A GUI Question

How do I put in a button for each day of the calender (done in this code):
for (int i=1; i<=nod; i++)
int row = new Integer((i+som-2)/7);
     int column = (i+som-2)%7;
     mtblCalendar.setValueAt(i, row, column);
I want a screen that I have coded to  pop-up which has tasks for the day. This is the Window I want for to pop-up when I click the button:
package Calender;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import javax.swing.*;
public class MainWindow extends JFrame
     JMenuBar menubar;
     JMenu m1, m2, m3, m4;
     JMenuItem add1, remove, display, about;
     public MainWindow()
          setLayout(new FlowLayout());
          menubar = new JMenuBar();
          m1 = new JMenu("Add a task..");
          m2 = new JMenu("Remove a task..");
          m3 = new JMenu("Display tasks..");
          m4 = new JMenu("About..");
          add1 = new JMenuItem("add");
          remove = new JMenuItem("remove");
          display = new JMenuItem("display");
          about = new JMenuItem("about");
          EventA e = new EventA();
          EventRem i = new EventRem();
          EventDis a = new EventDis();
          EventAb b = new EventAb();
     public class EventA implements ActionListener
          public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
               AddWindow gui = new AddWindow(MainWindow.this);
               gui.setTitle("Add a task...");
     public class EventAb implements ActionListener
          public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
               AboutWindow gui = new AboutWindow(MainWindow.this);
     public class EventRem implements ActionListener
          public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
               RemoveWindow gui = new RemoveWindow(MainWindow.this);
               gui.setTitle("Remove a task...");
     public class EventDis implements ActionListener
          public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
               DisplayWindow gui = new DisplayWindow(MainWindow.this);
               gui.setTitle("Display tasks...");
     public static void main(String[] args)
          MainWindow gui = new MainWindow();
          gui.setSize(500, 100);
          gui.setTitle("Main Window");
Here is my entire calendar class:
import javax.swing.*;
import javax.swing.table.*;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import java.util.*;
public class Calendar
     static JLabel lblMonth, lblYear;
     static JButton btnPrev, btnNext;
     static JTable tblCalendar;
     static JComboBox cmbYear;
     static JFrame frmMain;
     static Container pane;
     static DefaultTableModel mtblCalendar; //Table model
     static JScrollPane stblCalendar; //The scroll plane
     static JPanel pnlCalendar;
     static int realYear, realMonth, realDay, currentYear, currentMonth;
     * Changes days, months, years, etc
     public static void refreshCalendar(int month, int year)
          String[] months = {"January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July", "August", "September", "October", "November", "December"};
          int nod, som; //Number Of Days, Start Of Month
          //Allow/disallow buttons
          if (month == 0 && year <= realYear-1){btnPrev.setEnabled(false);} //Too early
          if (month == 11 && year >= realYear+5){btnNext.setEnabled(false);} //Too late
          lblMonth.setText(months[month]); //Refresh the month label (at the top)
          lblMonth.setBounds(160-lblMonth.getPreferredSize().width/2, 25, 180, 25); //Re-align label with calendar
          cmbYear.setSelectedItem(String.valueOf(year)); //Select the correct year in the combo box
          //ImageIcon middleButtonIcon = createImageIcon("images/middle.gif");
          //Clears table
          for (int i=0; i<6; i++)
               for (int j=0; j<7; j++)
                    mtblCalendar.setValueAt(null, i, j);
          //Get first day of month and number of days
          GregorianCalendar cal = new GregorianCalendar(year, month, 1);
          nod = cal.getActualMaximum(GregorianCalendar.DAY_OF_MONTH);
          som = cal.get(GregorianCalendar.DAY_OF_WEEK);
          //Draw calendar
          for (int i=1; i<=nod; i++)
               int row = new Integer((i+som-2)/7);
               int column = (i+som-2)%7;
               mtblCalendar.setValueAt(i, row, column);
          tblCalendar.setDefaultRenderer(tblCalendar.getColumnClass(0), new tblCalendarRenderer());
     static class tblCalendarRenderer extends DefaultTableCellRenderer
          public Component getTableCellRendererComponent (JTable table, Object value, boolean selected, boolean focused, int row, int column)
