A possible romance scammer...?

Hello everyone i was contacted by one girl on skype she claimed to be from greece and town was selenik, however she said she had no friends and she said she looks forn serious partner.
Her skype id is ainur85, Now why i think she is scammer is that her number. She has as a workplace number is italian i have googled the number. But she is unemployed!
And a compy from fromt he conversation: [14:51:33] ainur85: I sim 21 years
[14:52:39] ainur85: I want to travel SIM from Bulgaria
vand anyone know what is SIM she is talking about is it maybe "I am"  form?
can't udnerstand her if she is really a woman
Her parents both died  (Mother died to cancer and her father in car crash, Might be)and she lives with stepfather. her english is not very good and some question are not answered until i repeat the question, she can understand my question  quite good still.
Is she a possible romance scammer or fake person who is from is don't know where
Since i don't know how to trace the ip of skype user i cannot determine it myself...
Lookign forwards some information about this id. So i could warn other users of possible romance scam...
Go to Solution.

you can also report that possibly suspicious user to [email protected]
The e-mail address cited above is now no longer in service.  Please see this FAQ article for instruction:
| skypefordummies.blogspot.com | 

Similar Messages

  • Scammer trying to make you believe they are in lov...

    Ok, first I knew what would to come from this request and I wanted to bring it to the end to try to prevent this for other skype users.
       I will change my name in this but let his.
    [2013-06-21 21:08:57] GEN DAVID MILLER: Coucou ! Merci de m'ajouter à votre liste de contacts
    [2013-06-21 21:09:03] *** Me a partagé ses détails avec GEN DAVID MILLER. ***
    [2013-06-21 21:09:11] Me: hi
    [2013-06-21 21:10:16] GEN DAVID MILLER: yes am here
    [2013-06-21 21:10:29] Me: he dcd
    [2013-06-21 21:10:40] GEN DAVID MILLER: what?
    [2013-06-21 21:10:48] Me: disconnected
    [2013-06-21 21:11:37] GEN DAVID MILLER: disconnected what dear?
    [2013-06-21 21:12:01] Me: I was talking to him and his skype disconnected... logged off
    [2013-06-21 21:12:18] GEN DAVID MILLER: when dear?
    [2013-06-21 21:12:26] Me: as soon as you got in
    [2013-06-21 21:12:34] GEN DAVID MILLER: are you sure is not play games here?
    [2013-06-21 21:12:44] Me: I don't play game
    [2013-06-21 21:13:22] GEN DAVID MILLER: ok
    [2013-06-21 21:13:30] GEN DAVID MILLER: i trust you
    [15:56:56] GEN DAVID MILLER: thats ok
    [15:57:03] Me: I gave him the paper he needs to get her in school
    [15:57:16] GEN DAVID MILLER: thats good
    [15:57:25] GEN DAVID MILLER: you are a caring mother
    [15:57:45] Me: yes but I would love to be able to do everything alone
    [15:57:47] Me:
    [15:58:22 | Modifié (15:58:32)] GEN DAVID MILLER: soon am coming to make you feel happy
    [16:01:15] GEN DAVID MILLER: and you will no longer be lonely ok
    [16:01:19] GEN DAVID MILLER:
    [16:01:56] Me: she's my baby...
    [16:02:15] GEN DAVID MILLER: yes i know that quite understood
    [16:02:30] GEN DAVID MILLER: so how is your job going my queen
    [16:03:24] Me: going ok
    [16:03:34] Me: that's the only thing that going well
    [16:03:51] GEN DAVID MILLER: thats good
    [16:04:05] GEN DAVID MILLER: there is something you must know now my queen
    [16:04:09] GEN DAVID MILLER: i am so so sad
    [16:04:31] Me: ??
    [16:04:55] GEN DAVID MILLER: i am sad and i want to share and confile in you
    [16:05:13] GEN DAVID MILLER: can i trust you my queen...seriously
    [16:05:36] Me: I guess you can
    [16:05:48] GEN DAVID MILLER: ok my dear
    [16:06:46] GEN DAVID MILLER: ever since i started my service with the united states army i have ben saving but now everything i have succeded in saving is about to perish..........
    [16:09:15] *** Appel de GEN DAVID MILLER ***
    [16:09:23] Me: yes?
    [16:09:23] *** Appel terminé, durée 00:08 ***
    [16:09:27] *** Appel de GEN DAVID MILLER : durée 00:14 ***
    [16:10:28] GEN DAVID MILLER: like you know its a good ideal saving when you have the opportunity too
    [16:10:38] Me: mhm
    [16:11:23] GEN DAVID MILLER: as you already know i am here in kabul afgha nistan for peace keeping and this happens to be y last duty for the sevice
    [16:12:04] Me: not really knew it.. you never had time to talk with me much
