A little help in TicTacToe

I wrote this code that works and does everything alright and plays the game, but i need the game to be able to check if a square is already occupied and tell the user to input again. I am not doing well there. here's what i have...
// tic tac toe game
import java.util.Scanner; // import the scanner
public class TicTacToe
{ // start of class
     public static String board [][] = new String [3][3]; // create a 3x3 array called board
     public static void main(String[] args) //main method
     { // start main
          Scanner input = new Scanner( System.in ); // create scanner to read inputs
          String name1; // player1's name
          String name2; // player2's name
          String current = "O";// the current mark
          int choice;//the choice user inputs
          int cheat; // cheatcode
          int moveCount = 0; // count the number of moves made
          int check = 0;
          System.out.println( "Enter Player1's name: " );//prompt
          name1 = input.nextLine();//read input
        System.out.println( "Enter Player2's name: " );//prompt
          name2 = input.nextLine();//read input
          for ( int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
          { //start of loop
               for ( int j = 0; j < 3; j++)
               {//start of loop
                    board[i][j] = " "; // initializes board to empty spaces
               }//end of loop
          }//end of loop
          System.out.println(); // the next few lines are dedicated to print a board
          System.out.println ( "   ************************" );
          for ( int row = 0; row < 3; row++ )
          {//start of loop
               for ( int column = 0; column < 3; column++ )
               {//start of loop
                    System.out.printf ( "   *       *       *      *\n" );
               }//end of loop
          System.out.println ( "   ************************" );          
          }//end of loop
        int winner = 0; // winner
          while (winner == 0)
          {//start of gignormous loop
               if (current == ("O")) // switch between players
                    current = "X";
                    System.out.printf( "%s, make your move.", name1 );//prompt
                    choice = input.nextInt();//read input
                if ( moveCount == 9)
                winner = 5;
                    if ( choice <= 0 || choice >9 )// prevent user from going crazy and input weird numbers
                         System.out.printf( "%s, can't do that homey.", name1 );//prompt
                        choice = input.nextInt();//read input
                         if ( choice == 333)
                       winner = 3;
                    xmark(choice); // mark x by passing choice to xmark
                    winner = CheckOneWin ( winner ); // check for win for player1...passes winner...blah blah
                    for ( int row1 = 0; row1 != 3; row1++ )
                   System.out.println ( "   *************************" );
                   System.out.println ( "   *       *       *       *" );
                   for ( int column1 = 0; column1 != 3; column1++ )
                        System.out.printf ( "%4s%4s" , "*" , board[row1][column1] );
                   System.out.printf ( "%s\n%s\n" , "   *" , "   *       *       *       *" );
                   System.out.println ( "   *************************" );
                    current = "O"; // switch back to o
                   System.out.printf( "%s, make your move.", name2 );//prompt
                  choice = input.nextInt();//read input
                  if ( moveCount == 9 )
                  winner = 5;
                  if ( choice <= 0 || choice > 9 ) // prevent user from going crazy
                   System.out.printf( "%s, can't do that homey.", name2 );//prompt
                   choice = input.nextInt();//read input
                   if ( choice == 333)
                   winner = 3;
                   omark(choice); // pass choice to method omark