               super.getTableCellRendererComponent(table, value, selected, focused, row, column);
               if (column == 0 || column == 6) //Week-end
                    setBackground(new Color(255, 220, 220));
               else //Week
                    setBackground(new Color(255, 255, 255));
               if (value != null)
                    if (Integer.parseInt(value.toString()) == realDay && currentMonth == realMonth && currentYear == realYear) //Today
                         setBackground(new Color(220, 220, 255));
               return this;
     static class GoBackAction implements ActionListener
          public void actionPerformed (ActionEvent e)
               if (currentMonth == 0) //Back one year
                    currentMonth = 11;
                    currentYear -= 1;
               else //Back one month
                    currentMonth -= 1;
               refreshCalendar(currentMonth, currentYear);
     static class GoNextAction implements ActionListener
          public void actionPerformed (ActionEvent e){
               if (currentMonth == 11){ //Foward one year
                    currentMonth = 0;
                    currentYear += 1;
               else{ //Foward one month
                    currentMonth += 1;
               refreshCalendar(currentMonth, currentYear);
     static class cmbYearAction implements ActionListener
          public void actionPerformed (ActionEvent e)
               if (cmbYear.getSelectedItem() != null)
                    String b = cmbYear.getSelectedItem().toString();
                    currentYear = Integer.parseInt(b);
                    refreshCalendar(currentMonth, currentYear);
     public static void main (String args[])
          try {UIManager.setLookAndFeel(UIManager.getSystemLookAndFeelClassName());}
          catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {}
          catch (InstantiationException e) {}
          catch (IllegalAccessException e) {}
          catch (UnsupportedLookAndFeelException e) {}
          //makes the frame for the console
          frmMain = new JFrame ("APCS Calender"); //Create frame
          frmMain.setSize(330, 375); //Set size to 400x400 pixels
          pane = frmMain.getContentPane(); //Get content pane
          pane.setLayout(null); //Apply null layout
          frmMain.setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE); //Close when X is clicked
          //Creates the controls for the screan
          lblMonth = new JLabel ("January");
          lblYear = new JLabel ("Change year:");
          cmbYear = new JComboBox();
          btnPrev = new JButton ("<<");
          btnNext = new JButton (">>");
          mtblCalendar = new DefaultTableModel(){public boolean isCellEditable(int rowIndex, int mColIndex){return false;}};
          tblCalendar = new JTable(mtblCalendar);
          stblCalendar = new JScrollPane(tblCalendar);
          pnlCalendar = new JPanel(null);
          //Sets the border for the screen
          btnPrev.addActionListener(new GoBackAction());
          btnNext.addActionListener(new GoNextAction());
          cmbYear.addActionListener(new cmbYearAction());
          //Add controls to screen
          //Set boundaries for day, month, year
          pnlCalendar.setBounds(0, 0, 320, 335);
          lblMonth.setBounds(160-lblMonth.getPreferredSize().width/2, 25, 100, 25);
          lblYear.setBounds(10, 305, 80, 20);
          cmbYear.setBounds(230, 305, 80, 20);
          btnPrev.setBounds(10, 25, 50, 25);
          btnNext.setBounds(260, 25, 50, 25);
          stblCalendar.setBounds(10, 50, 300, 250);
          //Make frame visible
          //Gets the real month, year and day
          GregorianCalendar cal = new GregorianCalendar(); //Create calendar
          realDay = cal.get(GregorianCalendar.DAY_OF_MONTH); //Get day
          realMonth = cal.get(GregorianCalendar.MONTH); //Get month
          realYear = cal.get(GregorianCalendar.YEAR); //Get year
          currentMonth = realMonth; //Match month and year
          currentYear = realYear;
          //Add headers to screen
          String[] headers = {"Sun", "Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thu", "Fri", "Sat"}; //All headers
          for (int i=0; i<7; i++){
          tblCalendar.getParent().setBackground(tblCalendar.getBackground()); //Set background
          //Makes it so that you can't resize or reorder
          //Set row and column count
          //puts values in the table
          for (int i=realYear-1; i<=realYear+5; i++)
          //Refresh calendar
          refreshCalendar (realMonth, realYear); //Refresh calendar