    [16:13:15] GEN DAVID MILLER: i recieve a mail earlier from my bank in thailand notifying me about the close and wrap up of the bank due to the fact that they can no longer meet up with the terms and policy of thier central bank
    [16:14:00] Me: and you really think I will believe that **bleep**?
    [16:14:05] Me: I'm not dumb
    [16:14:18] GEN DAVID MILLER: what do you mean my dear
    [16:15:12] GEN DAVID MILLER: are you there?
    [16:15:58] Me: yes I'm here
    [16:16:18] GEN DAVID MILLER: som why are you sounding like that?
    [16:16:27] Me: been there done that
    [16:16:48] GEN DAVID MILLER: i do not understand you my dear
    [16:17:18] Me: no problem keep going
    [16:18:55] GEN DAVID MILLER: so my dear all banking with them are now advise to come and  possible transfer of thier funds before the close up date l
    [16:19:32] Me: so you will ask me if I can care of your money until your duty is over
    [16:19:57] GEN DAVID MILLER: yes my dear
    [16:20:01] GEN DAVID MILLER: and as you already know i am here in camp and as a general i am not permitted to leave
    [16:20:02] Me: that's what I meant
    [16:21:38] Me: how come an american working for his country (us military) put his money in a Thailand bank... aren't you suppose to serve YOUR country...
    [16:22:13] GEN DAVID MILLER: yes
    [16:22:42] Me: well, by banking in another country you are not helping your own country
    [16:23:58] GEN DAVID MILLER: but as you know i am a global pessonel who travels from poles to poles due to my service and beside i was formally serving in thai thats why i end up saving there
    [16:25:14] Me: I see
    [16:25:58 | Modifié (16:26:13)] GEN DAVID MILLER: so what i am saying here is that i want you to be my trusted benefiiary ,,because in no time i will be coming over to you
    [16:27:29] *** Appel de GEN DAVID MILLER ***
    [16:27:34] Me: I'm here
    [16:27:36] *** Appel terminé, durée 00:07 ***
    [16:28:08] GEN DAVID MILLER: so tell me ,,, can you do this for me my queen
    [16:28:22] GEN DAVID MILLER: please
    [16:28:24] Me: I'm not a queen
    [16:28:36] Me: I can do it but I can't pay any fee
    [16:28:43] GEN DAVID MILLER: you are the queen of my heart
    [16:28:53] GEN DAVID MILLER: i understand your point
    [16:29:44 | Modifié (16:29:56)] GEN DAVID MILLER: but come to think of it manon how do you expect me to pay for the transfer fees when i am here i camp and kabul pricisly
    [16:30:18] GEN DAVID MILLER: i am out of reach of that because i cannot leave here for no reason
    [16:30:21] Me: I have no money so I can't
    [16:31:13] GEN DAVID MILLER: but  something you must know is that any expenses you have to do will be given back to you and i am willing to give you some percent for this
    [16:31:35] Me: I can't
    [16:31:49] GEN DAVID MILLER: why my dear?
    [16:31:59] Me: I have alot debt
    [16:32:23] GEN DAVID MILLER: you will pay for that as soon as you recieve
    [16:32:28] GEN DAVID MILLER: all of that
    [16:32:35] GEN DAVID MILLER: because you will egt some for all expenses
    [16:32:40] Me: I can't
    [16:32:53] Me: and I won't because I can't
    [16:34:24] GEN DAVID MILLER: so what do you want me to do now... you want me to loose all i have ever laboured for?
    [16:35:24] Me: not my problem.... sorry but... that's a fact... you're not the first one that try to get money from me and I never give anything because I DON'T HAVE IT
    [16:36:28] GEN DAVID MILLER: so what you mean now is that you cannot help me here
    [16:36:34] GEN DAVID MILLER: so what are friends for
    [16:37:03] GEN DAVID MILLER: is this how you are going to make me feel rejected when i come over to you
    [16:37:22] Me: I CAN'T GIVE WHAT i DON'T HAVE
    [16:37:36] Me: if you feel reject it's not my fault
    [16:38:04] Me: and from the first time you talked to me I knew you would end to ask money to pay anyting
    [16:38:15] Me: so you are just a scammer like every other
    [16:38:40] Me: thanks for showing me the truth and thanks god I'm smart enough to not believe **bleep** like you and all others
    [16:46:11] GEN DAVID MILLER: thanks for the words
    [17:12:40] *** Me a bloqué GEN DAVID MILLER ***
    Please everyone be very careful about those persons who try to make you fall in love with them... they will just end to try to get money from you, one way or another.
    Thank you.

