mainsteam public from retail sellers , I like Corsair toooo ,but was budget building on this build for myself and have used OCZ memory on a few builds for customers and never had any problems whatsoever with their memory .
      The main reason I went with this choice on the memory was #1 price verses timings and speed compared to Corsair or Kingston Hyper X ,, Corsair was high dollar and timings were alittle slow in the price range I was looking for ,,,Kingstons timings were slowwwwww and voltage requirements were toooo high for my taste .
      From what I've seen , the only difference in these modules compared to OCZ's Gold edition is the heat spreader ,,timings seem to be the same . So I don't believe "Special Ops Urban Elite " means anything other than other than the color of the heat spreader used on it,,which I really could'nt care less about !
         Thanks for the input ,,, any and all comments or suggestions are appreciated !

  • 790GX-G65 Phenom II 550 Overclocking BSOD

    Ok so this is my 1st post here so forgive me if i don't get it correct.
    My system is:
    MB - 790GX-G65
    Bios v1.6 11302009, I have turned off quiet n cool, spread spectrum, and CPU C1E State, (these are the only settings i changed in bios besides boot sequence and splash screen).
    CPU - Phenom II X2 550
     3.939Ghz (19.5 multiplier, 1.5v cpu core, 1.52v vdd cpu core, 1.3v cpu nb, fsb 202, temp never got past 55c under load)
    RAM - OCZ reaper(12800) 2x2Gb 1600
    6-6-6-18 1T 1333 1.71v
    Vid - (2) Sapphire 4850 1gb
    (Stock OC from Sapphire) 625Mhz gpu, 993Mhz ram
    HD - Sata samsung 500Gig
    DVD - LG IDE DVD +-Berner
    PSU - 700w OCZ Stealth Extreme
    Mouse/Keyboard - Logitech MX518, Logitech wireless keyboard+mouse
    Fans - I have 7 120mm Yate Loon (93 cfm), and 1 200mm coolermaster (150 cfm)
    Case - Coolermaster HAF 922
    OS - Windows 7 Ultimate X64
    Now, onto the issue.  The setup i listed above seems to be stable, I ran Everest Ultimate Edition v5.30's stability test for over 5hr's without a problem.  So i thought it was all good, well turns out i was wrong.  So I shut down the stability test and was surfing around on the net for a couple hours, watching movies, posting on forums, ect, then wham! i get a BSOD.  I restart and look at my Event Viewer and see Critical: Kernel-Power 41 (63), so i do some looking around on google and find that this error can be cause by anything from drivers to hibernate.  I turned off hibernate in windows and updated all my drivers and restarted.  It seemed ok again for a couple hr's and then the bsod came back.
    Did some more research and then disabled RacTask in the Task Scheduler, Changed my hibernate size to 100% (powercfg/hibernate /size 100), Ran a filecheck (sfc/scannow) nothing was found.  Restarted after all of that, played around for a couple of hr's then the same BSOD kernel-power 41 (63)
    I thought it might be my memory or timing, the stock timing is for 7-7-7-24, 1600, 1.7v and i have mine at 6-6-6-18, 1T, 1333, 1.7v.  So i set my CPU back to its stock settings (3.1Ghz, Auto voltage) and did a windows ram test after startup.  The test said that everything was ok.  I have been running Everest for 11hr's, so i'm fairly sure that my memory is ok and not causing the bsod.
    Can anyone tell me what else to do to get rid of this kernel-power issue?  Bios settings, Windows services, tricks i'm willing to try just about anything atm.
    Thanks in advance.

    Nope, i unplugged the bad hd and still getting the error...
    Figured i'd keep this updated if anyone else has this problem.

  • Re: MSI 790gx-g65 no post, no beep (split)

