A method for passing in the system date to either a substitution variable or directly into a calc script for use on the fix statement

Does anyone have an idea of how to pass in the server system date into a calc script or into a substitution variable so that I can fully automate my calc script to only calculate the current day? Thanks very much for any assistance on this.

unsure why cannot att bat<BR>below is raw code meant to insert into .bat file<BR>================================================<BR><BR>code starts below this line<BR>================================================<BR>:: <BR>:: pls ensure essbase server up and running <BR>:: batch file to upd subs var <BR>:: insert correct values below<BR>:: <BR>:: substitution variables set up in cube: curryr, lastyr <BR>:: substitution variables set up in cube: currmth, prevmth ... <BR>::<BR><BR>:: setting of local env vars<BR>setlocal<BR>::<BR><BR>:: setting of job control vars<BR>set svr=<< insert value here >><BR>set uid=<< insert value here >><BR>set pwd=<< insert value here >><BR>::<BR><BR>:: setting of date and time vars<BR>for /F "tokens=1-4 delims=/ " %%i in ('date /t') do (<BR>set dayofweek=%%i<BR>set day=%%k<BR>set month=%%j<BR>set year=%%l<BR>set datestamp=%%l_%%j_%%k<BR>)<BR>for /F "tokens=1-2 delims=: " %%i in ('time /t') do (<BR>set hour=%%i<BR>set minute=%%j<BR>set timestamp=%%i_%%j<BR>)<BR>::<BR><BR>:: setting year vars<BR>set /a curryr=%year%<BR>set /a lastyr=(%year% - 1)<BR>::<BR><BR>:: setting paths and files<BR>set destpath=<< insert path here >><BR>set errpath=<< insert path here >><BR>set errfiles=%errpath%\*.err<BR>set errfiledir=%errpath%\%datestamp%_%timestamp%_err.dir<BR>set errfile=%destpath%\%datestamp%_%timestamp%_err.err<BR>set logfile=%destpath%\%datestamp%_%timeStamp%_log.log<BR>set upd_var_file=%destpath%\upd_var.txt<BR>::<BR><BR>:: initial housekeeping<BR>if exist %errfile% del %errfile%<BR>if exist %logfile% del %logfile%<BR>if exist %upd_var_file% del %upd_var_file%<BR>if exist %errfiledir% del %errfiledir%<BR>::<BR><BR>:: start all<BR>echo. >> %logfile%<BR>echo rem &0 >> %logfile%<BR>echo. >> %logfile%<BR>echo rem --- start all --- >> %logfile%<BR>date/t >> %logfile%<BR>time/t >> %logfile%<BR><BR>:: dates<BR>echo rem --- dates --- >> %logfile%<BR>echo Curr Year = %curryr% >> %logfile%<BR>echo Last Year = %lastyr% >> %logfile%<BR><BR>:: gen temp txt to upd subs vars<BR>echo rem --- upd subs vars start --- >> %logfile%<BR>echo. >> %upd_var_file%<BR>echo. >> %upd_var_file%<BR>echo login "%svr%" "%uid%" "%pwd%"; >> %upd_var_file%<BR>if %month% == 01 (<BR> echo updatevariable "CurrMth" "%svr%" "" "" "Dec"; >> %upd_var_file%<BR> echo updatevariable "PrevMth" "%svr%" "" "" "Nov"; >> %upd_var_file%<BR> echo updatevariable "CurrQtr" "%svr%" "" "" "Q4"; >> %upd_var_file%<BR>)<BR>if %month% == 02 (<BR> echo updatevariable "CurrMth" "%svr%" "" "" "Jan"; >> %upd_var_file%<BR> echo updatevariable "CurrQtr" "%svr%" "" "" "Q1"; >> %upd_var_file%<BR> echo updatevariable "CurrYr" "%svr%" "" "" "FY%curryr%"; >> %upd_var_file%<BR> echo updatevariable "NextYr" "%svr%" "" "" "FY%nextyr%"; >> %upd_var_file%<BR> echo updatevariable "NextY2" "%svr%" "" "" "FY%nexty2%"; >> %upd_var_file%<BR> echo updatevariable "LastYr" "%svr%" "" "" "FY%lastyr%"; >> %upd_var_file%<BR> echo