9.03 leads to hopeless loop with frightening alternatives

9.03 seems to want safari 4.0.3 to connect to store but my 3.1.1 safari won't upgrade with OS-X 10.5.2 and upgrading operating system as suggested upgrades safari only to 4.02 so..........
Can't I just download an older itunes that will still sync with my new iphone, keep my old safari 3.1.1 so I don't have to do some frightening operating system upgrade?

For that latest version of Safari you need :-
Leopard System Requirements - Mac OS X Leopard 10.5.8, so that should be your first upgrade.
iTunes will then be happy.

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    Good Evening secr1973,
    It sounds like you are on the right track.  You already know about the producer/consumer architecture; this is almost always the first step to the separation that I think you are after.
    The step that I think you are missing is a Case Structure around the enqueue element VI.  You likely have some event or specific pattern that you are looking for in the input signal.  You can have the output from this algorithm (likely a boolean) determine which case of the Case Structure to execute (Case 1: enqueue the element or Case 2: Do not enqueue the element).
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    If you have a quad core machine, each of these steps will execute on its own core.  If not, you will have a little more thread swapping; not a huge concern in most cases.  Here, we get into the art of programming more than the science.
    In any event, I think you will be OK with a little processing for the enqueue or not algorithm in the producer loop.
    Charlie Piazza
    Staff Product Support Engineer, RF
    National Instruments

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    Measure Speed+Current+Voltage into Excel.vi ‏175 KB
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    File I/O is not very efficient. I recommend that you do you file logging in a parallel task. Have one task do your data acquision. This task would then pass the data to be logged to the logging task via a queue. That way your file operations do not impact your data acquision. Also, express VIs are not very efficient. You would be better off accessing that directly using the DAQ VIs. The express VIs contain lots of steps that do not need to be done every time you call it such as initializing the device.
    Mark Yedinak
    "Does anyone know where the love of God goes when the waves turn the minutes to hours?"
    Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald - Gordon Lightfoot

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    Here's the short-cut solution:
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                                                                                    FileWriter fw = new FileWriter(sample2,true);
                                            BufferedWriter bw=new BufferedWriter(fw);
                                            bw.write("EMP ID");     
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    Hi sri,
        it is posible clearly.
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    Plz Reward if useful,
    Message was edited by:
            Maheswari Chegu

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                                                           (FIN_YEAR_CODE , MONTH_CODE , MATERIAL_CODE , DISTRIBUTION_WAY , EXPECTED_QUANTITY , GROUP_CODE)
                                            VALUES (:PLN_PLAN.FIN_YEAR_CODE , V_REPAIR_MONTH , Q1.MATERIAL_CODE , 1 , V_REPAIR_Qty , Q1.GROUP_CODE);
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    Best regards,

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    double c = 1.8, i = 1, max = 90, exp = 0;
    final double inc = 0.002; //speed at while it increases
    boolean f = false, g = false;
    while (true)
        while (f == false && stopMeter == false) //increasing speed going up to 90
            exp = Math.pow (c, i);
            i += inc;
            pAngle.setText (Math.round (exp) + "");
            if (exp > max)
                f = true;
                g = false;
            } //end if
        } //end while
        while (g == false && stopMeter == false)  //decreasing speed going down from 90
            exp = Math.pow (c, i);
            i -= inc;
            pAngle.setText (Math.round (exp) + "");
            if (exp < 1)
                g = true;
                f = false;
            } //end if
        } //end while
    } //end whilethis is a snippet of my increasing increments. Its for an angle meter. I can't get it to stop, when the user clicks or does something... the program just gets stuck in an infinite loop. I am still new to java and i do not know how to fix this.

    You are in the wrong forum. Try this one instead: http://forum.java.sun.com/forum.jspa?forumID=31

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    I'm not getting the performance I would like and I'm looking at ways to optimize the execution. 

    I would have a loop for each of you data acquisition tasks and at least one, possibly two additional loops that will write your data to file. Let the acquisition loops collect the data as quickly as possible and simply queue it off for further processing. When these loops are in parallel LabVIEW will run them on separate threads. In addition you could have a separate loop with an event structure that could handle you UI interaction. This loop could control the overall application with respect to starting and stopping the tasks, etc. You don't really need to contain all these loops in any other loop or structure. They can all reside on the block diagram next to each other. Ideally you will create subVIs for the data acquision and data processing tasks.
    Message Edited by Mark Yedinak on 10-06-2009 04:29 PM
    Mark Yedinak
    "Does anyone know where the love of God goes when the waves turn the minutes to hours?"
    Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald - Gordon Lightfoot

  • Processing in Time Loop with microseconds.

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    The purpose of this is controller the application. In this timeloop I obtain the frame and I the processer. If I configure the timeloop with 1 ms I lose frames and if I configure the application with one normal loop I can obteain several time the same frame. The frame rate can change and with this change I configure the timeloop for controller all the time the captures, not lose any and not obtain replay.

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    If you describe your issue with more concrete details rather than words like “loops” then maybe someone can recognize what is happening and give some advice. 
    A screenshot would also help.

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