[abandoned]gtk-theme-plastiq+bitmapfont crashes everything[abandoned]

I've had issues over the last 7-10 days where certain apps that were using bitmap fonts would just crash randomly, sometimes even giving me NVRM errors. This was everything from my terminal, to my web browser, to smplayer. I use openbox with nvidia drivers, and I started up a different WM to change the font to something else, and now the problem seems to be cured. Any time I use lxappearance to try and change back to a bitmap font though, the lxappearance window just instantly stops responding with no error message given. Nothing has really changed to my knowledge on my machine recently that should affect this besides upgrading lxappearance to version 0.5.2-1, but I don't see why that would cause problems with other apps that are using bitmap fonts.  Is anyone else experiencing something similar?
Edit: I was looking through pacman.log and noticed there was also an nvidia driver update and a GTK3 update. This could quite possibly have something to do with it as well. The GTK3 update however was 15 days ago and I don't think the problem has been going on that long.
Last edited by mynis01 (2013-01-25 23:10:26)

Well, as far as I can tell, this is some kind of problem with the plastiq theme and the way it interracts with gtk-engine-unico/murrine. I had to create a new user and move some files over and just start using a different theme/user to fix it. Something about it corrupted other themes or something on my old user. On my new user, the plastiq theme still causes crashes but all the other ones I had issues with on my old user work fine. It's too bad, I really liked that theme. But I've been using it for over a year now and it's time for some change anyways! Editing the title and marking as abandoned.
Last edited by mynis01 (2013-01-25 23:09:22)

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  • Gtk Theme - Lack of Sepators makes it unuseable

