8230 Pearl Flip Issues

I just activated my 4th Blackberry 8230 Pearl flip phone since last July... And, I am concerned that this trend is going to continue.  According to the most recent Verizon Tech person (at my local store), the 8230 has some design flaws that make it a very sensitive device. 
My original phone failed to restart the Bluetooth functions after I had disabled it for a flight.  The first replacement phone, right out of the box, would not make any external sounds (ringer, speaker phone, etc.).  The second replacement phone was difficult to activate (this could have been more of a Verizon issue), but it the day after Christmas, it too stopped making external sounds.  Now, the 3rd replacement phone is up and running -- just activated it yesterday -- and I am wondering how long it will be before it malfunctions. 
I have to say that Verizon is honoring their one-year warranty and replacing the phone as needed.  The sales people at the local store have stopped asking me "are you sure you tried...."  I am a fairly tech-savvy person and rarely experience problems of this nature.  I am frustrated at the extra time each replacement phone requires to restore my data and get it up and running. 
Has anyone else experienced similar issues?  I cannot believe that I am the only one that has experienced these problems.  I am hoping that RIM is working on improving the 8230.  This is my first smartphone.  I choose it because it is a flip phone.   I will be patient and play their game a little while longer, but at this rate I will have 7 or 8 phones within the first year of my service contract.  How lame is that?

Thanks for the feedback.
I have not made any headway with my local Verizon store... Their techs are encouraging me to continue to replace the phone on the chance -- emphasis on the word chance -- that I might get lucky and get a good one.  My chances, as I see them, are slim as they are sending remanufactured devices that have already failed. 
Verizon will ALLOW me to purchase another model at the FULL RETAIL PRICE, which is a crock.  For now, I am going to play their game and keep replacing defective phones... 

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    I advise you to read the following article from the public knowledge base:
    KB05099 Steps to take before selling or after buying a previously owned BlackBerry smartphone
    especially the steps of the seller on one side, and the steps of the buyer on the other side. Every step must be fulfilled even if you (obviously) are not the seller. Please tell us how it goes, I am interested because I have always found very strange the concept of mobile phone without a SIM card.
    The search box on top-right of this page is your true friend, and the public Knowledge Base too:

  • Pearl Flip 8230

    Hey folks,
    So my issues with this phone have been going on since I got it from Virgin, but since I have no other choice but to wait out my contract, I felt the need to vent. So....just have to say, to the Blackberry Support folks reading this, this is in no way directed at you personally. When I talk about how much this phone licks, etc. it's meant for your developers, product managers etc. and not you
    Alright, so, this is without a doubt the worst phone I have ever had in my life. The reasons i got a Blackberry were because it's a Canadian company, heard good things. I was really amped to get this, as I have never had anything close to a smartphone before.
    The keyboard was the first to go (after maybe 3 months). At first, two buttons needed a very hard push, now that has shot up to 5. Sometimes the buttons won't even work. This thing is SLOW too, really slow. It just hangs randomly for no reason. I could be texting, checking email, anything, and it will happen. Even going back & forth between screens is slow & lags. --And this happens when there are very few open (2 or 3).
    The battery life on this thing is retarded too. I really have never seen anything like it. After a conversation or two (no more than 10 minutes) this thing is almost dead. Why would Blackberry even bother putting something like this out?
    On a funny note, the Blackberry symbol on the back of the phone fell apart as well...which is kind of fitting of my view of the company as a whole.
    Anyway, if anyone knows any way at all how I can fix this piece of junk to at least make it bearable, you will be my hero(s) forever.
    And I'm really not trying to start the whole Android / iPhone / Blackberry thing ( I have never had anything Apple or Android) but there is no way at all I would ever buy anything made by RIM again. My next smartphone will definitely be an iPhone or Droid.
    Phew. There. Thanks for reading my lame rant.
    -- 1/2 of my memory is free
    -- v4.6.1.208 (Platform
    --  Very few apps installed (I have removed everything several times & it still happens) Right now I have Weather Eye, The Score, Live Messenger, Facebook, YouTube
    -- Battery pulls don't help at all

    I return to my phone service provider (Bell) and I buy the original holster for the Blackberry pearl flip 8230 and the profiles I create works finely.
    The name on the box is : Black Leather Swivel Holster-BB 8230.
    It's look like this http://www.blackberrysource.com/store/catalog.asp?​item=4469
    Good Luck.

