A's and ?'s added where spaces should be in mail program

When a pc user replies to my emails, A's and ?'s marks, sometimes B's show up where the spaces should be. My setting is not set to rich text. Can this be resolved?

You are in the wrong forum if you are running 10.4.
You can't control how someone else's mail program might corrupt your text on the way back to you, but if you find out that the recipient is seeing junk in the messages you send, the easiest fix is usually to make sure you do Format > Make Plain Text before you send. Your message may be going out in Rich Text even if you think it isn't -- the only way to tell is to do View > Message > Raw Source on stuff in your Sent folder.
See this note for details:

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    Good luck!

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    2. Minor Database corruption: Back Up and try rebuild the library: hold down the command and option (or alt) keys while launching iPhoto. Use the resulting dialogue to rebuild.
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    5. A corrupted preference file: Trash the com.apple.iPhoto.plist file from the HD/Users/ Your Name / library / preferences folder. (Remember you'll need to reset your User options afterwards. These include minor settings like the window colour and so on. Note: If you've moved your library you'll need to point iPhoto at it again.)
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    /////  LogName: gxm07u
    /////  FullName:
    /////  CreationDate: 2007-11-07 09:30:07
    import java.io.*;
    public class travel {
        public static void printMenu()
             System.out.println("Travel Program\n\nn: Enter a journey\ns: Get complete journey stats\nd: Get Distance travelled stats\nq: quit");
        public static void RoadMenu()
             System.out.println("Type the road type:\nType m: Motorway\nType a: A road\nType b: B road\nType u: Urban road");
        public static void enterRoadType()
             char choice;
             choice = UserInput.readChar();
                  case 'm': //motorway
                  case 'M':
                       speed = 85;
                  case 'a': // a road
                  case 'A':
                       speed = 70;
                  case 'b': //b road
                  case 'B':
                       speed = 55;
                  case 'u': // Urban road
                  case 'U':                                     
                       speed = 40;
        public static void enterDistance()
             System.out.println("Type the travel distance: ");
             distance = UserInput.readDouble();
        public static void calcTime()
             time = speed/distance; // time in hours
             tottime = tottime + time; //total time in hours         
        public static void main(String[] argv) {
              int speed = 0;
              double distance = 0;
              double time=0, tottime=0;
         } // end of main
    } // end class

    Your calcTime() can't see variables local to other methods you either need to make them global or pass them in as parameters. To make them global:
    public class travel {
         int speed = 0;
         double distance = 0;
         double time=0, tottime=0;
        public static void printMenu()also you're main method should create a instance of the class
        public static void main(String[] argv) {
    new travel();
    }BTW it's convention to make class names begin with a uppercase letter. Also, look at using the equalsIgnoreCase() for your switch statement as it could save you 4 cases.
    Hope this helps

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