    i installed this really nice gtk-theme 'Elegant Brit' (http://www.gnome-look.org/content/show. … tent=74553) yesterday. it looks great, but has a big problem (in my eyes): there are no separators in the menu and in some applications. and this makes it unuseable for me. does anybody know how to fix this?
    this is the gtkrc file:
    # Elegant Brit by fmrbpensador (AKA What is in a name?)
    # Mod of Elegant one, by Dzakusek, and Black and White, by Lyrae
    # Inspired by the colors of GlossyFall, by Crimesaucer
    include "panel.rc"
    #include "menubar.rc"
    include "menubar-black.rc"
    gtk-icon-sizes = "panel-menu=24,24:panel=16,16:gtk-button=16,16:gtk-large-toolbar=24,24"
    gtk-button-images = 1
    gtk-menu-images = 1
    gtk-panel-images = 0
    style "default"
    GtkWidget::interior_focus = 7
    GtkWidget::focus_padding = 0
    GtkButton::default_border = { 0, 0, 0, 0 }
    GtkButton::default_outside_border = { 0, 0, 0, 0 }
    GtkRange::trough_border = 0
    GtkRange::slider_width = 15
    GtkRange::stepper_size = 15
    GtkVScale::slider_length = 11
    GtkVScale::slider_width = 21
    GtkHScale::slider_length = 11
    GtkHScale::slider_width = 21
    GtkPaned::handle_size = 6
    GtkScrollbar::min_slider_length = 50
    GtkCheckButton::indicator_size = 12
    GtkCheckButton::indicator_spacing = 3
    GtkMenuBar::internal_padding = 1
    GtkOptionMenu::indicator_size = { 15, 8 }
    GtkOptionMenu::indicator_spacing = { 8, 2, 0, 0 }
    GtkStatusbar::shadow_type = GTK_SHADOW_NONE
    GtkSpinButton::shadow_type = GTK_SHADOW_NONE
    xthickness = 2
    ythickness = 2
    fg[NORMAL] = "#262729" # Metacity and mouseover, Most text
    fg[ACTIVE] = "#262729"
    fg[PRELIGHT] = "#FFFFFF"
    fg[SELECTED] = "#FFFFFF"
    fg[INSENSITIVE] = "#808080776c58"
    bg[NORMAL] = "#FAFAFA" # Normal Background
    bg[ACTIVE] = "#FAFAFA" # Mouseclicking, Tabs, active window list
    bg[PRELIGHT] = "#FAFAFA" # Expand prelight bg
    bg[SELECTED] = "#262729"
    base[NORMAL] = "#FAFAFA" # Background, most
    base[ACTIVE] = "#e04613" # Menu active item in inactive window
    base[PRELIGHT] = "#FAFAFA"
    base[INSENSITIVE] = "#FAFAFA" # Inactive Entry bg
    base[SELECTED] = "#e04613" # Menu active item in active window
    text[NORMAL] = "#262729" # Text in window, arrows
    text[INSENSITIVE] = "#262729" # Insensitive arrows
    text[SELECTED] = "#FFFFFF" # Active text in active window
    text[ACTIVE] = "#FFFFFF" # Active text in inactive window
    text[PRELIGHT] = "#FFFFFF" # Text on Mouseover
    engine "pixmap"
    function = HANDLE
    recolorable = TRUE
    overlay_file = "Panel/handle-v.png"
    overlay_stretch = FALSE
    orientation = HORIZONTAL
    function = HANDLE
    recolorable = TRUE
    overlay_file = "Panel/handle-h.png"
    overlay_stretch = FALSE
    orientation = VERTICAL
    ####################### SHADOWS ############################x
    function = SHADOW
    shadow = IN
    recolorable = FALSE
    file = "Shadows/shadow-in.png"
    border = { 3, 3, 2, 2 }
    stretch = TRUE
    function = SHADOW
    shadow = OUT
    recolorable = TRUE
    file = "Shadows/shadow-out.png"
    stretch = TRUE
    function = SHADOW
    shadow = ETCHED_IN
    recolorable = TRUE
    file = "Frame-Gap/frame1.png"
    border = { 2, 2, 2, 2 }
    stretch = TRUE
    function = SHADOW
    shadow = ETCHED_OUT
    recolorable = TRUE
    file = "Shadows/shadow-none.png"
    border = { 2, 2, 2, 2 }
    stretch = TRUE
    function = SHADOW_GAP
    recolorable = TRUE
    file = "Frame-Gap/frame1.png"
    border = { 2, 2, 2, 2 }
    stretch = TRUE
    gap_start_file = "Frame-Gap/frame-gap-start.png"
    gap_start_border = { 2, 0, 2, 0 }
    gap_end_file = "Frame-Gap/frame-gap-end.png"
    gap_end_border = { 0, 2, 2, 0 }
    gap_side = TOP
    function = VLINE
    recolorable = TRUE
    file = "Lines/line-v.png"
    border = { 1, 1, 0, 0 }
    stretch = TRUE
    function = HLINE
    recolorable = TRUE
    file = "Lines/line-h.png"
    border = { 0, 0, 1, 1 }
    stretch = TRUE
    # focus
    function = FOCUS
    recolorable = TRUE
    file = "Others/focus.png"
    border = { 6, 0, 6, 0 }
    stretch = TRUE
    # arrows
    function = ARROW
    recolorable = TRUE
    overlay_file = "Arrows/arrow-up.png"
    overlay_border = { 0, 0, 0, 0 }
    overlay_stretch = FALSE
    arrow_direction = UP
    function = ARROW
    state = NORMAL
    recolorable = TRUE
    overlay_file = "Arrows/arrow-down.png"
    overlay_border = { 0, 0, 0, 0 }
    overlay_stretch = FALSE
    arrow_direction = DOWN
    function = ARROW
    state = PRELIGHT
    recolorable = TRUE
    overlay_file = "Arrows/arrow-down-prelight.png"
    overlay_border = { 0, 0, 0, 0 }
    overlay_stretch = FALSE
    arrow_direction = DOWN
    function = ARROW
    state = ACTIVE
    recolorable = TRUE
    overlay_file = "Arrows/arrow-down-pressed.png"
    overlay_border = { 0, 0, 0, 0 }
    overlay_stretch = FALSE
    arrow_direction = DOWN
    function = ARROW
    state = INSENSITIVE
    recolorable = TRUE
    overlay_file = "Arrows/arrow-down-insens.png"
    overlay_border = { 0, 0, 0, 0 }
    overlay_stretch = FALSE
    arrow_direction = DOWN
    function = ARROW
    recolorable = TRUE
    overlay_file = "Arrows/arrow-left.png"
    overlay_border = { 0, 0, 0, 0 }
    overlay_stretch = FALSE
    arrow_direction = LEFT
    function = ARROW
    recolorable = TRUE
    overlay_file = "Arrows/arrow-right.png"
    overlay_border = { 0, 0, 0, 0 }
    overlay_stretch = FALSE
    arrow_direction = RIGHT
    function = BOX
    recolorable = TRUE
    file = "Others/null.png"
    border = { 3, 3, 3, 3 }
    stretch = TRUE
    class "GtkWidget" style "default"
    style "inactivetext"
    engine "mist"
    widget_class "*.<GtkLabel>" style "inactivetext"
    widget_class "*.<GtkCellLayout>" style "inactivetext"
    #widget_class "*.<Combo>" style "inactivetext"
    style "inactivetext2"
    fg[NORMAL] = "#16778f"
    fg[PRELIGHT] = "#6c9eab"
    text[PRELIGHT] = "#6c9eab"
    engine "mist"
    widget_class "*.<GtkMenuItem>.*" style "inactivetext2"
    #################### BUTTONS #######################
    style "button" = "default"
    engine "pixmap"
    function = BOX
    detail = "buttondefault"
    recolorable = TRUE
    file = "Buttons/button-default.png"
    border = {4, 4, 4, 4}
    stretch = TRUE
    function = BOX
    state = PRELIGHT
    recolorable = TRUE
    file = "Buttons/button-prelight.png"
    border = { 4, 4, 4, 4 }
    stretch = TRUE
    function = BOX
    state = ACTIVE
    file = "Buttons/button-pressed.png"
    border = { 4, 4, 4, 4 }
    stretch = TRUE
    function = BOX
    state = INSENSITIVE
    file = "Buttons/button-insensitive.png"
    border = { 4, 4, 4, 4 }
    stretch = TRUE
    function = BOX
    file = "Buttons/button-normal.png"
    border = { 4, 4, 4, 4 }
    stretch = TRUE
    style "checkradiobutton" {
    engine "pixmap" {
    function = FLAT_BOX
    recolorable = TRUE
    file = "Check-Radio/highlight.png"
    border = { 2, 5, 2, 5 }
    stretch = TRUE
    class "GtkRadioButton" style "checkradiobutton"
    class "GtkCheckButton" style "checkradiobutton"
    style "optionmenu" = "default"
    engine "pixmap"
    function = BOX
    recolorable = TRUE
    state = PRELIGHT
    file = "Combo/combo-prelight.png"
    border = { 5, 5, 5, 5}
    stretch = TRUE
    function = BOX
    recolorable = TRUE
    state = NORMAL
    file = "Combo/combo-normal.png"
    border = { 5, 5, 5, 5}
    stretch = TRUE
    function = BOX
    recolorable = TRUE
    state = ACTIVE
    file = "Combo/combo-pressed.png"
    border = { 5, 5, 5, 5}
    stretch = TRUE
    function = BOX
    recolorable = TRUE
    state = INSENSITIVE
    file = "Combo/combo-inactive.png"
    border = { 5, 5, 5, 5}
    stretch = TRUE
    function = TAB
    state = INSENSITIVE
    recolorable = TRUE
    overlay_file = "Combo/combo-arrow-insens.png"
    overlay_stretch = FALSE
    function = TAB
    recolorable = TRUE
    state = NORMAL
    overlay_file = "Combo/combo-arrow.png"
    overlay_border = { 0, 0, 0, 0 }
    overlay_stretch = FALSE
    function = TAB
    recolorable = TRUE
    state = PRELIGHT
    overlay_file = "Combo/combo-arrow-prelight.png"
    overlay_border = { 0, 0, 0, 0 }
    overlay_stretch = FALSE
    widget_class "*Combo*" style "optionmenu"
    style "radiobutton" = "default"
    engine "pixmap"
    function = OPTION
    recolorable = TRUE
    state = NORMAL
    shadow = OUT
    overlay_file = "Check-Radio/option1.png"
    overlay_stretch = FALSE
    function = OPTION
    recolorable = TRUE
    state = PRELIGHT
    shadow = OUT
    overlay_file = "Check-Radio/option3.png"
    overlay_stretch = FALSE
    function = OPTION
    recolorable = TRUE
    state = ACTIVE
    shadow = OUT
    overlay_file = "Check-Radio/option3.png"
    overlay_stretch = FALSE
    function = OPTION
    recolorable = TRUE
    state = INSENSITIVE
    shadow = OUT
    overlay_file = "Check-Radio/option1.png"
    overlay_stretch = FALSE
    function = OPTION
    recolorable = TRUE
    state = NORMAL
    shadow = IN
    overlay_file = "Check-Radio/option2.png"
    overlay_stretch = FALSE
    function = OPTION
    recolorable = TRUE
    state = PRELIGHT
    shadow = IN
    overlay_file = "Check-Radio/option4.png"
    overlay_stretch = FALSE
    function = OPTION
    recolorable = TRUE
    state = ACTIVE
    shadow = IN
    overlay_file = "Check-Radio/option4.png"
    overlay_stretch = FALSE
    function = OPTION
    recolorable = TRUE
    state = INSENSITIVE
    shadow = IN
    overlay_file = "Check-Radio/option1.png"
    overlay_stretch = FALSE
    function = FLAT_BOX
    recolorable = TRUE
    stretch = TRUE
    file = "Check-Radio/checklight.png"
    border = { 2, 2, 2, 2 }
    style "checkbutton" = "default"
    engine "pixmap"
    function = CHECK
    recolorable = TRUE
    state = NORMAL
    shadow = OUT
    overlay_file = "Check-Radio/check1.png"
    overlay_stretch = FALSE
    function = CHECK
    recolorable = TRUE
    state = PRELIGHT
    shadow = OUT
    overlay_file = "Check-Radio/check3.png"
    overlay_stretch = FALSE
    function = CHECK
    recolorable = TRUE
    state = ACTIVE
    shadow = OUT
    overlay_file = "Check-Radio/check3.png"
    overlay_stretch = FALSE
    function = CHECK
    recolorable = TRUE
    state = INSENSITIVE
    shadow = OUT
    overlay_file = "Check-Radio/check1.png"
    overlay_stretch = FALSE
    function = CHECK
    recolorable = TRUE
    state = NORMAL
    shadow = IN
    overlay_file = "Check-Radio/check2.png"
    overlay_stretch = FALSE
    function = CHECK
    recolorable = TRUE
    state = PRELIGHT
    shadow = IN
    overlay_file = "Check-Radio/check4.png"
    overlay_stretch = FALSE
    function = CHECK
    recolorable = TRUE
    state = ACTIVE
    shadow = IN
    overlay_file = "Check-Radio/check4.png"
    overlay_stretch = FALSE
    function = CHECK
    recolorable = TRUE
    state = INSENSITIVE
    shadow = IN