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    Blackberry 8230 smartphone (CDMA) v4.6.1.182 (Platform
    Hopefuly someone has an idea of whats going on, it would be nice to get it figured out.
    Thanks for now

    My gf and I are have the exact same problem.  It doesnt happen all the time, but  it does happen frequently.   Did you figure out what the problem was?
    we both have the 8230 v.
    Message Edited by muntman on 05-13-2009 12:50 PM

  • BB Pearl Flip 8230 occasional red light. Phone will not turn on.

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    Oh other things.... i get occasional messages that say app error in really tiny letters and ok below it. I can click it and it will restart. It has just been such a hassle for me..

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    Now that AT&T has taken over I am using an HTC Aria.  Not sending any emails from the email account to it either.  Be prepared for whatever smart phone is being used is at risk of being attacked.

  • Pearl Flip 8220 - unable to reload OS

    Dear all,
    I am using a Pearl Flip 8220 (T-Mobile unlocked version) in INDIA.
    Recently I gave the handset for OS reloading as I was getting a 'Call Failed' message frequently. None of the repair shops could resolve the issue & hence I decided to wipe the existing OS (on my own) and reload the latest one by downloading it from BB website for my carrier (Airtel). I wiped the existing OS using BBSAK and tried loading the OS.
    But since then I have been facing issues and not able to do it. While trying to load the OS, the handset restarts automatically, for some reason, and the loading ends abruptly. I have observed that this happens while the applicaion tries to load 'net_rim_cldc.cod'.
    I would be extremely grateful if somebody has come across the scenario and can help me resolve it. Am not very familiar with the installation, but did go through a few suggestions given by a members on CrackBerry & other forums.
    Sharan Mishra

    Hi Sharan,
    Try just following the steps here:
    If you still have problems, it may be necessary to reload the JVM on the device as well. To do that, go to the Start button on your computer and in the search box, type "cmd" (without the quotation marks). This will open the DOS command box. Type the following exactly as written below:
    cd c:\program files (x86)\common files\research in motion\apploader\
    Press enter (note, if your computer runs a 32-bit version of Windows, do not include the (x86) part, so instead type "cd c:\program files\common files\research in motion\apploader", minus the quotation marks and press enter).
    Next, type:
    Loader.exe /nojvm
    Press enter again. This will now open the Loader file in a way that will also reload the java virtual manager on the device, which should help.
    If that still doesn't work, let us know. Good luck!
    If you want to thank someone for their comment, do so by clicking the Thumbs Up icon.
    If your issue is resolved, don't forget to click the Solution button on the resolution!

  • Email account problem 8220 pearl flip

    Hi there,
    Don't know if anyone can help. I recently bought 8220 pearl flip, but can't register my email account!. On the device when I get to the email setup page, it comes up with "Select an email setup option, but it only gives me one option, "Iwant to use a work email account with a Blackberry Enterprise Server". There are no other choices. I don't want to do this, I just want my personal account on it.
    How do I get to do this? It was simple on my Sony ericcson....
    Many thanks for any help in advance.
    Regards, Bill.

    Hi and Welcome to the Community!
    To use the proprietary RIM Push email capability, you must have an adequate data plan from your carrier. The carriers host BIS (BlackBerry Internet Service) for their BB users. Typically, BIS is not available via generic data plans. Many carriers call what is necessary The Blackberry Data Plan. Whatever they call it, it is the carrier who delivers BIS to their BB users -- contact them for assistance. Once you have a BIS-capable data plan on your BB (at whatever fees your carrier will charge, btw), you will then have Personal Email added to the email setup wizard.
    Good luck!
    Occam's Razor nearly always applies when troubleshooting technology issues!
    If anyone has been helpful to you, please show your appreciation by clicking the button inside of their post. Please click here and read, along with the threads to which it links, for helpful information to guide you as you proceed. I always recommend that you treat your BlackBerry like any other computing device, including using a regular backup schedule...click here for an article with instructions.
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  • Nothing gets updated on my 8220 Pearl Flip

    I am trying to update my App World and my BBM to BBM 6 but they never get updated even after rebooting my phone several times. I tried installing them through all the possible ways. Through my phone, through the mail that the website sends and USB but nothing seems to be working. My device is listed in the supporting devices. 
    What seems to be the problem?
    Any help would be appreciated immensely. 
    Thank you!