                   winner = CheckTwoWin ( winner ); // check for winner by passing winner to method CheckTwoWin
                  for ( int row2 = 0; row2 != 3; row2++ )
                   System.out.println ( "   *************************" );
                   System.out.println ( "   *       *       *       *" );
                   for ( int column2 = 0; column2 != 3; column2++ )
                        System.out.printf ( "%4s%4s" , "*" , board[row2][column2] );
                   System.out.printf ( "%s\n%s\n" , "   *" , "   *       *       *       *" );
                   System.out.println ( "   *************************" );
          if (winner == 1) // tells that player1 has won
               System.out.printf("\n%s wins, way to go homey!\n", name1);
          if (winner == 3) // tells that player1 has won with cheat code
               System.out.printf("\n%s wins...with a cheat...don't you have any real skills?\n", name1);
          if (winner == 2) // tells that player2 has won
               System.out.printf("\n%s wins, way to go homey!\n", name2);
          if (winner == 4) // tells that player2 has won with cheat code
               System.out.printf("\n%s wins...with a cheat...don't you have any real skills?\n", name2);
          if (winner == 5) // tells that a tie occurs
               System.out.printf("The game is tied, looks like %s and %s are evenly matched...\n", name1, name2);
          }//end of hugmongus while loop
     } // end method main
        public static void xmark ( int x ) // use x to recieve choice
              int thingy = x; // thingy is the private copy of x
              switch ( thingy ) // switch for thingy
                   case 1:
                        if (board[0][0] == "O")
                        System.out.println("can't override dude...");
                         board[0][0] = "X"; // mark X on board [0][0] if case is
                   case 2:
                        if (board[0][1] == "O")
                        System.out.println("can't override dude...");
                        board[0][1] = "X"; // mark X...board[0][1]...
                   case 3:
                        if (board[0][2] == "O")
                        System.out.println("can't override dude...");
                        board[0][2] = "X"; // blah
                   case 4:
                        if (board[1][0] == "O")
                        System.out.println("can't override dude...");
                         board[1][0] = "X"; //blah
                   case 5:
                        if (board[1][1] == "O")
                        System.out.println("can't override dude...");
                         board[1][1] = "X"; // yadayadyada
                   case 6:
                        if (board[1][2] == "O")
                        System.out.println("can't override dude...");
                         board[1][2] = "X";
                   case 7:
                        if (board[2][0] == "O")
                        System.out.println("can't override dude...");
                         board[2][0] = "X";
                   case 8:
                        if (board[2][1] == "O")
                        System.out.println("can't override dude...");
                         board[2][1] = "X";
                   case 9:
                        if (board[2][2] == "O")
                        System.out.println("can't override dude...");
                         board[2][2] = "X";
          public static void omark ( int o ) // o recieves choice
              int thingy = o; // same thing as last method
              switch ( thingy ) // switch for thingy
                   case 1:
                        if (board[0][0] == "X")
                        System.out.println("can't override dude...");
                         board[0][0] = "O"; // mark X on board [0][0] if case is
                   case 2:
                        if (board[0][1] == "X")
                        System.out.println("can't override dude...");
                        board[0][1] = "O"; // mark X...board[0][1]...
                   case 3:
                        if (board[0][2] == "X")
                        System.out.println("can't override dude...");
                        board[0][2] = "O"; // blah
                   case 4:
                        if (board[1][0] == "X")
                        System.out.println("can't override dude...");
                         board[1][0] = "O"; //blah
                   case 5:
                        if (board[1][1] == "X")
                        System.out.println("can't override dude...");
                         board[1][1] = "O"; // yadayadyada
                   case 6:
                        if (board[1][2] == "X")
                        System.out.println("can't override dude...");
                         board[1][2] = "O";
                   case 7:
                        if (board[2][0] == "X")
                        System.out.println("can't override dude...");
                         board[2][0] = "O";
                   case 8:
                        if (board[2][1] == "X")
                        System.out.println("can't override dude...");
                         board[2][1] = "O";
                   case 9:
                        if (board[2][2] == "X")
                        System.out.println("can't override dude...");
                         board[2][2] = "O";
          public static int CheckOneWin( int win1 ) // recieves winner with win1
               int win2 = win1; // win2 = new copy of win1
               if ( ( board[0][0] == "X" ) && ( board [0][1] == "X" ) && ( board [0][2] == "X" ) ) // if these 3 spaces are all X
                    win2 = 1; // player1 wins and win2 is set to 1
               if ( ( board[1][0] == "X" ) && ( board [1][1] == "X" ) && ( board [1][2] == "X" ) ) // same thing again
                    win2 = 1; 
               if ( ( board[2][0] == "X" ) && ( board [2][1] == "X" ) && ( board [2][2] == "X" ) )
                    win2 = 1;
               if ( ( board[0][0] == "X" ) && ( board [1][0] == "X" ) && ( board [2][0] == "X") )
                    win2 = 1;
               if ( ( board[0][1] == "X" ) && ( board [1][1] == "X" ) && ( board [2][1] == "X" ) )
                    win2 = 1;
               if ( ( board[0][2] == "X" ) && ( board [1][2] == "X" ) && ( board [2][2] == "X" ) )
                    win2 = 1;
               if ( ( board[0][0] == "X" ) && ( board [1][1] == "X" ) && ( board [2][2] == "X" ) )
                    win2 = 1;
               if ( ( board[0][2] == "X" ) && ( board [1][1] == "X" ) && ( board [2][0] == "X" ) )
                    win2 = 1;
               return win2; // returns win2
          public static int CheckTwoWin( int win3 )// recieve winner with win3
               int win4 = win3;//blah
               if ( ( board[0][0] == "O" ) && ( board [0][1] == "O" ) && ( board [0][2] == "O" ) )//all that good stuff
                    win4 = 1;
               if ( ( board[1][0] == "O" ) && ( board [1][1] == "O" ) && ( board [1][2] == "O" ) )
                    win4 = 1; 
               if ( ( board[2][0] == "O" ) && ( board [2][1] == "O" ) && ( board [2][2] == "O" ) )
                    win4 = 1;
               if ( ( board[0][0] == "O" ) && ( board [1][0] == "O" ) && ( board [2][0] == "O" ) )
                    win4 = 1;
               if ( ( board[0][1] == "O" ) && ( board [1][1] == "O" ) && ( board [2][1] == "O" ) )
                    win4 = 1;
               if ( ( board[0][2] == "O" ) && ( board [1][2] == "O" ) && ( board [2][2] == "O" ) )
                    win4 = 1;
               if ( ( board[0][0] == "O" ) && ( board [1][1] == "O" ) && ( board [2][2] == "O" ) )
                    win4 = 1;
               if ( ( board[0][2] == "O" ) && ( board [1][1] == "O" ) && ( board [2][0] == "O" ) )
                    win4 = 1;
               return win4; //returns win4
}//end of this huge and hard classNow if a user tries to override a already occupied square, it will say "dude, can't override..." and automically hand the move to next player without letting the user move again...someopne please help me...