updatevariable "LastY2" "%svr%" "" "" "FY%lasty2%"; >> %upd_var_file%<BR> echo updatevariable "LastY3" "%svr%" "" "" "FY%lasty3%"; >> %upd_var_file%<BR> echo updatevariable "PrevYr" "%svr%" "" "" "FY%lastyr%"; >> %upd_var_file%<BR> echo updatevariable "PrevMth" "%svr%" "" "" "Dec"; >> %upd_var_file%<BR>)<BR>if %month% == 03 (<BR> echo updatevariable "CurrMth" "%svr%" "" "" "Feb"; >> %upd_var_file%<BR> echo updatevariable "PrevMth" "%svr%" "" "" "Jan"; >> %upd_var_file%<BR> echo updatevariable "CurrQtr" "%svr%" "" "" "Q1"; >> %upd_var_file%<BR> echo updatevariable "PrevYr" "%svr%" "" "" "FY%curryr%"; >> %upd_var_file%<BR>)<BR>if %month% == 04 (<BR> echo updatevariable "CurrMth" "%svr%" "" "" "Mar"; >> %upd_var_file%<BR> echo updatevariable "PrevMth" "%svr%" "" "" "Feb"; >> %upd_var_file%<BR> echo updatevariable "CurrQtr" "%svr%" "" "" "Q1"; >> %upd_var_file%<BR>)<BR>if %month% == 05 (<BR> echo updatevariable "CurrMth" "%svr%" "" "" "Apr"; >> %upd_var_file%<BR> echo updatevariable "PrevMth" "%svr%" "" "" "Mar"; >> %upd_var_file%<BR> echo updatevariable "CurrQtr" "%svr%" "" "" "Q2"; >> %upd_var_file%<BR>)<BR>if %month% == 06 (<BR> echo updatevariable "CurrMth" "%svr%" "" "" "May"; >> %upd_var_file%<BR> echo updatevariable "PrevMth" "%svr%" "" "" "Apr"; >> %upd_var_file%<BR> echo updatevariable "CurrQtr" "%svr%" "" "" "Q2"; >> %upd_var_file%<BR>)<BR>if %month% == 07 (<BR> echo updatevariable "CurrMth" "%svr%" "" "" "Jun"; >> %upd_var_file%<BR> echo updatevariable "PrevMth" "%svr%" "" "" "May"; >> %upd_var_file%<BR> echo updatevariable "CurrQtr" "%svr%" "" "" "Q2"; >> %upd_var_file%<BR>)<BR>if %month% == 08 (<BR> echo updatevariable "CurrMth" "%svr%" "" "" "Jul"; >> %upd_var_file%<BR> echo updatevariable "PrevMth" "%svr%" "" "" "Jun"; >> %upd_var_file%<BR> echo updatevariable "CurrQtr" "%svr%" "" "" "Q3"; >> %upd_var_file%<BR>)<BR>if %month% == 09 (<BR> echo updatevariable "CurrMth" "%svr%" "" "" "Aug"; >> %upd_var_file%<BR> echo updatevariable "PrevMth" "%svr%" "" "" "Jul"; >> %upd_var_file%<BR> echo updatevariable "CurrQtr" "%svr%" "" "" "Q3"; >> %upd_var_file%<BR>)<BR>if %month% == 10 (<BR> echo updatevariable "CurrMth" "%svr%" "" "" "Sep"; >> %upd_var_file%<BR> echo updatevariable "PrevMth" "%svr%" "" "" "Aug"; >> %upd_var_file%<BR> echo updatevariable "CurrQtr" "%svr%" "" "" "Q3"; >> %upd_var_file%<BR>)<BR>if %month% == 11 (<BR> echo updatevariable "CurrMth" "%svr%" "" "" "Oct"; >> %upd_var_file%<BR> echo updatevariable "PrevMth" "%svr%" "" "" "Sep"; >> %upd_var_file%<BR> echo updatevariable "CurrQtr" "%svr%" "" "" "Q4"; >> %upd_var_file%<BR>)<BR>if %month% == 12 (<BR> echo updatevariable "CurrMth" "%svr%" "" "" "Nov"; >> %upd_var_file%<BR> echo updatevariable "PrevMth" "%svr%" "" "" "Oct"; >> %upd_var_file%<BR> echo updatevariable "CurrQtr" "%svr%" "" "" "Q4"; >> %upd_var_file%<BR>)<BR>echo. >> %upd_var_file%<BR>echo exit; >> %upd_var_file%<BR><BR>:: run temp txt to upd subs vars <BR>esscmd %upd_var_file%<BR>echo rem --- update subs vars end --- >> %logfile%<BR> date/t >> %logfile%<BR> time/t >> %logfile%<BR><BR>:: end all<BR>echo rem --- end all --- >> %logfile%<BR> date/t >> %logfile%<BR> time/t >> %logfile%<BR><BR>: end_all<BR>endlocal<BR><BR>===============================<BR>