    overlay_file = "Check-Radio/check1.png"
    overlay_stretch = FALSE
    function = FLAT_BOX
    recolorable = TRUE
    stretch = TRUE
    file = "Check-Radio/checklight.png"
    border = { 2, 2, 2, 2 }
    ####################### ENTRY #####################xx
    style "entry" = "default"
    xthickness = 3
    ythickness = 2
    GtkWidget::interior_focus = 0
    engine "pixmap"
    function = FOCUS
    recolorable = TRUE
    file = "Shadows/entry-shadow-in.png"
    border = { 3,3,3,3 }
    stretch = TRUE
    function = BOX
    recolorable = TRUE
    shadow = IN
    state = NORMAL
    file = "Shadows/entry-shadow-in.png"
    border = { 3,3,3,3 }
    stretch = TRUE
    function = BOX
    recolorable = TRUE
    shadow = OUT
    state = NORMAL
    file = "Shadows/text-entry.png"
    border = { 3,3,3,3 }
    stretch = TRUE
    function = SHADOW
    detail = "entry"
    shadow = IN
    recolorable = FALSE
    file = "Shadows/text-entry.png"
    border = { 3,3,3,3 }
    stretch = TRUE
    ################x SPINBUTTONS ################
    style "spinbutton" = "default"
    xthickness = 3
    ythickness = 1
    GtkWidget::interior_focus = 0
    engine "pixmap"
    function = ARROW
    ############################# UP ######################xx
    function = BOX
    state = NORMAL
    detail = "spinbutton_up"
    recolorable = TRUE
    file = "Spin/spin-up-bg.png"
    border = { 5, 5, 5, 5 }
    stretch = TRUE
    overlay_file = "Spin/arrow-up.png"
    overlay_stretch = FALSE
    function = BOX
    state = PRELIGHT
    detail = "spinbutton_up"
    recolorable = TRUE
    file = "Spin/spin-up-bg.png"
    border = { 5, 5, 5, 5 }
    stretch = TRUE
    overlay_file = "Spin/arrow-up-prelight.png"
    overlay_stretch = FALSE
    function = BOX
    state = INSENSITIVE
    detail = "spinbutton_up"
    recolorable = TRUE
    file = "Spin/spin-up-bg.png"
    border = { 5, 5, 5, 5 }
    stretch = TRUE
    overlay_file = "Spin/arrow-up-disable.png"
    overlay_stretch = FALSE
    function = BOX
    state = ACTIVE
    detail = "spinbutton_up"
    recolorable = TRUE
    file = "Spin/spin-up-bg.png"
    border = { 5, 5, 5, 5 }
    stretch = TRUE
    ########################x DOWN ########################
    function = BOX
    state = NORMAL
    detail = "spinbutton_down"
    recolorable = TRUE
    file = "Spin/spin-down-bg.png"
    border = { 5, 5, 5, 5 }
    stretch = TRUE
    overlay_file = "Spin/arrow-down.png"
    overlay_stretch = FALSE
    function = BOX
    state = PRELIGHT
    detail = "spinbutton_down"
    recolorable = TRUE
    file = "Spin/spin-down-bg.png"
    border = { 5, 5, 5, 5 }
    stretch = TRUE
    overlay_file = "Spin/arrow-down-prelight.png"
    overlay_stretch = FALSE
    function = BOX
    state = INSENSITIVE
    detail = "spinbutton_down"
    recolorable = TRUE
    file = "Spin/spin-down-bg.png"
    border = { 5, 5, 5, 5 }
    stretch = TRUE
    overlay_file = "Spin/arrow-down-disable.png"
    overlay_stretch = FALSE
    function = BOX
    state = ACTIVE
    detail = "spinbutton_down"
    recolorable = TRUE
    file = "Spin/spin-down-bg.png"
    border = { 5, 5, 5, 5 }
    stretch = TRUE
    overlay_file = "Spin/arrow-down-prelight.png"
    overlay_stretch = FALSE
    ########################## SPIN ENTRY ###########################
    function = FOCUS
    recolorable = TRUE
    file = "Spin/text-entry-focus.png"
    border = { 3,3,3,3 }
    stretch = TRUE
    function = SHADOW
    detail = "entry"
    shadow = IN
    recolorable = FALSE
    file = "Spin/text-entry.png"
    border = { 3,3,3,3 }
    stretch = TRUE
    ############################# SCROLLBAR ####################
    style "scrollbar" = "default"
    engine "pixmap"
    function = BOX
    recolorable = TRUE
    detail = "trough"
    file = "Scrollbars/trough-scrollbar-horiz.png"
    border = { 19, 19, 2, 2 }
    stretch = TRUE
    orientation = HORIZONTAL
    function = BOX
    recolorable = TRUE
    detail = "trough"
    file = "Scrollbars/trough-scrollbar-vert.png"
    border = { 2, 2, 19, 19 }
    stretch = TRUE
    orientation = VERTICAL
    ###########x SLIDERS ##################x
    function = SLIDER
    recolorable = TRUE
    state = NORMAL
    file = "Scrollbars/slider-horiz.png"
    border = { 2, 2, 2, 2 }
    stretch = TRUE
    orientation = HORIZONTAL
    function = SLIDER
    recolorable = TRUE
    state = ACTIVE
    shadow = IN
    file = "Scrollbars/slider-horiz.png"
    border = { 2, 2, 2, 2 }
    stretch = TRUE
    orientation = HORIZONTAL
    function = SLIDER
    recolorable = TRUE
    state = PRELIGHT
    file = "Scrollbars/slider-horiz-prelight.png"
    border = { 2, 2, 2, 2 }
    stretch = TRUE
    orientation = HORIZONTAL
    function = SLIDER
    recolorable = TRUE
    state = INSENSITIVE
    file = "Scrollbars/slider-horiz-insens.png"
    border = { 2, 2, 2, 2 }
    stretch = TRUE
    orientation = HORIZONTAL
    #############x verticals################xx
    function = SLIDER
    recolorable = TRUE
    state = NORMAL
    file = "Scrollbars/slider-vert.png"
    border = { 2, 2, 2, 2 }
    stretch = TRUE
    orientation = VERTICAL
    function = SLIDER
    recolorable = TRUE
    state = ACTIVE
    shadow = IN
    file = "Scrollbars/slider-vert.png"
    border = { 2, 2, 2, 2 }
    stretch = TRUE
    orientation = VERTICAL
    function = SLIDER
    recolorable = TRUE
    state = PRELIGHT
    file = "Scrollbars/slider-vert-prelight.png"
    border = { 2, 2, 2, 2 }
    stretch = TRUE
    orientation = VERTICAL
    function = SLIDER
    recolorable = TRUE
    state = INSENSITIVE
    file = "Scrollbars/slider-vert-insens.png"
    border = { 2, 2, 2, 2 }
    stretch = TRUE
    orientation = VERTICAL
    ###########x END SLIDERS ##################x
    ########### Steppers ######################
    #### UP #######
    function = STEPPER
    recolorable = TRUE
    state = NORMAL
    file = "Scrollbars/stepper-up.png"
    stretch = TRUE
    arrow_direction = UP
    function = STEPPER
    recolorable = TRUE
    state = PRELIGHT
    file = "Scrollbars/stepper-up-prelight.png"
    stretch = TRUE
    arrow_direction = UP
    function = STEPPER
    recolorable = TRUE
    state = ACTIVE
    file = "Scrollbars/stepper-up-prelight.png"
    stretch = TRUE
    arrow_direction = UP
    function = STEPPER
    recolorable = TRUE
    state = INSENSITIVE
    file = "Scrollbars/stepper-up-insens.png"
    stretch = TRUE
    arrow_direction = UP
    ######### DOWN ############
    function = STEPPER
    recolorable = TRUE
    state = NORMAL
    file = "Scrollbars/stepper-down.png"
    stretch = TRUE
    arrow_direction = DOWN
    function = STEPPER
    recolorable = TRUE
    state = PRELIGHT
    file = "Scrollbars/stepper-down-prelight.png"
    stretch = TRUE
    arrow_direction = DOWN
    function = STEPPER
    recolorable = TRUE
    state = ACTIVE
    file = "Scrollbars/stepper-down-prelight.png"
    stretch = TRUE
    arrow_direction = DOWN
    function = STEPPER
    recolorable = TRUE
    state = INSENSITIVE
    file = "Scrollbars/stepper-down-insens.png"
    stretch = TRUE
    arrow_direction = DOWN
    ############ RIGHT ################
    function = STEPPER
    recolorable = TRUE
    state = NORMAL
    file = "Scrollbars/stepper-right.png"
    stretch = TRUE
    arrow_direction = RIGHT
    function = STEPPER
    recolorable = TRUE
    state = PRELIGHT
    file = "Scrollbars/stepper-right-prelight.png"
    stretch = TRUE
    arrow_direction = RIGHT
    function = STEPPER
    recolorable = TRUE
    state = ACTIVE
    file = "Scrollbars/stepper-right-prelight.png"
    stretch = TRUE
    arrow_direction = RIGHT
    function = STEPPER
    recolorable = TRUE
    state = INSENSITIVE
    file = "Scrollbars/stepper-right-insens.png"
    stretch = TRUE
    arrow_direction = RIGHT
    ############### LEFT ###################
    function = STEPPER
    recolorable = TRUE
    state = NORMAL
    file = "Scrollbars/stepper-left.png"
    stretch = TRUE
    arrow_direction = LEFT
    function = STEPPER
    recolorable = TRUE
    state = PRELIGHT
    file = "Scrollbars/stepper-left-prelight.png"
    stretch = TRUE
    arrow_direction = LEFT
    function = STEPPER
    recolorable = TRUE
    state = ACTIVE
    file = "Scrollbars/stepper-left-prelight.png"
    stretch = TRUE
    arrow_direction = LEFT
    function = STEPPER
    recolorable = TRUE
    state = INSENSITIVE
    file = "Scrollbars/stepper-left-insens.png"
    stretch = TRUE
    arrow_direction = LEFT
    ##################### PROGRESSBAR ###################x
    style "progressbar" {
    fg[PRELIGHT] = "#FAFAFA"
    xthickness = 1
    ythickness = 1
    engine "pixmap"
    function = BOX
    detail = "trough"
    file = "ProgressBar/trough-progressbar-horiz.png"
    border = { 2, 2, 2, 2 }
    stretch = TRUE
    function = BOX
    detail = "bar"
    file = "ProgressBar/progressbar-horiz.png"
    border = { 2, 2, 2, 2 }
    stretch = TRUE
    orientation = HORIZONTAL
    function = BOX
    detail = "bar"
    file = "ProgressBar/progressbar-vert.png"
    border = { 2, 2, 2, 2 }
    stretch = TRUE
    orientation = VERTICAL
    ############################# RANGE #######################
    style "range" = "default"
    engine "pixmap"
    function = BOX
    recolorable = TRUE
    detail = "trough"
    file = "Range/trough-horizontal.png"
    border = { 10, 10, 1, 19 }
    stretch = TRUE
    orientation = HORIZONTAL
    function = BOX
    recolorable = TRUE
    detail = "trough"
    file = "Range/trough-vertical.png"
    border = { 0, 19, 10, 10 }
    stretch = TRUE
    orientation = VERTICAL
    ############### the sliders ###############
    function = SLIDER
    recolorable = TRUE
    state = NORMAL
    file = "Range/null.png"
    border = { 0, 0, 0, 0 }
    stretch = TRUE
    overlay_file = "Range/slider-horiz.png"
    overlay_stretch = FALSE
    orientation = HORIZONTAL
    function = SLIDER
    recolorable = TRUE
    state = PRELIGHT
    file = "Range/null.png"
    border = { 0, 0, 0, 0 }
    stretch = TRUE
    overlay_file = "Range/slider-horiz-prelight.png"
    overlay_stretch = FALSE
    orientation = HORIZONTAL
    function = SLIDER
    recolorable = TRUE
    state = INSENSITIVE
    file = "Range/null.png"
    border = { 0, 0, 0, 0 }
    stretch = TRUE
    overlay_file = "Range/slider-horiz.png"
    overlay_stretch = FALSE
    orientation = HORIZONTAL
    ######################### VERTICAL ###########################
    function = SLIDER
    recolorable = TRUE
    state = NORMAL
    file = "Range/null.png"
    border = { 0, 0, 0, 0 }
    stretch = TRUE
    overlay_file = "Range/slider-vert.png"
    overlay_stretch = FALSE
    orientation = VERTICAL
    function = SLIDER
    recolorable = TRUE
    state = PRELIGHT
    file = "Range/null.png"
    border = { 0, 0, 0, 0 }
    stretch = TRUE
    overlay_file = "Range/slider-vert-prelight.png"
    overlay_stretch = FALSE
    orientation = VERTICAL
    function = SLIDER
    recolorable = TRUE
    state = INSENSITIVE
