A list in Excel to a list in a PDF

Is there anyway that a list from excel (made with data varification) can be retained when making a PDF?  I recently learned how to make interactive forms for PDFs, and when I went to make an excel sheet into a PDF, and then make it interactive, I lost my drop-down lists from excel. Any help would be appreciated! Thanks!

I've never seen an Excel to PDF conversion process that converts drop down lists in Excel to combo boxes (aka listboxes) in Acrobat, so you'll have to create them yourself in Acrobat.

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  • Excel 2010 Synchronize List with SharePoint List using VBA

    I have used and loved the interaction between Excel and SharePoint for many generations of both solutions.  It's a wonderful opportunity to integrate the familiarity and simplicity of Excel (formatting, ease of use, availability) with the data storage
    and centralized list capabilities of SharePoint.  Right?
    When upgrading to Excel 2010, I have noticed with much dismay that much of the inherent easy to use features of previous versions were effectively stripped from this newest version.  Much research, time and energy has been spent working around and resolving
    the deficiency.  One Microsoft based article,
    http://support.microsoft.com/kb/930006, has provided the mechanics behind utilizing the "hidden" functionality... although, this capability to use VBA to create the synchronized list was available in previous versions.  However, once Microsoft
    published this article to this "hidden" functionality... I feel that the behavior should be supported by Microsoft in some way.  OK?
    Revised instructions to reproduce the problem:
    1. Create a SharePoint list with 20 dummy records.
    - Note the List Name  ##LIST_NAME##
    - Note the View GUID  ##VIEW_GUID##
    - Note SharePoint Base URL  ##BASE_URL##
    2. REVISED... In Excel 2010, save the file as Compatible "Excel 97-2003 Workbook".  Close the file and reopen.  Create a connected table (ListObject) in Excel using the article above to the SharePoint list.  Use Sample VBA code
    Sub LinkedSharePointList()    
    ActiveSheet.ListObjects.Add SourceType:=xlSrcExternal,_
        Source:=Array(##BASE_URL## & "/_vti_bin", ##LIST_NAME##, _
        ##VIEW_GUID##), LinkSource:=True, Destination:=Range("A1")
    End Sub
    3. OOPS REVISED this item.  The problem is actually with ROW 21... So, update record on row 21... (no matter where the table is located... (if the "Destination" is "A1", then the problem is with ID=20, but if the Table is
    shifted down to say A12, then ID=9 on row 21).  Anyway... make a simple change to that record... and you'll see the ID immediately change.... as if it's a NEW record.  WEIRD!  Note: If the sheet is protected, then an error is displayed
    indicating that a "read-only" record cannot be updated (referring to the ID cell in column A for the current row). 
    4. Now "synchronize" the list with excel.  The former record is still in the list unchanged AND there is a NEW record in the list holding the changes.  There are a number of problems that seem to ONLY occur when something changes to ROW
    21.... Next, try to copy/paste multiple records across multiple rows that intersect with ROW 21.  Yikes!! 
    I look forward to hearing others' experience!

