A playlist under a slideshow

I got a 46TV
I got a mac mini server (LION)
I cant play a playlist under a slideshow.....only a single song.
cant iPhoto play a whole playlist instead of just one song.

Yes.  It would look this this in the Music pane in the slideshow mode:

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    my advice has always been to rebuid any arrays with the new OS.
    backup, delete, restore/reload
    And invest in SoftRAID for your driver for all drives but esp. for mirror.
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    Shift launch iTunes. Told it where Media Library is. There are Apple support articles to cover this.

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    if you have music in your library, when  tapping on slideshow a menu appears - Turn on music option.  when on a song should display below it - tapping it will take you to your library.
    Photo App will give you access to all albums as set in settings\Photo
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    Slideshow timings is under Settings\Photo

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    ryane84 wrote:
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    I think we have all asked you why you feel the need to focus on the Genre of a song? It really doesn't matter, as there are other ways of achieving what you want and in an attempt to solve your problem, we have suggested several things:
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    None of this creates a second copy of the song (to address one of your other concerns).
    If you and your mother are using the same iTunes Library, but have your own iPods, then perhaps you are each Syncing selected Playlists to your own devices. Again, that does not matter. The only difference in this case is that there will now be a copy of the song on each iPod. But only one copy in your iTunes Library.
    To finish -
    you cannot have one song in two Genres.
    You can simulate a second Genre for a song by using a Smart Playlist, as described in one of your other threads. If you are having difficulty following my instruction for the Smart Playlist (perhaps because of a minor error in that instruction), then tell us and we can sort it out.

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    Hi Walt:
    Open GB and simply drag them to the track.
    Export to iTunes
    Open in iDVD.
    Hope that makes sense!

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    iMac Core 2 Duo   Mac OS X (10.4.8)   Running iPhoto 6.0.5

    Welcome to the Apple Discussions. Not sure what the cause is but are you running the latest Quicktime version. There have been other issues with audio and iPhoto slideshows.
    I have a possible workaround.
    1 - import the movie into iMovie.
    2 - in the time line select the video track and use the Advanced->Extract audio menu option.
    3 - once the audio track is separated and placed in the audio time line track delete it.
    4 - add the iTunes tracks you want from the Media/Audio pane in iMovie.
    4 - save to the format you want.
    That should give you the optimum control over the music with fade in and out, etc.
    Do you Twango?
    TIP: For insurance against the iPhoto database corruption that many users have experienced I recommend making a backup copy of the Library6.iPhoto database file and keep it current. If problems crop up where iPhoto suddenly can't see any photos or thinks there are no photos in the library, replacing the working Library6.iPhoto file with the backup will often get the library back. By keeping it current I mean backup after each import and/or any serious editing or work on books, slideshows, calendars, cards, etc. That insures that if a problem pops up and you do need to replace the database file, you'll retain all those efforts. It doesn't take long to make the backup and it's good insurance.

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    Yes and No, but essentially No.
    It is possible to set specific music to play during a slideshow but it will apply to every slideshow. So hence it would be necessary to choose your music before commencing any slideshow if you wanted specific music to play.
    There is another option which might be difficult to explain since you don't have an tv but here goes: a slideshow on the tv isn't the same as a slideshow in iphoto. Generally most people will sync photo albums to the tv, the tv will then add music and transitions to those pictures depending on which music and transition options you have chosen on the tv, hence what I said above.
    As you likely know, iphoto can create its own slideshows that include music and transitions depending on the options you choose in iphoto. If you sync these slideshows to the tv rather than photo albums then the tv will ignore its own settings and use the settings you have chosen in iphoto instead, providing you have synced that music to the tv also.

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    Yes.  I have a 1st gen shuffle, a 2nd gen shuffle, and a "bigger" iPod (plus an iPhone).  They can all connect to iTunes at the same time, and be set up independently.
    However, if your old shuffle is "full," you can delete song you no longer want on it and add new songs.  You don't need to get a new shuffle, just to get more space for new songs.

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    Hi Peach,
    If you do not want to use the thumbnails in slideshow widget, then you can use Basic or Blank slideshow widget in Muse.
    Or you can use "Thumbnails" slideshow widget and to remove the thumbnails, click on blue play button and then untick thumbnails.
    Gaurav Aggarwal

  • Export slideshow with playlist to QT?

