9i to 11g Upgrade: Any feedback on Running Charter Continuum?

We are updating from 9i to 11g but one of our apps (Charter Continuum) has not been certified on 11g yet. Its going to be a while before a) Charter get round to certifying it and b) We get the finance to upgrade the app.
In the interim, has anyone out there upgraded to 11g and tried Continuum to see if it works under 11g? Reading through what I can find, I can't' see any issues, but any real-world feedback would be appreciated.
Thanks in advance

There is always a problem with certification third party software for newer version of database. It is your call. Do you want to wait until software will be certified or you upgrade database and assume everything will be working. Upgrade QA box and test an application for a while then upgrade production. To help to make decision, also important how bad or good application is. How many times you have called vendor with application issue related to database. If often then do not upgrade DB, if never then take a chance.

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  • Oracle packages - nested table cursor - 11g upgrade testing

    I have a package call Crisis_Contacts. This package has a function(generate_file) in it that has a create cusor statement which calls on another function(split) in another package called NCF_UTL. In testing our code for a 11g upgrade the cursor statement calling on the split function is throwing a Error: ORA-00600: internal error code, arguments: [4814], [5], [0], [0], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] when compiling the package, which it was not doing prior to upgrade. Can you suggest a possible workaround or mod to this code to stop the error from occuring.
    Basically, this code is reading html files and spliting them into section and loading them into the cursor. Then the cursor is read to write them to a table. Then it reads the table and transmits the lines of html to another location.
    CREATE OR REPLACE package body ACADMGR.crisis_contacts as
    function generate_file( file_type in varchar2,
    person_pidm in integer := null,
    person_id in varchar2 := null,
    dry_run in varchar2 := 'N',
    pidm_filter in varchar2 := null,
    include_placeholders in varchar2 := 'N',
    comments in varchar2 := null ) return integer is
    cursor typeDef is
    select * from crisis_contact_file_type ccft
    where ccft.file_type = generate_file.file_type;
    file_type_def typeDef%rowtype;
    cursor fieldDef is
    select * from crisis_contact_file_field ccff
    where ccff.file_type = generate_file.file_type
    order by seq asc;
    type r_typ is ref cursor;
    r r_typ;
    datasel varchar2(32767) := '';
    r_pidm integer;
    pers_pidm integer := person_pidm;
    prev_pidm integer;
    r_tag varchar2(255);
    r_val varchar2(4000);
    type field_list is table of varchar2(256);
    type field_index is table of integer index by varchar2(256);
    type val_list is table of varchar2(4000);
    type req_tbl is table of boolean index by varchar2(256);
    req_fields field_list := field_list();
    all_req_seen boolean;
    fields field_list := field_list();
    vals val_list := val_list();
    field_idx field_index;
    out_id integer;
    out_line integer := 0;
    buf varchar2(4000);
    saved_out_line integer := 0;
    xml_section_lf_delims ncf_utl.split_tbl := ncf_utl.split_tbl( ncf_utl.crlf, chr(13), chr(10) );
    cursor splitcur( txt in varchar2 ) is
    select column_value line from table(ncf_utl.split( txt, xml_section_lf_delims ));
    cursor get_output is
    select text from crisis_contact_file_line
    where output_id = out_id
    order by line_no asc;
    log_time date := sysdate;
    log_seq integer := 1;
    procedure outp( txt in varchar2 ) is
    --dbms_output.put_line( txt );
    insert into crisis_contact_file_line
    ( output_id, line_no, text )
    ( out_id, out_line, txt );
    out_line := out_line + 1;
    procedure split_outp( txt in varchar2 ) is
    if txt is not null then
    for r in splitCur( txt ) loop
    outp( r.line );
    end loop;
    end if;
    open typeDef;
    fetch typeDef into file_type_def;
    close typeDef;
    if pers_pidm is null and person_id is not null then
    select distinct(spriden_pidm) into pers_pidm from spriden
    where spriden_id = person_id;
    end if;
    insert into crisis_contact_file_out ( file_type, comments ) values ( file_type, comments )
    returning output_id into out_id;
    datasel := gen_outfile_sql( file_type, pers_pidm, pidm_filter, include_placeholders );
    if dry_run = 'Y' then
    ncf_utl.output_text( datasel );
    split_outp( file_type_def.preamble );
    buf := '';
    for f in fieldDef loop
    fields(fields.last) := f.alias;
    field_idx(f.output_field) := fields.last;
    if f.mandatory = 'Y' then
    req_fields(req_fields.last) := f.output_field;
    end if;
    if file_type_def.file_mode = 'DELIM' and file_type_def.print_heading = 'Y' then
    buf := buf || case when fieldDef%rowcount > 1 then nvl(file_type_def.delimiter,',') else '' end ||
    nvl(file_type_def.quote,'') || nvl(f.alias,f.output_field) || nvl(file_type_def.quote,'');
    end if;
    end loop;
    if length(buf) > 0 then
    end if;
    --outp( '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>' );
    --outp( '<recipients>' );
    open r for datasel;
    fetch r into r_pidm, r_tag, r_val;
    exit when r%notfound;
    if prev_pidm is null or prev_pidm != r_pidm then
    if prev_pidm is not null then
    split_outp( file_type_def.record_end );
    all_req_seen := true;
    --check and reset 'seen' flags for required fields
    for i in 1..req_fields.count loop
    if vals(field_idx(req_fields(i))) is null then
    all_req_seen := false;
    end if;
    end loop;
    --if not all_req_seen then
