8bit/10bit FCP uncompressed codec gamma

As of recently, I noticed that these 2 codecs appear fine in After Effects and FCP, although when brough into Quicktime, they appear brighter, and when even exported to Animation, they look fine. Is this just a playback issue with Quicktime?

I'm not entirely sure... The interesting thing is that I have been working with 8/10 bit uncompressed clips for a while, and I've just recently noticed this problem (having updated quicktime and 10.4.5 in the past week or so)
Basically, exporting a video out of After Effects as animation and as 8 or 10 bit give drastically different results when opened in Quicktime Player. However, when I bring them back into After Effects or FCP, they look fine, so I'm guessing this is strictly a quicktime player display issue with the FCP codecs.
I've posted a sample screenshot, 10bit on the left and Animation on the right.
Inside AE or FCP, Animation and 8/10 bit are identical looking, and look like the right image.

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    i'm still very new here.
    have FCE and therefore don't have apple pro res.
    i'm getting mixed suggestions as to what format to use for highest quality.
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    "but don't i Want HD? i'm shooting with the canon 5D M2."
    Yes, you do. But how would I know that you're shooting in HD or that you're using this camera? The Apple uncompressed 8-bit 4:2:2 codec is only used with standard definition media.
    BTW, FCE is not the best application to work with this camera as it shoots in a non-standard video frame rate. Your media would have to be converted to QuickTime using AIC at 29.97 with uncompressed 48k audio. FCP allows you to create a sequence preset in 30fps, the frame rate used by this model.

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    Ae CC v12.0.0.404
    Windows 7 64-bit
    - Paul

    What format are you rendering to? (I'm assuming AVI?)
    Your RAM previews have audio, right?
    What happens if you save one of the RAM previews?
    What happens if you render through the Adobe Media Encoder?
    What happens if you try rendering into something other than this (mysterious) uncompressed codec?

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    ajophoto wrote:
    Any other suggestions? I don;t understand why FCP6 would not display colours correctly.
    The COW thread you linked to explains that FCP adjusts the gamma to approximate what it would look like on a broadcast monitor which causes problems with Snow Leopard as it changes the default gamma profile of the OS. I cannot confirm whether or not this is fixed in FCP 7.
    I seem to have a problem with gamma in FCP6 on snow leopard. Rushes in QT are fine, but appear very dark in FCP. I have read on Creative Cow forums that the fix is to upgrade to FCP 7 (!!) but I was rather hoping I could avoid this extra expense just now.
    Why does it matter if you are offlining? Even if you had FCP 7 and it fixed the gamma issue, I would still not recommend relying on it for accurate image reproduction.
    Is there a user setting I need to adjust in FCP? I can see a difference between setting the play back gamma to "accurate" and "approximate". Does this mean that QT is not displaying gamma correctly? Would be nice to get both to match.
    There is no setting in FCP, only "Final Cut Studio color compatibility" in QuickTime 7. But there is still some discrepancy between the two, even on Leopard. I never rely on this.

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    O.k. - this issue has annoyed me for years and has caused me to come up with all sorts of silly workarounds. I saw that with 5.1.1 and the pro app update we were promised a fix for this:
    Uncompressed 422
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    Sorry, I don't use that specific codec. I export footage to AE in the format I am working with, and back in the same format, typically DVCPRO HD. And I see no gamma shift.
    Try the Animation codec?

