A Game like TrackMania: build to race for the Mac or PC

Hey I've been searching the internet like crazy for a game where you build your own race tracks and than you get to play it. I don't care if it is only for the PC or the Mac as long as it is for one of the two. However a game compatible with the mac will be better
Thanks in Advance

First, it's unlikely any suitable paint program will scan. For scanning you will need to use Image Capture or the scanning software that came with the scanner.
PaintBrush is supposedly the closest you will find to MS Paint, but you can look for others by searching at VersionTracker or MacUpdate.

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    In the Mac side of things, backups usually come in two flavors: clones or incrementals.
    A bootable clone is a bit-for-bit copy of all essential files in the startup volume. If using the Lions, clones can be made using CarbonCopyCloner or just plain old Disk Utility. These backups represent the safest protection of your info, but take the longest to do. Recovery is an inverse process: you copy the clone back into the internal drive.
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    SaugusGirl wrote:
    Hi and thanks for replying. I have a management company and I would like to scan a document and then be able to go in and make changes if necessary.  Some people told me to purchase a Fujitsu 1500 scanner for the Mac which costs about 500.00 but didn't think I needed something that sophisticated and then another opinion was to get an all in one but I need software to edit and no one seems to know what software to purchase. Thanks again for your input.
    Get the Fujitsu (Get the M1500, the S1500 is for Windows), it comes with ABBy Fine Reader OCR software that is probably less good than Vuescan but for printed text works just fine, handwriting is a different matter. It is about $500 (look around, under $400 is sometimes possible) don't buy the S version, none of the software will work on a Mac. I've used this scanner fairly often, it's better than the price would suggest.

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    Author:   [email protected]
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    Obviously you dont like listening to music on your ipod in iphone.  The EQ is crap
    Not true at all.
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    It is your position that anyone who does not agree with you does not listen to music?
    What a leap.