    -- rollback to USER_START;
    -- out_line := saved_out_line;
    --end if;
    if all_req_seen then
    buf := '';
    for i in 1..fields.count loop
    if file_type_def.file_mode = 'XML' then
    outp( ' <' || fields(i) || '>' || vals(i) || '</' || fields(i) || '>' );
    elsif file_type_def.file_mode = 'DELIM' then
    buf := buf || case when i > 1 then nvl(file_type_def.delimiter,',') else '' end ||
    nvl(file_type_def.quote,'') || vals(i) || nvl(file_type_def.quote,'');
    end if;
    end loop;
    if file_type_def.file_mode = 'DELIM' then
    end if;
    end if;
    end if;
    --savepoint USER_START;
    --saved_out_line := out_line;
    if r_tag != 'endofdata' then
    split_outp( file_type_def.record_start );
    end if;
    for i in 1..fields.count loop
    vals(i) := null;
    end loop;
    end if;
    prev_pidm := r_pidm;
    if field_idx.exists(r_tag) then
    if r_val is not null then
    vals(field_idx(r_tag)) := r_val;
    end if;
    end if;
    end loop;
    if pers_pidm is not null then
    split_outp( file_type_def.record_end );
    end if;
    split_outp( file_type_def.postamble );
    --for o in get_output loop
    -- dbms_output.put_line( o.text );
    --end loop;
    end if;
    return out_id;
    end generate_file;
    procedure gen_and_transmit( file_type in varchar2,
    username in varchar2, pass in varchar2,
    pidm_filter in varchar2 := null,
    include_placeholders in varchar2 := 'N',
    comments in varchar2 := null,
    url_base in varchar2 := null, url_path in varchar2 := null,
    ssl_wallet_path in varchar2 := null, ssl_wallet_pass in varchar2 := null ) is
    out_id integer;
    out_id := generate_file( file_type, pidm_filter => pidm_filter,
    include_placeholders => include_placeholders,
    comments => comments );
    --transmit_file( out_id, username, pass,
    transmit_file( out_id, 'mhaywood', '------------',
    url_base => url_base, url_path => url_path,
    ssl_wallet_path => ssl_wallet_path, ssl_wallet_pass => ssl_wallet_pass );
    end gen_and_transmit;
    UTL_HTTP.set_persistent_conn_support( true, 10 );
    create or replace
    cr VARCHAR2(1) := CHR(13);
         lf VARCHAR2(1) := CHR(10);
         tab VARCHAR2(1) := CHR(9);
         whitespace CHRLIST := CHRLIST( ' ', tab );
         pos INTEGER := 1;
         len INTEGER;
         brk INTEGER;
         curbrk INTEGER;
         lnbrk INTEGER;
         whtbrk INTEGER;
         i INTEGER;
    len := LENGTH(BUFFER);
         WHILE pos <= len
         WHILE SUBSTR( BUFFER, pos, 1 ) IN ( cr, lf )
         pos := pos + 1;
         END LOOP;
         --find the next newline type char, or pos+250 if one isn't found
    lnbrk := LEAST( NVL(NULLIF(INSTR( BUFFER, cr, pos ),0),pos+250),
                             NVL(NULLIF(INSTR( BUFFER, lf, pos ),0),pos+250) );
         --after the loop:
         -- whtbrk should be the last whitespace char before LINE_LEN + pos
         -- (or == pos, if none found)
         -- curbrk should be == 0 or the 1st whitespace after LINE_LEN + pos
         whtbrk := pos;
         curbrk := pos;
         FOR i IN 1..whitespace.COUNT
         curbrk := INSTR( BUFFER, whitespace(i), whtbrk + 1 );
              IF curbrk <= pos + LINE_LEN AND curbrk >= whtbrk THEN
              whtbrk := curbrk;
              END IF;
              EXIT WHEN curbrk > pos + LINE_LEN OR curbrk = 0;
              END LOOP;
              EXIT WHEN curbrk > pos + LINE_LEN;
         END LOOP;
         brk := LEAST( len + 1, lnbrk, NVL( NULLIF( whtbrk, pos ), pos + 250 ),
                        NVL( NULLIF( curbrk, 0 ), pos + 250 ), pos + 250 );
         dbms_output.put_line( SUBSTR( BUFFER, pos, brk - pos ) );
         pos := brk;
         END LOOP;
    function split( str in varchar2, d0 in varchar2, d1 in varchar2 := null,
    d2 in varchar2 := null, d3 in varchar2 := null,
    d4 in varchar2 := null, d5 in varchar2 := null,
    d6 in varchar2 := null, d7 in varchar2 := null,
    d8 in varchar2 := null, d9 in varchar2 := null )
    return split_tbl pipelined is
    pos integer := 1;
    curidx integer;
    idx integer;
    delims split_tbl;
    idx_delim varchar2(32767);
    len integer := length( str );
    if d0 is null then
    --split on whitespace
    delims := split_tbl( ' ', chr(9), chr(10), chr(13) );
    delims := split_tbl( d0, d1, d2, d3, d4, d5, d6, d7, d8, d9 );
    end if;
    idx := -1;
    --we want the lowest value of IDX > 0
    for i in 1..delims.count loop
    curidx := instr( str, delims(i), pos, 1 );
    if curidx > 0 then
    if idx = -1 or curidx < idx then
    idx := curidx;
    idx_delim := delims(i);
    end if;
    end if;
    end loop;
    if idx > 0 then
    --if splitting on whitespace, treat any amount of it as
    --a single delimiter
    if d0 is not null or idx > pos then
    pipe row( substr( str, pos, idx - pos ) );
    end if;
    -- also make sure to ignore trailing whitespace
    if d0 is not null or pos <= len then
    pipe row( substr( str, pos ) );
    end if;
    end if;
    pos := idx + length( idx_delim );
    end loop;
    end split;
    function split( str in varchar2, delimiters in split_tbl := null )
    return split_tbl pipelined is
    i integer;
    cursor spcur( d0 in varchar2 := null, d1 in varchar2 := null,
    d2 in varchar2 := null, d3 in varchar2 := null,
    d4 in varchar2 := null, d5 in varchar2 := null,
    d6 in varchar2 := null, d7 in varchar2 := null,
    d8 in varchar2 := null, d9 in varchar2 := null ) is
    select column_value v from table (split(str,d0,d1,d2,d3,d4,d5,d6,d7,d8,d9));
    function x( i in integer ) return varchar2 is
    if delimiters.exists(i) then
    return delimiters(i);
    return null;
    end if;
    for r in spcur( x(0),x(1),x(2),x(3),x(4),x(5),x(6),x(7),x(8),x(9) ) loop
    pipe row( r.v );
    end loop;
    end split;