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    Best regards,
    Michael Buday

    Not sure the exact answer, but some options to try:
    1) have you tried converting the clips to image
    sequences? Perhaps it's a QuickTime error.
    2) How about using 2 FileIns - one at 10 bit to
    generate the keys and one at 8 bit for the fill?
    Hello Patrick and thanks for your suggestion:
    We're going to experiment with different codecs and image sequences this week to see what happens.
    RE: using different FILEIN's for key/fill, is something I hadn't thought of but unfortunately the 10bit FILEIN would still be affected by the noise which would in turn affect the alpha channel created by Keylight or Primatte.
    I'll let you know what we find out as things progress.
    Again, thanks.
    G5 Dual 1.8 GHZ   Mac OS X (10.4.3)   FCP 5.03, STO 1.01

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    no, at least not last time I looked.
    the avid meridian codecs for QT are downloadable from their website
    sme tips quoted from http://dvinfo.net/conf/archive/index.php/t-78006.html
    it is important to move these components out of the root Library and put them into the User Library. That way they won't cause any conflict during startup.
    I've since done some trial and error testing and it appears the only component that causes a conflict during startup is AvidAVUICodec.component.
    The rest work just fine with compressor and seem to add support for:
    Avid 1:1x (AvidAV1xCodec.component)
    Avid D100 (AvidAVd1Codec.component)
    Avid DNxHD (AvidAVdnCodec.component)
    Avid DV (AvidAVdvCodec.component)
    Avid Packed (AvidAVpkCodec.component)
    Avid Meridian (AvidAVDJCodec.component)
    The original AvidAVUICodec.component was part of the Meridian codecs paired with AvidAVDJCodec.component for ABVB systems, but it doesn't seem to be required anymore. Very odd.
    Now, what works with FCP 5.1.2????
    Everything except Avid D100 codec (AvidAVd1Codec.component) and the AvidAVUICodec.component.
    So, if want to use Avid codecs with FCP 5.1.2, just install them, trash AvidAVd1Codec.component and AvidAVUICodec.component, then move the remaining components from Macintosh HD/Library/Quicktime to Users/User name/Library/Quicktime.

  • HDCAM SR uncompressed codec

    Hi all,
    I have an upcoming job where I have to remaster HDCAM SR for international sale. A large majority of the work will be tape-to-tape editing, but I need to layoff the textless graphics from FCP to tape to complete the international versions.
    I have never mastered to HDCAM SR and was wondering what codec I should be using, the media needs to be completely uncompressed to ensure no loss whatsoever.
    I'm using a dual-channel fibre channel storage system so datarates should not be too much of a problem.
    I'll be using Blackmagic Decklink HD Pro (Dual link), and Sony SRW 5800. Will I need to use the dual link functionality of the capture card/deck???
    Any help would be greatly appreciated,
    Message was edited by: kakarotbpo

    Yes, the frame size for both is 1920 X 1080. Through the Aja Kona 3, single link 4:2:2 uncompressed is about 140 MB/sec, dual link 4:4:4 RGB uncompressed is about 237 MB/sec (those are the bandwidth figures using the Aja presets; I assume the BMD presets are similar.)
    Because drive arrays when full deliver about half the throughput as when they are empty, your storage sub-system should benchmark at least twice the bandwidth of the codec you'll be using. In your case, your external array should be giving you nearly 500 MB/sec when empty, or you might experience dropped frames as the array fills up.
    If the station or network is not using dual link 4:4:4 RGB, then it makes no sense to deliver it to them. But again, you'll need to ask them what they need.

  • FCP Uncompressed Editing on a new Mac Pro

    Hello everybody,
    I too am about to empty my wallet into Apple's bank account.
    I am upgrading my editing capacity and have the following wish list in order to edit compressed and uncompressed 8 or 10 bit high definition video shot with HDV and DVCPro HD camcorders:
    Mac Pro - 2x 2.66GHz Dual Core Intel Xeon Processors
    2 GB RAM
    ATI Radeon X1900 XT graphics card
    1 x 250GB 7200-rpm Serial ATA (as boot drive)
    3 x 500GB 7200-rpm Serial ATA 3Gb/s (as striped footage drives)
    Apple Cinema Display (20" flat panel - as main FCP screen)
    Apple Cinema HD Display (23" flat panel - as HD monitor)
    I already own Final Cut Studio and run FCP 5.1.1
    My questions are:
    1. Is the above hard drive set up fast enough for 8 and/or 10 bit uncompressed HD/HDV editing?
    2. Will I need any extra hardware - besides the graphics card - in order to see every single pixel of 1920 x 1080 footage?
    I know others on the Apple Discussions forums have asked similar questions but I am still not certain which set up is best for me.
    Thanks in advance.
    P.S. Dear Mr Jobs. Thanks in advance for allowing PAL users of FCP to edit 720 footage from Panasonic's HVX-200 camcorder.
    G4 PowerBook, 1.67GHz Mac OS X (10.4.6) Long-time FCP user
    G4 PowerBook, 1.67GHz   Mac OS X (10.4.6)   Long-time FCP user