Boolean is a primitive that can have two values - true or false. Run this and see if you understand:
class OddsEvens {
    int[] numbers = {1,2,4,5,7,8};
    public void checkNumbers() {
        for(int index = 0; index < numbers.length; index++) {
            System.out.print(numbers[index] + " is ");
            if(isEven(numbers[index])) {
            } else {
    private boolean isEven(int value) {
        if(value %2 == 0) {
            return true;
        } else {
            return false;
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        OddsEvens oe = new OddsEvens();

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    myFileLength NUMBER;
    myFileBlockSize BINARY_INTEGER;
    myText VARCHAR2(1000):= NULL;
    myInstr NUMBER;
    l_dir VARCHAR2(10) 'c:/orders';
    l_filename VARCHAR2(25) := 'orderlist';
    l_datetime DATE := trunc(sysdate);
    l_output utl_file.file_type;
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    <ul>l_output := utl_file.fopen(l_dir, l_filename, 'w');
    utl_file.put_line(l_output, l_datetime || order_id);</ul>
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    l_output := utl_file.fopen(l_dir, l_filename, 'r');
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    end if;
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    Perhaps, if you stop ranting - and stop typing in capitals (which is regarded as shouting), then you may get somewhere. But since I'm so nice...
    A good place to start for help is here, in these discussions and then proceed by explaining the probelm clearly.
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    GET / HTTP/1.1
    Accept: image/gif, image/x-xbitmap, image/jpeg, image/pjpeg, application/vnd.ms-excel, application/vnd.ms-powerpoint, application/msword, application/x-shockwave-flash, */*
    Accept-Language: en-us
    UA-CPU: x86
    Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate
    User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 5.1; InfoPath.2; .NET CLR 2.0.50727)
    Host: www.google.com
    Connection: Keep-Alive
    Cookie: PREF=ID=a21457942a93fc67:TB=2:TM=1212883502:LM=1213187620:GM=1:S=H1BYeDQt9622ONKF
    HTTP/1.0 200 OK
    Cache-Control: private, max-age=0
    Date: Fri, 20 Jun 2008 22:43:15 GMT
    Expires: -1
    Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8
    Content-Encoding: gzip
    Server: gws
    Content-Length: 2649
    X-Cache: MISS from linux-e6p8
    X-Cache-Lookup: MISS from linux-e6p8:3128
    Via: 1.0
    Connection: keep-alive
    GET /8SE/11?MI=32d919696b43409cb90ec369fe7aab75&LV= HTTP/1.1
    User-Agent: MSN_SL/3.1 Microsoft-Windows/5.1
    Host: g.ceipmsn.com
    HTTP/1.0 403 Forbidden
    Server: squid/2.6.STABLE5
    Date: Sat, 21 Jun 2008 01:46:26 GMT
    Content-Type: text/html
    Content-Length: 1066
    Expires: Sat, 21 Jun 2008 01:46:26 GMT
    X-Squid-Error: ERR_ACCESS_DENIED 0
    X-Cache: MISS from linux-e6p8
    X-Cache-Lookup: NONE from linux-e6p8:3128
    Via: 1.0
    Connection: close
    java.net.SocketException: Broken pipe // this is the error message
    at java.net.SocketOutputStream.socketWrite0(Native Method)
    at java.net.SocketOutputStream.socketWrite(SocketOutputStream.java:92)
    at java.net.SocketOutputStream.write(SocketOutputStream.java:115)
    at java.io.DataOutputStream.writeBytes(DataOutputStream.java:259)
    at SimpleHttpHandler.run(Test77.java:61)
    at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:595)
    at Test77.main(Test77.java:13)

    please could just tell me what is wrong with my code ! this is the last idea in my G.p and am havin difficulties with that cuz this is the first time dealin with java :( the purpose of my code to forward the http traffic from client to Squid server ( proxy server ) then forward the response from squid server to the clients !
    thanx a lot,
    this is my code :
    import java.io.*;
    import java.net.*;
    public class Test7 {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
    try {
    ServerSocket serverSocket = new ServerSocket(1416);
    System.out.println("Waiting for request");
    Socket socket = serverSocket.accept();
    new Thread(new SimpleHttpHandler(socket)).run();
    catch (Exception e) {
    class SimpleHttpHandler implements Runnable{
    private final static String CLRF = "\r\n";
    private Socket client;
    private DataOutputStream writer;
    private DataOutputStream writer2;
    private BufferedReader reader;
    private BufferedReader reader2;
    public SimpleHttpHandler(Socket client){
    this.client = client;
    public void run(){
    this.reader = new BufferedReader(
    new InputStreamReader(
    InetAddress ipp=InetAddress.getByName(""); \\ my squid server
    StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
    Socket ss=new Socket(ipp,3128);
    this.writer= new DataOutputStream(ss.getOutputStream());
    this.reader2 = new BufferedReader(
    new InputStreamReader(
    this.writer2= new DataOutputStream(this.client.getOutputStream());
    catch(Exception e){
    private String read() throws IOException{
    String in = "";
    StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
    while(!(in = this.reader.readLine()).trim().equals("")){
    buffer.append(in + "\n");
    buffer.append(in + "\n");
    return buffer.toString();
    private String read2() throws IOException{
    String in = "";
    StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
    while(!(in = this.reader2.readLine()).trim().equals("")){
    buffer.append(in + "\n");
    return buffer.toString();
    Edited by: Tareq85 on Jun 20, 2008 5:22 PM

  • Greetings,   I need a little help. I have a WRT54G Wirele...