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    jtwilcox wrote:
    Mail account is MAPI
    Outlook 2007
    thanks for your help so far!
    Based upon the folder error, my guess is the Desktop Manager is having difficulty determining your default mail client. I am not sure why but it is easy enough to redo a profile in Outlook just to test this. (Control Panel / Mail)
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    Hi, not sure, but
    import java.text.*;
    SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat();
    will output something like dd/MM/yy HH:mm
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    In my opinion you should re-consider the assumption that the date picker returns a string. Maybe it is able to return a
    DateTime object directly instead of string. Then you will pass this value as a parameter of SQL query. This should work regardless of computer configuration.
    Otherwise, follow the previous string-based approaches.

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    Hi Todd,
    This is the situation:
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    There is an initialization parameter called FIXED_DATE which lets you set a fixed sysdate for testing purposes, and you can alter that date using the ALTER SYSTEM command, but as implied by the name you are setting a data/time that doesn't change. Since the normal sysdate is derived from the O/S it cannot be altered through SQL

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    %SI_STARTTIME% will add the time the report ran too.
    Adding onlt the date will necessarily have to be done via the appropriate SDK.

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    Hi ,
    Do like this.
    1. Go to SE11 -> give your table name and press on change button .
    2.Go to Menu->Utilities-> Table Maintainance Generator , then it will take you another screen .
    3.Assign Functin group if already have one , other wise create function group and assign
    4.Go to Menu->Environment->Modification->Events , again it will take you to another screen
    5.Click on new entries
    ->Now press F4 in T column . Select<u> "01" - Before saving the data in the database</u> and in form routinue give any name of the routinue like "SAVE_USER_DATA" and press enter then u can see an editor symbol in next column click on that it will take you ABAP editor there type this code .
    ztable-username = sy-uname.
    ztable-createtime = sy-uziet.
    check and activate the code .
    With this your job will be complete . Now while entering data just leave columns blank , they will insert corresponding username and time
    Don't forget award points if it helps you.

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    Hi, dear friends,
    I have a big problem:
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    Thank you for your help, Guys,
    Marius SANNA

    Which version of Photoshop do you have? The current version is 13.0.6.

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    Please tell me how to get the date starting from 1 based on the system date
    and it should come with respect of time also.
    suppose today is 6 Dec, 2006
    so ABAP report should find the 1 dec. 2006.
    Please help me as soon as possible.

    concatenate sy-datum0(2) '01' sy-datum4(4) into v_firstdate.
    or yo ucan use the fm:
        call function 'HR_JP_MONTH_BEGIN_END_DATE'
                  iv_date             = sy-datum
                  ev_month_begin_date = gv_begda
                  ev_month_end_date   = gv_endda.
    Message was edited by:
            Ravi Kanth Talagana

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    Thanks In advnace

    You can use SimpleDateFormat class under java.text package.
    SimpleDateFormat formatter = new SimpleDateFormat("dd-MMM-yy h:mm a z", new Locale());
    String dateTime = formatter.format(new Date());

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    How to remove the system data details from the overview tab in crmd_order?

    It is a standard functionality. Those information will be very useful when you send a message to SAP.
    If you still want to remove them, raise an OSS message.
    Rajesh Kumar

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    Hi, can I know how to process a task at this particular time eg. 6PM everyday without using the System Date and Time..
    Do I need to use a Timer to get this done or is there any other solution to do this? Can give me a few hints? Thanks in advance =D

    You could use a timer...assuming you had some good reference point when you started so you would know that from your starting point it's now 6pm.
    I thought I saw you asked this question once already...and you were given a similar answer....I think by Sylviae?

Maybe you are looking for