    Curious behavior, but irrelevant, IMHO, since one never switches back and forth between two releases in the real world. All that STARTUP UPGRADE does is that it enables upgrade scripts to be run - it does not prevent statements like CREATE USER from being executed since the upgrade may create new needed accounts

  • 11G Upgrade problem

    I'm upgrading my 10GR4 instance to an 11G and have run into a problem when upgrading my 11G DB.
    When I run ua.bat it starts to upgrade the db schema but crashes on the following statement:
    CACHE 200
    Error on row 1:
    ORA-04006: START WITH cannot be less than MINVALUE
    The sequence doesn't exist in the db and I've search my disc for files containing IdcSeqWikiSetId but cannot find it anywhere and seeing as MINVALUE is not specified and "MINVALUE defaults to the smallest negative number which fits in a DataType" I'm finding it hard to change it.
    Any help would be amazingly fandabidozy!

    Do you have the Wiki component enabled on your 10gR3 instance ? If that is the case then disable and uninstall it so that the upgrade can go through .I have not yet tested a case with the wiki component enabled hence this is the only thing that I can think of at this point .
    Let me know how this goes .

  • 11G Upgrade - EBS 12.1.2

    I have a few questions on the 11G upgrade.
    DB - - OS - zLinux
    EBS - 12.1.2 - SLES 10-SP3
    I am following note 1058763.1 (Interoperability Notes Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12 with Oracle Database 11g Release 2 (11.2.0) - and am at step 23 - Implement and Run Autoconfig
    Referring to 387859.1 (Using AutoConfig to Manage System Configurations in Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12), I have finished unzipping the appsutil.zip file to the $ORACLE_HOME on the database tier using the unzip -o appsutil.zip.
    The next step in 387859.1 requires running autoconfig on the DB tier - for which I don't find the $ORACLE_HOME/appsutil/scripts folder.
    Section 3.2 of 387859.1 refers to Installing JRE on the Database tier - however when I run the java -version command - I already get the following output on the upgraded 11g home.
    tebsdb01:EBST1:/t01/product/db11.2.0.3 > java -version
    java version "1.6.0"
    Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build pxz6460sr9fp3ifix-20111215_04(SR9 FP3+IV12154))
    IBM J9 VM (build 2.4, JRE 1.6.0 IBM J9 2.4 Linux s390x-64 jvmxz6460sr9-20111214_97396 (JIT enabled, AOT enabled)
    J9VM - 20111214_097396
    JIT - r9_20101028_17488ifx31
    GC - 20101027_AA)
    JCL - 20110727_04
    tebsdb01:EBST1:/t01/product/db11.2.0.3 >
    My first question - what steps have I missed that have resulted in a missing $ORACLE_HOME/appsutil/scripts folder
    My second question - if my java version is already 1.6.0, is there a need to continue with instaling JRE on the database tier?
    This is the first time I am running through a 11g upgrade - hence the plethora of questions.
    Thanks so much in advance for your help.

