About MCVA Report

Can anyone explain about the utility of the standard report run through the MCVA transaction code?
What details does this Report provides?
It would be great if you can throw some light on this topic.
Thanks much.
Sophia Xavier

MCVA report give the ananlysis report for vendor based on quality inspection criteria only.
You can check the rating of vendors for materials from quality perspective.
QM should be activated with required settings for getting this report.

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  • About  Interactve Reports

    Hi Falks,
      If any one knows about interactive report transaction code than plz give reply as well as send  me one step by step example how to create interactive reports.
    mail me on "[email protected]".
    Thanx and regards,
    Rahul Talele

    There is separate Tcode for interactive reports ..
    you can create a basic list report for one table data, and use the commands of intercative reports, like At line-selection, At user-command and write the code to display the another table records .
    see the sample code:
    report zf_rept_debtor_ageing
           no standard page heading
           message-id fb
           line-count 65
           line-size 230.
    Purpose : This ABAP program will fetch the Account Receivables for
               a Customer for the given period and display the due days.
    tables: t001,       " Company Codes
            t005,       " Countries
            skb1,       " GL Master
            kna1.       " Customer Master
    Internal Tables
    Internal table for BSID (Open Items) data
    data: begin of it_bsid occurs 0,
            kunnr like bsid-kunnr,         " Customer Number
            gjahr like bsid-gjahr,         " Fiscal Year
            belnr like bsid-belnr,         " Acc.Document
            buzei like bsid-buzei,         " Item
            budat like bsid-budat,         " Posting Date
            shkzg like bsid-shkzg,         " Dr/Cr Indicator
            dmbtr like bsid-dmbtr,         " Amount(Local Curr)
            wrbtr like bsid-wrbtr,         " Amount(Doc Curr)
            dmbe2 like bsid-dmbe2,         " Amount(USD)
            waers like bsid-waers,         " Currency
            zterm like bsid-zterm,         " Payment Terms
            vbeln like bsid-vbeln,         " Billing Doc
            zfbdt like bsid-zfbdt,         " Baseline Date
            zbd1t like bsid-zbd1t,         " No of days
            hkont like bsid-hkont,         " GL Account
            name1 like kna1-name1,         " Customer Name
            land1 like kna1-land1,         " Country
          end of it_bsid.
    Internal table for BSAD (Closed Items) data
    data: begin of it_bsad occurs 0,
            kunnr like bsad-kunnr,         " Customer Number
            gjahr like bsad-gjahr,         " Fiscal Year
            belnr like bsad-belnr,         " Acc.Document
            buzei like bsad-buzei,         " Item
            budat like bsad-budat,         " Posting Date
            shkzg like bsad-shkzg,         " Dr/Cr Indicator
            dmbtr like bsad-dmbtr,         " Amount(Local Curr)
            wrbtr like bsid-wrbtr,         " Amount(Doc Curr)
            dmbe2 like bsad-dmbe2,         " Amount(USD)
            waers like bsad-waers,         " Currency
            zterm like bsid-zterm,         " Payment Terms
            vbeln like bsid-vbeln,         " Billing Doc
            zfbdt like bsid-zfbdt,         " Baseline Date
            zbd1t like bsid-zbd1t,         " No of days
            hkont like bsid-hkont,         " GL Account
            name1 like kna1-name1,         " Customer Name
            land1 like kna1-land1,         " Country
          end of it_bsad.
    Internal table for Report Output
    data: begin of it_report occurs 0,
            kunnr like bsid-kunnr,         " Customer Number
            belnr like bsid-belnr,         " Acc.Document
            name1 like kna1-name1,         " Customer Name
            land1 like kna1-land1,         " Country
            shkzg like bsid-shkzg,         " Dr/Cr Indicator
            budat like bsid-budat,         " Posting Date
            dmbtr like bsid-dmbtr,         " Amount(Local Curr)
            wrbtr like bsid-wrbtr,         " Amount(Doc Curr)
            dmbe2 like bsid-dmbe2,         " Amount(USD)
            waers like bsid-waers,         " Currency
            due_amnt like bsid-dmbtr,      " Amount(Over Due)
            d_amnt1  like bsid-dmbtr,      " Amount(0-30 Future Due)
            d_amnt2  like bsid-dmbtr,      " Amount(31-60 Future Due)
            d_amnt3  like bsid-dmbtr,      " Amount(61-90 Future Due)
            d_amnt4  like bsid-dmbtr,      " Amount(91-120 Future Due)
            d_amnt5  like bsid-dmbtr,      " Amount(more than 120)
            due_date like bsid-budat,      " Due date
            zterm    like bsid-zterm,      " Payment Terms
            vbeln    like bsid-vbeln,      " Billing Doc
          end of it_report.
           Declaration of Data and Variables
    data: v_days  type i,            " Difference days
          v_waers like t001-waers,   " Co.Code Currency
          v_sum1  like bsid-dmbtr,                              " Totals 1
          v_sum2  like bsid-dmbtr,                              " Totals 2
          v_sum3  like bsid-dmbtr,                              " Totals 3
          v_sum4  like bsid-dmbtr,                              " Totals 4
          v_sum5  like bsid-dmbtr,                              " Totals 5
          v_sum6  like bsid-dmbtr,                              " Totals 6
          v_sum7  like bsid-dmbtr,                              " Totals 7
          v_sum8  like bsid-dmbe2.                              " Totals 8
    constants: c_doc_waers(3) value 'USD',
               c_mitkz type c value 'D'.
                       Selection Screen
    selection-screen : begin of block b1 with frame title text-001.
    parameters: p_bukrs like t001-bukrs obligatory.      " Company Code
    select-options:s_kunnr for kna1-kunnr,               " Customer Number
                   s_land1 for t005-land1,               " Country
                   s_hkont for skb1-saknr.               " G/L Account
    parameters: p_date  like sy-datum obligatory.        " Report Date
    selection-screen: end of block b1.
    selection-screen : begin of block b2 with frame title text-002.
    selection-screen begin of line.
    selection-screen comment 2(30) text-003 for field p_rb1.