    Here are some things that you can try (change the code, where appropriate):
    Private Sub CreateList()
        Dim folder As folder
        Dim f As File
        Dim fs As New FileSystemObject
        Dim RowCtr As Integer
        RowCtr = 1
        Set folder = fs.GetFolder("http://excel-pc:43231/Shared Documents/Forms/") '<=Variable Location
        For Each f In folder.Files
           Cells(RowCtr, 1).Value = f.Name
           RowCtr = RowCtr + 1
        Next f
    End Sub
    Sub ListAllFile()
     Dim objFSO As Object
     Dim objFolder As Object
     Dim objFile As Object
     Dim pth As String
     Dim WBn As Workbook
     Dim ObCount As Long
     Dim FileNme As String
     Application.ScreenUpdating = False
     Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
     'Get the folder object associated with the directory
     Set objFolder = objFSO.GetFolder("\\excel-pc:43231\Shared Documents\Forms\")
    '** You'll need to specify your path here. By removing the http: from the path, the code liked it & found the folder. It wasn’t working previously ***
     pth = "http://excel-pc:43231/Shared Documents/Forms/"
    '** You'll need to specify your path here. The reason I’ve done this separately is because the path is not recognised otherwise when trying to specify it with workbook.open & using the value set for objFolder **
     ObCount = objFolder.Files.Count
    '** counts the number of files in the folder
     'Loop through the Files collection
     For Each objFile In objFolder.Files
     Nm1 = Len("http://excel-pc:43231/Shared Documents/Forms/")
    '** You'll need to specify your path here **
     Nm2 = Len(objFile) - Nm1
     FileNme = Right(objFile, Nm2)
    '** I’ve done this part to find out/set the file name**
     Set WBn = Workbooks.Open(pth & FileNme, , , , Password:="YourPassword")
    '** opens the first file in the library – if there is no password, the remove everything from - , , , , Password:="Password1" – leaving the close bracket ‘)’
     Application.ScreenUpdating = False
    '** optional – you can leave the screen updating on
    '<< Your coding here>>
    '** The file is now open. Enter whatever code is specific to your spreadsheets.
    '** goes to next file within your sharepoint folder
    End Sub
    Sub SharePoint()
    Dim xlFile As String, xlFullFile As String
    Dim xlApp As Excel.Application
    Dim wb As Workbook
    xlFile = "\\excel-pc:43231\Shared Documents"
    'http://excel-pc:43231/Shared Documents/
    '****----denotes the path.(i.e) u give the path as windows search.Don't use "\" at the end.
    'In the sharepoint path %20 denotes space.so u remove that and use space .
    Set xlApp = New Excel.Application
    xlApp.Visible = True
    xlFullFile = GetFullFileName(xlFile, "Book") 'ANZ denotes starting characters of the file.
    xlFile = xlFile & "\" & xlFullFile
    Set wb = xlApp.Workbooks.Open(xlFile, , False)
    'Once the workbook is opened u can do ur code here
    wb.Close False
    End Sub
    Function GetFullFileName(strfilepath As String, _
    strFileNamePartial As String) As String
    Dim objFS As Variant
    Dim objFolder As Variant
    Dim objFile As Variant
    Dim intLengthOfPartialName As Integer
    Dim strfilenamefull As String
    Set objFS = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
    Set objFolder = objFS.GetFolder(strfilepath)
    'work out how long the partial file name is
    intLengthOfPartialName = Len(strFileNamePartial)
    For Each objFile In objFolder.Files 'Instead of specifying the starting characters of the file you can directly loop through all files in the folder .
    'Test to see if the file matches the partial file name
    If Left(objFile.Name, intLengthOfPartialName) = strFileNamePartial Then
    'get the full file name
    strfilenamefull = objFile.Name
    Exit For
    End If
    Next objFile
    Set objFolder = Nothing
    Set objFS = Nothing
    'Return the full file name as the function's value
    GetFullFileName = strfilenamefull
    End Function
    Sub SrchForFiles()
    ' Searches the selected folders and sub folders for files with the specified (xls) extension.
    'ListTheFiles 'get the list of all the target XLS files on the SharePoint Directory
    Dim i As Long, z As Long, Rw As Long, ii As Long
    Dim ws As Worksheet, dd As Worksheet
