7960 gets stuck in " configuring IP" while in use

Hi all,
Some phones in my environment sometimes during a day disconnect from CUCM and show only " configuring IP" after unplug and plug the ethernet cable the phones work fine for a undefined time until this happens again.
I already changed the Ethernet cable, but this didn't solve the Problem.
It's only a hand full of about 200 Phones and it is everytime the same phones.
What could this issue be?

Hi Cris, Does the phones are configured with DHCP or static IP?
If DHCP, try using static ip configuration,
Or try to reset the phone to factory defaults, check this link.
Hope this help

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    Some general advice on updating:
    It is worth noting that it is an extreme rarity for updates to cause upsets to your system, as they have all been extensively beta-tested, but they may well reveal pre-existing ones, particularly those of which you may have been unaware. If you are actually aware of any glitches, make sure they are fixed before proceeding further.
    So before you do anything else:
    If you can, make a full backup first to an external hard disk. Ideally you should always have a bootable clone of your system that enables you to revert to the previous pre-update state.
    Turn off sleep mode for both screen and hard disk.
    Disconnect all peripherals except your keyboard and mouse.
    1. Repair Permissions (in Disk Utility)
    2. Verify the state of your hard disk using Disk Utility. If any faults are reported, restart from your install disk (holding down the C key), go to Disk Utility, and repair your startup disk. Restart again to get back to your startup disk.
    At least you can now be reasonably certain that your system does not contain any obvious faults that might cause an update/upgrade to fail.
    3. Download the correct version of the COMBO update from the Apple download site.
    The Combo updater of Leopard 10.5.8 can be found here:
    If you prefer to download updates via Software Update in the Apple menu (which would ensure that the correct version for your Mac was being downloaded), it is not recommended to allow SU to install major (or even minor) updates automatically. Set Software Update to just download the updater without immediately installing it. There is always the possibility that the combined download and install (which can be a lengthy process) might be interrupted by a power outage or your cat walking across the keyboard, and an interrupted install will almost certainly cause havoc. Once it is downloaded, you can install at a time that suits you. You should make a backup copy of the updater on a CD in case you ever need a reinstall.
    Full details about the 10.5.8 update here: http://support.apple.com/kb/HT3606
    More information on using Software Updater here:
    Using the Combo updater ensures that all system files changed since the original 10.5.0 are included, and any that may have been missed out or subsequently damaged will be repaired. The Delta updater, although a temptingly smaller download, only takes you from the previous version to the new one, i.e. for example from 10.5.7 to 10.5.8. Software Update will generally download the Delta updater only. The preferable Combo updater needs to be downloaded from Apple's download site.
    Now proceed as follows:
    4. Close all applications and turn off energy saving and screensaver.
    5. Unplug all peripherals except your keyboard and mouse.
    6. Install the update/upgrade. Do not under any circumstances interrupt this procedure. Do not do anything else on your computer while it is installing. Be patient.
    7. When it ask for a restart to complete the installation, click restart. This can take longer than normal, there are probably thousands of files to overwrite and place in the correct location. Do nothing while this is going on.
    8. Once your Mac is awake, repair permissions again, and you should be good to go!
    If your Mac seems slightly sluggish or ‘different’, perform a second restart. It can’t hurt and is sometimes efficacious! In fact a second restart can be recommended.
    9. Open a few of your most used applications and check that all is OK. In this connection please remember that not all manufacturers of third party applications and plug-ins, add-ons, haxies etc, will have had time to do any necessary rewrites to their software to make them compliant with the latest version of your operating system. Give them a week or two while you regularly check their websites for updates.
    N.B. Do not attempt to install two different updates at the same time as each may have different routines and requirements. Follow the above recommendations for each update in turn.
    Lastly, Apple's own article on the subject of Software Update may also be useful reading:
    [b]If you are updating Safari (or just have):[/b]
    Input Managers from third parties can do as much harm as good. They use a security loophole to reach right into your applications' code and change that code as the application starts up.  If you have installed an OS update and Safari is crashing, the very [i]first[/i] thing to do is clear out your InputManagers folders (both in your own Library and in the top-level /Library), log out and log back in, and try again.
    So, disable all third party add-ons before updating Safari, as they may not have been updated yet for the new version. Add them back one by one. If something goes awry, remove it again and check on the software manufacturer's website for news of an update to match your version of Safari.
    Most errors reported here after an update are due to an unrepaired or undetected inherent fault in the system, and/or a third party add-on.
    Additional tips on software installation here:
    To reiterate, Input Managers reach right into an application and alter its code. This puts the behavior of the affected application outside the control and responsibility of its developers: a recipe for  problems. That's not to say that issues absolutely will ensue as a result of Input Managers, but you, as a user, must decide. If the functionality of a specific Input Manager or set thereof is really important to you, you may well choose to assume the associated risk.
    Again, the advice is to remove all Input Managers from the following directories:
    especially prior to system updates (they can always be added back one-by-one later).
    Solutions for troubleshooting installation, startup, and login issues in Mac OS X v10.5