    parameters: p_rb1 radiobutton group rb.
    selection-screen end of line.
    selection-screen begin of line.
    selection-screen comment 2(30) text-004 for field p_rb2.
    parameters: p_rb2 radiobutton group rb.
    selection-screen end of line.
    selection-screen: end of block b2.
    selection-screen : begin of block b4 with frame.
    selection-screen begin of line.
    selection-screen comment 2(29) text-038 for field p_chk1.
    parameters: p_chk1 as checkbox.
    selection-screen end of line.
    selection-screen: end of block b4.
    selection-screen : begin of block b3 with frame title text-030.
    selection-screen begin of line.
    selection-screen comment 2(30) text-031 for field p_rb3.
    parameters: p_rb3 radiobutton group rb1.
    selection-screen end of line.
    selection-screen begin of line.
    selection-screen comment 2(30) text-032 for field p_rb4.
    parameters: p_rb4 radiobutton group rb1.
    selection-screen end of line.
    selection-screen: end of block b3.
    At Selection Screen
    at selection-screen.
    Checking for the input values of selection screen.
      perform screen_check.
      if p_rb3 = 'X'.
        if p_chk1 = 'X'.
    Write the Column Headings for detailed report(in Doc Currency)
          perform col_heading2.
    Write the Column Headings for detailed report
          perform col_heading.
    Write the Column Headings for summary report
        perform col_heading1.
    Get the Customer Open Items from BSID
      perform get_open_data.
    Get the Customer Closed Items from BSAD
      perform get_close_data.
    Get the data from BSID,BSAD and KNA1 into one int.table
      perform process_data.
      if it_report[] is initial.
        write : 'No Documents found'(005).
        if p_rb3 = 'X'.
    Write the Detailed Report
          perform write_report.
    Write the Summary Report
          perform write_report1.
    At Line-Selection
    at line-selection.
    When double clicked on BELNR leave to transaction FB03
      perform line_sel.
    *&      Form  SCREEN_CHECK
    Checking for the input values of selection screen
    form screen_check.
    Validation of Company Code
      clear t001.
      if not p_bukrs is initial.
        select bukrs from t001 up to 1 rows
               into t001-bukrs
               where bukrs = p_bukrs.
        if sy-subrc ne 0.
          message e000 with 'Invalid Company Code'(006).
    Validation of Customer Number
      clear kna1.
      if not s_kunnr is initial.
        select kunnr from kna1 up to 1 rows
               into kna1-kunnr
               where kunnr in s_kunnr.
        if sy-subrc ne 0.
          message e000 with 'Invalid Customer Number'(007).
    Validation of Country
      clear t005.
      if not s_land1 is initial.
        select land1 from t005 up to 1 rows
               into t005-land1
               where land1 in s_land1.
        if sy-subrc ne 0.
          message e000 with 'Invalid Country'(036).
    Validation of GL Account
      clear skb1.
      if not s_hkont is initial.
        select saknr from skb1 up to 1 rows
               into skb1-saknr
               where saknr in s_hkont and
                     mitkz = c_mitkz.
        if sy-subrc ne 0.
          message e000 with 'Invalid GL Reconciliation Account'(037).
    endform.                    " SCREEN_CHECK
    *&      Form  COL_HEADING
    Write the Column Headings for detailed report
    form col_heading.
      skip .
      write: /88 'DEBTOR AGEING REPORT AS AT:'(019) centered,
             116  p_date  centered, 198 sy-pagno.
      skip .
      write: /2 'CoCode:'(016),13(4) p_bukrs color 3.
      if not s_kunnr is initial.
        if not s_kunnr-high is initial.
          write: 20 'Customer:'(041),33 s_kunnr-low color 3,
                    '-', s_kunnr-high color 3.
          write: 20 'Customer:'(041),33 s_kunnr-low color 3.
      if not s_land1 is initial.
        if not s_land1-high is initial.
          write: /2 'Country:'(042),13(4) s_land1-low color 3,
                  '-', s_land1-high color 3.
          write: /2 'Country:'(042),13(4) s_land1-low color 3.
        if not s_hkont is initial.
          if not s_hkont-high is initial.
            write: 20 'GL Account:'(043),33 s_hkont-low color 3,
                      '-', s_hkont-high color 3.
            write: 20 'GL Account:'(043),33 s_hkont-low color 3.
        if not s_hkont is initial.
          if not s_hkont-high is initial.
            write: /2 'GL Account:'(043),14 s_hkont-low color 3,
                      '-', s_hkont-high color 3.
            write: /2 'GL Account:'(043),14 s_hkont-low color 3.
      write: 183 'Run Date:'(029), sy-datum.
      format color col_heading.
      write at /1(203) sy-uline .
      write: / sy-vline,  2(10) 'Customer'(008) centered,
            12 sy-vline, 13(30) 'Customer Name'(009),
            43 sy-vline, 44(3)  'Cty'(014) centered,
            47 sy-vline, 48(15) 'Amount'(013) right-justified,
            63 sy-vline, 64(4)  'Curr'(011) centered,
            68 sy-vline, 69(15) 'Overdue'(012) centered,
            84 sy-vline, 85(15) '0 - 30 Days'(010) centered,
           100 sy-vline,101(15) '31 - 60 Days'(028) centered,
           116 sy-vline,117(15) '61 - 90 Days'(021) centered,
           132 sy-vline,133(15) '91 - 120 Days'(022) centered,
           148 sy-vline,149(15) 'Above 120 Days'(023) centered,
           164 sy-vline,165(10) 'Due Date'(024) centered,
           175 sy-vline,176(5)  'PayT'(025) centered,
           181 sy-vline,182(10) 'Bill.Doc.'(026) centered,
           192 sy-vline,193(10) 'Doc.No.'(027) centered,
           203 sy-vline.
      write at /1(203) sy-uline.
      format color off.
    endform.                    " COL_HEADING
    *&      Form  COL_HEADING1
    Write the Column Headings for summary report
    form col_heading1.
      skip .
      write: /54 'DEBTOR AGEING REPORT (SUMMARY) AS AT:'(033) centered,
              92  p_date  centered, 158 sy-pagno.
      skip .
      write: /2 'CoCode:'(016), 13(4) p_bukrs color 3.
      if not s_kunnr is initial.
        if not s_kunnr-high is initial.
          write: 20 'Customer:'(041),33 s_kunnr-low color 3,
                    '-', s_kunnr-high color 3.
          write: 20 'Customer:'(041),33 s_kunnr-low color 3.
      if not s_land1 is initial.
        if not s_land1-high is initial.
          write: /2 'Country:'(042),13(4) s_land1-low color 3,
                  '-', s_land1-high color 3.