    [Outdated information redacted.]
    Please refer to this FAQ article for next steps:

  • Contact request: Is this a scammer?

    I received a contact request yesterday with the (in my language) default invitation message from a Skype account I don't know. Said person has a picture of a heart with 2 puppet-like figures looking at it.
    Even though I've never had random contact-invite issues before, I'm smart enough to guess this might be a scammer and I should not accept this person.
    However, The only information shown on the profile of said person says that this person is from the same city as me.. Which is what kinda confuses me.
    So my questions are,
    do scammers fake being from the same city on their profile?
    Could it do any harm for me to accept said person and ask who they are? (I have no added phone number on my Skype profile, so that's secure). Or is there a different way of finding out who they are/where they are from?
    Go to Solution.

    viridee wrote:
    I received a contact request yesterday with the (in my language) default invitation message from a Skype account I don't know. Said person has a picture of a heart with 2 puppet-like figures looking at it.
    Even though I've never had random contact-invite issues before, I'm smart enough to guess this might be a scammer and I should not accept this person.
    However, The only information shown on the profile of said person says that this person is from the same city as me.. Which is what kinda confuses me.
    So my questions are,
    do scammers fake being from the same city on their profile?
    Could it do any harm for me to accept said person and ask who they are? (I have no added phone number on my Skype profile, so that's secure). Or is there a different way of finding out who they are/where they are from?
    possible, scammers might employ such tactics to entice their targets to accept their contact request.  Generally, it is not advisable to suspicious contact requests.  I think if that user is indeed someone who knows you, they may have attached a short message in their contact request to introduce themselve.

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    So my original post somehow got moved to the "Feedback for PayPal" section, which I consider utterly useless... But I have posted a couple of updates. Please continue in this thread if possible. I didn't know the best way to do it. https://www.paypal-community.com/t5/My-Feedback-for-PayPal/Paypal-horror-story-7-500-return-to-scammer-lost-in-mail-What-to/m-p/986907#M9857

    So my original post somehow got moved to the "Feedback for PayPal" section, which I consider utterly useless... But I have posted a couple of updates. Please continue in this thread if possible. I didn't know the best way to do it. https://www.paypal-community.com/t5/My-Feedback-for-PayPal/Paypal-horror-story-7-500-return-to-scammer-lost-in-mail-What-to/m-p/986907#M9857

  • SCAMMER - Ben 007 Walls - US undercover military i...