Moderator action: Moved from Java Programming.
Moderator advice: Please read the announcement(s) at the top of the forum listings and the FAQ linked from every page. They are there for a purpose.
Then edit your post and format the code correctly.

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    Hi johanup...
    Are you saying that the code shieroi wrote would NOT
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    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.font.*;
    import java.awt.geom.*;
    import java.text.NumberFormat;
    import javax.swing.*;
    public class GraphTest
        public static void main(String[] args)
            JFrame f = new JFrame();
            f.getContentPane().add(new GraphPanel());
    class GraphPanel extends JPanel
        final int PAD;
        Font font;
        NumberFormat nf;
        public GraphPanel()
            PAD = 38;
            font = new Font("lucida bright regular", Font.PLAIN, 14);
            nf = NumberFormat.getInstance();
        protected void paintComponent(Graphics g)
            Graphics2D g2 = (Graphics2D)g;
            FontRenderContext frc = g2.getFontRenderContext();
            int w = getWidth();
            int h = getHeight();
            double yInc = (h - 2*PAD)/10.0;
            // ordinate
            g2.draw(new Line2D.Double(PAD, PAD, PAD, h - PAD));
            // tick marks
            double x = PAD, y = h - PAD - yInc;
            for(int j = 0; j < 10; j++)
                g2.draw(new Line2D.Double(x - 2, y, x, y));
                y -= yInc;
            // labels
            y = h - PAD;
            float width, height, sx, sy;
            for(int j = 0; j <= 10; j++)
                String s = "$" + j;
                width = (float)font.getStringBounds(s, frc).getWidth();
                LineMetrics lm = font.getLineMetrics(s, frc);
                height = lm.getAscent() - lm.getDescent();
                sx = (float)(x - 4 - width);
                sy = (float)(y + height/2);
                g2.drawString(s, sx, sy);
                y -= yInc;
            // abcissa
            g2.draw(new Line2D.Double(PAD, h - PAD, w - PAD, h - PAD));
            // show value = 7
            double x1, x2, xInc = 40;
            double value = 7.00;
            String s = "$" + nf.format(value);
            width = (float)font.getStringBounds(s, frc).getWidth();
            LineMetrics lm = font.getLineMetrics(s, frc);
            height = lm.getAscent() - lm.getDescent();
            x1 = PAD + 3 * xInc;
            x2 = x1 + xInc;
            y = (h - PAD) - (value) * (h - 2*PAD)/10.0;
            g2.draw(new Line2D.Double(x1, y, x1, h - PAD));
            g2.draw(new Line2D.Double(x1, y, x2, y));
            g2.draw(new Line2D.Double(x2, y, x2, h - PAD));
            // label bar top
            sx = (float)(x2 - (xInc + width)/2);
            sy = (float)(y - 2);
            g2.drawString(s, sx, sy);