    Dim y As Variant
    Dim fldr As String, fil As String, FPath As String
    Dim LocName As String
    Dim FString As String
    Dim SummaryWB As Workbook
    Dim SummaryWS As Worksheet
    Dim Raw_WS As Worksheet
    Dim LastRow As Long, FirstRow As Long, RowsOfData As Long
    Dim UseData As Boolean
    Dim FirstBlankRow As Long
    'grab current location for later reference, for where to paste final data
    Set SummaryWB = Application.ActiveWorkbook
    Set SummaryWS = Application.ActiveWorkbook.ActiveSheet
    y = "xls"
    fldr = "\\excel-pc:43231\Shared%20Documents\Forms\AllItems.aspx"
    FirstBlankRow = 2
    'asd is a 1-D array of files returned
    asd = ListFiles(fldr, True)
    Set ws = Excel.ThisWorkbook.Worksheets(1) 'list of files
    On Error GoTo 0
    For ii = LBound(asd) To UBound(asd)
    Debug.Print Dir(asd(ii))
    fil = asd(ii)
    'open the file and grab the data
    Application.Workbooks.Open (fil), False, True
    'Get file path from file name
    FPath = Left(fil, Len(fil) - Len(Split(fil, "\")(UBound(Split(fil, "\")))) - 1)
    'Get file information
    If Left$(fil, 1) = Left$(fldr, 1) Then
    If CBool(Len(Dir(fil))) Then
    z = z + 1
    ws.Cells(z + 1, 1).Resize(, 6) = _
    Array(Dir(fil), LocName, RowsOfData, Round((FileLen(fil) / 1000), 0), FileDateTime(fil), FPath)
    With ws
    .Hyperlinks.Add .Range("A" & CStr(z + 1)), fil
    End With
    End If
    End If
    'Workbooks.Close 'Fil
    Application.CutCopyMode = False 'Clear Clipboard
    Workbooks(Dir(fil)).Close SaveChanges:=False
    Next ii
    With ws
    Rw = .Cells.Rows.Count
    With .[A1:F1]
    .Value = [{"Full Name","Location","Rows of Data","Kilobytes","Last Modified", "Path"}]
    .Font.Underline = xlUnderlineStyleSingle
    .HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter
    End With
    .[G1:IV1 ].EntireColumn.Hidden = True
    On Error Resume Next
    'Range(Cells(Rw, "A").End(3)(2), Cells(Rw, "A")).EntireRow.Hidden = True
    Range(.[A2 ], Cells(Rw, "C")).Sort [A2 ], xlAscending, Header:=xlNo
    End With
    End Sub
    Function ListFiles(ByVal Path As String, Optional ByVal NestedDirs As Boolean) _
    As String()
    Dim fso As New Scripting.FileSystemObject
    Dim fld As Scripting.folder
    Dim fileList As String
    ' get the starting folder
    Set fld = fso.GetFolder(Path)
    ' let the private subroutine do all the work
    fileList = ListFilesPriv(fld, NestedDirs)
    ' (the first element will be a null string unless the first ";" is removed)
    fileList = Right(fileList, Len(fileList) - 1)
    ' convert to a string array
    ListFiles = Split(fileList, ";")
    End Function
    ' private procedure that returns a file list
    ' as a comma-delimited list of files
    Function ListFilesPriv(ByVal fld As Scripting.folder, _
    ByVal NestedDirs As Boolean) As String
    Dim fil As Scripting.File
    Dim subfld As Scripting.folder
    ' list all the files in this directory
    For Each fil In fld.Files
    'If UCase(Left(Dir(fil), 5)) = "MULTI" And fil.Type = "Microsoft Excel Worksheet" Then
    If fil.Type = "Microsoft Excel Worksheet" Then
    ListFilesPriv = ListFilesPriv & ";" & fil.Path
    Debug.Print fil.Path
    End If
    ' if requested, search also subdirectories
    If NestedDirs Then
    For Each subfld In fld.SubFolders
    ListFilesPriv = ListFilesPriv & ListFilesPriv(subfld, NestedDirs)
    End If
    End Function
    Finally . . .
    Sub ListFiles()
        Dim folder As Variant
        Dim f As File
        Dim fs As New FileSystemObject
        Dim RowCtr As Integer
        Dim FPath As String
        Dim wb As Workbook
        RowCtr = 1
        FPath = "http://excel-pc:43231/Shared Documents"
        For Each f In FPath
        'Set folder = fs.GetFolder("C:\Users\Excel\Desktop\Ryan_Folder")
        'For Each f In folder.Files
           Cells(RowCtr, 1).Value = f.Name
           RowCtr = RowCtr + 1
        Next f
    End Sub
    Sub test()
        Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
        Set objFolder = objFSO.GetFolder("C:\Users\Excel\Desktop\Ryan_Folder")
        'Set colSubfolders = objFolder.SubFolders
        'For Each objSubfolder In colSubfolders
           Cells(RowCtr, 1).Value = f.Name
           RowCtr = RowCtr + 1
    End Sub
    Ryan Shuell