    Just warning about a new guy in the scammer activity who have been contacting ladies through the dating site called AYI - are you interested. He uses a nickname MATT. He DECEIVES you when he starts saying he is a US undercover Military currently in service in Afghanistan. He has been working there for over 20 years and he is thinking to quit the army as soon as he can. He intends to start a new life with you or if possible to get marry. Never married, age 46 or 47, birthday according to him is may16th. He is a SCAMMER. Be very careful when someone whose name BEN007WALLS contacts you. I would be able to see him(shortly) through the cam and he is quite young, black hair, in a good shape, bronw eyes, tall 6ft2, good looking guy. Report to FBI site or to the local police.
    Suddenly start saying that his birthday is coming and he would love to get an APPLE IPAD as gift..... 
    I havent sent anything. Just warning everybody, specially ladies around 40's recently divorced, single, or who are looking for some fun and love. 
    Login: BEN007WALLS - Yahoo messenger 
    Email: The same above + @yahoo.com
    IP address: Supposi IP from Sunnyvile - CALIFORNIA - US
    Here are some of IP used by him.
    Here are some of emails he sends to you while keep chatting on yahoo messenger too. Typically emails you are going to find on the several SCAMMER WARNING sites. 
    Hi Lilis,
           I just woke up and came to check to see if I have a message from you and I am not disappointed and it looks to me like we communicate with telepathy. I don't know what prompted me to check to see if I had a message from you and I love that you have me on your mind and not to worry Lilis, I am strong as a horse and I am not going to die yet and your prayers will definitely keep me safe. I should be online to chat to you shortly and I am excited coming on to see your messages. I like chatting to you and I enjoy every second of it.. Missing you lots Lilis and I am going nuts thinking about you and I dare say that I am in love with you.
    Hi honey,
             While you are asleep here I am worried and thinking about you and about many things about us and my heart says to write and tell you about them. My heart beats only for you and my days are filled with thoughts of you. Nothing moves my world like you do and I am glad you are my heart and all that matters to me. I keep thinking about these things and I realize they go hand in hand. This relationship is my future, it's what I want out of life. I want to grow old with you. I want to experience this crazy love forever and ever, and I really think I'm going to get to. I want us to walk through new houses picking the one that would be just right for us. I want you to pull the covers off me at night and then I have to get even closer, if it's possible, to you to keep warm. I want to see you laugh like crazy at me when I do stupid stuff. I want you to rub lotion all over my body because I laid out in the sun too long. I want to hold you when you cry and smile with you when you smile. I want you to fall asleep every night in my arms and wake up in the morning with me waking you with a kiss while I serve you breakfast in bed. I want you to be the first thing I see when I wake up and the last thing I see when I go to sleep. I want to sit on the beach with you and watch the sun set, and I want all the people who pass us to envy the love that we obviously have for each other. I want to spend all night, and maybe the next day, making love to you with an undying passion (sorry to be so blunt). I want to be 75 years old and still make out with you like a teenager. I want to cook a meal with you and us totally ruin it and end up doing take out. I want to sit there talking to you for hours about nothing at all but in the same time everything or maybe we won't talk at all and just grin at each other realizing how lucky we are. I want you to get mad at me for doing something stupid, and I want you to burst out laughing when you try to yell at me. I want to lay with you in front of a fireplace and keep the heat going long after the fire goes out. I want to take trips with you to places we've never been and experience them together. I want our friends to come over and get totally jealous because they don't share a love like we do. I want to be walking into a store with you and trip and fall on my face and turn around to see you rolling on the ground laughing at me. I want us to run outside in the rain and act like total kids getting completely soaked, and when we come back in stripping down to nothing as we stumble into the bedroom, or the kitchen counter, or the balcony, or the dining room table, or an office desk, or the shower, which ever one we feel like at the time. I want it to take your breath away every time I say, "I love you" because you know it's coming from the heart. I want us to sit down with a box of strawberries, a bottle of chocolate syrup, and a thing of mint chocolate ice cream; well, I'll let your imagination finish that one. I want to love you and be with you for at least forever if not a little longer. I couldn't really express in words what I'm feeling right now so I decided to share with you SOME of the images and thoughts that have been running through my head. I really am crazy about you, everything about you. I love you with the whole of my heart and soul. I always want to feel this way with you and forever is just before us. Love you lots and forever honey and I will be waiting to hear from you.
    Hi honey,