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    Bellow is the PDApp.log, any help would be grateful.
    11/13/2013 15:26:20 [INFO] DeploymentManager - Build Version -
    11/13/2013 15:26:20 [INFO] DeploymentManager - Logging Level verbosity Set  to 4
    11/13/2013 15:26:20 [INFO] DeploymentManager - Executing immediate custom action for install mode.
    11/13/2013 15:26:20 [INFO] DeploymentManager - The CustomActionData string is : mode=install;sourceDir=d:\32bit Adobe2\Build\;installDir=;origDB=d:\32bit Adobe2\Build\32bit Adobe2.msi
    11/13/2013 15:26:20 [INFO] DeploymentManager - Successfully executed the immediate custom action for install mode .
    11/13/2013 15:26:25 [INFO] DeploymentManager - Build Version -
    11/13/2013 15:26:25 [INFO] DeploymentManager - Logging Level verbosity Set  to 4
    11/13/2013 15:26:25 [INFO] DeploymentManager - Executing the deferred custom action.
    11/13/2013 15:26:25 [INFO] DeploymentManager - Obtained the following as CustomActionData
    11/13/2013 15:26:25 [INFO] DeploymentManager - mode=install;sourceDir=d:\32bit Adobe2\Build\;installDir=;origDB=d:\32bit Adobe2\Build\32bit Adobe2.msi
    11/13/2013 15:26:25 [INFO] DeploymentManager - mode=install;sourceDir=d:\32bit Adobe2\Build\;installDir=;origDB=d:\32bit Adobe2\Build\32bit Adobe2.msi
    11/13/2013 15:26:25 [INFO] DeploymentManager - Original database path is : d:\32bit Adobe2\Build\32bit Adobe2.msi
    11/13/2013 15:26:25 [INFO] DeploymentManager - OptionXML saved at location :: C:\Users\mseddon\AppData\Local\Temp\{386867CE-0461-4FC3-83EA-466DEF7D5226}\\{0CB84CF3-741 B-4DDA-B3DF-B3066BA0B327}
    11/13/2013 15:26:25 [INFO] DeploymentManager - Build Version -
    11/13/2013 15:26:25 [INFO] DeploymentManager - Logging Level verbosity Set  to 4
    11/13/2013 15:26:25 [INFO] DeploymentManager - Initializing Custom Action Data from parameters
    11/13/2013 15:26:25 [INFO] Utilities - Folder does not exist
    11/13/2013 15:26:25 [INFO] DeploymentManager - Provisioning Tool path is (C:\Users\mseddon\AppData\Local\Temp\{386867CE-0461-4FC3-83EA-466DEF7D5226}\\{3E60E409-97 DF-4D53-A4EB-846FB440181F}).
    11/13/2013 15:26:25 [INFO] DeploymentManager - Starting to run the custom action for install mode
    11/13/2013 15:26:25 [INFO] DeploymentManager - STEP 1: Starting to parse Option XML.
    11/13/2013 15:26:25 [INFO] DeploymentManager - Deployment XML created at path :: C:\Users\mseddon\AppData\Local\Temp\{1B76C0EA-C5CA-468A-AC2E-AF580CF03F2E}\\{65525300-78B 5-4102-95D3-6980332AB10A}
    11/13/2013 15:26:25 [INFO] DeploymentManager - Deployment Manager is running in Install Mode.
    11/13/2013 15:26:25 [INFO] DeploymentManager - Self-Update BootStrapper Relative Path doesn't exist.
    11/13/2013 15:26:25 [INFO] DeploymentManager - Override XML created at path :: C:\Users\mseddon\AppData\Local\Temp\{1B76C0EA-C5CA-468A-AC2E-AF580CF03F2E}\\{27B51110-840 2-40F6-AD4D-7C85BC150CF0}
    11/13/2013 15:26:25 [INFO] DeploymentManager - No of updates found (11).
    11/13/2013 15:26:25 [INFO] DeploymentManager - STEP 2: Starting to launch media Bootstrapper.
    11/13/2013 15:26:25 [INFO] DeploymentManager - Bootstrapper launch location is :: d:\32bit Adobe2\Build\Setup\Set-up.dat
    11/13/2013 15:26:25 [INFO] Setup - Build Version - 6.0.335.0
    11/13/2013 15:26:25 [INFO] Setup - Logging Level verbosity Set  to 4
    11/13/2013 15:26:25 [INFO] Setup - Start Adobe Setup
    11/13/2013 15:26:25 [INFO] Setup - TimeLog: Bootstrapper Start
    11/13/2013 15:26:25 [INFO] Setup - TimeLog: Start initial checks
    11/13/2013 15:26:25 [INFO] Setup - Action specified - "install"
    11/13/2013 15:26:25 [ERROR] Setup - Error parsing command line arguments at - "DISABLE_CCM_DESKTOPSHORTCUT".
    Expected arguments are -
    11/13/2013 15:26:25 [INFO] PIM - Trying to access xml at path:d:\32bit Adobe2\Build\Setup\resources\setup.xml
    11/13/2013 15:26:25 [INFO] PIM - XML is valid
    11/13/2013 15:26:25 [WARN] PIM - Failed to find Node
    11/13/2013 15:26:25 [INFO] Setup - Found 6 packages in setup manifest
    11/13/2013 15:26:25 [INFO] Utilities - Semaphore is not locked
    11/13/2013 15:26:25 [INFO] PIM - Build Version - 6.0.335.0
    11/13/2013 15:26:25 [INFO] PIM - Logging Level verbosity Set  to 4
    11/13/2013 15:26:25 [INFO] Utilities - File does not exist
    11/13/2013 15:26:25 [INFO] Utilities - File does not exist
    11/13/2013 15:26:25 [INFO] PIM - Build Version - 6.0.335.0
    11/13/2013 15:26:25 [INFO] PIM - Logging Level verbosity Set  to 4
    11/13/2013 15:26:25 [INFO] PIM - CREATE PIM Instance ...
    11/13/2013 15:26:25 [INFO] Utilities - File does not exist
    11/13/2013 15:26:25 [INFO] Utilities - File does not exist
    11/13/2013 15:26:25 [INFO] PIM - trying to createOrUpdatePIMDbSchema.
    11/13/2013 15:26:25 [INFO] PIM - SUCCESS Created Tables.
    11/13/2013 15:26:25 [INFO] PIM - PIM Database is Up To Date.
    11/13/2013 15:26:25 [INFO] PIM - Updater Inventory location:d:\32bit Adobe2\Build\Setup\resources\updaterinventory.dll
    11/13/2013 15:26:25 [INFO] PIM - Acquired System level ACF lock ...
    11/13/2013 15:26:25 [INFO] PIM - Trying to access xml at path:d:\32bit Adobe2\Build\Setup\packages\core\PDApp.pimx
    11/13/2013 15:26:25 [INFO] PIM - XML is valid
    11/13/2013 15:26:25 [WARN] PIM - Failed to find Node
    11/13/2013 15:26:25 [INFO] PIM - Trying to access xml at path:d:\32bit Adobe2\Build\Setup\packages\D6\D6.pimx
    11/13/2013 15:26:25 [INFO] PIM - XML is valid
    11/13/2013 15:26:25 [WARN] PIM - Failed to find Node
