About my subscription

I paid for a year-long number which allows me to call Hong Kong number for free. However, they said my number is expired but i still have my subscription and i paid this august. I cant reactivate my number. can someone help me?

Your subscription is still active, but your Online Number has expired. These are 2 separate products.
Calling subscription enables you to make calls and Online Number enables you to receive calls: https://support.skype.com/en/faq/FA331/What-is-an-Online-Number
I noticed your account is currently suspended and this is why you cannot make calls. Please contact customer service for help: https://support.skype.com/en/faq/FA1170/How-can-I-contact-Skype-Customer-Service
If answer was helpful please mark it with Kudos and if issue is resolved mark it with solution. This will help other users find this answer more easily. Thanks in advance!

Similar Messages

  • Question about Multiple Subscriptions

    I've just signed up for Skype Premium + World. I already had Premium UK.
    In the FAQ it says:
    If you have a calling subscription, such as Unlimited World or Unlimited country, and you join the free trial, it will remain unchanged and the new promotion package will just run alongside it.
    Does this mean that after the free trial is up, I will be charged for both Premium UK, and Premium World? Obviously there's no point in doing that. 
    I would hope that Premium UK would then be cancelled automatically? If not, how do I cancel it -- when I try to cancel Premium UK, both settings link to '?package=sp-package', which is Premium World (which I don't want to cancel).

    The basic Unlimited World Subscription doesn't include China.
    I recommend that you always run the latest Skype version: Windows & Mac
    If my advice helped to fix your issue please mark it as a solution to help others.
    Please note that I generally don't respond to unsolicited Private Messages. Thank you.

  • Confused about the Subscriptions/Premium

         The Premium advert i keep seeing shows " Unlimited calling to a country of your choice ". the country i am insterested in is the US. The question i have is what does getting the premium include. Is the unlimited calls to the country of my choice include landline calls and mobile calls.

    Hi, i have to confess that i had to edit the post as i loaded one of the ips in error, you have not compromised your laptop using the link it does exacly what Keith has said, one was to check if you are infected and the other was to remove. We were trying to simplify their post but guess i got caught out there. (Hangs head in shame) sorry about that chaps, but the ip addy was safe to use so please dont panic. JacquiT
    BTCare Community Mod
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  • About unlimired subscription

    I already purchase 3 months unlimited call subscription for  mobile and landlines for selected country , now I just complete 1 months of it's use and 2 Months pending  and I want to purchase now one year unlimited call subscription so my new subscription start at time or after compilation period of first one ?  if it's start at a time so I lose my first subscription credit so please guide me which way its best for me for purchase other subscription.Pls note my first subscription is in auto payment   

    Your subscription is still active, but your Online Number has expired. These are 2 separate products.
    Calling subscription enables you to make calls and Online Number enables you to receive calls: https://support.skype.com/en/faq/FA331/What-is-an-Online-Number
    I noticed your account is currently suspended and this is why you cannot make calls. Please contact customer service for help: https://support.skype.com/en/faq/FA1170/How-can-I-contact-Skype-Customer-Service
    If answer was helpful please mark it with Kudos and if issue is resolved mark it with solution. This will help other users find this answer more easily. Thanks in advance!

  • Question about 2 subscriptions

    Hi all,
    I have one 400 min China subscription and one unlimited world subscription. They expires on Nov 28th and Dec 12th respectively.
    Today I used up all the 400 min China subscription, because I have unlimited world subscription, I thought I can still make phone call, but I can not!
    I am confused why not, my unlimited world subscription starts around Nov 11th, so it has already been activated.
    Thanks for answering my question

    The basic Unlimited World Subscription doesn't include China.
    I recommend that you always run the latest Skype version: Windows & Mac
    If my advice helped to fix your issue please mark it as a solution to help others.
    Please note that I generally don't respond to unsolicited Private Messages. Thank you.

  • About your subscription policies...

    I find it totally unacceptable that you have to wait a whole 24 hours before a renewal subscription goes into effect for Adobe Muse or any other subscription for that matter.
    You get my money instantly off my credit card. There is absolutely no reason why I can't make use of the renewed subscription at the same time.
    Who ever came up with that policy should be fired! This is not even close to good customer support; not even a smidgen.  It seems to me that Adobe iis digressing into a inferior provider of services based on just that one issue.
    I can't stress enough the lack of support Adobe provides it's customers when it comes to supporting their software products. Especially when it come to Muse. I have had nothing but issues with Muse since it's beta inseption.
    If Adobe hired me, I would turn their customer support team around 100% and make sure that most of the support for the US customers are in the US and speak English.