          write: /2 'Country:'(042),13(4) s_land1-low color 3.
        if not s_hkont is initial.
          if not s_hkont-high is initial.
            write: 20 'GL Account:'(043),33 s_hkont-low color 3,
                      '-', s_hkont-high color 3.
            write: 20 'GL Account:'(043),33 s_hkont-low color 3.
        if not s_hkont is initial.
          if not s_hkont-high is initial.
            write: /2 'GL Account:'(043),14 s_hkont-low color 3,
                      '-', s_hkont-high color 3.
            write: /2 'GL Account:'(043),14 s_hkont-low color 3.
      write: 144 'Run Date:'(029), sy-datum.
      format color col_heading.
      write at /1(164) sy-uline .
      write: / sy-vline,  2(10) 'Customer'(008) centered,
            12 sy-vline, 13(30) 'Customer Name'(009),
            43 sy-vline, 44(3)  'Cty'(014) centered,
            47 sy-vline, 48(15) 'Amount'(013) right-justified,
            63 sy-vline, 64(4)  'Curr'(011) centered,
            68 sy-vline, 69(15) 'Overdue'(012) centered,
            84 sy-vline, 85(15) '0 - 30 Days'(010) centered,
           100 sy-vline,101(15) '31 - 60 Days'(028) centered,
           116 sy-vline,117(15) '61 - 90 Days'(021) centered,
           132 sy-vline,133(15) '91 - 120 Days'(022) centered,
           148 sy-vline,149(15) 'Above 120 Days'(023) centered,
           164 sy-vline.
      write at /1(164) sy-uline.
      format color off.
    endform.                    " COL_HEADING1
    *&      Form  COL_HEADING2
    Write the Column Headings for summary report(in Doc Curr)
    form col_heading2.
      skip .
      write: /99 'DEBTOR AGEING REPORT AS AT:'(019) centered,
             127  p_date  centered, 220 sy-pagno.
      skip .
      write: /2 'CoCode:'(016),13(4) p_bukrs color 3.
      if not s_kunnr is initial.
        if not s_kunnr-high is initial.
          write: 20 'Customer:'(041),33 s_kunnr-low color 3,
                    '-', s_kunnr-high color 3.
          write: 20 'Customer:'(041),33 s_kunnr-low color 3.
      if not s_land1 is initial.
        if not s_land1-high is initial.
          write: /2 'Country:'(042),13(4) s_land1-low color 3,
                  '-', s_land1-high color 3.
          write: /2 'Country:'(042),13(4) s_land1-low color 3.
        if not s_hkont is initial.
          if not s_hkont-high is initial.
            write: 20 'GL Account:'(043),33 s_hkont-low color 3,
                      '-', s_hkont-high color 3.
            write: 20 'GL Account:'(043),33 s_hkont-low color 3.
        if not s_hkont is initial.
          if not s_hkont-high is initial.
            write: /2 'GL Account:'(043),14 s_hkont-low color 3,
                      '-', s_hkont-high color 3.
            write: /2 'GL Account:'(043),14 s_hkont-low color 3.
      write: 204 'Run Date:'(029), sy-datum.
      format color col_heading.
      write at /1(225) sy-uline .
      write: / sy-vline,  2(10) 'Customer'(008) centered,
            12 sy-vline, 13(30) 'Customer Name'(009),
            43 sy-vline, 44(3)  'Cty'(014) centered,
            47 sy-vline, 48(15) 'Amount'(013) right-justified,
            63 sy-vline, 64(4)  'Curr'(011) centered,
            68 sy-vline, 69(15) 'Overdue'(012) centered,
            84 sy-vline, 85(15) '0 - 30 Days'(010) centered,
           100 sy-vline,101(15) '31 - 60 Days'(028) centered,
           116 sy-vline,117(15) '61 - 90 Days'(021) centered,
           132 sy-vline,133(15) '91 - 120 Days'(022) centered,
           148 sy-vline,149(15) 'Above 120 Days'(023) centered,
           164 sy-vline,165(10) 'Due Date'(024) centered,
           175 sy-vline,176(5)  'PayT'(025) centered,
           181 sy-vline,182(10) 'Bill.Doc.'(026) centered,
           192 sy-vline,193(10) 'Doc.No.'(027) centered,
           203 sy-vline,204(16) 'Amount(Doc.Curr)'(039),
           220 sy-vline,221(4)  'Curr'(040),
           225 sy-vline.
      write at /1(225) sy-uline.
      format color off.
    endform.                    " COL_HEADING2
    *&      Form  GET_OPEN_DATA
    Get the Customer Open Items from BSID
    form get_open_data.
      select a~kunnr          " Customer Number
             a~gjahr          " Fiscal Year
             a~belnr          " Acc.Document
             a~buzei          " Item
             a~budat          " Posting Date
             a~shkzg          " Dr/Cr Indicator
             a~dmbtr          " Amount(Local Curr)
             a~wrbtr          " Amount(Doc Curr)
             a~dmbe2          " Amount(USD)
             a~waers          " Currency
             a~zterm          " Payment Terms
             a~vbeln          " Billing Doc
             a~zfbdt          " Baseline Date
             a~zbd1t          " No of days
             a~hkont          " GL account
             b~name1          " Customer Name
             b~land1          " Country
         into table it_bsid
         from bsid as a join kna1 as b
         on akunnr = bkunnr
         where a~bukrs = p_bukrs  and
               a~kunnr in s_kunnr and
               a~hkont in s_hkont and
               b~land1 in s_land1 and
               a~budat le p_date.
      sort it_bsid by kunnr gjahr belnr buzei budat.
    endform.                    " GET_OPEN_DATA
    *&      Form  GET_CLOSE_DATA
    Get the Customer closed Items from BSID
    form get_close_data.
      select a~kunnr          " Customer Number
             a~gjahr          " Fiscal Year
             a~belnr          " Acc.Document
             a~buzei          " Item
             a~budat          " Posting Date
             a~shkzg          " Dr/Cr Indicator
             a~dmbtr          " Amount(Local Curr)
             a~wrbtr          " Amount(Doc Curr)
             a~dmbe2          " Amount(USD)
             a~waers          " Currency
             a~zterm          " Payment Terms
             a~vbeln          " Billing Doc
             a~zfbdt          " Baseline Date
             a~zbd1t          " No of days
             a~hkont          " GL account
             b~name1          " Customer Name
             b~land1          " Country
        into table it_bsad
        from bsad as a join kna1 as b
        on akunnr = bkunnr
        where a~bukrs = p_bukrs  and
              a~kunnr in s_kunnr and
              a~hkont in s_hkont and
              b~land1 in s_land1 and
              a~augdt > p_date   and
              a~budat le p_date.
      sort it_bsad by kunnr gjahr belnr buzei budat.
    endform.                    " GET_CLOSE_DATA
    *&      Form  PROCESS_DATA
