About Excel download format.

Hi ,
I need to download to excel in this format .
Customer  ,Customer name , Model  in between row1 and row2 . Invoice Details Vehicle detail are dispalyed in row1 and  Invoice Date , Net Price ,Discount , Taxes Chassis  are dispalyed in row2.
where @ represents blankspace.
      Customer | Customer name | Model |          Invoice Details           |     Vehicle details
  @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ | Invoice Date | Net Price| Discount     | Taxes     Chassis
please Guide me regarding this.
Edited by: kiranmai B on Dec 1, 2008 8:23 AM
Edited by: kiranmai B on Dec 1, 2008 8:24 AM
Edited by: kiranmai B on Dec 1, 2008 8:27 AM
Edited by: kiranmai B on Dec 1, 2008 8:30 AM
Edited by: kiranmai B on Dec 1, 2008 8:30 AM

Dear Kiran,
You can use the below piece of code.
data:lv_var1 type string,
lv_var1 = 'Customer'.
lv_var2 = 'Customer name'.
CONCATENATE   lv_var1  lv_var2 ........ CL_ABAP_CHAR_UTILITIES=>CR_LF
Now the header will be placed in your excel document. You can proceed with the other functionalists as the same.
Provide points if helpful

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    I got a problem about Thai language.
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    Please advance.

    Hi Santosh,
    I cant change the code because it's SAP standard (I would njeed to find an OSS note and there doesnt seems to be one there) the SAP Standard incluse is LSLPCF02 and the code is as follows:
    DATA: fname type string,
            result type abap_bool.
      fname = file_name.
      CALL METHOD cl_gui_frontend_services=>file_exist
          file            = fname
          result          = result
          others          = 0.
      call method cl_gui_cfw=>flush.
      IF result = abap_false.
        RAISE file_not_exist.
    This seems to be the same, only difference is the way i_result is declared ??

  • How to download alv grid output(with field catalog) into excel file format

    Hi all,
    How to download alv grid output(with field catalogs) into excel file format and same file has to download to application server.
    Please help.

    On list where alv is displayed, select export icon( green color -> ),select spread sheet.
    This will display records in Excel sheet.

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    I want to keep this format identical. Are there settings in the report itself or is this merely a technical issue?

    hi sakthi,
    try this link
    Formatting of an Excel File - Currency Field
    Rajashiva ramalingam

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    apex 4.1.0/theme20/report region,
    thanks in advance,

    For IR, each download format is associated with specific REQUEST value. For CSV files, its CSV. So you can put the condition for columns using :REQUEST value as follows.
    Goto Report Attributes -> Select Column you want to hide for CSV export -> Conditional Display
    Condition Type- PL/SQL
    Expression1- :REQUEST IS NULL OR :REQUEST != 'CSV'

  • Excel download with multiple worksheets using ABAP webdynpro

    Content of Internal table should to downloaded  to an excel sheet with multiple worksheet.

    Excel doesn't support multiple worksheets with the text tab delimited or any of the other plain text formats.  So if you need multiple worksheets those approaches are out.  Multiple worksheets would only work with the Excel native format or the XML based format.  From ABAP the best approach would be to create the XML Excel format.  Search the forms and wiki has there has been tons of discussion in the mast on the XML Excel format.