    file = "Range/null.png"
    border = { 0, 0, 0, 0 }
    stretch = TRUE
    overlay_file = "Range/slider-vert.png"
    overlay_stretch = FALSE
    orientation = VERTICAL
    ################### TOOLBAR ###########################
    style "toolbar"
    engine "pixmap"
    function = BOX
    file = "Others/null.png"
    border = { 4, 4, 4, 4}
    stretch = TRUE
    widget_class "*BonoboDockItem" style "toolbar"
    class "*BonoboDockItem" style "toolbar"
    widget_class "*HandleBox" style "toolbar"
    class "*HandleBox" style "toolbar"
    widget_class "*Toolbar" style "toolbar"
    class "*Toolbar" style "toolbar"
    ##################### TOOLBAR BUTTONS ###############################
    style "toolbuttons" = "default"
    xthickness = 1
    ythickness = 1
    GtkWidget::focus_padding = 2
    engine "pixmap" {
    function = BOX
    recolorable = TRUE
    state = NORMAL
    file = "Toolbar/toolbutton-normal.png"
    border = { 5, 5, 5, 5 }
    stretch = TRUE
    function = BOX
    recolorable = TRUE
    state = PRELIGHT
    file = "Toolbar/toolbutton-prelight.png"
    border = { 5, 5, 5, 5 }
    stretch = TRUE
    function = BOX
    recolorable = TRUE
    state = ACTIVE
    file = "Toolbar/toolbutton-pressed.png"
    border = { 5, 5, 5, 5 }
    stretch = TRUE
    function = BOX
    recolorable = TRUE
    state = INSENSITIVE
    file = "Toolbar/toolbutton-normal.png"
    border = { 5, 5, 5, 5 }
    stretch = TRUE
    widget_class "*Tool*GtkToggleButton" style "toolbuttons"
    widget_class "*Tool*GtkButton" style "toolbuttons"
    ################### PANEL GRAPHICS #################################
    ################### MENU #################################
    style "menu" = "default"
    xthickness = 2
    ythickness = 1
    engine "pixmap"
    function = BOX
    recolorable = TRUE
    detail = "menu"
    file = "Menu-Menubar/menu.png"
    border = { 34, 3, 3, 3 }
    stretch = TRUE
    ########################### Menuitem #############################
    style "menuitem" = "default"
    xthickness = 1
    fg[PRELIGHT] = "#FFFFFF"
    engine "pixmap"
    function = BOX
    recolorable = TRUE
    file = "Menu-Menubar/menuitem.png"
    border = { 10, 10, 10, 10 }
    stretch = TRUE
    function = ARROW
    recolorable = TRUE
    state = NORMAL
    overlay_file = "Arrows/arrow-right-norm.png"
    overlay_stretch = FALSE
    arrow_direction = RIGHT
    function = ARROW
    recolorable = TRUE
    state = PRELIGHT
    overlay_file = "Arrows/arrow-right-prelight.png"
    overlay_stretch = FALSE
    arrow_direction = RIGHT
    style "tearoffmenuitem" = "menuitem"
    engine "pixmap"
    function = ARROW
    file = "Arrows/arrow-left.png"
    stretch = TRUE
    arrow_direction = LEFT
    style "notebook" = "default"
    xthickness = 2
    ythickness = 2
    engine "pixmap"
    function = EXTENSION
    recolorable = TRUE
    state = ACTIVE
    file = "Tabs/tab-bottom.png"
    border = { 4,4,4,4}
    stretch = TRUE
    gap_side = TOP
    function = EXTENSION
    recolorable = TRUE
    state = ACTIVE
    file = "Tabs/tab-top.png"
    border = { 4,4,4,4}
    stretch = TRUE
    gap_side = BOTTOM
    function = EXTENSION
    recolorable = TRUE
    state = ACTIVE
    file = "Tabs/tab-left.png"
    border = { 4,4,4,4}
    stretch = TRUE
    gap_side = RIGHT
    function = EXTENSION
    recolorable = TRUE
    state = ACTIVE
    file = "Tabs/tab-right.png"
    border = { 4,4,4,4}
    stretch = TRUE
    gap_side = LEFT
    function = EXTENSION
    recolorable = TRUE
    file = "Tabs/tab-top-active.png"
    border = { 4,4,4,4}
    stretch = TRUE
    gap_side = BOTTOM
    function = EXTENSION
    recolorable = TRUE
    file = "Tabs/tab-bottom-active.png"
    border = { 4,4,4,4}
    stretch = TRUE
    gap_side = TOP
    function = EXTENSION
    recolorable = TRUE
    file = "Tabs/tab-left-active.png"
    border = { 4,4,4,4}
    stretch = TRUE
    gap_side = RIGHT
    function = EXTENSION
    recolorable = TRUE
    file = "Tabs/tab-right-active.png"
    border = { 4,4,4,4}
    stretch = TRUE
    gap_side = LEFT
    # How to draw boxes with a gap on one side (ie the page of a notebook)
    function = BOX_GAP
    recolorable = TRUE
    file = "Tabs/notebook.png"
    border = { 5, 5, 5, 5 }
    stretch = TRUE
    gap_file = "Tabs/gap-top.png"
    gap_border = { 5, 5, 5, 5 }
    gap_start_file = "Others/null.png"
    gap_start_border = { 0, 0, 0, 0 }
    gap_end_file = "Others/null.png"
    gap_end_border = { 0, 0, 0, 0 }
    gap_side = TOP
    function = BOX_GAP
    recolorable = TRUE
    file = "Tabs/notebook.png"
    border = { 5, 5, 5, 5 }
    stretch = TRUE
    gap_file = "Tabs/gap-bottom.png"
    gap_border = { 5, 5, 5, 5 }
    gap_start_file = "Others/null.png"
    gap_start_border = { 0, 0, 0, 0 }
    gap_end_file = "Others/null.png"
    gap_end_border = { 0, 0, 0, 0 }
    gap_side = BOTTOM
    function = BOX_GAP
    recolorable = TRUE
    file = "Tabs/notebook.png"
    border = { 5, 5, 5, 5 }
    stretch = TRUE
    gap_file = "Tabs/gap-left.png"
    gap_border = { 5, 5, 5, 5 }
    gap_start_file = "Others/null.png"
    gap_start_border = { 0, 0, 0, 0 }
    gap_end_file = "Others/null.png"
    gap_end_border = { 0, 0, 0, 0 }
    gap_side = LEFT
    function = BOX_GAP
    recolorable = TRUE
    file = "Tabs/notebook.png"
    border = { 5, 5, 5, 5 }
    stretch = TRUE
    gap_file = "Tabs/gap-right.png"
    gap_border = { 5, 5, 5, 5 }
    gap_start_file = "Others/null.png"
    gap_start_border = { 0, 0, 0, 0 }
    gap_end_file = "Others/null.png"
    gap_end_border = { 0, 0, 0, 0 }
    gap_side = RIGHT
    # How to draw the box of a notebook when it isnt attached to a tab
    function = BOX
    recolorable = TRUE
    file = "Tabs/notebook.png"
    border = { 6,6,6,6 }
    stretch = TRUE
    style "tooltips" = "default"
    bg[NORMAL] = "#FAFAFA"
    ##################### RULER ##################
    style "ruler" = "default"
    engine "pixmap"
    function = BOX
    recolorable = TRUE
    detail = "vruler"
    file = "Others/ruler.png"
    border = { 2, 2, 2, 2 }
    stretch = TRUE
    function = BOX
    recolorable = TRUE
    detail = "hruler"
    file = "Others/ruler.png"
    border = { 2, 2, 2, 2 }
    stretch = TRUE
    ################# HANDLES ###################x
    style "handlebox" = "default"
    engine "pixmap"
    function = HANDLE
    recolorable = TRUE
    overlay_file = "Others/null.png"
    # overlay_file = "Handles/handle-v.png"
    overlay_stretch = FALSE
    orientation = VERTICAL
    function = HANDLE
    overlay_file = "Others/null.png"
    # overlay_file = "Handles/handle-h.png"
    overlay_stretch = FALSE
    orientation = HORIZONTAL
    style "flat" = "default"
    engine "pixmap"
    function = SHADOW
    style "layout" = "default"
    engine "pixmap"
    function = SHADOW
    detail = "entry"
    shadow = IN
    recolorable = FALSE
    file = "Shadows/text.png"
    border = { 1, 1, 1, 1 }
    stretch = TRUE
    function = BOX
    detail = "button"
    state = NORMAL
    file = "Buttons/button-normal.png"
    recolorable = TRUE
    border = { 2, 3, 2, 3 }
    stretch = TRUE
    ##################### STATUSBAR ###############################
    style "statusbar" = "default"
    # xthickness = 1
    # ythickness = 1
    engine "pixmap"
    function = RESIZE_GRIP
    recolorable = TRUE
    #state = NORMAL
    detail = "statusbar"
    overlay_file = "Handles/resize-grip.png"
    overlay_border = {0,0,0,0 }
    overlay_stretch = FALSE
    ##################### LISTHEADERS ###################x
    style "list-header"
    #Comment out the ythickness setting below for thicker column headers.
    #ythickness = 0
    GtkTreeView::odd_row_color = "#F0F0F0"
    GtkTreeView::even_row_color = "#FAFAFA"
    # fg[NORMAL] = "#FAFAFA"
    # text[NORMAL] = "#FAFAFA"
    engine "pixmap"
    #This image is used to draw the headers of columns in list views when they are
    #not selected.
    function = BOX
    recolorable = TRUE
    state = NORMAL
    file = "ListHeaders/list_header.png"
    border = { 2, 2, 2, 2 }
    stretch = TRUE
    #This image is used to draw the column headers in list views when they are
    function = BOX
    recolorable = TRUE
    state = PRELIGHT
    file = "ListHeaders/list_header-prelight.png"
    border = { 2, 2, 2, 2 }
    stretch = TRUE
    #Does this do anything?
    function = BOX
    recolorable = TRUE
    state = ACTIVE
    file = "ListHeaders/list_header-pressed.png"
    border = { 2, 2, 2, 2}
    stretch = TRUE
    function = BOX
    recolorable = TRUE
    state = SELECTED
    file = "ListHeaders/list_header-prelight.png"
    border = { 2, 2, 2, 2 }
    stretch = TRUE
    function = BOX
    recolorable = TRUE
    state = INSENSITIVE
    file = "ListHeaders/list_header-insens.png"
    border = { 2, 2, 2, 2 }
    stretch = TRUE
    widget_class "*List" style "list-header"
    widget_class "*GtkTree*" style "list-header"
    widget_class "*GtkCList*" style "list-header"
    #widget_class "*Tree*" style "list-header"
    # This prevents Sodipodi from crashing while opening the
    # Object-Style dialog.
    style "unstyle"
    engine ""
    # recognizable pressed toggle buttons
    # SPIcons seem to erase the background first. That's why I can't use
    # the button style.
    style "SPbutton"
    engine "pixmap"
    function = BOX
    shadow = IN
    recolorable = TRUE
    file = "Shadows/shadow-out.png"
    border = { 2, 2, 2, 2 }
    stretch = TRUE
    function = BOX
    style "theme-etree" = "list-header"
    bg[ACTIVE] = "#47494d"
    # widget styles
    class "GtkButton" style "button"
    class "GtkRadioButton" style "radiobutton"
    class "GtkRadioMenuItem" style "radiobutton"
    class "GtkCheckButton" style "checkbutton"
    class "GtkCheckMenuItem" style "checkbutton"
    class "GtkOptionMenu" style "optionmenu"
    class "GtkCombo*" style "optionmenu"
    class "*Font*" style "optionmenu"
    class "GtkEntry" style "entry"
    class "GtkOldEditable" style "entry"
    class "GtkSpinButton" style "spinbutton"
    class "GtkRuler" style "ruler"
    class "GtkScrollbar" style "scrollbar"
    class "GtkStatusbar" style "statusbar"
    class "GtkProgressBar" style "progressbar"
    class "GtkRange" style "range"
    class "GtkMenu" style "menu"
    class "GtkMenuBar*" style "menubar"
    widget_class "*MenuBar.*" style "menubar"
    widget_class "*.<MenuItem>." style "menuitem"
    class "GtkMenuItem" style "menuitem"
    class "GtkTearoffMenuItem" style "menuitem"
    class "GtkNotebook" style "notebook"
    class "GtkToolbar" style "flat"
    class "GtkHandleBox" style "handlebox"
    class "GtkEventBox" style "flat"
    class "GtkPaned" style "handlebox"
    class "GtkLayout" style "layout"
    class "SPButton" style "SPbutton"
    widget "gtk-tooltips" style "tooltips"
    # prevent Sodipodi from crashing
    class "SPColorSlider" style "unstyle"
    # Evolution fix
    widget_class "*.ETree*" style "theme-etree"
    thank you!