    Hello Yashvi, 
    Welcome to the forums. 
    The reason you are not able to update these applications is most likely do to the version of BlackBerry® device software that is running on your BlackBerry® Pearl™ Flip 8220 smartphone.
    Have a look below for the system requirements for the BlackBerry App World™ storefront
    BlackBerry App World 2.1 requires BlackBerry® Device Software v4.5 or higher. BlackBerry App World 3.1 requires BlackBerry® Device Software v5.0 or higher (Click "options", then "about" from your smartphone to check your version). 
    A trackpad, trackball or touch screen
    A service plan that includes access to the BlackBerry® Browser
    Have a look below for the system requirements for BlackBerry® Messenger 
    At least 4.0 MB of available application storage
    BlackBerry® Device Software 5.0 or later
    A wireless service data plan
    You can check your wireless service provider download sit here:http://bbry.lv/ad7CII to see if there is a software update available for your device. 
    Hope this helps. 
    Come follow your BlackBerry Technical Team on twitter! @BlackBerryHelp
    Be sure to click Kudos! for those who have helped you.Click Solution? for posts that have solved your issue(s)!

  • Blackberry Pearl flip...

    I cannot for the life of me find out how to change my text messaging alert tone to a custom tone?? I know you should be able to on the pearl flip.. Would anyone mind telling me how??
    Thank You

    Hi and Welcome to the Forums!
    Contrary to how others do things, RIM does not provide a desktop PIM. Others force you to use their PIM and only their PIM. RIM provides a conduit software that functions as a bridge between your chosen PIM and the BB. See this KB for compatible PIM's:
    KB12268 Applications supported by BlackBerry Desktop Manager for synchronization
    So, your choice is, IMO, to keep using a desktop PIM to manage your data (and you should, IMO)...then choose a compatible PIM (from above). Then, get your data into that PIM and configure the BB to sync with the PIM:
    KB17022 How to configure organizer applications for synchronization using BlackBerry Desktop Manager
    Good luck and let us know!
    Occam's Razor nearly always applies when troubleshooting technology issues!
    If anyone has been helpful to you, please show your appreciation by clicking the button inside of their post. Please click here and read, along with the threads to which it links, for helpful information to guide you as you proceed. I always recommend that you treat your BlackBerry like any other computing device, including using a regular backup schedule...click here for an article with instructions.
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  • Pearl flip unreliable phone

    I'm really disappointed with the blackberry pearl flip. It's completely unreliable and will often cut out mid conversation and say SIM card error. Once it times out it gives me the clock for 20minutes and I can't use the phone.  The worst part is whe I explain this to distributers they know about the problem and say it's very common.
    It's my first blackberry and it's given me a really negative view of the product line.
    I was thinking about getting a Torch but am sort of against it since my first Blackberry was such a bad experience.

    Hello and welcome! 
    I am sorry to hear that you're experiencing problems with your BB, but no two phones are ever quite exactly the same, as there are sometimes a few bad apples in a batch; this occurs in manufacturing anything, not just phones. 
    Also, please keep in mind that these forums are user to user help forums, so we are volunteers helping others with their phones, so the likelihood of someone from RIM reading your post is quite slim, so if your intent was to send a message to RIM, it will not get there through these forums. 
    Now, for your issue ... have you tried another SIM card in there to see if it is indeed the phone or a SIM card issue. I have had defective SIM cards and SIM cards that were too old to properly work with the newer network technology, so this could be part of the problem you are experiencing. Just a thought! 

  • Pearl Flip wont load - Red LED blinks twice, nothing on screen

    My Pearl Flip refuses to load, and the only activity it shows is the red LED blinking twice every few seconds. I have tried the following
    -tried reinstalling the two most recent versions of the OS using the Blackberry Desktop Software, but the installation hangs at the point of loading the system software
    -tried using the application loader, however the installation hangs at loading the system software
    -tried to use JL_Cmdr to wipe the device. As far as I can tell it did not wipe it (although it doesn't really provide any errors either)
    EDIT: Should also say Ive tried all the above from multiple computers and using Win7 and XP
    What other methods can I try to restore this device? I appreciate any suggestions that might be out there.

    Hey Scribs,
    Welcome to the forums!
    Have a look at this article for help reloading the software using loader.exe http://bbry.lv/9fsGPK If this method does not work you can try doing a reset to factory using the switch found in this article http://bbry.lv/dpNb1j
    Come follow your BlackBerry Technical Team on twitter! @BlackBerryHelp
    Be sure to click Kudos! for those who have helped you.Click Solution? for posts that have solved your issue(s)!

