About JEdit Syntax Package

Dear All,
I am new to Java.
I downloaded the JEdit Syntax Package at http://syntax.jedit.org/ for highlighting XML string in my application.
However, when I compile the program, it said that the package contains some deprecated functions:
Component.isManagingFocus() and ToolKit.getFontMetrics()
The package has 51 files and difficult to change all.
Could anyone gave me ideas on how to solve the problem.
Chen WIng Yen

You can still use classes with deprecated methods.

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    timevans wrote:
    tar -cvfX - /tmp/exclude . | compress -c - > ../archive/file name
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    Here you want to create your class file in a separate package.
    Actually the creation of class will happen at the time of compilation.
    So you have to take care about it at the time of compilation.
    try this one to compile your source file:
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    First one general comment: I would not advise putting your own classes into C:\j2sdk1.4.0\lib since this suggests that the classes under this directory belong to the Java distribution. So my advice: create your own directory somewhere like D:\user\Classes or whatever.
    The directory (-ies) you specify in CLASSPATH are root entries telling the JVM where to start looking for classes. Why root entries? Well, the package structure is reflected in the directory structure relative to these roots. So a class of package t belongs into the subdirectory t of one of the directories specified in your CLASSPATH. This would be the case of your class a - by the way, the convention says that class names are capitalized. Since class b, on the other hand, is not in any package, it belongs irirectly into one of the directories of your CLASSPATH.
    Whereas the compiler is fairly forgiving about the location of your source files, the JVM is not. Invoking a class of some package requires you to provide the fully-qualified name to the java command. So if you wanted to run class a, you would have to invoke "java t.a". Starting class b, simply requires a call of "java b". But make sure the class file of class a is located in the subdirectory t of one of the directories specified in your CLASSPATH.

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    If you're trying to add an existing java projects source files to a jbuilder project then select the Project Properties dialog from the Project menu. Navigate to the Source tab and add the directory that contains the new source files.

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    pelle.k wrote:I mean, if i install "base" shouldn't every package in base be marked as explicitly installed?
    Yes if you do pacman -S base the first time. But usually you don't do that, you just use the iso, so it depends on what list of packages the iso explicitly installs.

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    Hi Rahul
    Please check this :
    ESS and MSS Role u2013 [A Step by Step SPRO Configuration Document|http://www.sdn.sap.com/irj/scn/index?rid=/library/uuid/e05d564f-6e1c-2d10-42b2-9e21a211950d]
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    Best Regards
    Arun Jaiswal

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    Trilby wrote:
    With that download link, a PKGBUILD would be trivial to make.  But this will not build on arch as is.  Either you'd need to have an older version of glfw (from aur) or wait for cocos2dx to be updated for glfw3 - or you could try patching it yourself.  It doesn't seem like there'd be too many changes needed, but there will be a few.
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    You are right!
    I just can not found "GL/glfw.h" header when I compile the cocos2dx source.
    And the shell script only support Ubuntu.

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    @Tribly: I don't think that state will be such a problem...
    And as stated, I want suggestions, I don't mind if it's not accurate!
    Here is the function:
    oldpackages() {
    for pkg in $(pacman -Qqet); do
    [[ -z "$(pacman -Qi $pkg | grep "Groups *: base")" ]] && \
    [[ -n "$(find $(pacman -Ql $pkg | grep bin | awk '{print $2}' | grep -v '^/.*/$') -type f -executable -atime +$1)" ]] && \
    echo $pkg
    usage: oldpackages <more than n days old>
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    Last edited by Mr. Swillis (2008-11-21 06:01:15)

    Well - it could work - or it might not. Better solution is to make another repository using your recent packages.
    Try to write this to your /etc/pacman.conf:
    Include = /path_to_your_own_repo
    I haven't tried it personally, but it should work. If it will prefer packages from other repos (community, extra), then write it somewhere above other repos in /etc/pacman.conf or use pacman -S name_of_your_own_repo/package
    You should read about Pacman at Arch-wiki to know more about making your own repository before you will decide to try it.
    Either way, write your experience here, please, I'd want to know if it works or not
    Last edited by cybermage (2008-11-20 20:19:41)

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    me that org.openide.windows package
    does not exist.
    What I should to solve this problem?
    if you have another examples about
    popup color picker could you show
    me that?

    The example that I have mentioned located in the follwoing address:
    I prefer the popup color picker rather than using JColorChooser, You can see here JColorChooser gives you a lots of tools. I just need from
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    value will be changed according to the selection.
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    Best regards.

    > As an experiment, I tried going the other way. That it, I started up the
    > Simple Data Server VI on the Windows PC. I then "pointed" my SGI client at
    > the server on the PC. It works, ... sort of. I am getting an
    > appropriately sized list of numbers displayed on the SGI host, but while
    > most look like floating point values, some look like VERY large integers.
    > I believe I have a data representation problem. That is, I don't know if I
    > should expect to send (server-side) or see (client-side) C programming
    > variables of type 4-byte floats, 8 byte doubles, or something else. Also, I
    > am not certain how many values I should expect to send/see in each message.
    > I think the default for the Simple Data Client/Server programs is 200
    > points
    , but I am not sure what that really means, either.
    By default, LV converts all of the datatypes to be in big endian form.
    I'm not sure about your SGI, but if it is a little endian machine, then
    that will cause problems. If that is the case, you will want to swap
    the words and bytes of the four byte values.
    To debug this more easily, you might just make sure you send over very
    predictable data such as 0, 1, 2, 3, etc. Lots of times these are
    tested with random data, but that makes it pretty hard to see a pattern
    when the data is wrong.
    Greg McKaskle


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