    Get the data from BSID,BSAD and KNA1 into one int.table
    form process_data.
    *Move the data from BSID to final output int table
      loop at it_bsid.
        move-corresponding it_bsid to it_report.
        it_report-due_date = it_bsid-zfbdt + it_bsid-zbd1t.
        append it_report.
        clear it_report.
    *Move the data from BSAD to final output int table
      loop at it_bsad.
        move-corresponding it_bsad to it_report.
        it_report-due_date = it_bsad-zfbdt + it_bsad-zbd1t.
        append it_report.
        clear it_report.
      sort it_report by kunnr belnr.
      loop at it_report.
        if it_report-shkzg = 'H'.    " Credit
          it_report-dmbtr = it_report-dmbtr * -1.
          it_report-dmbe2 = it_report-dmbe2 * -1.
        v_days = it_report-due_date - p_date.
    For Company Code Currency
        if p_rb1 = 'X'.
          if v_days le 0.
            it_report-due_amnt = it_report-dmbtr.
          elseif v_days between 1 and 30.
            it_report-d_amnt1 = it_report-dmbtr.
          elseif v_days between 31 and 60.
            it_report-d_amnt2 = it_report-dmbtr.
          elseif v_days between 61 and 90.
            it_report-d_amnt3 = it_report-dmbtr.
          elseif v_days between 91 and 120.
            it_report-d_amnt4 = it_report-dmbtr.
          elseif v_days > 120.
            it_report-d_amnt5 = it_report-dmbtr.
    For Group Currency
          if v_days le 0.
            it_report-due_amnt = it_report-dmbe2.
          elseif v_days between 1 and 30.
            it_report-d_amnt1 = it_report-dmbe2.
          elseif v_days between 31 and 60.
            it_report-d_amnt2 = it_report-dmbe2.
          elseif v_days between 61 and 90.
            it_report-d_amnt3 = it_report-dmbe2.
          elseif v_days between 91 and 120.
            it_report-d_amnt4 = it_report-dmbe2.
          elseif v_days > 120.
            it_report-d_amnt5 = it_report-dmbe2.
        modify it_report index sy-tabix.
    endform.                    " PROCESS_DATA
    *&      Form  WRITE_REPORT
    Write the Detailed Report Output
    form write_report.
      clear: v_sum1,v_sum2,v_sum3,v_sum4,v_waers,
      loop at it_report.
       at new kunnr.
          read table it_report index sy-tabix.
          write: / sy-vline,  2(10) it_report-kunnr,
                12 sy-vline, 13(30) it_report-name1,
                43 sy-vline, 44(3)  it_report-land1,
                47 sy-vline.
        if p_rb1 = 'X'.
          select single waers from t001
               into v_waers where bukrs = p_bukrs.
          write:   1 sy-vline, 12 sy-vline,
                  43 sy-vline,
                  47 sy-vline,
                  48(15) it_report-dmbtr currency it_report-waers,
                  63 sy-vline, 64(4) v_waers,
                  68 sy-vline.
          write:   1 sy-vline, 12 sy-vline,
                  43 sy-vline,
                  47 sy-vline,
                  48(15) it_report-dmbe2 currency it_report-waers,
                  63 sy-vline,64(4) c_doc_waers,
                  68 sy-vline.
        write:  69(15) it_report-due_amnt currency it_report-waers,
                84 sy-vline,
                85(15) it_report-d_amnt1 currency it_report-waers,
               100 sy-vline,
               101(15) it_report-d_amnt2 currency it_report-waers,
               116 sy-vline,
               117(15) it_report-d_amnt3 currency it_report-waers,
               132 sy-vline,
               133(15) it_report-d_amnt4 currency it_report-waers,
               148 sy-vline,
               149(15) it_report-d_amnt5 currency it_report-waers,
               164 sy-vline,165(10) it_report-due_date,
               175 sy-vline,176(5)  it_report-zterm,
               181 sy-vline,182(10) it_report-vbeln,
               192 sy-vline,193(10) it_report-belnr,
               203 sy-vline.
        if p_chk1 = 'X'.
          write: 204(16) it_report-wrbtr currency it_report-waers,
               220 sy-vline, 221(4) it_report-waers,
               225 sy-vline.
    Totals for end of each Customer
        at end of kunnr.
          if p_chk1 = 'X'.
            write at /1(225) sy-uline.
            write at /1(203) sy-uline.
          format color 4.
          if p_rb1 = 'X'.
            write: /1 sy-vline, 2 'Total:'(015),
                 12 sy-vline,
                 13(10) it_report-kunnr,
                 43 sy-vline,47 sy-vline,
                 48(15) it_report-dmbtr currency it_report-waers,
                 63 sy-vline, 64(3) v_waers,
                 68 sy-vline,
                 69(15) it_report-due_amnt currency it_report-waers,
                 84 sy-vline,
                 85(15) it_report-d_amnt1 currency it_report-waers,
                100 sy-vline,
                101(15) it_report-d_amnt2 currency it_report-waers,
                116 sy-vline,
                117(15) it_report-d_amnt3 currency it_report-waers,
                132 sy-vline,
                133(15) it_report-d_amnt4 currency it_report-waers,
                148 sy-vline,
                149(15) it_report-d_amnt5 currency it_report-waers,
                164 sy-vline, 175 sy-vline,
                181 sy-vline, 192 sy-vline,
                203 sy-vline.
            if p_chk1 = 'X'.
              write: 220 sy-vline, 225 sy-vline.
            write: /1 sy-vline, 2 'Total:'(015),
                   12 sy-vline,
                 13(10) it_report-kunnr,
                 43 sy-vline,
                 47 sy-vline,
                 48(15) it_report-dmbe2 currency it_report-waers,
                 63 sy-vline, 64(3) c_doc_waers,
                 68 sy-vline,
                 69(15) it_report-due_amnt currency it_report-waers,
                 84 sy-vline,
                 85(15) it_report-d_amnt1 currency it_report-waers,
                100 sy-vline,
                101(15) it_report-d_amnt2 currency it_report-waers,
                116 sy-vline,
                117(15) it_report-d_amnt3 currency it_report-waers,
                132 sy-vline,
                133(15) it_report-d_amnt4 currency it_report-waers,
                148 sy-vline,
                149(15) it_report-d_amnt5 currency it_report-waers,
                164 sy-vline, 175 sy-vline,
                181 sy-vline, 192 sy-vline,
                203 sy-vline.
            if p_chk1 = 'X'.
              write: 220 sy-vline, 225 sy-vline.
          format color off.
          if p_chk1 = 'X'.
            write at /1(225) sy-uline.
            write at /1(203) sy-uline.