  • A SAPinst GUI question - can't connect to port 21212

    I'm trying to install a BW 3.0B system 'BSB' using Linux/Oracle on 32-bit Intel hardware.  The Linux is Suse Linux Enterprise Server 9 (SLES9).  The Oracle is 9.2. 
    I was able to see the 1st SAP Installation GUI screen.  The two fields on the screen appeared as follows:
      Installation Host: <i>localhost</i>
      Port: <i>21212</i>
    <u>But when I clicked the 'OK' button, nothing happened.  The screen and the two fields remained the same.</u>  The messages from the UNIX install session, on two attempts using root id, are attached.  There is nothing in the <i>sapinst.log</i> file in the install directory <i>/INSTBW30B/CI</i>.  My Linux Administrator thought  the SAPinst listener is not working.
    The SAPinst I used is version 1.0, from a SAP BW 3.0B Installation CD, published in 2002.
    Please advise.  Thanks.
    Jack Wu
    lsapd002 /home/bsbadm> su -
    lsapd002:~ # umask
    lsapd002:~ # export DISPLAY=
    lsapd002:~ # export JAVA_HOME=/INSTBW30B/JAVA/j2sdk1.4.2_09
    lsapd002:~ # export PATH=$JAVA_HOME/bin:$JAVA_HOME/jre/bin:$PATH
    lsapd002:~ # export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/sapmnt/BSB/exe
    lsapd002:~ # export LD_ASSUME_KERNEL=2.4.1
    lsapd002:~ # export SAPINST_DIR=/INSTBW30B/CI
    lsapd002:~ #
    lsapd002:~ # cd /INSTBW30B/CI
    lsapd002:/INSTBW30B/CI #
    lsapd002:/INSTBW30B/CI # <b>./startinstgui.sh</b>
    Log file: /INSTBW30B/CI/instgui.log
    2005.10.19 08:45:15: JVM version is '1.4.2_09' (1.4)
    2005.10.19 08:45:15: InstGui started.
    Setting javax.swing.plaf.metal.MetalLookAndFeel at com.sap.ins.gui.Main.setPLAF(Main.java:311)
    2005.10.19 08:45:16: SAPinst GUI Version:  2002/03/13   //bc/dev/src/ins/SAPINST/impl/src/gui/src/com/sap/ins/gui
    addXMLListener for sapinstgui at com.sap.ins.gui.xml.XMLParser.addXMLListener(XMLParser.java:28)
    addXMLListener for sapinstlog at com.sap.ins.gui.xml.XMLParser.addXMLListener(XMLParser.java:28)
    addXMLListener for sapinstfile at com.sap.ins.gui.xml.XMLParser.addXMLListener(XMLParser.java:28)
    addXMLListener for sapinstalert at com.sap.ins.gui.xml.XMLParser.addXMLListener(XMLParser.java:28)
    addXMLListener for sapinstguilogon at com.sap.ins.gui.xml.XMLParser.addXMLListener(XMLParser.java:28)
    Using In-Q-My XML parser at com.sap.ins.gui.xml.XMLParser.setParser(XMLParser.java:317)
    Connecting to localhost:21212 at com.sap.ins.gui.network.Thread.connect(Thread.java:91)
    Not connected. at com.sap.ins.gui.network.Thread.connect(Thread.java:101)
    Connecting to localhost:21212 at com.sap.ins.gui.network.Thread.connect(Thread.java:91)
    Not connected. at com.sap.ins.gui.network.Thread.connect(Thread.java:101)
    Connecting to localhost:21212 at com.sap.ins.gui.network.Thread.connect(Thread.java:91)
    Not connected. at com.sap.ins.gui.network.Thread.connect(Thread.java:101)
    Connecting to lsapd002:21212 at com.sap.ins.gui.network.Thread.connect(Thread.java:91)
    Not connected. at com.sap.ins.gui.network.Thread.connect(Thread.java:101)
    lsapd002:/INSTBW30B/CI #
    lsapd002:/INSTBW30B/CI # <b>telnet lsapd002 21212</b>
    telnet: connect to address Connection refused
    lsapd002:/INSTBW30B/CI #
    lsapd002:/INSTBW30B/CI # <b>./startinstgui.sh -port 21212</b>
    Log file: /INSTBW30B/CI/instgui.log
    2005.10.19 09:41:16: JVM version is '1.4.2_09' (1.4)
    2005.10.19 09:41:16: InstGui started.
    Setting javax.swing.plaf.metal.MetalLookAndFeel at com.sap.ins.gui.Main.setPLAF(Main.java:311)
    2005.10.19 09:41:16: SAPinst GUI Version:  2002/03/13   //bc/dev/src/ins/SAPINST/impl/src/gui/src/com/sap/ins/gui
    addXMLListener for sapinstgui at com.sap.ins.gui.xml.XMLParser.addXMLListener(XMLParser.java:28)
    addXMLListener for sapinstlog at com.sap.ins.gui.xml.XMLParser.addXMLListener(XMLParser.java:28)
    addXMLListener for sapinstfile at com.sap.ins.gui.xml.XMLParser.addXMLListener(XMLParser.java:28)
    addXMLListener for sapinstalert at com.sap.ins.gui.xml.XMLParser.addXMLListener(XMLParser.java:28)
    addXMLListener for sapinstguilogon at com.sap.ins.gui.xml.XMLParser.addXMLListener(XMLParser.java:28)
    Using In-Q-My XML parser at com.sap.ins.gui.xml.XMLParser.setParser(XMLParser.java:317)
    Connecting to localhost:21212 at com.sap.ins.gui.network.Thread.connect(Thread.java:91)
    Not connected. at com.sap.ins.gui.network.Thread.connect(Thread.java:101)
    Connecting to localhost:21212 at com.sap.ins.gui.network.Thread.connect(Thread.java:91)
    Not connected. at com.sap.ins.gui.network.Thread.connect(Thread.java:101)