    One last question regarding this 11gR2 upgrade.
    My APPS and BA team are now asking what kind of testing they should be doing on an upgraded 11gR2 instance.
    Can anyone who has upgraded an instance (DB only) shed some light on this aspect of the QA testing process?Since the database upgrade does not change any of the underlying objects under Oracle EBS schemas, you need to do basic checks to verify this upgrade. Examples are ..
    - You can shutdown/startup the database with no issues
    - No errors are reported in the database log files
    - Submit concurrent programs and make sure it completes successfully
    - Make sure CM and all services are up
    - Create/Update Users/Responsibilities
    - Make sure AutoConfig complete successfully

  • [Urgent] Some questions about Oracle Portal 10g - 11g upgrade

    Dear friends,
    We are under doing upgrading assessment of Oracle Portal from 10g to 11g. After reviewed the 'upgrading guide', we still have some questions as below:
    1. Whether the 'Instant Portal' feature remain in Oracle Portal 11g? If yes, how to migrate the Instant Portal 10g sites? If no, any workaround?
    2. Whether the old 10g Page Group and Pages will be still available after 11g upgrade? Also can customer import the old 10g transportset into Portal 11g?
    3. How about the customized Portal 10g objects (such as customized template, style, attributes) after 11g upgrade? Still be usable?
    4. Customer use PDK to develop many portlets in 10g. Can they use JDeveloper 11g to migrate their old project to 11g automatically?
    Thank you in advance and any comment are welcome.

    1. Whether the 'Instant Portal' feature remain in Oracle Portal 11g? If yes, how to migrate the Instant Portal 10g sites? If no, any workaround?Instant Portal is not available anymore in Oracle Portal 11g. The Instant Portal page groups will be migrated to standard Portal page groups. Maintenance of the Instant Portal can be done with the standard Portal tools. The Instant Portal tools are not available anymore.
    Whether the old 10g Page Group and Pages will be still available after 11g upgrade? Also can customer import the old 10g transportset into Portal 11g?Old 10g Page Groups are migrated to Portal 11g. They will still be available after the upgrade.
    Export/Import through transports sets has always been limited to instances of the same version. It is not supported between versions as documented in the Administration Guide :
    [11.2.1|http://download.oracle.com/docs/cd/E14571_01/portal.1111/e10239/cg_imex.htm#CCJBCCGD] System Requirements
    Before exporting and importing content, ensure that your system meets the minimum system requirements, as described in this section.
    * Export and import functions only within the same release of Oracle Portal and the same patch release, for example, release 10.1.4 to release 10.1.4 or release 11.1.1 to release 11.1.1. You cannot export and import between two different releases, such as release 10.1.2 to release 10.1.4 or release 10.1.4 to release 11.1.1.
    How about the customized Portal 10g objects (such as customized template, style, attributes) after 11g upgrade? Still be usable?Customized objects get migrated as well. Certain types (e.g. PL/SQL item types) need to be checked after upgrade as the behavior of the PL/SQL code may differ between database versions. This is particularly of concern when the 10.1.4.x Portal uses a 10.1 database. A database upgrade to either 10.2, 11.1 or 11.2 is necessary as Portal 11g is not supported with RDBMS 10.1.
    Customer use PDK to develop many portlets in 10g. Can they use JDeveloper 11g to migrate their old project to 11g automatically?Never done this, but the Portal framework is able to consume JPDK providers which are running in older versions of the toolkit. If the providers are running in standalone OC4J containers, you would be able to upgrade the framework and keep the providers in their OC4J containers. This will allow you to focus on the framework first and worry about your providers later.

  • EHP4 for ERP 6.0 upgrade phase MAIN_SHDRUN/DDIC_UPG running takes long time

    Dear all,
    I just tried to upgrade a fresh ERP 6.0 EHP4 ready (Linux X86_64 - Oracle) to EHP4 ERP 6.0.
    I go through phase MAIN_SHDRUN/DDIC_UPG running, but it takes a very long times.
    I checked the server resources usage, it 's very low.
    I checked on my ERP 6.0 system and also the shadow system (background job, SM50), it seems no activities on both).
    MAIN_SHDRUN/DDIC_UPG running - what is this phase about?
    Its normal for this phase to takes about several hours??
    What should i check to ensure that the upgrade process is still running?
    How can i estimate time needed for this EHP4 upgrade?
    I installed that freshERP 6.0 EHP4 ready system only on around 3-4 hours.

    Dear All,
    I have same issue in ERP 6.0, EHP4 update, "MAIN_SHDRUN/DDIC_UPG" phase is still running, 24 hours passed. (only for this phase)
    This is a NEW installation and on Production. I had no issues with DEV and QA and has taken only 50 minutes for the same phase.
    Everything is same between DEV and PRD except, Production is on AIX HACMP cluster and using latest Ehpi installer + latest SPAM - version 41.
    - There is no any error or warnings in /usr/sap/SID/EHPI/abap/log directory
    - Phase is running, writing and reading files to installation directory
    - No any automatic cluster fail-over mechanisms enabled
    - Cluster has two nodes, DB+ASCS on one node and CI on other node.
    - Shadow instance is running, can login, no errors in sm21, st22, no any running or canceled background jobs
    - I can see 15% to 35% CPU "waits"  in CI node where ehpi is running, but 50% of CPU is idle
    - Also on same CI node, 70% to 100% disk busy waits can be seen on disks which mounted Ehpi installation directory
    - On DB node CPU utilization and disk utilization is low
    What could be the reason? Any idea ? How to diagnose.