        v_sum1 = v_sum1 + it_report-dmbtr.
        v_sum2 = v_sum2 + it_report-due_amnt.
        v_sum3 = v_sum3 + it_report-d_amnt1.
        v_sum4 = v_sum4 + it_report-d_amnt2.
        v_sum5 = v_sum5 + it_report-d_amnt3.
        v_sum6 = v_sum6 + it_report-d_amnt4.
        v_sum7 = v_sum7 + it_report-d_amnt5.
        v_sum8 = v_sum8 + it_report-dmbe2.
    Hiding the Acc doc no for interactic screen.
        hide it_report-belnr.
        hide it_report-budat.
        clear:it_report-belnr, it_report-budat.
    Grand Totals for all customers
      format color 3.
      write: /1 sy-vline, 2 'Gr.Total'(034),
                 12 sy-vline,13 'As At:'(035),p_date,
                 43 sy-vline,
                 47 sy-vline.
    For Company Code Currency
      if p_rb1 = 'X'.
        write:  48(15) v_sum1 currency it_report-waers,
                63 sy-vline, 64(4) v_waers,
                68 sy-vline.
    For Group Currency (USD)
        write:   48(15) v_sum8 currency it_report-waers,
                 63 sy-vline, 64(3) c_doc_waers,
                 68 sy-vline.
      write:     69(15) v_sum2 currency it_report-waers,
                 84 sy-vline,
                 85(15) v_sum3 currency it_report-waers,
                100 sy-vline,
                101(15) v_sum4 currency it_report-waers,
                116 sy-vline,
                117(15) v_sum5 currency it_report-waers,
                132 sy-vline,
                133(15) v_sum6 currency it_report-waers,
                148 sy-vline,
                149(15) v_sum7 currency it_report-waers,
                164 sy-vline, 175 sy-vline,
                181 sy-vline, 192 sy-vline,
                203 sy-vline.
      if p_chk1 = 'X'.
        write: 220 sy-vline, 225 sy-vline.
      format color off.
      if p_chk1 = 'X'.
        write at /1(225) sy-uline.
        write at /1(203) sy-uline.
    endform.                    " WRITE_REPORT
    *&      Form  WRITE_REPORT1
    Write the Summary Report Output
    form write_report1.
      clear: v_sum1,v_sum2,v_sum3,v_sum4,v_waers,
      loop at it_report.
        at new kunnr.
          read table it_report index sy-tabix.
          write: / sy-vline,  2(10) it_report-kunnr,
                12 sy-vline, 13(30) it_report-name1,
                43 sy-vline, 44(3)  it_report-land1,
                47 sy-vline.
        at end of kunnr.
          if p_rb1 = 'X'.
            select single waers from t001
              into v_waers where bukrs = p_bukrs.
            write: 1 sy-vline, 12 sy-vline,
                 43 sy-vline,  47 sy-vline,
                 48(15) it_report-dmbtr currency it_report-waers,
                 63 sy-vline, 64(4) v_waers,
                 68 sy-vline,
                 69(15) it_report-due_amnt currency it_report-waers,
                 84 sy-vline,
                 85(15) it_report-d_amnt1 currency it_report-waers,
                100 sy-vline,
                101(15) it_report-d_amnt2 currency it_report-waers,
                116 sy-vline,
                117(15) it_report-d_amnt3 currency it_report-waers,
                132 sy-vline,
                133(15) it_report-d_amnt4 currency it_report-waers,
                148 sy-vline,
                149(15) it_report-d_amnt5 currency it_report-waers,
                164 sy-vline.
            write: 1 sy-vline, 12 sy-vline,
                 43 sy-vline,  47 sy-vline,
                 48(15) it_report-dmbe2 currency it_report-waers,
                 63 sy-vline, 64(4) c_doc_waers,
                 68 sy-vline,
                 69(15) it_report-due_amnt currency it_report-waers,
                 84 sy-vline,
                 85(15) it_report-d_amnt1 currency it_report-waers,
                100 sy-vline,
                101(15) it_report-d_amnt2 currency it_report-waers,
                116 sy-vline,
                117(15) it_report-d_amnt3 currency it_report-waers,
                132 sy-vline,
                133(15) it_report-d_amnt4 currency it_report-waers,
                148 sy-vline,
                149(15) it_report-d_amnt5 currency it_report-waers,
                164 sy-vline.
          write at /1(164) sy-uline.
        v_sum1 = v_sum1 + it_report-dmbtr.
        v_sum2 = v_sum2 + it_report-due_amnt.
        v_sum3 = v_sum3 + it_report-d_amnt1.
        v_sum4 = v_sum4 + it_report-d_amnt2.
        v_sum5 = v_sum5 + it_report-d_amnt3.
        v_sum6 = v_sum6 + it_report-d_amnt4.
        v_sum7 = v_sum7 + it_report-d_amnt5.
        v_sum8 = v_sum8 + it_report-dmbe2.
    Hiding the Acc doc no for interactic screen.
        hide it_report-belnr.
        hide it_report-budat.
        clear: it_report-belnr,
    Calculation of Grand Totals
      format color 3.
      write: /1 sy-vline, 2 'Gr.Total'(034),
                 12 sy-vline,13 'As At:'(035),p_date,
                 43 sy-vline,
                 47 sy-vline.
    For Company Code Currency
      if p_rb1 = 'X'.
        write:  48(15) v_sum1 currency it_report-waers,
                63 sy-vline, 64(4) v_waers,
                68 sy-vline.
    For Group Currency (USD)
        write:   48(15) v_sum8 currency it_report-waers,
                 63 sy-vline, 64(3) c_doc_waers,
                 68 sy-vline.
      write:     69(15) v_sum2 currency it_report-waers,
                 84 sy-vline,
                 85(15) v_sum3 currency it_report-waers,
                100 sy-vline,
                101(15) v_sum4 currency it_report-waers,
                116 sy-vline,
                117(15) v_sum5 currency it_report-waers,
                132 sy-vline,
                133(15) v_sum6 currency it_report-waers,
                148 sy-vline,
                149(15) v_sum7 currency it_report-waers,
                164 sy-vline.
      format color off.
      write at /1(164) sy-uline.
    endform.                    " WRITE_REPORT1
    *&      Form  LINE_SEL
    When double clicked on BELNR leave to transaction FB03
    form line_sel.
      data: lv_field(20),
            lv_gjahr like bsad-gjahr.
      get cursor field lv_field value lv_value.
      if lv_field = 'IT_REPORT-BELNR'.
        if not lv_value is initial.
          read current line field value it_report-budat into lv_date.
          lv_gjahr = lv_date+6(4).
          set parameter id 'BUK' field p_bukrs.
          set parameter id 'GJR' field lv_gjahr.
          set parameter id 'BLN' field lv_value.
          call transaction 'FB03' and skip first screen.
    endform.                    " LINE_SEL
    reward points if useful

