A Simple Java Editor

I am looking for a very simple(barebone)Java editor which can provide syntax highlighting facility. I need to plug it into my application.
Can anybody suggest me something?
Looking forward 2 ur replies.

one of the most powerful editor in Java is jEdit.
But it is not only a powerful editor you can also get its editor bean with
syntax highlighting separately from http://syntax.jedit.org/.
So you can have both: An editor to use and a component to integrate into your apps.

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    b) insert(char input,location)
    c) delete(location)
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    class Node
    char theChar
    int position; // ie 0 = first character in the file, and 81 could be the first character in the 2nd line
    node left,right,parent;
    }so how it works is the cursor would know where the location was so i would know where to delete and insert within the tree.
    insert {
         //search for location to insert after (log n)
           //create new character node and append to current node
         //increment position for all subsequent children
    delete(x) {
         search for x position
         if found, remove node and decrement position value for all children
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         return line # * 80 (or whatever max length for a single line)
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    One of many great things emacs has given us is the gap buffer:
    To see a Java implementation of this you can look in the Java SDK source. The document model (I forget exactly what its called), used in Swing uses a gap buffer.

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    Vim works pretty good, its free, and has syntax highlighting. You would need to be familiar with using vi. http://www.vim.org/
    If you use Eclipse, you can get http://www.oxygenxml.com/. It's not free, but its cheaper than XMLSpy.
    I haven't found anything better than XMLSpy, even though its expensive.
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    import javax.swing.*;
    import javax.swing.event.*;
    import javax.swing.text.*;
    import javax.swing.plaf.ComponentUI;
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;
    import java.io.File;
    import java.io.FileReader;
    import java.io.FileWriter;
    import java.io.IOException;
    import java.util.*;
    import java.util.regex.*;
    public class JText extends JFrame{
         private JTextArea textarea ;
         private JFileChooser fileChooser = new JFileChooser();
    private Action open =new OpenAction() ;
    private Action save = new SaveAction();
    private Action exit = new ExitAction();
    public static void main(String args[])
              JText pencere= new JText();
         //Text Area
         public JText(){
         textarea = new JTextArea(15,90) ;
         JScrollPane scroll = new JScrollPane(textarea);
         JPanel content = new JPanel();
    content.setLayout(new BorderLayout());
    content.add(scroll, BorderLayout.CENTER);
         //Menu Bar
    JMenuBar menu=new JMenuBar();
    JMenu file=menu.add(new JMenu("FILE"));
         class OpenAction extends AbstractAction {
         //============================================= constructor
         public OpenAction() {
         putValue(MNEMONIC_KEY, new Integer('O'));
         //========================================= actionPerformed
         public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
         int retval = fileChooser.showOpenDialog(JText.this);
         if (retval == JFileChooser.APPROVE_OPTION) {
         File f = fileChooser.getSelectedFile();
         try {
         FileReader reader = new FileReader(f);
         textarea.read(reader, ""); // Use TextComponent read
         } catch (IOException ioex) {
              class SaveAction extends AbstractAction {
              //============================================= constructor
              SaveAction() {
              putValue(MNEMONIC_KEY, new Integer('S'));
              //========================================= actionPerformed
              public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
              int retval = fileChooser.showSaveDialog(JText.this);
              if (retval == JFileChooser.APPROVE_OPTION) {
              File f = fileChooser.getSelectedFile();
              try {
              FileWriter writer = new FileWriter(f);
              textarea.write(writer); // Use TextComponent write
              } catch (IOException ioex) {
              JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(JText.this, ioex);
                   class ExitAction extends AbstractAction {
                   //============================================= constructor
                   public ExitAction() {
                   putValue(MNEMONIC_KEY, new Integer('X'));
                   //========================================= actionPerformed
                   public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {

    i looked it ...it is the one which i want to do ..But i want to use my window which i gave above ..But i cant mix them ..:( this codes for highlighting.... is any body can add this codes and my codes which i gave above connect together? pleaseeeee... :))
    import javax.swing.*;
    import javax.swing.event.*;
    import javax.swing.text.*;
    import java.util.*;
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    public class SyntaxTest extends DefaultStyledDocument
    Element rootElement;
    String wordSeparators = ",:;.()[]{}+-/*%=!&|~^@? ";
    Vector keywords = new Vector();;
    SimpleAttributeSet keyword;
    public SyntaxTest()
    rootElement= this.getDefaultRootElement();
    keyword = new SimpleAttributeSet();
    StyleConstants.setForeground(keyword, Color.blue);
    keywords.add( "abstract" );
    keywords.add( "boolean" );
    keywords.add( "break" );
    keywords.add( "byte" );
    keywords.add( "case" );
    keywords.add( "catch" );
    keywords.add( "char" );
    keywords.add( "class" );
    keywords.add( "continue" );
    keywords.add( "default" );
    keywords.add( "do" );
    keywords.add( "double" );
    keywords.add( "else" );
    keywords.add( "extends" );
    keywords.add( "false" );
    keywords.add( "final" );
    keywords.add( "finally" );
    keywords.add( "float" );
    keywords.add( "for" );
    keywords.add( "if" );
    keywords.add( "implements" );
    keywords.add( "import" );
    keywords.add( "instanceof" );
    keywords.add( "int" );
    keywords.add( "interface" );
    keywords.add( "long" );
    keywords.add( "native" );
    keywords.add( "new" );
    keywords.add( "null" );
    keywords.add( "package" );
    keywords.add( "private" );
    keywords.add( "protected" );
    keywords.add( "public" );
    keywords.add( "return" );
    keywords.add( "short" );
    keywords.add( "static" );
    keywords.add( "super" );
    keywords.add( "switch" );
    keywords.add( "synchronized" );
    keywords.add( "this" );
    keywords.add( "throw" );
    keywords.add( "throws" );
    keywords.add( "true" );
    keywords.add( "try" );
    keywords.add( "void" );
    keywords.add( "volatile" );
    keywords.add( "while" );
    public void insertString(int offset, String str, AttributeSet a) throws BadLocationException
    super.insertString(offset, str, a);
    int startOfLine = rootElement.getElement(rootElement.getElementIndex(offset)).getStartOffset();
    int endOfLine = rootElement.getElement(rootElement.getElementIndex(offset+str.length())).getEndOffset() -1;
    //highlight the changed line
    highlightKeyword(this.getText(0,this.getLength()), startOfLine, endOfLine);
    public void remove(int offset, int length) throws BadLocationException
    super.remove(offset, length);
    int startOfLine = rootElement.getElement(rootElement.getElementIndex(offset)).getStartOffset();
    int endOfLine = rootElement.getElement(rootElement.getElementIndex(offset+length)).getEndOffset() -1;
    //highlight the changed line
    highlightKeyword(this.getText(0,this.getLength()), startOfLine, endOfLine);
    public void highlightKeyword(String content,int startOffset, int endOffset)
    char character;
    int tokenEnd;
    while (startOffset < endOffset)
    tokenEnd = startOffset;
    //find next wordSeparator
    while(tokenEnd < endOffset)
    character = content.charAt(tokenEnd);
    if(wordSeparators.indexOf(character) > -1)
    //check for keyword
    String token = content.substring(startOffset,tokenEnd).trim();
    this.setCharacterAttributes(startOffset, token.length(), keyword, true);
    startOffset = tokenEnd+1;
    public static void main(String[] args)
    JFrame f = new JFrame();
    JTextPane pane = new JTextPane(new SyntaxTest());
    JScrollPane scrollPane = new JScrollPane(pane);

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    please tell me the name of the editor you are using if you use Linux... (Red Hat 7.1 here...)

    you can try SciTE from http://www.scintilla.org - it's simple, fast and good enough. you can work with java, c and many other programming languages. There are some features that don't present in any other editor.
    Btw SciTE is only editor, not complete IDE. If you wish a full IDE with projects.. etc you can use Borland's JBuilder

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    When you get a few days/weeks of down time, do a search on this forum for best IDE and read all about everyone's opinions. This question is constantly asked. And then after you've read all the possible arguments for each one and your head is spinning learn to use the command line tools to compile and run while writing code in a simple text editor of your choice.