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    Lori's solution is to burn the joined tracks to a CD. Have you done the burn step?
    "...Within iTunes, select the tracks that you want to join and then use Advanced: Join CD Tracks.
    Go to Advanced>convert selection to AAC.
    When done, make a new playlist named after the slideshow.
    Put the new combined track into the playlist."
    I assume that it is after the last step above where you burn the playlist to a CD.
    "Make sure you have itunes Prefs just open the Cd and not automatically play or import the songs.
    Insert the burned CD and iTunes will open."
    And finally, with the CD in the Mac, you should be able to do the final step:
    "In iPhoto, select this playlist for your slideshow."
    If you don't want to burn a CD, you could use the same basic procedure, but join the songs in Garage Band. That would give you one track that you could send back to iTunes, which you could export with your slideshow.

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    Tried this but cannot get it to work...
    I need to assign some music from my iTunes library to my photo slideshows on the Apple TV. Thing is, it seems only to be able to assign one playlist at a time. So, if I have a slideshow of 'My Kids', I need a certain playlist to play while it's running. But then I need a different playlist to play while my 'Holidays' slideshow is running, and so on and so forth through my slideshow collections. At present I can only select one playlist for all slideshows.
    Any ideas?
    Message was edited by: Gunshot72

    What about Aperture ?
    I sync some albumbs from Aperture, any chance to assign to each album a specific song/playlist ?
    i've tried to create a slideshow from aperture, but seems not possible.
    Aperture only runs a specific album as slideshow but not creates/exports photos as slideshow.

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    I created a slideshow in iphoto version 5.0.4 with an attached playlist created in itunes and exported the slideshow to idvd. However only the 1st song in the playlist plays. the rest of the slideshow is silent. Help!!

    Hi dduffy,
    Only one song exporting with Slideshows
    Right now, this seems to be a know problem/bug. There have been some work-arounds. Don't know if the problem is with iPhoto, Quicktime or a combo of both.
    -From Bob Worthington: re-ripping the cuts I wanted as background music for the DVD as a single cut in iTunes. I then made a playlist containing the one extended cut of music.
    -Old Toad: share to Quicktime from iPhoto and then import the resulting movie into iMovie you can extract and delete the audio from the video and add the two songs to the video and save.
    Quicktime Pro-open the movie and bring up the Movie Properties menu window. In the top window select the audio track and delete it.
    If you want more than one song you'll have to join them together with iMovie or some other application. Then open that joined file with QT Player. Then do a select all and copy. Now go to the QT window of the movie and select the Edit->Add to Movie menu option. You don't want to scale it because it will change the play speed of the audio unless it's time is exactly the same as the movie.
    You could go the other way, open the movie, select all and copy, and then past with scaling to the audio. That will change the speed of the movie and transitions to fit the audio track. In this case the resulting video file will have the name of the audio track file that you started with.
    You may have to play with it a bit to get exactly what you want. Be sure to work with copies of all the media files for the project.
    -Peter Burtwistle: I opened the Qt movie that iPhoto makes when you export to iDVD and removed the sound track.
    Then made a new soundtrack by opening all three songs in QT, then cutting and pasting them together.
    Finally use QT Pro's 'Add to Movie" option to add the soundtrack to the original movie.
    This worked well and was fast to do too.
    -Joe Lombardo: I ended up having to extend the songs by 20 seconds so I brought them all into GarageBand and made some edits. Then I exported them all to iTunes as a single track and used that for the slideshow
    From scotty321 at MacOSXHints.com: If you have Roxio Toast Titanium installed on your machine, you can join unprotected tracks yourself by simulating a disc burn. Simply take these steps:
    Go to the Audio tab in Toast.
    Drag your audio files from iTunes into Toast.
    Reshuffle them in the proper order within Toast.
    Go up to File: Save As Disc Image. Save your disc image somewhere on your Desktop.
    Choose Utilities: Mount Disc Image. The CD will mount on your desktop, and iTunes will think that you just inserted a CD.
    Within iTunes, select the tracks that you want to join and then use Advanced: Join CD Tracks.
    Go through the import process, and you've got a joined track! Simply rename the track to whatever you want to call it, and you're good to go.
    From Lori...
    Burn the playlist in iTunes.
    Make sure you have itunes Prefs just open the Cd and not automatically play or import the songs.
    Insert the burned CD and iTunes will open.
    Within iTunes, select the tracks that you want to join and then use Advanced: Join CD Tracks.
    Go to Advanced>convert selection to AAC.
    When done, make a new playlist named after the slideshow.
    Put the new combined track into the playlist.
    In iPhoto, select this playlist for your slideshow.

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