        I guess your songs would keep me busy for a while and this songs would always remind me of you. I have listened to the first two but will listen to the others when I am online again but then, I just got back from my duties and what better welcome than to come here to find messages from you waiting for me. Thoughts of you never left my mind and not for a second as images of you stay glued to my head and I can't stop thinking about you. I love what I saw looking at your cam earlier and it is stuck in my head and your smile and your laugh does things to me that I can't explain and you are a very beautiful woman and I am glad you are mine. I love you with the whole of my heart and soul and I bless the day you came into my life. You have made me a happier man and I know that you and I were made for each other and I am strongly convinced that you are that special one I have been waiting for all my life. I think of you even while on the job and I have never felt this way about anyone before and this feeling is strange to me and I love it too. I love the way you make me feel and I feel butterflies in my tummy when I think of you. My career has spun its length honey and 25 years in the service of my country I think is enough and I deserve some me time with you and  then we can do whatever it is that we want and be happy. I have thought this through and I am quitting the military once my tour is done and I can go back to being a civilian and live a life of peace and quiet with you by my side and not have to look over my shoulders anymore. I will be here as soon as possible and we can chat some more. Love you lots babe..
    Hi honey,
          I am so excited coming on to find that I have several pictures of you for me. It makes my heart beat very quickly seeing your message and the pictures. No one has ever touched my heart like you do and I am glad you are in my life and I never want to lose you ever. The picture tells me you love travelling and sure does help me to know you some more like you said. I sure would love to build beautiful memories with you and memories of us together that will stay with me the rest of my days. I wish I could get out of here this second and start our lives together and be one forever and never have to miss you this way ever again. I surely would love a couple of pictures of you to print so I can always look at them when I miss you and have them in my wallet too and I can look at them when I am out on duty. I love you so much babe and no one could ever take your place in my heart now and forever. My heart is filled up with thoughts of you and there is no space for another.. I am glad you are mine and I am blessed and know that nothing will ever come between us now and forever.
    I am in love with you Lilis
    the guys say there's a shine on my face this past days and I say it's all thanks to you that I found a nutty gurl that I am so crazy about
    I don't think I would need one when I get back but I will always have my service pistol but will keep it out of sight when I come to you
    you will get the chance to do that Lilis and you can do anything that you want with me
    and now that I am in love with this B........I don't think I wanna let her go..
    loveyou lots honey and we will chat some more when I am done frommy duties.. I am missing you already and I can't wait to talk to you again.
    thanks honey and you take care now and chat to you when I get back
    haven't had dinner yet hun.. I just got back from my duties and I had to come chat to you straight away after sending the messages.. You touch my heart and I just want to hold you close right now and get on the roof tops and scream it out loud how much I love you.
    I want to spend the rest of my life with you by my side
    I think of you so much and I just want to hold you close and never let you go ever again..
    8:17 AMI guess we are both lucky and blessed
    I can't believe I feel this way and I love every second od it
    I was thinking about you too honey and I couldn't get you out of my mind
    I want you happy Lilis
    you mean so much to me and I always wanna see a smile on your face
    I know that and we will make our dreams for the future come true
    can't wait to cuddle you close honey and I know it would be heaven for me when I finally kiss and touch you the first time..
    9:14 AMwe would make it memorable and a day to remember when we are finally together
    I dont think that could happen
    it can only get better from here on
    my heart is yours and beat only for you honey..
    I will never hurt you in any way ever. This I promise you and we will work everything out together and side by side and always loisten to each other..
    no one has touched my heart this way in a long time
    those words mean a lot to me honey..
    I fantsize about many firsts with you
    want to do a whole lot with you and to you honey
    I think we shopuld get hi to listen
    I have been thinking lots ever since I started feeling this way and I have been thinking of quitting the army
    yes honey and I will think it through too
    I won't be unhappy
    9:36 A Mwould you have me and would you have a life with me?
    you wanna get me an apple ipad?
    how come?
    if ts okay with you but its also okay if you canrt
    US is cheaper than here
    how much is it there in Bxxxx?
    3 x more
    can you believe that….
    thats why everybody here go to us to buy stuff
    go shopping
    thats too much..
    yes, unfortunately… can you believe that
    you can have it bought in the US and send it to me then
    mmmmmmm maybe,
    i gonna think about it
    if its too much trouble you shouldn't bother and besides if you are gonna get it you have to hurry because my birthday is about two weeks away and you will still need to ship it
    where are you?
    ben007walls - 2013 april 30th
    Hey hun
    How's you Lilis?
    what you want?
    How do you mean?
    yes, i m asking you what do you want from me?
    You already know what I want from you and the queston is, do you want from me