    There is a page on the Wiki specifically to address this issue: https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Un … plications
    Please search before posting.

  • Need some help with editing my GTK theme...

    I'm editing the colors in my GTK theme...I'm using a theme that uses images for a bunch of the elements (Dyne for GTK 3...Only editing the GTK 2 part of it for now).  I'm almost done, but I can't figure out how to get rid of this line in the below image...I've tried everything I can think of.
    Any ideas?

    Unia wrote:Can you send me the theme? I'm certainly no master themer, but I'm willing to give it go for you.
    Okay...Thanks.  I uploaded it here...It's a zip file because there seems to be a problem with making tars for me right now for some reason.

  • [Solved] Some GTK themes seem to only partially theme (black boxes)

    An example is Aurora, but I'd say 50% of what I have is giving me the same problem.
    There are no error messages, but the gnome-menu and panels have black rectangles where you'd expect different shades of color/gradients.
    Has aurora meant to have a black gnome-menu, or is something broken? Why do some themes work and others don't? Why are there no error messages?
    As far as I know I've installed all of the gtk themes. Are there any configuration options I can play with?
    lol, I fixed it seconds after posting this!
    I was missing: http://www.archlinux.org/packages/extra … es-extras/
    (everything else had been downloaded)
    Last edited by Bedtimes (2009-10-05 16:43:37)

    Some applications simply don't use the "usual" graphical toolkits, but their own. Chromium, LibreOffice, Firefox and Thunderbird are classical examples of this. While Firefox's and LibreOffice's integration with GTK is nowadays more than decent, you'll have to install [or create yourself] a specific theme for Chromium. I can't tell about Thunderbird as I don't use it.
    In Chromium, if you choose "Preferences → personal preferences → use GTK theme", you might get a good result either way, so try it if you still haven't.
    Last edited by olorian (2012-03-17 11:56:04)

  • What's the correct way to make QT4/KDE4 apps use my GTK theme?

    I tried going to Computer -> System Settings -> Appearance and setting the widget style to GTK+ (instead of the default oxygen) but my computer crashes.  If I load xterm from kdm and try to run kwin for example, I get the following error message.
    "QGtkStyle cannot be used together with the GTK_Qt engine."
    and then it segfaults.
    http://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Uni … d_GTK_apps 
    This page says to use QGtkStyle, which comes bundled with QT 4.5.  I assume that is what I do with the previous procedure, but obviously that is giving me problems.  Any ideas?
    Fyi, this just started happening tonight when I rebooted my computer.  I've had it set to GTK+ for a while and my KDE apps rendered with my GTK theme, but when I rebooted it segfaulted loading the desktop and I haven't been able to get it to work since.  Any ideas?

    Maybe you should try typing "qtconfig" in the terminal. You can choose GTK+ then. Works for me. I didn't install anything special except the QT applications I use (including QTcreator), so I think "qtconfig" should be available when you have QT installed.
    Also look out for a ".kde" directory (?) in your home folder (even when you don't use KDE it might be that you have it). It could be that you've got some contradictory settings in some configuration files that are read when QT apps are started. I'm not sure on this one, though.

  • My GTK Theme Colours are always Green??

    Hi Archers
    This is my first couple weeks with Arch and I've been struggling with GTK themes.
    Themes are loading correctly (either with lxappearances or manually through the .gtk-2.0 file) however no matter what I do themes always have the same ugly green color for the main window background.
    If I change the background colour in lxappearance to bright orange for example in lxappearances it will display correctly but when I go to open any gtk2 app or run gtk-demo it's like nothing has changed. That ugly green color is still the main background colour for everything.
    I've been trying for the last couple days to resolve this but no luck!
    Help me Arch community you're my only hope :3
    P.S I'm running awesome wm but not any desktop environment if that helps.
    Thanks ^^

    Check if you have some setting *background: <some_green_color> in your ~/.Xresources or ~/.Xdefaults file. This will affect Qt applications AFAIK, but it might also affect GTK as well. Also, are you sure these apps are affected by GTK, not QT? If so, configure the look of Qt apps:
    Last edited by hesse (2012-06-17 21:24:03)

  • Lxapperance fails to change GTK+ theme [WORKAROUND]

    Hello all.
    First time using Arch Linux, and it's a pretty awesome distro.
    Just installed lxde and when trying to change the GTK+ theme using lxapperance, the window flickers, but the theme remains with the standard "unthemed" appearence.  I have tried rezlooks and cillop-midnite and neither display.
    Anybody else have this problem?
    Last edited by w23 (2009-12-22 22:38:41)

    Thought it was just me.
    I too had some weirdness with the new version of lxappearance. I did some checking and here is what I found out. Luckily I had a complete backup copy of my directory and found lxappearance wasn't creating ~/.gtkrc-2.0 correctly. When you change themes in lxappearance it's supposed to dynamically change this file and it wasn't for some reason. Mine turned out to be blank. When I went back to an old copy and pasted that info back into the new ~/.gtkrc-2.0 everything worked again. I reinstalled and now it seems to be changing  the way it's supposed too. Still getting massive error messages like you though.
    You can manually change themes without lxappearance by creating and hand editing ~/.gtkrc-2.0. You must log out and back in for the changes to take effect although if I remember right there was a command you could type to regenerate gtk and change without having to log-out first but I can't remember what it was.
    Since I have lxappearance installed (and as the comment says) further customization must be done in ~/.gtkrc-2.0.mine as the original ~/.gtkrc-2.0 is overwritten each time you change a theme in lxappearance.
    Here's a copy of my ~/.gtkrc-2.0 for reference.
    Also here is a explanation of what ~/.gtkrc-2.0 does (in case your interested).
    http://linux.byexamples.com/archives/23 … ktop-user/
    # DO NOT EDIT! This file will be overwritten by LXAppearance.
    # Any customization should be done in ~/.gtkrc-2.0.mine
    gtk-theme-name="MurrineGlow Gray"
    gtk-font-name="Sans 10"
    include "/root/.gtkrc-2.0.mine"
    Don't know if this helps but I hope.