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    Author:   [email protected]
    Date:     2010-02-24 17:45:22 -0800 (Wed, 24 Feb 2010)
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    Author:   [email protected]
    Date:     2010-02-24 17:45:22 -0800 (Wed, 24 Feb 2010)
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    Adding command line build config files for the syndication library.
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    How to maintain a Mac
    Make two or more backups of all your files
    One backup is not enough to be safe. A copy of a backup doesn't count as another backup; all backups must be made directly from the original data.
    Keep at least one backup off site at all times in case of disaster. Backing up to a cloud-data service is one way to accomplish this, but don't rely exclusively on such backups.
    In fact, don’t rely exclusively on any single backup method, such as Time Machine.
    If you get an indication that a backup has failed, don't ignore it.
    Keep your software up to date
    In the App Store or Software Update preference pane (depending on the OS version), you can configure automatic notifications of updates to OS X and other Mac App Store products. Some third-party applications from other sources have a similar feature, if you don’t mind letting them phone home. Otherwise you have to check yourself on a regular basis.
    Keeping up to date is especially important for complex software that modifies the operating system, such as device drivers. Don't install such modifications unless they're absolutely necessary. Remove them when they are no longer needed. Before installing any Apple update, you must check that all system modifications that you use are compatible. Incompatibility with third-party software is by far the most common cause of difficulties with system updates.
    Don't install crapware
    ...such as “themes,” "haxies," “add-ons,” “toolbars,” “enhancers," “optimizers,” “accelerators,” "boosters," “extenders,” “cleaners,” "doctors," "tune-ups," “defragmenters,” “firewalls,” "barriers," “guardians,” “defenders,” “protectors,” most “plugins,” commercial "virus scanners,” "disk tools," or "utilities." With very few exceptions, such stuff is useless or worse than useless. Above all, avoid any software that purports to change the look and feel of the user interface.
    It's not much of an exaggeration to say that the whole "utility" software industry for the Mac is a fraud on consumers. The most extreme examples are the "CleanMyMac," "TuneUpMyMac," and “MacKeeper” scams, but there are many others.
    As a rule, you should avoid software that changes the way other software works. Plugins for Photoshop and similar programs are an obvious exception to this rule. Safari extensions, and perhaps the equivalent for other web browsers, are a partial exception. Most are safe, and they're easy to get rid of if they don't work. Some may cause the browser to crash or otherwise malfunction. Some are malicious. Use with caution, and install only well-known extensions from relatively trustworthy sources, such as the Safari Extensions Gallery.
    Only install software that is useful to you, not (as you imagine) to the computer. For example, a word processor is useful for writing. A video editor is useful for making movies. A game is useful for fun. But a "cache cleaner" isn't useful for anything. You didn't buy a computer so you could clean caches.
    Never install any third-party software unless you know how to uninstall it. Otherwise you may create problems that are very hard to solve. Do not rely on "utilities" such as "AppCleaner" and the like that purport to remove software.
    Don't install bad, conflicting, or unnecessary fonts
    Whenever you install new fonts, use the validation feature of the built-in Font Book application to make sure the fonts aren't defective and don't conflict with each other or with others that you already have. See the built-in help and this support article for instructions.
    Deactivate or remove fonts that you don't really need to speed up application launching.
    Avoid malware
    "Malware" is malicious software that circulates on the Internet. This kind of attack on OS X was once so rare that it was hardly a concern, but it's now increasingly common and dangerous.
    There is some built-in protection against malware, but you can’t rely on it—the attackers are always at least one day ahead of the defense. You can’t rely on third-party "anti-virus" products for protection either. What you can rely on is common-sense awareness—not paranoia, which only makes you more vulnerable.
    Never install software from an untrustworthy or unknown source. If in doubt, do some research. Any website that prompts you to install a “codec” or “plugin” that comes from the same site, or an unknown site, is untrustworthy. Software with a corporate brand, such as Adobe Flash Player, must come directly from the developer's website. No intermediary is acceptable, and don’t trust links unless you know how to parse them. Any file that is automatically downloaded from the web, without your having requested it, should go straight into the Trash. A web page that tells you that your computer has a “virus,” or that anything else is wrong with it, is a scam.
    In OS X 10.7.5 or later, downloaded applications and Installer packages that have not been digitally signed by a developer registered with Apple are blocked from loading by default. The block can be overridden, but think carefully before you do so.
    Because of recurring security issues in Java, it’s best to disable it in your web browsers, if it’s installed. Few websites have Java content nowadays, so you won’t be missing much. This action is mandatory if you’re running any version of OS X older than 10.6.8 with the latest Java update. Note: Java has nothing to do with JavaScript, despite the similar names. Don't install Java unless you're sure you need it. Most people don't.
    Don't fill up your disk or SSD
    A common mistake is adding more and more large files to your home folder until you start to get warnings that you're out of space, which may be followed in short order by a startup failure. This is more prone to happen on the newer Macs that come with an internal SSD instead of the traditional hard drive. The drive can be very nearly full before you become aware of the problem.
    While it's not true that you should or must keep any particular percentage of space free, you should monitor your storage use and make sure you're not in immediate danger of using it up. According to Apple documentation, you need at least 9 GB of free space on the startup volume for normal operation.
    If storage space is running low, use a tool such as OmniDiskSweeper to explore the volume and find out what's taking up the most space. Move seldom-used large files to secondary storage.
    Relax, don’t do it
    Besides the above, no routine maintenance is necessary or beneficial for the vast majority of users; specifically not “cleaning caches,” “zapping the PRAM,” "resetting the SMC," “rebuilding the directory,” "defragmenting the drive," “running periodic scripts,” “dumping logs,” "deleting temp files," “scanning for viruses,” "purging memory," "checking for bad blocks," "testing the hardware," or “repairing permissions.” Such measures are either completely pointless or are useful only for solving problems, not for prevention.
    To use a Mac effectively, you have to free yourself from the Windows mindset that every computer needs regular downtime for maintenance such as "defragging" and "registry cleaning." Those concepts do not apply to the Mac platform.
    A well-designed computing device is not something you should have to think about much. It should be an almost transparent medium through which you communicate, work, and play. If you want a machine that needs a lot of attention just to keep going, use a PC, or collect antique cars.
    The very height of futility is running an expensive third-party application called “Disk Warrior” when nothing is wrong, or even when something is wrong and you have backups, which you must have. Disk Warrior is a data-salvage tool, not a maintenance tool, and you will never need it if your backups are adequate. Don’t waste money on it or anything like it.