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    I would be very grateful for the help..........

    Well, for the text editor you can use the Notepad program that comes with JDK. It has all these options, cut, paste, etc.
    Then, every "keyword" should be identified and highlighted.
    In the compile button, you should make it save your file and run the command javac in a console....it´s really simple since u already have the Notepad to adapt.

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    I'm not sure this is the "jdeveloper 10.1.3 handbook" you are reading.
    The Class editor was removed in JDeveloper 10g.
    In this release, you can enter your variable in your Java code, and then select "Generate Assessors...' in the contextual menu.
    You can also install the "Simple Java Bean Editor" extension
    See on "Oracle JDeveloper 10g 10.1.3 - Extensions Exchange"
    URL: http://www.oracle.com/technology/products/jdev/htdocs/partners/addins/exchange/index.html
    If you have any problem with this change, please let me know the exact document/page/step/... and I'll give you detailed instructions on how to perform the equivalent in JDeveloper 10.1.3

  • JPanel which uses reflection to create a simple property editor

    Hi everyone,
    Here's what I'd like: a custom JPanel, let's call it DesiredJPanel, which can be passed an object as an argument, and which then detects all the public getters and setters on that object, and then creates a simple property editor, with default behavior for numbers, booleans, Strings, etc. It might be used like this:
    JDialog dialog = new JDialog(new DesiredJPanel(someObjectWithSettersAndGetters)));
    Then we'd get a dialog populated with the current values of all relevant properties. The panel could have a button bar, with an ok button. When you press it, all the properties of someObjectWithSettersAndGetters are set according to what the user has entered in the fields of the panel.
    This seems like a pervasive, standard use case. It also seems like javabeans is intended for this. E.g. quoting wikipedia: "JavaBeans are reusable software components for Java that can be manipulated visually in a builder tool." Moreover, there is the java.beans.PropertyEditor interface.
    And yet I can't find anything that seems to do this, so I end up writing the same boilerplate style code over and over. I found some commercial thing (this is for an open source project), and netbeans does what I'm after but it's netbeans. I want something that can be used in any swing app.
    Apologies if I've overlooked something obvious or posted this to the wrong forum (if either, please let me know!).
    All best and happy new year!
    - Jeff

    Not exactly what you asked for, but reasonably close. You can use my [Bean Table Model|http://www.camick.com/java/blog.html?name=bean-table-model] to create a JTable which will display all the properties in a single row of a table. The appropriate renderer/editor is used for each property.
    Play with the commented out code in JButtonTableModel class to see what you get for your particular bean.

  • How to pass a HTTP request from a simple java class

    Is it possible to pass an HTTP request from a simple java class.if yes how?

    Is it possible to pass an HTTP request from a simple
    java class.if yes how?If you're talking about creating a HttpRequest object and passing it to a servlet, that would be a red flag to me that your design is flawed. You shouldn't have to do that - the application server (Tomcat, Weblogic, etc) should be the only thing that has to worry about creating that kind of object and passing it to you.

  • How do I call a simple java class from a bpel process?