  • Problem in ALV to Excel Download

    Good Morning Experts,
      I am facing one issue related ALV to excel Download.
    I Developed one custom report the output is correct displaying.
    the output is like for example i am taking 3 columns (plant, material, amt).
    plant material amt
    1001  aaa     1000
    1001  bbb     2000
    while downloading to excel
    it displaying like
    I dont know why its coming like that.
    this is my code
    DEFINE field_cat.
    wa_field-row_pos = &1.
    wa_field-fieldname = &2.
    wa_field-tabname = &3.
    wa_field-seltext_m = &4.
    wa_field-outputlen = &5.
    wa_field-currency = &6.
    wa_field-ref_fieldname = &7.
    wa_field-ref_tabname = &8.
    APPEND wa_field to it_field.
    clear wa_field.
    field_cat '1' 'BUKRS' 'IT_FINAL' 'Company Code' '6' '' '' ''.
    field_cat '2' 'BUTXT' 'IT_FINAL' 'Comp Descrip' '25' '' '' ''.
    field_cat '3' 'LIFNR' 'IT_FINAL' 'Vendor No' '10' '' '' ''.
    field_cat '4' 'NAME1' 'IT_FINAL' 'Vendor Name' '35' '' '' ''.
    field_cat '5' 'STRAS' 'IT_FINAL' 'Vendor Addres' '35' '' '' ''.
    field_cat '6' 'FDGRV' 'IT_FINAL' 'Nature Of Work' '30' '' '' ''.
    field_cat '7' 'DMBTR' 'IT_FINAL' 'Net Amount' '16' 'X' 'WAERS' 'IT_FINAL'.
    field_cat '8' 'QBSHB' 'IT_FINAL' 'TDS Amount' '16' 'X' 'WAERS' 'IT_FINAL'.
    field_cat '9' 'TOTAL' 'IT_FINAL' 'Total Amount' '16' 'X' 'WAERS' 'IT_FINAL'.
    it_layout-zebra = 'X'.
       I_CALLBACK_PROGRAM                = sy-repid
       I_CALLBACK_TOP_OF_PAGE            = 'TOP_OF_PAGE'
       IS_LAYOUT                         = it_layout
       IT_FIELDCAT                       = it_field
       I_SAVE                            = 'X'
        t_outtab                          = it_final
       PROGRAM_ERROR                     = 1
       OTHERS                            = 2.
    IF sy-subrc <> 0.
    endform.                    " DISPLAY_ALV
    REFRESH it_head. CLEAR it_head.
    wa_head-typ = 'H'.
    wa_head-info = 'Vendorwise Expense Details'.
    APPEND wa_head to it_head.
    wa_head-typ = 'S'.
    IF NOT s_MONAT-high is INITIAL.
      CONCATENATE 'Period : ' p_gjahr '.' s_MONAT-low ' to ' p_gjahr '.' s_MONAT-high INTO wa_head-info.
      CONCATENATE 'Period : ' p_gjahr '.' s_MONAT-low INTO wa_head-info.
    APPEND wa_head to it_head.
        it_list_commentary       = it_head.

    You can also try in this way
    in the output screen
      click List (in app tool bar) -> Export -> Spreadsheet
    and save at your desired location.
    (It will be save in .mhtml format , just rightclick on it and you can open it with excel )
    Then you will be able to view in your required format.

  • Problem with Excel output format

    Hi Guys,
    I am creating a report in XML Publisher (not standalone). I am facing some problems could anyone please help me to figure out the issues.
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    Our client want excel output on priority.
    Is there any limitation for excel output format of reports?
    It is very urgent for us please help.
    Any help would be highly appreciated.
    Edited by: user11237443 on Aug 27, 2009 1:22 AM

    Hi Mahi,
    Thanks for your response. But i could not understand how can we write wrapper program could you please give some light on this or provide some link it would be helpful for me:-)
    I have read that blog for excel limitations but i have more question?
    1) What about the negative values?
    if any field is displaying negative amount then excel not displaying right value for that:(
    2)How can we align header or data?
    Do XMLP with EBS provide any solution for formatting in excel?
    3) If for the alignment of numeric value we concatenate them with any special character then how can we perform calculation that field?
    Here are so many formatting issues do we need to write any code in xml for that?
    Please help.
    Many Thanks,

  • Excel download feature in Web Dynpro Abap using OAOR document

    Hi Friends,
    I am facing an issue in implementing excel download feature in Web Dynpro.
    Problem: I have stored an excel document in OAOR. I am displaying data on screen using ALV display in WDA.
    I will provide a button to download excel in toolbar of ALV. When user clicks on this button i need to pick the document from OAOR and fill that with my screen values and download it to users desktop.
    Please help me in this. Problem is when i am calling these classes c_oi_container_control_creator=>get_container_control and cl_gui_custom_container from my View's method they are returning error.
    Thanks & Regards,

    You cannot use GUI classes and methods in web dynpro . That will dump.
    Instead you can use file down load UI element or..
    If you have the content in xstring format use ATTACH_FILE_TO_RESPONSE method of CL_WD_RUNTIME_SERVICES class.

  • Excel 2007 and Excel 2003 format

    Hi all,
    we have some problems with Excel file format on BPC 7.5NW SP06:
    1- We save input schedules or reports woth Excel 2007 file format. Then when we try to open these report they are corrupted (we click on "Open" and nothing happens). We can download the report from UJFS. The xltx file is corrupted. We can change th file extension to xls. Then we can open the report again.
    2- Is it possible to define the default extension when we save input schedules and reports? By default xltx is selected. We want to have xlt selected by default.
    thanks for your help,

    First you can try checking if you have configured your apset to work with xltx.
    1. Open BPC web admin and select AppSet Parameters
    2. Check ALLOW_EXTENSIONS and DEFAULT_EXTENSIONS if you have xltx there
    3. If not, add and click on update
    If this continues to happen, check note  "1579344 - Office 2007 extensions not loading in BPC 7.5 SP6 for NW". This can be a program error, but note that it only happens for some templates.
    Hope it helps