    [Outdated information redacted.]
    Please refer to this FAQ article for next steps:

  • A scammer

    Hi guys, I would like for you's to keep an eye out for someone called General Carter nick who is a scammer, this person gives a story about he cared for me and loved me and wanted me to help him with his bank transactions with his bank, according to his story he had £500,000 in his bank but couldn't transfer it out because the bank he was with ( Metro Bank in Ghana ) won't allow him unless someone had a british bank account and had to pay £750 for a certificate which was invalid.  
    He will ask for your email address to try and hack into your bank or PayPal account using your email address, he also states he's an America soldier who is in Afganistan as to why he personaly can't get his funds out of his account.  
    So be aware for him or watch out for the sob story these guys give.

    hmmn, you can try to report them to [email protected], and possibly if Skype find cases of misuse or abuse of Skype services, they might do the appropriate actions against their account.  just provide as much relevant information possible when you report this user.
    Moderator Note: Updated instruction can be found in this FAQ article:

  • IPod is not recognized by Windows Vista - possible solution

    During the past couple of weeks that I faced this problem I found out that a lot of people had the same question as I did.
    Here is a possible solution.
    I have HP Pavilion laptop with Windows Vista. After I connected my new iPod – it didn’t show up in My Computer as a new device and in Device Manager it was listed in “Other devices” with a question mark next to it. I already had iTunes installed – it didn’t show up in iTunes. On the attempt to reinstall the driver I had a message that the driver was found but an error occurred while installing it.
    Here is what I did:
    1. Install iTunes (it has iPod driver for Vista in it).
    2. Turn on iPod and connect it to computer.
    3. Restart computer with iPod turned on and connected to computer.
    4. On the start up the computer will begin automatically installing the driver and the message will appear in the corner that new device is being installed.
    5. After it has been installed – check My Computer – you should see it listed there.
    6. Run iTunes and configure iPod.
    iTunes might run a little bit slow when configuring iPod for the first time.
    Good luck.

    if only this fix worked for windows xp or even 2000 (at my job)
    insane, but it IS a driver/usb problem i now know, at least i've gotten that far.

  • Mid '09 MBP bootup issue - flashing folder; possibly a fried drive?

    Hi All,
    This is my first post here. Today my 14 month old MBP 15-incher froze in the middle of some casual browsing/iTunes listening and decided to not respond to any mouse or keyboard input. I gave it some time to figure itself out and then after about 5 minutes of nothing, decided to force a shutdown by cutting power (10 second power button hold). Then upon my next boot the computer gives the chime, shows the grey screen (no  logo), does nothing for ca. a minute and a half and then presents me with the glorious flashing questionmark-folder-whatever logo. Just great.
    I reset the PRAM (option + command + p + r), tried Safe Booting (shift + boot), tried forcing the laptop to boot into the default os x drive/partition (x + boot), tried booting with GUI boot location selector (option + boot) and, when all mentioned practices failed, inserted a retail copy of snow leopard and booted the machine to the ODD.
    Disk Utility confirmed my fears: the main HD has no partitions and the "First Aid" tab can't verify or repair the disk.
    Help me out here, guys. Is my drive dead (and all my data gone)? Is this a "directory collapse"-style issue? I had one of those babies a month ago on an '07 white MacBook... a new HDD and two hours of data restoration work for $150 at a local Mac-centric repair shop fixed that issue. But this seems a little more serious.
    I was two days away from activating a central Time Machine backup to the home-network-attached 2TB HDD, for both Mac laptops in the household. I was also two days away from getting a Crashplan.com family package (yes, I wanted double backup). Why 2 days from now? Because my Carbon Copy Cloned backup HD (a WD elements 1TB) died a week ago. As in, "started-puffing-out-smoke" died.
    Perfect timing.
    Ideas? Please?
    <Edited by Host>

    I also suspect your internal HD has crashed. You can run Apple Hardware Test and then Google any error codes however I believe it's probably gone.
    Without any backup yes your data is probably gone, there are data recovery services however they are extremely expensive.
    If you purchased AppleCare you can take it an AASP for repair however they probably cannot do a thing about your data. If you are not covered by AppleCare of course the expense will be your however look at this as an opportunity to upgrade the internal HD to something with more storage or is faster.
    Once you have the new HD installed you will need the original Snow Leopard Install Disks (or possibly your retail copy of SL) to format the new HD and re-install SL and the iLife applications.
    Good luck,

  • I have a problem with wifi in my iphone 4s, i already try everything and download latest version 7.1(11D167) but wifi switch is not working, its my humble request to Apple support team that pls resolve this problem as soon as possible because

    I have a problem with wifi in my iphone 4s, i already try everything and download latest version 7.1(11D167) but wifi switch is not working, its my humble request to Apple support team that pls resolve this problem as soon as possible because its a prestiage of Apple Company.
    Pls inform me how can i resolve the problem of wifi.

    You have to go to autherized iPhone agent.

  • Possible to clear vendor open item against already posted payment document?

    Can you advise if it is possible to clear an open item against already posted payment/clearing doc? Here is the background to the scenario:
    An invoice was posted with transaction FB60. This was subsequently picked up in the payment run F110 and cleared by payment document number 200005678. The item went to the bank on the paymnet file and was paid out to the vendor. The transaction reference, which appeared on the incoming bank statemnet was the payment document number 200005678.
    Subsequently it was discovered that the original invoice should have been posted with reference to a PO using MIRO. The requirement now is to reverse the paymnet documnet 200005678 in SAP, then reverse the document that was posted using FB60. After this the invoice will be posted using MIRO. This will create an open item on the vendor account.
    This item will not be piad out again. Therefore the requirement is to try clear that open item against the previously posted payment document 200005678.
    Is there any way to clear this vendor open item against the originally posted payment document 200005678?? Or any other advice on how this scenario can be handled in SAP?
    Thank for your help.