    11/13/2013 15:26:25 [INFO] PIM - Trying to access xml at path:d:\32bit Adobe2\Build\Setup\packages\DECore\DECore.pimx
    11/13/2013 15:26:25 [INFO] PIM - XML is valid
    11/13/2013 15:26:25 [WARN] PIM - Failed to find Node
    11/13/2013 15:26:25 [INFO] PIM - Trying to access xml at path:d:\32bit Adobe2\Build\Setup\packages\DWA\DWA.pimx
    11/13/2013 15:26:25 [INFO] PIM - XML is valid
    11/13/2013 15:26:25 [WARN] PIM - Failed to find Node
    11/13/2013 15:26:25 [INFO] PIM - Trying to access xml at path:d:\32bit Adobe2\Build\Setup\packages\P6\P6.pimx
    11/13/2013 15:26:25 [INFO] PIM - XML is valid
    11/13/2013 15:26:25 [WARN] PIM - Failed to find Node
    11/13/2013 15:26:25 [INFO] PIM - Trying to access xml at path:d:\32bit Adobe2\Build\Setup\packages\LWA\LWA.pimx
    11/13/2013 15:26:25 [INFO] PIM - XML is valid
    11/13/2013 15:26:25 [WARN] PIM - Failed to find Node
    11/13/2013 15:26:25 [INFO] PIM - Trying to access xml at path:d:\32bit Adobe2\Build\Setup\packages\UWA\UWA.pimx
    11/13/2013 15:26:25 [INFO] PIM - XML is valid
    11/13/2013 15:26:25 [WARN] PIM - Failed to find Node
    11/13/2013 15:26:25 [INFO] PIM - pim_haveEnoughDiskSpaceToInstallPackages reqSize ... 104237697
    11/13/2013 15:26:25 [INFO] Setup - TimeLog: End initial checks
    11/13/2013 15:26:25 [INFO] Setup - TimeLog: Begin Installing
    11/13/2013 15:26:25 [INFO] Setup - Start Installing core package - d:\32bit Adobe2\Build\Setup\packages\core\PDApp.pimx
    11/13/2013 15:26:25 [INFO] PIM - START installPackage at file d:\32bit Adobe2\Build\Setup\packages\core\PDApp.pimx
    11/13/2013 15:26:25 [INFO] PIM - Trying to access xml at path:d:\32bit Adobe2\Build\Setup\packages\core\PDApp.pimx
    11/13/2013 15:26:25 [INFO] PIM - XML is valid
    11/13/2013 15:26:25 [WARN] PIM - Failed to find Node
    11/13/2013 15:26:25 [INFO] PIM - Validating package file: 'd:\32bit Adobe2\Build\Setup\packages\core\PDApp.pimx'
    11/13/2013 15:26:25 [INFO] PIM - Validating package file: 'd:\32bit Adobe2\Build\Setup\packages\core\PDApp.pima'
    11/13/2013 15:26:26 [INFO] PIM - SUCCESS insertPackageUpdateList.
    11/13/2013 15:26:26 [WARN] PIM - Failed to find Node
    11/13/2013 15:26:26 [INFO] PIM - SUCCESS insertAppletRegInfoList.
    11/13/2013 15:26:29 [INFO] Utilities - File does not exist
    11/13/2013 15:26:29 [INFO] PIM - SUCCESS installPackage at file d:\32bit Adobe2\Build\Setup\packages\core\PDApp.pimx.
    11/13/2013 15:26:29 [INFO] Setup - Finished Installing core package - d:\32bit Adobe2\Build\Setup\packages\core\PDApp.pimx, Return status: 0
    11/13/2013 15:26:29 [INFO] Setup - Start Installing package - d:\32bit Adobe2\Build\Setup\packages\D6\D6.pimx
    11/13/2013 15:26:29 [INFO] PIM - START installPackage at file d:\32bit Adobe2\Build\Setup\packages\D6\D6.pimx
    11/13/2013 15:26:29 [INFO] PIM - Trying to access xml at path:d:\32bit Adobe2\Build\Setup\packages\D6\D6.pimx
    11/13/2013 15:26:29 [INFO] PIM - XML is valid
    11/13/2013 15:26:29 [WARN] PIM - Failed to find Node
    11/13/2013 15:26:29 [INFO] PIM - Validating package file: 'd:\32bit Adobe2\Build\Setup\packages\D6\D6.pimx'
    11/13/2013 15:26:29 [INFO] PIM - Validating package file: 'd:\32bit Adobe2\Build\Setup\packages\D6\D6.pima'
    11/13/2013 15:26:29 [INFO] PIM - SUCCESS insertPackageUpdateList.
    11/13/2013 15:26:29 [INFO] PIM - SUCCESS insertAppletRegInfoList.
    11/13/2013 15:26:30 [INFO] Utilities - File does not exist
    11/13/2013 15:26:31 [INFO] PIM - SUCCESS installPackage at file d:\32bit Adobe2\Build\Setup\packages\D6\D6.pimx.
    11/13/2013 15:26:31 [INFO] Setup - Finished Installing package - d:\32bit Adobe2\Build\Setup\packages\D6\D6.pimx
    11/13/2013 15:26:31 [INFO] Setup - Start Installing package - d:\32bit Adobe2\Build\Setup\packages\DECore\DECore.pimx
    11/13/2013 15:26:31 [INFO] PIM - START installPackage at file d:\32bit Adobe2\Build\Setup\packages\DECore\DECore.pimx
    11/13/2013 15:26:31 [INFO] PIM - Trying to access xml at path:d:\32bit Adobe2\Build\Setup\packages\DECore\DECore.pimx
    11/13/2013 15:26:31 [INFO] PIM - XML is valid
    11/13/2013 15:26:31 [WARN] PIM - Failed to find Node
    11/13/2013 15:26:31 [INFO] PIM - Validating package file: 'd:\32bit Adobe2\Build\Setup\packages\DECore\DECore.pimx'
    11/13/2013 15:26:31 [INFO] PIM - Validating package file: 'd:\32bit Adobe2\Build\Setup\packages\DECore\DECore.pima'
    11/13/2013 15:26:31 [INFO] PIM - SUCCESS insertPackageUpdateList.
    11/13/2013 15:26:31 [WARN] PIM - Failed to find Node
    11/13/2013 15:26:31 [INFO] PIM - SUCCESS insertAppletRegInfoList.
    11/13/2013 15:26:33 [INFO] Utilities - File does not exist
    11/13/2013 15:26:33 [INFO] PIM - SUCCESS installPackage at file d:\32bit Adobe2\Build\Setup\packages\DECore\DECore.pimx.
    11/13/2013 15:26:33 [INFO] Setup - Finished Installing package - d:\32bit Adobe2\Build\Setup\packages\DECore\DECore.pimx
    11/13/2013 15:26:33 [INFO] Setup - Start Installing package - d:\32bit Adobe2\Build\Setup\packages\DWA\DWA.pimx
    11/13/2013 15:26:33 [INFO] PIM - START installPackage at file d:\32bit Adobe2\Build\Setup\packages\DWA\DWA.pimx
    11/13/2013 15:26:33 [INFO] PIM - Trying to access xml at path:d:\32bit Adobe2\Build\Setup\packages\DWA\DWA.pimx
    11/13/2013 15:26:33 [INFO] PIM - XML is valid
    11/13/2013 15:26:33 [WARN] PIM - Failed to find Node
    11/13/2013 15:26:33 [INFO] PIM - Validating package file: 'd:\32bit Adobe2\Build\Setup\packages\DWA\DWA.pimx'
    11/13/2013 15:26:33 [INFO] PIM - Validating package file: 'd:\32bit Adobe2\Build\Setup\packages\DWA\DWA.pima'
    11/13/2013 15:26:33 [INFO] PIM - SUCCESS insertPackageUpdateList.