    I am in an almost identical situation and it is ruining my christmas. My 790GX-G65 had been running with no problems for several months.
    I was running a routine backup and the PC powered itself off - no it was not set to self power off, it had at least 10 minutes left to run.
    I have gone through all the usual stuff and now the mainboard is on my test bench with just the cpu/hsf and a stick of RAM.
    When I press the power button the fans spin up and leds come on - Does anybody know what the LED indicators indicate? I can find no reference in my manual or searching google. NB1, LED2, LED3 and LED4 light up, LED1 doesn't.
    It doesn't post or even send a signal to the monitor - i.e. the monitor detects a cable is connected but is receiving no signal. I have tried using 2 separate pci-e cards as well as the integrated. It does appear to be on though. And it doesn't turn itself off. I left it running for just over 20 minutes and it was in the same state - fans running.
    Also now holding the power button won't turn the mainboard off - plugging in an external power button doesn't work either. I have to turn off the PSU to power down the board.
    AMD Phenom II X4 955BE
    MSI 790GX-G65
    OCZ 2x2GB DDR3
    Corsair HX520 Modular
    Xigmatek HSF
    MSI/ATI HD4870 1GB
    none of it is overclocked and has never been.
    I updated the mainboard bios several weeks ago via liveupdate in windows to iirc v1.5.
    The only parts I don't have to test are a replacement CPU or PSU. I should be able to get my hands on another PSU tomorrow but anybody who can tell me what the LED indicators stand for would be a real help.

    Hey Andy2009,
    I seem to be having the same issue with my son's system. We put it together just over a year ago then all of sudden, BAM!!! Just wouldn't boot.
    Press the power button, the fans spin up, with the exception of LED1, the remaining LED's light. No video signal is detected by the monitor. Although it appears to be powered up, the system doesn't POST, not a single beep. It just remains on.
    Also now holding the power button down for any lenght of time, does not shutoff the power supply. To turn it off you must disconnect the AC power line to the supply.
    System Specs:
    MSI 785G-E53
    AMD Phenom II X4 965BE
    ADATA 2x2GB DDR3L-1333G
    Has never been overclocked.
    According to the user manual, the LED's are indicators for the "NB Phase" and "Active Phase Switching" mode for the CPU. I'm not sure what that means but the chart showing the LED status, shows that LED1, regardless of what power mode the CPU is in, should be lit. As the modes change the next LED# lights. My guess is that something happened to the phase 1 power mode circuitry on the mainboard.
    I began troubleshooting by replacing the PC power supply. Disconnected all the peripherals, removed the mainboard from the case, reseated the processor and memory, tried to reset CMOS, etc... By the end of the week, I purchased another mainboard/processor bundle and quickly determined that the mainboard was root cause . The AMD Phenom II X4 965 BE CPU seems to be fine. I'll be sending this board back as an RMA.
    I tried searching the internet  for POST type issues for MSI 785G-E53 with very little results  . After replacing the mainboard, I noticed the 785G-E53 lettering on the mainboard was actually a label, covering the silkscreen lettering 790GX-G65. Did another quick search on-line  and found this forum posting.
    I know this doesn't answer your question, but hopefully it will help others.
    So what does all this mean, that is the "NB Phase" and "Active Phase Switching" LED's?   
    Thanks in advance,

  • Flickering with Onboard Graphics on 790GX-G65

    Hi Everyone,
    I recently put together my own AMD based machine and am very happy with it. It's the first desktop I've had since I switched to a laptop for uni in 2004 :D.
    The problem that I'm experiencing is that whenever the UAC window pops up, there is some flickering (Almost like static in an old video tape). Worse, it sometimes (Very rarely) happens even when the UAC window is not there :(. Has anyone else experienced this same problem? I did a quick search in this board before posting this and I haven't found anything similar. I have already tried the monitor with another machine (My laptop) and it does not show the same issue. It seems to me to be a problem with the on-board graphics card. I'm trying to get a DVI cable to try connecting the monitor that way. Any help would be much appreciated.
    Here is some more information on the computer:
    CPU: AMD Phenom II X4 955 3.2 GHz
    Motherboard: MSI 790GX-G65, MS-7576, AMI Bios 1.3
    RAM: Kingston ValueRAM DDR3 1333 MHz 2 GB x 2 sticks (KVR1333D3N9/2G)
    Video Card: None (Using onboard graphics)
    Hard Drive: Samsung Spinpoint F3 1 TB 7200 RPM SATA (HD103SJ)
    Wireless LAN Card: D-Link DWA-510 Wireless G PCI WLAN card
    Sound Card: None (Using onboard sound)
    HP DVD1260 DVD-Writer
    Monitor: Samsung 2233SWPlus (21.5" Widescreen), connected via normal VGA connector (This one)
    OS: Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit
    PSU: Corsair TX-750 750W 80+ PSU
    I hope to be getting an XFX 5870 soon, so hopefully this will disappear and won't plague me then ;D.