    I tried that option in our test system. I ran FBRA and entered Paymnet Documnet Number (+Clearing Doc Number), Company Code, Fiscal Year.
    Then chose menu option Clearing -> Reset Cleared Items.
    The system pops up a window asking for a reversal reason and reversal date.  I use 01 and posting date of today.
    The system now posts another cleared document. That document places the invoice as an open item on the vendor account. It does not place the Payment Document as an open item on the account.
    When I go to F-44 only the open vendor invoice is showing there. There is no open paymnet document.
    Is there perhaps some configuration setting that stops the placement of the paymnet document as an open item when reset?
    Thanks for your help again.

  • Solaris8 and 9 (possibly 7) /dev/poll driver bug report.

    I'd like to report a bug in the solaris 8 and 9 /dev/poll driver (poll(7d)).
    As i do not have a support account with sun or anything like that, there
    seems to be no other way to do that here (which is of course a very sad
    Bug details:
    The /dev/poll device provides an ioctl-request (DP_ISPOLLED) for checking
    if a particular filedescriptor is currently in the set of monitored
    filedescriptors for that particular /dev/poll fd set (open /dev/poll fd).
    A quote from the documentation of the poll(7d) manual page taken from
    "DP_ISPOLLED ioctl allows you to query if a file descriptor is already in
    the monitored set represented by fd. The fd field of the pollfd structure
    indicates the file descriptor of interest. The DP_ISPOLLED ioctl returns 1
    if the file descriptor is in the set. The events field contains the
    currently polled events. The revents field contains 0. The ioctl returns 0
    if the file descriptor is not in the set. The pollfd structure pointed by
    pfd is not modified. The ioctl returns a -1 if the call fails."
    It says that when you query for an filedescriptor which is currently being
    monitored in the set, that it would return 1, and change the events field of
    the pollfd structure to the events it's currently monitoring that fd for.
    The revents field would be set to zero.
    However the only thing which actually happens here, is that FD_ISPOLLED
    returns 1 when the fd is in the set and 0 if not. When the fd is in the
    set, when FD_ISPOLLED returns 1, the events field remains unmodified, but
    the revents field gets changed.
    A small sample code to illustrate:
    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <unistd.h>
    #include <sys/types.h>
    #include <sys/stat.h>
    #include <fcntl.h>
    #include <sys/devpoll.h>
    main() {
    struct pollfd a;
    int dp_fd = open("/dev/poll", O_WRONLY);
    a.fd = 0; /* stdin */
    a.events = POLLIN; /* we monitor for readability, POLLIN=1 */
    a.revents = 0;
    write(dp_fd, &a, sizeof(a));
    a.fd = 0;
    a.events = 34; /* filled in with bogus number to show malfunctioning */
    a.revents = 0;
    printf("DP_ISPOLLED returns: %d\n", ioctl(dp_fd, DP_ISPOLLED, &a));
    printf("a.fd=%d, a.events=%hd, a.revents=%hd\n", a.fd, a.events,
    According to the documentation of /dev/poll and namely DP_ISPOLLED this
    program is supposed to print the following:
    DP_ISPOLLED returns: 1
    a.fd=0, a.events=1, a.revents=0
    However it prints the following:
    DP_ISPOLLED returns: 1
    a.fd=0, a.events=34, a.revents=1
    You can take any number instead of '34' and it will simply remain untouched
    after the DP_ISPOLLED ioctl-request.
    I hope it's clear now that the solaris8 and solaris9 (and probably solaris7
    with /dev/poll patch too) DP_ISPOLLED implementation is broken.
    This bug is also easily illustrated by looking at the solaris8 kernel sourcecode:
    <snippet osnet_volume/usr/src/uts/common/io/devpoll.c:dpioctl()>
    case DP_ISPOLLED:
    pollfd_t pollfd;
    polldat_t *pdp;
    if (pollfd.fd < 0) {
    pdp = pcache_lookup_fd(pcp, pollfd.fd);
    if ((pdp != NULL) && (pdp->pd_fd == pollfd.fd) &&
    (pdp->pd_fp != NULL)) {
    pollfd.revents = pdp->pd_events;
    if (copyout(&pollfd, (caddr_t)arg,
    sizeof(pollfd_t))) {
    return (set_errno(EFAULT));
    *rvalp = 1;
    its' clearly visible that the code writes the current monitored events to
    the revents field:
    'pollfd.revents = pdp->pd_events;'
    and that it doesnt set revents to zero.
    It's funny to see that this has been like this since Solaris8 (possibly 7). That means nobody ever used DP_ISPOLLED that way or people were simply to lazy to file a bug report.
    Another funny thing related to this. is that Hewlett-Packard did seem to know about this. Since HP-UX11i version 1.6 they also support /dev/poll. From their manual page i ll quote some sentences from their WARNING session:
    "The ioctl(DP_ISPOLLED) system call also returns its result in the revents member of the pollfd structure, in order to be compatible with the implementation of the /dev/poll driver by some other vendors."
    Hopefully this will get fixed.
    I also like to reexpress my very negative feelings towards the fact that you're not able to file bug reports when you do not have a support contract. Ridiculous.