    Hi Jon,
    I sincerely apologize for your frustration and can assure you we are taking this to heart.  There are many moving parts in the subscription and authentication process here at Adobe and we've been refining them as we move towards Creative Cloud. That being said, we also have been aware of some deficiencies in how the client software interacts with licensing and have previously fixed problems which have manifested in a similar fashion.
    There is complexity beyond the client side of our software that is causing some further issues and we are currently looking into how we can address these bottlenecks to avoid such unfortunate delays in your ability to use our products. This is not an intended limitation nor a policy, it is a technical issue that we are looking to resolve.
    We know that you and your clients rely on our software.  Our business is enabling your business and we want you to have faith in our ability to serve you.
    As soon as I have further information from development on a resolution, I will share it with you.
    Jusitn Price
    Community Manager Muse

  • How about a subscription Music Service

    I'd like to see iTunes add a subscription music service like Rhapsody.

    you can also make enhancement requests directly to Apple through the product feedback forms, if you like. here's a link through to the itunes product feedback form:
    iTunes application feedback

  • Question about changing subscription model

    Hello there, right now i only use Adobe Photoshop CC and Lightroom CC in a monthly subscription model made for photographers. The price for this package for me is very cheap, so i started this subscription mode. In the mean time i tested the new InDesign CC and i would like to get this one as a single application. But now my question: if i decide to buy the whole CC package in six months, will the subscription for the single app and the photographers package end at this time (because Lightroom, Photoshop and InDesign are already part of this package) or do i have to pay three packages from this moment on ?
    Would be nice if i would have to pay only the whole CC Subscription from this moment on instead of paying for all three packages. Thank you in advance for your response

    Upgrade single to all Cloud http://forums.adobe.com/thread/1235382 may help

  • Question about my subscription to Adobe Creative for students

    Can someone please tell my why my subscription fees suddently went up from 19,9€ to 29,9€? I must say it has been exactly a year that I did subscribe to this program. But I could not see any mention of a rise in prices in the Terms of Use.
    Is this normal? Does Adobe need another justificative piece of paper?
    Thank you for your answers!

    Hi Pierre,
    Welcome to Adobe Forum,
    The CC was purchased last year in the month of February, the price was locked for 12 months as per terms, this being the13th subscription, the price has been revised.