    I have just found out that my plans for a Mac Pro with 4 internal drives (one as boot drive, the other three striped as footage RAID) will NOT be fast enough to edit uncompressed HD material.
    I have just read this on the Black Magic Design website:
    Blackmagic Disk Speed Test reported about 170 MB/sec which was easily fast enough for HD uncompressed 10 bit. However this three-disk internal solution is more suited to people needing simple capture and playback of HD, such as designers and effects artists. They just want simple clip capture and playback and the built-in three-disk array is a great solution for them. There are also newer 750 GB disks, which are faster, and so performance could increase further.
    For editors who have hundreds of cuts and/or effects in their projects, we would strongly recommend an external disk array with multiple disks.
    An external RAID system will have to be the way forward for me for now. Thanks to you all for trying to answer my questions.

  • FCP IMX codec for windows

    Hi guys,
    is there any IMX codec for windows so i can easly export my grahics from my PC to FCP without rendering? CMIIW
    Many Thanks,

    Happy to help out, but you need to identify what cam or sequence settings you use to create the HD sequence.
    HD means so many things, including HDV and DVCProHD.
    What is it?
    And what did you choose to export to that create a smaller movie file for use on the PC?
    Because it seems you have converted the original footage to something else, otherwise the size would be the same.
    You might try an export to h.264 that should work if your friend is using v.7 of QT on Windows.

  • FCP Quicktime Codec for Windows

    I have an HD sequence that I exported using Export to Quicktime (movie is self contained); This gives me a .mov file that is uncompressed and has a smaller file size than any other way I export. I tried to play the file at my friends house on his PC but we couldn't. I'm assuming this export method uses a specific codec that my friend doesn't have. If this is the case, do you know if or where he could DL the specific codec. I googled it, but to no avail. If I'm completely off base with the whole codec thing could someone please point me in the right direction? Thanks

    Happy to help out, but you need to identify what cam or sequence settings you use to create the HD sequence.
    HD means so many things, including HDV and DVCProHD.
    What is it?
    And what did you choose to export to that create a smaller movie file for use on the PC?
    Because it seems you have converted the original footage to something else, otherwise the size would be the same.
    You might try an export to h.264 that should work if your friend is using v.7 of QT on Windows.

  • FCP HD codec

    Apple has made the decision to not sell Final Cut separately but instead bundle it into Final Cut Studio. All we need is the HD codec, but we are not going to spend around $1000 for the additional programs.
    Since Apple's decision is not customer-friendly, is there another program that we can use that has the HD codec??

    Well, there's this:
    But I think it is a decoder only. But worth checking out.

  • FCP 4 codec

    I have several clips made with Final Cut Pro 4 in 2005 that I want to use in a DVD. When I try to import them into Premiere Pro the application crashes. Audio plays when viewing the file in the Quicktime player but no video. Do I need a codec? "File info" says the codec for the files, which are 720 x 480, is "DV/DVCPRO - NTSC, Linear PCM, Timecode". Where can I get it and how do I install it for Premiere Pro CS6?

    You should work for a Teleco Jim.
    Get 5000 texts FREE and 100 minutes of phone calls FREE... by buying this $500 phone and signing  up to a 24 month plan at $50 per month.
    I guess Adobe dont pay for any of the codecs anymore so they give us them for free as well.
    ...but we digress.  Apologies to the O.P.

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