    Quote from: Hans on 04-February-10, 01:31:23
    @websherpa: different board, start your own topic. Do not hijack this one.
    Actually, I will post elsewhere if necessary, but I respectfully submit that I did NOT intend a hijack. I did not ask readers to find a solution to my particular problem. I indicated that I have a very similar problem and am seeking a solution through experimentation.  My solution may help this users issue.  I think it's likely a problem that's not entirely board specific (since I have found numerous posts about this very same issue with onboard Radeon chips and Windows 7 and x64) and therefore an understanding of a solution for any one set-up or combination may result in a solution for all. I provided system information solely to indicate whether there is some common causality.   I think it's only really appropriate for the original author to determine whether a post is off topic or not unless a post is obviously way off base (your mileage obviously differs).
    My appologies to lohita if you think I was trying to hijack your post.  I was simply trying to contribute to see if there is a common cause.
    Bas: you have a very good point.  "Patient: Doctor, Doctor it hurts when I do THIS!  Doctor: Well...then don't do THAT."  

  • MSI 790GX-G65 - No display

    The problem started a couple days ago. My machine started displaying corrupt graphics, something like pink artifacts on the screen and it would freeze. My Windows 8 x64 showed the new death screen and rebooted it. This happened couple times today and the machine wouldn't display at all.
    When I turn on, Processor fan spins, NB1, LED1 & LED2 were ON. LED3 and LED4 were completely OFF. My USB Keyboard and Mouse didn't get any power after I switched ON.
    I tried the following.
    1. Tried a different PSU
    2. Tried installing a GFX card (Power Color ATI Radeon 4870)
    3. Tried removing / swapping memory modules. (When no memory was installed I get the typical memory error beep, 3 long beeps.)
    System Config
    CPU : AMD Phenom II 1055T x6 - 2.8Ghz
    Board : MSI 790GX G65 (BIOS updated to Latest one, when I last checked for update it notified that my system's BIOS is latest)
    Memory : Corsair Vengeance 4 GB DDR3 + Transcend 2 GB DDR3
    KB : Logitech G510 USB Gaming Keyboard
    Mouse : Logitech G400 USB Gaming Mouse
    HDD : Seagate 1 TB
    OS : Windows 8 Pro x64
    Onboard OC set to Default (both switches in ON position)
    Can any one let me know what could be the problem?

    I was using Cooler Master eXtreme Power Plus 500W (http://www.coolermaster.in/product.php?product_id=3738) when the problem occurred. I was using it without any problem for more than 3 years with the same board. I then tested with Cooler Master 650W SMPS (Not sure about the model).
    I still didn't tryout what Flobelix suggested since am at my office right now, will give that a try when I reach home.

  • 790GX G65 Firewire and USB problem

    I've m-audio firewire 410 sound card and cubase5 (has a usb dongle to work)
    before this mainboard I was using K9A2 platinium V2 and Amd 9950  cpu everything was working perfectly
    now I've upgraded my board (as you see) and bought a AMD 955
    now when I install the sound card driver it's making somekind of digital distortion and also the sound is moving to faster or slower (all the time) so I'M hearing funny voices
    The Cubase5 Usb dongle is having some connection problem. It force me to change the usb port everytime I start cubase
    I've updated my bios but guess what.... They're still with me.
    Please some help
    I'm using Vista home premium 32, I've tried it on Xp and windows 7 64 RC7100   the resoult is always the same

    Quote from: Bas on 19-July-09, 16:39:47
    Are the energy settings properly configured for USB and the CPU?
    Could be Cubase doesn't like Cool & Quite?
    Can Cubase work with quad-core?
    Can the powersupply handle everything?
    What is in your system, we don't know much: >>Posting Guide<<
    Read the guide this time.
    My system is
    MSI 790GX G65 , AMD 955 BE, Corsair 1600 MHZ 4 GB (TW3X4G1600C9D) , 6 HDD (one is IDE),  ZOTAX 9800 GTX+, 750 watt PSU(corsair TX750W)
    I've some pci card for my music buss. but i didn't install them yet. Not before everything works fine
    Cubase works fine with quad core , my ex-system was a quad core. 
    the problem with cubase comes this way. I turn on the pc (dongle is on all the time) start cubase and get the message "Connection problem with dongle change the usb port) after I change it everthing works fine. infact I'm not making cubase problem a big deal. my real problem is firewire.
    About the energy settings, I didn't change anything on mainboard, why do I need to change the power settings for usb? aren't they standart?

Maybe you are looking for