  • At my wits end: about to end my twenty year association with Adobe

    Last month, while travelling overseas, I was unpleasantly surprised to have my Mastercard declined when trying to rent a car... after talking to my bank it transpired that the card had been cancelled due to concerns over the recent security breach at Adobe. I had to pay to have a new card couriered to me in Europe.
    On returning I found that my Creative Cloud subscription had been cancelled because Adobe could not get a payment authorised on the credit card number that had been compromised by their bungling incompetence.
    No worries, thought I, I'll change the credit card number and all will be fine and dandy. No such like - there was no option available to me on the website to update my credit card details.
    So I tried the support live chat... no real joy there... the rep initially wanted to fob me off with apromise of a callback "within 24 hours" - now I don't know about anybody else, but sitting by the phone for 24 hours waiting for it to ring is really not an option, so eventually he agreed that someone would call within the hour.
    Someone did call back, then after taking my credit card details and processing my payment I found that I still could not access any of my CC apps. Eventually a "technical expert" was summoned to remote into my machine - he played around for a couple of minutes before deciding that it would not work for 24 hours... as I was still talking to the phone rep I told him this was unacceptable... a half-assed workaround was suggested that it may be possible to install PS CS 6 - after establishing that this would require uninstalling CC, downloading 6, installing it, and then reversing the entire process the next day, and having been promised that everything would definitely be working normally in 24 hours, I decided that would be more trouble than it was worth, and I'd just wait until the next day.
    26 hours later - it's still not working. Any app I launch drops out telling me I need to renew my subscription. I can see in my Plan Information that I have two CC accounts under my Adobe ID - a free one and a year subscription... the free one is clearly overriding the one I have paid for, showing me 2 Gb cloud availability and only allowing me to download trial versions of Apps.  So I call support. Clueless rep with very difficicult to understand accent complete ignores what I tell her about this and starts her script to trobleshoot my machine. Has me exit CC, log out, log back in, and still PS tells me I need to renew my subscription... PPro behaves the same... we log out and log in again, no help, reboot my machine, still no help... she then has me move my hosts file, no help, and put it back again, then has me uninstall PS CC... then has me download the Adobe cleaner tool. then run it, and then after hearing all the options available tells me to take the quit option instead of actually running it...
    Then we change permissions on a bunch of folders so that everyone has full control of them instead of just me, despite my protestations that I am the only user on the machine and an admin with full control permission already. Needless to say that fixed nothing.
    Next we uninstall all my CC apps - at her insisitence I also have to clear my preferences... I'm far from happy about that, but have no choice. The we run the cleaner tool again, and again take the quit option since she didn't like either of the options available. Then we download the CC app and I'm unable to download anything but trial apps, Her next guess was to turn off my firewall and AV software, again not the slightest difference.
    At this point we've wasted over an hour already and got nowhere, so I ask her to escalate it to somebody who might have a clue what they are doing. After a long pause she tells me that the response time will be 72 hours... unacceptable, I ask to speak to her supervisor... he tries a couple of other things and then takes my number, reads it back and promises to call me by 3:30pm eastern time (Yesterday afternoon)... no call arrives and I then have more useful and exciting things to do than worry about graphics software. At 7pm I get an email from Adobe claiming to have called my old telephone number, not the one I gave the rep, and only got voicemail.... I responded to this email immediately via the support portal requesting a callback at the correct number, however no call has been received.
    I have now lost three days work because of this issue, whihc is all basically down to Adobe's security breach in the first place. I had serious reservations about the subscription model when it was launched. This episode has confirmed all of my worst fears. Adobe is clearly unable to manage and support the model effectively, and I am stuck here unable to do a damn thing until they get their act together... very unhappy and about to start exploring alternative software

    @Britkev: I feel and understand your grief. I was a long-time Adobe loyalist since version 3 of Photoshop, and have since then used (and taught) pretty much all their applications in my professional and personal work. At some point I was an Adobe Certified Expert for four of them (PS, ILL, IND, Acro).
    18 months ago I decided enough is enough - even before the termination of the perpetual licenses I foresaw where Adobe was going with CC, and I opted out before things would escalate.
    Since then I have switched to other tools that are just as powerful or an improvement. Reading all these miserable accounts of bad Adobe customer support and CC related problems unfortunately only confirm my initial doubts two years ago.
    It's a crying shame - Adobe used to be a company I really enjoyed being a customer of - now my CS6 installation lies somewhere on my hard drives collecting dust. Well, I use it as a conversion tool sometimes to convert legacy files to ones I can integrate into my new workflow.
    As an instructor I now advocate the use of other software to my students. Something I couldn't have imagined a couple of years ago.
    And I now I am not the only one. I think it is important to take a stand against this type of digital serfdom. My fear is that other companies will follow, though. I will continue to refuse to become a serf, though - even if I could subscribe to CC for $1 for the coming 10 years or more. It's about the principle. It's about choice.
    Apologies for the rant: I just feel that CC is the worst thing to happen to this industry.

  • How the iTunes Subscription (Viewer Builder 1.5.1 with Professional Edition account) works?

    We're looking for some information appropriate for our purpose, about iTunes subscription on DPS viewer.
    Please look at questions below.
    Q1. What does the "subscribe" button mean at the library screen? If we set a subscription product with one month duration and then our customers purchase for this, can they download all the folios at the library for one month?
    Q2. Why an addiotional "subscribe" button appears on below of the latest folio's "purchase/download" button? Is there any specific reason?
    Q3. We set everything for an iTunes Subscription viewer with 1 month subscription product both on the Viewer Builder 1.5.1 & iTunes connect in-app purchase manager. And we're now testing the developer version's functionality with an iTunes connect test user account. But when we click on the "subscribe" button and follow all the process, the result is nothing different that each folio, independently set as in-app product, is still showing "purchase" button, not "download". Do we misunderstand the function of iTunes Subscription on DPS viewer?
    Thank you.