  • My ipad was stolen today in China today. Any suggestions about police report?

    They haven been connected to a wireless network. Ialready sent the wipe order. Any suggestions about police report with serial ?

    It's doubtful you'll get it back.
    Report to police along with serial number. Change all your passwords.
    These links may be helpful.
    How to Track and Report Stolen iPad
    Reporting a lost or stolen Apple product
    Report Stolen iPad Tips and iPad Theft Prevention
    How to recover a lost or stolen iPad
    How to Find a Stolen iPad
    Apple Product Lost or Stolen
    http://sites.google.com/site/appleclubfhs/support/advice-and-articles/lost-or-st olen
    Oops! iForgot My New iPad On the Plane; Now What?
    If you don't know your lost/stolen iPad's serial number, use the instructions below. The S/N is also on the iPad's box.
    How to Find Your iPad Serial Number
    iOS: How to find the serial number, IMEI, MEID, CDN, and ICCID number
     Cheers, Tom

  • Document about Xl reporter

    Hi, evrybody!
    Can you share me document about xl reporter if you have
    I need document about get other data, macro,..
    My email:[email protected]
    Thank you vey much!

    Hi Tien,
    Check in the SAP B1 Customer Portal under "Documentation." Choose your release version and look under "SAP Addons." There are several pdf files about XL Reporter, including one about applying macros. Hope that helps!

  • About oracle reports

    I have question about oracle reports. I have 10 reports user has to run everyday. Is there any way user can run all these reports by pressing single button.

    In any of the report, in the 'Before report Trigger' add the following code to execute any number of reports.
    srw.run_report('report=test1.rdf destype=file desformat=pdf desname=test1.pdf');
    srw.run_report('report=test2.rdf destype=file desformat=pdf desname=test2.pdf');.....
    Like this, you can add any number srw.run_report (this built-in package will run the report with the given parameters), so that you can able to run any number of reports by running a single report.
    Vidya Viswanathan,
    Reports Development Team.

  • I have had Firefox for years and in the last 2 weeks, I am getting all of these stupid Pop ups about credit reports and some Epic Play thing. How can I make sure I do not get them and why all of a sudden?

    I have had Firefox for years and in the last 2 weeks, I am getting all of these stupid Pop ups about credit reports and some Epic Play thing. How can I make sure I do not get them and why all of a sudden?

    Identify and remove adware/malware

  • Hello guys...im john from the phillippines and im just new to sap business one...ryt now my boss tasked me to research about crystal reports and he is making a demand of report for customer recievables ageing.......i find it hard to look at on the part wh

    hello guys...im john from the phillippines and im just new to sap business one...ryt now my boss tasked me to research about crystal reports and he is making a demand of report for customer recievables ageing.......i find it hard to look at on the part which corresponds to value dates of customer like their lapses in payments for the previous months....anyone who could help me?thanks

    hello guys...im john from the phillippines and im just new to sap business one...ryt now my boss tasked me to research about crystal reports and he is making a demand of report for customer recievables ageing.......i find it hard to look at on the part which corresponds to value dates of customer like their lapses in payments for the previous months....anyone who could help me?thanks

  • MCVA Report

    Hi MM gurus,
    When I run the standard report MCVA (Tcode MCVA-Vendor Analysis Basic lots), there are 38 fields in the report output. Its a drill down report by Inspection Type->Vendor->Plant->Month. When I drill down to the Month level, I have about 4 line items for a particular selection but for certain fields like Skip Rate, Rejection Rate and Mean lead time, the value displayed in the totals line on the top is not the summation of the individual line item.
    For eg: For a particular selection, at the month level the value of the rejection rate,Skip rate and Mean Lead time for four different months and the total value are as follows:
    Month           Skip Rate          Rejection Rate        Lead time
    Total            70.968%           12,903%                 6894DAY
    09.2008           0,000%            0,000%                 8030DAY
    10.2008         95,455%            0.000%                 6919DAY
    11.2008        100,000%          100,000%              25,708DAY
    12.2008           0,000%            75,000%                0,921DAY
    If you can see, the total is not the sum of the line items. What is the logic behind the calculation of the total value for these kinds of fields??
    It would be great if you could explain this.
    Thanks in advance.
    Sophia Xavier