    Hello Daniel,
    Thanks for the quick reply.  The following are the whole story:
    1. When I started, I followed the SAP "<i>BW 3.0B Installation Guide on UNIX/Oracle</i>" and SAP note 580772.  After getting the error message "Floating point exception", I added the missing environment variable <b>LD_ASSUME_KERNEL=2.4.1</b> according SAP note 797084.
    2. Then I tried again:
    lsapd002:/INSTBW30B/CI <b># /sapcd/KERBW30B/SAPINST/UNIX/LINUX_32/INSTALL</b>
    This time I got different error messages:
    ERROR      2005-10-18 10:50:23 [syuxcnodut.cpp:589]
               CSyNodeUtils::isExistingWithType(iastring, bool, ISyNode::eNodeType)
    <u>FSL-02013  Unable to access file /INSTBW30B/CI/keydb.1.xml: Success.</u>
    ERROR      2005-10-18 10:50:24 [iaxxcsihlp.hpp:344]
    <u>FCO-00034  An error occurred during the installation. Problem: caught an unexpected exception.</u>
    The error message FSL-02013 is confusing.  Was it successful or not?  It appears not.  There is a keydb.xml in the installation directory /INSTBW30B/CI.  But for unknown reason, <b>sapinst</b> couldn't copy it to create keydb.1.xml.  Also, I'm not sure whether FSL-02013 caused FCO-00034, or the two messages are not related?
    3. I looked into the "<i>SAPinst Troubleshooting Guide v 1.20 5/27/2002</i>", found a symptom on p.11, followed the solution part 1:
    lsapd002:/INSTBW30B/CI <b># ./sapinst SAPINST_NO_GUISTART=true</b>
    I got the same error messages as in Step 2.
    4. I tried to fool the installer by doing manually:
    lsapd002:/INSTBW30B/CI <b># cp -p keydb.xml keydb.1.xml</b>
    5. Then tried the installation again
    lsapd002:/INSTBW30B/CI <b># ./sapinst</b>
    I got similar, but not identical error messages
    ERROR      2005-10-18 16:38:18 [syuxcnodut.cpp:589]
               CSyNodeUtils::isExistingWithType(iastring, bool, ISyNode::eNodeType)
    FSL-02013  Unable to access file /INSTBW30B/CI/keydb.<b>2</b>.xml: Success.
    ERROR      2005-10-18 16:38:18 [iaxxcsihlp.hpp:344]
    FCO-00034  An error occurred during the installation. Problem: caught an unexpected exception.
    <u>Please notice that the FSL-02013 complains about keydb.<b>2</b>.xml this time.</u>
    6. Then I gave up on solution part 1 in the "SAPinst <i>Troubleshooting Guide</i>" and continued with solution part 2, which is to run the shell script <b>startinstgui.sh</b>.  After having difficulty with port 21212, I posted the question in the SDN Forum on 10/19/2005.
    According to your reply, <b>startinstgui.sh</b> is just running the GUI which isn't really the installation.  So I still need to resolve the errors with <b>sapinst</b>, i.e. FSL-02013 and FCO-00034.  Any suggestion?
    Jack Wu

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    okay, so I've been working on his code for a long time. A REAL long time, working on it bit by bit, and all I got left is the Reversi's GUI. Basically I want to use the Jbutton and have x represent black and o represent white. I'm getting stuck on how to go about it. Any ideas?
    Here's alllll the code.
    package com.Ozo.games.reversi;
    * This utility class provides a number of static constants and
    * methods that provide abstractions for player colors and moves.
    * Colors and moves could be implemented as objects of separate
    * classes, but instead we represent them as integers and provide
    * the abstraction via these operations.
    public class Reversi {
         public static final int Black = 1;
         public static final int White = 2;
         public static final int Empty = 0;
          * Gives the color of a player's opponent.
          * @param color of this player.
          * @return color of the opponent.
         public static int playerOpposite(int color) {
              if (color == Black) return White;
              if (color == White) return Black;
              throw new Error("Player must be Black or White");
          * Compare two scores and determine whether the first is better than the second.
          * Better for black means more positive.  Better for white means more negative.
          * @param colorAsking
          * @param score1
          * @param score2
          * @return whether score1 is better than score2, as far as colorAsking is concerned.
         public static boolean isBetterScore(int colorAsking, int score1, int score2) {
              if (colorAsking == Black) return score1 > score2;
              if (colorAsking == White) return score1 < score2;
              throw new Error("Player must be Black or White");
          * Encode a move from this position as an integer.
          * A "pass" move is recorded as (-1,-1).
          * @param pos the board this move is for.
          * @param row the row at which the piece is placed.
          * @param col the column at which the piece is placed.
          * @return encoded move.
         public static int newMove(ReversiPosition pos, int row, int col) {
              return row * pos.ncols() + col;
          * A "pass" move.  I.e. no piece is placed.
         public static int newMovePass(ReversiPosition pos) {
              return newMove(pos, -1, -1);
          * Find the row of an encoded move.
          * @param pos the board this move is for.
          * @param move
          * @return the row.
         public static int moveRow(ReversiPosition pos, int move) {
              return move / pos.ncols();
          * Find the column of an encoded move.
          * @param pos the board this move is for.
          * @param move
          * @return the column.
         public static int moveCol(ReversiPosition pos, int move) {
              return move % pos.ncols();
    package com.Ozo.games.reversi;
    * Top-level driver for a Reversi game.
    public class ReversiGame {
         private ReversiPosition   _pos;
         private int               _toMoveColor;
         private ReversiTextIO     _userInterface;
         public ReversiGame(int nrows, int ncols) {
              _pos           = new ReversiPosition(nrows, ncols);
              _toMoveColor   = Reversi.Black;
              _userInterface = null;
         public void setUserInterface(ReversiTextIO ui) {
              _userInterface = ui;
         public ReversiPosition currentPosition() { return _pos; }
         public int             toMoveColor()     { return _toMoveColor; }
         public void getHumanMoveAndApplyIt() {
              if (ReversiRules.countLegalMoves(_pos, _toMoveColor) != 0) {
                   int move = _userInterface.getMove(_pos, _toMoveColor);
                   _pos.applyMove(move, _toMoveColor);
                   _userInterface.message("You have no move.  I get another turn.");
              _toMoveColor = Reversi.playerOpposite(_toMoveColor);
         public void getComputerMoveAndApplyIt() {
              if (ReversiRules.countLegalMoves(_pos, _toMoveColor) != 0) {
                   int move = ReversiStrategy.findBestMove(_pos, _toMoveColor);
                   _pos.applyMove(move, _toMoveColor);
                   _userInterface.message("I have no move.  You get another turn.");
              _toMoveColor = Reversi.playerOpposite(_toMoveColor);
         public void play() {
              for (;;) {
                   if (ReversiRules.isGameOver(_pos, _toMoveColor)) { gameOverMessage(); break; }
                   if (ReversiRules.isGameOver(_pos, _toMoveColor)) { gameOverMessage(); break; }
         public void gameOverMessage() {
              _userInterface.message("Game over...");
              int winner = ReversiRules.winningColor(_pos, _toMoveColor);
              if      (winner == Reversi.Black) _userInterface.message("Black wins.");
              else if (winner == Reversi.White) _userInterface.message("White wins.");
              else    _userInterface.message("Draw.");
    package com.Ozo.games.reversi;
    * The main class to start a Reversi game as an application.
    public class ReversiMain {
         public static void main(String[] args) {
              ReversiGame   game = new ReversiGame(8, 8);
              ReversiTextIO tui  = new ReversiTextIO(System.in, System.out);