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    Can you point me to some resources on terminal commands for compile, debug codes for the mac. (Obj-C, Cocoa api)
    Thank You.
    Message was edited by: jase21

    You can use anything you want to develop software for the Mac. In fact, I always encourage people to start out with tutorials and examples using standard UNIX command line tools like vi and gcc. There are plenty of such getting started tutorials for UNIX and Linux.
    At some point, however, the command line is going to get cumbersome. You may want go start writing true Mac applications instead if command line tools. Then it will be time to start with Xcode.

  • Purchasing help for the mac

    hi all.
    new to mac and relatively new to adobe. hoping for some guidance.
    i run a small design build firm and recently ported to the mac os while still running a couple of boot camp installs of windows and parallels with windows 7 on the laptop. I am currently using Aperture to get my images organized and have been reasonably happy with it.
    i am in need of a "poster - workflow" using something like indesign but i am sure i could also use photoshop (which I am familiar with) and illustrator (for various vector manipulations i imagine). i'll also be doing some modest print material, keynote presentations and i have a wordpress website/blog and will be updating a very old blog at some point in the future. i would also /love/ to have a way to manipulate 3D files into my print work in creative ways.
    can anyone give me the lowdown as to whether I should be buying the InDesign CS5 Suite that includes Photoshop, ID and AI (for the mac) and whether I need to look at Acrobat 3D (for Wind 7 because there is no Mac option for this)?
    I mention some tangential issues in case anyone can offer tangential advice and apologies if this is not exactly the right forum as I am just getting started on figuring out where to enter the discussion over here.
    TIA for any help.

    thanks very much John.
    sorry, i have been trying to work my way through the mud over here.
    so the "poster workflow" would be something along the lines of a 24 x 36 inch set of poster boards for a competition and I'd ideally like to be able to set the images, update them and then have the poster update. I had a really pleasant experience with the ID demo a number of months ago so I'm totally sold on ID.
    i also do a lot of 3D modeling and expect to include "vector-based" images in some of these presentations. since i am familiar with photoshop i am also sold on photoshop. i've been on the mac for a year and a half and editing images has been a mess quite frankly without it. so i'm hoping to solve a number of problems.
    do you by any chance have any experience with the mac?
    i mean, i guess "CS5.5" is the suite of products mentioned above is that right? do i have any deals that i can work if i purchase this (pricewise)? I don't think I can hold off until 2Q 2012 which I assume means somewhere around March?
    Anyway, the other issue is that I am organizing images in Aperture and I can't quite figure out if I get a more economical workflow by moving to something like Lightroom. It would be great to not have to always export images out of aperture to get them into the AI, ID, Photoshop workflow. But I am not sure how Lightroom works with these three, either.
    Lastly, my look at Acrobat 3D /seemed/ like it was pretty robust. It appears that I can insert a 3D model into a pdf document and let others rotate it around in real time. It also appeared that it would let me do an "exploded axonometric" in a rather easy manner. the pain for me here is if it is only available on the windows platform.
    anyway, i realize some of this is rather specialized and that some of it is rather obtuse as I try and hack my way forward.
    any advice you can offer I'd be grateful for...

  • Surround Sound For the Mac?

    Hello. I use my PC for games, I have a Creative Labs Xi-Fi card and 7.1 surround sound speakers there. I'd like the same quality on my Mac for movies, but especially for WoW. Is there a sound card or other surround sound solution for the Mac?