  • GTK Theme Menu Border or Alternative

    I've been looking and looking and everything dead-ends with regards to this topic. Does anyone know of a way to put borders on the menu items for gtk themes?
    I'm currently using Openbox as my WM and utilizing LXApperance and Openbox Themes for GUI.
    Trouble I'm having is there is no way to put a border around the menus in the gtk theme. So all the menus that rely on that theme are showing up white with no border making them terribly difficult to use.
    Does anyone have a work around for this or at least a way I can make these menus black with white text?
    Any help is greatly appreciated :)

    lessthanjake wrote:
    FF is broken.
    Imo not wort it customizing you theme for broken applications. It's like webpages and IE, if it is readable you should be happy
    The theme looks promissing!! Seems like FF messes up "hover"-padding in the drop-down menu as well.
    One could expect the mozilla group to fix things like that, I tested my theme on FF2 and the address bar acts the same.. but what do I know, and haven't even filed a bug report to them so I'll just keep my mouth shut. Oh well, just have to get used to it until they fix it I gues
    Thanks for the comment, and yes, the padding seems to be out of balance as well. Didn't see it until now.

  • Apps not using gtk theme

    Strange thing happens:
    I have installed some applications (firefox, pidgin, clementine, vlc) when gnome was not even installed (through xterm), and they seem to ignore the gtk theme I'm using.
    What should I do?

    It's the theme from Linux Mint. I've basically copied the folders to /usr/share/themes and .themes.
    Everything works fine except for these apps which were installed before gnome. I'm guessing it's all about some configurations that were made.
    EDIT: changed the theme but the issue is still there.
    Last edited by bogdan2011 (2012-06-29 22:41:27)

  • How to change gtk theme dialog box button appearance when using tab?

    I'm using candido as my gtk theme and have noticed that when a dialog box pops up (Yes / No), it is extremely difficult to tell which option is highlighted. How do I change this appearance? I searched through the gtkrc and even used gimp to manipulate the images used via trial and error to see if I found one that worked. Can someone familiar with gtk themes tell me which gtkrc or image to alter to affect this appearance?
    I use tab to select my option a ton and hate not being able to tell what I'm looking at.
    For reference,
    - here is the current look (can you tell which one is highlighted? It's "Cancel" -- just slightly bigger or a fine line around it) LINK
    - here is the gtkrc if that helps? LINK
    For one more point of clarification, I'm not talking about the button appearance on mouseover. I have identified that the button-prelight.png file changes that. I specifically am talking purely about a dialog popping up and then using the tab key alone to highlight through the options. I really like this theme, but this one thing drives me crazy. This appearance changes when I select different themes with lxappearance, so I've narrowed it down to being a gtk-theme issue, not my openbox theme or icon set.
    Many thanks!
    Last edited by jwhendy (2011-02-02 18:11:10)

    Debug the program after you press the CANCEL button , you will get where the conrol is flowing , And instead of using
    Leave to screen '910'          use               Leave to screen 0.
    Madhukar Shetty

  • Use a gtk theme for one app and another for the whole system??

    I would like to know if is it possible to use a theme for one application and use another for the remaining of the system? I use OpenBox and I change themes with Lxappearance...

    Uhh, thanks mauryck for the question and anonymous_user for the answer! I use a very slow gtk theme, and one program suffer from it, but this theme is so beautiful so I dont like to change. Never though about this solution, use a different theme only for this program!
    Sometimes the solution is so simple...

  • [SOLVED] Having trouble making QT apps use GTK theme

    Hello everyone, I'm having trouble making QT apps use my GTK theme in openbox.
    Some apps seem to work just fine but others don't.
    ^Such as above, as you can see VLC is working, as is qtconfig, but k9copy and k3b are not.
    I've did the suggestions that are listed in the wiki. (http://tinyurl.com/ybhb7yr)
    And even rebooted after I did them, still no go.
    My .gtkrc-2.0 file simply contains:
    Does anyone have any ideas why it's not working with k9copy and k3b/how to fix it?
    Last edited by tgblb (2010-03-22 02:39:31)

    anonymous_user wrote:k9copy and k3b are KDE apps not Qt.
    Yes, but don't they use QT?
    And if not, what do they use? lol. And is there anyway to make them use my GTK theme?

  • [SOLVED] Distorted fonts in oxygen-gtk theme

    I have install oxygen-gtk2 theme along with gtk-kde4.
    When my desktop effects are ON I am seeing distorted fonts in drop down menu's of gtk applications.
    They become normal when I move mouse on them. Also they appear normal when desktop effects are OFF.
    No other theme have any issue.
    Can anyone help me in solving this ?
    oxygen-gtk2 :  1.2.5-1
    gtk-kde4       :  0.9.5b-2
    Screen Shots:
    Last edited by girish_patel (2012-07-13 17:25:46)

    I have "Intel(R) Graphics Media Accelerator HD".
    I don't have flash video player running. This issue is consistent even without running anything else.
    And It is not visible in kde application or with other gtk themes.
    It comes only with oxygen-gtk, with kde desktop effects activated, only in gtk applications, only for text in pop-up menus.
    Even other texts in those application are normal.
    Is anybody else facing same issue in this combination ?

  • Running GNOME apps in Xfce; not detecting GTK+ theme

    I primarily use Xfce4 as my desktop environment, but with some GNOME apps such as file-roller and gedit. It appears that GNOME apps no longer detect the current GTK+ theme while using Xfce. They just use the horrible, blocky default theme. This seems to have started after an update about a month ago, and reinstalling the system didn't fix it. Has anyone else had this problem? Any help is appreciated.

    Kinux wrote:
    I had the same problem. Searching the forums, the solution for me was to :
    pacman -S gnome-themes-standard
    And then a symbolic link to gtk3 theme :
    ln -s /usr/share/themes/Adwaita/gtk-3.0 ~/.config/
    This way the new gedit or fileroller use the Adwaita theme while normal Xfce programs use the one I set in Appearance settings.
    Hope this helps you too.
    Hi,my friend, You are right! Thank you very much!!!