  • Dump while running a program with OLE Excel download facility in ITS

    Because of some complex requirment, I had created a report program which will download the data to an Excel sheet using SAP OLE Automation Controller. For this report i had created a tcode too.
    The report which i developed is perfectly working fine in SAPGUI. But if i access the same report throught SAP ITS serice. I am getting a dump. Please find below the dump details. I am not able to figure it out why the dump is not coming in SAPGUI.
    Runtime Errors         MESSAGE_TYPE_X
    Date and Time          09.03.2010 05:35:41
    Short text
    The current application triggered a termination with a short dump.
    What happened?
    The current application program detected a situation which really
    should not occur. Therefore, a termination with a short dump was
    triggered on purpose by the key word MESSAGE (type X).
    Error analysis
    Short text of error message:
    Control Framework : Error processing control
    Long text of error message:
    An error occurred when the system tried to process the commands
    from the Automation Queue on the presentation server.
    There are several possible reasons for this:
    - The installation of the SAP GUI on the presentation server is
    faulty or obsolete.
    - There is an error in the application program
    - There is an error in the SAPGUI or an integrated control
    1. Make sure that you have imported the appropriate Support
    Package, the current kernel, and GUI patch for the release of your
    2. Check whether the error occurs locally on one or a few PCs, or
    generally on all PCs. Note whether the error only occurs for some
    users, for example because of a specific Customizing setting.
    If it only occurs locally, this suggests an installation problem
    with the PC. Check the installation; if necessary, reinstall the
    software. In the dump, search for the SY-MSGLI field, since it may
    point to the cause of the error.
    3. Activate the Automation Trace (in accordance with SAP Note
    4.Start the transaction and continue until the screen immediately
    before the dump.
    5. From the System -> Utilities menu, choose Autom. Queue,
    Synchronous Processing.
    The status bar of the GUI displays the text:
    "Automation synchron flush mode on"
    6. If you now proceed with the application, the short dump will
    display the ABAP call that caused the error; the Automation Trace
    will contain the error on the presentation server.
    7. If necessary, load the short dump and trace files on to
    sapservX, so that SAP can analyze them.
    Technical information about the message:
    Message class....... "CNDP"
    Number.............. 006
    Variable 1.......... " "
    Variable 2.......... " "
    Variable 3.......... " "
    Variable 4.......... " "
    How to correct the error
    Probably the only way to eliminate the error is to correct the program.
    If the error occures in a non-modified SAP program, you may be able to
    find an interim solution in an SAP Note.
    If you have access to SAP Notes, carry out a search with the following
    "MESSAGE_TYPE_X" " "
    "SAPLOLEA" or "LOLEAU02"
    If you cannot solve the problem yourself and want to send an error
    notification to SAP, include the following information:
    1. The description of the current problem (short dump)
    To save the description, choose "System->List->Save->Local File
    2. Corresponding system log
    Display the system log by calling transaction SM21.
    Restrict the time interval to 10 minutes before and five minutes
    after the short dump. Then choose "System->List->Save->Local File
    3. If the problem occurs in a problem of your own or a modified SAP
    program: The source code of the program
    In the editor, choose "Utilities->More
    4. Details about the conditions under which the error occurred or which
    actions and input led to the error.
    User and Transaction
    Client.............. 120
    User................ "XXXXXX"
    Language Key........ "E"
    Transaction......... "ZGA_BEACON_SOX_RPT "
    Transactions ID..... "4B95E2560EB62F9AE10000000A241C33"
    Program............. "SAPLOLEA"
    Screen.............. "ZGA_REP_BEACON_SOX_REPORT 9000"
    Screen Line......... 0
    Information on Caller ofr "HTTP" Connection:
    Plug-in Type.......... "HTTP"
    Caller IP............. ""
    Caller Port........... 8000
    Universal Resource Id. "/sap/bc/gui/sap/its/webgui/~flNUQVRFPTIzNzIxLjAxNC4wNC4

    Hi All,
    As I said because of my complex requirement, i am using OLE excel download facilities to download the data. ITS wont support this OLE download facility.  This can be done only through local SAP GUI.
    The reason for this is that, when i am using this download facility through SAP GUI, OLE object thats used in my report program will directly talk to the Local OLE excel objects (i.e. the local installed Excell application) and download the data. But if it's through ITS, my program wont be able to communicate with the local excel OLE objects because of this i am getting a DUMP.
    Thank You all for the support. All the best in future. 
    Maneesh Chandran