    package com.Ozo.games.reversi;
    * This class provides all of the intelligence for a program to play Reversi.
    * It contains all the knowledge of play strategy.  (The knowledge of the rules
    * is maintained by the ReversiRules class.)
    * The principal method is findBestMove, which does an exhaustive search a number
    * of plys deep, and then applies a hueristic position evaluation function.
    public class ReversiStrategy {
         private static int PlysToTry = 6;
          * Find the best move for the player of the given color.
          * If there is no move, then return "pass".
          * @param pos the position to be evaluated.
          * @param toMoveColor the color of player to move.
          * @param plysRemaining the depth to examine (must be >= 1).
          * @return the best move within the default horizon.
         public static int findBestMove(ReversiPosition pos, int toMoveColor) {
              return findBestMove(pos, toMoveColor, PlysToTry).move;
          * This class is used to return a pair of values:  the best move and the score it achieves
          * after the number of plys remaining are played.
         public static class BestMove {
              public int move;
              public int score;
              public BestMove(int m, int s) { move = m; score = s; }
          * Find the best move for the player of the given color within
          * the given number of plys.
          * @param pos the position to be evaluated.
          * @param toMoveColor the color of player to move.
          * @param plysRemaining the depth to examine (must be >= 1).
          * @return a BestMove object returning the best move found and the score it achieves.
         public static BestMove findBestMove(ReversiPosition pos, int toMoveColor, int plysRemaining) {
              if (plysRemaining < 1) throw new Error("findBestMove needs plysRemaining >= 1");
              // Generate the legal moves.  If there are none, then pass.
              int opponentColor = Reversi.playerOpposite(toMoveColor);
              int[] moves = ReversiRules.generateMoves(pos, toMoveColor);
              if (moves.length == 0) {
                   if (plysRemaining == 1)
                        return new BestMove(Reversi.newMovePass(pos), summaryScore(pos));
                        return findBestMove(pos, opponentColor, plysRemaining-1);
              // Try all the moves.  Re-use one position object to make the move.
              ReversiPosition afterMove = pos.copy();
              // Start with a hypothetical worst scenario and then look for what's better.
              int bestScore = 2*summaryScore(afterMove);  // Worse that the worst possible real score.
              int bestIndex = -1;
              for (int i = 0; i < moves.length; i++) {
                   pos.copyInto(afterMove);      // Re-use the position object.
                   afterMove.applyMove(moves, toMoveColor);
                   int thisScore = (plysRemaining == 1) ?
                        summaryScore(afterMove) :
                        findBestMove(afterMove, opponentColor, plysRemaining - 1).score;
                   if (Reversi.isBetterScore(toMoveColor, thisScore, bestScore)) {
                        bestScore = thisScore;
                        bestIndex = i;
              if (bestIndex == -1) System.out.println("Number of moves " + moves.length + " plys " + plysRemaining);
              return new BestMove(moves[bestIndex], bestScore);
         * Examine contents of square and return 1 for Black, -1 for White, 0 for Empty.
         * Useful in computing scores.
         * @param r row number.
         * @param c column number.
         * @return +1/-1/0
         private static int squareVal(ReversiPosition pos, int r, int c) {
              if (pos.getSquare(r, c) == Reversi.White) return -1;
              if (pos.getSquare(r, c) == Reversi.Black) return +1;
              return 0;
         * Count the number of black squares minus the number of white squares.
         * @return difference in number of black and white squares.
         public static int squareScore(ReversiPosition pos) {
              int nBminusW = 0;
              for (int r = 0; r < pos.nrows(); r++)
                   for (int c = 0; c < pos.ncols(); c++)
                        nBminusW += squareVal(pos, r, c);
              return nBminusW;
         * Count the number of black edge squares minus the number of white ones.
         * @return difference in number of black and white squares.
         public static int edgeScore(ReversiPosition pos) {
              int nBminusW = 0;
              // East and west edges.
              for (int r = 1; r < pos.nrows()-1; r++)
                   nBminusW += squareVal(pos, r, 0) + squareVal(pos, r, pos.ncols()-1);
              // North and south edges.
              for (int c = 1; c < pos.ncols()-1; c++)
                   nBminusW += squareVal(pos, 0, c) + squareVal(pos, pos.nrows()-1, c);
              return nBminusW;
         * Count the number of black corner squares minus the number of white ones.
         * @return difference in number of black and white squares.
         public static int cornerScore(ReversiPosition pos) {
              int rlast = pos.nrows()-1, clast = pos.ncols()-1;
              return squareVal(pos, 0, 0) + squareVal(pos, 0, clast) +
              squareVal(pos, rlast, 0) + squareVal(pos, rlast, clast);
         * Compute a heuristic score for a given position. The more positive,
         * the better for Black. Controlling corners is weighted most heavily,
         * folowed by sides, then regular squares. In principle a different weight
         * function should be used at the end of the game, since then it is really
         * the total number of squares that counts.
         * @param pos the position to be assessed.
         * @return the numerical score, with positive being good for Black, negative good for White.
         public static int summaryScore(ReversiPosition pos) {
                   return squareScore(pos) + 8*edgeScore(pos) + 20*cornerScore(pos);
    }Edited by: Oozaro on Nov 19, 2009 12:41 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  • Labels on GUI question