  • GTK theme, FF buttons problem

    I recently moved to Macchiato gtk theme, which is very nice. Sadly it has a problem with Firefox/Thunderbird buttons that I'm unable to fix. Explained by images:
    no mouse over button:
    (if you look closer, you'll see that text is barely visible, but bg/fg colors are almost same)
    mouse over button:
    I tried playing with gtkrc, no luck. I'm using gtk-engine-murrine svn as of Feb 26.
    Help please.
    gtkrc for convenience
    # Macchiato
    # by Jesse L. Kay
    # Last revision: 29 December 2008
    # Set GtkSettings color scheme property.
    # This can be overriden (via an xsetting) with eg. the gnome-appearance-properties.
    gtk_color_scheme = "fg_color:#323232\nbg_color:#D3CAAA\nbase_color:#DED4B3\ntext_color:#323232\nselected_bg_color:#9C9478\nselected_fg_color:#fff\ntooltip_bg_color:#ebeab8\ntooltip_fg_color:#323232"
    style "murrine-default"
    # Style Properties
    GtkButton ::child-displacement-x = 1
    GtkButton ::child-displacement-y = 1
    GtkButton ::default-border = { 0, 0, 0, 0 }
    GtkCheckButton ::indicator-size = 14
    GtkPaned ::handle-size = 6
    GtkRange ::trough-border = 1
    GtkRange ::slider-width = 8
    GtkRange ::stepper-size = 13
    GtkScale ::slider-length = 14
    GtkScale ::slider-width = 8
    GtkScale ::stepper-size = 13
    GtkScale ::trough-side-details = 0
    GtkScrollbar ::min-slider-length = 30
    GtkMenuBar ::internal-padding = 0
    GtkExpander ::expander-size = 16
    GtkToolbar ::internal-padding = 1
    GtkTreeView ::expander-size = 12
    GtkTreeView ::vertical-separator = 0
    GtkOptionMenu ::indicator-size = 0
    GtkMenu ::horizontal-padding = 0
    GtkMenu ::vertical-padding = 0
    GtkScrolledWindow::scrollbar-spacing = 3
    GtkNotebook::tab-curvature = 3
    GtkNotebook::tab-overlap = 4
    # Glow the tasklist by changing the color, instead of overlaying it with a rectangle
    WnckTasklist ::fade-overlay-rect = 0
    #WnckTasklist ::fade-loop-time = 5.0
    #WnckTasklist ::fade-opacity = 0.7
    xthickness = 1
    ythickness = 1
    fg[NORMAL] = @fg_color
    fg[PRELIGHT] = @fg_color
    fg[SELECTED] = @selected_fg_color
    fg[INSENSITIVE] = darker (@bg_color)
    fg[ACTIVE] = shade (0.60, @fg_color) #pidgin tabs, unselected tabs
    bg[NORMAL] = @bg_color
    bg[ACTIVE] = shade (0.60, @bg_color)
    bg[PRELIGHT] = shade (0.6, @bg_color)
    bg[SELECTED] = @selected_bg_color
    bg[INSENSITIVE] = shade (1.03,@bg_color)
    base[NORMAL] = @base_color
    base[PRELIGHT] = @base_color
    base[SELECTED] = @selected_bg_color
    base[INSENSITIVE] = @bg_color
    base[ACTIVE] = @selected_bg_color
    text[NORMAL] = @text_color
    text[PRELIGHT] = @text_color
    text[SELECTED] = @selected_fg_color
    text[INSENSITIVE] = @text_color
    text[ACTIVE] = @text_color
    # window background
    bg_pixmap[NORMAL] = "window-bg.png"
    engine "murrine"
    animation = TRUE # FALSE = disabled, TRUE = enabled
    colorize_scrollbar = TRUE # FALSE = disabled, TRUE = enabled
    contrast = 0.8 # 0.8 for less contrast, more than 1.0 for more contrast on borders
    glazestyle = 0 # 0 = flat highlight, 1 = curved highlight, 2 = concave style, 3 = top curved highlight, 4 = beryl highlight
    gradient_shades = {1.09,1.01,1.01,0.9} # default: {1.1,1.0,1.0,1.1}
    gradients = TRUE # FALSE = disabled, TRUE = enabled
    highlight_ratio = 1.0 # set highlight amount for buttons or widgets
    lightborder_ratio = 1.3 # sets lightborder amount for buttons or widgets
    lightborderstyle = 1 # 0 = lightborder on top side, 1 = lightborder on all sides
    listviewheaderstyle = 2 # 0 = flat, 1 = glassy, 2 = raised
    listviewstyle = 1 # 0 = nothing, 1 = dotted
    menubaritemstyle = 0 # 0 = menuitem look, 1 = button look
    menubarstyle = 0 # 0 = flat, 1 = glassy, 2 = gradient, 3 = striped
    menuitemstyle =0 # 0 = flat, 1 = glassy, 2 = striped
    menustyle = 0 # 0 = no vertical menu stripe, 1 = display vertical menu stripe
    reliefstyle = 0 # 0 = flat, 1 = inset, 2 = shadow
    rgba = TRUE # FALSE = disabled, TRUE = enabled
    roundness = 0 # 0 = squared, 1 = old default, more will increase roundness
    scrollbarstyle = 0 # 0 = nothing, 1 = circles, 2 = handles, 3 = diagonal stripes, 4 = diagonal stripes and handles, 5 = horizontal stripes, 6 = horizontal stripes and handles
    sliderstyle = 0 # 0 = nothing added, 1 = handles
    stepperstyle = 1 # 0 = standard, 1 = integrated stepper handles, 2 = unknown
    # style = MURRINE # engine style options: CANDIDO, CLEARLOOKS, MIST, MURRINE, NODOKA
    toolbarstyle = 0 # 0 = flat, 1 = glassy, 2 = gradient
    style "murrine-wide"
    xthickness = 2
    ythickness = 2
    style "murrine-wider"
    xthickness = 3
    ythickness = 3
    style "murrine-dark"
    bg[NORMAL] = shade(0.2,@bg_color)
    bg[SELECTED] = shade(0.9,@selected_bg_color)
    bg[PRELIGHT] = shade (0.5, @selected_bg_color)
    bg[ACTIVE] = mix (0.5, @selected_bg_color, shade(0.2,@bg_color))
    bg[INSENSITIVE] = shade(0.2,@bg_color)
    fg[NORMAL] = mix (0.9, '#ffffef', @fg_color)
    fg[PRELIGHT] = mix (0.8, '#ffffef', @fg_color)
    fg[SELECTED] = mix (0.8, '#ffffef', @fg_color)
    fg[ACTIVE] = mix (0.8, '#ffffef', @fg_color)
    fg[INSENSITIVE] = mix (0.9, '#ffffef', @fg_color)
    style "murrine-button"
    xthickness = 3
    ythickness = 3
    text[NORMAL] = "#000000"
    text[PRELIGHT] = shade (0.20, @bg_color)
    text[ACTIVE] = "#000000"
    bg[NORMAL] = @bg_color
    bg[PRELIGHT] = shade (1.20, @bg_color)
    bg[ACTIVE] = @bg_color
    fg[NORMAL] = @bg_color
    style "murrine-toolbar" = "murrine-dark"
    bg[SELECTED] = "#363330"
    bg[NORMAL] = "#363330"
    bg[PRELIGHT] = "#363330"
    bg[ACTIVE] = "#363330"
    engine "murrine"{
    gradient_shades = {1.0,0.9,0.9,0.75}
    profile = MURRINE
    style "murrine-notebook-bg" = "murrine-default"
    bg[NORMAL] = shade (1.05, @bg_color)
    bg[ACTIVE] = shade (0.95, @bg_color)
    xthickness = 2
    style "murrine-notebook" = "murrine-notebook-bg"
    xthickness = 2
    style "murrine-tasklist"
    xthickness = 3
    ythickness = 3
    style "murrine-panel" = "murrine-dark" {
    xthickness = 3
    ythickness = 3
    bg[NORMAL] = "#4D453F"
    bg[PRELIGHT] = shade (0.5, @bg_color)
    bg[ACTIVE] = "#45413E"
    fg[NORMAL] = @bg_color
    fg[PRELIGHT] = @bg_color
    fg[ACTIVE] = @bg_color
    engine "murrine" {
    roundness = 1
    rgba = TRUE
    highlight_ratio = 1.0
    reliefstyle = 2
    contrast = 0.8
    style "murrine-menu" = "murrine-dark"
    xthickness = 3
    ythickness = 3
    bg[NORMAL] = "#363330"
    text[NORMAL] = @bg_color
    text[PRELIGHT] = @selected_fg_color
    style "murrine-menu-item" = "murrine-dark"
    xthickness = 3
    ythickness = 3
    bg[NORMAL] = "#363330"
    engine "murrine" {
    roundness = 0
    contrast = 0.2
    style "murrine-separator-menu-item"
    GtkSeparatorMenuItem::horizontal-padding = 0
    GtkWidget::wide-separators = 1
    GtkWidget::separator-width = 1
    GtkWidget::separator-height = 1
    xthickness = 1
    ythickness = 0
    style "murrine-treeview"
    # Based on the default style so that the colors from the button
    # style are overriden again.
    style "murrine-treeview-header" = "murrine-button"
    xthickness = 2
    ythickness = 1
    GtkWidget::focus-line-width = 0
    engine "murrine" {
    # SZ07: This is added to tell the theme how to color checkmarks and radio items that are not in menus.
    style "murrine-radiocheck" = "murrine-default"
    text[NORMAL] = shade (1.15, @bg_color) # Color for checks/radio items.
    text[PRELIGHT] = @selected_fg_color # Color for selected checks/radio items.
    engine "murrine"{
    style "murrine-tooltips"
    xthickness = 4
    ythickness = 4
    bg[NORMAL] = @tooltip_bg_color
    fg[NORMAL] = @tooltip_fg_color
    style "murrine-progressbar"
    xthickness = 1
    ythickness = 1
    fg[PRELIGHT] = @selected_fg_color
    bg[SELECTED] = "#9C9478"
    style "murrine-comboboxentry"
    style "murrine-spinbutton"
    style "murrine-scale"
    bg[PRELIGHT] = shade(0.9,@bg_color)
    style "murrine-hscale" = "murrine-scale"
    style "murrine-vscale" = "murrine-scale"
    style "murrine-scrollbar"
    bg[NORMAL] = shade (1.0, @bg_color)
    engine "murrine" {
    #highlight_ratio = 1.3
    scrollbar_color = "#9C9478"
    #glazestyle = 0
    roundness = 1
    rgba = FALSE
    GtkRange ::trough-border = 3
    style "murrine-hscrollbar" = "murrine-scrollbar"
    style "murrine-vscrollbar" = "murrine-scrollbar"
    style "murrine-menubar" = "murrine-dark"
    bg[NORMAL] = "#363330"
    engine "murrine"{
    gradient_shades = {1.0,0.9,0.9,0.75}
    style "murrine-frame"
    #Uncomment for dark statusbars. Breaks some apps.
    bg[ACTIVE] = shade(0.2,@bg_color)
    fg[NORMAL] = mix (1.5, @fg_color, '#ffffff')
    fg[PRELIGHT] = mix (1.4, @fg_color, '#ffffff')
    style "murrine-frame-title" = "murrine-frame"
    fg[NORMAL] = lighter (@fg_color)
    style "murrine-nautilus-location"
    bg[NORMAL] = mix(0.60, shade (1.05,@bg_color), @selected_bg_color)
    # Matches
    # murrine default style is applied to every widget
    class "GtkWidget" style "murrine-default"
    # Increase the x/ythickness in some widgets
    class "GtkRange" style "murrine-default"
    class "GtkFrame" style "murrine-frame"
    class "GtkSeparator" style "murrine-wide"
    class "GtkEntry" style "murrine-wider"
    class "GtkStatusbar" style "murrine-default"
    class "GtkToolbar" style "murrine-toolbar"
    class "GtkMenuBar" style:highest "murrine-menubar"
    class "*HandleBox" style "murrine-toolbar"
    widget_class "*HandleBox" style "murrine-toolbar"
    class "GtkSpinButton" style "murrine-spinbutton"
    class "GtkScale" style "murrine-scale"
    class "GtkVScale" style "murrine-vscale"
    class "GtkHScale" style "murrine-hscale"
    class "GtkScrollbar" style "murrine-scrollbar"
    class "GtkVScrollbar" style "murrine-vscrollbar"
    class "GtkHScrollbar" style "murrine-hscrollbar"
    class "GtkButton" style "murrine-button"
    class "GtkRadioButton*" style "murrine-radiocheck" # SZ07: Added for the checkmarks/radio
    class "GtkCheckButton" style "murrine-radiocheck" # SZ07: Added for the checkmarks/radio
    # General matching following, the order is choosen so that the right styles override each other
    # eg. progressbar needs to be more important then the menu match.
    widget_class "*<GtkNotebook>*<GtkEventBox>" style "murrine-notebook-bg"
    widget_class "*<GtkStatusbar>*" style "murrine-wider"
    widget_class "*<GtkNotebook>*<GtkDrawingArea>" style "murrine-notebook-bg"
    widget_class "*<GtkNotebook>*<GtkLayout>" style "murrine-notebook-bg"
    widget_class "*<GtkNotebook>" style "murrine-notebook"
    widget_class "*<GtkComboBoxEntry>*" style "murrine-comboboxentry"
    widget_class "*<GtkCombo>*" style "murrine-comboboxentry"
    widget_class "*<GtkMenu>*" style "murrine-menu"
    widget_class "*<GtkMenuItem>*" style "murrine-menu-item"
    widget_class "*<GtkSeparatorMenuItem>*" style "murrine-separator-menu-item"
    widget_class "*<GtkFrame>" style "murrine-frame"
    widget_class "*.<GtkFrame>.<GtkLabel>" style "murrine-frame-title"
    widget_class "*.<GtkTreeView>*" style "murrine-treeview"
    widget_class "*<GtkStatusbar>*" style "murrine-wider"
    widget_class "*<GtkProgressBar>" style "murrine-progressbar"
    # Treeview header
    widget_class "*.<GtkTreeView>.<GtkButton>" style "murrine-treeview-header"
    widget_class "*.<GtkCTree>.<GtkButton>" style "murrine-treeview-header"
    widget_class "*.<GtkList>.<GtkButton>" style "murrine-treeview-header"
    widget_class "*.<GtkCList>.<GtkButton>" style "murrine-treeview-header"
    widget_class "*<GtkToolbar>.*" style "murrine-toolbar"
    widget "*PanelWidget*" style "murrine-panel"
    widget "*PanelApplet*" style "murrine-panel"
    widget "*fast-user-switch*" style "murrine-panel" # Workaround for Fast User Switch applet
    class "PanelApp*" style "murrine-panel"
    class "PanelToplevel*" style "murrine-panel"
    #The panel menubar
    widget_class "*Panel*<GtkMenuBar>*" style:highest "murrine-panel"
    # The window of the tooltip is called "gtk-tooltip"
    widget "gtk-tooltip*" style "murrine-tooltips"
    # Special cases and work arounds
    # Fixes toolbars inside frames. Will be overridden later.
    style "murrine-toolbar-flat" = "murrine-default"
    xthickness = 3
    ythickness = 3
    engine "murrine"
    toolbarstyle = 0
    widget_class "*.*.*.*.*.*Toolbar*" style "murrine-toolbar-flat"
    widget_class "*.*.*.*.*.*HandleBox*" style "murrine-toolbar-flat"
    #Undo for Epiphany (FIXME find a better way to do this)
    #widget_class "*EphyToolbar*" style "pixmap-toolbar"
    #widget_class "*EphyToolbar*.*.*.*" style "murrine-toolbar"
    # Workarounds for Evolution
    widget_class "*.ETable.ECanvas" style "murrine-treeview-header"
    widget_class "*.ETree.ECanvas" style "murrine-treeview-header"
    #Firefox isn't nice to dark themes, so unset the dark stuff.
    #widget "MozillaGtkWidget*Toolbar*" style "murrine-default"
    #widget "MozillaGtkWidget*Frame*" style "murrine-default"
    #Thunderbird too. But since Thunderbird uses the same theming engine as FF2, things are worse for us.
    # Special case the nautilus-extra-view-widget
    # ToDo: A more generic approach for all applications that have a widget like this.
    widget "*.nautilus-extra-view-widget" style : highest "murrine-nautilus-location"
    # Work around for http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=382646
    style "murrine-text-is-fg-color-workaround"
    text[NORMAL] = @fg_color
    text[PRELIGHT] = @fg_color
    text[SELECTED] = @selected_fg_color
    text[ACTIVE] = @fg_color
    text[INSENSITIVE] = darker (@bg_color)
    widget_class "*.<GtkComboBox>.<GtkCellView>" style "murrine-text-is-fg-color-workaround"
    style "murrine-text-is-fg-color-workaround-dark"
    #Make it work with this theme!
    text[NORMAL] = mix (1.5, @fg_color, '#ffffff')
    text[PRELIGHT] = mix (1.4, @fg_color, '#ffffff')
    widget_class "*Toolbar*.<GtkComboBox>.<GtkCellView>" style "murrine-text-is-fg-color-workaround-dark"
    style "murrine-menuitem-text-is-fg-color-workaround"
    #text[NORMAL] = @fg_color
    #text[PRELIGHT] = @selected_fg_color
    #text[SELECTED] = @selected_fg_color
    #text[ACTIVE] = @fg_color
    #text[INSENSITIVE] = darker (@bg_color)
    #Make it work with this theme!
    text[NORMAL] = mix (1.5, @fg_color, '#ffffff')
    text[PRELIGHT] = mix (1.4, @fg_color, '#ffffff')
    widget "*.gtk-combobox-popup-menu.*" style "murrine-menuitem-text-is-fg-color-workaround"
    # Work around the usage of GtkLabel inside GtkListItems to display text.
    # This breaks because the label is shown on a background that is based on the
    # base color set.
    style "murrine-fg-is-text-color-workaround"
    fg[NORMAL] = @text_color
    fg[PRELIGHT] = @text_color
    fg[ACTIVE] = @selected_fg_color
    fg[SELECTED] = @selected_fg_color
    fg[INSENSITIVE] = darker (@bg_color)
    widget_class "*<GtkListItem>*" style "murrine-fg-is-text-color-workaround"
    # The same problem also exists for GtkCList and GtkCTree
    # Only match GtkCList and not the parent widgets, because that would also change the headers.
    widget_class "*<GtkCList>" style "murrine-fg-is-text-color-workaround"
    #Rhythmbox toolbar near the search entry. Use default + wide so that it doesn't turn dark.
    style "murrine-rhythmbox-header" = "murrine-default"
    xthickness = 3
    ythickness = 3
    engine "murrine" {
    widget "*RBSourceHeader*" style:highest "murrine-rhythmbox-header"
    widget "*HeaderToolbar*" style:highest "murrine-rhythmbox-header"
    widget "*FooterToolbar*" style:highest "murrine-rhythmbox-header"
    widget "*swt*toolbar*" style "murrine-default"
    #Evolution toolbar
    style "murrine-evo-new-button-workaround" = "murrine-dark"
    engine "murrine"
    toolbarstyle = 0
    widget_class "EShellWindow.GtkVBox.BonoboDock.BonoboDockBand.BonoboDockItem*" style "murrine-evo-new-button-workaround"
    # RSC: Fix for CPU frequency applet
    style "applet-text" = "murrine-panel"
    fg[NORMAL] = @bg_color
    widget_class "*CPUFreqApplet*" style:highest "applet-text"