    Hi Ahmed,
    If your question is about calculating the total,then here's your answer.
    In all the cases, total will simply account to the sum of all the line items. But look out for the exact calculation or formula for the entity. For eg.Skip Rate is equal to No. of Skips to Total No. of Skips.
    So, if there are two line items then the total would be ( No. of Skips for line item 1 +  No. of Skips for line item 2) / ( Total No. of Skips for Line item 1 + Total No. of Skips for Line item 2).
    The calculation of total would be in a seperate include.
    Hope this helps.
    Sophia Xavier

  • Problem about getting report!

    I am trying to get Report which is the query result from the previous canvas, but I don't know how to do it. For example, I put a button called "get transcript" on one canvas, and I set this button's trigger to next block. However, I have no idea about how to attach the previous result to this block. Please help me to solve this problem. Thank you!

    You could try doing it from your purchase history : log into your account on your computer's iTunes via Store > View My Account and you should then see a Purchase History section with a 'see all' link to the right of it ; click on that and you should see a list of your purchases ; find that app and use the 'Report a Problem' link.
    If that doesn't work then try contacting iTunes support : http://www.apple.com/support/itunes/contact/ - click on Express Lane, then iTunes > iTunes Store

  • Quick question about bug reports

    Hi all,
    I was just reading the reporting bug guidelines (https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Re … Guidelines) and was wondering about the section "Upstream or Arch?".
    I'm not an expert on the particular package I want to file a bug against, so I have no idea whether the problem is upstream or Arch. Should I just go ahead anyway? I cannot find a similar bug on any upstream bug trackers.

    eggplantbren wrote:
    Hi all,
    I was just reading the reporting bug guidelines (https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Re … Guidelines) and was wondering about the section "Upstream or Arch?".
    I'm not an expert on the particular package I want to file a bug against, so I have no idea whether the problem is upstream or Arch. Should I just go ahead anyway? I cannot find a similar bug on any upstream bug trackers.
    If you're not sure, try a quick post on the forums.
    In general, once you've used your google-fu you should know whether the problem is distro-specific. Its normally highly unlikely that you'd be the first in the world to run into a real bug (if no-one else has reported anything, its likely user error, especially if you're not using [testing]).

  • About displaying report in web ?

    Will everything be displayed in web using oracle 10g ?
    Do I need to install any software on the client machine if I want to generate paper report ?
    The report format displayed in web and paper layout are different, can I adjust the web layout to display the same as paper layout ?

    Since Oracle Application Server 9i Rel2 (9.0.2) everything is web only. For a user to get his Reports he only needs a browser, and Acrobat Reader if he wants PDF Reports.
    Paper Layout = html, htmlcss, PDF, file, printer etc
    Web Layout is programmed in jsp and is most bound to html
    For more information about Reports:

  • About a report's performance.

    Hi , i use Report Builder , i have here a sample query that i put in about 6 or 7 Formulas to return different values based on different parameters , when the client runs this reports through the browser it takes forever to show .... is there any way to increase the performance of this report ?
    select sum(nvl(invoice_commission,0))
      into v_comm
      from invoice
      where trunc(invoice_date) between :date1 and :date2
      and currency_code = '$'   -- sometimes 'euro' and so no
      and ISSUE_PLACE <> =  'xx'
      and investor_code = :investor_code;

    One performance consideration I'd do is try to avoid multiple similar queries or even repeats of the same query.
    from invoice
    where trunc(invoice_date) between :date1 and :date2
    and currency_code = '$' -- sometimes 'euro' and so no
    and ISSUE_PLACE = 'xx'
    and investor_code = :investor_code;
    in main query? Can those Formulas be included/replaced into the main query? Are appropriate Indexes created for the joins?

  • About CN47N Report

    HI All,
    When we execute the SAP standard report CN47N, the report gives out the details about entered Project.
    In report, there is a cloumn called "Actual Hours".
    I would like to know from which table, this field is getting retrieved.
    Kindly help me out....

    Table AFVV , field ISMNW

  • Re : about ALV Reporting

    hi all,
       what are the events in alv reporting?
    Thanks in advance.