    11/13/2013 15:26:33 [INFO] PIM - SUCCESS insertAppletRegInfoList.
    11/13/2013 15:26:34 [INFO] Utilities - File does not exist
    11/13/2013 15:26:34 [INFO] PIM - SUCCESS installPackage at file d:\32bit Adobe2\Build\Setup\packages\DWA\DWA.pimx.
    11/13/2013 15:26:34 [INFO] Setup - Finished Installing package - d:\32bit Adobe2\Build\Setup\packages\DWA\DWA.pimx
    11/13/2013 15:26:34 [INFO] Setup - Start Installing package - d:\32bit Adobe2\Build\Setup\packages\P6\P6.pimx
    11/13/2013 15:26:34 [INFO] PIM - START installPackage at file d:\32bit Adobe2\Build\Setup\packages\P6\P6.pimx
    11/13/2013 15:26:34 [INFO] PIM - Trying to access xml at path:d:\32bit Adobe2\Build\Setup\packages\P6\P6.pimx
    11/13/2013 15:26:34 [INFO] PIM - XML is valid
    11/13/2013 15:26:34 [WARN] PIM - Failed to find Node
    11/13/2013 15:26:34 [INFO] PIM - Validating package file: 'd:\32bit Adobe2\Build\Setup\packages\P6\P6.pimx'
    11/13/2013 15:26:34 [INFO] PIM - Validating package file: 'd:\32bit Adobe2\Build\Setup\packages\P6\P6.pima'
    11/13/2013 15:26:34 [INFO] PIM - SUCCESS insertPackageUpdateList.
    11/13/2013 15:26:34 [INFO] PIM - SUCCESS insertAppletRegInfoList.
    11/13/2013 15:26:37 [INFO] Utilities - File does not exist
    11/13/2013 15:26:37 [INFO] PIM - SUCCESS installPackage at file d:\32bit Adobe2\Build\Setup\packages\P6\P6.pimx.
    11/13/2013 15:26:37 [INFO] Setup - Finished Installing package - d:\32bit Adobe2\Build\Setup\packages\P6\P6.pimx
    11/13/2013 15:26:37 [INFO] Setup - Start Installing package - d:\32bit Adobe2\Build\Setup\packages\LWA\LWA.pimx
    11/13/2013 15:26:37 [INFO] PIM - START installPackage at file d:\32bit Adobe2\Build\Setup\packages\LWA\LWA.pimx
    11/13/2013 15:26:37 [INFO] PIM - Trying to access xml at path:d:\32bit Adobe2\Build\Setup\packages\LWA\LWA.pimx
    11/13/2013 15:26:37 [INFO] PIM - XML is valid
    11/13/2013 15:26:37 [WARN] PIM - Failed to find Node
    11/13/2013 15:26:37 [INFO] PIM - Validating package file: 'd:\32bit Adobe2\Build\Setup\packages\LWA\LWA.pimx'
    11/13/2013 15:26:37 [INFO] PIM - Validating package file: 'd:\32bit Adobe2\Build\Setup\packages\LWA\LWA.pima'
    11/13/2013 15:26:37 [INFO] PIM - SUCCESS insertPackageUpdateList.
    11/13/2013 15:26:37 [INFO] PIM - SUCCESS insertAppletRegInfoList.
    11/13/2013 15:26:39 [INFO] Utilities - File does not exist
    11/13/2013 15:26:39 [INFO] PIM - SUCCESS installPackage at file d:\32bit Adobe2\Build\Setup\packages\LWA\LWA.pimx.
    11/13/2013 15:26:39 [INFO] Setup - Finished Installing package - d:\32bit Adobe2\Build\Setup\packages\LWA\LWA.pimx
    11/13/2013 15:26:39 [INFO] Setup - Start Installing package - d:\32bit Adobe2\Build\Setup\packages\UWA\UWA.pimx
    11/13/2013 15:26:39 [INFO] PIM - START installPackage at file d:\32bit Adobe2\Build\Setup\packages\UWA\UWA.pimx
    11/13/2013 15:26:39 [INFO] PIM - Trying to access xml at path:d:\32bit Adobe2\Build\Setup\packages\UWA\UWA.pimx
    11/13/2013 15:26:40 [INFO] PIM - XML is valid
    11/13/2013 15:26:40 [WARN] PIM - Failed to find Node
    11/13/2013 15:26:40 [INFO] PIM - Validating package file: 'd:\32bit Adobe2\Build\Setup\packages\UWA\UWA.pimx'
    11/13/2013 15:26:40 [INFO] PIM - Validating package file: 'd:\32bit Adobe2\Build\Setup\packages\UWA\UWA.pima'
    11/13/2013 15:26:40 [INFO] PIM - SUCCESS insertPackageUpdateList.
    11/13/2013 15:26:40 [INFO] PIM - SUCCESS insertAppletRegInfoList.
    11/13/2013 15:26:41 [INFO] Utilities - File does not exist
    11/13/2013 15:26:42 [INFO] PIM - SUCCESS installPackage at file d:\32bit Adobe2\Build\Setup\packages\UWA\UWA.pimx.
    11/13/2013 15:26:42 [INFO] Setup - Finished Installing package - d:\32bit Adobe2\Build\Setup\packages\UWA\UWA.pimx
    11/13/2013 15:26:42 [INFO] PIM - Processing ... _pimCreateOrUpdateAAMInventory
    11/13/2013 15:26:42 [INFO] PIM - Return ... SUCCESS _pimCreateOrUpdateAAMInventory
    11/13/2013 15:26:42 [INFO] Setup - TimeLog: End Installing. Now launching PDApp
    11/13/2013 15:26:42 [INFO] Setup - Deployment File Path not specified in command line arguments. Skipping payload deployment part
    11/13/2013 15:26:42 [INFO] Setup - =================  End Adobe Setup. Exit code: 0  =================
    11/13/2013 15:26:42 [INFO] PIM - PIMSqlite closeDB status 0
    11/13/2013 15:26:42 [INFO] PIM - FREE PIM Instance ...
    11/13/2013 15:26:42 [INFO] DeploymentManager - Build Version -
    11/13/2013 15:26:42 [INFO] DeploymentManager - Logging Level verbosity Set  to 4
    11/13/2013 15:26:42 [INFO] DeploymentManager - The return code from the Bootstrapper Process is (0).
    11/13/2013 15:26:42 [INFO] DeploymentManager - STEP 3: Starting to launch ASU AAM.
    11/13/2013 15:26:42 [INFO] DeploymentManager - Bootstrapper launch location is :: d:\32bit Adobe2\Build\ASU\Set-up.dat
    11/13/2013 15:26:43 [INFO] Setup - Build Version -
    11/13/2013 15:26:43 [INFO] Setup - Logging Level verbosity Set  to 4
    11/13/2013 15:26:43 [INFO] Setup - Start Adobe Setup
    11/13/2013 15:26:43 [INFO] Setup - TimeLog: Bootstrapper Start
    11/13/2013 15:26:43 [INFO] Setup - TimeLog: Start initial checks
    11/13/2013 15:26:43 [INFO] Setup - Action specified - "install"
    11/13/2013 15:26:43 [ERROR] Setup - Error parsing command line arguments at - "DISABLE_CCM_DESKTOPSHORTCUT".
    Expected arguments are -
    11/13/2013 15:26:43 [INFO] PIM - Trying to access xml at path:d:\32bit Adobe2\Build\ASU\resources\setup.xml
    11/13/2013 15:26:43 [INFO] PIM - XML is valid
    11/13/2013 15:26:43 [WARN] PIM - Failed to find Node
    11/13/2013 15:26:43 [INFO] Setup - Found 7 packages in setup manifest