    In JDeveloper I've created a simple java class that does an ftp get operation followed by an unzip. The class uses some 3rd part libraries (jars).
    I want to use a simple bpel process to schedule a daily execution of this java class, and deploy it all to our SOA-server, - and was looking into using the <bpelx:exec> function.
    The java class and the bpel process is all stored in the same JDeveloper project.
    How do I put this together so that both my java class and the necessary jars are available to the bpel process?
    I've looked into the JavaExecSample.bpel, and it's says something about "...the class com.otn.samples.javaexec.CreditCalculator is locally packaged with this BPEL process".
    How do I do that?
    Can I make it and test it all locally from my workstation (only JDeveloper installed, I guess there's nothing that can execute the bpel code?), or do I have to compile class etc (make war-file?) and deploy to SOA server (BPEL-INF/lib or classes?) before anything can be tested?
    (I guess all this is simple, once you know how, but being a newbie to this I need a shove in the right direction :-)

    To create a java class and dependent jars inside the BPEL process project you need to do the following:
    1. Right click on your BPEL process project and select New and then Java Class from the Items.
    2. Make the BPEL process project, JDeveloper would compile the java classes and add them into the BPEL suite case jar, see the output folder and check the BPEL suite case jar file for java classes and dependent jars.
    You can test your Java classes from JDeveloper IDE, no need to deploy the classes on SOA server. When you make the BPEL project it compiles .bpel files and Java classes. You can test your classes once .bpel file and java classes compiled successfully.

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    The scenario is - I want to call a function that returns a FileInputStream object so I can process it on my WD view. I can think of two approaches - one is to simply write a simple Java DC that does so and just use it as a used DC so I can call the functionality from there. Or create another WD DC that exposes the value (as binary) via component interface.
    I'm leaning on the simple Java DC approach - its easier to create. But I'm just curious on what would be the Pro-side (if there's any) if I use the WD Component interface approach? Is there a plus for the efficiency? (Though I doubt) Or is it just a 'best/recommended practice' approach?

    Hi Jan
    >one is to simply write a simple Java DC that does so and just use it as a used DC so I can call the functionality from there
    Implemented Java  API for the purpose mentioned in your question is the right way, I think. The Java API can be even located in the same WebDynpro DC as your WebDynpro components. There is not strongly necessity to put it into separate Java DC.
    >Or create another WD DC that exposes the value (as binary) via component interface
    You should not do this because in general WD components' purpose is UI, not API. Implementing WD component without any UI, but with some component interface has very-very restricted use cases. Such WD component shall only be a choice in the cases when the API is WebDynpro based and if you have to strongly use WebDynpro Runtime API in order to implement your own API.
    If your API does not require WebDynpro Runtime API invocations or anything else related to WebDynpro then your choice is simple Java API.
    >But I'm just curious on what would be the Pro-side (if there's any) if I use the WD Component interface approach? Is there a plus for the efficiency?
    No. Performance will be better in simple Java API then in WebDynpro component interface. The reason is the API will not pass thought heavy WebDynpro engine.
    BR, Siarhei