  • Int'l Travel - Charger for Pearl Flip

    Pre-buying (T-mobile) questions: 
    BB site says flip comes with no charger. Is this true/possible?
    Otherwise, any concerns I should consider for international (Europe) travel with the Flip? Can I just buy a plug adapter and not worry about currency convertors?
    Also, anything anyone could volunteers about unlocking the Flip and using a local SIM card for lower call/data rates, worthwhileness of getting T-Mobile Hot-Spot service, or general thoughts on least expensive options for calling within Europe and to the US.
    thank you. 

    I took my T-mobile Blackberry Pearl Flip to New Zealand. Used the US AC charger with a NZ plug with no problem.
    I also added the T-mobile int'l data plan for that month, $20. Data was seamless, exactly like being in the US. I don't get a lot of calls, I use the phone far more for data, so I didn't worry about anyone calling me and being charged the high per-minute charge--something like $2/minute as I recall.
    I did work with T-mobile before I went to unlock my phone so that I could buy a SIM card when I got to NZ. You should be able to find a wireless vendor in the airport where you land; I've heard that from many other travers, and it was certainly true in NZ. I think I purchased mine through Vodaphone, which seems to be ubiquitous. It's best to purchase the card in the counrtry you're traveling to, because they seem to be specific to a country or a region. I ended up not using the card I bought, because I was traveling with another friend so we used her T-mobile Android for voice, with the card she bought, and my phone for data. So I have a card that will work in New Zealand sitting in my desk. It doesn't work in very many other countries so I'm out of luck unless I find a friend who's going there and has a SIM phone!
    More and more places around the globe have wireless, so you might want to check the number of T-mobile hotspots where you're going to see if it's worth paying for them, or if you could use wireless where you're staying.
    Here's what you need to know: you can't use your regular data plan on the phone if you have a different SIM card in it. And you can't get the low phone rates if you keep in your regular SIM card. So you have to switch cards out depending on what you want to do. 
    A note: one feature I think the Flip is missing is the ability to turn off individual services. I'd have liked to turn off the voice feature, keeping data. On other BBs I think you can, but not on the Flip. 
     I hope this helps. 

  • Traditional chinese language support for pearl flip 8220?

    I just got a pearl flip from T-Mobile.  I'm happy with most features, however, there is no Chinese language support whatsoever.  All the Chinese characters show up as black boxes.  Anyone know of any fixes so that I can read and input Chinese (traditional Chinese)?
    Go to Solution.

    Your device OS does not support chinese symbols.
    Ask your wireless provider for a multi-language device OS that supports chinese characters.
    Otherwise - check a chinese wireless provider for device OS. But note that your wireless provider disfavor use of device os from another wireless providers.
    If you decide to use OS from another wireless provider - use OS exactly for your device model.
    Install OS package on your desktop computer. After that delete Vendor.xml file from installed files on your desktop PC.
    Connect your device to the computer and update device OS via Blackberry Desktop Manager/Application Loader.

  • BB Pearl Flip initialization problems

    Hi everybody,
    I am new here and I would like to get some answers to my BB Pearl Flip problems.
    I bought one back in March 2010. It worked well for 6 weeks, then problems started.
    It either said 'initialization failed' or 'SIM card error'
    I contacted my provider E-Plus and they gave me a new SIM card. Didn't help.
    Another card from T-mobile works, but then it has not the Blackberry option.
    Then I bought a new phone (now I have two). This phone does not work properly either.
    It has four options after turning it on.
    - it works fine for a while
    - initialization failed
    - SIM card error
    - Code error (4 digit PIN code was correct)
    It takes sometimes many attempts to get it working.
    But when it started it does not mean it works well.
    It does for a while, then suddenly it fails. Sometimes just a few seconds after it received connection and downloaded messages, somethimes while messenging, or during a call, also mostly after I hang up, or also on closing the handheld. Again 'initialization failed' or 'SIM card error' appears on the screen. So I turn it off and on again, same game again. Also after pulling out the card it is not guaranteed that it works.
    I have to do that >10 times a day and it is just frustrating. Mostly because this happens when I actually use the phone. It does not fail when it is just waiting for something to happen.
    I love my Pearl Flip, but this bug is annoying. I can not rely on my phone.
    Can anybody help me?
    Thank you and kind regards,
    Very sad S.

    Try resetting the device by pulling the battery while the device is powered on.  Leave the battery out for about 30 seconds and then put it all back together.  Once the phone resets, try to zoom or ALT-digit again and it should work.  Pulling the battery usually fixes most problems with a BB.

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