  • I have Logic Pro 8.0.2 and would like to upgrade. I'm running OS Lion on a 2010 MacB Pro. What is the best option? Logic Pro 9 App or Logic Studio? Can't find upgrade price. Or should I just stay with Logic 8?

    I have Logic Pro 8.0.2 and would like to upgrade. I'm running OS Lion on a 2010 MacB Pro. What is the best option? Logic Pro 9 App or Logic Studio? Can't find upgrade price. Or should I just stay with Logic 8?

    Same here, I have Logic Studio 8 and wouldn't mind staying with that version, except that the installer won't run on my new Macbook Pro as PowerPC apps are no longer supported. That's the message I get in any case.
    I use to run Logic on a 2006 Macbook Pro.
    I guess that makes me a very unhappy Apple user! I've been using Logic from the Emagic days, bought every upgrade only to see Apple kill what used to be one of the best Pro Audio application. Imagine if they had done the same to Photoshop, there would be a lot of unhappy designers out there
    Paying the full price for years to slowly see your daily app go down in price & efficiency until it's given away at $199 for semi pro users. Well, at least ProTools is stil alive & kicking so I guess that's the way forward now.
    This is coming from someone that never ever used a Windows machine to make music! Life is good still!

  • Oracle 11g upgrade: How to update stale statistics for sys and sysman?

    I am in the process of testing Oracle 11g upgrade from Oracle I have run utlu111i.sql on the 10g database.
    The utility utlu111i.sql reports about the stale statistics for SYS and SYSMAN components.
    I executed dbms_stats.gather_dictionary_stats; dbms_stats.gather_schema_stats('SYS'); and dbms_stats.gather_schema_stats('SYSMAN');
    After that the utlu111i.sql still reports the stale statistics for sys and sysman. Does anyone know how to get rid off this warning successfully?

    Does anyone know how to get rid off this warning successfully?Just ignore the warnings. Check The Utlu111i.Sql Pre-Upgrade Script Reports Stale Sys Statistics - 803774.1 from Metalink.

  • Oracle 11g upgrade in AIX 6.1 with HACMP

    Hi Friends,
    As i have two Power Servers running in AIX 6.1 with oracle 10g in HACMP in which SAP application is running.
    The one is standalone Database and other is central Instance.
    I have done the 11g upgrades successfully in my DEV and QAS servers which are non-cluster Environment.
    Now i want to do the same upgrade in PRD which is in HACMP.
    Please let me know what are the areas should i concentrate specially for cluster environment servers.