  • Problem while executing simple java program

    while trying to execute a simple java program,i am getting the following exception...
    please help me in this
    java program :import java.util.*;
    import java.util.logging.*;
    public class Jump implements Runnable{
        Hashtable activeQueues = new Hashtable();
        String dbURL, dbuser, dbpasswd, loggerDir;   
        int idleSleep;
        static Logger logger = Logger.getAnonymousLogger();      
        Thread myThread = null;
        JumpQueueManager manager = null;
        private final static String VERSION = "2.92";
          public Jump(String jdbcURL, String user, String pwd, int idleSleep, String logDir) {
            dbURL = jdbcURL;
            dbuser = user;
            dbpasswd = pwd;
            this.idleSleep = idleSleep;
            manager = new JumpQueueManager(dbURL, dbuser, dbpasswd);
            loggerDir = logDir;
            //preparing logger
          private void prepareLogger(){      
            Handler hndl = new pl.com.sony.utils.SimpleLoggerHandler();
                String logFilePattern = loggerDir + java.io.File.separator + "jumplog%g.log";
                Handler filehndl = new java.util.logging.FileHandler(logFilePattern, JumpConstants.MAX_LOG_SIZE, JumpConstants.MAX_LOG_FILE_NUM);
            catch(Exception e){
            logger.info("LOGGING FACILITY IS READY !");
          private void processTask(QueueTask task){
            JumpProcessor proc = JumpProcessorGenerator.getProcessor(task);       
                logger.severe("Unknown task type: " + task.getType());           
            task.setProcStart(new java.util.Date());
            setExecution(task, true);       
            new Thread(proc).start();       
         private void processQueue(){       
            //Endles loop for processing tasks from queue       
            QueueTask task = null;
                        //null argument means: take first free, no matters which queue
                            task = manager.getTask(activeQueues);
                    catch(Exception e){
                logger.fine("-------->Sleeping for " + idleSleep + " minutes...hzzzzzz (Active queues:"+ activeQueues.size()+")");
                catch(InterruptedException e){
                    logger.fine("-------->Wakeing up !!!");
        public void setMyThread(Thread t){
            myThread = t;
        /** This method is only used to start Jump as a separate thread this is
         *usefull to allow jump to access its own thread to sleep wait and synchronize
         *If you just start ProcessQueue from main method it is not possible to
         *use methods like Thread.sleep becouse object is not owner of current thread.
        public void run() {
        /** This is just another facade to hide database access from another classes*/
        public void updateOraTaskStatus(QueueTask task, boolean success){
                manager.updateOraTaskStatus(task, success);
            catch(Exception e){
                logger.severe("Cannot update status of task table for task:" + task.getID() +  "\nReason: " + e.getMessage());       
        /** This is facade to JumpQueueManager method with same name to hide
         *existance of database and SQLExceptions from processor classes
         *Processor class calls this method to execute stored proc and it doesn't
         *take care about any SQL related issues including exceptions
        public void executeStoredProc(String proc) throws Exception{
            catch(Exception e){
                //logger.severe("Cannot execute stored procedure:"+ proc + "\nReason: " + e.getMessage());       
                throw e;
         *This method is only to hide QueueManager object from access from JumpProcessors
         *It handles exceptions and datbase connecting/disconnecting and is called from
         *JumpProceesor thread.
        public  void updateTaskStatus(int taskID, int status){       
                manager.updateTaskStatus(taskID, status);
            catch(Exception e){
                logger.severe("Cannot update status of task: " + taskID + " to " + status + "\nReason: " + e.getMessage());
        public java.sql.Connection getDBConnection(){
                return manager.getNewConnection();
            catch(Exception e){
                logger.severe("Cannot acquire new database connection: " + e.getMessage());
                return null;
        protected synchronized void setExecution(QueueTask task, boolean active){
                activeQueues.put(new Integer(task.getQueueNum()), JumpConstants.TH_STAT_BUSY);
                activeQueues.remove(new Integer(task.getQueueNum()));
        public static void main(String[] args){
             System.out.println("The length-->"+args.length);
            System.out.println("It's " + new java.util.Date() + " now, have a good time.");
                System.out.println("More parameters needed:");
                System.out.println("1 - JDBC strign, 2 - DB User, 3 - DB Password, 4 - sleeping time (minutes), 5 - log file dir");
            Jump jump = new Jump(args[0], args[1], args[2], Integer.parseInt(args[3]), args[4]);
            Thread t1= new Thread(jump);
                 catch(Exception e){
    } The exception i am getting is
    java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: jdbc:oracle:thin:@localhost:1521:xe
    Exception in thread "main" ERROR: JDWP Unable to get JNI 1.2 environment, jvm->GetEnv() return code = -2
    JDWP exit error AGENT_ERROR_NO_JNI_ENV(183):  [../../../src/share/back/util.c:820] Please help me.....
    Thanks in advance.....sathya

    I am not willing to wade through the code, but this portion makes me conjecture your using an Oracle connect string instead of a class name.
    java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: jdbc:oracle:thin:@localhost:1521:xe

Maybe you are looking for

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