    11/13/2013 15:27:08 [INFO] Utilities - Semaphore is not locked
    11/13/2013 15:27:08 [INFO] PIM - Build Version -
    11/13/2013 15:27:08 [INFO] PIM - Logging Level verbosity Set  to 4
    11/13/2013 15:27:08 [INFO] Utilities - File does not exist
    11/13/2013 15:27:08 [INFO] Utilities - File does not exist
    11/13/2013 15:27:08 [INFO] PIM - Build Version -
    11/13/2013 15:27:08 [INFO] PIM - Logging Level verbosity Set  to 4
    11/13/2013 15:27:08 [INFO] PIM - CREATE PIM Instance ...
    11/13/2013 15:27:08 [INFO] Utilities - File does not exist
    11/13/2013 15:27:08 [INFO] PIM - trying to createOrUpdatePIMDbSchema.
    11/13/2013 15:27:08 [INFO] PIM - Current db schema version on machine 1.
    11/13/2013 15:27:08 [INFO] PIM - Current db schema version to install 1.
    11/13/2013 15:27:08 [INFO] PIM - PIM DB Schema is up to date. Current schema version is 1.
    11/13/2013 15:27:08 [INFO] PIM - PIM Database is Up To Date.
    11/13/2013 15:27:08 [INFO] PIM - Updater Inventory location:d:\32bit Adobe2\Build\Patches\AdobeApplicationManager-1.0_update7\resources\updaterinventory.dll
    11/13/2013 15:27:08 [INFO] PIM - Acquired System level ACF lock ...
    11/13/2013 15:27:08 [INFO] PIM - Trying to access xml at path:d:\32bit Adobe2\Build\Patches\AdobeApplicationManager-1.0_update7\packages\core\PDApp.pimx
    11/13/2013 15:27:08 [INFO] PIM - XML is valid
    11/13/2013 15:27:08 [WARN] PIM - Failed to find Node
    11/13/2013 15:27:08 [INFO] PIM - Package id 5AA1D762-31AF-4FC3-A0C0-66BF663B2117 is already installed
    11/13/2013 15:27:08 [INFO] PIM - Trying to access xml at path:d:\32bit Adobe2\Build\Patches\AdobeApplicationManager-1.0_update7\packages\D6\D6.pimx
    11/13/2013 15:27:08 [INFO] PIM - XML is valid
    11/13/2013 15:27:08 [WARN] PIM - Failed to find Node
    11/13/2013 15:27:08 [INFO] PIM - Package id 54FD72DC-72EC-4CDC-8828-F07C4E9E6FA2 is already installed
    11/13/2013 15:27:08 [INFO] PIM - Trying to access xml at path:d:\32bit Adobe2\Build\Patches\AdobeApplicationManager-1.0_update7\packages\DECore\DECore.pimx
    11/13/2013 15:27:08 [INFO] PIM - XML is valid
    11/13/2013 15:27:08 [WARN] PIM - Failed to find Node
    11/13/2013 15:27:08 [INFO] PIM - Package id 6D2A548B-C50D-46BA-B83E-C8199C6A9406 is already installed
    11/13/2013 15:27:08 [INFO] PIM - Trying to access xml at path:d:\32bit Adobe2\Build\Patches\AdobeApplicationManager-1.0_update7\packages\DWA\DWA.pimx
    11/13/2013 15:27:08 [INFO] PIM - XML is valid
    11/13/2013 15:27:08 [WARN] PIM - Failed to find Node
    11/13/2013 15:27:08 [INFO] PIM - Package id 99477136-88AD-496B-9551-BAE72699A32C is already installed
    11/13/2013 15:27:08 [INFO] PIM - Trying to access xml at path:d:\32bit Adobe2\Build\Patches\AdobeApplicationManager-1.0_update7\packages\P6\P6.pimx
    11/13/2013 15:27:08 [INFO] PIM - XML is valid
    11/13/2013 15:27:08 [WARN] PIM - Failed to find Node
    11/13/2013 15:27:08 [INFO] PIM - Package id FAFC744B-DDFB-4097-A41D-7E9539FEBAF9 is already installed
    11/13/2013 15:27:08 [INFO] PIM - Trying to access xml at path:d:\32bit Adobe2\Build\Patches\AdobeApplicationManager-1.0_update7\packages\LWA\LWA.pimx
    11/13/2013 15:27:08 [INFO] PIM - XML is valid
    11/13/2013 15:27:08 [WARN] PIM - Failed to find Node
    11/13/2013 15:27:08 [INFO] PIM - Package id B322281B-C04F-438E-82D7-7DA34A359526 is already installed
    11/13/2013 15:27:08 [INFO] PIM - Trying to access xml at path:d:\32bit Adobe2\Build\Patches\AdobeApplicationManager-1.0_update7\packages\UWA\UWA.pimx
    11/13/2013 15:27:08 [INFO] PIM - XML is valid
    11/13/2013 15:27:08 [WARN] PIM - Failed to find Node
    11/13/2013 15:27:08 [INFO] PIM - Package id B1313DE3-08DF-4834-91D9-CBD1A91488E5 is already installed
    11/13/2013 15:27:08 [INFO] PIM - Trying to access xml at path:d:\32bit Adobe2\Build\Patches\AdobeApplicationManager-1.0_update7\packages\CCM\CCM.pimx
    11/13/2013 15:27:08 [INFO] PIM - XML is valid
    11/13/2013 15:27:08 [WARN] PIM - Failed to find Node
    11/13/2013 15:27:08 [INFO] PIM - Package id F0158AAB-0779-4B40-A07D-3F2A21D47E74 is already installed
    11/13/2013 15:27:08 [INFO] PIM - pim_haveEnoughDiskSpaceToInstallPackages reqSize ... 29928536
    11/13/2013 15:27:08 [INFO] Setup - TimeLog: End initial checks
    11/13/2013 15:27:08 [INFO] Setup - TimeLog: Begin Installing
    11/13/2013 15:27:08 [INFO] Setup - Start Installing core package - d:\32bit Adobe2\Build\Patches\AdobeApplicationManager-1.0_update7\packages\core\PDApp.pimx
    11/13/2013 15:27:08 [INFO] PIM - START installPackage at file d:\32bit Adobe2\Build\Patches\AdobeApplicationManager-1.0_update7\packages\core\PDApp.pimx
    11/13/2013 15:27:08 [INFO] PIM - Trying to access xml at path:d:\32bit Adobe2\Build\Patches\AdobeApplicationManager-1.0_update7\packages\core\PDApp.pimx
    11/13/2013 15:27:08 [INFO] PIM - XML is valid
    11/13/2013 15:27:08 [WARN] PIM - Failed to find Node
    11/13/2013 15:27:08 [INFO] PIM - Validating package file: 'd:\32bit Adobe2\Build\Patches\AdobeApplicationManager-1.0_update7\packages\core\PDApp.pimx'
    11/13/2013 15:27:08 [INFO] PIM - Validating package file: 'd:\32bit Adobe2\Build\Patches\AdobeApplicationManager-1.0_update7\packages\core\PDApp.pima'
    11/13/2013 15:27:08 [INFO] PIM - Package id 5AA1D762-31AF-4FC3-A0C0-66BF663B2117 is already installed
    11/13/2013 15:27:08 [INFO] PIM - SUCCESS deleteAppletRegInfoRecords.
    11/13/2013 15:27:08 [INFO] PIM - SUCCESS deletePackageUpgradeInfoRecords.
    11/13/2013 15:27:08 [INFO] PIM - SUCCESS deletePackageInstallationInfoRecords.
    11/13/2013 15:27:08 [INFO] PIM - SUCCESS insertPackageUpdateList.