  • Syncronize excel to Sharepoint list (i.e. a site calendar)

    I need some help relating to syncing an excel sheet saved on sharepoint to a calendar on the same sharepoint site.
    What I have is as follows:
    1. A project site with an excel sheet save in a document app.
    2. A Calendar on the project site.
    That excel sheet has numerous formulas where there are two output columns, one with a date (i.e. date output) and one with a document name (Document output).
    What i would like to happen is as follows: When the "date output" cell (which is normally blank) populates with a date i would like the accompanying "document output" cell to populate into the "date output" date on the site's
    calendar.  I have read a number of comments on syncing lists back to excel but none seem to pop out as answering my query. I have no idea if this is possible.
    Any help would be appreciated.

    Let’s verify that whether the two output columns are document library columns or in the excel sheet table. 
    If they are document library columns, you can create a workflow with SharePoint Designer using 2010 platform, choose create the list item action, create
    list items into a calendar list.  Configure the document
    library columns to match the columns in the calendar.
    Here is a link about how to use Create List Item Action, you can use as a reference:
    If you have any question about this issue, 
    please feel free to reply me.
    Best Regards,
    Lisa Chen

  • Exporting a List to Excel to use for Excel Services WebPart (not working)

    Hey everyone, here's the scenario. I'm trying to export a list to excel and save it to a library. All the connections are saved. Now. I want that excel file to render as a web part. When I make a change on the list and try to refresh the data connection
    I get the error below. Please help
    AJ MCTS: SP 2010 Configuration MCSA: Windows 7 If you find this post useful kindly please mark it as an answer :) TY

    I did a test as the followings:
    Create a list, and add some items into it.
    Export the list into a Excel file, then upload the excel file to a library.
    When I opened the file via Excel service, I saw the a yellow warning about unsupported features.
    Then I created a wiki page, and add Excel Web Access web part and connect the web part to the excel file.
    When I refresh all data conections, nothing happened.
    From the article:
    https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms496823.aspx (they are similar with SharePoint 2013)
    SharePoint lists are not supported for Excel service. So, it may cause this issue.
    I suggest you click "Open in Excel" to open the file in Excel application, then refresh the data connection, and save back to SharePoint. Then after you refresh the page, the data of the Excel Web Access web part will refresh.
    TechNet Community Support
    Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help, and unmark the answers if they provide no help. If you have feedback for TechNet Support, contact
    [email protected]

  • How do I enable the button to use the tree list in excel? (Enable the list type: Tree enabled in Office 2013 - VSTF 2013)

    Hi, I was looking to see if anyone knows how I can troubleshoot my connection problem with TFS view in excel. I'm trying to  produce a tree view in Office 2013 as described in the following KB -
    I have followed the instructions on the KB all the way up to : 'Add backlog items and tasks and their parent-child links using a tree list' and at this point I can't seem to get it to work as the button is greyed out.
    Note that I have completed steps 1-6 for the previous procedure... all 6 steps work just fine. However on step 2 of the second procedure - the instructions state I should be able to 'Add Tree Level' - However the button is greyed out.
    Anyone know what I need to do to enable the button to use the tree list in excel? 

    I believe your issue is that you have opened a Flat query and are trying to add tree levels. A flat query is just that and you cannot change the query type from Excel.
    The second process is managing a backlog (which is a tree). TFS web access has a link on the backlog view to create a query. That query will be a "tree of work items" query that returns the items in the backlog including their parent-child relationships.
    This type of query supports the Add Tree Level and Add Child functionality as does a new Input List (not bound to an existing query).
    "You will find a fortune, though it will not be the one you seek." -
    Blind Seer, O Brother Where Art Thou
    Please Mark posts as answers or helpful so that others may find the fortune they seek.

  • How to convert alv list into excel file?

    Hi Experts,
            i have created one report for Due Date Analysis.
    Now My output is displaying in ALV list. But I need to convert the data which in alv list into Excel File. then only i have to send the Excel File to the Customer Thro Email.
         So i need the Function Module to Convert the Data into Excel File.

      U can use function module gui_download.
        BIN_FILESIZE       =
          filename           = 'C:\Transportaionlane.XLS'
          filetype                       = 'DAT'
        WRITE_FIELD_SEPARATOR           = ' '
        HEADER                          = '00'
          ata_tab                       = t_trans_lane_dis[]
           OTHERS                          = 22
    if u want with header then pass the header.