    Hi there
    If you read my post in the OO ABAP thread you should find an EASY way of generating your reports with all the functionality you need  EDIT, Data entry, double click,  create EXCEL spread sheet etc etc.
    I can't seem to get the thread ID  for a LINK but look for post entitled
    <b>For all users having probs with OO ALV Grid</b>  it's in the ABAP OBJECTS forum.
    If you follow the steps outlined there you'll be able to generate complex reports very quickly with minimal code and you won't have to do all the tedious FCAT building etc etc.
    The example there uses dynamic tables, and FCATS and the new RTTI (RunTime Information) functionality so your structure can be built FROM ANY ITAB --DDIC or not at run time.
    Your application program will then only need to be about 1 or 2 pages long.
    Copy the CLASS from that post and save it as an INCLUDE.
    Here's just a taster to show you how easy it is.
    This program reads 200 sales orders from VAPMA and displays it in a GRID
    If you double click on a cell transaction VA02 is called. After you leav VA02 the GRID table is updated with a 'C' in the sales order line where you doyble clicked.
    The Toolbar EXCEL will create an EXCEL spreadsheet directly with column headings etc where you can save the data as a file.
    Do these 2 things first
    Create a Blank Screen with a custom container on it called CCONTAINER 1. (SE51)
    (optional) create a STATUS (SE41) so you can have the standard SAP toolbar at the top of the SAP screen .
    Copy this program and the CLASS referred to in my post in the ABAP OBJECTS FORUM.
    Program  ZZORDERDISP.
    DEFINE col_name.
    read  table it_fldcat into  wa_it_fldcat index &1.
          wa_it_fldcat-coltext = &2.
          modify it_fldcat from wa_it_fldcat index &1.
    Jimbo 2007.
      <fs1>           TYPE  ANY,
      <fs2>           TYPE  STANDARD TABLE,
      <fs3>           TYPE ANY,
      <field_catalog> TYPE STANDARD TABLE,
      <dyn_table>    TYPE  STANDARD TABLE,
      <orig_table>   TYPE  STANDARD TABLE,
    <b>INCLUDE ZZJIMBOXX_INCL.  ===> copy the CLASS definition
    From my post in ABAP OBJECTS FORUM.</b>
    INCLUDE  <icon>.
    TYPES:  BEGIN OF s_elements,
      vbeln   TYPE vapma-vbeln,
      posnr   TYPE vapma-posnr,
      matnr   TYPE vapma-matnr,
      kunnr   TYPE vapma-kunnr,
      werks   TYPE vapma-werks,
      vkorg   TYPE vapma-vkorg,
      vkbur   TYPE vapma-vkbur,
      status  TYPE c,
    END OF  s_elements.
    DATA:  z_object           TYPE REF TO zcl_dog,  "Instantiate our class
           grid_container1    TYPE REF TO cl_gui_custom_container,
           t_elements         TYPE TABLE OF s_elements, "refers to our ITAB
           wa_elements        TYPE s_elements,
           wa_dyn_table_line  TYPE REF TO DATA,
           it_fldcat          TYPE lvc_t_fcat,
           i_gridtitle        TYPE lvc_title,
           wa_it_fldcat       TYPE lvc_s_fcat,
           new_table          TYPE REF TO DATA,
           dy_table           TYPE REF TO data,
           dy_line            TYPE REF TO data,
           row_id             TYPE sy-index.
    CALL SCREEN 100.
    MODULE status_0100 OUTPUT.
    break-point 2.
    ASSIGN  wa_elements TO <fs1>.
    CREATE OBJECT z_object EXPORTING z_object = z_object.
    CALL METHOD z_object->build_dynamic_structures
            CHANGING it_fldcat = it_fldcat.
    Here before displaying you can change the field catalog to
    adjust your own names
    Method call just uses the names in the table structure.
       col_name 1 'Order Nr'.
       col_name 2 'Item'.
       col_name 3 'Material'.
       col_name 4 'Customer'.
       col_name 5 'Plant'.
       col_name 6 'Sales Org'.
       col_name 7 'Sales Office'.
       col_name 8 'Status'.
    PERFORM populate_dynamic_itab.
    CALL METHOD z_object->display_grid
           CHANGING it_fldcat = it_fldcat.
    SET PF-STATUS '0001'.
      SET TITLEBAR '000'.
    MODULE user_command_0100 INPUT.
      CASE sy-ucomm.
        WHEN 'BACK'.
          LEAVE PROGRAM.
        WHEN 'EXIT'.
          LEAVE PROGRAM.
        WHEN 'RETURN'.
          LEAVE PROGRAM.
        WHEN OTHERS.
    FORM populate_dynamic_itab.
    SELECT vbeln posnr matnr kunnr werks vkorg vkbur
           UP TO 200 rows
           FROM vapma
    Populate Dynamic table  and save a copy
    create 2nd Dyn table to hold original data
    CALL METHOD cl_alv_table_create=>create_dynamic_table
             it_fieldcatalog = it_fldcat
             ep_table = dy_table.
       ASSIGN dy_table->* TO <orig_table>.
    CREATE DATA dy_line LIKE LINE OF <orig_table>.
    ASSIGN dy_line->* TO <dyn_wa>.
    <orig_table> = <dyn_table>.
    break-point 1.
    Orig table is in dynamic table <orig_table>
    ALV GRID changed table is in <dyn_table>.
    Loop at <orig_table>  into <dyn_wa>.
      Do what you want
    FORM refresh.
    data: ord_nr  TYPE vapma-vbeln.
    READ TABLE  <dyn_table> index row_id into wa_elements.
        ord_nr = wa_elements-vbeln.
    set parameter id 'AUN'  field ord_nr.
    wa_elements-status = 'C'.
    modify <dyn_table> from wa_elements index row_id.
    break-point 1.
    CALL METHOD z_object->refresh_grid.
    form dubbleklik using
            e_row   type LVC_S_ROW
            e_column type LVC_S_col
            es_row_no type lvc_s_roid.
            break-point 1.
    Get Row id into a variable for this program.
             row_id =  e_row.
             SET TITLEBAR '001'.
            i_gridtitle = 'Grid Title Changed'.
            CALL METHOD  z_object->change_title
              EXPORTING i_gridtitle = i_gridtitle.
            PERFORM refresh.
    That's it --code exactly as shown and it will work --you can have a lot of fun with the toolbar options including the excel spread sheet creation without usiing GUI download or whatever.
    Have fun -- and if you ever need to take more than about 5 mins to generate an ALV report in the future your Boss will be upset.

  • About Oracle  Reports very urgent

    can you pls explain me about what isOracle reportcaching,interactivereports and batched reports.

    pls refer [     Publishing reports to web  - 10G  ]see link below
    reports o/p is cached in oh/reports/cache so that if later a report with same cmd line param is requested, the c ached report is returned.
    interactive report
    - didnt get fully. It may mean report with embedded links which in turn will submit request to run other reports and hence being interactive
    batch reports
    - submitting a number of reports in batches to reports server in batch mode (batch=yes) and potentially scheduled using schedule cmd line parameter.
    [    All Docs for all versions    ]
    [     Publishing reports to web  - 10G  ]
    http://download.oracle.com/docs/html/B10314_01/toc.htm (html)
    http://download.oracle.com/docs/pdf/B10314_01.pdf (pdf)
    [   Building reports  - 10G ]
    http://download.oracle.com/docs/pdf/B10602_01.pdf (pdf)
    http://download.oracle.com/docs/html/B10602_01/toc.htm (html)
    [   Forms Reports Integration whitepaper  9i/10g ]
    9i - http://otn.oracle.com/products/forms/pdf/frm9isrw9i.pdf
    10g - http://www.oracle.com/technology/products/forms/pdf/10g/frm10gsrw10g.pdf

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