    11/13/2013 15:27:08 [WARN] PIM - Failed to find Node
    11/13/2013 15:27:08 [INFO] PIM - SUCCESS insertAppletRegInfoList.
    11/13/2013 15:27:08 [INFO] PIM - Backup Folder Created
    11/13/2013 15:27:12 [INFO] Utilities - File does not exist
    11/13/2013 15:27:12 [INFO] PIM - SUCCESS installPackage at file d:\32bit Adobe2\Build\Patches\AdobeApplicationManager-1.0_update7\packages\core\PDApp.pimx.
    11/13/2013 15:27:13 [INFO] Setup - Finished Installing core package - d:\32bit Adobe2\Build\Patches\AdobeApplicationManager-1.0_update7\packages\core\PDApp.pimx, Return status: 0
    11/13/2013 15:27:13 [INFO] Setup - Start Installing package - d:\32bit Adobe2\Build\Patches\AdobeApplicationManager-1.0_update7\packages\D6\D6.pimx
    11/13/2013 15:27:13 [INFO] PIM - START installPackage at file d:\32bit Adobe2\Build\Patches\AdobeApplicationManager-1.0_update7\packages\D6\D6.pimx
    11/13/2013 15:27:13 [INFO] PIM - Trying to access xml at path:d:\32bit Adobe2\Build\Patches\AdobeApplicationManager-1.0_update7\packages\D6\D6.pimx
    11/13/2013 15:27:13 [INFO] PIM - XML is valid
    11/13/2013 15:27:13 [WARN] PIM - Failed to find Node
    11/13/2013 15:27:13 [INFO] PIM - Validating package file: 'd:\32bit Adobe2\Build\Patches\AdobeApplicationManager-1.0_update7\packages\D6\D6.pimx'
    11/13/2013 15:27:13 [INFO] PIM - Validating package file: 'd:\32bit Adobe2\Build\Patches\AdobeApplicationManager-1.0_update7\packages\D6\D6.pima'
    11/13/2013 15:27:13 [INFO] PIM - Package id 54FD72DC-72EC-4CDC-8828-F07C4E9E6FA2 is already installed
    11/13/2013 15:27:13 [INFO] PIM - SUCCESS deleteAppletRegInfoRecords.
    11/13/2013 15:27:13 [INFO] PIM - SUCCESS deletePackageUpgradeInfoRecords.
    11/13/2013 15:27:13 [INFO] PIM - SUCCESS deletePackageInstallationInfoRecords.
    11/13/2013 15:27:13 [INFO] PIM - SUCCESS insertPackageUpdateList.
    11/13/2013 15:27:13 [INFO] PIM - SUCCESS insertAppletRegInfoList.
    11/13/2013 15:27:13 [INFO] PIM - Backup Folder Created
    11/13/2013 15:27:13 [INFO] Utilities - File does not exist
    11/13/2013 15:27:14 [INFO] PIM - SUCCESS installPackage at file d:\32bit Adobe2\Build\Patches\AdobeApplicationManager-1.0_update7\packages\D6\D6.pimx.
    11/13/2013 15:27:14 [INFO] Setup - Finished Installing package - d:\32bit Adobe2\Build\Patches\AdobeApplicationManager-1.0_update7\packages\D6\D6.pimx
    11/13/2013 15:27:14 [INFO] Setup - Start Installing package - d:\32bit Adobe2\Build\Patches\AdobeApplicationManager-1.0_update7\packages\DECore\DECore.pimx
    11/13/2013 15:27:14 [INFO] PIM - START installPackage at file d:\32bit Adobe2\Build\Patches\AdobeApplicationManager-1.0_update7\packages\DECore\DECore.pimx
    11/13/2013 15:27:14 [INFO] PIM - Trying to access xml at path:d:\32bit Adobe2\Build\Patches\AdobeApplicationManager-1.0_update7\packages\DECore\DECore.pimx
    11/13/2013 15:27:14 [INFO] PIM - XML is valid
    11/13/2013 15:27:14 [WARN] PIM - Failed to find Node
    11/13/2013 15:27:14 [INFO] PIM - Validating package file: 'd:\32bit Adobe2\Build\Patches\AdobeApplicationManager-1.0_update7\packages\DECore\DECore.pimx'
    11/13/2013 15:27:14 [INFO] PIM - Validating package file: 'd:\32bit Adobe2\Build\Patches\AdobeApplicationManager-1.0_update7\packages\DECore\DECore.pima'
    11/13/2013 15:27:14 [INFO] PIM - Package id 6D2A548B-C50D-46BA-B83E-C8199C6A9406 is already installed
    11/13/2013 15:27:14 [INFO] PIM - SUCCESS deleteAppletRegInfoRecords.
    11/13/2013 15:27:14 [INFO] PIM - SUCCESS deletePackageUpgradeInfoRecords.
    11/13/2013 15:27:14 [INFO] PIM - SUCCESS deletePackageInstallationInfoRecords.
    11/13/2013 15:27:14 [INFO] PIM - SUCCESS insertPackageUpdateList.
    11/13/2013 15:27:14 [WARN] PIM - Failed to find Node
    11/13/2013 15:27:14 [INFO] PIM - SUCCESS insertAppletRegInfoList.
    11/13/2013 15:27:14 [INFO] PIM - Backup Folder Created
    11/13/2013 15:27:16 [INFO] Utilities - File does not exist
    11/13/2013 15:27:17 [INFO] PIM - SUCCESS installPackage at file d:\32bit Adobe2\Build\Patches\AdobeApplicationManager-1.0_update7\packages\DECore\DECore.pimx.
    11/13/2013 15:27:17 [INFO] Setup - Finished Installing package - d:\32bit Adobe2\Build\Patches\AdobeApplicationManager-1.0_update7\packages\DECore\DECore.pimx
    11/13/2013 15:27:17 [INFO] Setup - Start Installing package - d:\32bit Adobe2\Build\Patches\AdobeApplicationManager-1.0_update7\packages\DWA\DWA.pimx
    11/13/2013 15:27:17 [INFO] PIM - START installPackage at file d:\32bit Adobe2\Build\Patches\AdobeApplicationManager-1.0_update7\packages\DWA\DWA.pimx
    11/13/2013 15:27:17 [INFO] PIM - Trying to access xml at path:d:\32bit Adobe2\Build\Patches\AdobeApplicationManager-1.0_update7\packages\DWA\DWA.pimx
    11/13/2013 15:27:17 [INFO] PIM - XML is valid
    11/13/2013 15:27:17 [WARN] PIM - Failed to find Node
    11/13/2013 15:27:17 [INFO] PIM - Validating package file: 'd:\32bit Adobe2\Build\Patches\AdobeApplicationManager-1.0_update7\packages\DWA\DWA.pimx'
    11/13/2013 15:27:17 [INFO] PIM - Validating package file: 'd:\32bit Adobe2\Build\Patches\AdobeApplicationManager-1.0_update7\packages\DWA\DWA.pima'
    11/13/2013 15:27:17 [INFO] PIM - Package id 99477136-88AD-496B-9551-BAE72699A32C is already installed
    11/13/2013 15:27:17 [INFO] PIM - SUCCESS deleteAppletRegInfoRecords.
    11/13/2013 15:27:17 [INFO] PIM - SUCCESS deletePackageUpgradeInfoRecords.
    11/13/2013 15:27:17 [INFO] PIM - SUCCESS deletePackageInstallationInfoRecords.
    11/13/2013 15:27:17 [INFO] PIM - SUCCESS insertPackageUpdateList.
    11/13/2013 15:27:17 [INFO] PIM - SUCCESS insertAppletRegInfoList.