    I recently moved to Macchiato gtk theme, which is very nice. Sadly it has a problem with Firefox/Thunderbird buttons that I'm unable to fix. Explained by images:
    no mouse over button:
    (if you look closer, you'll see that text is barely visible, but bg/fg colors are almost same)
    mouse over button:
    I tried playing with gtkrc, no luck. I'm using gtk-engine-murrine svn as of Feb 26.
    Help please.
    gtkrc for convenience
    # Macchiato
    # by Jesse L. Kay
    # Last revision: 29 December 2008
    # Set GtkSettings color scheme property.
    # This can be overriden (via an xsetting) with eg. the gnome-appearance-properties.
    gtk_color_scheme = "fg_color:#323232\nbg_color:#D3CAAA\nbase_color:#DED4B3\ntext_color:#323232\nselected_bg_color:#9C9478\nselected_fg_color:#fff\ntooltip_bg_color:#ebeab8\ntooltip_fg_color:#323232"
    style "murrine-default"
    # Style Properties
    GtkButton ::child-displacement-x = 1
    GtkButton ::child-displacement-y = 1
    GtkButton ::default-border = { 0, 0, 0, 0 }
    GtkCheckButton ::indicator-size = 14
    GtkPaned ::handle-size = 6
    GtkRange ::trough-border = 1
    GtkRange ::slider-width = 8
    GtkRange ::stepper-size = 13
    GtkScale ::slider-length = 14
    GtkScale ::slider-width = 8
    GtkScale ::stepper-size = 13
    GtkScale ::trough-side-details = 0
    GtkScrollbar ::min-slider-length = 30
    GtkMenuBar ::internal-padding = 0
    GtkExpander ::expander-size = 16
    GtkToolbar ::internal-padding = 1
    GtkTreeView ::expander-size = 12
    GtkTreeView ::vertical-separator = 0
    GtkOptionMenu ::indicator-size = 0
    GtkMenu ::horizontal-padding = 0
    GtkMenu ::vertical-padding = 0
    GtkScrolledWindow::scrollbar-spacing = 3
    GtkNotebook::tab-curvature = 3
    GtkNotebook::tab-overlap = 4
    # Glow the tasklist by changing the color, instead of overlaying it with a rectangle
    WnckTasklist ::fade-overlay-rect = 0
    #WnckTasklist ::fade-loop-time = 5.0
    #WnckTasklist ::fade-opacity = 0.7
    xthickness = 1
    ythickness = 1
    fg[NORMAL] = @fg_color
    fg[PRELIGHT] = @fg_color
    fg[SELECTED] = @selected_fg_color
    fg[INSENSITIVE] = darker (@bg_color)
    fg[ACTIVE] = shade (0.60, @fg_color) #pidgin tabs, unselected tabs
    bg[NORMAL] = @bg_color
    bg[ACTIVE] = shade (0.60, @bg_color)
    bg[PRELIGHT] = shade (0.6, @bg_color)
    bg[SELECTED] = @selected_bg_color
    bg[INSENSITIVE] = shade (1.03,@bg_color)
    base[NORMAL] = @base_color
    base[PRELIGHT] = @base_color
    base[SELECTED] = @selected_bg_color
    base[INSENSITIVE] = @bg_color
    base[ACTIVE] = @selected_bg_color
    text[NORMAL] = @text_color
    text[PRELIGHT] = @text_color
    text[SELECTED] = @selected_fg_color
    text[INSENSITIVE] = @text_color
    text[ACTIVE] = @text_color
    # window background
    bg_pixmap[NORMAL] = "window-bg.png"
    engine "murrine"
    animation = TRUE # FALSE = disabled, TRUE = enabled
    colorize_scrollbar = TRUE # FALSE = disabled, TRUE = enabled
    contrast = 0.8 # 0.8 for less contrast, more than 1.0 for more contrast on borders
    glazestyle = 0 # 0 = flat highlight, 1 = curved highlight, 2 = concave style, 3 = top curved highlight, 4 = beryl highlight
    gradient_shades = {1.09,1.01,1.01,0.9} # default: {1.1,1.0,1.0,1.1}
    gradients = TRUE # FALSE = disabled, TRUE = enabled
    highlight_ratio = 1.0 # set highlight amount for buttons or widgets
    lightborder_ratio = 1.3 # sets lightborder amount for buttons or widgets
    lightborderstyle = 1 # 0 = lightborder on top side, 1 = lightborder on all sides
    listviewheaderstyle = 2 # 0 = flat, 1 = glassy, 2 = raised
    listviewstyle = 1 # 0 = nothing, 1 = dotted
    menubaritemstyle = 0 # 0 = menuitem look, 1 = button look
    menubarstyle = 0 # 0 = flat, 1 = glassy, 2 = gradient, 3 = striped
    menuitemstyle =0 # 0 = flat, 1 = glassy, 2 = striped
    menustyle = 0 # 0 = no vertical menu stripe, 1 = display vertical menu stripe
    reliefstyle = 0 # 0 = flat, 1 = inset, 2 = shadow
    rgba = TRUE # FALSE = disabled, TRUE = enabled
    roundness = 0 # 0 = squared, 1 = old default, more will increase roundness
    scrollbarstyle = 0 # 0 = nothing, 1 = circles, 2 = handles, 3 = diagonal stripes, 4 = diagonal stripes and handles, 5 = horizontal stripes, 6 = horizontal stripes and handles
    sliderstyle = 0 # 0 = nothing added, 1 = handles
    stepperstyle = 1 # 0 = standard, 1 = integrated stepper handles, 2 = unknown
    # style = MURRINE # engine style options: CANDIDO, CLEARLOOKS, MIST, MURRINE, NODOKA
    toolbarstyle = 0 # 0 = flat, 1 = glassy, 2 = gradient
    style "murrine-wide"
    xthickness = 2
    ythickness = 2
    style "murrine-wider"
    xthickness = 3
    ythickness = 3
    style "murrine-dark"
    bg[NORMAL] = shade(0.2,@bg_color)
    bg[SELECTED] = shade(0.9,@selected_bg_color)
    bg[PRELIGHT] = shade (0.5, @selected_bg_color)
    bg[ACTIVE] = mix (0.5, @selected_bg_color, shade(0.2,@bg_color))
    bg[INSENSITIVE] = shade(0.2,@bg_color)
    fg[NORMAL] = mix (0.9, '#ffffef', @fg_color)
    fg[PRELIGHT] = mix (0.8, '#ffffef', @fg_color)
    fg[SELECTED] = mix (0.8, '#ffffef', @fg_color)
    fg[ACTIVE] = mix (0.8, '#ffffef', @fg_color)
    fg[INSENSITIVE] = mix (0.9, '#ffffef', @fg_color)
    style "murrine-button"
    xthickness = 3
    ythickness = 3
    text[NORMAL] = "#000000"
    text[PRELIGHT] = shade (0.20, @bg_color)
    text[ACTIVE] = "#000000"
    bg[NORMAL] = @bg_color
    bg[PRELIGHT] = shade (1.20, @bg_color)
    bg[ACTIVE] = @bg_color
    fg[NORMAL] = @bg_color
    style "murrine-toolbar" = "murrine-dark"
    bg[SELECTED] = "#363330"
    bg[NORMAL] = "#363330"
    bg[PRELIGHT] = "#363330"
    bg[ACTIVE] = "#363330"
    engine "murrine"{
    gradient_shades = {1.0,0.9,0.9,0.75}
    profile = MURRINE
    style "murrine-notebook-bg" = "murrine-default"
    bg[NORMAL] = shade (1.05, @bg_color)
    bg[ACTIVE] = shade (0.95, @bg_color)
    xthickness = 2
    style "murrine-notebook" = "murrine-notebook-bg"
    xthickness = 2
    style "murrine-tasklist"
    xthickness = 3
    ythickness = 3
    style "murrine-panel" = "murrine-dark" {
    xthickness = 3
    ythickness = 3
    bg[NORMAL] = "#4D453F"
    bg[PRELIGHT] = shade (0.5, @bg_color)
    bg[ACTIVE] = "#45413E"
    fg[NORMAL] = @bg_color
    fg[PRELIGHT] = @bg_color
    fg[ACTIVE] = @bg_color
    engine "murrine" {
    roundness = 1
    rgba = TRUE
    highlight_ratio = 1.0
    reliefstyle = 2
    contrast = 0.8
    style "murrine-menu" = "murrine-dark"
    xthickness = 3
    ythickness = 3
    bg[NORMAL] = "#363330"
    text[NORMAL] = @bg_color
    text[PRELIGHT] = @selected_fg_color
    style "murrine-menu-item" = "murrine-dark"
    xthickness = 3
    ythickness = 3
    bg[NORMAL] = "#363330"
    engine "murrine" {
    roundness = 0
    contrast = 0.2
    style "murrine-separator-menu-item"
    GtkSeparatorMenuItem::horizontal-padding = 0
    GtkWidget::wide-separators = 1
    GtkWidget::separator-width = 1
    GtkWidget::separator-height = 1
    xthickness = 1
    ythickness = 0
    style "murrine-treeview"
    # Based on the default style so that the colors from the button
    # style are overriden again.
    style "murrine-treeview-header" = "murrine-button"
    xthickness = 2
    ythickness = 1
    GtkWidget::focus-line-width = 0
    engine "murrine" {
    # SZ07: This is added to tell the theme how to color checkmarks and radio items that are not in menus.
    style "murrine-radiocheck" = "murrine-default"
    text[NORMAL] = shade (1.15, @bg_color) # Color for checks/radio items.
    text[PRELIGHT] = @selected_fg_color # Color for selected checks/radio items.
    engine "murrine"{
    style "murrine-tooltips"
    xthickness = 4
    ythickness = 4
    bg[NORMAL] = @tooltip_bg_color
    fg[NORMAL] = @tooltip_fg_color
    style "murrine-progressbar"
    xthickness = 1
    ythickness = 1
    fg[PRELIGHT] = @selected_fg_color
    bg[SELECTED] = "#9C9478"
    style "murrine-comboboxentry"
    style "murrine-spinbutton"
    style "murrine-scale"
    bg[PRELIGHT] = shade(0.9,@bg_color)
    style "murrine-hscale" = "murrine-scale"
    style "murrine-vscale" = "murrine-scale"
    style "murrine-scrollbar"
    bg[NORMAL] = shade (1.0, @bg_color)
    engine "murrine" {
    #highlight_ratio = 1.3
    scrollbar_color = "#9C9478"
    #glazestyle = 0
    roundness = 1
    rgba = FALSE
    GtkRange ::trough-border = 3
    style "murrine-hscrollbar" = "murrine-scrollbar"
    style "murrine-vscrollbar" = "murrine-scrollbar"
    style "murrine-menubar" = "murrine-dark"
    bg[NORMAL] = "#363330"
    engine "murrine"{
    gradient_shades = {1.0,0.9,0.9,0.75}
    style "murrine-frame"
    #Uncomment for dark statusbars. Breaks some apps.
    bg[ACTIVE] = shade(0.2,@bg_color)
    fg[NORMAL] = mix (1.5, @fg_color, '#ffffff')
    fg[PRELIGHT] = mix (1.4, @fg_color, '#ffffff')
    style "murrine-frame-title" = "murrine-frame"
    fg[NORMAL] = lighter (@fg_color)
    style "murrine-nautilus-location"
    bg[NORMAL] = mix(0.60, shade (1.05,@bg_color), @selected_bg_color)
    # Matches
    # murrine default style is applied to every widget
    class "GtkWidget" style "murrine-default"
    # Increase the x/ythickness in some widgets
    class "GtkRange" style "murrine-default"
    class "GtkFrame" style "murrine-frame"
    class "GtkSeparator" style "murrine-wide"
    class "GtkEntry" style "murrine-wider"
    class "GtkStatusbar" style "murrine-default"
    class "GtkToolbar" style "murrine-toolbar"
    class "GtkMenuBar" style:highest "murrine-menubar"
    class "*HandleBox" style "murrine-toolbar"
    widget_class "*HandleBox" style "murrine-toolbar"
    class "GtkSpinButton" style "murrine-spinbutton"
    class "GtkScale" style "murrine-scale"
    class "GtkVScale" style "murrine-vscale"
    class "GtkHScale" style "murrine-hscale"
    class "GtkScrollbar" style "murrine-scrollbar"
    class "GtkVScrollbar" style "murrine-vscrollbar"
    class "GtkHScrollbar" style "murrine-hscrollbar"
    class "GtkButton" style "murrine-button"
    class "GtkRadioButton*" style "murrine-radiocheck" # SZ07: Added for the checkmarks/radio
    class "GtkCheckButton" style "murrine-radiocheck" # SZ07: Added for the checkmarks/radio
    # General matching following, the order is choosen so that the right styles override each other
    # eg. progressbar needs to be more important then the menu match.
    widget_class "*<GtkNotebook>*<GtkEventBox>" style "murrine-notebook-bg"
    widget_class "*<GtkStatusbar>*" style "murrine-wider"
    widget_class "*<GtkNotebook>*<GtkDrawingArea>" style "murrine-notebook-bg"
    widget_class "*<GtkNotebook>*<GtkLayout>" style "murrine-notebook-bg"
    widget_class "*<GtkNotebook>" style "murrine-notebook"
    widget_class "*<GtkComboBoxEntry>*" style "murrine-comboboxentry"
    widget_class "*<GtkCombo>*" style "murrine-comboboxentry"
    widget_class "*<GtkMenu>*" style "murrine-menu"
    widget_class "*<GtkMenuItem>*" style "murrine-menu-item"
    widget_class "*<GtkSeparatorMenuItem>*" style "murrine-separator-menu-item"
    widget_class "*<GtkFrame>" style "murrine-frame"
    widget_class "*.<GtkFrame>.<GtkLabel>" style "murrine-frame-title"
    widget_class "*.<GtkTreeView>*" style "murrine-treeview"
    widget_class "*<GtkStatusbar>*" style "murrine-wider"
    widget_class "*<GtkProgressBar>" style "murrine-progressbar"
    # Treeview header
    widget_class "*.<GtkTreeView>.<GtkButton>" style "murrine-treeview-header"
    widget_class "*.<GtkCTree>.<GtkButton>" style "murrine-treeview-header"
    widget_class "*.<GtkList>.<GtkButton>" style "murrine-treeview-header"
    widget_class "*.<GtkCList>.<GtkButton>" style "murrine-treeview-header"
    widget_class "*<GtkToolbar>.*" style "murrine-toolbar"
    widget "*PanelWidget*" style "murrine-panel"
    widget "*PanelApplet*" style "murrine-panel"
    widget "*fast-user-switch*" style "murrine-panel" # Workaround for Fast User Switch applet
    class "PanelApp*" style "murrine-panel"
    class "PanelToplevel*" style "murrine-panel"
    #The panel menubar
    widget_class "*Panel*<GtkMenuBar>*" style:highest "murrine-panel"
    # The window of the tooltip is called "gtk-tooltip"
    widget "gtk-tooltip*" style "murrine-tooltips"
    # Special cases and work arounds
    # Fixes toolbars inside frames. Will be overridden later.
    style "murrine-toolbar-flat" = "murrine-default"
    xthickness = 3
    ythickness = 3
    engine "murrine"
    toolbarstyle = 0
    widget_class "*.*.*.*.*.*Toolbar*" style "murrine-toolbar-flat"
    widget_class "*.*.*.*.*.*HandleBox*" style "murrine-toolbar-flat"
    #Undo for Epiphany (FIXME find a better way to do this)
    #widget_class "*EphyToolbar*" style "pixmap-toolbar"
    #widget_class "*EphyToolbar*.*.*.*" style "murrine-toolbar"
    # Workarounds for Evolution
    widget_class "*.ETable.ECanvas" style "murrine-treeview-header"
    widget_class "*.ETree.ECanvas" style "murrine-treeview-header"
    #Firefox isn't nice to dark themes, so unset the dark stuff.
    #widget "MozillaGtkWidget*Toolbar*" style "murrine-default"
    #widget "MozillaGtkWidget*Frame*" style "murrine-default"
    #Thunderbird too. But since Thunderbird uses the same theming engine as FF2, things are worse for us.
    # Special case the nautilus-extra-view-widget
    # ToDo: A more generic approach for all applications that have a widget like this.
    widget "*.nautilus-extra-view-widget" style : highest "murrine-nautilus-location"
    # Work around for http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=382646
    style "murrine-text-is-fg-color-workaround"
    text[NORMAL] = @fg_color
    text[PRELIGHT] = @fg_color
    text[SELECTED] = @selected_fg_color
    text[ACTIVE] = @fg_color
    text[INSENSITIVE] = darker (@bg_color)
    widget_class "*.<GtkComboBox>.<GtkCellView>" style "murrine-text-is-fg-color-workaround"
    style "murrine-text-is-fg-color-workaround-dark"
    #Make it work with this theme!
    text[NORMAL] = mix (1.5, @fg_color, '#ffffff')
    text[PRELIGHT] = mix (1.4, @fg_color, '#ffffff')
    widget_class "*Toolbar*.<GtkComboBox>.<GtkCellView>" style "murrine-text-is-fg-color-workaround-dark"
    style "murrine-menuitem-text-is-fg-color-workaround"
    #text[NORMAL] = @fg_color
    #text[PRELIGHT] = @selected_fg_color
    #text[SELECTED] = @selected_fg_color
    #text[ACTIVE] = @fg_color
    #text[INSENSITIVE] = darker (@bg_color)
    #Make it work with this theme!
    text[NORMAL] = mix (1.5, @fg_color, '#ffffff')
    text[PRELIGHT] = mix (1.4, @fg_color, '#ffffff')
    widget "*.gtk-combobox-popup-menu.*" style "murrine-menuitem-text-is-fg-color-workaround"
    # Work around the usage of GtkLabel inside GtkListItems to display text.
    # This breaks because the label is shown on a background that is based on the
    # base color set.
    style "murrine-fg-is-text-color-workaround"
    fg[NORMAL] = @text_color
    fg[PRELIGHT] = @text_color
    fg[ACTIVE] = @selected_fg_color
    fg[SELECTED] = @selected_fg_color
    fg[INSENSITIVE] = darker (@bg_color)
    widget_class "*<GtkListItem>*" style "murrine-fg-is-text-color-workaround"
    # The same problem also exists for GtkCList and GtkCTree
    # Only match GtkCList and not the parent widgets, because that would also change the headers.
    widget_class "*<GtkCList>" style "murrine-fg-is-text-color-workaround"
    #Rhythmbox toolbar near the search entry. Use default + wide so that it doesn't turn dark.
    style "murrine-rhythmbox-header" = "murrine-default"
    xthickness = 3
    ythickness = 3
    engine "murrine" {
    widget "*RBSourceHeader*" style:highest "murrine-rhythmbox-header"
    widget "*HeaderToolbar*" style:highest "murrine-rhythmbox-header"
    widget "*FooterToolbar*" style:highest "murrine-rhythmbox-header"
    widget "*swt*toolbar*" style "murrine-default"
    #Evolution toolbar
    style "murrine-evo-new-button-workaround" = "murrine-dark"
    engine "murrine"
    toolbarstyle = 0
    widget_class "EShellWindow.GtkVBox.BonoboDock.BonoboDockBand.BonoboDockItem*" style "murrine-evo-new-button-workaround"
    # RSC: Fix for CPU frequency applet
    style "applet-text" = "murrine-panel"
    fg[NORMAL] = @bg_color
    widget_class "*CPUFreqApplet*" style:highest "applet-text"

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