    DB Filesystems
    Filesystem GB blocks Free %Used Iused %Iused Mounted on
    /dev/hd4 4.00 2.62 35% 15438 3% /
    /dev/hd2 8.00 5.03 38% 57744 5% /usr
    /dev/hd9var 4.00 2.85 29% 10914 2% /var
    /dev/hd3 4.00 3.50 13% 2575 1% /tmp
    /dev/fwdump 1.00 1.00 1% 13 1% /var/adm/ras/platform
    /dev/hd1 1.00 1.00 1% 6 1% /home
    /dev/hd11admin 0.25 0.25 1% 107 1% /admin
    /proc - - - - - /proc
    /dev/hd10opt 1.00 0.58 43% 9040 7% /opt
    /dev/livedump 0.25 0.25 1% 7 1% /var/adm/ras/livedump
    /dev/lv_oracle 2.00 1.86 8% 21 1% /oracle
    /dev/lv_ora_pip 2.00 2.00 1% 80 1% /oracle/PIP
    /dev/lv_usr_sap 2.00 1.92 5% 78 1% /usr/sap
    /dev/lv_sapmnt 2.00 0.62 70% 978 1% /sapmnt
    /dev/dumplv 95.00 32.80 66% 26790 1% /dump
    /dev/saparchlv 2.00 1.99 1% 57 1% /home/pipadm
    /dev/lv_pip_64 10.00 5.73 43% 18988 2% /oracle/PIP/102_64
    /dev/lv_mirlogA 1.00 0.61 40% 6 1% /oracle/PIP/mirrlogA
    /dev/lv_mirlogB 1.00 0.61 40% 6 1% /oracle/PIP/mirrlogB
    /dev/lv_oraarch 200.00 121.48 40% 433 1% /oracle/PIP/oraarch
    /dev/lv_oralogA 1.00 0.59 41% 8 1% /oracle/PIP/origlogA
    /dev/lv_oralogB 1.00 0.59 41% 8 1% /oracle/PIP/origlogB
    /dev/fslv01 2.00 1.97 2% 102 1% /oracle/PIP/saparch
    /dev/lv_sapbkp 5.00 5.00 1% 40 1% /oracle/PIP/sapbackup
    /dev/lv_sapchk 5.00 5.00 1% 80 1% /oracle/PIP/sapcheck
    /dev/lv_data1 200.00 86.26 57% 30 1% /oracle/PIP/sapdata1
    /dev/lv_data2 200.00 84.92 58% 26 1% /oracle/PIP/sapdata2
    /dev/lv_data3 200.00 84.92 58% 26 1% /oracle/PIP/sapdata3
    /dev/lv_data4 200.00 84.92 58% 26 1% /oracle/PIP/sapdata4
    /dev/lv_data5 200.00 84.92 58% 26 1% /oracle/PIP/sapdata5
    /dev/lv_data6 200.00 84.92 58% 26 1% /oracle/PIP/sapdata6
    /dev/lv_data7 200.00 84.92 58% 26 1% /oracle/PIP/sapdata7
    /dev/lv_data8 200.00 84.93 58% 26 1% /oracle/PIP/sapdata8
    /dev/lv_saporg 20.00 20.00 1% 7 1% /oracle/PIP/sapreorg
    /dev/saptrance 5.00 4.92 2% 588 1% /oracle/PIP/saptrace
    /dev/lv_inventry 2.00 1.99 1% 55 1% /oracle/oraInventory
    /dev/lv_102_64 10.00 5.05 50% 11044 1% /oracle/stage/102_64
    /dev/hd4 4.00 1.99 51% 14429 3% /
    /dev/hd2 8.00 5.01 38% 57680 5% /usr
    /dev/hd9var 4.00 3.38 16% 10936 2% /var
    /dev/hd3 4.00 3.82 5% 1362 1% /tmp
    /dev/fwdump 1.00 1.00 1% 18 1% /var/adm/ras/platform
    /dev/hd1 1.00 1.00 1% 55 1% /home
    /dev/hd11admin 0.25 0.25 1% 5 1% /admin
    /proc - - - - - /proc
    /dev/hd10opt 1.00 0.58 42% 9024 7% /opt
    /dev/livedump 0.25 0.25 1% 8 1% /var/adm/ras/livedump
    /dev/lv_oracle 2.00 2.00 1% 9 1% /oracle
    /dev/lv_ora_pip 2.00 2.00 1% 52 1% /oracle/PIP
    /dev/lv_usr_sap 10.00 10.00 1% 17 1% /usr/sap
    /dev/lv_client 2.00 1.86 8% 16 1% /oracle/client
    /dev/lv_smnt_pip 10.00 2.20 78% 114142 18% /sapmnt/PIP
    /dev/lv_sap_pip 10.00 8.10 19% 1577 1% /usr/sap/PIP
    /dev/lv_sap_cms 5.00 5.00 1% 8 1% /usr/sap/ccms
    root@pagedb:/ $ su - orapip
    pagedb:orapip 1> echo $ORACLE_HOME
    i have upgraded successfully in my DEV and QAS.
    So can i go with the same procedure as i went with non-cluster Env.

  • 11g Upgrade Issues and Questions

    I am upgrading database from to 11g in EBS, Apps version is
    I have performed patch set installation tasks & Apply additional RDBMS patches
    Now my query is that I have to copy InitSID.ora from 9i to 11g before or after database Upgrade(using DBUA)?
    When I have to set Database Initialization Parameters for Oracle Applications Release 11i before or after database Upgrade(using DBUA)?