  • Exporting PDF document to Excel.  When I export a PDF document to Excel containing lists of  people the Excel page shows all the names on  one line several inches deep instead of on separate lines which makes editing impossible.  What am I doing wrong?

    Exporting PDF document to Excel.  When I export a PDF document to Excel containing lists of  people the Excel page shows all the names on  one line several inches deep instead of on separate lines which makes editing impossible.  What am I doing wrong?

    Murray is right. Padding (and margins) is added to the width. However, when using percentages, you should never use figures that add up to exactly 100%.
    Browsers need to convert the percentages to pixels. Because pixels must be whole numbers, some percentages are rounded up, which results in the final element dropping down below its neighbours. With percentages, it's much safer to use values that add up to 98% (99% often works, but 98% is safer).

  • Problem in saving the spool list into Excel file.

    Hello Friends,
                         I run a background process for a report, and storing the resulting list into Excel format file. But the result is column values jumbled, it means columns values are not sitting in the right place in excel sheet.
    I also tried saving as unconverted text file and then open it using excel still the same result.

    In this FM populate the tables parameter 'fieldnames' to get each cloumn below the heading correctly.

  • Problem with printer list in Excel 2010

    I am using Windows 8.1 and Excel 2010.  One of my printers is listed twice with slightly different names in the choice of printers when I go to print an Excel spreadsheet.  That same printer is shown only once (and by one of the names used by Excel)
    under "Devices and Printers" in the Control Panel. 
    How do I get the Excel list to duplicate the printers listed under "Devices and Printers", and thus delete the second listing of one of my printers.

    According to your description, my understanding is that Excel 2010 displays duplicate entries of the same printer in printer list. If it is right, this issue might be caused by the third-party program
    interfere with the printer agent driver and Office, such as encryption software, the other customer solved it by remove the third-party program. Please see the similar issue:
    I recommend we run Excel with
    Windows clean boot to test.
    Then, we could check if there are residual information with
    registry key.
    HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Devices
    Please note: Backup the key before modify/delete
    Hope it's helpful.
    George Zhao
    TechNet Community Support
    It's recommended to download and install
    Configuration Analyzer Tool (OffCAT), which is developed by Microsoft Support teams. Once the tool is installed, you can run it at any time to scan for hundreds of known issues in Office

  • Export Custom List into Excel through custom Ribbon

    Hi i have a requirement, in that i need to export custom list into EXCEL through custom Ribbon. For Example in my list, i have Col1, Col2, Col3. Col3 has multiple values (allow mutiple values) and when export this into excel all values in Col3 should
    come as new rows and rest of the column values should duplicate. please helpout from this requirement.
    List View
    Col1   Col2      Col3
    v1        v2    v31,v32,v33
    Excel View
    Col1  Col2  Col3
    v1      v2      v31
    v1      v2      v32
    v1      v2      v33

    Hello Nihath,
    As per your description, you have to read each and every items in list with column value then only you can generate excel. There is direct way to export datatable to excel but in your case you will also need to iterate Col3 value to create new row in excel.
    I would suggest to use CAML query to get all items then check Col3 value. If there are multiple value then add them as new datatable row and finally export full datatable to excel.
    Here is link for CAML:
    Export datatable to excel:
    Finally add this feature in ribbon:
    Hope it could help
    Hemendra:Yesterday is just a memory,Tomorrow we may never see
    Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help and unmark them if they provide no help

  • Exporting list to excel..order changes?

    hello. thanks for the time and effort.
    i'm a SharePoint 2013 noob. so forgive the simple question.  we moved a team site from SharePoint 2010 to SharePoint 2013 and now a user is complaining that when they export to excel the list they see in IE the order gets changed around when it is exported
    to Excel. They said it worked in SP 2010 where the list they saw on the team site was exported in the same order to Excel.  It's an odd question that I wouldn't know where to start to look.  Thanks again.
    Also i did see that it cannot be exported when you open the site in Chrome due to ActiveX controls. 