    11/13/2013 15:27:17 [INFO] PIM - Backup Folder Created
    11/13/2013 15:27:18 [INFO] Utilities - File does not exist
    11/13/2013 15:27:19 [INFO] PIM - SUCCESS installPackage at file d:\32bit Adobe2\Build\Patches\AdobeApplicationManager-1.0_update7\packages\DWA\DWA.pimx.
    11/13/2013 15:27:19 [INFO] Setup - Finished Installing package - d:\32bit Adobe2\Build\Patches\AdobeApplicationManager-1.0_update7\packages\DWA\DWA.pimx
    11/13/2013 15:27:19 [INFO] Setup - Start Installing package - d:\32bit Adobe2\Build\Patches\AdobeApplicationManager-1.0_update7\packages\P6\P6.pimx
    11/13/2013 15:27:19 [INFO] PIM - START installPackage at file d:\32bit Adobe2\Build\Patches\AdobeApplicationManager-1.0_update7\packages\P6\P6.pimx
    11/13/2013 15:27:19 [INFO] PIM - Trying to access xml at path:d:\32bit Adobe2\Build\Patches\AdobeApplicationManager-1.0_update7\packages\P6\P6.pimx
    11/13/2013 15:27:19 [INFO] PIM - XML is valid
    11/13/2013 15:27:19 [WARN] PIM - Failed to find Node
    11/13/2013 15:27:19 [INFO] PIM - Validating package file: 'd:\32bit Adobe2\Build\Patches\AdobeApplicationManager-1.0_update7\packages\P6\P6.pimx'
    11/13/2013 15:27:19 [INFO] PIM - Validating package file: 'd:\32bit Adobe2\Build\Patches\AdobeApplicationManager-1.0_update7\packages\P6\P6.pima'
    11/13/2013 15:27:19 [INFO] PIM - Package id FAFC744B-DDFB-4097-A41D-7E9539FEBAF9 is already installed
    11/13/2013 15:27:19 [INFO] PIM - SUCCESS deleteAppletRegInfoRecords.
    11/13/2013 15:27:19 [INFO] PIM - SUCCESS deletePackageUpgradeInfoRecords.
    11/13/2013 15:27:19 [INFO] PIM - SUCCESS deletePackageInstallationInfoRecords.
    11/13/2013 15:27:19 [INFO] PIM - SUCCESS insertPackageUpdateList.
    11/13/2013 15:27:19 [INFO] PIM - SUCCESS insertAppletRegInfoList.
    11/13/2013 15:27:19 [INFO] PIM - Backup Folder Created
    11/13/2013 15:27:21 [INFO] Utilities - File does not exist
    11/13/2013 15:27:22 [INFO] PIM - SUCCESS installPackage at file d:\32bit Adobe2\Build\Patches\AdobeApplicationManager-1.0_update7\packages\P6\P6.pimx.
    11/13/2013 15:27:22 [INFO] Setup - Finished Installing package - d:\32bit Adobe2\Build\Patches\AdobeApplicationManager-1.0_update7\packages\P6\P6.pimx
    11/13/2013 15:27:22 [INFO] Setup - Start Installing package - d:\32bit Adobe2\Build\Patches\AdobeApplicationManager-1.0_update7\packages\LWA\LWA.pimx
    11/13/2013 15:27:22 [INFO] PIM - START installPackage at file d:\32bit Adobe2\Build\Patches\AdobeApplicationManager-1.0_update7\packages\LWA\LWA.pimx
    11/13/2013 15:27:22 [INFO] PIM - Trying to access xml at path:d:\32bit Adobe2\Build\Patches\AdobeApplicationManager-1.0_update7\packages\LWA\LWA.pimx
    11/13/2013 15:27:22 [INFO] PIM - XML is valid
    11/13/2013 15:27:22 [WARN] PIM - Failed to find Node
    11/13/2013 15:27:22 [INFO] PIM - Validating package file: 'd:\32bit Adobe2\Build\Patches\AdobeApplicationManager-1.0_update7\packages\LWA\LWA.pimx'
    11/13/2013 15:27:22 [INFO] PIM - Validating package file: 'd:\32bit Adobe2\Build\Patches\AdobeApplicationManager-1.0_update7\packages\LWA\LWA.pima'
    11/13/2013 15:27:22 [INFO] PIM - Package id B322281B-C04F-438E-82D7-7DA34A359526 is already installed
    11/13/2013 15:27:22 [INFO] PIM - SUCCESS deleteAppletRegInfoRecords.
    11/13/2013 15:27:22 [INFO] PIM - SUCCESS deletePackageUpgradeInfoRecords.
    11/13/2013 15:27:22 [INFO] PIM - SUCCESS deletePackageInstallationInfoRecords.
    11/13/2013 15:27:22 [INFO] PIM - SUCCESS insertPackageUpdateList.
    11/13/2013 15:27:22 [INFO] PIM - SUCCESS insertAppletRegInfoList.
    11/13/2013 15:27:22 [INFO] PIM - Backup Folder Created
    11/13/2013 15:27:24 [INFO] Utilities - File does not exist
    11/13/2013 15:27:25 [INFO] PIM - SUCCESS installPackage at file d:\32bit Adobe2\Build\Patches\AdobeApplicationManager-1.0_update7\packages\LWA\LWA.pimx.
    11/13/2013 15:27:25 [INFO] Setup - Finished Installing package - d:\32bit Adobe2\Build\Patches\AdobeApplicationManager-1.0_update7\packages\LWA\LWA.pimx
    11/13/2013 15:27:25 [INFO] Setup - Start Installing package - d:\32bit Adobe2\Build\Patches\AdobeApplicationManager-1.0_update7\packages\UWA\UWA.pimx
    11/13/2013 15:27:25 [INFO] PIM - START installPackage at file d:\32bit Adobe2\Build\Patches\AdobeApplicationManager-1.0_update7\packages\UWA\UWA.pimx
    11/13/2013 15:27:25 [INFO] PIM - Trying to access xml at path:d:\32bit Adobe2\Build\Patches\AdobeApplicationManager-1.0_update7\packages\UWA\UWA.pimx
    11/13/2013 15:27:25 [INFO] PIM - XML is valid
    11/13/2013 15:27:25 [WARN] PIM - Failed to find Node
    11/13/2013 15:27:25 [INFO] PIM - Validating package file: 'd:\32bit Adobe2\Build\Patches\AdobeApplicationManager-1.0_update7\packages\UWA\UWA.pimx'
    11/13/2013 15:27:25 [INFO] PIM - Validating package file: 'd:\32bit Adobe2\Build\Patches\AdobeApplicationManager-1.0_update7\packages\UWA\UWA.pima'
    11/13/2013 15:27:25 [INFO] PIM - Package id B1313DE3-08DF-4834-91D9-CBD1A91488E5 is already installed
    11/13/2013 15:27:25 [INFO] PIM - SUCCESS deleteAppletRegInfoRecords.
    11/13/2013 15:27:25 [INFO] PIM - SUCCESS deletePackageUpgradeInfoRecords.
    11/13/2013 15:27:25 [INFO] PIM - SUCCESS deletePackageInstallationInfoRecords.
    11/13/2013 15:27:25 [INFO] PIM - SUCCESS insertPackageUpdateList.
    11/13/2013 15:27:25 [INFO] PIM - SUCCESS insertAppletRegInfoList.
    11/13/2013 15:27:25 [INFO] PIM - Backup Folder Created
    11/13/2013 15:27:27 [INFO] Utilities - File does not exist
    11/13/2013 15:27:27 [INFO] PIM - SUCCESS installPackage at file d:\32bit Adobe2\Build\Patches\AdobeApplicationManager-1.0_update7