    The output of utlu111i.sql script is as below before upgrade.We have to make any modification before upgrade.If yes where I have to do the changes.
    SQL> @utlu111i.sql
    Oracle Database 11.1 Pre-Upgrade Information Tool 04-09-2010 12:55:26
    --> name: PROD
    --> version:
    --> compatible: 9.2.0
    --> blocksize: 8192
    --> timezone file: V4
    Logfiles: [make adjustments in the current environment]
    --> The existing log files are adequate. No changes are required.
    Tablespaces: [make adjustments in the current environment]
    --> SYSTEM tablespace is adequate for the upgrade.
    .... minimum required size: 8052 MB
    --> ODM tablespace is adequate for the upgrade.
    .... minimum required size: 10 MB
    --> APPS_UNDOTS1 tablespace is adequate for the upgrade.
    .... minimum required size: 299 MB
    --> APPS_TS_TX_DATA tablespace is adequate for the upgrade.
    .... minimum required size: 2322 MB
    --> APPS_TS_QUEUES tablespace is adequate for the upgrade.
    .... minimum required size: 70 MB
    --> OLAP tablespace is adequate for the upgrade.
    .... minimum required size: 16 MB
    Update Parameters: [Update Oracle Database 11.1 init.ora or spfile]
    WARNING: --> "compatible" must be set to at least 10.1.0
    Renamed Parameters: [Update Oracle Database 11.1 init.ora or spfile]
    -- No renamed parameters found. No changes are required.
    Obsolete/Deprecated Parameters: [Update Oracle Database 11.1 init.ora or spfile]
    --> "optimizer_max_permutations"
    --> "row_locking"
    --> "undo_suppress_errors"
    --> "max_enabled_roles"
    --> "enqueue_resources"
    --> "sql_trace"
    --> "background_dump_dest" replaced by "diagnostic_dest"
    --> "user_dump_dest" replaced by "diagnostic_dest"
    --> "core_dump_dest" replaced by "diagnostic_dest"
    Components: [The following database components will be upgraded or installed]
    --> Oracle Catalog Views [upgrade] VALID
    --> Oracle Packages and Types [upgrade] VALID
    --> JServer JAVA Virtual Machine [upgrade] VALID
    --> Oracle XDK for Java [upgrade] VALID
    --> Real Application Clusters [upgrade] INVALID
    --> OLAP Analytic Workspace [upgrade] UPGRADED
    --> OLAP Catalog [upgrade] VALID
    --> Oracle Text [upgrade] VALID
    --> Oracle XML Database [install]
    --> Oracle Java Packages [upgrade] VALID
    --> Oracle interMedia [upgrade] VALID
    --> Spatial [upgrade] VALID
    --> Data Mining [upgrade] VALID
    --> Oracle OLAP API [upgrade] UPGRADED
    Miscellaneous Warnings
    WARNING: --> Passwords exist in some database links.
    .... Passwords will be encrypted during the upgrade.
    .... Downgrade of database links with passwords is not supported.
    WARNING: --> Deprecated CONNECT role granted to some user/roles.
    .... CONNECT role after upgrade has only CREATE SESSION privilege.
    WARNING: --> Database contains stale optimizer statistics.
    .... Refer to the 11g Upgrade Guide for instructions to update
    .... statistics prior to upgrading the database.
    .... Component Schemas with stale statistics:
    .... SYS
    .... OLAPSYS
    .... MDSYS
    .... ODM
    WARNING: --> Database contains INVALID objects prior to upgrade.
    .... The list of invalid SYS/SYSTEM objects was written to
    .... registry$sys_inv_objs.
    .... The list of non-SYS/SYSTEM objects was written to
    .... registry$nonsys_inv_objs.
    .... Use utluiobj.sql after the upgrade to identify any new invalid
    .... objects due to the upgrade.
    .... USER APPS has 3 INVALID objects.
    WARNING: --> Database contains schemas with objects dependent on network
    .... Refer to the 11g Upgrade Guide for instructions to configure Network ACLs.
    .... USER APPS has dependent objects.
    .... USER MDSYS has dependent objects.
    SYSAUX Tablespace:
    [Create tablespace in the Oracle Database 11.1 environment]
    --> New "SYSAUX" tablespace
    .... minimum required size for database upgrade: 500 MB
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
    SQL> spool off

  • Automatically upgrade any superseded versions of this application not auto installing - Status always waiting for next maintenance schedule

    I'm trying to deploy an application to a user group with the option checked for "Automatically upgrade any superseded versions of this application" but it never auto installs.
    - The application is set to install to system whether the user is logged on or off. 
    - We do have user affinity, therefore the user does have a one or more primary devices setup.  
    - If I run the install manually, it will superseded and install the new application and uninstall the old applications.
    - The estimated installtion time minutes is set to 0
    - The maxmimum allowed run time is set to 120 minutes.
    We're on version SCCM 2012 SP1.
    My assumption of how it should work
    If the user is logged in or NOT and it's during the maintenance window, it should auto install the application. Maybe I'm wrong.
    Here's the scenario.
    User JohnDoe has application Viewer 1.0 installed on his machine.  He installed this app via the SCCM application catalog.   We now need to deploy Viewer 2.0 of this application.   I want to ensure when it's deployed it replaces Viewer 1.0 hence
    the reason to check the "auto upgrade.."check box.   
    Here's what happens. In software center, it will pre-downlaod the software and then set the status to "Waiting for next maintenance schedule".  The problem is that the status stays like this forever.   We do have maintenance windows set
    on the device collection that JohnDoe's primary device is part of.  Here are our maintenance windows.
    - Daily - 9PM to 5AM = 8 hours
    - Weekly - Saturday - 12:00AM to 12:00 = 24 hours
    - Weekly - Sunday - 12:00AM to 12:00 = 24 hours
    Coordinated UTC is not checked.
    The business hours in software center are set to 5am to 10pm.
    One would assume that it would auto install during the night since we have a big maintenance windows. I checked the ServiceWindowmanager.log and it does seem to show the various maitnenance windows.
    Here's what I've tried
    - If I make the deployment required, it will install right away regarless of maintenance windows.  However, i don't want to use this option because if the user logs in to other machine (e.g. boardroom computer), it will auto install this software.  
    - If JohnDoe clicks install in Software center or application catalog, it works.  There's nothing wrong with the packages.  The issue seems to be related with the maintenance windows. 
    - If I disable the maintenance windows, then it seems to work but only when I'm logged in.  It still does not work if I'm logged out.  It only kicks off the installation when I login if it's not during the business hour set in software center.  
     We need the maintenance windows since we don't want windows patching to occur during the day.
    - I searched and ran the report to ensure there's not another maintenance windows setup that would prevent this from installing.
    Our current workaround
    To ensure users are using the latest version, we deploy the application required for a couple of days, then delete that deployment once we reach a high 90%.  The problem with that is if some computers are turned off, they would be using the older version
    and it will never get upgraded unless the user installs it manually.
    Has anyone encountered this?  Any other log files I should look at? Anything else I should verify ?  I know in SCCM 2012 R2, you can set the maintenance window to only apply this schedule to software update (patching) but that option doesn't seem
    to be available in SCCM 2012 SP1.
    Any help, suggestiong, I will take.  Thanks.