    Hello, frustrated!! I empathize with you totally!! I own one Dell and 4 Mac's (for my creative work) including one top of the line MacPro, and I, too, have the 5.1 (and beyond!) sound problem issue. I agree with you that it is terrible that, in my case, after spending $12,000 for this bleeding edge technology, it only comes with stereo capability! When I used my older G-4, I was extremely happy for years with the Revolution 7.1 Surround Sound Card, by a great company called M-Audio. This card worked seamlessly right out of the box.....the software was so easy to use, too. So, naturally I was really shocked and bummed out a few months ago, when I learned from their tech support and sales team there, that no, this card will NOT work on the MacPro.
    From the M-Audio website: Re: Apple Intel Mac Pro & DualCore PowerMac G5 desktop compatibility:
    The new Intel based Mac Pro desktop computers, as well as the latest generation DualCore PowerMac G5's, have PCI-Express slots, and not PCI or PCI-X (Like the Delta/Revolution Series cards). Not only are the data rates on PCI-Express different from PCI/PCI-X, but PCI-Express uses serial data transfers versus PCI/PCI-X transferring its data in a parallel fashion. For these reasons, a PCI-Express type motherboard connector (or "slot") is physically different from a PCI or PCI-X type connector. Therefore a PCI-Express adapter will not physically fit in a PCI or PCI-X slot, and vice-versa. This is true regardless of the adapter card's manufacturer.
    All of our current USB and FireWire interfaces are compatible with the new Intel Based Mac Pro and late model DualCore PowerMac G5 computers.
    Please use their link: http://www.m-audio.com/index.php?do=products.family&ID=recording
    Of course, I prefer the efficient elegance of an internal card, rather than an external box providing more desktop clutter, but at least this is a solution for us! Best of luck to you!!

  • Does SAP support JVM 1.5.0 for the SAPgui 6.40 Rev 6 for the Mac?

    On Tuesday evening, Apple released a software update for Java 2 Platform Standard Edition (J2SE) 5.0 Release 4 for Mac OS X v10.4.5 or later. When you install the update, it will change the default version of Java virtual machine from Java 1.4.2 to Java 1.5.0. Apple also posted instructions for changing the default back to Java 1.4.2 at <http://docs.info.apple.com/article.html?artnum=303526>.
    When I launch SAPgui 6.40 Rev 4 or SAPgui 6.40 Rev 6 for the Mac, they both now use JVM 1.5.0. Does SAP support that, or should I follow Apple's instructions for changing the default JVM back to 1.4.2?
    Here is the information from the "About SAPgui" boxes.
    SAPGUI for Java 6.40 rev 4
    (Version ID 064000040400)
    Build: Thu Sep 1 02:10:41 MEST 2005 on uw1059
    Java VM: Apple Computer, Inc. Version 1.5.0_06-64
    OS: Mac OS X(ppc) Version 10.4.6
    APGUI for Java 6.40 rev 6
    (Version ID 064000040600)
    Build: Wed Dec 21 13:01:37 MET 2005 on uw1059
    Java VM: Apple Computer, Inc. Version 1.5.0_06-64
    OS: Mac OS X(ppc) Version 10.4.6

    as indicated in the system requirements of SAP GUI for Java 6.40, JRE 1.4.2 is the only supported Java version on any of the platforms including Mac OS X.
    Current Mac versions of SAP GUI for Java 6.40 unfortunately do not block usage of JRE 5.0 after installing Java 2 Platform Standard Edition (J2SE) 5.0 Release 4, which causes latter to become the Java default.
    We have discovered this recently and starting with the next revision of SAP GUI for Java 6.40 we will make sure that it uses JRE 1.4.2 independent from the Java default.
    Until then, it is required to change the Java default back to 1.4.2 like described in http://docs.info.apple.com/article.html?artnum=303526 in order to avoid unpredictable issues.
    It is planend to support JRE 5.0 with the upcoming SAP GUI for Java 7.00 on all platforms including Mac OS X.
    Best regards
    Rolf-Martin Woersinger
    SAP GUI for Java development

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