  • Firefox getting stuck every 5 sec while browsing with latest update 23.

    With latest update 23.0.1,firefox hangs evry 5 seconds through out the browsng session and recovers and works forsome time and again issue will happen
    firefox will be showing : not responding

    End Firefox From Task Manager And reinstall , (You Should Clean Your System Registry With Registry Cleaner programs

  • Is normal for the ipad get hot on the back while in use?, Is normal for the ipad get hot on the back wile in use?

    I have an ipad, when is being used it gets hot on the back, is that normal?

    Warm is normal. The processor and battery generate heat. 'Too hot to handle', quite literally, is a good rule of thumb for when to stop using it and make an appointment to get your device checked out.

  • Sir, I am not able to get the full screen video while streaming using windows media player plugin in firefox. Double click and right click are also useless as they dont respond. I am using firefox 6.0.2 and media player plugin Please help me

    I have add-block+ extension also. I dont know it has any problem with streaming by media player.

    I have add-block+ extension also. I dont know it has any problem with streaming by media player.

  • Firefox gets Stuck while Playing Facebook Games and Working in Another Tab

    Firefox gets stuck while playing facebook games (restaurant city) and side by side working in another tab or window of firefox. Switching between tabs takes time and on facebook scrolling doesn't remain smooth it gets stuck again and again while scrolling the page.
    Also, in earlier versions it was a great feature that when once a game is loaded then when i open it second time it was loaded immediately without any complete loading but now every time you play the same game it will load completely which happens generally when we reinstall firefox so that our saved cookies gets destroyed.
    == This happened ==
    Every time Firefox opened
    == The 3.6 versions came up

    same things happen to me also the cache system is so slow it even download the flash player game after 3 or 4 days completely and hang is always the error when ever i use the fire fox also there is one more thing some time computer is not opening any site what ever u type mozilla is disconnected from IP what ever he issue is but if u close the firefox and start again it is working for a while after some time it may happen again time is not counted over this matter so i m sure this is the trouble from fire fox coz other browsers are working in the same time while mozila sucks

  • 10.5.3 Update stuck at "Configuring Installation..."

    I downloaded the update and then restarted my iMac only to find the installation progress bar to be stuck at a certain point. After 10 hours of leaving it at that, I forced shut down my iMac. Any ideas as to why the update won't work? Maybe I messed up with the OS files... but I doubt it.
    -I recently re-installed Leopard... if that's a problem.

    Thanks everyone with your tips I was able to overcome this issue.
    For those of you who may be found in the same predicament, you can resolve this by going into the HD > Library > Updates and move all the files and folders to your desktop. In each of the folders there is a folder called Packages, launch the file with the .pkg suffix. This is the actual installer. Do this until you find the culprit installer that is causing problems (you'll recognize it because it will get stuck at 'Configuring Installation'). After you have successfully applied all the good updates. Throw everything away (including the plist file) and restart. Launch Software Update and it should redownload the package that was damaged and all other updates.
    Hope this helps.

  • Apps get stucked when i try to delete them?

    Whenever i try to delete an app by holding the icon and waiting for the apps to start jiggle then hit the X button, it does nothing but get stuck. After a while it gets back to normal and the app is still there. I know i can delete them by going in Settings - Usage and look for the app but that's not the point. I've never had this problem. It started when i updated my software to 5.0. It ****** me off cuz most of the games are still in Game Center can't get rid of them and whenever i redownload them it takes me back where i have left off. Any ideas?

    Hello elnvlj,
    Thanks for using Apple Support Communities.
    For more information on this, take a look at:
    Appears frozen or unresponsive
    iOS: Not responding or does not turn on
    Best of luck,

  • Emails are getting stuck in my outbox

    We are using Outlook 2003 with a Gmail IMAP account.  Everything was working fine until today when emails started getting stuck in my outbox.  I used to be on an exchange server but have recently switched email accounts and added the IMAP to
    my old outlook.  What should I do so that i can send emails without them getting stuck?

    Maybe you are working Offline:
    A corrupted Outlook profile, please try creating a new Outlook profile for test:
    If it doesn’t work, check the configuration of Gmail in Outlook:
    Please Note: Since the following web site is not hosted by Microsoft, the link may change without notice. Microsoft does not guarantee the accuracy of this information.
    Rex Zhang
    Rex Zhang
    TechNet Community Support

  • Headphone sound option gets stuck even when headphones have been removed.

    I use my headphone jack to play music from my pre on my car stereo.  My pre is also bluetoothed for phone calls through my vehicle.  The phone constantly gets stuck on the headphone option and will not switch to bluetooth even when the jack has been disconected.  I then have to shut down the bluetooth and restart it to get the phone to work.  What is the point of bluetooth if I have to manually fiddle with it while I am driving.  The bluetooth should overide the headphone jack and then drop back to headphone when the call is over.  My palm treo had absolutely no problems doing this.  I have been complaining about this for awhile now perhaps on the wrong boards, under bluetooth sync problems.  Please find a fix for this as it is really anoying.
    Post relates to: Pre p100eww (Bell)

    Yes I did try that when I had the no sound issue and it fixed it.  This is a different issue.  The real issue is that I cannot reliably use my bluetooth if I use any other option wether it be headphone or speaker or regular phone for that matter.  The phone will get stuck on whatever option was being used and won't go to bluetooth even when you click on it in the phonecall mode.  I have been complaining about this from the day I purchased the phone.  I had complained about this at an earlier date in the bluetooth syncing issues section of the site not realizing at the time that this is not a sync issue but something else.  I should be able to have my headjack plugged in and the bluetooth should overide ride it when a phone call comes in.  My palm trio never had this issue and was being used in the same fassion.  I really need a fix for this as I am probably in my car most of the time  using my Pre exactly as I described to you.   Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't and I never know when it's going to do it.  I use my phone for business so this can also be a bit embarassing when I can't pick up a clients call or I have to hang up on a client because I can't get the phone to switch over.  Any help with this would be greatly appreciated.

  • YouTube videos get stuck

    When I am playing videos on YouTube, almost all the time the video gets stuck a certain scene, while the audio continues playing. Then after a few seconds the video also starts playing, but this happens again on the same video a few seconds later

    You might also want to try running a scan for malware. I was having the same issue and couldn't figure out why, but once I ran the scan, I had a lot of malware and deleted it from my computer and ever since then my flash players have been running near to perfectly.
    If you do not have a malware program here is a site that could be helpful. You can download a free version of MalwareBytes that is always good.
    Hopefully this helps!

  • Download gets stuck at 100% ?

    I bought a monthly subscription to After effects -I had the trial version- and I started downloading it. Everything is fine, just that the download does not finish and gets stuck at 100%. While I try to open the program in Finder, it opens a window saying the trial version has expired and that I have to buy the licence.
    Thanks you so much for your answers.

    Yes, I have. I first logged in onto Creative cloud and then clicked the install button right next to the After effects icon. It started fine, then at 90%the download speed became lower and lower. I have already tried to cancel the download and reset Creative cloud (and the download of course) but it is the same outcome.
    FYI : I have already been sent the email from Creative cloud saying they received the payment

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