    - If I make the deployment required, it will install right away regarless of maintenance windows.  However, i don't want to use this option because if the user logs in to other machine (e.g. boardroom computer), it will auto install this software. 
    Re-check your deployment, specially the user experience:
    If you've checked the box next to "Software installation", it will install after the deadline has passed and ignores maintenance windows. Change the deployment to required and uncheck that box and the software should be installed according to your
    maintenance windows.

  • Is it possible to upgrade my powerMAC G5 running OS X 10.5.8 to OS X 10.6 or higher through the internet?

    Is it possible to upgrade my powerMAC G5 running OS X 10.5.8 to OS X 10.6 or higher through the internet, via download, or without having to purchase any new hardware?

    Sorry, no. A Power PC can not be upgraded beyond 10.5.8

  • Windows7 upgrade on hp laptops running vista home basic

    i bought hp dv4-1240TX in july'09.
    but i am shocked and cannot find out whether HP will provide me free upgrade to windows7 or not as microsoft promises me an upgrade
    ref:: http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dd772579(WS.10).aspx
    and HP have declared in its site that it will not upgrade any home basic machines.
    i think it's wrong and feel CHEATED...
    pls help me with this........... 

    No manufacturer has announced a free upgrade program for systems running Vista Basic.  All the offers are for Home Premium/Business/Ultimate.  HP and other manufacturers aren't obligated to even offer these free upgrades.  We expect them and welcome them,but there is no obligation.
    I'm a systems technician for a large company and have been playing with the Windows 7 RC for some time.  Our enterprise agreements allowed us access to the MSDN betas also.  We've been avoiding Vista in our company but look forward to Windows 7.  Sadly there is no direct upgrade path from XP to 7, it does a parallel install, moving the previous OS and files into a Windows.OLD folder on the drive.  All the drivers and applications have to be reinstalled after this.  For any machine running any version of Vista it is possible to fire the DVD in the drive and have it upgrade to Windows 7. 
    TLDR:  Yes, Microsoft Windows 7 supports a direct upgrade from any existing Vista version to Windows 7.  HP's (and Toshiba, Sony, Lenovo...) free upgrade program does not extend to systems that ship with Home Basic.

  • Is any impact on running instance?

    curently 12.0.4 instance was running on RHEL ES relese 4 ( nanahant 5)  32bit.
    know i am planning to upgrade 32 bit to 64 bit. is any impact on running instance if i upgarde o/s 32 bit to  64 bit.

    Make sure you relink all executable files/programs once you do the upgrade and before starting the services.
    Note: 471566.1 - Migrating Oracle E-Business Suite R12 from Linux 32-bit to Linux 64-bit

  • [Urgent] Some questions about OID/OSSO 10g - 11g upgrade

    Dear all,
    We are under doing upgrading assessment of OID/OSSO 10g to 11g for a customer. After reviewed the 'upgrading guide', we still have some questions as below:
    1.     Whether the ‘10g DIP profiles’ will be still available after the OID 11g upgrade? Currently there are some sync of AD<->OID and DB->OID.
    2.     Whether the ‘WNA’ function will still work after the upgrade?
    3.     Is there a big change of OID API from 10g to 11g? If so, I think a big effort maybe on application modification.
    4.     I found that there is a OAM Basic version for OSSO 10g upgrade. So if this OAM Basic will migrate the OSSO configuration (like external application) automatically, or it must be re-configed after the upgrade?
    5.     Currently customer config OID 10g as BPEL/ESB’s identity store. So does BPEL/ESB 10g is certificated with OID 11g also? I didn’t find the certification so far.
    Thank you in advance and any comment are welcome.

    Dear all,
    We are under doing upgrading assessment of OID/OSSO 10g to 11g for a customer. After reviewed the 'upgrading guide', we still have some questions as below:
    1.     Whether the ‘10g DIP profiles’ will be still available after the OID 11g upgrade? Currently there are some sync of AD<->OID and DB->OID.
    2.     Whether the ‘WNA’ function will still work after the upgrade?
    3.     Is there a big change of OID API from 10g to 11g? If so, I think a big effort maybe on application modification.
    4.     I found that there is a OAM Basic version for OSSO 10g upgrade. So if this OAM Basic will migrate the OSSO configuration (like external application) automatically, or it must be re-configed after the upgrade?
    5.     Currently customer config OID 10g as BPEL/ESB’s identity store. So does BPEL/ESB 10g is certificated with OID 11g also? I didn’t find the certification so far.
    Thank you in advance and any comment are welcome.

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