    I need a little help. I have a WRT54G Wireless Router, and it worked well for years with my Alcatel DSL Modem (Bellsouth/ATT).  The modem went out and it was replaced with Westell Modem.  When I bypass the router I have no problem connecting to the Internet, however when I connect the router--no connection.  I thought it would not be a problem swapping the modem out.  I am running XP with Norton Internet Security and Anti-virus.  I have disabled Norton and do not believe that to be the problem.  Do I have to reconfigure the router?  If so, can I do it with the original install CD?  (I am disabled and the original CD/instructions/box is in the attic and I cannot get it easily.)  I have read several different threads, but they do not specifically address my problem.  Any assistance is appreciated.  Eddy

    Many Westell modems are actually "modem-routers" and they use the same  address space as your WRT54G.  This is the root of your problems.
    Try the settings at this URL.
    Note that the "WAN" port on the BEFSR41 in the example is the same as the "Internet" port on your WRT54G.
    Please let me know whether or not this worked for you.

  • TS1372 I was just about to about to update my iPod nano 7 from 1.0.2 to 1.0.3 . And after the complete download of the software,it says "The firmware file could not be found"   A little help anyone!!!

    I was just about to about to update my iPod nano 7 from 1.0.2 to 1.0.3 . And after the complete download of the software,it says "The firmware file could not be found"   A little help anyone!!!

    Welcome to Apple Discussions!
    Take a look at these two articles. The error messages are not the same, but they may help...
    If not, post back.

  • Need a little help with dial setup on CME

    I've got a CME I'm using for testing and I think I need a little help figuring out the proper config to get the system to accept numbers I dial and have those numbers be passed on to an Avaya system (including the leading 9 for ARS in Avaya) via H.323 IP trunks.   I have it working well for internal 5 digit extension calls across the H.323 trunks and I also have it working well for some types of outside calls that gets passed on to the Avaya and then the Avaya dials the call out to the PSTN.   My only real problem is, I can't figure out how to correctly configure CME to examine the digits I'm dialing and only send the digits once I'm finished dialing....not as soon as it sees an initial match.
    What's happening is this.  I can dial local numbers in my area as 7 digits or 10 digits.  The phone company doesn't yet force us to dial area code and number for local calls (10 digits).  I can still dial 7 digits.   But...if I put an entry in CME that looks like this....
    (by the way, the IP is not the real IP address, that's just an example, but the rest of this entry is what I really have entered in CME)
    dial-peer voice 9 voip
    description Outside 7 Dig Local Calls Via Avaya
    destination-pattern 9.......
    session target ipv4:
    dtmf-relay h245-alphanumeric
    no vad
    ...Then it will always try to dial out immediately after seeing the first 8 digits I dial (9 plus the 7 digit number I called)...even though I have a speicifc entry in the system that accounts for calls to 9 plus area code 513.  I would have assumed that if I put the specific entry in for 9513....... it would see that and wait to see if I was actually dialing something to match 9513....... instead of 9.......   Understand what I mean?   Because 9513....... is more specific than 9....... but it still tries to send the call out immediately after seeing the first 8 digits I dialed.
    dial-peer voice 9513 voip
    description Outside 10 Dig Local Calls Via Avaya
    destination-pattern 9513.......
    session target ipv4:
    dtmf-relay h245-alphanumeric
    no vad
    ...BUT...here's the interesting thing.  If I trace the 10 digit call in Avaya, I see that the number being presented to the Avaya PBX is only the first 7 digits of the number....not the full 10 digits...BUT I see a few more of the digits I dialed (like the 8th and 9th digits) after the call is already setup and sent to the PSTN.  It's like the CME is trying to send the rest of the 10 digits I dialed, but at that point it's already too late.   It setup the call as a 7 digit call (9 plus 7 digits), not 10 digit like I wanted.
    I'm more familiar with how to setup dialing in the Avaya via ARS.  My background is Avaya, not Cisco, so this dial-peer config is a little difficult for me until I understand the reasoning of how it examines the numbers and what I should do to make it wait for me to finish dialing....or to tell the system that what I'm dialing will be a minimum or a certain amount of digits and maximum of a certain amount of digits, like the Avaya does.  I just need some pointers and examples to look at :-)   I think I've almost got it....but I'm just missing something at the moment.
    Just so you understand, the call flow should be like this:  Cisco phone registered to CME > CME to Avaya via H.323 trunks > Avaya to PSTN via ISDN PRI trunks connected to Avaya.  I have to be sure I send the 9 to the Avaya also, because 9 triggers ARS in the Avaya. 
    Thanks for your help

