About global setting

Hi, experters:
Before I adjusted spdd modification, I log on ecc60
with Client 000, user: DDIC , use tr-code: se03 to change the global setting , I changed all namespace to modifiable.
now, I have finished spdd modification work, my question is : should I reset those namespace back to old(default) status???if the answer is : Yes. when should I do the resetting job?
please give me some idears.
Thanks experters,

Hello Harry,
maybe its the best i explain what upgrades i've done and how the settings in the systems were:
First i made a copy of our productive system (ECC 5.0) and made the upgrade in the Copy (to ERP 6.0). In the shadow instance i set all (global, software and namespace settings) to modifiable/restricted modifiable. This does not affect the real system and the upgrade sets the settings back after SPDD automatically. For the SPAU i had not to change the settings. Thats maybe because the global setting is modifiable, the software settings are modifiable/restricted modifiable and half of the namespace settings are modifiable and the other are not modifiable.
After that i've done the upgrade in the development system. During that i recorded the SPDD and the SPAU changes each in one change request and marked them for further upgrades.
Now I'm on upgrade of the QA-System where i told the upgrade to use the both transport for SPDD and SPAU. So we save time because of no need to do the adjustement manually again.
The documentation says that for modifying a repository object you have to set the global, the softwarecomponent and the namespace settings to modifiable. For the SPAU i think you can wait wich Objects have to be adjusted and then make the according settings. But i'm quite sure the the global settings must be set to modifiable.
Maybe this helps a bit.

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    Disable Suggested Sites does not work.
    Vincent Wang
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    ************************* Question:
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    This is true.
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    to the deployment.properties file found under:
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    You can close this one.

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    2.     Hyperion Financial Reporting – Report Server
    3.     Hyperion Financial Reporting – Scheduler Server
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    Revision: 13716
    Revision: 13716
    Author:   [email protected]
    Date:     2010-01-22 09:26:12 -0800 (Fri, 22 Jan 2010)
    Log Message:
    since include-read-only is a server global setting, we can't have two channels with different value.  remove the test for the include-read-only false.  update the service-config.xml as well.
    Modified Paths:
        blazeds/trunk/qa/apps/qa-regress/testsuites/mxunit/tests/remotingService/dataTypes/ReadOn lyTest.mxml

    You can give this a try on your Ultimate machine.  While these are said to be for Vista, I used it on my Win 7 machine just fine and it fixed the problems I was having.  Hope it works for you.
    The problem is that Vista, by default, will only use NTLMv2 for authentication, which is not supported by Mac OS X's Windows Sharing service.
    The other problem is the Minimum Session Security for NTVLM SSP based Clients.
    To get around this:
    1.     In Vista, open the Control Panel
    2.     Switch to "Classic" view
    3.     Double-click Administration Tools
    4.     Double-click Local Security Policy
    5.     Or Secpol.msc
    6.     Expand "Local Policies" and select "Security Options"
    7.     Alternate : Type secpol.msc to get editor up then
    8.     Locate "Network Security: LAN Manager Authentication Level" in the list and double-click it.
    9.     Change the setting from "Send NTMLv2 response only" to "Send LM & NTLM - use NTLMv2 session if negotiated"
    10.     Network Security: Minimum session security for NTLM SSP Based (including secure RPC) Clients
    11.     Change the setting from "require 128 bit" to unchecked (No Minimum)
    12.     Click OK
    the real difference between vista and windows 7 procedure is 10 and 11

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