  • Excel download from ALV grid, for characters more than 1020

    When i am trying to download the report which is having character more than 1020, it is coming in two rows. I want all fields in one row. Please give solutions.
    I am using below field catalog.
    Car Eligibility
      CLEAR lw_fieldcat.
      lw_fieldcat-fieldname = text-001.
      lw_fieldcat-reptext_ddic = text-011.
      lw_fieldcat-tabname = text-021
      APPEND lw_fieldcat TO gt_fieldcat.
    I am using below FM.
          i_callback_program = sy-repid
          is_layout          = gt_layout
          it_fieldcat        = gt_fieldcat[]
          it_sort            = gt_sort[]
          it_events          = gt_events[]
          t_outtab           = gt_data
          program_error      = 1
          OTHERS             = 2.
    Thanks in Advance,
    Ravi Kumar

    its not about how you have used your field catalog or how you called ALV FM. its excel download functionality,
    what you need to do is:
    set pf-status '<<some value>>' -> you can find where to pass in ALV FM call.
    then add a application toolbar button though this pf status.
    then at  use_command event, check sy-ucomm and if its the same as your new icons fcode then use the method to download it in excel.

  • ALV Excel Download problem ( Special Character)

    I am unable to download completely in XLS format from ALV grid. When i tried in couple of ways there is a special character( " ) in one of the filed. Due to the same Excel download has some problem. I tested by removing those and it worked fine, 
    Please suggest me to solve the issue.
    Bhanu Gattu,

    Data strings with special characters can not be downloaded into XLS format from ALV grid. In my case, I replaced the special character " with space and I could download the data into excel.

  • Excel download truncated characters

    I have a strange problem. I am trying to download an ALV report in a excel format to the work station and the last character of one of the many fields,Vendor Number, gets truncated. Strangely this problem is confined to quality and production environments, and the same excel download works fine in the development environment.
    I have searched for replies in the forum that suggest program corrections but I would like to know how the same report download works correctly in development.

    The issue is due to fieldcatalog not being populated properly and in the Layout - Column width optimize is checked. In this case the contents are display till the heading ( For ex: if the heading is 'Vendor' ) the conents will be displayed with a maximum length of 6 characters instead of 10 with ".."  at the end truncating the output.
    The reason why its working in development and not in Quality or production is that the maximum vendor number in development is less than or equal to 6 digits where as in quality or production its more. Please check.
    Solution: If you are populating the field catalog manuallly, populate the ref_field and ref_table ( For ex: wth 'LIFNR' and 'LFA1' respectively ).
    Edited by: Suman Jagu on May 9, 2011 11:48 AM

  • Output report data to excel file format or csv format

    Is there any way to save softcopy of report output to excel file format or csv format.

    Regarding csv file format, i have no issues. The file is generating without any issues in using oracle reports without using any PL/SQL code.
    My requirement is to design oracle reports to generate excel (.xls) file with multiple worksheets. Each sheets are having many data and graphs(chart).
    Using oracle reports alone, how to achieve this.
    In oracle reports 10g 1.2.0 version, I tried by creating .rdf file but, it is generating single worksheet only.
    In oracle reports 10g 1.2.0 ver, I tried by creating .jsp file. For this first i am creating excel template about how my ouput column headings all that going to be with one sample hard coded data and save the excel file as web page.
    Eg employee.html.
    Next open the html file in oracle reports builder and double click the websource now, you will see the jsp tags, html and xml tags. Now include the contentType="application/vnd.ms-excel " and charset also.
    Next, include the <rw:foreach id="G_EMPNO_1" src="G_EMPNO">
    here insert the fieldl for each column by removing the hard coded values.
    close the tag
    Save the file as .jsp and deploy it in oc4 enabled folder (say, devsuite_home/reports/j2ee/reports_ids/web
    Start the oc4J server
    Run it in the browser http://server:port/reports/emp.jsp?useride=uid/pwd@db
    It is invoking the Microsoft excel with 3 sheets default and my emp table output in the first page.
    We can save this output file as .xls file by clicking file -> save as.
    1) The question is, it is working fine with Microsoft excel 97-2003 version. But for excel 2007, i am not able to create single html file like how 2003 save web page option.
    2) I found this in oracle getting started demo
    Which is more useful. This is what i am looking for.
    I done that in excel 2003 as per demo. But excel 2007 with reports 10g issues.
    Is there any demo for 10g with excel 2007
    3) For most of excel issues working fine with excel 2003 and 10g. But excel 2007 with 10g reports are issues.
    I want the excel output from oracle reports with multiple worksheet similar to the above demo.
    Thank you.

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