    Here is a good document that explains how dial-peers are matched in the Cisco world:
    In your case, it is variable length dial plan you are trying to implenent. To fix it, you need to add a T to force the system to wait for more digits to be entered if there is any.
    dial-peer voice 9 voip
    description Outside 7 Dig Local Calls Via Avaya
    destination-pattern 9.......T
    session target ipv4:
    dtmf-relay h245-alphanumeric
    no vad
    dial-peer voice 9513 voip
    description Outside 10 Dig Local Calls Via Avaya
    destination-pattern 9513.......
    session target ipv4:
    dtmf-relay h245-alphanumeric
    no vad
    You can also configure the inter-digits timeout using the command timeouts interdigit under telephony-service.
    Please rate helpful answers!

  • Need a little help.... not major....but am unsure I have...

    Need a little help.... not major....but am unsure I have the 2.4 GHz Wireless-G Broadband Router Model WRT54G version 2 I had bought some time ago (over year and a half) and never really had it hooked up since I have been moving from place to place. Now that I'm retired and staying in one place I'm ready to set up. I find myself having "several" power adaptors and not sure which is the correct one. Can anyone tell me if all the broadband routers had the Linksys name and/or logo on them? None of the adapters I have do. I want to use a proper adapter so as not to damage....are there any specs that would be helpful so that one of these adapters would work? Also I'm running WindowsXP Sorry to bother you folks with a dumb question as I'm sure there are others with far more important questions and concerns. Although I can't tell other than the end going into the unit fits, I do have one Class 2 Transformer which might be the one it's about 1 1/2 inches thick, about 2 inches tall with following written information: Model 49-12-1000D CUI Inc Input AC 120V 60Hz 20W Output DC12V 1000mA Appreciate any help you can give.....I believe my unit is an older one based on version so there may have been a "fatter" adapter then than now.

    The power adapter output should be 12V, 0.5A(so 6W power rating)

  • Need a little help please    Airport Express

    Need a little help please.
    I am trying to set up a wireless network at my home using Airport Express.
    I have a regular phone line running in to I assume the modem. From there, there is an Ethernet cable running from that box to the back of the PC. My question is, I think, which of those do I unplug and plug into the Airport Express, the one on the back of the PC or the one that is in the back of the modem, or is this totally wrong.
    Any help would be appreciated…
    In advance…
    PS I have the manual but to me it is not very clear…

    Your connection sequence would look like this:
    Internet > Modem > AirPort Express >>>wireless to your computers.
    This means that you would unplug the cable that is now connected at the back of your PC and move that connection to the AirPort Express.
    Open Macintosh HD > Applications > Utilities > AirPort Utility
    Click Continue to follow the guided setup. On the third page, you will choose the option to "Create a wireless network" and continue the setup.

  • Need a little Help with my new xfi titanium

    +Need a little Help with my new xfi titanium< A few questions here.
    st question? Im using opt out port on the xfi ti. card and using digital li've on a windows 7 64 bit system,? I would like to know why when i use 5. or 7. and i check to make sure each speakear is working the rear speakers wont sound off but the sr and sl will in replace of the rear speakers. I did a test tone on my sony amp and the speaker are wired correctly becasue the rear speakers and the surrond? left and right sound off when they suppose too. Also when i try to click on? the sl and sr in the sound blaster control panel they dont work but if i click on the rear speakers in the control panel the sl and sr sound off. Do anyone know how i can fix this? So i would like to know why my sl and sr act like rears when they are not?
    2nd question? How do i control the volume from my keyboard or from windows period when using opt out i was able to do so with my on board? sound max audio using spidf? Now i can only control the audio using the sony receiver.
    Thank you for any help..