    According to your post, my understanding is that you wanted to  exporting list to excel. However, the orders were changed.
    I recommend to create a page and add a Data View Web part using SPD on the page and then use SharePoint list as a Data source and add all items into the web part.
    Then from Data view web part exported data to excel.
    In addition, I recommend to modify view to remove the content type column.
    Here are two similar blogs for your reference:
    Question sequence is disordered when we export a survey list to excel
    SharePoint 2010 Export to Excel 2010 Fails to Export All Fields in Some Views
    The list cannot be exported when you open the site in Chrome due to ActiveX controls.
    An ActiveX control is used in SharePoint 2013 to validate if you have Excel installed or not.  You can try it out with Chrome on Windows -- it will fail.  
    Take a look at these ActiveX controls in use with SharePoint 2013:
    Plan browser support in SharePoint 2013
    More information:
    Chrome - Limitations with SharePoint 2013
    Linda Li                
    Forum Support
    Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help and unmark them if they provide no help. If you have feedback for TechNet Subscriber Support, contact
    [email protected]
    Linda Li
    TechNet Community Support

  • Exporting a large filtered list to Excel

    I have a list that has approx 9600 items.  List view threshold is set to 5000.  The list view has a filter on it which in the browser is only displaying around 100 items. However, at the top of the list it displays "Displaying only the newest
    results below. To view all results, narrow your query by adding a filter".   When i try to export the list to Excel, i get "You do not have permission to view the entire list because it is larger than the list view threshold enforced by
    the administrator". 
    My questions are:
    1. Shouldn't this only be trying to export the 100 or so items being displayed in the filtered view? 
    2. Why would it work in the browser but not export to Excel (since the same limit should apply both places, right)? 
    3. Is there a way to get this to work (other than changing the list view threshold)?  I need to be able to export this small filtered list multiple times a day.
    thanks to anyone with any info or help.

    The message you see in the browser indicates that the list is not filtered using an indexed column. You need to create an index on the column. If the filtered view then returns less than 5000 items, you won't see the message and the filtered view will also
    export to Excel nicely. 
    In order to create an index, you either need to temporarily lift the threshold, create the index (or indices) and the lower the threshold again. Or use the daily time window for large queries. For details see http://blogs.msdn.com/b/dinaayoub/archive/2010/04/22/sharepoint-2010-how-to-change-the-list-view-threshold.aspx
    Also, once the view has been exported to Excel, you can save the Excel file and only refresh the data connection. The saved query in the Excel file can then return over 50,000 items to Excel.  Here is a video course about large lists that is easy to
    follow: http://office.microsoft.com/en-us/sharepoint-server-help/introduction-RZ101874361.aspx?section=2 It contains a section about Excel
    exports that is very useful.
    cheers, teylyn

  • Set a particular column's Color when importing a list to Excel

    Hi all,
    I am displaying a list by using REUSE_ALV_LIST_DISPLAY.
    It works fine.Now i import this List to Excel sheet by custom program to set the formatting part and for color prospect which is not working with standard Import functionality.I am using the Methods of Interface  I_OI_SPREADSHEET.
    Now my query is that how to set a particular column's Color ?
    And how to set the width of a particular column ?
    Points will be sured.
    Sanket sethi

    check this
    downloading my report output with the same color on my report to excel .
    Download alv output to an excel file

  • Exporting SharePoint List to Excel it adds special / weird characters

    It's probably an escape code but they're not uniform.  When exporting a SharePoint List to Excel there is one column that is a multi-select lookup column and upon export between each item in that column there are a few special characters.  #68 and #70 in particular I see quite a lot of.  What are these escape codes and what would be a good way of filtering them out so they don't end up on the export?

    Hi Bouhatsu and Rob,
    I'm having the same thing with a filtered lookup. When exporting the list to Excel it adds the ID from the other list in front of the value I want (without me asking for it ...).
    Did one of you found a solution to get these ID's out of the export?

  • How do i covert a mailing list to excel format

    how do i covert a mailing list to excel format

    Hi denniss89996260,
    What file format is that mailing list in? If it's a PDF file, you can use either Export PDF or Acrobat to convert the file to Excel format.
    If your mailing list is in a format other than PDF, then Acrobat isn't what you need. You would want to check with Microsoft to see whether it's in a format that Excel supports.
    Please let us know how it goes.

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