    Hi, I want to put labels on a GUI that basically continually shows values of various parameters which change regularly. What would be the best way of doing this? I was thinking of just using a thread and putting a loop that continually gets the value of the parameter until the program stops, but how do you actually change what is printed on the label?

    Hmmm... setText is one thing, but what's this about spinning off a thread to poll parameter values?
    If you want to decouple the code that changes the parameter values from the code
    that notices those values have changed and reacts by changing label text, then
    Grasshopper, I think you should be aware of the Observer Pattern:

  • Very Basic GUI Question

    Can anyone tell me why this GUI won't display at all? Thanks
    import javax.swing.*;
    import javax.swing.event.*;
    import java.awt.*;  //For colors
    import java.awt.event.*;
    public class Baseball extends JFrame {
    public Baseball(){
        JPanel panel = new JPanel();
        setSize(400, 400);
         * @param args the command line arguments
        public static void main(String[] args) {
            // TODO code application logic here
           java.awt.EventQueue.invokeLater(new Runnable() {
                public void run() {
                    new Baseball();
    }I have no idea what this means: java.awt.EventQueue.invokeLater(new Runnable() {
                public void run() Edited by: Champachikla on Feb 7, 2010 2:01 AM

    Dan_Koldyr wrote:
    1. avoid pack();/setVisible(true); directly in frame constructor But do not neglect to call pack() at some stage before setVisible(true).
    2. invokeLater in main method makes no sense.It does in rare circumstances. (E.G. one visible app. calling the main of another app.)
    So i would suggest modify your code like following
    public Baseball(){
    setSize(400, 400);
    No. The previous poster got it right when talking about setting the preferred size. After pack(), your GUI will be shrunk as well.