    Did you try if it actually charges you again ? Maybe it's the same problem like the one users have with already purchased songs, apps, folio's, etc. Upon buying it once again (after removal from the device), the store prompts something like "You've already bought it" ("Yeah I know, me stupid", I always hear my inner voice say) "Would you like to download it again?" ("Of course, why else should I bother, you stupid?") So maybe it's just the wording that might throw you off. Just like I don't like the "Achive" button next to folio's, that actually means (and should say) "Remove" ("Remove from this device, but retain your license"), just like the red-dotted x does with apps. Hey, why not show a red-dotted x ?

  • SSRS Subscriptions help

    Hello all,
    I need help in creating report subscription  to run on every Wednesday for Year to last Friday.So we were to generate the report next week, we should generate it for 01/01/2014- 06/06/2014. I am new to SSRS subscriptions. Please help.

     we should generate it for 01/01/2014- 06/06/2014.
    Hi Lshi123,
    In Reporting Services, we can create subscription to send report to specified E-mail address on a schedule. However, the execute time on the schedule cannot be the past date. So in your scenario, we cannot create subscription and generate it for 01/01/2014/-06/06/2014.
    Here are some link about SSRS subscription for you reference.
    If I have anything misunderstand, please point it out and elaborate your requirement, so that we can make further analysis.
    Charlie Liao
    TechNet Community Support

  • Scheduled report subscription only writes file once

    Early in our SCCM 2012 roll out we want regular updates how many machines are active.
    We have configured a Report Subscription to save the report as an XLS file on a file share - Daily schedule for 08:00AM - the first file was forced at 11:23AM on 17/09/2013 and the daily updates were not generated though the schedule ran and reported the
    The subscription writes one file to the share at first scheduled time and at next scheduled time reports "Failure writing file \\Server\share\reports\file.xls : a log on error occurred when attempting to access the file share. The user account or password
    is not valid"
    To confirm username and password I logged on to a Win7 workstation with those credentials. I then browsed to the reports directory on the share and created a new blank file. THis confirmed credentials are correct and the user has permissions to write new
    files to the share.
    By changing something about the subscription delivery (e.g. overwrite files or increment file names or changing the file name) the next schedule will write the file. I am forcing the re-try by changing the schedule time and receiving the above error.
    The original schedule was Daily and changing the time to get it to re-run today caused the failure. When I changed the schedule to Hourly (every 5 minutes) and changed the file name the report ran every 5 minutes successfully. I have reverted to the Daily
    schedule ans set it to run at 7am so we'll see next week whether this has resolved the problem
    It is clear that the message is not accurately describing the problem.

    Windows File Share Delivery Options
    There are three options for overwriting. The second option-Do not overwrite an existing file-demonstrates that
    if the report file already exists, no action will be taken.
    Overwrite   an existing file with a newer version
    If   the report file already exists, it will be overwritten with the new version.
    Do   not overwrite an existing file
    If   the report file already exists, no action will be taken.
    Increment   file names as newer versions are added
    If   the report file already exists, the new report will have a number added to   the file name to distinguish it from other versions.
    For more information, please review the link below:
    Create Subscription Wizard - Subscription Delivery Page

  • Newsstand subscription problems

    I have a problem with one of the subscriptions @ newsstand, the store won't connect. The funny thing is that there are no problems with other subscriptions or restoring the older issues of the same magazine bought before the subscription. I am looking for a way to contact apple so they could cancel the purchase 'cause I cannot use the subscription anyway. Anyone's got an e-mail address or something.
    And yes, tried to reload and reinstall the app many times.

    You can contact the publication for information about your subscription or contact iTunes Store Support Team.

  • Subscription payment dates

    I'm a bit confused about my subscription - I bought 1 60min recurring one today - 1 Feb. My next payment is due on 26 Feb. That isn't a month. Why isn;t my next payment on the 1st of March, and the 1st of each month thereafter?

    According to == the FAQ : == "The recurring payment is taken  three days in advance  of your subscription expiring, to ensure prompt delivery of your subscription."
    On ne regarde pas l'avenir dans un rétroviseur !
    IMac Intel Core i3 3.2 GHz - RAM 12 GB - OS 10.10.3
    Skype 7.8.391
    Logitech usb headset or Jabra 250 bt

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