    Have I mentioned how much i love my playbook now Great job on os 2.0

  • Is it possible to call the Print Quote functionality from Custom ADF page

    We are researching if it is possible to call the Print Quote functionality from the Custom ADF application.
    Goal is to pop up the PDF report upon clicking the Print Quote button on the custom page. Is it possible ?
    Atleast advice on the direction to go forward is appreciated.

    Hi ,
    Please check following thread on forum -
    Re: ADF: Calling OAF Page from ADF page
    Check this may also be useful-
    I have not tried yet but Steven Chan (Sr. Director OATG) suggest following methodolgy for this-

  • How do I use the time capsule to share itunes music between multiple apple devices? Also, is it possible to control the music on one device using another, and how do you set this up?

    How do I use the time capsule to share itunes music between multiple apple devices? Also, is it possible to control the music on one device using another, and how do you set this up?

    unless i'm missing something, i think you got mixed up, this is easy google for walk throughs
    i'm assuming this is the new 3tb tc AC or 'tower' shape, if so, its wifi will run circles around your at&t device
    unplug the at&t box for a minute and plug it back in
    factory reset your tc - unplug it, hold down reset and keep holding while you plug it back in - only release reset when amber light flashes in 10-20s
    connect the tc to your at&t box via eth in the wan port, wait 1 minute, open airport utility look in 'other wifi devices' to setup the tc
    create a new wifi network (give it a different name than your at&t one) and put the tc in bridge mode (it may do this automatically for you, but you should double check) under the 'network' tab
    login to your at&t router and disable wifi on it
    add new clients to the new wifi network, and point your Macs to the time machine for backups

  • HT204053 I have multiple people in my family that use Itunes under my account. Is it possible for them to have different user names? The reason why I am asking is when I go to FaceTime my daughter's iPhone it also rings to my husbands iPhone.

    When I used facetime on my Macbookair for the first time I facetimed my daughter's iphone and it also rang to my husbands iphone. How do I keep that from happening? We all use the same itunes account so does it have something to do with that? do we each our own apple ID? and is it possible to do that?

    Create an AppleID under different email addresses for each family member at http://appleid.apple.com
    If they don't already have their own email address just setup a free one with Gmail, Yahoo, Hotmail or whoever you prefer.
    Then on each device sign into iMessage with the users own AppleID in:
    Settings > Messages > Send &amp; Receive > Tap AppleID at top > Sign Out, then sign back in again with the correct AppleID.

  • Can't open my photo library after upgrading to iPhoto 11.  is it possible to load iPhoto 9.0.1 after loading 11?  have followed all other instructions but it still won't let me open iPhoto.

    can't open my photo library after upgrading to iphoto 11.  Is it possible to download iphoto 9.0.1 after installing '11.  Have followed all the other instructions and am in a loop which doesn't allow me to access iphoto or my photos.

    when iphoto wouldnt open we read the trouble shooting info and it said that we may have needed to download 9.0.1 if we had an older version.  We obviously didn't download it before the upgrade and wondered if it would cause problems or indeed solve the problem if we downloaded it now!
    When we try to open iphoto is says:
    To open your library with this version of iphoto it first needs to be prepared
    To prepare the library use the iphoto library upgrader available from Apple.
    We have downloaded this twice now and it still sends us this message when we try to open iphoto. 

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