    /Re: Need a little Help with my new xfi titanium? ?
    ZDragon wrote:
    I'm unsure about the first question. Do you even have a 7. system and receiver? If you just have 5., you should be able to remap the audio in the THX console.
    I do have a sony 7. reciever str de-995 its an older one but its only for my cpu. At first i didnt even have THX installed because it didnt come with the driver package for some reason until i downloaded the daniel_k support drivers and installed it. But it doesnt help in anyway.
    I have checked every where regarding the first question and alot of people are having problems getting sound out of there rear channels and the sound being re-mapped to the surround right and the surround left as if there rear left and rear right.
    I read somewhere that the daniel_k support drivers would fix this but it didnt for me and many others.
    For the second question i assumed it would be becasue of the spidf pass through and that my onboard sound card was inferior to the xfi titaniums. But i wasnt sure and i was hopeing that someone would have a solution for that problem because i miss controlling the volume with my keyboard.

  • Need a little help with syncing my iPod.

    I got a new macbook pro for cristmas and a few cds. After i tried to sync my ipod to itunes i put a symbol next to each song that i got from other cds saying that they were downloading but they werent. Also the cds i downloaded to my ipod for the first time didnt appear at all. Need help.

    /Re: Need a little Help with my new xfi titanium? ?
    ZDragon wrote:
    I'm unsure about the first question. Do you even have a 7. system and receiver? If you just have 5., you should be able to remap the audio in the THX console.
    I do have a sony 7. reciever str de-995 its an older one but its only for my cpu. At first i didnt even have THX installed because it didnt come with the driver package for some reason until i downloaded the daniel_k support drivers and installed it. But it doesnt help in anyway.
    I have checked every where regarding the first question and alot of people are having problems getting sound out of there rear channels and the sound being re-mapped to the surround right and the surround left as if there rear left and rear right.
    I read somewhere that the daniel_k support drivers would fix this but it didnt for me and many others.
    For the second question i assumed it would be becasue of the spidf pass through and that my onboard sound card was inferior to the xfi titaniums. But i wasnt sure and i was hopeing that someone would have a solution for that problem because i miss controlling the volume with my keyboard.

  • How about a little help out there Lenovo...?​?

    I've posted 2 recent posts about my laptop screen background turning from white to blue..and have yet to get even 1 response!!!
    I could use a little help here and I thought that this forum would be the place for it...is there a reason I'm not getting any replies ??

    Hi rllenovo,
    please don't forget that this is a peer to peer forum, provided by Lenovo in order that members may seek assistance from others and share their experiences. There is a Lenovo presence here but unfortunately they are not able to address every issue and therefore there is no guarantee you will receive a direct response.
    It is possible that no other members are experiencing, or have experienced the same as you, or if they have, haven't been online since you posted. Sometimes in forums you need to bring a little patience with you. Alternatively you have the option of contacting Lenovo support.
    It maybe that because you chose a user name with Lenovo in it that other members think you work for, or are associated with Lenovo and maybe felt that other channels of assistance would be available to you and hence offered no comment???
    edit; typo
    Andy  ______________________________________
    Please remember to come back and mark the post that you feel solved your question as the solution, it earns the member + points
    Did you find a post helpfull? You can thank the member by clicking on the star to the left awarding them Kudos Please add your type, model number and OS to your signature, it helps to help you. Forum Search Option T430 2347-G7U W8 x64, Yoga 10 HD+, Tablet 1838-2BG, T61p 6460-67G W7 x64, T43p 2668-G2G XP, T23 2647-9LG XP, plus a few more. FYI Unsolicited Personal Messages will be ignored.
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