  • Netbeans 5.0 GUI question

    Hey guys!
    im a newbie JSF coder and well im in my work term and one of my projects is to develop a Web application(using JSF) to replicate a VB program that my company has but on the web.
    Im on teh front-end stage of the project and reading a JSF(core) book and well they mention a GUI Builder. Im using NetBeans IDE 5.0....is there something within this IDE that i can design a front-end as i would using Visual Basic? Tad annoying if there isn't and it'll take me quite a long itme to actually code something up without a graphical tool :(
    Cheers and many thanks,

    Do you get this error when selecting "run" from within NetBeans?
    When I create a project using Netbeans 5.0 beta using the form designer NetBeans automatically adds swing-layout-0.7.jar to the list of libraries in the libraries node in the project window. I didn't do anything fancy.
    Do you get this error if you create another project?
    it works fine for me.

  • JPanel GUI question

    I am writing a program that updates a Jpanel on the gui when a button is clicked ( GUI or editGUI).
    The program currently loadsup to the GUI and switches to editGUI no problem at all, but won't switch back
    I think I've tracked down the problem to this section of code, what am I doing wrong??? (booleans checked not the problem)
    private void layoutCentre()
              if (editgui == false)
              String s = createDisplay();
              add(JPanel, BorderLayout.CENTER);
                   JPanel=new EditGUI();
                   JPanel = egui.layoutEdit();
                   add(JPanel, BorderLayout.CENTER);

    airomega wrote:
    Thanks everyone, I'm a noob to the forums and to Java so sorry for lack of forum etiquette. No big deal. Your etiquette was fine.
    I sorted it by separating panel creation into two classes, and checking the boolean when calling the methods instead. Still that makes two of us now who have recommended that you look into CardLayout. If you haven't done so, I suggest you do this now.

  • Newbie Gui Question

    Ive been playing around with Netbeans. Im pretty new to java and programing as a whole. I was reading some tutorials and figured out how to create pretty basic GUI jframes. In those said frames i have 2 buttons, a Continue button and an Exit button.
    Ive learned that right clicking on the exit button, hitting even -> action auto-creates code for you to modify. ive picked up from the tutorial how to System.exit(0) to close the window.
    I want to create a second GUI jframe window, and when you click the continue button on frame1 it closes the frame, and pulls up the second frame. how do i go about calling the second gui frame? Any help at all would be greatly appreciated.

    Fair enough. I knew i was getting ahead of myself, was just playing around. On the note of learning, I have a hard time retaining things that i read. Im a hands on person by far. I find lots of tutorials and whatnot that teach you the terms and the meanings of all the different variables and contstructs and operators and arrays and whatnot, but I dont really comprend it unless i can put my hands on it and work with it.
    Is there a site out there that gives you assignments sort of ?
    Like for example, the hello world program. The tutorial asks you to write the program, and then if you cant figure it uot, the next page gives you part of the code and what the code does, and it walks you threw the code so you can check your answers?
    I know thats alittle werid, but if anybody has seen any beginner pages or tutorials like this i would love to hear about it.

  • Swing/GUI Question

    I have a container that I update the contents of (change the image in the button) and I need to redraw the window to show the change. Right now the only way I can figure it out is to hide the window, then show the window but this is not what I want and it create extra windows. Can anyone give me a bit of help on this?

    Post Swing questions on the Swing forum: [http://forum.java.sun.com/forum.jspa?forumID=57]

  • Creating word processor gui question

    I'm trying to create a word processor gui and I'm new to Java so I'm very new to working with guis. I'm trying to create a menu bar and use Jtextarea so that the user would be able to type in multiple lines of text. I'm completely confused with how to do bc I've been trying and trying but seem to have a problem with my main class and my default constructor. any tips on how to get started?
    my main class looks like this {
    WordProcessorDemo f = new WordProcessorDemo();
    f.setSize(800, 600);
    f.setTitle("Word Processor");}
    and it gives me this error msg :
    java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: illegal component position
         at java.awt.Container.addImpl(Container.java:325)
         at java.awt.Container.add(Container.java:252)
         at javax.swing.JMenu.add(JMenu.java:511)
         at wordprocessor.WordProcessorDemo.<init>(WordProcessorDemo.java:62)
         at wordprocessor.WordProcessorDemo.main(WordProcessorDemo.java:18)

    That code is not causing the problem. Look at line 62 in your constructor
    at wordprocessor.WordProcessorDemo.<init>(WordProcessorDemo.java:62)
    You are adding something to a JMenu
    at javax.swing.JMenu.add(JMenu.java:511)
    and it's not liking your parameters or something

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